Tell me why you still use Firefox aka Bloatfox aka Crashfox aka Outdatedfox.

Tell me why you still use Firefox aka Bloatfox aka Crashfox aka Outdatedfox.

I will dissolve whatever baby duck syndrome attachment you have to that shit Mozilla browser and I will convert you into a Chromium user. In time, IQfy will be 100% Chromium users. Mark my words.

Go ahead. Give me your pitiful excuses.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 years ago

    Can you personally fix my graphics card drivers so that 60fps videos don't lag or stutter on Chrome?

  2. 2 years ago

    Is not good that chrome have a browser monopoly

    • 2 years ago

      Firefox is a fake competitor dummy

      Can you personally fix my graphics card drivers so that 60fps videos don't lag or stutter on Chrome?

      Impossible, my friend has a dual core and i have a shitty i7 and vivaldi, edge, brave work great.

      firefox uses Z-culling similar to a modern game engine, chromium doesn't. this reduces memory bandwidth usage and increases gfx performance. the shit bloated skia renderer that chrome uses is not capable

      >muh bloat and website performance
      Do you use an athlon or a quad core dude or do you just fricked your computer?
      My laptop can sustain dow2 in ultra (also low quality wow before leaving) with music, 100+ tabs, pdf, excel and it runs ok

      Clean your pcs because you are doing something wrong

      • 2 years ago

        I have a gayming laptop (i5, quad core, 16gb ram, SSD, nvidia gpu).

        I've tried everything I can think of. Updating windows, drivers, browsers, reinstalling windows, scanning for malware, etc.

        Still, firefox is much smoother than chromium browsers on my machine.

        • 2 years ago

          uBo works best with it. Also, good tree style tabs, ricing and various other little things.

          Can you personally fix my graphics card drivers so that 60fps videos don't lag or stutter on Chrome?

          Just use mpv if that's the only thing holding you back.

    • 2 years ago

      Then people need to stop using Firefox and support a real competitor.

      • 2 years ago

        Thats the thing
        Starting a web browser from scratch is almost impossible
        Wish terry would have spent his time doing tgat instead of temple os tbh

        • 2 years ago

          Imagine HolyScript.

      • 2 years ago

        what competition?

        >inb4 brave
        fricking chrome reskin

        • 2 years ago

          Start one. Stop using Firefox as a crutch.

      • 2 years ago

        firefox is a real competitor sir google pajeet

  3. 2 years ago

    Phone extensions.

  4. 2 years ago

    firefox uses Z-culling similar to a modern game engine, chromium doesn't. this reduces memory bandwidth usage and increases gfx performance. the shit bloated skia renderer that chrome uses is not capable

  5. 2 years ago

    Ublock on mobile.
    End of thread.

    • 2 years ago

      >what is a built-in adblocker

      >3 posts

      • 2 years ago

        >I only did 3 reposts that's totally fine!

      • 2 years ago

        You tell me, what is a built in AdBlocker?

        • 2 years ago

          An adblocker directly implemented in the browser

          • 2 years ago

            which chrome definitely does have, right?
            frick outta here chromelet. you VILL vatch the ads. you VILL consume product. and ze best of all? you VILL be happy

      • 2 years ago

        >what is a built-in adblocker
        A carnival of moronation without even a basic element picker.

  6. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      top kek

  7. 2 years ago

    vivaldi is too clunky
    If they streamlined their browser I'd use that instead.
    But yeah browser clocks and color palettes teehee

  8. 2 years ago

    i use it because chrome = google and it tries to get me to "sync" everything. chrome has so many settings that i have to disable when i install it but firefox mostly has few that need to be disabled. lastly i really like firefox's name and logo.

    • 2 years ago

      Brave, Vivaldi, and Bromite don't require a israelitegle account

    • 2 years ago

      yeah google be like that. It is known as botnet for a reason

  9. 2 years ago

    Time to make the change to Opera GX

    • 2 years ago

      >windows and shitty mac but no linux
      ISHYGDDT go get on Vivaldi and feel good instead of using trash.

