
how to bridge spotify's convenience and recommendations with the comfortability of locally stored music?
post your personal approach to music streaming and software.

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  1. 2 months ago

    For me it's Plexamp. Sweet Fades plus Guest DJs make it hard to give up

    • 2 months ago

      What's Sweet fades/Guest DJs?
      Also, does Plexamp give recommendations based on your library?

      • 2 months ago

        Sweet Fades is just their term for a smart crossfade. It's apparently built on top of the open source smart crossfade for ncmpcpp so you'd think it would be more widely used, but I haven't seen any other program or service use it.
        Guest DJs is pretty interesting. First it analyzes your every music collection and, as far as I understand it, generates and stores mathematical metadata for each track, which measures how much a track matches one genre or another (though I think it's more nuanced than attaching genre labels)
        Then you can use the feature Guest DJ (picrel, anything with "sonically similar" in the description will use the metadata or generated)
        What I typically use is DJ Stretch. It looks at the track playing and the track coming up next in the playlist and then puts about 3 new tracks from your library in between them to make it a smoother transition. It's great if you have a large library because it plays shit you rarely listen to but you're in the mood to listen to at the time

        I don't believe it'll recommend music you don't have, unless maybe you connect it to a TIDAL account, which I haven't done

    • 2 months ago

      it just works. infinite music on a 128 gb phone

  2. 2 months ago

    I've been trying to figure this out myself for a while. These are the best two things I've found:

    - Use Last.fm (or for extra open source scizo cred MusicBrainz) to track your listening and get recommendations.
    - Connect Lidarr to your spotify account so you can import curated playlists and download the tracks for it.

    I'm personally still on spotify because its one service for every song ever with good recommendations, but I do aspire to be fully self hosted and "own" my media.

    • 2 months ago

      >schizo cred MusicBrainz
      >lacks private profile
      Last.FM is better

      • 2 months ago

        Is Last.fm privacy friendly? MusicBrainz is open source, but Last.fm is clearly the better service so I'd switch if it actually is scizo certified.

    • 2 months ago

      >every song ever
      Good way of admitting you only listen to top 40 slop.

      • 2 months ago

        just because you listen to nothing but 40-hour long unbroken recordings of animals farting, doesn't make you interesting as a person

        • 2 months ago

          There's a lot of music out there from people who lack the resources to get scammed by streaming distributors or come from parts of the world that still favor owning your media. Once again, it shows that you only listen to american billboard music if your immediate thought is to strawman any music outside of that being some abstract experimental shit.
          Anyway, re: OP I use a mix of finamp/navidrome. Spending 20 seconds grabbing an album off soulseek/redacted/whatever and owning it forever is hardly inconvenient.

          • 2 months ago

            here's a witty rejoinder: B====D

          • 2 months ago

            You have to be at least 18 to use this board.

          • 2 months ago

            You're being very immature about this. I'm disappointed in you. Do better.

          • 2 months ago

            >people who lack the resources to get scammed by streaming distributors
            Can you give an example? I have some music that isn't on Spotify, but only for licensing reasons. I've never heard of someone refusing to distribute their music through at least one streaming service, not in the last 5 years anyway.
            >20 seconds grabbing an album off soulseek/redacted/whatever
            If only it was just 20 seconds.

  3. 2 months ago

    a personal server plus one of the good music piracy solutions (its a music piracy golden age) are needed to match spotifys experience. the classic freetard folder of flacs on your desktop pc doesn't match it anymore. still, nothing beats spotify reccs, ive used last.fm as a substitute for years but it doesnt compare. musicbee from your server drive is still the peak possible listening experience. from phone, jellyfin and plexamp. beats the classic freetard sd card of flacs on your phone, as long as you've got net youve got all your music and can even reencode on the fly.

  4. 2 months ago

    Spotify doesn't have a lot of music I listen to so I've learned to live with mutliple apps, services and locally stored music. Last.fm does make things easier to manage, especially with their web scrobbler extensinos.

  5. 2 months ago

    Somewhat relevant question, at work I want to set up a custom radio where coworkers and I can add our own songs to the queue. You may have been to a bar or some place with something like this, Beef o Bradys does it. It can be spotify or youtube or some other third thing as long as its normie friendly. I know that cytube kind of does what I want but it's too cumbersome. Nobody is going to copy and paste youtube links into a chrome page.
    Bonus points would be if whatever system can autoplay music when nothing is in the request queue. If I have to set up a custom machine or something to do this that wouldn't be a big deal.
    Thoughts on where to start?

