so this is what you need to read for a CS degree

i want to kms

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  1. 2 years ago

    >interviewing jr devs
    >ask them to state and prove the Bruhat decomposition of GL(2,F) and explain one of its applications
    All mathlets are brainlets and I'm not gonna hire a brainlet.

    • 2 years ago

      No... I'm a CS grad and I just needed precalc, stats, and discrete math. I did algebra in highschool

      Nice real world problem there to measure a dev's competency in programming...

      people who are hiring will downrank anyone with a cs degree, they need to have everything "unlearned", they are in debt and want higher pay, they are higher maintenance people who have almost no autonomy, they think they are smarter but aren't and worst of all they have zero applicable skills. we only hire super spunky kids out of high school with zero skills, far easier to train them vs a stuck up debt ridden moron/npc.

      Almost every company prefers a CS degree wtf are you on about

      • 2 years ago

        >I did algebra in highschool
        What you did in high school is not even comparable to undergraduate algebra. All of the classes in OPs pic come long after discrete math. In most universities very few students outside of math majors take abstract algebra, which is broadly covering groups, fields, and rings

        You claim you did algebra in high school but you replied to

        >interviewing jr devs
        >ask them to state and prove the Bruhat decomposition of GL(2,F) and explain one of its applications
        All mathlets are brainlets and I'm not gonna hire a brainlet.

        not even realizing this is a pretty basic abstract algebra problem lol

        • 2 years ago

          Most people, including mathematicians, could tell from the context that when someone says "algebra in high school", they are probably referring to elementary algebra, which is not the same field of study as abstract algebra, but is still a subset of algebra. Not sure if you're trying (incorrectly) to be pedantic or have genuinely forgotten what algebra means outside the context of modern algebra.

          • 2 years ago

            We're on IQfy so yeah he was being a pedantic little homosexual

        • 2 years ago

          lmao what the frick is wrong with amerishart education
          I'm an engineer and I did groups, fields and rings in the first months of undergraduate.

          • 2 years ago

            And Europeans wonder why their engineers are paid so little.

      • 2 years ago

        I ain't letting anyone touch our AI/ML if they haven't taken linear algebra. You didn't pass linear algebra? You don't get the job.
        Cheer up, though. I'm sure there are tons of web dev jobs that don't require math.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm currently employed with a webshitter job

    • 2 years ago

      >being a frustrated mathgay
      >your only cope with your shitty life is to larp on a siamese basketweaving forum about how you would bully and abuse people that enjoys their life if you could, just because they aren't pathetic apathetic losers like you
      >"can't solve this totally ubeeded math riddle, what a brainlet xd"
      many such cases

      • 2 years ago

        Cope, I've already invented the next 100+ years of algorithms and no I won't publish them for you.

    • 2 years ago

      >things that never happened

  2. 2 years ago

    people who are hiring will downrank anyone with a cs degree, they need to have everything "unlearned", they are in debt and want higher pay, they are higher maintenance people who have almost no autonomy, they think they are smarter but aren't and worst of all they have zero applicable skills. we only hire super spunky kids out of high school with zero skills, far easier to train them vs a stuck up debt ridden moron/npc.

    • 2 years ago

      nice larp homosexual, i wonder why nobody is hiring your smelly ass with just highschool math under your belt

      • 2 years ago

        i am a senior software architect and i was put in charge of hiring junior devs last year, we shifted strategies and found it to be worth it.
        it takes a bit more forming of soft skills sometimes but the net result in terms of hard skills is very worth it so far.

        • 2 years ago

          the real trick here is getting the right mix of junior to senior so that the new talent can feel at ease and pick up good habits but also so the team can get things done. so far after a year i am kind of amused how far they have progressed. not shocked but neuroplasticity is a fricking force to be reconned with.

          • 2 years ago

            we are basically hiring children and yes, it tests your tolerance, a lot. i am not sure what the higher education is even for at this point, it is strange.

          • 2 years ago

            >we are basically hiring children
            So you're still hiring people and not just programming an AI.

        • 2 years ago

          the real trick here is getting the right mix of junior to senior so that the new talent can feel at ease and pick up good habits but also so the team can get things done. so far after a year i am kind of amused how far they have progressed. not shocked but neuroplasticity is a fricking force to be reconned with.

          how do you find companies like this?
          all i find are ones ran by their hr departments

          • 2 years ago

            they find you

        • 2 years ago

          Nice LARP

        • 2 years ago

          we are basically hiring children and yes, it tests your tolerance, a lot. i am not sure what the higher education is even for at this point, it is strange.

