SSDs are a scam and regresion

>REEE you can not use a HDD in your PC it needs to be a SSD who is basically identical only costs more and has less capacity

>REEEE you can not use a SSD in your laptop it needs to be a M.2 who is identical to a SATA SSD only costs more and has less capacity.

>REEE you can nto use a full sized M.2 in your tablet it needs to be a M.2 mini who is identical to a normal M.2 only costs more and has less capacity
>NO WE CAN NOT LET YOU USE A NORMAL M.2! NO Despite us having gigantic space in the tablet. It is un possible and the motherboard needs all this space! Or something!

Biggest lie out there gamer need a SSD for responsiveness in gaming.
FACT gamers need more capacity for ever growing games not MEME tech for MEME morons.

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  1. 2 months ago

    I love SSDs and everyone should have HDD backups. Cold storage HDDs can't be beat for the dollar. Heavily saged, of course.

    • 2 months ago

      One small NVME for OS and apps. HDD everything else.

      That says more about Windows bloat than anything else

    • 2 months ago

      That bait was lame 5years ago. Post something new.

      Honstly, Hard drives are fine. I recently just built an arcade PC using junk I had lying around. Intel atom and a 10 yr old, 2tb, wd green, 5400rpm. I put arch on it, installed with btrfs and ztds compression. Its...... Actually very usable. It boots up at a decent speed. What is crazy is what MS did to windows 10... We had to go through half the PCs at my job and replace the hard drives with SSDs. They did an update at somepoint that made your PC completely unusable if it wasn't on an ssd. Fine and for consumers, but we have a fleet of over 800 computers and a good chunk of them had to be replaced earlier then usual.
      Every Crap top I have had to deal with that had a 5400rpm 2.5 in drive has become decent with something like Manjaro and BTRFS and ztds compression. these laptops are so old, why bother buying a increasingly rare ssd 2.5 drive? What is crazy to me, is the bloat that is on windows. It boots slow as frick even with a m.2. Their really isn't a way around it. Not sure if OP was baiting or what, but I still find uses for shitty hard drives, I have tones of them. I have 3 shingled trash drives on my PC that are raid0. Makes them usable and I game off it.

  2. 2 months ago

    Try running Windows 10/11 on an HDD and come back to this thread with your findings.

    • 2 months ago

      That's a problem with the operating system, not the hardware.

      • 2 months ago

        no, that's problem with hardware. software is working just fine.

        • 2 months ago

          No. Software must evolve in order to adapt to the needs of modern world. Hardware must be updated with the software as well. This is entirely (you) problem, since you are just coping poorgay who is too tech-illiterate and broke to upgrade.

          Hardware works perfectly fine, the OS just can't cope with hard drives unfortunately. People throw perfectly good pcs away because they think they're too old, but in reality the OS has 'outgrown' the hardware.

          • 2 months ago

            >Hardware works perfectly fine
            Maybe as a glorified web browser
            >the OS just can't cope with hard drives unfortunately
            Maybe because they are fricking obsolote as boot drives since like a decade or so?
            >People throw perfectly good pcs away because they think they're too old
            No, NEET. People throw them away because they have good reasons to upgrade their hardware, although they should probably do that more responsibly. Unlike you, some of us actually use our computers to get an actual work done and when older hardware fails to do just that, it is replaced with new, better one. You cant comprehend this fact because you have never worked with a computer (and you probably never worked at all) therefore e-waste with HDD might be enough for you, but it is not the case for the vast majority of people whose work you make a living from.
            >but in reality the OS has 'outgrown' the hardware.
            Maintaining an Operating System takes time and money. Providing legacy supports takes even more of those 2. MS is not going to sacrifice their time and efford just to support 15+ yo hardware when the vast majority of people who pay them money have something considerably newer.

      • 2 months ago

        No. Software must evolve in order to adapt to the needs of modern world. Hardware must be updated with the software as well. This is entirely (you) problem, since you are just coping poorgay who is too tech-illiterate and broke to upgrade.

    • 2 months ago

      >Try running Windows 10/11
      Windows after 7 is deprecated. Use Linux.

      >Noo buy SSDs so we can bloat our OS more making it run as slow as previous version of windows on HDDs.

      Now this is simply pointless.

      >Windows 10/11
      It is 2024 no one uses windows.

      • 2 months ago

        Bruh, even win 7 runs like greased lightning on an ssd compared to an hdd

        But we get it. you're on a destitute laptop with a singular 2.5in bay, so you can't enjoy the benefits of both and you seethe relentlessly about it.