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Ah, didn't consider they had an official option. Is the "jam" code permanent or does it time out? I would rather set and forget than need to set it up every day.

        • 2 months ago

          I don't know, never used it. I just remember it popping up when connecting to the car bluetooth.

          • 2 months ago

            At any rate that seems good enough for what I need.
            Now I need to figure out how to best wire multiple speakers which will be a few dozen feet apart into one computer and then run cable up the drop ceiling. But that sort of thing is alien to me so I need to do more research.

  6. 2 months ago

    >how to bridge spotify's convenience and recommendations with the comfortability of locally stored music?
    Pay for roon
    Set up a network music player with roon
    >But you have to pay for it
    You are already paying for shittify.

  7. 2 months ago

    >doubledouble.top to rip songs
    >cracked poweramp to play it locally

  8. 2 months ago

    Boomer here.

    I use Pandora religiously (free ad version). It's literally like a pet, you have to know how to train it. Then if I hear a song I REALLY like I buy the mp3 on Amazon or if the track is too obscure for Amazon I can usually buy it on Beatport. I use Pi Music Player for offline mp3 playlists on my phone.

  9. 2 months ago

    It looks a little complex, but it's a fancy way of presenting 'my music lives on my NAS, and an application inside a Docker container serves that music to my phone and computers via a VPN'.

    I like Navidrome because I'm particular about keeping music separated on disk by source: so there's my own rips, my Steam soundtracks, my pirated music, stuff from Amazon, stuff I downloaded from Google Play Music before that went to the Google Graveyard, and so on, while still appearing in the same single music library. I also like how Navidrome supports per-disc subtitles: which is great for albums like Sneed's Greatest Hits, where disc 1 is subtitled Feed, and disc 2 is subtitled Seed. Or just labelling albums like '2006 remastered rerelease' or whatever.

    I'm not bothered about recommendations as my new music comes from word of mouth in the communities that I'm part of, rather than an algorithm.

    • 2 months ago

      Most of my new music is from the my highly trained Pandora algorithms. But if im in the mood to do some digging for new music I'll go to YouTube to see what pops up related to the songs I already like. YouTube has practically everything under the sun. But I'm not paying for music I don't own and the extended ads make using free YouTube for background music a non starter. But it's good for workouts when I'm in front of the tv and can press skip on ads.

      • 2 months ago

        That's fair enough. I just don't have the desire to go out and consume 'more music', it's like I've got enough already ... it'd take literal months to listen to everything, so I can pretty much just throw on an album, or my 'liked songs' playlists, and have something mostly-new every time.

        • 2 months ago

          My tastes are too specific for human curated playlists. Every time I try to listen to one it's a complete train wreck. Trained algorithms are the way to go and the only thing that really works for me as far as recommendations for new music.

    • 2 months ago

      is this worth it? why not use plex or some other media server? i just rip shit from spotify to ogg/vorbis and sync it across devices using syncthing, but that folder is getting a bit heafty so i'm looking for alternatives.

      • 2 months ago

        Navidrome is a Plex-like media server.

  10. 2 months ago

    Get this. Way back in the before timed I had a paid subscription to Napster. This is when they had gotten $100 million in VC finding and we're trying to go legit. It was the best thing ever and has never been topped. $10 bucks a month for unlimited proprietary downloads that could be played offline but went away if you stopped subscribing. But the kicker was you also got 10 mp3 format downloads a month that you 100% own forever. I still have some of them to this day.

    Unfortunately they got bought out. It might have been by Last.fm. But whatever the deal was way shittier and no permanent mp3 downloads so I was out.

  11. 2 months ago

    how do those scrips bypassing ads on free spotify work? they seem mad sketchy to me

  12. 2 months ago

    >download files

  13. 2 months ago

    Spotify SUCKS ASS.
    You know a service is badly designed when r/UXDesign makes no hesitation to TRASH IT


    • 2 months ago

      i select a playlist and push the application/browsertab to the background. a music player is for listening, not viewing, anyway.
      and you can always modify using spicetify and use an older version on the phone.