      • 2 years ago

        Was playing around with linux distros and going to use Opera GX and found that didn't support it
        I was taken a back at how fricking stupid that is

  10. 2 years ago

    >needs to disable hardware acceleration to see sharp images
    great browser you got there, if you don't believe me test it on IQfy catalog mode with enabled and disabled hardware acceleration.

  11. 2 years ago

    The fact you can unfrick Firefox and get under the hood is why I've stuck with it. Stupid UI choices and shitty operations team aside I've gotten use to it.

  12. 2 years ago

    Firefox is garbage and almost nobody uses it. Thank Godgle for making Chrome, the best browser in the world

  13. 2 years ago

    I need to log into more than one Microsoft Office account at once and Chrome doesn't have containers.

  14. 2 years ago

    >fricking chrome reskin

  15. 2 years ago

    troonyfox is great on mobile because it lets me avoid using the shitty yt app. it's also comfy and just werks.

  16. 2 years ago

    but, why?

  17. 2 years ago

    the size of the tabs and the text within them in chromium is too small for me, and any change in the settings doesnt apply to the tabs, so i use firefox.
    i will concede that its slower than other browsers, crashes quite frequently, doesnt support all my crypto wallets, and sometimes just doesnt do what i tell it(had to click this thread twice, even though it appeared to be loading after the first click).

  18. 2 years ago

    There is not much of an alternative to Firefox. When people make a non-google browser with a non-google rendering engine that has decent extension support then that will be an option, but right now and for a long while there haven't really been many.

  19. 2 years ago

    - has the extensions i want that chrome doesn't have an equivalent for
    - will continue allowing for adblocking after manifest v3
    - isn't israelitegle
    - isn't contributing to the dominance of a single web rendering engine that lead us to a new era of ie6-tier issues
    by continuing to post in this thread you hereby agree with the opinion that chromium-based browsers are inferior trash that are just a modern-day ie6 all over again.
    by responding to this comment you hereby publicly attest that you are a homosexual that enjoys using chromium-based browsers to download your deviant pornography and message other homosexual top males in a constant, desperate, yet futile attempt to feel some human contact on your wiener.

    • 2 years ago

      >- has the extensions i want that chrome doesn't have an equivalent for
      Like what?
      >- will continue allowing for adblocking after manifest v3
      Like Brave, Vivaldi, Bromite, Opera, and all browsers with built-in adblocking
      >- isn't israelitegle
      Funded by israelitegle
      >- isn't contributing to the dominance of a single web rendering engine that lead us to a new era of ie6-tier issues
      Just remove their botnet features and push back against them at W3C, israelitegle can't claim any consensus

      • 2 years ago

        thank you for confirming that you despise chromium-based browsers and are a desperate, lonely, horny homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        Crypto scam.
        My desktop is not a phone. Mobile Firefox works fine anyway, albeit it used to be horrible.
        I don't use non-free browsers.
        >browsers with built-in adblocking
        Garbage, every time.
        >Funded by israelitegle
        Not my problem.
        >Jewgle can't claim any consensus
        Yes, they can.

        • 2 years ago

          >Crypto scam.
          Source: trust me bro

          >My desktop is not a phone. Mobile Firefox works fine anyway, albeit it used to be horrible.
          Still support adblocking

          >I don't use non-free browsers.
          Still support adblocking
          with built-in adblocking
          >Garbage, every time.
          Works on my machine
          by israelitegle
          >Not my problem.
          Enjoy your botnet as a service
          can't claim any consensus
          >Yes, they can.
          Source: trust me bro

          • 2 years ago

            >Source: trust me bro
            >Source: trust me bro
            ah i love seeing this
            sorry, you are not important enough to justify acquiring sources or making meaningful attempts to convince, nor are you important enough to influence my correctly-made decisions in any way.
            i'll keep doing what i think is right and there's literally nothing you can do to stop me, because you're an impotent, anonymous nothing.

          • 2 years ago

            >firefox pajeet can't provide any source

          • 2 years ago

            >wahh i matter pay attention to me pay attention to me!!
            >if you don't pay attention to me i get the bad feefees!!!

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            this ain't a courtroom homosexual, i'm not a lawyer and you ain't a judge. you're just wrong, and you don't matter. i have zero duty to you. if it looked like you were about to get run over by a truck, i'd do nothing.