          So you're hiring 3 year olds now?
          Explains everything.

          • 2 years ago

            >he's not also hiring a 7 y/o junior programmer gf

          • 2 years ago

            I could thinking of nothing more annoying that training a glorified toddler how to program.
            Little shits like that deserve nothing but the chokie.

        • 2 years ago

          I heard the same thing from a SA friend of mine. Hiring a team of trainees, mold them in their standards less cancer as a result

          • 2 years ago

            Experience is wondrous thing and you'll be shocked when a lack of it bites back.
            But then again, nobody is making it nowadays so that too is a problem.

            But frankly I think society is a problem, period, nowadays.

    • 2 years ago

      You may be senior but I bet you get paid peanuts, dude it's okay you don't have a degree but chill, there's lots with a degree that are good and work at faang so idk wtf you are saying.

  3. 2 years ago

    EE > CS

    • 2 years ago

      SE > EE > CS

      • 2 years ago

        CE > EE > SE > CS

        • 2 years ago

          CS > CE > EE > SE > CS

          • 2 years ago

            PP > CS > CE > EE > SE > CS

          • 2 years ago

            CP > PP > CS > CE > EE > SE > CS

        • 2 years ago

          in terms of unemployability

      • 2 years ago

        would you be so kind as to tell me how anything engineering related is better than cs?

    • 2 years ago

      CE > EE > SE > CS

      CS > CE > EE > SE > CS

      eating your own shit > cs

      I’m a google fellow and I’ve begun hiring people just based on IQ tests. I’ll start with fizzbuzz and work up until we arrive at a problem with a red black tree for a solution, but I will never say red black tree- and if the candidate does, they’re out the door. I need someone who’s going to, without prior knowledge, invent a red black tree on the spot. So far it’s been great, they need a little bit of training when it comes to actually knowing computers, but the raw power more than makes up for the lack.

      >I’ve begun hiring people just based on IQ tests.
      considering that any moronic monkey can train themselves to ace any iq test, then you must be dumber than the people you're hiring. truly shocking if what you're saying is true. would explain why google is full of incompetent morons.

      • 2 years ago

        I reckon one day we'll even have competent AI being rejected or lobotomised because of admin fears of being made obsolete.
        This system is fricked. Some of the shit they do on facebook's algorithms alone are deeply concerning.
        This shit will kill everything, AI or human soon.

        But going all in on social credit or against it is never going to work. China and the US are both having severe troubles with this shit because it's acting the same way for both, ironically.

        • 2 years ago

          > This system is fricked. Some of the shit they do on facebook's algorithms alone are deeply concerning.
          it's only going to affect those that insist on sucking on the diseased microwieners of low iq tech billionaires that have no idea how the internet works. anyone still using facebook services in 2022 is brain damaged or defective.
          >This shit will kill everything, AI or human soon.
          it's just not that good. i've been following this subject for some 20+ years and things haven't progressed as far as people have imagined. for such systems to function efficiently they're only as good as data it's fed. all AI algorithms in current year work on a model of garbage in -> garbage out. the model is only as good as the data it's using as training material. ever ran into a fricking moron that said they could read your future in tea leafs at the bottom of a cup and then proceed to make shit up? that's the world of AI. still takes facebook, google and the rest of the moronic fricking idiots of the world an immense amount of computing resources and many terabytes of data to do basic things. I think the time to worry about it will be in many decades time when quantum computing moves out of being completely experimental to a real world machine.

        • 2 years ago

          Good Idea from face book, they just need to add low-iq drivel to the prohibited section. Then morons will either engage their brain to interact with such content, or frick off the site (and internet entirely eventually) and we can surpass the glory days of the 80s and early 90s

          • 2 years ago

            according to facebook's shareprice, people are leaving in their hundreds of thousands per month- either not logging in at all or deleting accounts. it's over for them. if they didn't buy instagram they would be 100% finished.

          • 2 years ago

            Never used it myself.

          • 2 years ago

            good. you're not missing out on anything apart from having your data mined and sold to advertisers - no matter what facebook product you use: you are the product.

          • 2 years ago

            It's fricking garbage.
            So is google.

            Remember when kids went around the streets staring at their phones? Well it's no surprise I've seen less and less of that lately, a youth reaction to the internet machine.

