Summarize these distros.

Summarize these distros.

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    pretty good, but nothing revolutionary.

    susAH but for the newbie

    Obsolete autismOS for stallman evangelists & picrel

    Autism & AUR crutch and sysd = bad

    Outdated as shit, apt is okay but there are better alternatives.

    Red hat trial, Lazy dev's distro (not always bad).

    Avoid at all costs

    Old as shit, nostalgiagays only

    Summary: Install void
    Or if you're a picky gay, try this

    • 2 years ago

      incredible how everything you said was wrong
      moronic voidtroony

      >meme distro great
      >mainstream 'just works' distros bad
      the absolute state of IQfy


      • 2 years ago

        >everything you said was wrong
        >You are wrong because... Youre wrong!!!!!!
        >haha get owned troony!!!!!!!

    • 2 years ago

      >for stallman evangelists

      Are you moronic? RMS would never use Gentoo because it is not a distro approved by the fsf, and it doesn't have the respects your freedom badge.

    • 2 years ago

      >suse derivative
      >stallman evangelists
      >sysd = bad
      void really is the midwit distro, isn't it

  2. 2 years ago

    Good, good, great, good, good, bad, bad, great

    • 2 years ago

      >meme distro great
      >mainstream 'just works' distros bad
      the absolute state of IQfy

      • 2 years ago

        I called Mint good

        • 2 years ago

          >just works
          just no

          • 2 years ago

            just no

          • 2 years ago

            Black person

          • 2 years ago

            Die brainlet

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      What a fricking clown lmao

      • 2 years ago

        reddit is the other way

        • 2 years ago

          the door to go outside is THAT way
          >J4Y TA

    • 2 years ago

      exactly my thought except completely opposite

  3. 2 years ago

    Stable and simple
    Stable and easy to use
    Unstable, build everything from source customization heaven.
    BTW this meme is old. Discount gentoo that has better user repo integration and doesn't need you to built everything from source.
    Stable beauty. Great repository. The bed rock of most good distros. It often gets over looked but is worth it without all the shit people put on top of it.
    Stable cutting edge distro. Expect some experimental things.
    Same as fedora, but without the balls to do anything innovative any more.
    For the people that thought gentoo was for b***hes or just wanted to make their own distro without going through the trouble of Linux from scratch.

    • 2 years ago

      >customization heaven
      So... For morons?
      Nothing you can' t do everywhere else.

      >Discount gentoo
      It's comparable only because same type of moron uses it. Arch troons transition into software schizos, becoming gentards

      >Same as fedora, but without the balls to do anything innovative any more.
      *and becoming more and more of a shitfest with snaps and choices

    • 2 years ago

      >stable vs unstable
      If you ever want to know someone who still has windows installed, they mention the stability of distros foremost.
      For the ultimate test though, ask them; "What do you mean by unstable?".
      They'll mention something about the user breaking the system via the package manager then you'll no for a fact they're PPA pumping morons.

      • 2 years ago

        >What do I mean by unstable
        I mean not liable to break shit on an update. I also mean that they don't just dump the dev branch into an update. They actually run test and quality assurance before they add it to the distro repo. Also no I don't pump PPA. I don't need to add a bunch of bloat to my system.

        Funny how my Gentoo system is the most stable of all my Linux machines. I haven't seen a single linker error nor had it bricked to the point of having to use a live distro to fix it.

        I too can have a stable system if I don't update. I meant stable when you update.

        • 2 years ago

          >stable system if I don't update
          I haven't even had an update brick the system. Yes you do get the occasional package conflicts when emerging @world after syncing but those are usually trivial to resolve.

