The more I read the more I realize I'll never be a great author or thinker like I thought I was when I was a teenager.

The more I read the more I realize I'll never be a great author or thinker like I thought I was when I was a teenager. Best case scenario I'll manage to write one book that gain semi-moderate success in alt right circles or I'll write some shitty normie friendly fantasy ya series that possibly me money. And those are the best case scenarios, if I'm being realistic here I probably won't even get as far as writing a single book before I croak. How do you cope with the gift of consciousness being wasted on you?

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  1. 11 months ago

    easy come easy go

  2. 11 months ago

    even the greatest authors or thinkers will be forgotten after a few millennia, that's practically no time in the cosmic scale of things

  3. 11 months ago

    Some people don't find success until their 30s-40s. Voltaire wasn't apart of the university educated upper class.

  4. 11 months ago

    >How do you cope with the gift of consciousness being wasted on you?

    stand on the shoulders of giants op
    no need to write another book
    there are zillions of books already
    maybe write some reports instead?
    learn to analyze things and document a viewpoint

  5. 11 months ago

    >The more I read the more I realize I'll never be a great author or thinker like I thought I was
    I guess not, You've already admitted defeat so easily kek.

  6. 11 months ago

    You can go on twitter right now and get within two degrees of separation from the people who matter fairly easily. The modern république des lettres is remarkably easy to crash, mostly because nobody cares that much anymore.

    But does it matter if they care or not? Inevitably these ideas trickle down to the masses. Nobody really cares about Paris Fashion Week, nobody who takes themselves seriously at least, but they will inevitably be wearing the styles, colours, and fabrics that first premiered there in chinese knock-off two years after the fact.

    My advice is to find out what you don't want to say. What you wont reveal about yourself, your opinions, your beliefs. What mud you refuse to wallow in. What dark secrets you will take to the grave with you. Too many writers, intellectuals, whatever, they get involved in culture war bs, and before long, their twitter is just a long and repetitive rant about trannies reading books to children, or drumph, or whatever. You can be better than that anon.

    Then you invent an alias. A nom-de-plum. Something clever, subtle, or meaningful. With the current discourse its very likely we will see dissidents of various stripes either imprisoned or executed en mass in our lifetime. Wear a mask. Protect yourself. Personally I like to look at Misc Pot, as he was a great genius in this area and understood the importance of extreme secrecy.
    >To add to the confusion, even his [Misc Pot's] identity remains in question. In an interview with Yugoslav television in 1977, Misc Pot said he had come from a poor peasant family. But a Cambodian refugee in Paris, Laau Phuok, insists that Misc Pot's real name is Saloth Sar, and that his father was a landowner distantly related to the royal family. A third version is that Misc Pot is really Tol Sat, a revolutionary who was elected to the Khmer Rouge People's Representative Assembly in Phnom Penh in 1976. To complete the mystery, photographs of Misc Pot tend to change in appearance ever so slightly through the years.
    Change your names every couple of years. Leak false biographical information about yourself. Use AI generated photos. Fake your own death. Never wear your heart on your sleeve. Never show yourself completely to the public eye.

    Finally, know what you want to say. What niche you are writing to. Who your audience will be. And start working towards those ends. My recommendation is to try and cultivate a circle of important/influential people around you, and write for them. Plato probably only wrote for a hundred people. Machiavelli wrote Il Principe for one man only. If you have everything worth saying, then you should tailor it for the people worth listening. Eventually it will trickle down.

    • 11 months ago

      what should I write for Thielbux? Should I write about dicks and butts you think?

    • 11 months ago

      >A nom-de-plum. Something clever, subtle, or meaningful.
      Yes, something like Delicious Tacos or 0HP Lovecraft. Just write under your own name, or at the very least one that sounds like an actual name someone could have. Nobody is going to imprison, let alone execute, you for writing middling right wing literature you lemonheaded pussy

      • 11 months ago

        >Nobody is going to imprison, let alone execute, you for writing middling right wing literature
        they probably are to be honest

        • 11 months ago

          You are only telling yourself this so you feel important. The "woke" liberal state is never going to become that strong

          • 11 months ago

            >The "woke" liberal state is never going to become that strong
            Its the Liberal State faltering that's the fear here. In times of revolution, dissident authors are always the first to go. We've already seen widespread Cancelling and Struggle Sessions. Just use a pen-name.

          • 11 months ago

            >We've already seen widespread Cancelling and Struggle Sessions
            Cheesedick clown shoes nonsense. To be honest I would sooner cut off your head for this than whatever "dissident" opinions you might hold

          • 11 months ago

            >You are only telling yourself this so you feel important.

            >The "woke" liberal state is never going to become that strong
            just look at how they've been prosecuting/framing the jan 6th people (who did jack shit) compared to the Black folk who caused 2 bill worth of damage all summer 2020 during lockdowns no less. the woke state already has no problem mutilating children, why wouldn't they take it a step further when it becomes convenient for them to do so—an good ol' fashioned sense of right and wrong? give me a break, wiener breath.

          • 11 months ago

            there's definitely a non-zero percent chance of the US becoming South Africa at this point

    • 11 months ago

      I agree with everything you've said except for the nom-de-plume stuff. Only do that if you have material you don't want associated with yourself, or if you have secret goals that require it. Most people simply don't give enough of a frick to track an author's "mystery man" routine anymore and get tired of obscured photos or cryptic tweets or whatever. It's something I've noticed a lot of zoomer and Millennial writers doing, but it doesn't seem to get them very far compared to those who are straight-up.