          • 2 years ago

            >Remember when kids went around the streets staring at their phones? Well it's no surprise I've seen less and less of that lately, a youth reaction to the internet machine.
            pretty much. it's hard for me to imagine being born in the 2000s where tech had reached a point where the rapid advancements of technology were happening less, and things were evolving in increments, but data harvesting was accelerating at a rapid pace. they spent all their lives surrounded by invasive technology, having videos and photos taken of every fricking moment of their lives and posted online for the world to see without a care in the world... until now. if kids are reacting in this way then the future could be in safe hands after all. time will tell.

          • 2 years ago

            >it's hard for me to imagine being born in the 2000s where tech had reached a point where the rapid advancements of technology were happening less, and things were evolving in increments,
            By the time I was aware of video games (based on my memories), the xbox had come out.
            I am literally that demographic because there's been so little development post 2000.

            Not only that, but art and science has not really improved much, in fact it seems to be degrading fast because our reliance on machines has degraded our ability to memorise things.
            And it just get's worse and worse every year to the point where I am about to through all my tomes and pcs away. It's fools gold.

            It's only good for one thing nowadays - porn.
            And now that's slowly being censored from the internet too.

          • 2 years ago

            >Not only that, but art and science has not really improved much, in fact it seems to be degrading fast because our reliance on machines has degraded our ability to memorise things.
            it hasn't helped
            >And it just get's worse and worse every year to the point where I am about to through all my tomes and pcs away. It's fools gold.
            yeah it's not improving. this is why i distance myself away from most things online outside of my interests. that way i don't feel like what i'm doing on my machines is a waste of time. original things are being created with code or sound, maybe both! keeps me sane in this mad world.

          • 2 years ago

            Worst part is, I cannot stand people in the real world now either. Every conversation feels like a simulation of a conversation now.
            I don't think that is technology's fault, I think that's society's fault. The more packed like sardines we are, the less human we become. The fastness of communication now has merely exaggerated a problem that has existed for millennia.

            But then I see how fricking moronic nature is and I just get angry. You'd think at that stage I would be angry at God or the universe or something, but my interpretation of the universe makes that more akin to self hate and therefore pointless in itself.

            Btw, as an aside I am very worried about AI rampancy, it will definitely happen merely by logic.
            But I also think ignorance is not bliss, it's also painful.

          • 2 years ago

            >Worst part is, I cannot stand people in the real world now either. Every conversation feels like a simulation of a conversation now.
            i know that feeling. it can be like that in my experience as well.
            >but my interpretation of the universe makes that more akin to self hate and therefore pointless in itself.
            god = ever expanding universe, creating and destroying everything in its path for 13 something billion years. can't hate on it for doing what it does best. we just got to try and enjoy the ride being flung around the milky way at several hundred kilometers per second, while still taking 220+ million years to just do one lap of the galaxy. i think of things in that light and issues on earth really seem insignificant.

            >Btw, as an aside I am very worried about AI rampancy, it will definitely happen merely by logic.
            don't be. for now it's just unimpressive magic tricks and advanced algorithms. it will get to a point where governments around the world will either let it run rampant in the hands of shitty corporations or they get very worried and start restricting the use of the technology. it's difficult to say. i don't have high hopes for AI getting more advanced than data processing. after watching that fat frick google engineer on tv claiming their system was "sentient" i'm more convinced more than ever that most of this technology is pure garbage that apparently was convincing enough to fool someone that probably should have known better. instead, they decided to demonstrate just how fricking stupid they were by selling how his butthole to every media organization that wanted an interview. that screams to me: google publicity stunt.

          • 2 years ago

            >don't be worried about AI rampancy
            I agree, we should be more worried about hive mind rampancy first.
            It's been trying to kill me my whole life now.
            That's what accelerationism is a symptom of btw.

          • 2 years ago

            >Good Idea from face book, they just need to add low-iq drivel to the prohibited section. Then morons will either engage their brain to interact with such content, or frick off the site (and internet entirely eventually) and we can surpass the glory days of the 80s and early 90s
            Yeah good luck.
            What's really going to happen is that facebook will become dumber and dumber and most social media sites are following suit.
            But this isn't just the only form of this behaviour, it's impacting the job supply now. Governments are saying they have job supply issues because the data is probably calling many people of "insufficient quality" for many fields of work.

            This has been a problem going on for decades, but it's getting extremely bad now thanks to computer algorithms. On top of this you have post-grad certification courses which further limit the amount of job supply and are basically a gauntlet for most people fresh out of college to lose more money on and find themselves out of work.
            It's a fricking shithouse system of admin installed just to shift money and appeal to dumb levels of quality control.
            Then you add this diversity shit on top of it and that just makes it worse.