        • 2 years ago

          Not him but gentoo doesn't break when you update.
          If you wait a long time to update, portage will complain. But it won't break anything. It complains *instead* of breaking anything. And then you go and fix its complaints, which often, but not always, consists of nothing more than responding to some prompts. And then the update goes through and everything works.
          You sound like someone who's used arch, heard gentoo was a harder arch, and are making some reasonable but incorrect extrapolations about how package management works on gentoo

        • 2 years ago

          >dump dev branch into an update
          You're moronic and have no idea what you're talking about beyond second and third-hand info.
          Break systems before you talk like this.
          Rolling release distros us a single version and the most modern one at that to increase stability over a long term support model that needs to maintain a strict feature-set which introduces fragility.
          You "stable/unstable" tards piss me off to no end with the shit you fling just to buy into a commercial model of locking down features.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh sorry I thought they bothered to separate dev and production. That'd even worse they don't even bother to have a separate branch to test this shit.
            Pic related (rolling release dev writing an update)

          • 2 years ago

            >they don't even bother
            That's not quite accurate. If they didn't want to even bother, they wouldn't make a distro. They do things this way because they believe it's better.

    • 2 years ago

      Funny how my Gentoo system is the most stable of all my Linux machines. I haven't seen a single linker error nor had it bricked to the point of having to use a live distro to fix it.

  4. 2 years ago

    Good, best for personal use
    Good, best for any kind of occupation requiring computers
    OK, best for people switching from windows
    OK, best for people switching from macOS
    Not good. Used by contrarians
    Bad. Canonical shat the bed. Irredeemable
    Not a distro, it's an empty slate. Used by autists

  5. 2 years ago

    >green one
    >green one but bloatyer
    >purple one but packages take forever to install
    >blue one
    >red one
    >blue one but less packages
    >orange one this one is bad don't use it
    >blue one but the package manager is literally make

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    Probably the only good rolling release since it is corporate backed, but I've never used it
    big waste of effort since it could just be a desktop on top of ubuntu, without forking repositories. That said, it provides a nice end user experience.
    stupid, you can customize any distro just as easily. And there are tons of things you have to set up manually that just werk in other distros. Printing, ssh agent, fonts, are some of the ones I remember. Also during the few months I used it, an update borked it once and I had to fix it in the live session. The AUR and ports system sounds good in theory, but it's easier to use docker containers nowadays.
    no reason to use something this old on the desktop. "Stable" doesn't mean it will work better, just that it's not changing. Which isn't necessarily good.
    based. Drives innovation in linux, ideal release/update model, corporate backing makes it much more professional than others. More secure. The name triggers feminists.
    Still great, but slightly in decline now that canonical doesn't care about the desktop as much. The software center is worse than fedora. It's the most popular distro by far, so any software that supports linux will support ubuntu, but not necessarily anything else.
    ok boomer

    • 2 years ago

      Not even saying I like your opinions but you're the most right in this thread. The corporate sector is already pushing shit that's becoming widely adopted. GNU/Linux will always stay free but corporations are going to be the ones to actually push Linux and possibly have any real chance of making it mainstream.

      • 2 years ago

        is a mainstream linux a goal? just look at gaming, scifi, fantasy, and everything other fun "nerd" thing there ever was

  8. 2 years ago

    >openSUSE, Fedora
    never tried em
    the perfect ootb desktop experience, simple as
    max-autist distro. good distro for aspiring programmers to learn about compiling, build systems, packaging, and how these look to an end user. good for optimization, manual security, minimalist autismo, paranoid source auditing, site-local patches, plus easy to setup bleeding-edge dev suites that would be hard to setup on other distros, if you really "sneed" that sparkly gcc 12+ feature. package manager is super-friendly and super-resilient
    never used this either but from what i've heard it's a bit like a gentoo lite. no use flags, not necessarily any building from source, but you still get customization (somehow?) apparently there's something extra-special about the "aur," its implementation of third-party repos, so it has that going for it. i've indirectly used "arch" in a sense, i dual-boot with a win 10 ameliorated install and run msys2 on it which from what i understand is an arch-based mingw distro, never had any problems with it, works great, any problems i ever did have with it were windows' fault.
    i, and, i feel, most of the community, will always see this as the "definitive" gnu/linux implementation. i am an anti-systemd schizo, so i'm never using it again, but i must admit it was a good run. just all-around solid distro. apt isn't a perfect package manager but it's almost always good enough.
    tries to take debian and turn it into the perfect ootb desktop experience like mint. (well it's anachronistic to say it wants to be "like mint" since ubuntu came first but you know what i mean.) only gets halfway there imho. not a fan of snaps, don't like all those loop devices cluttering up lsblk, i know that's the most brainlet reason not to like it but listen i just don't. not really a fan of the corporate backing either. canonical seems like a corporation with an excellent value system. but it is a corporation. automatic distrust.