    • 2 months ago

      >Try running Windows
      I'd rather not

  3. 2 months ago

    That bait was lame 5years ago. Post something new.

  4. 2 months ago

    >FACT gamers need more capacity for ever growing games
    Bigger games mean longer loading times. I'm not putting up with spinning rust.

  5. 2 months ago

    poorgay cope thread

    • 2 months ago

      Post all things you own.
      Aha AHA
      I see literally less then me because you buy meme shit who becomes worthless meme shit that becomes trash after 1 year.

      I spend my money in a smart way.

    • 2 months ago

      >poorgay cope thread
      That's exactly it.

  6. 2 months ago

    IQfy is full of zoomies of course they fall for unreliable shitty ssds
    You vill own nothing and you vill be happy!

  7. 2 months ago

    os on ssd, storage on hdd, do not >> me.

    • 2 months ago

      That's how my NAS is setup.
      My computers just have SSDs in them.

  8. 2 months ago

    boy I sure love loading times and clicking noises

  9. 2 months ago

    Poor + ESL

  10. 2 months ago

    >he didn't scoop up terabyte upon terabyte of pure optane
    NGMI, I have 2tb and it's probably not enough but I'm running out of unshared pcie lanes

    • 2 months ago

      Got a 100 gb one to use as a metadata cache on my z2 pool
      Its nice to have but the performance gap with new ssds isn't even that great anymore

      • 2 months ago

        Incorrect. I switched to a 960GB 905p and it blows away my sn850x. Thinking about picking up a 1.5TB one now too.

        • 2 months ago


  11. 2 months ago

    >hourly poorgay cope thread

  12. 2 months ago

    >1tb, 256gb, 128gb, 500gb, 80gb, 16gb ssd for free
    >only install win8.1 or lower on ssd
    >never install win10 to ssd/hdd
    all free
    4090 for free
    i7 for free
    overclock for free
    watercool for free
    wincuck10 pc offline, powered off for 2 months
    suck my dick

    • 2 months ago

      Five it back, Jamal

  13. 2 months ago

    u ok OP?

  14. 2 months ago

    if you can't afford a an ssd, then you can still buy hdd's
    >NO WE CAN NOT LET YOU USE A NORMAL M.2! NO Despite us having gigantic space in the tablet. It is un possible and the motherboard needs all this space! Or something!
    i agree that's bullshit to use a less common smaller variant of M.2 when it isn't required, but, you'll find that in some cases you can literally cut a 2280 to fit into smaller cases, since smaller capacity drives are often using basically the same design, and have nothing important past a certain point on the board

    • 2 months ago

      3d printed box cutter?

      • 2 months ago

        Why not? Still dreaming of a utility knife holder with axis lock.

        • 2 months ago

          just never seen one before, its pretty Kino

    • 2 months ago

      >if you can't afford a an ssd
      if you can't afford an ssd you're to poor to afford anything in your entire life. the cheapest new ssd is $13, and you can find SSDs on ebay for 1 penny. ONE PENNY. if you can't afford a penny you are an INDIAN or a CHINK

  15. 2 months ago

    I'm at the point where the only sound my PC makes is the soft hum of the fans. Room temp semiconductors could've eliminated the need for them and then all I would hear is my tinnitus.

  16. 2 months ago

    >REEE you can not use a HDD in your PC it needs to be a SSD who is basically identical only costs more and has less capacity
    SSDs (even sata ones) are considerably faster than HDDs. They are also quietter and have longer lifespan on average.
    >REEEE you can not use a SSD in your laptop it needs to be a M.2 who is identical to a SATA SSD only costs more and has less capacity.
    There is a difference betweeen protocol and format. SATA ssd can be 2.5", 3.5" and MSATA. Most people nowadays use PCIE NVME SSDs that normally use m2 socket and are
    incomparably better than SATA SSDs.
    >REEE you can nto use a full sized M.2 in your tablet it needs to be a M.2 mini who is identical to a normal M.2 only costs more and has less capacity
    Very few devices use small format m2 ssd.

    You are not only poor but also extremely tech-illiterate. I bet you also use ancient windows version, arent you?

    • 2 months ago

      M.2 can be SATA as well, also 2.5/3.5" can also be PCIe/NVMe

      • 2 months ago

        >M.2 can be SATA as well,
        I have literally said that, unless you meant the difference between mSATA and M.2.SATA
        >also 2.5/3.5" can also be PCIe/NVMe
        AFAIR only firsts few NVMEs like XS1715 actually had 2.5" slot.

