The Arab conquests are not seen as problematic outside of

The proof for this is to simply speak to anyone from one of the nations that was on the receiving end of the Arab conquests, and you will see they all affirm them as being good and right.

>Palestinian/Jordanian "We are Muslim. This is our religion and our identity. The Arab conquests were from Allah"
>Egyptian "Allah blessed us with Islam and the Arabic language. Mashallah"
>Algerian "Alhamdulillah for Islam. So proud to be born Muslim"
>Moroccan "You know why the Arab conquests were different from other conquests in history? because they were inspired by God"
>Syrian "We are one nation. One Muslim nation. May Allah be pleased with Umar and Abu Bakr"
>Sudanese "Allah have mercy on all those brought us the gift of Islam"
>Iraqi "We are Muslim, we were given the Gif of Islam. May Allah be pleased with the Rashiduns"

Kurds, Turks, Afghanis and Pakis are equally pleased and have no problem marrying their identity and cultures up with Islam.

The only one who will tell you any different is the seething Persian who is upset that his fire-worshipping empire was annihilated and Khosroo was sent to hell. Everyone else affirms the Arab Conquests as being divinely inspired and proudly calls themselves Arab and Muslim.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    >they all affirm them as being good and right
    only muslim countries because Islam is an Arabo-centic religion and all muslims secretly wish they were Arab.
    this is Stockholm syndrome

  2. 1 month ago

    Don't you have a goat to frick?

  3. 1 month ago

    >the people we conquered and forcibly converted's descendants are grateful that we conquered them because the religion they have followed for 1400 years says the conquerors were holy and spread the true religion
    wow, really? who could have guessed?

    • 1 month ago

      No one was forcibly converted that’s just western fanfic because they hate being the only immoral people

      • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        Looked into it more, looks like you're right, except for pagans and maybe some other cases. I apologize for the misconception. The point still stands though, the religion they follow and is engraved in their societies tells them the conquests were good.

        • 1 month ago

          It wasn’t bad that’s why the people are proud of it idiot they were connected to it unlike any conquest ever happened

      • 1 month ago

        People were not forcibly converted per se, but they were made to pay a special tax if they weren't Muslim, and forbidden from leaving Islam if they joined (apostasy being banned on pain of death) which had the effect that in mixed marriages it was always the non-Muslim spouse who converted to Islam and not vice versa.

        • 1 month ago


          No one was forcibly converted that’s just western fanfic because they hate being the only immoral people

          That's just a small part of it. The whole Dhimmi policy of Islam is specifically made to marginalize non-Muslims to the point that they were entirely subjugated to their Muslim overlords.

          Basically they forbade non-Muslims from owning weapons, they couldn't own and ride horses and were made effectively powerless in courts of law as Islamic courts were dominant over all others..

          Natural consequence is that over time non-Muslims could be enslaved, raped, murdered and overall exploited without consequence depending on the whims of whichever ruler is in charge. Basically it's nothing more than a subtle version of forcible conversion. Basically you either convert and have actual citizen rights or the Sultan and his friends could (and often would) rob you of your property, kidnap your daughters to serve in their harem and kidnap your sons to be brainwashed into his private army.

          Muslim Spain/Al-Andalus in particular has this whole process well-documented. The gradual process of tolerance -> establishment of Arab/Muslim military power -> cultural and religious suppression -> mass appropriation of wealth & expulsions of Christians -> forcible conversions and enslavement of those that refuse. The Almoravids/Almohads in particular deported vast numbers of Spanish Christians to the Maghreb as slaves.

          • 1 month ago

            I see a lot of Muslims in the US these days.

          • 1 month ago

            Historians often try to whitewash it because they’re evil, relativistic monsters. It’s still a horrific system even if it is a slightly better form of second class citizenship than what else extorted at the time doesn’t make it not horrific.
            In one it is far more horrific than the rest. Unlike those others systems , there is a large number of people who want to revive the type of slavery and domination, which makes it so much more horrifying than those crueler systems.

  4. 1 month ago

    doesnt that just prove that we are morally right to conquer them and enforce atheism and science? in a few generations they will praise us for removing the ignorance of the past.