    • 2 years ago

      lfs with ootb gui

  9. 2 years ago

    >green ubuntu
    >unemployed boomers
    >employed boomers
    >orange debian

  10. 2 years ago

    summarize this *unzips dick*

  11. 2 years ago

    Dont ever tell me what to do

  12. 2 years ago

    corpo Black personware

    just werks


    pacman fricked up my xorg.conf

    white mans distro

    corpo but just werks

    just use mint or fedora

    autistic but seems fine

    summary: just use debian/devuan/mint

  13. 2 years ago

    I wasted 10 hours installing debian and ubuntu 1710 mini iso once
    if only i had tried puppy instead

    • 2 years ago

      >I wasted 10 hours installing debian and ubuntu 1710 mini iso once
      ... How?

      • 2 years ago

        debian install is slow
        it kept fricking up the grub thing at the very end

  14. 2 years ago

    best distro,better arch and better gentwo and better debian

  15. 2 years ago

    i recall it has yast2 or something like that, it's pretty good, but not worth installing it

    better than ubuntu only because it doesn't force its sluggish proprietary software distribution everywhere


    shit used only by autists and elitists. so, shit used only by autists
    just use debian sid without choosing any de on install, better experience if you need to customize it

    the best distro, its only flaw is systemd

    good for newbies

    gets worse with every release, latest release made ubuntu fan i know irl switch for whatever reason

    don't see a reason for sane person to use it

  16. 2 years ago

    >anything linux
    not worth using on the desktop

  17. 2 years ago

    >Linux Mint
    Best justwerks distros
    Kino, best distribution.
    Poorly maintained, not that minimalist anyway
    It's fine for desktop and server, universal.
    No opinion
    Made obsolete by Mint and openSuse
    Kino, second best distribution.

  18. 2 years ago

    Good but bloated

    >Linux Mint
    Just use Ubuntu or Debian

    If you really need that useflag 0.01% performance increase its useful otherwise dont bother

    If you like a DIY distro very good otherwise pick Tumbleweed if you still want a rolling release but dont want to do everything yourself

    Good if you have limited internet speeds or for your elderly family members if you install the packages for them

    Its users unironically believe themselves to be big brained while they are being used as free beta testers for RHEL

    Just works but snaps are cancer

    Never used it so i cant tell

  19. 2 years ago

    btfo'd the israelites so they can't be that bad
    a great distro for getting people away from windows, there is nothing wrong with that
    meme distro, made for autistic troons
    meme distro, made for pedophiles
    very stable but lacks a lot due to slow update cycles, it still just werks
    I like it, people like to think that anything RHEL = le bad but fedora also just werks, I take more issue with the reddit name than I do how it performs
    It's good enough. I still use it. I don't see why it gets such a bad reputation.
    Gentoo + Arch in terms of mental illness

  20. 2 years ago

    Never tried it.
    >green nazi
    Killed itself after two years.
    Never tried it.
    Perfect for me. I barely exist.
    For boomers. Never tried it.
    Never tried it. Clown name and facebook logo lol
    Slow, worse than mint (how?)
    Never tried it.