        • 2 months ago

          >AFAIR only firsts few NVMEs like XS1715 actually had 2.5" slot.
          Your consumer centric view is showing
          Most NVMe SSDs outside of if the consumer market are 2.5in SSDs. It's often called U.2 or U.3

          • 2 months ago

            >Your consumer centric view is showing
            We are talking about desktop computers here, not servers. I havent seen a single PC guy in my life using those.

          • 2 months ago

            most people don't need them, but unlike something like SAS, U.2 reaches into prosumer territory, some higher end consumer motherboards have U.2 connectors, and it's also a cheap adapter to turn a pcie slot or m.2 slot into a u.2 connector

          • 2 months ago

            Let this be your first one then I guess
            I use an Optane 905p U.2 and a WD U.2

            most people don't need them, but unlike something like SAS, U.2 reaches into prosumer territory, some higher end consumer motherboards have U.2 connectors, and it's also a cheap adapter to turn a pcie slot or m.2 slot into a u.2 connector

            U.2 drives can also be cheap as shit
            The wd I have is 7.68tb which was $450 back in 2022, basically half price compared to even the garbage Samsung QVO drive of similar size

          • 2 months ago

            cheap is pretty subjective though, for me $450 in disposable income is half an afternoon but for some people that's their entire check for the week and it would take them a few months to save that up as disposable income.

          • 2 months ago

            in this context, cheap is relative
            compared to a $4,500 enterprise drive, $450 is cheap

    • 2 months ago

      >have longer lifespan on average
      False. SSDs have a built in number of read/writes. Every stat shows HDDs last years longer. Not to mention you can get two 3TB HDDs for the price of one 2TB SSD and put them in RAID 1 for more capacity and WAY more reliability.

      >You are not only poor
      Spending more money to get less storage and reliability because Mr. Goyberg told you to doesn't make you look rich it makes you look like a moron.

      I know you're not going to change your mind because you're a dumbass that got suckered into the SSD meme and you have to defend your poor purchase as to not feel buyers remorse, but for others read this comment don't be like this guy.

      • 2 months ago

        >Every stat shows HDDs last years longer.
        *shakes your pc a little while it’s running *

      • 2 months ago

        Delusion. In practice, SSDs last twice as long as HDDs on average. SSDs have no moving parts and therefore cant be damaged by every random bump on your desk.
        >Spending more money
        Decent 1tb 2.5" sata SSD will cost you around 60 USD. PCIE NVME ssd will be have similar price to that nowadays. Both are significant improvement over HDD. Failing to unerstand those is a clear sign of tech-illiteracy and poorhomosexualry.
        >da jooz


        >I know you're not going to change your mind because you're a dumbass that got suckered into the SSD meme
        Same. I think that this discussion is pointless, since you are tech-illiterate and you do not do nothing important on your computer. If you ever decide to get a job (especially one that involves computers), you will see why people upgrade their hardware every know and then.

        • 2 months ago

          >Decent 1tb 2.5" sata SSD will cost you around 60 USD

          For the same price I can get a 4TB HDD. Anyone that advocates for an SSD over HDD shouldn't be lecturing others on "tech-illiteracy" lol. And anyone that would spend MORE money for LESS storage shouldn't be calling others poor gays. You're a moron that's seething because he bought an SSD and was rightfully laughed at for being so gullible. You got played. Take the L. Doubling down and defending your dumbass decisions is just making you look worse.

          • 2 months ago

            >he thinks all hard drives are the same speed

          • 2 months ago

            You're a poorgay if you otherwise can't utilize each to their strengths
            For what reason couldn't you have a 1TB or so for OS/applications and whatever HDD you want for bulk shit?

          • 2 months ago

            >For the same price I can get a 4TB HDD
            Which will be about 4 times slower than SSD, will generate more heat than SSD and since it has moving parts, its more prone to break, especially on the run and will not run any modern OS reliably.
            >anyone that advocates for an SSD over HDD shouldn't be lecturing others on "tech-illiteracy" lol
            Ever heard about Dunning-Kruger effect? since you the perfect manifestation of such
            >And anyone that would spend MORE money for LESS storage shouldn't be calling others poor gays.
            At this point you are either trolling or you are actually that stupid.

          • 2 months ago

            In this case I meant SATA III speed obviously. For modern NVMEs there is not even a competition.

      • 2 months ago

        >Every stat shows HDDs last years longer
        What's stats lol?
        Literally every single stat comparing SSDs vs HDDs shows that, at worse. SSDs are just as reliable as HDDs with most showing better (like backblaze)

  17. 2 months ago

    your existence is a regression

  18. 2 months ago

    >another week
    >another thread seething about SSDs
    I don't get it anons
    How could some NAND cause so much seethe?

