the frick are people doing? Windows 10.

many Widnwos 11 users wiped their SSD drive clean and installed the last version of Windows 10 through an USB memory stick where Windows 10 image had been written

Win 11 was used by 27% of Windows users in January 2024 but now they revised their stats which so up to 1. May. and there we see 26% of Windows users are on Win 11. Where did deducted 1% go?

Thats right: Windows 10.

There is 70% of Windows 10 users now. It was 69% in January.

>note that all version of Windows 10 is counted to the 70% whole and there were several different versions

3% of Windows users are practically divided between Windows XP 32-bit and Windows 7 64-bit. Almost nobody uses 32-bit Win7 but instead uses 32-bit XP if they are using 32-bit.
Similarly no one is using 64-bit Windows XP, only the 32-bit version.

Windows Vista use is infinitesimal.

>Windows users have not cited a single important reason for stopping use of Windows 11, we don't know what is wrong

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    I'm pretty certain the majority of the people using Win11 right now are people who got hit with the forced upgrade. At least of the people I talk to, none of them actually want to be on Win11, it's that they didn't select "Keep me on Windows 10" in settings.
    Nobody wants it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There are a lot of company/organization computers that are on Windows 11 because the techs upgrade to it, or they buy new computers with it preinstalled.
      People buying new Windows based computers will likely have Win 11 without downgrading because they likely don't care.
      But clearly there are a lot of people who just aren't sold on Win 11. And every other week there seems to be a new "feature" that seems to be exactly what those people don't want.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Microsoft is doing shenanigans with Windows 10 on newer computers.

      Windows 11 has a lot of "performance bug fixes" that they deliberately don't release for 10.

      • 4 weeks ago

        of course everyone who points this out is being called out as a tinfoil hat

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Windows 11 has a lot of "performance bug fixes" that they deliberately don't release for 10.
        I tried Windows 11 on the same 3 year old computer I usually run a fully updated Windows 10. Opening the explorer or a context menu, which is instantaneous on W10, took about one second on a clean install of W11. Opening fricking Notepad.exe was so slow that it took several seconds, it looked like I was opening Android Studio instead of Notepad.
        Not saying that what you said is false, but even with the malicious updates W10 is still notably much faster than the "optimized" W11.
        Windows 11 is so absolutely broken that the only way it can possibly look faster than W10 is if Microsoft forces people to run like 8 crypto miners on W10 to slow it down, it's fricking insane.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Windows 11 is so absolutely broken
          broken, or working better than ever?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Depends on your perspective TBQH.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'd say it's working great from the perspective of the software development team. Their interests are not the same as the end users; they never were

    • 4 weeks ago

      every computer sold after the pandemic comes with win 11
      pandemic was nearly 5 years ago
      You're a fricking moron

  2. 4 weeks ago

    They tried to boil the frog too fast

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Ugly, shitty, slow, ads, missing tons of features and shuffled things needlessly around that results people needing to needlessly spend time learning how to do what they used to be able to do.

    • 4 weeks ago

      *Why* has Windows gotten so bad? Microsoft is dominant but you would still think they would want to make an OS people don’t actively hate

      many Widnwos 11 users wiped their SSD drive clean and installed the last version of Windows 10 through an USB memory stick where Windows 10 image had been written

      Win 11 was used by 27% of Windows users in January 2024 but now they revised their stats which so up to 1. May. and there we see 26% of Windows users are on Win 11. Where did deducted 1% go?

      Thats right: Windows 10.

      There is 70% of Windows 10 users now. It was 69% in January.

      >note that all version of Windows 10 is counted to the 70% whole and there were several different versions

      3% of Windows users are practically divided between Windows XP 32-bit and Windows 7 64-bit. Almost nobody uses 32-bit Win7 but instead uses 32-bit XP if they are using 32-bit.
      Similarly no one is using 64-bit Windows XP, only the 32-bit version.

      Windows Vista use is infinitesimal.

      >Windows users have not cited a single important reason for stopping use of Windows 11, we don't know what is wrong

      what a natural organic conversation, doesn't read like bot posts at all
      meanwhile in real life:

      • 4 weeks ago

        t. moron.
        Only viable W11 right now looks like IoT to be released soon but we need to wait till we can activate it. All the plebs will seethe with the shit Pro/Home installs.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Also in real life.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >t. very organic, on-topic reply
        bot are accusing other people from being bots now? lmao

        • 4 weeks ago

          >bot are accusing other people
          >bot are
          >other people

      • 4 weeks ago

        Literal bot post

      • 4 weeks ago

        winjeet cope

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'll bite



      Only on hardware older than 10 years and if you're still using HDDs.

      After install you click a few checkboxes once to disable them forever.