          • 2 years ago


            *You* started this thread claiming to be able to convince *us* to chromium. *We* never claimed any interest in convincing *you* of anything. You can't put out burden of proof on us now, you already voluntarily assumed it all.
            Traditional burden of proof presumes an equal-footing debate where each party seeks to convince the other. This is a one-sided debate where (You) seek to convince us, who have no objective. The burden of proof necessarily falls to you because you are the only party with anything to prove.

          • 2 years ago

            >there's 1 anon on IQfy

            this ain't a courtroom homosexual, i'm not a lawyer and you ain't a judge. you're just wrong, and you don't matter. i have zero duty to you. if it looked like you were about to get run over by a truck, i'd do nothing.

            >you're wrong b-b-because you just are okay?

          • 2 years ago

            's 1 anon on IQfy
            this but unironically
            stop talking to yourself (me) schizo

          • 2 years ago

            definitely only 1 loser trying this hard to convince people that chromium is worth it.
            and yeah, you're wrong. and it is because you just are. i can say that, and it can be correct, and you can't change my mind on that matter because i don't value you at all.

      • 2 years ago

        >Like what?
        Tree Style Tab

    • 2 years ago

      Also has a functional about:config, the chrome flags are pathetic, plenty of them are "experiments" and disappear at any time.

  20. 2 years ago

    >chrome user
    >baby duck syndrome
    this board is dead

  21. 2 years ago

    It just werks

  22. 2 years ago

    autoconfig, userChrome.css

  23. 2 years ago

    Because shills like you are making anti-Firefox threads daily.

  24. 2 years ago

    I don't need to make the same thread every day to tell you why I still use troonyfox.

  25. 2 years ago

    less botnet than google

  26. 2 years ago

    >i will convince you!
    >i will convince you by unprovable anecdote only.
    >n-n-no stop talking
    >p-p-please supply legally v-v-valid sources from expert testimony t-t-to any counterclaims!!!

  27. 2 years ago


  28. 2 years ago

    >fully functional adblocker
    >resistFingerprinting lets you not expose stuff like installed fonts and connected audio/video devices
    >E2EE sync
    >isn't laggy as frick on my Intel GNU/Linux laptop unlike all Chromium derivatives
    >container tabs
    >somewhat customizable UI (userChrome)
    If I could get even the majority of these on a browser that also did something else better, I'd switch. Firefox is just the least worst current web browser.

    • 2 years ago

      functional adblocker
      Not unique
      lets you not expose stuff like installed fonts and connected audio/video devices
      Brave and Safari have fingeprinting protections
      >>E2EE sync
      Not unique, even Opera has E2EE sync
      >>isn't laggy as frick on my Intel GNU/Linux laptop unlike all Chromium derivatives
      *Your 10 years old laptop
      customizable UI (userChrome)

      • 2 years ago




        customizable UI (userChrome)
        no counterpoints to these two i see, cool.
        so there IS something useful that chromium trash obviously can't do.

        • 2 years ago

          troonyfox is getting rid of userChrome, they already put it in the legacy/unsupported mode which means the end is near.

        • 2 years ago



          Gimmick, you can use profiles


          customizable UI (userChrome)
          Why yo want to customize a good looking UI?

          • 2 years ago

            >Gimmick, you can use profiles
            Extremely clunky and you have to keep replicating all configuration between browsers. You also can't just click on a link and have it automatically open in its container. Alternatively, first-party isolation could be an option as well, which AFAIK only Firefox has.
            >Why yo want to customize a good looking UI?
            >good looking
            Nice bait.

          • 2 years ago

            >Extremely clunky and you have to keep replicating all configuration between browsers. You also can't just click on a link and have it automatically open in its container. Alternatively, first-party isolation could be an option as well, which AFAIK only Firefox has.
            Brave and Safari have state partitioning

            >Brave. Bromite
            Inferior to uBlock, but better than nothing. It's important to be able to define your own rules to unshit some websites.
            >Vivaldi, Opera
            Proprietary spyware.
            >that works for 99% of users
            Non-argument. You are trying to convince me, not the average phone user who has never touched a PC keyboard.
            >Still has fingerprinting protections
            And how is this relevant to my browser choice if I literally cannot use it?
            >It does
            Such as?
            >Then you have a shitty laptop
            Non-argument. This is the laptop I have and Firefox is now very smooth while Chromium lags like hell.