  14. 2 months ago

    zoomers got duperd into thinking going through hoops to use spotify is "more convenient" than double clicking an mp3

    it's truly over

    • 2 months ago

      radio is dead and spoitfy has replaced it as a medium to find and discover new music, no one is claiming listening to local mp3 is inconvenient

      • 2 months ago

        It is kind of inconvenient though, all the options for listening to your local music on more than one device are bad.

        • 2 months ago

          not if you use mp3. universal compatibility on virtually all hardware devices.

          • 2 months ago

            Ew. I use Opus and AAC like a normal person. In any case, the trouble is storage and sync.

  15. 2 months ago

    navidrome with tempo is the white mans choice

  16. 2 months ago

    >convenience and recommendations
    spotify is not as convenient as having your own music library, and the "recommendations" are just sponsored results. go to concerts, read music magazine, talk to people & just try new things out.
    >spotify is a saddle makers in a world of cars

  17. 2 months ago

    I have never even seen Spotify let alone used it

    >Getting sucked into a proprietary subscription based music format.

    Not happen.

  18. 2 months ago

    I'm gonna try setting up Navidrome tonight. but I have a question that applies to a lot of these self-hosted software: what's the point of Docker? should I even bother with it if all I'm gonna do is host on my laptop for myself? what about when I get a NAS or a dedicated computer for it?
    also check my captcha

    • 2 months ago

      Docker is a tool designed for orchestrating complex software stack deployments, and later reused to distribute software in whole machine image form. I would not recommend using it for this. It will be easier to set up but harder to debug if anything goes wrong. If you do want containers/isolation, I would instead recommend Proxmox or another traditional hypervisor.

      • 2 months ago

        alright, thanks
        should a user like me care about this?

        • 2 months ago

          No, as long as you don't do stupid shit like expose Navidrome to the internet.

          • 2 months ago

            how else do you access your service from *anywhere*?

          • 2 months ago

            VPN to your home network. Tailscale needs zero configuration and works really well.

          • 2 months ago

            You forgot: its botnet

          • 2 months ago

            >Learn the basics of docker and docker-compose (basically learn how to make a yaml for docker)

            >Get the Wireguard yaml and run an instance with its ports exposed to the host system
            >Open the ports in your router that point to the machine with Wireguard

            >Get the Navidrome yaml and set a bridge network between Navidrome and Wireguard (basically modify the yamls to add the network)
            >Now Wireguard and Navidrome are connected through a virtual network, so when you access from Wireguard you can connect to Navidrome without passing through your physical LAN. Also I think it's the easier way to do it.
            >Additionally expose Navidrone to your LAN so you don't need Wireguard when you're at home, just expose a port to your host system like you did with Wireguard but this time don't add its ports to the router because you only expose Wireguard to the internet

            Those steps are simplified, for example you need to configure Wireguard through the yaml and get the clients configurations from a bind mount

            VPN to your home network. Tailscale needs zero configuration and works really well.

            If you are behind CGNAT you can't expose Wireguard to the internet, so you need to replace it with an external VPN like Tailscale

      • 2 months ago

        >Docker is a tool designed for orchestrating complex software stack deployments
        Frick off with this misinformation. Just because you use a tool one way, doesn't make its other uses incorrect.

  19. 2 months ago

    I use Spotify to listen to music before deciding whether I want to download it or not. I source recommendations from there but I find more success with RYM and YouTube
    >Deemix and Youtube-dlp to download music
    >mp3tag to edit metadata
    >MusicBee on my PC, GoneMAD on my phone
    >Syncthing to automatically sync library and playlists
    Not gonna lie streaming is way more convenient, but being able to have all my music from all sources stored in one location makes it worth it. I'm also OCD about music being properly tagged and streaming services are always guilty of that shit. I usually have sessions where I listen to music (old or new) while I download and organize more

  20. 2 months ago

    >listen to obscure niche music on spyware app
    >only 2 other people listen to it
    >one is an FBI target
    >court orders spyware app to give listeners info
    >FBI open up

  21. 2 months ago

    I just add all the albums I want in spotify library and then download them

  22. 2 months ago

    Pull deluan/navidrome:latest, tell Docker to attach your music directory to /music in the Navidrome container, start it up. Optionally install Tailscale on the host as well so you can access it from your phone. Why the frick you morons are making this complex I've no idea

  23. 2 months ago

    What does it mean?

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