      >missing tons of features

      >shuffled things needlessly around that results people needing to needlessly spend time learning how to do what they used to be able to do.
      If you actually took an hour to learn where everything is you'd realize things are in much more intuitive places. Especially the new settings app.

      • 4 weeks ago

        t. ranjeet

      • 4 weeks ago

        morning sir

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Only on hardware older than 10 years and if you're still using HDDs.
        My $3000 work laptop takes 10 seconds to open visual studio code. 4 seconds to open a new file explorer window. It's dogshit. Frick off shill.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    *Why* has Windows gotten so bad? Microsoft is dominant but you would still think they would want to make an OS people don’t actively hate

    • 4 weeks ago

      20 years ago people were happy and enjoyed being alive so when you ask them to make an OS they make something they would like to use
      now everyone is miserable so they make miserable crap

  5. 4 weeks ago

    is there any hope whatsoever of Microsoft taking people's apathy towards updating to heart and being less shit?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    Time to move on.
    Linux will be your next install for serious use.
    >users wiped their SSD drive clean and installed the last version of Windows 10 through an USB memory stick
    That's very specific information. How did you acquire it?

    • 4 weeks ago

      you cannot install windows 10 on top of active windows 11 while windows 11 is running so tell me how you are gonna install 10?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Maybe they just switched off their W11 PCs and turned on W10 ones?

      • 4 weeks ago

        I have no idea why people seethe so much about windows 11. Installed it on my alder lake machine with rufus trick to bypass account requirement, activated it with massgravel script and had no issues so far, apart from one driver I had to install manually. Never seen an ad on pro version (or maybe I havent noticed them), idc about telemetry and it runs just fine.

        How would 11 prevent someone from wiping their ssd and installing 10 on it?

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Win11 has been the catalyst for my whole family moving to Linux. Not joking. Grandma-in-law hated Windows 11 and wanted me to put it "back to normal" so I just put Debian with Cinnamon and a Windows 10 theme on her PC and she loved it; way, way, way less maintenance for me. Hardly need to go over now.
    She ended up telling father-in-law about it and we ended up switching several of their machines to the same setup. Same thing with my mom/dad. The funniest thing is none of them even know they're running linux. They just think I "fixed" their computers. Now I manage them all with ssh and a few scripts and family IT work has dramatically simplified.

    Someone should just make a distro that ships with a DE that looks like Windows 10 explorer by default and name it something like "Jumado Linux" or some other cheeky way of basically just saying "Windows 10"; the market is ultra ripe for a distro like this. Year of the Linux desktop might just be a bunch of boomers thinking they're using Windows.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I was wondering why people hate Windows 11 but suck off 10 when they're basically the same under the hood. Unsurprisingly, it seems like it's mostly tech illiterate people that lose their mind at the most superficial UI change.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Who's the duckling here? You can't stand that the taskbar looks a little different. I'm using the anal ogy because that's the only sort of subject you can understand.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Meant to respond to this

          >Discussion about new windows version
          >baby ducks start mumbling about anal sex
          Thats a weird pattern tbh.

          gay, my bad

        • 4 weeks ago

          I literally dont care about the UI. "People" who seethe about 10/11 (aka baby duckies) do for some reason, although I cant get why. It cant really interrupt them in their work since most of them are unemployed.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >baby duckies
            Can you explain this?

          • 4 weeks ago

            baby duck syndrome. In human-computer interaction, its describes the situation in which user judges all the software he encounters by how similar it is to the first one he encountered, the same way actual baby duckies imprint on the first living creature they see. We use this term to describe "people" who still use windows 7/XP/8/8.1 and refuse to update. Apart from baby duck syndrome, they usually do that because they are too poor to buy a new computer (but wont switch to linux or do the rufus trick) or think that modern windows is "pozzed" by da jooz.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Modern Windows is definitely worse than the older ones. There no Windows released after 7 that's also better than 7 itself. 8 was a disaster, 8.1 was better but still worse, W10 ended up being better than 8.1 but still worse than 7, W11 is just a downgrade from 10. I use modern Windows because it's what supports my software and hardware the best and it does a great job in that regard, but it's still crappier in terms of usability/UI/UX, privacy, built-in adware and so on.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Modern Windows is definitely worse than the older ones
            Not true. 11 and 10 are way more functional than 7 and XP. In most cases, modern windows will fetch all the drivers and set everything up on its own, meanwhile on deadshitos you need to install hacked drivers to get something as basic as usb3.0 or nvme. Not to mention all the new cool features like WSL, dynamic refresh rate, build-in virtual desktops etc.
            >There no Windows released after 7 that's also better than 7 itself
            >W10 ended up being better than 8.1 but still worse than 7
            >W11 is just a downgrade from 10.
            Delusions, see above.
            >I use modern Windows because it's what supports my software and hardware the best and it does a great job in that regard,
            Good to hear, my fellow update enjoyer.
            >but it's still crappier in terms of usability/UI/UX, privacy, built-in adware and so on.
            UI is fine but honestly idc, I just want to finish the assemblies in inventor and call it a day. Telemetry has exactly 0 chances of affecting your life and Ads are pretty much non-existent or invisble on pro versions.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >install driver for old device on 10
            >Noo! it's not heckin' signerino
            >you have to press shift+restart, go in recovery and enable unsigned driver with F7

            >install driver on older win
            >Bro this driver is not signed, do you want to install it anyway?