            Most of what you have said is completely tangential to convincing me to switch to Chromium or anything else. A browser doing one thing better and everything else worse isn't an improvement.
            Don't misunderstand me, I'd love nothing more than to have an actually good web browser. Firefox is simply the best complete package remaining.

            >Inferior to uBlock, but better than nothing. It's important to be able to define your own rules to unshit some websites.
            are you moronic?
            >Proprietary spyware.
            Vivaldi isn't spyware
            >Such as?
            >Non-argument. You are trying to convince me, not the average phone user who has never touched a PC keyboard.
            Which uBO features do you need?
            >Non-argument. This is the laptop I have and Firefox is now very smooth while Chromium lags like hell.
            And when was the last time you used Chromium?

          • 2 years ago

            Significantly inferior to privacy.firstparty.isolate. Is not relevant to container tabs being used for multiple different logins into the same website.
            >are you moronic?
            It seems you are, since you're unable to form coherent responses.
            >Vivaldi isn't spyware
            Ok buddy.
            Nice example you got there. Check the LibreWolf column to see what Firefox with proper config does.
            >Which uBO features do you need?
            - network request and dynamic page content blocking
            - user-defined content blocking rules (e.g. removing floating banners from pages)
            - interactive and simple way to whitelist/blacklist parts of the current page for its scope (also see uMatrix)
            There are some other things, but they're minor compared to these three.
            >And when was the last time you used Chromium?
            I've just launched it (Version 102.0.5005.115 (Official Build) Arch Linux (64-bit)) and opened this thread without any userscripts. Pixel scrolling with the touchpad is significantly more jittery than on Firefox and I can see unloaded (white) parts of the page scroll in before they render, unlike in Firefox. I'm not going to do a more comprehensive test right now, but I remember it being way slower when loading multiple pages or complex websites as well.

            Another feature I just got reminded of are tree style tabs. Few browsers support that despite of how great it is to organize hundreds of tabs you have open at once (speaking of Chromium, it becomes unusable with many tabs because they get reduced to tiny favicon-only notches). Firefox has at least 2 fully featured addons. Similar issue with Vim-style keybinds (Tridactyl is far beyond what any Chromium addon does).

          • 2 years ago

            >Significantly inferior to privacy.firstparty.isolate.
            Source: trust me bro
            >It seems you are, since you're unable to form coherent responses.
            Doesn't refute my counter-argument
            >Ok buddy.
            Doesn't refute my counter-argument
            >Nice example you got there. Check the LibreWolf column to see what Firefox with proper config does.
            ~~*Proper config*~~ that make you stand out from the crowd
            >- network request and dynamic page content blocking
            Pretty decent, agreed
            - user-defined content blocking rules (e.g. removing floating banners from pages)
            That's called custom filters and cosmetic filtering
            - interactive and simple way to whitelist/blacklist parts of the current page for its scope (also see uMatrix)
            You can use uMatrix in Chromium
            >I've just launched it (Version 102.0.5005.115 (Official Build) Arch Linux (64-bit)) and opened this thread without any userscripts. Pixel scrolling with the touchpad is significantly more jittery than on Firefox and I can see unloaded (white) parts of the page scroll in before they render, unlike in Firefox. I'm not going to do a more comprehensive test right now, but I remember it being way slower when loading multiple pages or complex websites as well.
            Works on my machine
            <Another feature I just got reminded of are tree style tabs. Few browsers support that despite of how great it is to organize hundreds of tabs you have open at once (speaking of Chromium, it becomes unusable with many tabs because they get reduced to tiny favicon-only notches). Firefox has at least 2 fully featured addons. Similar issue with Vim-style keybinds (Tridactyl is far beyond what any Chromium addon does).
            Vivaldi and Edge have vertical tabs

          • 2 years ago

            >Source: trust me bro
            Ah yes, because just deleting data after some time is better than never letting it propagate in the first place.
            >Doesn't refute my counter-argument
            No such thing to refute in the first place.
            >You can use uMatrix in Chromium
            Not for long. Both it and uBlock are out once Manifest V2 is no longer available. Also, Firefox does it better, so at best, this would be feature parity, not a reason to switch.
            >Works on my machine
            Ok buddy.
            >Vivaldi and Edge have vertical tabs
            Vertical is not the same as tree tabs, since it's just a layout, not a way to organize and group them. Also, they lack many other features and contain anti-features.