  7. 11 months ago

    Writers write. If you want to write a book then just do it. Like whatever stupid alt-right masterpiece you imagine yourself writing, just sit down and write a few paragraphs every day

  8. 11 months ago

    >Best case scenario I'll manage to write one book that gain semi-moderate success in alt right circles or I'll write some shitty normie friendly fantasy ya series that possibly me money.
    You're overestimating even in your own delusions. You loser chud

    • 11 months ago

      >You're overestimating even in your own delusions

      Wouldn't you tend to overestimate in delusions by definition? The left defintiely isn't sending its best and brightest

      • 11 months ago

        Lol. You clearly don't know the definition of delusion. Plus, you're talking like delusion is always a negative connotation, which it isn't. Hahahaha, you'll never be a writer dumbass

        • 11 months ago

          uh oh; looks like someone's off their meds again

  9. 11 months ago

    the advice in this homosexual thread just keeps on getting worse

  10. 11 months ago


    Problem identified

  11. 11 months ago

    Let's be honest, the great authors of antiquity are lost to time anyway. You know who is remembered? Megalomaniac rulers and despots who built giant monuments and statues of themselves.

  12. 11 months ago

    Just write for the sake of the art of the craft. It doesn't matter really how successful you become if everything you've created is disgusting to you or completely divorced from your own inner work. You must hone the art of your nature, however that might come to be, before you can hope to create from it a great work. Or at least so I think.

  13. 11 months ago

    >The more I read the more I realize I have reached the same heights as the greatest thinkers and no new horizon await me
    It sometimes sucks when you think about it but you should have bigger things to worry about. Focus on living as God intended instead

  14. 11 months ago

    ganbatte fighting!

  15. 11 months ago

    What if those who made it had the same thought?

  16. 11 months ago

    dumb Black person just do drugs, normalBlack folk dont write or do anything memorable, the best books are those written by schizophrenic morons, become a schizo then write the book or frick off

    • 11 months ago

      look homosexual, i got dubs
      two three's
      this isnt a coincidence, this is GOD telling YOU that im right, if you want to write some good spicy shit that people will seethe and cope and gossip and admire and talk about ages and ages from now you need to do drugs go out into the world break bad then come back in an unhinged mental state and start writing down your scribbles then publish it
      otherwise FRICK OFF
      cause you'd just be one of those meek homosexuals now thatare scared to write anything meaningful because of not fitting in with the Black person herd

      • 11 months ago

        LOOK homosexual
        WRITE BOOK
        NOW GET TO IT

  17. 11 months ago

    I hate to say this, but even making money from some YA fantasy series isn’t guaranteed. I agree with everyone else that you need to keep reading and writing. Imposter syndrome is a real thing and even some great authors feel their work is shit.

  18. 11 months ago

    Incredibly universal problem and for that reason it’s selfish/narcissistic to be in despair over it. Being “ordinary, “mediocre” is a problem shared by all of us. Including, as some people in this thread have already mentioned, the people we supposedly think of as great — that’s partly the point of Trigorin’s self-centred complaints that he’ll never be as good as Turgenev in The Seagull, when we know Konstantin would kill to be in Trigorin’s position. There’s always a writer above us, better than us, except for the person at the top, Shakespeare, who didn’t seem to care about fame or being great at all! He never published his plays in his lifetime or made steps to assure his legacy, he saw himself as just another playwright on the Elizabethan/Jacobean stage. The same goes for philosophy as well: the greatest philosopher, Socrates, never wrote anything down. He was assured of the immortality of the soul, so why would he need the immortality of legacy? Pope’s line “[Fame] comes unlooked for, if she comes at all”, itself echoing Shakespeare, seems very true. It seems we shouldn’t/can’t worry about greatness, there are other concerns we should attend to first.

    • 11 months ago

      This sort of perspective is needed for young writers today. Sure, the prospect of becoming famous is appealing, and it might drive you to write more and send out more submissions and all that, but to become too focused on achieving notoriety is to fall into one of the industry's traps.

      Keep going friend. It's part of the journey.

      Truly. We all need to hit the "Valley of Despair" if we're going to get better.

  19. 11 months ago

    Great is the enemy of good.

  20. 11 months ago

    Keep going friend. It's part of the journey.

  21. 11 months ago

    you were not a better author or "thinker" when yo were a teenager, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard

    • 11 months ago

      Do you have zero reading comprehension? How did you misunderstand such a simple message?

  22. 11 months ago

    Frick off alt right homosexual you deserve it

  23. 11 months ago
    Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

    wizened and malding NEET he set off
    to mothers kitchen a'looking for biscuits to scarf,
    "i want digestives, i want tuc crackers,"
    he sang as he pranced 'long 'neath the rafters,
    "get ye back scum,"
    thundered his father,
    gripping his gun
    and scurrying after
    the NEET
    with his feet
    as he scurried for munch,
    "i can't," so he sang, "for i slept all through lunch,"
    "then you starve!" cried his grandma who had joined in the fray,
    "that's what you get for sleeping all day,"

    and a gun shot rang out and it echoed through the hall
    and the NEET gripped his breast as he started to fall,
    "i want digestives, i want tuc crackers,"
    he choked through the blood, smearing himself with the splatters,

    and father looked Stoic as he glared down at his son,
    "tender babe of 40 years, and his life is done."

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