  21. 2 years ago

    Classify the distros in terms of
    >Reliability and stability
    >Justworks VS RTFM

  22. 2 years ago

    Debian and Arch are based. The rest are just meme distros for Black folk

  23. 2 years ago

    The free version of commercial SUSE and is almost as good as the commercial version, just releases are less mature, not so well-tested, and its users receive less support from the company.
    Not as bloated as Ubuntu but still useful. Derived from Ubuntu IIRC. I have never used it.
    Should never be used on a Desktop. Only suitable for a few niche cases where performance is very important. The most annoying thing about it is that the package manager downloads only source code and packages have to be compiled on the user's computer. Such a waste of time and energy!
    The most useless meme distro on this list. Good for (almost) nothing. Wannabe h4x0r5 and some NEETS love it because it gives the opportunity to feel special without investing time in learning fundamentals and without wasting time compiling packages from source code on Gentoo or LFS. These wannabes give high ratings for Arch distro and very low ratings for distros that are useful and actually used in the industry. As a result, after checking reviews and ratings, I fell for it and I wasted 5 years of my life with it. It is good enough to browse IQfy and watch anime. To be fair, it still has a use case but it is very niche: Arch is good for a very few OSS developers who need to test the latest and immature versions of various packages.
    Many distros including Ubuntu are based on it so it. It should be good.
    It is used by Linux Torvalds. It is great for Linux kernel development and useful in general.
    It is the best GNU/Linux distro for the desktop because it has LTS releases, and it is very popular. So most OSS and proprietary software developers test their GNU/Linux software on this distro. A popular choice in the industry. I have to use it on my work laptop. Default DE sucks (GNOME) but KDE can be used instead.
    Afaik, very mature and more secure distro which can also be used on quite old PCs. Better to avoid it since it is not popular.

  24. 2 years ago

    Waste of time

  25. 2 years ago

    All the cool kids use ghostbsd

  26. 2 years ago

    german fedora
    ubuntu for baby ducks coming from Windows
    useful to optimize for certain use-cases, none of which apply to the average IQfy poster.
    tinker distro
    extreme stability is the selling point, tinkerers will tell you to use sid even though it's less stable than other rolling release distros for no gain
    red hat but less stable with experimental features.
    debian, but not old as frick while keeping decent stability guarantees. kind of like fedora to red hat, but more stable. canonical wants to ruin it though.
    boomerware used by autists.

    keep in mind, stability doesn't mean "likelihood to crash," it means the lifetime and support of packages.

  27. 2 years ago

    Most forgettable distro

    Ubuntu with less shitty but still shitty DE

    Has it's purpose, I'd never use it

    I only use it because pacman is really easy to use and understand.

    Add a repo for literally every individual package you need and each of their dependencies


    Debian for Indians and NPCs, has slightly less repo problems, but apt is still a shitty package manager.

    Only good for fun. My dad taught me a ton about Linux with Slack, but it's too tedious to install and update.

  28. 2 years ago

    The left has trannies
    The right has honest workers
    Coincidentally, this also reflects the political spectrum.

  29. 2 years ago

    no I don't think I will mister bot

  30. 2 years ago

    The fat kid who is kind of nice, but nobody hangs out.

    >Linux Mint
    The kid who looks smart but is really dumb.

    The kid they keep in a classroom you've never seen. You seem him occasionally during fire drills.

    The kid with a leather trench coat and that 2000's Linkin Park spiked haircut.

    That 5/10 bawd everyone makes fun of, but secretly wants to frick.

    The clean-cut military kid who always talks about joining the military, but never does.

    The rich cheerleader. She dates Chad and her dad is a prominent member of the community. Everyone hates her but secretly wants to be her.

    That old man who teaches algebra to an empty classroom.

  31. 2 years ago
    OP being a faggot again

    >Shit thread
    >All meme responses

    Here's a real summary:
    Just works. Enterprise. Used to be GKH's choice. Zypper
    Just works. Popular Ubuntu downstream, for good reason, given that Ubuntu fricking sucks now. APT.
    If it moves, compile it. Emerge.
    Just works. Dead simple. Used by GKH. Pacman.
    Timely messages on unrelated topics. On a server somewhere. APT.
    Enterprise. Linus' pick. DNF.
    Avoid newer releases, for your own sake. APT.
    Oldie distro. pkgtool.

    And, obviously, these can be point or rolling depending on distro/distro version. Do your own homework and stop shitting up the board.

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