          • 2 years ago

            : trust me bro
            >Ah yes, because just deleting data after some time is better than never letting it propagate in the first place.
            Which is what Safari and Brave do
            >>You can use uMatrix in Chromium
            >Not for long. Both it and uBlock are out once Manifest V2 is no longer available.
            Brave will keep Manifest v2 support
            and Edge have vertical tabs
            >Vertical is not the same as tree tabs, since it's just a layout, not a way to organize and group them
            It's the same shit
            >>Also, they lack many other features and contain anti-features.
            Source: trust me goy

          • 2 years ago

            And how does any single of these browsers do better than Firefox on average?
            You could find one browser that surpasses Firefox in a specific feature for every feature Firefox has and yet they'd all suck if they were worse in most other features. So far, basically all the features you've listed were, at best, roughly equivalent to Firefox, without any real reason why anyone would actually switch away from it.

          • 2 years ago

            >So far, basically all the features you've listed were, at best, roughly equivalent to Firefox, without any real reason why anyone would actually switch away from it.
            Native vertical tabs and tab grouping aren't available on Firefox, cuck

          • 2 years ago

            not equivalent. does not replicate the functionality. try again.
            >good looking UI
            if you think any of those UIs look good, the probability is 50/50 you're either a worthless disingenuous troll of no value or a globohomosexual buttsniffer who wants to lick elon musk's butthole

          • 2 years ago

            >Why yo want to customize a good looking UI?
            You're a troll, I get it. But it always unironically does boil down to this.
            >"Why won't you just fall in line and be an npc like me?"
            >"Why do you need to do anything different?"
            >"Stop it, it makes me insecure to see you do different things, it reminds me that I have no genuine opinions or interests."
            >"Your choosing not to suffer through the same trash I suffer through is akin to assault."
            Gnome, Wayland, Chrome, Apple, BMW - all these projects and brands have produced insufferable homosexuals that want to smooth out and normalize everything and who get offended at the thought of something else existing.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not unique
        Not unique, but mandatory. Chromium is about to lose its and many FOSS variants, such as Falkon and Qutebrowser, only support rudimentary ad blocking.
        >Brave and Safari have fingeprinting protections
        Safari is a no-go since it's locked to its system. Brave could be a consideration, but it doesn't seem to actually do anything *better* than Firefox. I haven't checked how well this works, but I'm willing to take even a partial implementation over the default Chromium might-as-well-send-unique-IDs.
        >Not unique, even Opera has E2EE sync
        Opera is effectively malware. Please don't bother suggesting proprietary browsers where you can't disable the spyware features.
        >*Your 10 years old laptop
        2019 high end laptop. Alas, 4k screen means that most poorly accelerated stuff lags. Even Firefox did before WebRender+EGL.

        I've yet to hear about how any single other browser actually surpasses Firefox.

        • 2 years ago

          >Not unique, but mandatory. Chromium is about to lose its and many FOSS variants
          Brave. Vivaldi, Opera, Bromite and a bunch of others have built-in content blocking that works for 99% of users

          >such as Falkon and Qutebrowser, only support rudimentary ad blocking.
          Meme browsers are trash, yes
          >Safari is a no-go since it's locked to its system.
          Still has fingerprinting protections

          >Brave could be a consideration, but it doesn't seem to actually do anything *better* than Firefox
          It does
          >Opera is effectively malware. Please don't bother suggesting proprietary browsers where you can't disable the spyware features.
          It was an example, not an endorsement
          >2019 high end laptop. Alas, 4k screen means that most poorly accelerated stuff lags. Even Firefox did before WebRender+EGL.
          Then you have a shitty laptop

          Because nobody else has actual sidebars. STILL. It's fricking insane. No I don't want a window-in-a-window. No I don't want a menu. I want a fricking distinct sidebar with sidebar features.

