>tfw 93 iq

>tfw 93 iq
How do I get into philosophy?

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  1. 9 months ago

    What’s being stupid like? Like is it just a lack of processing power or what?

    • 9 months ago

      My half-sister is extremely dumb like failing the GED test 7 times dumb and she once told me she was sad that she was dumb and she wished she could read books like the rest of the family.. Most depressing thing I ever heard. To know you're dumb but you can't do anything about it.

      • 9 months ago

        Ok but what specifically is the issue that she struggles with?

        • 9 months ago

          I don't know she just can't put things together. Like even if you show her and explain it.. it just doesn't click.

          • 9 months ago

            Op says he’s dumb, maybe he can enlighten us

          • 9 months ago

            He doesn’t know. He’s just dumb.

      • 9 months ago

        What's her name? I want a moron gf.

        • 9 months ago

          She is the worst person in the world. Manipulative. Evil on the inside but nice on the outside. She has like 7 men who are in a trance for her. Willing to breakup marriages and she just cycles through all of them every few weeks getting gifts and money and dinners and then ghosting them until she returns. She antagonizes her childrens father by bringing up the fact she cheats to make him angry and got him sent to jail twice now and she does it just for fun and gets back with him. You don't want anything to do with her... nice big breasts though I always thought maybe that's where the trance comes from..

          • 9 months ago

            Kek this b***h just needs to find her thing and she’ll probably make more money than any of you. I’m serious. I’ve known girls exactly like this. She needs to get into business, maybe become a real estate agent. Of course it still takes some work but people like that excel in social situations, they unironically don’t need formal schooling nor do they do well in it. Getting her GED will probably still be required however.

          • 9 months ago

            creepy. she literally just got accepted to her real estate license last week

          • 9 months ago
            Jon Kolner

            That is certainly the perfect job for a moron who failed her GED 7 times.

          • 9 months ago

            Show us her breasts and let us decide from there, anon.

      • 9 months ago

        every smart person i met in my life was fricking miserable

        • 9 months ago

          I'm smart and I've never met a happier person than myself. I think it's just genetics and brain chemicals. My life is so bad that my only online friend said he would off himself if he had my life yet I'm still just happy all the time.

          • 9 months ago

            QRD on your life?

          • 9 months ago

            Thinking about it now it's actually not that bad. Could be way worse. Like have cancer or some disease or be in a war. I'm 24 years old. Home schooled since I was 10 years old. Haven't really left the house since I was 10. Never had a single friend. Never really talked to any humans for the past 14 years. My entire life has been entirely spent indoors on video games and random hobbies. Nothing else. I have severe ADHD and it makes it hard for me to do things like leave the house or really anything even though I want to so everyday of the past 14 years has consisted of me trying to go outside and failing. Failing every day for 14 years. My future is not looking any better and I have a feeling I'm going to be 30 and in the same place.

          • 9 months ago

            That's just tragic. You have serious problems in your life that you need to acknowledge, maybe undiagnosed autism, and should seek out help so you can develop as a person. Unironically find a good therapist.

          • 9 months ago

            It's not autism. It's literally just severe ADHD. I can't do basic tasks like checking my bank account or chores. Like it took me 5 months to check my through my bank statements even though it's on my to do list and I try everything in my power to force myself to do these basic tasks every single day including right now. I've thought about therapy but I've already read everything on the subject. They can't tell me anything I don't already know. I already know all about CBT, dopamine, medications. Every day I just try to think of new methods that might one day stick. I could list 40 methods I've tried. None really work. I don't want to get on medication because I'm scared it will mess with the brain chemicals that keep me happy.

          • 9 months ago

            Post your natal chart on /x/. Frick meds, that’s shits awful.

          • 9 months ago

            hello adhder gay, meds are awful but they're the only thing that can truly help. just be careful with the type and dosage.

          • 9 months ago

            Needing to rely on amphetamines to fit into this modern world says more about the world than the individuals in it. Stop shilling drugs.

          • 9 months ago

            Ok go ask the entirety of society to accommodate you instead, lets see how well that goes.

