Some help.

My romantic relationship of six years has ended and I'm drowned by the throes of emotional anguish. The break was one of circumstance (long distance, growing apart) and not attributable to any indecent behavior. My every minute is biting pain the likes of which I have never felt before. This experience has made me horrified of death, especially of close family, who I have come to cherish for their guidance and assistance. Ezra Pound wrote that
>Men do not understand books until they have a certain amount of life, or at any rate no man understands a deep book, until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents.
I would sincerely appreciate any book recommendations for these feelings I am having. Succor is welcome as well from anons wiser than I.

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  1. 11 months ago
    Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

    The 120 Days of Sodom

    • 11 months ago


      You have anyone you could talk to in person about it? Being vulnerable and feeling it is best for overcoming these feelings

      Not particularly. I had some friends, but I'm traveling at the moment for school

      Who cares? It's just a fricking hole.

      > Being vulnerable and feeling it is best for overcoming
      Frick that. Learn to compress that shit. Ablooboohooing works for women not men.

      I genuinely pity you both; I hope you find happiness. I really mean that.

  2. 11 months ago

    You have anyone you could talk to in person about it? Being vulnerable and feeling it is best for overcoming these feelings

    • 11 months ago

      > Being vulnerable and feeling it is best for overcoming
      Frick that. Learn to compress that shit. Ablooboohooing works for women not men.

  3. 11 months ago

    Who cares? It's just a fricking hole.

  4. 11 months ago

    Stay strong.

    Do you have a Buddhist monastery in your country? All the monks are trained at compassion and are good listeners. A church, maybe? I don't think it's a good idea to lean on 4ch for support.

    • 11 months ago

      I will reach out. Thank you for the advice. And I know, but every once in awhile some anon offers good advice. Better than talking to my bedroom walls tbh

  5. 11 months ago

    There is plent of fish (as in stinky holes, if you catch my drift haha)

  6. 11 months ago

    You talk like a gay, and your shit's all moronic.

  7. 11 months ago

    OK, I feel your pain, OP, so I'm going to help:

    One-Tear Rule is #1 thing to follow in any break-up:

    1. return ALL of her things (by courier, post, whatever - don't "meet" and do it)

    2. cut off all contact with her - DO NOT TRY TO BE FRIENDS. more than anything a woman does not want to be thought of as bad or unlikeable. They want to be trhought of as nice, so they will definitely enable you if try to "be a friend". It is fatal for you, but a win for her. Look after yourself, now.

    3. Delete her info: email, phone, all contact info, gone.

    4. Delete the info of her family and friends, too.

    5. do not contact her in any way for AT LEAST one year -- no birtday greetings, Christmas, no emails, texts, social media nonsense, no letters ln mixed tapes, no smoke signals, nothing.

    6. do not contact her family, in any way, for at least one year.

    7. do not contact her friends, in any way, for at least one year.

    8. Before you think you're ready, go out, be social, and meet some new women

    9. do not talk to new friends or acquaintances about your ex for at least one year

    This will help more than anything else.
    Ask anyone who knows.

    • 11 months ago

      You've been through something similar I take it? How did it go for you?
      1. done
      2. done; blocked on social media.
      3. done (can't even look at old number)
      4. easy
      5. but how can I return all of her things? was just gonna mail her a box of her stuff
      6. easy
      7. difficult, since we have a lot of mutual friends
      8. going to be hard for a while, but it is for the best t b h
      9. okay, but what about venting to friends about it? they're all i got.

      thank you so much for the help anon.

      There is no advice. You will find your way my friend. You won't die. Not yet.
      Read something comfortable idk.
      Good luck my friend.

      thanks brother

      Not advice, but something I needed to hear when my LTR ended that I never heard:
      You are NOT worthless.

      toughest thing to accept at the moment, I definitely see the value; how are you holding up?

      War and Peace

      already read it lol

  8. 11 months ago

    There is no advice. You will find your way my friend. You won't die. Not yet.
    Read something comfortable idk.
    Good luck my friend.

    • 11 months ago

      naw there's advice in the post right before yours and it's good advicetoo

      • 11 months ago

        No there is no advice bro. Try giving advice to a dying man. You fool.

        • 11 months ago

          ME: here, drink this water and you won't die of dehydration

          HIM: *slurp* oh hey, I'm going to live. thanks.

          ME: no problem. now you know what to do if you ever encounter someone with the same issues you had

          HIM: I do, and I'll keep my eye out, bud. thanks again

  9. 11 months ago

    Not advice, but something I needed to hear when my LTR ended that I never heard:
    You are NOT worthless.

  10. 11 months ago

    War and Peace

  11. 11 months ago

    Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Not because it will help specifically for advice or anything, but it'll take your mind off of it all. Sometimes you need a break from being in your own head.

    • 11 months ago

      appreciate the rec, brother

  12. 11 months ago

    Damn this place has so many normalgays. I really should just leave.

  13. 11 months ago

    Tears falling I can't see my fate
    And a fruit that's near but out of reach
    Till the rains come wash it all away
    I'll be here to ease you through the pain

    • 11 months ago


  14. 11 months ago

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