Stop syncing tabs

>>need a browser that works perfectly across both desktop and mobile (for syncing tabs, browsing history and bookmarks)

>(for syncing tabs, browsing history and bookmarks)
>>(for syncing tabs, browsing history
>>(for syncing tabs, browsing history
This is literally spyware you moronic zoomeroid shit! No one wants this!

Why are morons like this?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    maybe you're the moron

    • 4 weeks ago

      >SJWzilla says

      • 3 weeks ago

        Uhh it's the source for the sync server, you don't have to take anyone's word on anything?

        • 3 weeks ago

          >for the sync server,
          Imagine doing this moronation instead of sending a tiny file.

          • 3 weeks ago

            It's sending a bunch of very tiny files

    • 4 weeks ago

      37 yo boomer here, I never ever not once used that feature, for me not login in is common sense
      >but why
      cause I witnessed the faceberg doxxing era
      >running a whole server for it
      >when all you need is to share a .json file
      c'mon now

      >for me not login in is common sense
      Why do these reatrds need to be syncing ????
      WHY? Explain this to me!

      > to share a .json file

      • 4 weeks ago

        like that zug meme said
        >they "trust" me
        >dumb fricks

        >to share a .json
        well you don't need more than that, if you want to go orthodox, share a .csv, that's all your tabs info is

    • 3 weeks ago

      Guess moronation runs amok today as that repo is old and retired. Try
      That it's now written in rust will be triggering to some I'm sure.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    37 yo boomer here, I never ever not once used that feature, for me not login in is common sense
    >but why
    cause I witnessed the faceberg doxxing era
    >running a whole server for it
    >when all you need is to share a .json file
    c'mon now

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >turn your monitor off
    >Pick up pnone
    >Search the same fricking thing you were just looking at

    • 4 weeks ago

      I literally never needed this.
      Like give any example where this is useful and not zoomeroid moronic like pic related.

      >While yes I love torturing myself with inferior UI on my phone.

      I remind you you only posted that you want to quickly get 1 web page URL not fricken 300+ tabs

      • 4 weeks ago

        >While yes I love torturing myself with inferior UI on my phone.
        Write your websites better homosexual.
        Mine works on a phone just fine.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Write your websites better homosexual.
          Stop using a inferior (every phone is inferior) os/hardware.

          You sound like a more cancerous and moronic version of phone users from the 2000s.

          >Ah yes I can brows the web and write posts with my fricken 12 keys and gay joystick on my tiny screen!

          • 4 weeks ago

            idk what you're on about homosexual, just a few lines of CSS and any HTML only website gets a vertical mobile view without losing any content for me.
            Works great.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >[still no explanation why you need to syncing ]

            It is unreal!

          • 4 weeks ago

            oh that's easy, i have multiple PCs and its nice to have a synced backup of my history since 2009

          • 3 weeks ago

            you sound like some sort of predator not gonna lie

          • 3 weeks ago

            >oh that's easy, i have multiple PCs and its nice to have a synced backup of my history since 2009
            >a synced backup of my history since 2009
            >a synced backup of my history since 2009
            WTF am I even reading?

          • 3 weeks ago

            what about it?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Explain yourself moron.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >create a feature
    >need to be able to store your data in my servers to do it
    >wtf this is spyware!

    • 4 weeks ago

      it obviously is, else they'd give you a nice export import file with no server needed

      • 4 weeks ago

        >create a feature
        >need to be able to store your data in my servers to do it
        >wtf this is spyware!

        >>need to be able to store your data in my servers to do it
        >>wtf this is spyware!

        >store your data in my servers t

        We did have this talk in video games 99% of the time a server is the worst and most moronic solution. The only benefit of it is spyware.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Your posts and other data are being recorded right now. Why is that ok?
          >because I NEED social interaction
          go outside

          • 4 weeks ago

            >The only benefit of it is spyware.
            and that's precisely the reason why you don't need to pay for it, cause a server does in fact cost money
            old saying, if you're not paying for it, you're the product

            FBI agent mad!
            FBI agent mad!
            FBI agent mad!

          • 4 weeks ago

            Not an argument

          • 4 weeks ago

            Cry harder FBI.

            Still can not give any reason to use this feature...

          • 3 weeks ago

            If you go to the shitter several times a day for 30 mins at a time.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >If you go to the shitter
            > several times
            OK. So you walk way from the computer you addicted zoomeroid.

            Now I see the zoomers are so adicted that they can not walk away fro mthe computer for 30 minutes. Clearly phones have rotted your generation.

            BACK in my day kid we walked to school and for multiple honers where without our games and computers, we dreamed to go back home to play something on the computer/console.

            Like we now can see this is needed for actual brain development and zoomerids having constant access to this via phone has ruined them.

            The government must ban smart phones for children under 18. Your generation is lost zoomeroid.