  19. 2 months ago

    lowest quality bait I've seen since I busted a nut this morning. I hope you get over whatever is wrong in your life that makes you seek attention from strangers.

  20. 2 months ago

    yawn another poorgay cope thread

  21. 2 months ago


  22. 2 months ago
  23. 2 months ago

    Shut up poorgay

  24. 2 months ago

    >sour grapes

  25. 2 months ago

    >ssds are bad because uh THE FORM FACTOR!!

    • 2 months ago

      the only people that are anti-ssd are super poor people. this is the quickest way to detect you're talking to someone ultra poor. the truth is that you can't buy laptops without then anymore, and most all people have ssds as their boot drives. regular hard drives only have a single function nowadays, nas storage

      • 2 months ago

        What's funny to me to is that you have to be ultra poor to have to make a decision between and HDD and SSD and conclude the HDD is better. It says you have a very low end laptop as a desktop can take mutiple drives

        Same thing with RAM, if your b***hing about everything eating up your 4GB of RAM when DDR3 was/is $1 per GB then something is very wrong.

        • 2 months ago

          the only cheap SSDs are shitty SATA ones. NVMe SSDs (the REAL SSDs) are expensive

          also, while HDDs are slow to use for the OS and running programs, they're still fast enough for arhiving, and opening media as external storage. the SATA SSDs are the worst of both worlds: too expensive for archiving and too slow for OS/Programs

          • 2 months ago

            >NVMe SSDs (the REAL SSDs) are expensive
            no, they aren't. you were JUST told a few posts ago that the cheapest ssd is $16 new, and you can find ones on ebay for a single penny. ONE PENNY. stop shitting up this board, rajesh

          • 2 months ago

            not him, but a 2TB (bare minimum requirement) NVMe is $120

            for a lot of poorgays that's a lot

          • 2 months ago

            i see 2TB NVMEs on newegg for $95, which means on ebay for $14. 14 DOLLARS. it's almost as if poorgays are moronic. it's almost like not having money makes you stupid too

          • 2 months ago

            Ebay isn't that cheap unless your buying fake shit

          • 2 months ago

            >Ebay isn't that cheap unless your buying fake shit
            sorry but you're wrong, and you're poor

        • 2 months ago

          this. i have 4 machines and they all have fast nvme drives for boot, i would never even consider anything less. and for ram i would never consider anything less than 64gb ram, ram and disk are so incredibly cheap it's ridiculous. oh no a program uses 4gb of ram??? whatever will i do?? oh wait who cares, i have 64gb, how fricking poor do you have to be to complain about 4gb ram? i have not once thought about ram in the past 15 years. i fricking hate poor people so much

  26. 2 months ago

    I want to think OP is some sort of researcher that post the most idiotic, stupid and moronic thing inimaginable so he could see who agree with him, as a joke.

  27. 2 months ago

    Just give me affordable storage size beyond 2 TB already. We have been stuck with manufactures milking the SSDs for 2 decades

  28. 2 months ago

    Is this another one of those "boomer hates newer better tech" things like CRTs?

    • 2 months ago

      The boomer is old enough to not care anymore
      This is poorgay millennials b***hing that hardware is moving on to different purposes

      They tend to shut up once you tell them that it's not a mutually exlcusive choice and it's only their status as a poorgay that they have to make a choice.

  29. 2 months ago

    >boot drive -> SSD
    >storage -> HDD
    Simple as

    • 2 months ago

      this. SSDs are useless as external drives for just opening up media files

  30. 2 months ago

    notice how seething replies have slowed down in this thread? that's because it's 1:30am in mumbai

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, people like this HDD guy are either dementia-ridden seniles, NEETs or 3rd worlders. They have inhaled so much copium that they will not even allow themselves to think that they may be wrong. Unless he was just blatantly trolling.

  31. 2 months ago

    I don't think most people realize how fast NVME SSDs have become. It's not just that they can copy 25GB blu-rays in just a few seconds but the really high end ones are able to compete with slow RAM moving random data around.

    In fact that's why modern computers are unusually fast even with just 8GBs of RAM. The SSD now pretty much acts like a RAM stick until it runs out of SLC cache which can be 100GB+ depending on capacity/model.

    If you have a family/friend who just can't fricking help but open 100 chrome tabs and multiple programs in the background despite being a cheap frick and buying a laptop with 8GB of soldered RAM this is by far the best possible "upgrade" for these mouth breathers. RIP if it's one of these new toy laptops with a soldered SSD though.