          • 4 weeks ago

            The same kind of shit that made me abandon MacOS. I'm guessing they're going to continue forcing this shit as more and more people abandon their "signed" bloatware.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >In most cases, modern windows will fetch all the drivers
            More of a detriment than any benefit. It's actively harmful and user-hostile for things like graphics card drivers which are usually best kept up to date and the shit Windows installs is of questionable quality anyway. I've had issues multiple times with W10 installing very old drivers that were broken and buggy and years out of date. Would be nice if the crap they gave you actually worked properly and was actually maintained, but that doesn't happen and you still have to manage shit manually on the side, plus track down dubious issues to weird drivers you didn't even install yourself. It's shit.

            >see above
            You're just being a dimwitted moron above, what should I see?

            >UI is fine but honestly idc
            The taskbar is a straight downgrade with effectively no benefit to any changes, they just removed functionality. The UI overall is frickhuge, way too padded and wastes too much space for no reason whatsoever. The new right-click menu which hides the old right-click menu is the worst UI abomination I have ever had the displeasure of using. It's all crap and dysfunctional, features are removed for no reason an the entire UX is built as if the PC is meant to be navigated with obese thumbs on the monitor rather than a mouse and keyboard. It's complete and utter garbage with effectively no redeemable features in its design language, I bet the people who made it don't even use the piece of shit they create themselves.

            >Telemetry has exactly 0 chances of affecting your life
            Then it should be kept out of the OS entirely as it is useless 😉

          • 4 weeks ago

            >More of a detriment than any benefit.
            So you imply that you will install drivers manually in a better way that windows does?
            >The UI overall is frickhuge
            Idk, maybe I am dumb or something but I never gave a frick about UI at all. As long as It does not prevent me from getting my work done, it might be even an MLP-tier UI drawn by 9yo kids.
            >Then it should be kept out of the OS entirely as it is useless 😉
            The whole point of telemetry is to make it easier for the devs to get bug reports and know what users expect. Most of them wont submit bug reports on their own so they have to do this another way.

            Not a problem on my Windows 7 machine.

            my workstation was the oldest in the office, still running win7... until last year, when the whole office "upgraded", including mine. the new workstation is a decade newer, by all metrics the hardware absolutely trashes the old. the CPU is monstrously faster, it has 4x the RAM. but it runs win10, and by god it is slow. I can only imagine how awful win11 is. eventually microsoft is going to release a windows so shit that businesses who can't afford to "upgrade" as fast as others will actually have an advantage, and natural selection will make things right again.

            quack quack.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >bug reports
            make it right the first time, ranjeet

          • 4 weeks ago

            W7 may end up being GWOAT (Greatest windows of all time).

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Needs hacked drivers to get usb 3.0 and nvme support
            >Needs kernel patches / dedicated furry autists to run a working web browser
            Only if you are a NEET that uses his e-waste as a glorified IQfy terminal.

          • 4 weeks ago

            We're talking about when it was in service... from release to end of support...

          • 4 weeks ago

            but is win11 worse than 8.1

          • 4 weeks ago

            Ive used all Windows OSes from XP to 10 and from what colleagues have shown me of 11 it looks like a clear downgrade of 10. My biggest gripe with it is the absolutely moronic decision to put the windows xp-10 right click menu BEHIND another right click menu, and this is besides the ugly looking UI and the new file manager which seems to be just an edge tab. I liked the gadgets on vista and 7, i loved the UI on XP, 10 is a solid os, never had a BSOD on it that wasnt due to hardware issues.

          • 4 weeks ago

            you can also frick off back to redd.dit, tourist

          • 4 weeks ago

            Newest forced meme.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lol I did this several years ago with manjaro. Everyone was fricking amazed that I "made the computers so fast" and "I never see an ad!". They're all still using them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      There is one, it's called LinuxFX. Problem? They're aiming to be a clone of 11 now. Guess you could still use their 10 clone for a few more years since it's based on 20.04 lts

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >many Widnwos 11 users wiped their SSD drive clean and installed the last version of Windows 10 through an USB memory stick where Windows 10 image had been written
    schizo babble

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >we don't know what is wrong

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I'll never understand the average bugman
    Back when 10 came out, it was at least 500 times worse than 8.1. It was such a buggy, slow, inconsistent and unstable piece of garbage it was unusable. But most people who didn't stick to 7 would just switch over to it and take it in the ass with gusto and confidence.
    11 comes out, changes like 3 fricking things from windows 10, and everyone moans and b***hes about it like never before. What the frick is this? You've been fricked in the ass with no lube already. What does a little slap do that you're like "ok that's enough! no more of this!"?
    Just grab LTSC 2024 and stop moaning you wienerloving queers.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Discussion about new windows version
      >baby ducks start mumbling about anal sex
      Thats a weird pattern tbh.

