*solves philosophy*

TL;DW is:
>All that matters is health and happiness
>Evolution is fake
>Eating healthy raw animal organs and drinking it's blood is the closest thing to euphoria
>Christianity is closer to the truth than atheism because of it's appeal to nature but loses the plot when it comes to morals which are fake, slave bullshit
>Lifting weights is dumb because it ages you and muscles aren't attractive anyways

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  1. 1 month ago

    BAP has already solved these problems
    btw muscles and fitness are attractive but women wont admit this to you

    • 1 month ago

      No women find face, height and frame attractive. BAPgays are almost always gymcels at best with some nerdy, lame slave career like software engineer. BAPgays, particularly that armanites view the quiet nerd gamer who has memorised worthless and fake historical trivia as something to strive towards. They also praise meaningless theatrics as the pinnacle of white civilization like climbing a mountain for man made reasons or excessive working out. The error is that they believe the Nietzschean idea that suffering is good and that man is in a state of becoming which is wrong and anti nature


      happiness is a fleeting feeling that comes and goes, it should never be a goal in life because it can never be permanently attained.

      go ahead and eat raw meat, have fun being filled with parasites you moron

      All of Schopenhauer's views come from his ugly body and poor health. If he was healthy and good looking he would not write his cope essays about Hindu dindu metaphysics

      >Christianity is closer to the truth than atheism because of it's appeal to nature
      I wasn't aware that Atheism is a doctrine with set rules that specifically appeal against nature.

      It is because all atheists believe in evolution which is anti nature. It is absurd to think that a fish can become a human being. It posts that nothing is "natural" because we are in a constantly changing state.

  2. 1 month ago

    anglo meme

  3. 1 month ago

    Do I have to see this meathead homosexual's face here too? Frick off and stop shilling your 100 IQ bullshit.

    • 1 month ago

      >is anti working-out
      >has had more sex with multiple woman than you will ever have
      >100 iq as a derogatory term
      you are the true definition of a midwit.

      • 1 month ago

        Stop shilling your off topic shit here, moron. You're not enlightened.

    • 1 month ago

      He's the only person I've seen go against so-called fitness. Everyone else thinks athletes are the pinnacle of health because of their prowess in a game.

      • 1 month ago

        A meathead is a stupid person. Hope that clears it up.

  4. 1 month ago

    happiness is a fleeting feeling that comes and goes, it should never be a goal in life because it can never be permanently attained.

    go ahead and eat raw meat, have fun being filled with parasites you moron

    • 1 month ago

      Parasites are beneficial.

  5. 1 month ago

    Isn't this just Epicureanism but for the 21st century?

  6. 1 month ago

    He could finally afford a hair transplant huh?

  7. 1 month ago

    >Christianity is closer to the truth than atheism because of it's appeal to nature
    I wasn't aware that Atheism is a doctrine with set rules that specifically appeal against nature.

    • 1 month ago

      > Atheism is a doctrine with set rules
      It wasn’t, until Atheism+ came around to try and reel in the free-thinkers.

  8. 1 month ago

    The frick? This moron has hair again?

    • 1 month ago

      Yep. Your mother paid for it with the money she makes at the prostitutehouse.

  9. 1 month ago

    Its cool that manosphere shit that was boring by 2014 is all the internet consists of now thanks to 2 billion third worlders getting internet access in the last decade.

    • 1 month ago

      This isn't manosphere, dumbass. Schopenhauer is closer to the manosphere than Aajonus and his acolytes like Goatis.

      • 1 month ago

        Its a moron serving me half warmed over bullshit I've already digested.

        • 1 month ago

          >serving me half warmed
          You're mistaken sir, he only eats raw meat

          • 1 month ago

            Totally not manosphere

        • 1 month ago

          >This isn't le interesting!
          The truth doesn't have to be interesting. You want everything to be the latest contrarian hot take like trannies are good or something because homosexuals are Nietzschean. You want a world covered in MSG powders and chili oil because of the friggin' spice. The truth cannot be nourishing like raw goat liver and spleen because that is "boring" and you "heard it before". You are a delusional, idiot slave

          • 1 month ago

            Cool the daily shoah bit, cmon get some new material

  10. 1 month ago

    >All that matters is health and happiness
    get on IV drip of sustainable amount of morphines and get a machine to suck you off every waking moment of the day while you get tube fed delicious flavors of nutritious paste
    >Evolution is fake
    pretty sure bones of in between species that have been carbon dated would say otherwise but i'm open to hearing your thesis on why they are fake
    >Eating healthy raw animal organs and drinking it's blood is the closest thing to euphoria
    ineffective method of getting nutrition, discovery of fire and preparing meats was a huge leap in dietary requirements
    >Christianity is closer to the truth than atheism because of it's appeal to nature but loses the plot when it comes to morals which are fake, slave bullshit
    what makes christianity specifically closer to truth than the other zoroastrian religions that came before it from abrahams example?
    >Lifting weights is dumb because it ages you and muscles aren't attractive anyways
    lifting weights gives you muscles which enable you to perform tasks that skinny people can't

    either this is a bait thread or babbys first motivational speaker shilling

    if you're going to recommend religion to people at least recommend someone like peterson who actually likes the religion and isn't ashamed to admit it or feel the need to slip it past you for you to accept it as raison d'etre
    religion has its benefits and they are proven in birthrates, stress levels etc of people who practice it, only downside of religion is that you either have never been really questioning your faith or are just really fricking dumb and dug in with your views to still have it
    only a few people are truly batshit faithful to the point they would praise god for judging them and making them their strongest little trooper for going through job's struggles