          • 3 weeks ago

            it's really odd that schools have never enforced strict bans on phones

          • 3 weeks ago

            And now we see the results.
            Zoomers are lost ban phones enforce it harder then murder and hopefully the next generation will not be phone addicted loosers.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >give a reason to use it
            >yes, but that's not the right reason! Back in my day-
            SHUT THE FRICK UP

          • 3 weeks ago


          • 3 weeks ago

            >>yes, but that's not the right reason

            >SHUT THE FRICK UP
            LOL zoomeroid mad zoomeroid mad!

            You are a phone addicted looser and your parents should have aborted you!

          • 3 weeks ago

            let's recap:
            >you haven't explained how using this site is ok even though it stores your data on a server you don't own and claim to be a free software Black person
            >you conceded implicitly that there is a use for tab syncing
            >you were shown a free open source version that you discredited with "lol mozilla" even though it addresses your concern
            Basically this thread has become pointless
            >inb4 comment about frogposting

          • 3 weeks ago

            >>you haven't explained how using this site is ok even though it stores your data on a server you don't own and claim to be a free software Black person
            BECAUSE I do not upload to this website the entirety of every bookmark and other website I have visited and my entire browsing history you moronic FROG POSTING SHIT.

            >>you conceded implicitly that there is a use for tab syncing
            This is literally impossible and insane.

            >>you were shown a free open source version
            OK it is still moronic as frick.
            And there is no need for syncing.
            >Noo I'm a phone addicted zoomeroid and I literally can not stand 30 minutes without looking at my phone. REEEE
            Get professional help. Your parents have failed you, you will never have a job.

            It is amazing how you can instantly detect moronic arguments and moronic posters if they frog post.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >YES they got my data b-but they didn't get THAT data
            at least stop pretending to be a free software homosexual
            >This is literally impossible and insane.
            Ranting about zoomers is not a counter, you have accepted defeat on this point by not countering.
            >OK it is still moronic as frick. And there is no need for syncing.
            Admitted defeat on this point
            >>Noo I'm a phone addicted zoomeroid and I literally can not stand 30 minutes without looking at my phone. REEEE
            This is where it breaks down, you have resorted to being a moron.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >>YES they got my data b-but they didn't get THAT data
            >at least stop pretending to be a free software homosexual
            Read RMS you dumb frick.
            For the internet to work the server must know what I send to it.
            This means that IQfy is the central hub for our communication.
            You, me, the others and IQfy the server.
            For it to know my browsing history outside IQfy is wrong.

            You on the other hand advocate for mozzila to know 100% of your browsing history for no other reason then you are a sub human trash who can not go on the toilet without your pointless distraction.

            >Admitted defeat on this point
            See above you gayot. You needing pointless stimulation even if you take a shit makes you subhuman trash. You should not be considered a human at this point zoomer.

            Exterminate all zoomers.

            >This is where it breaks down, you have resorted to being a moron.
            It is unreal how hard I won this debate.
            You are the one who did bring up
            >b-b-b-b- I must have screen distraction while I'm taking a shit
            Or was this not you if not you then you provided no reason for this to exist.

          • 3 weeks ago

            I’ve already destroyed your thread by making people uncomfortable. Winning this debate is just icing on the cake.
            >read RMS
            No need, I already know everything he has to say. Don’t use it if the code is not on your PC.
            >For the internet to work the server must know what I send to it.
            Weird, that’s how saving your tabs works too.
            >You on the other hand advocate for mozzila to know 100% of your browsing history for no other reason then you are a sub human trash who can not go on the toilet without your pointless distraction.
            >meanwhile letting IQfy know his exact location and post history so they can report him to the authorities
            >more zoomer rambling
            Black person you better be old as hell. Very sad to still be here if you are though

          • 3 weeks ago

            >Winning this debate is just icing on the cake.
            LOL you lost this entire debate.

            >Weird, that’s how saving your tabs works too.
            That is literally the opposite you zoomeroid trash.

            >I'm a zoomer and I literally can not go on the toilet without my phone trash.
            You are not human.
            >b-b-b--b you are old and that is a bad thing.
            Your generation must be euthanized.

          • 3 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          >The only benefit of it is spyware.
          and that's precisely the reason why you don't need to pay for it, cause a server does in fact cost money
          old saying, if you're not paying for it, you're the product

          • 4 weeks ago

            Better to get it for free than pay and still get your data collected.

          • 4 weeks ago

            you are less likely to be datamined when paying, if you're not paying then there's no other choice, you're getting datamined 100%

      • 3 weeks ago

        >nice export import file
        and how are you gonna send that to and from your phone without a server nor needing to manually connect them by cable and copying the file?