    • 4 weeks ago

      8 and 8.1 where the biggest pieces of shit microdick has cooked since vista, at least that one didn't turn the desktop into an app.
      Window 11 didn't change so many things but rather doubled down on the bad ones from 10, the contextual menus being the biggest offender.

      • 4 weeks ago

        8.1 was nearly dead stable by 2015, when 10 came out. Nobody cared because everyone was too busy crying about a start menu or fighting Microsoft trying to force everyone to switch to 10 through updates.
        With 10 they decided to practically replace part of the system with their botched tablet UI as opposed to like 2 things you can ignore and put aside. It took them about 4 to 5 years to make 10 not a royal fricking mess that would just shit itself through updates, break your user profile or restart the pc without your permission.

        • 4 weeks ago

          > just shit itself through updates, break your user profile or restart the pc without your permission.
          That's just the early windows experience regardless of the version, before when service packs were a thing it was common practice to wait until SP1 dropped before upgrading.

          • 4 weeks ago

            It wasn't common practice to have to wait for 5 to 6 fricking years for them to half fix their nonsense and they didn't do this shit where every half a year they would decide to "add new features", change everything around and cause more issues.

            Conveniently forget that Windows 10 was an unusable piece of shit until 6 years into its development where they stopped pushing half baked featooores, gotcha. Still lame compared with 7, is just the least shit option that's still supported at the moment.

            >Conveniently forget that Windows 10 was an unusable piece of shit until 6 years into its development where they stopped pushing half baked featooores
            Where in my fricking post am I denying this?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Conveniently forget that Windows 10 was an unusable piece of shit until 6 years into its development where they stopped pushing half baked featooores, gotcha. Still lame compared with 7, is just the least shit option that's still supported at the moment.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    users have not cited a single important reason for stopping use of Windows 11, we don't know what is wrong
    Bullshit. You know, I know, they know, we all know — but nobody wants to be the one to tell their boss. So its a "mystery".

    • 4 weeks ago

      >but nobody wants to be the one to tell their boss
      I pretty sure the bosses are being told. But deliberately ignoring it.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    The fact that they know these numbers is a problem in and of itself. The OS is a flaming shit pile that makes it hard to do even basic shit, like volume mixer. Oh, you thought a single left click was okay to open the mixer? No, right click it and then select "volume mixer" from win8 onward. Two fricking control panels. Utter piece of shit software. There was almost nothing wrong with win7, even less with XP. Total microshit death.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I love volume mixer.

  13. 4 weeks ago
  14. 4 weeks ago

    you need to use something like startallback on w11 to get a decent taskbar but most people will just go back to w10, I'm on w11 for the non broken HDR

  15. 4 weeks ago

    W11 is shitty and worse than 10. The UI is somehow worse, no idea how they even managed that, plus that TPM requirement is nonsensical moronation. The UI downgrade is really the killer though, I have no idea how the frick they're managing to be this moronic. Maybe they'll fix it eventually.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    XP workhorse here AMA

  17. 4 weeks ago

    >if you don't UPDOOT you're a baby duck!!
    >*updoots to linux*

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nah, linux is fine, although not as practical as windows.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    Not a problem on my Windows 7 machine.

  19. 4 weeks ago

    my workstation was the oldest in the office, still running win7... until last year, when the whole office "upgraded", including mine. the new workstation is a decade newer, by all metrics the hardware absolutely trashes the old. the CPU is monstrously faster, it has 4x the RAM. but it runs win10, and by god it is slow. I can only imagine how awful win11 is. eventually microsoft is going to release a windows so shit that businesses who can't afford to "upgrade" as fast as others will actually have an advantage, and natural selection will make things right again.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    I'm thinking of buying Windows Server.
    Is it worth paying about 48$ for a key. support is till the end of 2031.
    I have a use case for a valid license. otherwise I would I have pirated ltsc.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Just pirate Windows Server. Checksums are easy to verify. Paying for software is absurd.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Most people who use Windows don't give a shit what OS they run. That 1% was probably just people who needed their PCs fixed and the repairman with some clue switched them back to Windows 10.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    >Similarly no one is using 64-bit Windows XP
    I use it and I make ports for it

  23. 4 weeks ago

    well you see, windows 11 is just so much worse and different than windows 10--------
    oh wait they're the same thing frick off.

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