          • 9 months ago

            Enjoy your amphetamines, I don’t care. Don’t push drugs on people as an answer. I could say doing cocaine solves all my problems, maybe it does, it’s not a good suggestion to tell someone to get hooked on it. “Adhd” is a bullshit diagnoses for this modern society, you’ll make a million excuses though. Enjoy your addiction.

          • 9 months ago

            >It's literally just severe ADHD
            No. Your parents let you play video games and now you've just got low impulse control. It's not really hard to fix, but you won't fix yourself, you'd rather blame it on made up shit. I'll give you two hints: The point of *all* the medicine is to give you enough of a crutch to fix problem elements and establish good habits. That's when you are supposed to stop using them and get on with your life. The second hint is that the solution starts and ends with you making an active effort, it might be "hard" or even seem "impossible", but it's not, you're just not trying hard enough.
            t. accused ADHD haver that was experimented on who "does not have ADHD anymore"

          • 9 months ago

            You don't know what you're talking about. Someone who tried 40 different methods. Someone who tries every single day to fix their life is not someone "who isn't trying hard enough". You can't try harder than I have. You're just one of those morons who goes "just stop being depressed bro its that easy just be happy"

          • 9 months ago

            You always have a choice. Brave the shame and boredom of doing outdated chores.

            Also I said see a therapist because that just offers a person to interact with (since you're such a loner) and maybe guide you if they're good. It's not something you can get from theory.

    • 9 months ago

      I read the words but don't know what they mean together. I wanna read Guenon but I can't understand what the sentences mean

      • 9 months ago

        What did you read before reading philosophy?

      • 9 months ago
        Jon Kolner

        You should read the Quran or the religious texts of eastern religions which he wrote about because ultimately anything he said, can be simplified to something resembling either of those. Religion is a very watered down version of more complex systems.

        • 9 months ago

          >Religion is a very watered down version of more complex systems.
          Religion is founded on repetition and remembrance, and if true, revelation. Theology is self-consciously systematic, but it's largely worthless. Just like philosophy.

          • 9 months ago
            Jon Kolner

            Well he is asking how to get into philosophy which is like a more rigorous and empirical version of religion (or so it should be at least) so that is the best answer to give him. I love that Schopenhauer quote because it really is on point. The Bible is like if you had to pick key concepts from Plato or Schopie and explain them to an illiterate moron. There is much more to be understood but religious books in their dogmatism and rules, break down the ideas to a simpler format. The key points may be generalized but religion isn’t about the empirical method.

            Someone with 93 IQ may as well attempt to grasp metaphysical ideas of eternal being or of jurisprudence and morals. Explaining actual academic philosophy like OP is asking about to someone like that would be pic related.

          • 9 months ago

            Learn what words mean. Philosophy is not "a more empirical version" of religion. There's nothing empirical about most philosophy, and empiricism itself is a philosophical concept. You aren't very intelligent yourself.

            I can guarantee most people on this thread have an IQ between 90 and 100. I'm not trying to offend anyone, it's just an analysis based on my previous experiences related to IQ.

            I agree.

          • 9 months ago
            Jon Kolner

            I know you certainly didn’t ask and likely don’t care but this essay by Mr Robert Maynard Hutchins is a wonderful defense of philosophy and other fields of study which can not be verifiably tested using the scientific method.


            >Theology is self-consciously systematic, but it's largely worthless. Just like philosophy.

            It is what you get out of it as with all things.

    • 9 months ago

      Got a friend with an iq of 100, he's pretty chill just watches tv, does chores and eats

    • 9 months ago

      Look into current day thing using current day lingus. It’s not that they use different words, it’s all self referential.
      Stupid feels like reading a schizo post and taking it seriously but not being able to make sense of it. You read it again and again and again but it just doesn’t click. You can’t see the meaning or subject or purpose of it. But it’s you, it’s not that the thing you’re reading is deranged, you simply cannot comprehend or even just know this simple thing without factually remembering why it is, where right and truth always match 1:1. And even then you might still forget it. Watch a documentary on downies living by themselves/somewhat autonomously for an extreme example. Having a great memory, working and long time are also essential for intelligence. A lot normals can’t remember events in much detail or recall what x or y said a few months ago casually on this subject.
      Everyone forgets things and most „forgetting“ has often has a reason other than it simply slipping from your mind. But stupid people forget in a different capacity than normals and intelligent people. It actually slips their mind, not because they were doing something else difficult or tiresome or because they don’t see the need to remember, they just forget because remembering itself is tiresome to them.
      Try to remember something about a language you studied which you no longer speak until you reach a wall. Now, trying to go across that wall. What was that Greek word again… if you try hard enough you might remember, you might also not be able to. That’s what stupid people have to deal with all the time. Your curiosity would lead you to look up the answer afterwards, something so natural we would never question it. They don’t do that, too.