  32. 2 months ago

    SSDs are amazing. Cheap, fast, high-capacity disks are the biggest performance improvement in computing the 2010s gave us, easily. Around 2026 SSD prices are expected to fall below hard disk prices, if so, we'll finally be rid of these poorgay cope threads. And we'll also get 16 and 32TB SSDs for cheap too, since they will finally be justified as the final hard disk niche dries up.

    • 2 months ago

      >if so, we'll finally be rid of these poorgay cope threads
      Not really. 3rd worlders and NEETs will still daily-drive dumpster-dived HDDs. Even in like 2050 there will be an army of retrooners saying that HDDs were better.

      • 2 months ago

        >Even in like 2050 there will be an army of retrooners saying that HDDs were better.
        They'll probably also claim that CRTs are better too.

        • 2 months ago

          Anyone claiming CRT is better is a delusional tryhard...and never actually used them. Sure, there are positive aspects to CRT. But the tradeoffs for LCD are absolutely worth it. Anyone who says otherwise has no clue. SSDs have almost all positive aspects, and are clearly worth the tradeoffs, if you can even call them that. Outside of very specific use cases SSD life cycle doesn't matter because the rest of the machine is end of life twice over before the SSD it.

          • 2 months ago

            while ssd's have limited writes, modern ones can be written so much that by the time you've actually written that much to a hdd, it's probably so old as to be ready to replace anyway as well

            pic related is a /10 year old/ ssd

          • 2 months ago

            a small ext4 partition at the beginning of a hdd with e4rat can boot into linux pretty quick, still several times slower than an ssd, but quick enough. that's only boot however, everything else will still load slower. there's really no reason to use a hdd as a boot/system/application drive nowadays, they don't take up much space and ssd's more than big enough for that are cheap as frick nowadays. if you want everything to be in one place, then you can use an ssd as a cache for a hdd

            As much as I like hard drives this is also true. I set a shitty mini pc that had no ram to aggressively swap its built in SSD. Sloved all the slow down issues I had with the thing, its been going on for 4 yrs now. I really don't care what happens to it. I like to give old devices a last Howrah. And look what this little guy has done... so proud. I just can't bring myself to waste anything. I just end up building weird crap out of screen less laptops. ect.

      • 2 months ago

        >Even in like 2050 there will be an army of retrooners saying that HDDs were better.
        They'll probably also claim that CRTs are better too.

        Anyone claiming CRT is better is a delusional tryhard...and never actually used them. Sure, there are positive aspects to CRT. But the tradeoffs for LCD are absolutely worth it. Anyone who says otherwise has no clue. SSDs have almost all positive aspects, and are clearly worth the tradeoffs, if you can even call them that. Outside of very specific use cases SSD life cycle doesn't matter because the rest of the machine is end of life twice over before the SSD it.

        anons, i want to tell you that i hate poor people so fricking much it's absolutely unreal. i want to nuke europe, india, and china. then finally we will be rid of these stupid fricking threads once and for all. i hope god strikes down all these ultra poor smelly onion indians forever

        • 2 months ago

          You do realize that local governments are all running 10 year old windows 10 PC's with spin drives that have 10 min boot times all because of a stupid fricking windows update. These machines ran fine back in the day. Windows has not gotten any better. Not sure why you are cucking out for bad software. Spin drives are fine, even for boot drives, just not on windows.

          • 2 months ago

            not reading that, you're poor. stay in mumbai, pajeet

          • 2 months ago

            suit yourself. Like I said, mergerfS, big PC. just throw hard drives in it. I don't know how you run your plex server or what your server situtation is, but SSDs don't really serve much benefit for home servers.

          • 2 months ago

            it's already been explained to you several times, stupid pajeet, nvme for boot and spinning disks for a nas

          • 2 months ago

            a small ext4 partition at the beginning of a hdd with e4rat can boot into linux pretty quick, still several times slower than an ssd, but quick enough. that's only boot however, everything else will still load slower. there's really no reason to use a hdd as a boot/system/application drive nowadays, they don't take up much space and ssd's more than big enough for that are cheap as frick nowadays. if you want everything to be in one place, then you can use an ssd as a cache for a hdd

  33. 2 months ago

    I can't fricking wait until I can buy all the SSDs for my raidz2 pool I'm building with a solid hba, it will finally allow me to saturate my 10G line to my nvme storage machine.
    >op is a gay, as usual

  34. 2 months ago

    Never forget.

  35. 2 months ago

    >FACT gamers need more capacity for ever growing games
    The "games" you are referring to are slop for the dumb consoomers.
    You are not a gamer. Shut your mouth.
    In fact, shut your nose too.
    Just die.

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