The Navigational inefficiency of Smart Phones

I personally believe that the existing navigation techniques that we rely on as phone users are impractical. Whether it's digital buttons on the bottom or gestures, they all appear to have their flaws, especially gestures

In my Android phone, when I need to go back to a page or a section that I was in, I need to swipe either from the right or from the left, and this is understandable and works most of the time.

However, some apps offer a list you can open on the side, and when I try to return, it opens that list instead

Digital buttons are more dependable than gestures, although their placement makes them relatively problematic. They are set far too low, making it difficult to reach

I believe that the way apps work on Apple phones has overcome the concern I outlined about returning to gestures in Android

The gestures in these phones work exactly like android gestures, but the difference is that the returning capability is incorporated into every app, and this works better than swiping right/left in android

But the caveat is that they included this returning feature, which is equally tricky; it's easier than swiping from the sides, but it's not ideal. Attempting to reach the back button on certain apps can be challenging

All of the issues originate from the fact that these navigation systems are digital rather than real and the digitization of these systems was a horrible concept

we need a replacement for the good physical navigation buttons we had back in the day

Do you recall the fingerprint scanner on the rear of our Android phones?

What if phone manufacturers such as Apple and Google chose to employ this scanner as a navigation system? Just tap once to go back, hold for home, and tap twice for recent apps and set it in a convenient location for your finger to reach; this seems to me to be the ideal way to browse through your phone,

but I could be wrong... What do you think?

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  1. 2 months ago

    I did not read your post but I hate that I can't use Niagara with gesture navigation on my device.

    • 2 months ago

      >MEMEUI on Xiaomeme
      my condolences

    • 2 months ago

      Works on my LG.

  2. 2 months ago
    Buck Breaking Nigvestor

    >Reddit spacing
    Not going to read your blog, Black person.

    • 2 months ago

      >Do you recall the fingerprint scanner on the rear of our Android phones?
      I mean, I remember this in my Pixel 3 and quite liked it. Had an Xperia and liked the side button, too.

      I mean curved screens without bezels are a thing now so it invalidates this a bit: there's so much real estate on edges it could be utilised for navigation. I'm not overly bothered by navigation, although it does a) lack consistency, b) appear to be endlessly increasing number of gestures (on my Pixel 6 they're consistent enough).

      My biggest gripe is the keyboard. It's shit. Like fricking shit. I could type 3x faster on my old button phone in the 2000s, with far less fatigue. It also didn't compulsively record my keystrokes.

      >Not going to read your blog, Black person
      Le newbie tourist. We all used to format like that lmao. It makes big posts so much more readable.

      I am now going to format every post like this, just to spite you. I hope you filter me because you're not worthy of reading what I write anyway lmao.

    • 2 months ago


  3. 2 months ago

    >I personally believe
    Such as, the iraq

  4. 2 months ago

    Dunno about alternate buttons but the conflict between side swipes and the nav drawer was something Google recognised and they still said "just work around it lmao." I've just gotten used to only swiping from the right because nav drawers are almost always on the left, even though you lose the intended UX of paging back. It's made even worse with the A14 smart back stuff that previews what screen you'll return to which always slides in from the left.

  5. 2 months ago

    I'd prefer it to be side mounted personally, but I like the idea. Unfortunately it'd never take off for the simple reason that it's not immediately intuitive and it would thus require normies to learn something.

    I used to have a Samsung with a fingerprint sensor that you could swipe up and down on to do different things. I had it configured to display my notifications in one direction, and open my app drawer in the other. That worked pretty well, and I still miss having that feature a little.

  6. 2 months ago

    I dont use gestures because im not a braindead zoomer.
    I use dedicated buttons at the bottom of the screen

    • 2 months ago

      If they're physical buttons sure. If they're digital you're just losing screen real estate.

  7. 2 months ago

    I hate gestures and I will never use them.

  8. 2 months ago

    Still using buttons. Gestures are too slow. Plus there are double tap and long press actions you can assign to the buttons, nothing beats double tap on recents to switch between two apps, nothing.

    • 2 months ago

      >Still using buttons. Gestures are too slow.
      You are the one who is slow and can't learn a new thing.
      Also, to switch between apps you just swipe left/right at the bottom.

      • 2 months ago

        I can navigate 4 times faster with buttons than you can with gestures.

      • 2 months ago

        to switch between apps, i press the button specifically used for switching between apps, how is this slower?

  9. 2 months ago

    >adding new "features" to a system that already works
    >in capitalism, competition improves all products
    Clown world

  10. 2 months ago

    My man just invented buttons

  11. 2 months ago

    I don't like gestures, much like you, as they are not well executed. The three buttons works perfectly for me... when they do not blend into the background. It appears to me that devs need to program in something to tell the OS to change the button color or you can end up with white buttons on white background. Huge failure, I don't know why they don't put it in the OS to change the button color(s) according to whatever is displayed on the screen at the moment to ensure high contrast and ease of use at all times.

    • 2 months ago

      >Huge failure, I don't know why they don't put it in the OS to change the button color(s) according to whatever is displayed on the screen at the moment to ensure high contrast and ease of use at all times.
      I mean, for the OS to do it and for app devs to not worry about it.

    • 2 months ago

      they only need to make the buttons appear like "subs" (black with white outline or vice versa).
      there was an old package for gravity box that does the exact same thing even for status bars, and it was customizable as frick and even better than the current implementation.
      the worst one is when the status bar icons turn white due to "darkmode/powersave mode" and the application (say a browser) turns the status bars to white when browsing non-darkmode white website, the buttons for navbar and statusbar also turn white. more of a firefox issue but it's there on some apps too.

  12. 2 months ago

    something about Android swipe is so bad

    mostly the swipe to go back. Was seamless on my iphone 13 pro. I just stick to the 3 button setup on my s24 ultra now and just made it smaller

  13. 2 months ago

    >What do you think?
    I think it's easy to criticize

  14. 2 months ago

    We should go back to physical buttons for basic commands like arrows, ok, back and home, also every "smart phone"(we should change this name to "portable computer") should have a keyboard so that every command that is more complex can be easily inputted or searched. We can keep touch but it should be considered a secondary input.
    The PDAs of the 2000's had more well thought commands that current smartphones, this technology has been reclining since decades.

  15. 2 months ago

    Buy an iPhone. Apple solved mobile interface navigation with iPhone X.

    • 2 months ago

      Buy an ad.

      • 2 months ago

        Keep using your inferior chink shit and then keep crying about how shit it is on IQfy like a child.

  16. 2 months ago

    the original iPhone, up to it's second major iteration (iPhone 3G), was the best designed smartphone ever made.

  17. 2 months ago

    It's all a moo point because the brain chips make it obsolete

  18. 2 months ago

    SailfishOS figured out system wide swipe navigation a decade ago, look for some youtube video. Trying to slap swipe navigation when every app uses different elements is retatded and leads to what you describe, but too late for that for android

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