    • 1 month ago

      >get on IV drip of sustainable amount of morphines and get a machine to suck you off every waking moment of the day while you get tube fed delicious flavors of nutritious paste
      But that is neither natural nor nutritious. What will produce euphoria and repair your body is raw animal fat and meat. I suspect you are brain damaged and my recommendation to you would be to eat some raw veal brain at least 2x a week to cure your ailment
      >ineffective method of getting nutrition, discovery of fire and preparing meats was a huge leap in dietary requirements
      Wrong. Cooking denatured food. Cooking destroys the heme iron in meat along with other fat soluble vitamins. Just use your natural senses. Bright red is an infinitely more appetizing color than a dark, muddy brown meats turns into when it is cooked aka destroyed. That is why Asians cover it with red sugar sauces in an attempt to appeal to their natural senses again. That is why every food advertisement uses red.
      >what makes christianity specifically closer to truth than the other zoroastrian religions that came before it from abrahams example?
      Sv3rige just uses Christianity as a stand in for religions in general or rather religions that still have an aspect of truth aka natural law unlike ones that contain nonsense like karmic reincarnation (
      slave bullshit)
      >lifting weights gives you muscles which enable you to perform tasks that skinny people can't
      Yes you can be the strongest slave at the plantation and carry the heaviest boxes. What a Mr Incredible you are! In reality face is king.

      • 1 month ago

        >But that is neither natural nor nutritious
        all that matters is health and happiness, with nutritious paste, constant low dose intake of morphine and a jerk off robot these can be achieved, phrase your objectives more carefully
        >cooking food is not good
        i see, have you considered that you may have contracted ailments from eating raw meat that are usually unheard of in most people in modern days because no one would assume idiots go around eating raw meat these days unless in survival situation or slacking
        >Yes you can be the strongest slave at the plantation and carry the heaviest boxes. What a Mr Incredible you are!
        ah i see so your idea of the perfect man is a guy who eats raw meat and is incapable of lifting heavy things when needed, quite the interesting specimen

        • 1 month ago

          >Nutritious paste
          Again, paste by definition cannot be nutritious. Only fresh organ meats obtained from butchering an animal can be nutritious
          >ah i see so your idea of the perfect man is a guy who eats raw meat and is incapable of lifting heavy things when needed, quite the interesting specimen
          Did the Pharaohs personally toil with the slaves to build the pyramids?

          • 1 month ago

            no, they just rode ahead of the troops into battle, got shit tons of their own people killed, ran home like a rat with their tail between their legs and then wrote an epic about their victory

          • 1 month ago

            Sounds more natural than being a brain washed slave pushing the cinder blocks and believing this gives him moral superiority (which doesn't exist in nature because morals are man made). All stress creates an indelible mark on an organism. Animals naturally laze around unless they are under attack or hunting. Only a human would oil for it's own sake out of some absurd notion of "discipline"

          • 1 month ago

            anon all ideals are brainwashing when writing them in the stone
            >cruelty is the highest form of aristocracy
            may sound edgy to a boomer but in practice it gets you killed by your own underlings
            >greed is good
            once again sounds good and super egoist on paper but suddenly stops being so good when you drain all the resources and get your stock killed because you saved a buck
            what discipline gives you is the ability to power through hard times so you don't become the fattened pig that gets eaten when the feast begins

          • 1 month ago

            >so you don't become the fattened pig that gets eaten when the feast begins
            A human being living naturally wouldn't become the fattened pig to begin with as raw organs would naturally satiate them. A handful of liver is infinitely more satiating than a 2000 kcal McFlurry. Obesity arises because of a caloric access paired with a nutritional deficiency

          • 1 month ago

            is the highest form of aristocracy
            >may sound edgy to a boomer but in practice it gets you killed by your own underlings
            is good
            >once again sounds good and super egoist on paper but suddenly stops being so good when you drain all the resources and get your stock killed because you saved a buck
            I agree. Cruelty and greed is mental illness arising from poor nutrition or epigenetics due to generations of poor diet and unnatural living conditions. Only the incredibly sick would be entranced by worthless manmade things like israeliteelry, status or money. This is because a natural human would be only preoccupied with health and happiness and a truly happy and healthy human being would be respected by all non mentally ill people

      • 1 month ago

        I agree with everything you said. It's my view of how things work after a few decades in this life. I've always been particularly sensitive to social dynamics between people and how society or groups react to a particular person (bullied in HS). You could say I knew about all this before discovering Goatis years ago. I sensed it. Everything in life is some sort of cope. We are drawn to books as a cope. I got over literature. I can't read anything that doesn't go straight to the point. All the so called artistic genius were unpopular in some way. Or in other words, the true chads never made it to the history books, they were too busy fricking, socializing and taking care of their families.

        At the same time it's good we have religion and all this brain washing because otherwise reality is almost unbearable. I am convinced it's pure suffering if you're not attractive. And I don't mean conventionally handsome. Steve Jobs was attractive.

        Apologies btw, my English is not so good.

  11. 1 month ago

    Yes, yes, we get it. You're simping over this nobody. We don't care. Goodbye.

    • 1 month ago

      I am so glad you wasted your time reading man made symbols about man made ideas. All that time wasted on metaphysics and angsty rhetoric and you can't think of a single retort

  12. 1 month ago

    i present to you anon's ideal male form

    • 1 month ago

      >That white fat
      Corn fed beef. Disgusting. You can tell by the lack of yellow hue that it is lacking fat soluble vitamins

  13. 1 month ago

    you're trying too hard for the (you)'s

  14. 1 month ago
    Cult of Passion

    >drinking blood

  15. 1 month ago

    Also, spraying your wife with acid because she won't be your slave.

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