        • 3 weeks ago


          • 3 weeks ago

            bluetooth on a desktop?
            does that even exist

          • 3 weeks ago


  5. 4 weeks ago

    >syncing tabs
    >likely hundreds of tabs because zoomies have adhd but are too lazy to open something when they need it + some weird FOMO psychology shit
    >bookmarks list
    >must be synced at all times so the zoomie has something to scroll up and down for 10 mins before picking nothing and closing it just like he does at home with his steam library
    what a world we live in

    • 4 weeks ago

      Dude I have 1000s of tabs open on the PC.
      Never on phone.
      Never syncing.

      I basically decide to kill it all in nuclear fire once it gets to big.
      Imagine syncing this clutter.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Dude I have 1000s of tabs open on the PC.
        >Imagine syncing this clutter.

  6. 3 weeks ago

    the only thing i sync between my pc and phone is my music library
    in the background
    via ftp

    • 3 weeks ago

      can somebody here make a brief analysis of ftp vs ssh in this specific use case?

      • 3 weeks ago

        setup is moron-proof and fast, much faster transfer speeds
        synced 62gbs of stuff (~5000 tracks) mixed between aac and flac in so little time i didn't even bother timing it

  7. 3 weeks ago

    I host my own sync server so all the shared data is on my hardware 🙂

  8. 3 weeks ago

    OP you can hand over your PHD, this was an easy win

  9. 3 weeks ago

    Once again I need your degree, don’t care what college it was from

  10. 3 weeks ago


    >shill lion
    not using your product also buy an ad 😉

  11. 3 weeks ago


    >imagine needing a server for...serving something??
    >>Muh more tabs
    yeah...the whole point is to keep ALL your tabs moron

    • 3 weeks ago

      >prostitute pepe
      just when I thought I had seen it all

      • 3 weeks ago

        I will let you leave this debate, but don’t cross me again

        • 3 weeks ago

          I don't even wanna know, anon

      • 3 weeks ago

        I don't even wanna know, anon

        Is this really worse than an anime girl drinking alcohol or smoking and looking sad? I swear the most insufferable people use those reaction images

        • 3 weeks ago

          well the trannime lets you at least doubt if the user is a troon or not, but a prostitute pepe is kinda dead set on it

          • 3 weeks ago

            >well the trannime lets you at least doubt if the user is a troon or not
            No it’s pretty clear, just the stage of their transition isn’t

        • 3 weeks ago

          >dramaBlack personz0

    • 3 weeks ago

      >yeah...the whole point is to keep ALL your tabs moron
      Why you moronic zoomer?
      You still can not answer this.

      >Muh more tabs
      Do you have any idea how many URLs you can fit into 1 QR code???

      • 3 weeks ago

        If it doesn’t open all the tabs immediately, it’s useless how many it can fit. No I don’t want to use Brave. Finally nothing is easier than the tabs simply being open as soon as you bring up the mobile browser. And then again when you go back to the PC. Or hell your laptop. Your brain is the size of a pea if you can’t understand how this is convenient. Your QR code solution is not even on the same playing field

        • 3 weeks ago

          >No I don’t want to use Brave.
          I imagine there are plugins for other browsers or demand they build it in.

          >Your QR code solution is not even on the same playing field
          Yes however 1 QR code can hold 20 or more URLs. It is a joke solution the others anons gave a better one.

          >No I don’t want to use Brave. Finally nothing is easier than the tabs simply being open as soon as you bring up the mobile browser. And then again when you go back to the PC. Or hell your laptop
          You literally never explain why you need this shit.

          >our brain is the size of a pea if you can’t understand how this is convenient.

          >noooo you need to understand i literally can't function without having 1582 tabs of bl*cked cuck porn loaded in the background
          i'd ask "do zoomers really" but i already know the answer
          tabula rasa asap

          you need to understand i literally can't function without having 1582 tabs of bl*cked cuck porn loaded in the background

          Everyone is laughing how moronic zoomers are.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >uhh actually I was just joking lmao
            No your solution was moronic and you were exposed
            Refer back to this comment for the rest of your ramblings:
            >Your brain is the size of a pea if you can’t understand how this is convenient.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >No your solution was moronic
            Learn to read you dumb frick. From the start I posted this joke solution as the last to what others posted.

            A copy of URLs is not fricken ray tracing zillions of polygons.

            >Refer back to
            No you zoomeroid everyone is laughing at you see other people:


            >noooo you need to understand i literally can't function without having 1582 tabs of bl*cked cuck porn loaded in the background
            i'd ask "do zoomers really" but i already know the answer
            tabula rasa asap

            you need to understand i literally can't function without having 1582 tabs of bl*cked cuck porn loaded in the background

            Everyone is laughing how moronic zoomers are.

          • 3 weeks ago

            There's nothing to read moron. You thought it was a real solution and are walking back.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    >noooo you need to understand i literally can't function without having 1582 tabs of bl*cked cuck porn loaded in the background
    i'd ask "do zoomers really" but i already know the answer
    tabula rasa asap

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