>source-based, yet no reproducible builds

>source-based, yet no reproducible builds
>overlays are just a convenient excuse for the shitty official repos that many users fall for
>users and developers alike in complete denial over the amount of time it takes to compile software
>"customizable" distribution, yet it's getting less and less choice and devs discourage anything but orthodox configs all the time
>circlejerking maintainers who coc competent ones into obvlivion
>use flags and all that other shit ultimately makes no perceivable difference on a desktop
>most bloated distribution of all: needs build-time dependencies by default and keeps all the sources (removing build dependencies is not practical since they are needed for updates anyway)
>hundreds of unsolved bugs that are ignored at best and brushed off as unimportant at worst
>untested, shit breaks even on the stable branch and isn't fixed for months. its "stability" is a complete myth
>openrc sucks. it being the default is basically just a marketing point since it works better with systemd anyway, a lot less people would give a shit about gentoo if it weren't for this
>boasts about supporting many architectures, yet only x86 and amd64 have a non-shit selection of packages
>"unstable" branch is slow as shit, far from being "bleeding edge". even debian sid is better in this regard
>literally won't merge valid prs to fix bugs and deficiencies in the repos even after having been properly audited and approved
>original author doesn't even use it on desktops, he's a macgay

Is Gentoo just an elaborate prank?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Linus torvald himself uses a Mac with one of his 4 favorite distros as vms lmao. Imagine falling for freehack

    • 1 month ago

      >with one of his 4 favorite distros as vms

      what? can you word that differently.

      • 1 month ago

        He runs Fedora on his Mac book pro

    • 4 weeks ago

      He was using a thread ripper last I heard. In both cases it was a machine given to him.

      He runs Fedora on his Mac book pro

      Fedora isn't his fav, it's the one that gives him money so it get priority

  2. 1 month ago

    i was interested in Gentoo and took my research on it seriously. I wanted to like it. The more I researched the more I asked myself "why would anyone use this as a daily driver?"

    • 1 month ago

      Gentoo would probably be a distro I'll install just so I can say I installed it and never seriously use just like I've done with arch.

  3. 1 month ago

    >original author doesn't even use it
    Nothing wrong with this, same happened with Perl and look how that turned out!

  4. 1 month ago

    This entire wall of text sounds like Nix cope

  5. 1 month ago

    tryhard: the distro

  6. 1 month ago

    >coc competent ones into obvlivion

    • 4 weeks ago

      I hope the example is not Poly-C because that's far from competent.

      • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          For some reason he threw a hissy fit when Gentoo started dropping USE=ipv6 and enabling it unconditionally on various packages (when no extra dependencies or anything special, often it hardly changed anythig to the code making it kind of pointless to be optional), and then went on a crusade against Sam James (aka the currently biggest developer doing most of the actual work in Gentoo). First by ignoring everything he said/did (even ignoring reported real bugs), and by undoing his changes in his overlay. Later he started to see bad in everything mgorny did too (who has a tendency to not take shit from other devs and get abrasive if they're being moronic)

          He also started seeing conspiracies against him (spoiler: there was nothing, Sam had always been trying to just restore things with him too) and tried to make gentoo look bad in his blog: https://blog.gentoofan.org/

          • 4 weeks ago

            ..and then it become about enough and it went to comrel, and given he didn't change his attitude that got him kicked out

          • 4 weeks ago

            >IPV6 should be optional
            >had opinions in his blog: https://blog.gentoofan.org/
            >change his attitude that got him kicked out
            cringe. seems he was right all along and gentoo goofed, then

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >you need to keep bdeps!
    You need them as well if you use the AUR or xbps-src, or, you know, compile things in general.

    This is hardly anything even remotely noteworthy.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Compilation is one upfront hurdle and then it's a non issue as long as you update regularly and even still you can just set a cron to do it overnight

  9. 4 weeks ago



  10. 4 weeks ago

    -based, yet no reproducible builds
    you can't have that if you allow users to customze CFLAGS
    this thread is already moronic. if you want a baby b***h distro, use something else.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Still better than Arch.

    • 4 weeks ago

      ~ $ repo-elephant
      / /_ .---.
      / | \,./--.// )
      | // )/ /
      ' ^ ^ / )____.----.. 6
      '.____. .___/ ._)
      ./. )
      ' /
      _/ / ). ) (
      /# .! | / /
      C// # /'-----''/ # /
      . 'C/ | | | | |mrf ,
      ), .. .'OOO-'. ..'OOO'OOO-'. ..(,

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I'm not gonna read your blog post.
    Install Gentoo

  13. 4 weeks ago



  14. 4 weeks ago

    >hate systemd
    >hate gnome
    >like to compile and optimize
    >don't like my system to break randomly during updates
    >don't like bleeding edge
    >don't like commitee drama
    Use Slack.
    Problem solved.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    yeah, i went to Guix and then Nix after years of Gentoo. my life satisfaction is up and my penis grew three inches.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    >>hate systemd
    >>hate gnome
    >>like to compile and optimize
    >>don't like my system to break randomly during updates
    >>don't like bleeding edge
    >>don't like commitee drama
    >Use Slack.
    how it solves:
    >>don't like commitee drama

    • 4 weeks ago

      >how it solves:
      >don't like commitee drama

      • 4 weeks ago

        >>don't like commitee drama
        well nothing's perfect, we have drama with BDFL too - like Linus loosing his edge and cucking out into CoC and Rust, and all other bullshit.

  17. 4 weeks ago


    Has using Gentoo increased your chances of becoming socially competent?
    Has using Gentoo made you a happier person?
    Has using Gentoo made you more efficient at making money?
    If you have a hard time answering these questions you probably shouldnt force your beliefs onto others because these are pretty fundamental questions. Nothing wrong with learning a new distro but Gentoo is really not the kind of distro that makes you stand out lol

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