    • 9 months ago

      Why do Black folk act like 90-100 iq is like a brain damaged drooling moron. That's just a normal person at that range

      • 9 months ago

        Because normal people are brain damaged drooling morons.

    • 9 months ago

      no job, addiction, any job would be a bad job, no mastery, no gf, no moderation, necessary 10 minute walk, no car, covetousness, basically nothing good

      • 9 months ago

        Lads, I think I might be stupid.

    • 9 months ago

      They don’t know they’re stupid 98% of the time. So it mostly is the same. But they don’t ‘show their work’. They don’t know how or why things happen. Everything his simple and just is and immediately adjacent to their experience or it’s not really ‘real’ or worth the time.

      You have to imagine this is quite a blissful state of existence in so far as you can obtain income for a lower middle class life.

      These people of course penetrate far into positions of power and influence and do massive damage without realizing it. Because of course they don’t know they are stupid and can’t recognize when someone else is .

      • 9 months ago

        Imprinted theory?
        >t. schizo wordcel skullcel manlet

    • 9 months ago

      I'm stupid as frick. It's not that I can't process things but rather that I can't improvise or only very badly when things get outside my range of expectations. Give me some programming task and I'll return with something functional. Ask me to explain my whole code line by line out loud and I will seem like a moron because even though there is nothing wrong with it I didn't expect anyone to take interest i what I do.

      I do sometimes seem like a smart guy but people who aren't moronic quickly get I'm moronic after a few minutes of conversation. Fishes and trees, that kind of stuff.

      • 9 months ago

        no anon, you are autistic, moronic is a different problem

    • 9 months ago

      I work with a guy thats, by my personal oppinion, borderline moronic
      like id bet his IQ would score arround 100+ on a good day, maybe 90 if he dosent figure ot the questions in time
      We do roofing and construction and demolition and such
      Dude runs circles arround us, he gets the job done before we even figure out what tools to use, its like he thinks with his muscles or something like dude is strong as a horse and just gets to every point before others and just does the routine shit before the rest of us can even have a word about it
      All he knows is he ows the boss money cause he took it in advance to pay his rent and he has to get the job done, like every month they have this stupid deal
      And he just gets it done, i mean its like watching a orc pummel a piece of iron into shape but hes efficient at it
      Low IQ is not a problem, lack of life experience is a problem, anyone can swing a hammer, its the pure motoric skill that gets you to not miss the nail

      • 9 months ago

        Look into current day thing using current day lingus. It’s not that they use different words, it’s all self referential.
        Stupid feels like reading a schizo post and taking it seriously but not being able to make sense of it. You read it again and again and again but it just doesn’t click. You can’t see the meaning or subject or purpose of it. But it’s you, it’s not that the thing you’re reading is deranged, you simply cannot comprehend or even just know this simple thing without factually remembering why it is, where right and truth always match 1:1. And even then you might still forget it. Watch a documentary on downies living by themselves/somewhat autonomously for an extreme example. Having a great memory, working and long time are also essential for intelligence. A lot normals can’t remember events in much detail or recall what x or y said a few months ago casually on this subject.
        Everyone forgets things and most „forgetting“ has often has a reason other than it simply slipping from your mind. But stupid people forget in a different capacity than normals and intelligent people. It actually slips their mind, not because they were doing something else difficult or tiresome or because they don’t see the need to remember, they just forget because remembering itself is tiresome to them.
        Try to remember something about a language you studied which you no longer speak until you reach a wall. Now, trying to go across that wall. What was that Greek word again… if you try hard enough you might remember, you might also not be able to. That’s what stupid people have to deal with all the time. Your curiosity would lead you to look up the answer afterwards, something so natural we would never question it. They don’t do that, too.