          I'll switch when everyone else gets off their ass and quits pushing minor graphical updates every 6 days.

          • 2 years ago

            >Brave. Bromite
            Inferior to uBlock, but better than nothing. It's important to be able to define your own rules to unshit some websites.
            >Vivaldi, Opera
            Proprietary spyware.
            >that works for 99% of users
            Non-argument. You are trying to convince me, not the average phone user who has never touched a PC keyboard.
            >Still has fingerprinting protections
            And how is this relevant to my browser choice if I literally cannot use it?
            >It does
            Such as?
            >Then you have a shitty laptop
            Non-argument. This is the laptop I have and Firefox is now very smooth while Chromium lags like hell.

            Most of what you have said is completely tangential to convincing me to switch to Chromium or anything else. A browser doing one thing better and everything else worse isn't an improvement.
            Don't misunderstand me, I'd love nothing more than to have an actually good web browser. Firefox is simply the best complete package remaining.

  29. 2 years ago

    container tabs

  30. 2 years ago

    i use firefox and have not seen an advertisement since 2015

    • 2 years ago

      Don't forget to buy a refreshing New Coke™ today!

  31. 2 years ago

    Because nobody else has actual sidebars. STILL. It's fricking insane. No I don't want a window-in-a-window. No I don't want a menu. I want a fricking distinct sidebar with sidebar features.

    I'll switch when everyone else gets off their ass and quits pushing minor graphical updates every 6 days.

  32. 2 years ago

    noscript is a mandatory tool for a browser
    I dont know how anyone keeps a computer running smoothly without it
    you can turn everything off manually, but thats a huge irritation

  33. 2 years ago

    I like it, it works well for what I use it for

  34. 2 years ago

    it has noscript and adblock plus.

    cope and fricking seethe b***h

    • 2 years ago

      Redundant with uBO

  35. 2 years ago


    I dropped it at wokefox and moved on to Edge. Never looked back since.

  36. 2 years ago

    I prefer the user experience that Firefox provides.
    I use Firefox as my personal browser, and Chrome as a work browser.
    I'm aware of Firefox's weaknesses, but they aren't significant enough for me to abandon the UX/UI I enjoy.

  37. 2 years ago

    Chrome sux
    Librewolf doesn't
    simple as

  38. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Hahaha look at this homosexual chud embarrassing himself lmfao

  39. 2 years ago

    >Tell me why you still use Firefox
    i don't

  40. 2 years ago

    i use brave, firefox is troony malware and mozilla is basically all severely mentally ill homosexual troonys at this point and i think troonys should all commit suicide and all homosexuals should be put into camps so i use brave

  41. 2 years ago

    There is a fork of FF called FloorP by a Japanese group called Ablaze.

    • 2 years ago

      FF forks are shit and can never keep up with the current updates.

      • 2 years ago

        that's true. however, I'm not too worried as I'm just using it for youtube.

        • 2 years ago

          >I'm not too worried as I'm just using it for youtube.
          That made me chuckle

  42. 2 years ago

    Because I'm MtF and Mozilla supports my cause.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean those discord teens aren't going to corrupt themselves.

      • 2 years ago

        Shut the frick up bigot, Mozilla cares about us.
        Bravechuds are nazis.

  43. 2 years ago

    give me browser suggestions then if firefox is so bad

    • 2 years ago

  44. 2 years ago
  45. 2 years ago

    Video Rendering has artifacts when using overlays (player GUI) in YT in Chrome / every fork / WebKit

    Firefox does not have this problem

  46. 2 years ago

    stop replying to this post, it's obviously bait. y'all are eating the bait and being happy about it.

  47. 2 years ago

    thanks, but i'll stick to firefox.
    >better adblocking - better performance
    >better site isolation - better privacy

  48. 2 years ago

    Works on my machine

  49. 2 years ago

    Upcoming VA-API support. What's so pitiful about it?

  50. 2 years ago

    >Tell me why you still use Firefox
    troonware > 'jeetware

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