  5. 1 month ago

    >another blatant flaming thread

    • 1 month ago

      >Kurds, Turks, Afghanis and Pakis
      Kurds, afghans, half of pakis, are iranic.

    • 1 month ago

      They're obsessed with shias/iran. They've been ramping it up over the past few weeks

      • 1 month ago

        It feels like social engineering in preparation for something big. I hate Arabs so goddamn much.

  6. 1 month ago

    Sounds like npcs in a rather uninspired rpg

  7. 1 month ago


    if literally nobody is left to remember their father then nobody will talk about their father
    arabs also castrated their Black folk for this same reason, that's why every book was burnt and sculptures destroyed so the memory is gone
    all those countries used to have 20% christians and what not and now they all got massacred

    • 1 month ago

      "Allah have mercy on all those brought us the gift of Islam"
      Yes they say this because Arab hordes took over the country destroyed native traditions enslaved or slaughtered anyone that slightly resisted then mass converted everyone to not only Islamism (no syncretization or even an ounce of practice of pre-Arab/pre-Islam Nubian culture allowed) but also forced them at knifepoint to adopt Arabism that permeates in the minds of millions of Sudanese to this day. The good thing is the SPLA kicked out you invading fricks and South Sudan free from Arabism and in tune with the actual Black Nubian tradition is a reality. Now the rest of Sudan has to be cleansed from your Islamism/Arabism and cultural destruction may God bless that mission.

      Black eunuchs in Sunni Islamic harems had active sex lives with the Sunni Muslim concubines even though their testicles and penises were cut off. One incompletely castrated black eunuch with undescended testicles used the stump of what remained of his penis to have sex with all the concubines of the Arab Sharif of Mecca and impregnated one of his Circassian concubines with a half black mulatto baby, exposing what he did. Only his scrotum skin and most of his penis were were cut, not his testicles.

      Other black eunuchs practiced cunnilingus, oral sex land tribadism (humping and rubbing the women with their bodies) with concubines (odalisques) in Sunni Islamic harems and even married them after they left the harems. The odalisques preferred having sexual relations with the infidel black eunuchs than Sunni Muslim men. The Sunni Muslims feared their penises would regrow and checked them for stumps.

  8. 1 month ago

    Nice argument
    The israeli colonization of Palestine is not seen as problematic in Tel Aviv

  9. 1 month ago

    >carthage+ptolemeic egypt+selecuids

  10. 1 month ago

    Slavs and Germs are also like that with christcuckery.

  11. 1 month ago

    "Allah have mercy on all those brought us the gift of Islam"
    Yes they say this because Arab hordes took over the country destroyed native traditions enslaved or slaughtered anyone that slightly resisted then mass converted everyone to not only Islamism (no syncretization or even an ounce of practice of pre-Arab/pre-Islam Nubian culture allowed) but also forced them at knifepoint to adopt Arabism that permeates in the minds of millions of Sudanese to this day. The good thing is the SPLA kicked out you invading fricks and South Sudan free from Arabism and in tune with the actual Black Nubian tradition is a reality. Now the rest of Sudan has to be cleansed from your Islamism/Arabism and cultural destruction may God bless that mission.

  12. 1 month ago
  13. 1 month ago

    I'm pretty sure Most of Spain, Georgia and Armenia didn't like the Arabs fricking about. Spain especially

  14. 1 month ago

    >Pakis are pleased
    Pakis don't have a culture. Their existence is nothing but a perpetual self-hating worship of Turco-persian culture, which they desperately want to be part of, but they never will be because they are Indian. They, however, can never accept this because for some bizarre unexplainable reason, they see themselves as superior to their neighbours, despite living in a failed state ran by satanist globohomosexual worshippers who circlejerk Islamic radicalism as a means to control their pathetic servile 80 iq peasants and keep them in line. They are a nation caught in limbo, one that can neither move forward nor back. All they can do is cry and b***h and moan while giving their children names like Chingiz Timur Fateh Khan, while not knowing a lick of Mongol, Chagatai, Turkish or Persian.

  15. 1 month ago

    the muslim goat frickers and pedos need to be stopped

    when crusades?

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