  2. 9 months ago

    Not possible with an IQ like that. Sorry my man. You need at least 105 for even the simplest books.. you should get into something else like history

  3. 9 months ago

    secondary literature

  4. 9 months ago

    Marxism was made specifically for people like you. If anything you might be a little too smart.

    • 9 months ago


  5. 9 months ago
    Jon Kolner

    Read either the Bible or the God Delusion like everyone else of your ilk. Any more advanced metaphysical system can be widdled down to either of those. Schopenhauer was right to call the Bible the simplified version of absolute truth.

    • 9 months ago

      I really hope you’re underaged

      • 9 months ago
        Jon Kolner

        Anyone with an Iq of 93 is either going to be an atheist or an Abrahamic of some sort. It would be useless to recommend something like the Seventh Letter to someone like that. It would go entirely over his head.

        • 9 months ago

          I don’t think you get it

          • 9 months ago
            Jon Kolner

            Okay, what work would you suggest to the OP?

          • 9 months ago

            The point that you’re not getting is “why did I say I hope you’re underage?”Flex your high IQ and figure that out

          • 9 months ago
            Jon Kolner

            Because you are either an angry dogmatic Abrahamic or an atheist, both of which cower at advanced metaphysics. You have to boil everything down to “Mr sky daddy” or “le nothings real, Morty”

          • 9 months ago

            So are you underaged?

          • 9 months ago
            Jon Kolner

            What are you upset about? Take it up with Schopenhauer whom i quoted. The quote is from The Penguin collection of essays.

          • 9 months ago

            Don’t worry, that Christcuck is literally just seething. You are a based Schopenchad, keep it up

  6. 9 months ago

    Read Heraclitus and Plato.

  7. 9 months ago

    I mean, yes, let's be honest. IQ is a relative mesure of one's intelligence. But it is extremely relative. There is something called EQ, and there's all different kinds of intelligence as well.

    In addition, if you really pay attention to the train of thought of how IQ was developed, it was developed by an Ashkenazi israelite -- the highest rated IQ according to the scale he developed! What the frick!

    I am by no means pilled on israelites, but this is just bias. That's all it is.

    I deal with black women on the phone all day, they are smart as frick when it comes to verbal cues.

    The ONLY and I mean ONLY thing you need to do is to pay attention HOW to read constructively and you will read better than any of these uncultured fricks on IQfy. Read Adler's How to Read a Book. Saved my life.

    • 9 months ago

      >I deal with black women on the phone all day, they are smart as frick when it comes to verbal cues.

      • 9 months ago

        I mean, yes, let's be honest. IQ is a relative mesure of one's intelligence. But it is extremely relative. There is something called EQ, and there's all different kinds of intelligence as well.

        In addition, if you really pay attention to the train of thought of how IQ was developed, it was developed by an Ashkenazi israelite -- the highest rated IQ according to the scale he developed! What the frick!

        I am by no means pilled on israelites, but this is just bias. That's all it is.

        I deal with black women on the phone all day, they are smart as frick when it comes to verbal cues.

        The ONLY and I mean ONLY thing you need to do is to pay attention HOW to read constructively and you will read better than any of these uncultured fricks on IQfy. Read Adler's How to Read a Book. Saved my life.

        I meant to ask what’s your job. Are you customer support?

        • 9 months ago

          I am customer service, yes.

          Life is not fun for portions of the day.

    • 9 months ago

      >Stern, however, cautioned against the use of this formula as the sole way to categorize intelligence. He believed individual differences, such as intelligence, are very complex in nature and there is no easy way to qualitatively compare individuals to each other. Concepts such as feeble mindedness cannot be defined using a single intelligence test, as there are many factors that the test does not examine, such as volitional and emotional variables.

  8. 9 months ago

    start with Critique of Pure Reason

  9. 9 months ago

    IQ is a shibboleth amongst pseuds. Read whatever interests you

  10. 9 months ago

    I can guarantee most people on this thread have an IQ between 90 and 100. I'm not trying to offend anyone, it's just an analysis based on my previous experiences related to IQ.

    • 9 months ago

      Everyone on this board has an IQ of at least 120. Don’t you know?