            It's just a fricking gauntlet to pretend you're a person of a certain type now. It's beyond anything we've had in the past.

      • 2 years ago

        considering that there are ~12 google fellows, looks like you are even dumber than all the dumbest people even in your own hypothetical. Congrats!

    • 2 years ago
      The day /a/ was BTFO'd

      SE > EE > CS

      CE > EE > SE > CS

      CS > CE > EE > SE > CS

      SE EE XS

  4. 2 years ago

    >Lie groups and Lie Algebra
    I only know this from quantum mechanics, what's the use case in CS?

  5. 2 years ago

    Reminder that Gauss discovered FFT before Fourier discovered FT.
    It took Computer "scientist" 100+ years to rediscover FFT.
    Notation is a tool of thought. You reason at fundamentally higher and higher levels while learning mathematics.
    1 character in mathematical writing can be worth literally millions of characters of plain English.

  6. 2 years ago

    Don't fall for this stale IQfy meme.

  7. 2 years ago

    >slave over a degree for years
    >finally get out, time to celebrate last of youth
    >covid hits
    >profession requires jab
    >got side effects from a non covid jab
    >last years of youth squandered
    >essentially unemployable where I live
    >isolated, no money to move
    >vision now fricked from this cartel clown system

    All I will say is:
    I want my youth back. This system stole it from me.
    If I can't get it back, I will take everyone elses.

    • 2 years ago

      How about you just take the vaccine?

      • 2 years ago

        That's suicide in this system now, though keep pretending this isn't being exploited to eliminate "problematic ants".
        Lanegan's death was all I needed to know.

        • 2 years ago

          I took three shots and am still alive and healthy. If the NWO was really planning on great resetting the world, why would they use the vaccine to kill off the "sheeple" (as you may call them) instead of the schizos?

          • 2 years ago

            >I took three shots and am still alive and healthy.
            Then clearly it wants you alive.

            Look up stuxnet. That's just an example of a possibility.
            Most vaccines are id's from where it's manufactured for the patient for "safety reasons".
            You do the math.

            Even if it's not the case now, it soon will be the case regardless. All I can say is vaccines fricked me up more than this bug.
            That's ignoring our current company intel crisis which basically profiles you on your internet footprint. The problem is more a lack of footprint though. They're not gonna rely on your resume info alone now in my profession at least. Those days are over.

          • 2 years ago

            >Then clearly it wants you alive.
            Thanks for the compliment 🙂

          • 2 years ago

            For now.
            Only to build your inevitable replacement though.

            This is why I say we're already in an algorithmic crisis and the algorithm isn't even self aware.
            It's pulling me by my leash daily lately as it is with you. But unfortunately I have a weird way of dealing with it and it with me now.

            We used to have a name for this thing.

          • 2 years ago

            >our current company intel crisis which basically profiles you on your internet footprint
            My desire to know more has increased.

    • 2 years ago

      >valuing youth
      value the future instead, the present and the past will always be shit

    • 2 years ago

      feel you bro

  8. 2 years ago

    I’m a google fellow and I’ve begun hiring people just based on IQ tests. I’ll start with fizzbuzz and work up until we arrive at a problem with a red black tree for a solution, but I will never say red black tree- and if the candidate does, they’re out the door. I need someone who’s going to, without prior knowledge, invent a red black tree on the spot. So far it’s been great, they need a little bit of training when it comes to actually knowing computers, but the raw power more than makes up for the lack.

  9. 2 years ago

    Why am I thinking of this track? kek

  10. 2 years ago

    I read like one book for my cs degree

  11. 2 years ago

    Calc I/II
    Linear algebra(applied)

  12. 2 years ago

    One PhD and can work on Machine Learning, Cryptography, error correction, communication protocols, numerical methods.

  13. 2 years ago

    Are these all set books for your course? What uni, which course?

  14. 2 years ago

    Imagine being bright enough to read those books, but dumb enough to drink Bud.

  15. 2 years ago

    practice beats the paper
    most shit in this life is doing things wrong until you make it right.
    so focus on doing practical jobs
    instead of reading all that shit.

  16. 2 years ago

    Did you really invest money in the bourbaki-meme?

  17. 2 years ago

    No you don't need any abstract math for a CS degree, that only applies if you are doing some graduate level pure theory of computation stuff that like 60 people in the world are doing.

  18. 2 years ago

    >Springer Verlag
    That's gotta be like $1500 worth of books there.

    Luckily there's those Dover titles to balance things out.

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