      • 9 months ago

        I can guarantee most people on this thread have an IQ between 90 and 100. I'm not trying to offend anyone, it's just an analysis based on my previous experiences related to IQ.

        Got a friend with an iq of 100, he's pretty chill just watches tv, does chores and eats

        Can I get some observable differences between a 90-100 range and 115-120?
        In yourself or others signs that you're around a certain IQ without being tested
        I guess one marker is being in community college at 25 and not associating with anyone who's gone to a real school

        • 9 months ago

          I don’t think there is a sure fire way as things like motivation and verbal eloquence come into play. I’ve known so very bright people who were terrible at explaining. Their brain moved too fast for their mouth or something. Maybe I’m mistaken but isn’t there only one certified IQ organization? Online tests don’t count and they are mainly for flattery. You can also practice for them. Only thing that you can tell from someone going out of their way to take an IQ test is narcissism or an inferiority or superiority complex. Intelligence takes form in many concrete and abstract ways. It’s probably silly to put a number on it. If you are worried you aren’t smart, remember this: you can always work and practice to be more intelligent or knowledgeable

          • 9 months ago

            >you can always work to be more intelligent and knowledgeable

            IQ tests how quickly you learn and understand new things, logic, pattern recognition.

            OP has about the score of my step father who took the test where he read passages he'd never read before, small sequences of numbers or nonsense words which were related in a specific way, and unusual shapes.

            He scored below average, knew he'd scored below average, but he thought if he studied he could do better. I don't know what he possibly thought he could study for things like remembering what you just read five minutes ago. Maybe he could have done that thing where the babies put the shapes in the hole.

            That's their limit, with few exceptions. You're born with it and it just goes down slowly unless you speed up the process with drugs or alcohol.

            I've got a pretty high IQ and I'm not interested in discussing it with anyone who's not betting money (the quality of IQ is figuring things out faster, so if you think you can keep up we can do some 1 minute bullet Chess, put money on the line, keep up brainlet) so... I can say this about philosophy.

            It's about self-examination, self-reflection. It's not everything in the world, it doesn't make you smarter, it's just a stepping stone in reasoning skills.

            Superstition: knock on wood, cross your fingers, pray to a God you've never seen, it can't hurt to try
            Reasoning: you shall know it by its fruits, once bitten twice shy, more is better
            Philosophy which I'll get back to
            The Scientific Method: You make an assumption and then attempt to prove it through experimentation
            Peer Review: what our Universities and medical systems have used for hundreds of years, you publish your experiments and allow everyone to go though the same process to try to prove you wrong.

            Philosophy falls in the middle of those. You make an assumption and then make an assumption based on that with reasoning to test its truth. Like "You shall know it by its fruits" is a kind of reasoning, similar things have similar things about them. It's not always true. I'm smart and people here are going to say I don't know dick about Philosophy and they'll be right.

            There was an early philosopher who believed in the power of philosophy so much, that he could stay at home in his bath and get everything done by considering things that that's all he did while his contemporaries were founding math principles that are the basis of what we use today.

            It's best use is self-examination because there's no other tool for it. You can't cut open your brain and figure out why you do things.

            You want a great Philosopher to start with? George Carlin. Get on YouTube. Do that first and then it doesn't matter which philosopher you read, they're all doing the same thing. Philosophy. And being dead guys with white beards too I suppose.

          • 9 months ago

            decent bait
            points deducted for excessive energy expenditure

          • 9 months ago

            >I don't know what he possibly thought he could study for things like remembering what you just read five minutes ago.
            Actually it has indeed been shown that it is possible to practice for IQ tests, it's one of the major drawbacks of IQ testing as it is currently administered because in theory that is not supposed to happen.

          • 9 months ago

            i took an IQ test and it basically just kept telling me "you're close, but not quite"

        • 9 months ago
          Jon Kolner

          90 to 100 is pretty much the typical people you would know if you went to a public school. The randoms on the street who don’t read or care about anything not mass media or celebrity related. The actual real life Jon Kolner and his wife are the epitome of this IQ range and I mean that as inoffensively as possible. The person who probably hasn’t read a western canon book since they did a class project on Romeo and Juliet in 8tj grade. 115 to 120 (or “midwit” as called here) is slightly above average but not genius level. Most lawyers and doctors probably fall around here.

        • 9 months ago

          One of the themes that seems consistent with high iq people is that they just grasp concepts much quicker than the average person. They can learn things after seeing it just one time. But that’s on the higher end and I think it’s pretty much impossible to accurately guess someone’s iq like you’re describing.

      • 9 months ago

        Reminds me of when I used to think I was above average just because I used to score very high on internet tests. Then I did a real IQ test with a psychologist and my result was a disappointing 110. It made me depressed for days, I thought I was inferior to people, but overtime I realized that either those tests are bullshit or vast majority of people here are in the same IQ range as me and are posing as high IQ individuals. In any case, having an average IQ is enough to get into philosophy and into most things in life really.

        • 9 months ago

          Was the psychologist iq test like the internet ones with all the pattern recognition?

          • 9 months ago

            Part of it was, another part was verbal and another part was "general knowledge" where you have to associate combining images. In those purely pattern recognition internet tests I usually scored around 130, like the mensa.dk one.

          • 9 months ago
            Jon Kolner

            I took an actual in person IQ test and there is a pattern recognition part. There’s a part where she says words and you spell them, a part where she asks historical and humanities related questions and you have to answer who said what quote or wrote which book for instance, a part on science/ botany questions and a number calculation part I did horribly on which brought my entire test down quite a bit. There’s also a part where she has a picture book and you have to read the story to her like you are reading to a child.

        • 9 months ago

          What’s with internet folk being so hateful against just being average? Especially when most are below average in many ways that matter. Vindictive!
          If it makes you feel any better I have an IQ of 108.

      • 9 months ago

        I do, but I larp as a moron.

  11. 9 months ago

    You most likely have a processing disorder, like dyslexia. Before my diagnosis of ADHD and dysgraphia I was tested at a similar IQ level. After being diagnosed and on medication I tested at 138.

    Philosophy is a poor read. It is better discussed while drunk.

    • 9 months ago

      Hi sorry my IQ is 143.

      • 9 months ago

        no, it isn't

        • 9 months ago

          It is. Stay mad about it.

  12. 9 months ago

    The thing with all this IQ obsession and flexing is…why do you care if someone is smarter than you?

  13. 9 months ago

    I like what Simone Weil had to say about the value of concentration to accomplish things despite lower than perfect intelligence. Frick her otherwise tho.

  14. 9 months ago

    Why would you want to? What are you hoping to get out of it?

  15. 9 months ago

    My mother in law's intelligence has regressed significantly. It's good schadenfreude. She can't even navigate an airport and she's only about 50

  16. 9 months ago

    >I'm gonna post it!

  17. 9 months ago

    Given that no one in here understands that 90-100 is average(not moronic), and most people fall in that range, anon itt probably aren’t as smart as they think

    • 9 months ago

      Constraining yourself with the IQ system is stupid pseud shit.

  18. 9 months ago

    Ignore everyone else here. I'll tell you exactly the first step of how to get into philosophy. Open the door.

  19. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      sorry op i misread 193 iq, my mistake. Hegel might be more your speed

  20. 9 months ago

    First, open the cover

  21. 9 months ago

    Ayn Rand is appropriate for your intelligence level

  22. 9 months ago

    You'll want to get something with a pedigree, but not really unknown. Think "The World as Will and Representation" or "Being and Time". Next sit on the bus and turn to a random page. If someone looks in your direction, you'll want to mutter something along the lines of: "Some intreasting aphorisms, but it has yet to form into a cogent aesthetic".

  23. 9 months ago

    Just read, man. You're within normal range

  24. 9 months ago

    Which is more important, wisdom or IQ?

  25. 9 months ago

    >take that 25 minute Mensa test for fun
    >start off fine
    >realise I'm too slow
    >by the time I reach question 15 I don't have time to think as I'm less than halfway through and have about 15 minutes left
    >still try to think through them
    >waste more time
    >basically answer the last 15 or so by clicking randomly
    >barely make it
    >get 102
    I hate being stupid. As a kid I wasn't popular, I didn't have any talents, but at least I thought I was smart enough to do something with my life. In reality I'm too moronic to even take a test properly...

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