The only thing stopping me from buying a macbook air at this point is being forced to use macOS.

The only thing stopping me from buying a macbook air at this point is being forced to use macOS.

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  1. 2 months ago

    idk, im not a fan of the thin flimsy design. we had it, we had sleek but sturdy devices. now their sleek and frail.

    • 2 months ago

      overheats playing runescape. don't recommend

  2. 2 months ago

    Perfection redefined.

    • 2 months ago

      iPad Pro still hasn’t been announced
      Next bet is WWDC24
      Also the new M3 Mac mini should be announced to

    • 2 months ago

      >cheaper than macbook
      >BYODKM, versatile with any displays/keyboard/mouse
      >have all the ports you need unlike a cuckbook
      >can be shrinked even more with some tinkering (See Snazzy Labs)
      >normies don't even know what mac mini is (see pic rel) so it's cool to have one
      >shit too unlikely to breakdown and just werks (Applecare is just $99 for 3 years)
      Mac mini chads rise up

      • 2 months ago

        Perfection redefined.

        >curry mini
        just get a real pc at that point street shitter

        • 2 months ago

          >Apple users are pajeet meme in 2024
          Real productive coders use real just werks mac mini machine and not troonix AMD or Intel homosexual machines. Stop projecting, Rajesh! the only street shitting troonix user is you.

          >no user upgradable components
          Dead on arrival

          >no user upgradable components
          A typical mac machine (if taken good care of which implies you don't do monkey shit with it) can last up to a decade or even longer. Upgradability of machine is not of concern to the productive working class.

          , versatile with any displays/keyboard/mouse
          >display looks like shit unless it's roughly 220 dpi because macos can't into dpi scaling
          >keyboard modifier keys are confusingly different, and not as comfortably situated for macos shortcut conventions anyway
          >middle click, forward, back buttons don't work. macos is heavily reliant on multitouch gestures anyway, so you'll probably want to get a touchpad
          BYODKM is a subtle lie.

          >display looks like shit unless it's roughly 220 dpi because macos can't into dpi scaling
          I used mine with LG UltraGear monitor. Pretty sure my monitor doesn't have the dpi close to what you said but I thought it looked somewhat alright for coding. Can't say the same for photographers or video editors though.
          >keyboard modifier keys are confusingly different
          I swapped between fn and command so that it'll be more ergonomic doing an undo command
          >middle click, forward, back buttons don't work. macos is heavily reliant on multitouch gestures anyway, so you'll probably want to get a touchpad
          Most can be done via keyboard shortcuts

          • 2 months ago

            >just werks
            >no software support

          • 2 months ago

            >no software support
            Disingenuous homosexual loonix pajeetard. Everybody knows that every single macOS machine gets at least 5 years average of support. Unironically kys for being a moronic Stallman micropenile dick sucker.

          • 2 months ago

            >software doesn't exist if apple didn't make it

          • 2 months ago

            >5 years support like its an achievement
            you got stockholm syndrome,anon

          • 2 months ago

            >with the rate of tech advancement, the lintroon prefers to cling to his shitty hardware that's 10 years old rather than upgrading everything to new
            If you're reading this thread with a shitty CRT with intel pentium you should kys

            >software doesn't exist if apple didn't make it

            >software doesn't exist if apple didn't make it
            FOSStard trash opinion discarded.

            The "support" is forced updates to increasingly shit versions of their user-hostile trash operating system.

            >user-hostile trash operating system
            Too bad the productive working class didn't gave a frick about that because the productive working class don't spend time trooning out their OS

          • 2 months ago

            >cling to his shitty hardware that's 10 years
            i dont.
            but fricking linux runs on a machine thats 16 years old: the currybook im currently shitposting from.

            let us hear your cope how its actually a bad thing now. floor is yours.

          • 2 months ago

            The "support" is forced updates to increasingly shit versions of their user-hostile trash operating system.

          • 2 months ago

            In all fairness, you're describing all the major desktop operating systems there.

          • 2 months ago

            gayOS is a lot worse than anything else.
            I've been not-quite-happily using Windows 10 since 2015 or 2016. I believe OS X 10.11 was the latest version back then.
            Can I use Windows 10 today? Yes, of course, it works perfectly.
            Can I use Debian Jessie today? Not really, but using modern Debian is basically the same.
            Can I use OS X 10.11 today? No, nothing newer than 2018 works on it. Can I use gayOS 14 and get an experience equal to or better than I had back then? Frick no, it's barely recognizable. And broken. And hates me with a passion.

          • 2 months ago

            >le hecking forced updates!!
            Why do lintroons always use this talking point? Are normies unironically more patient than the average homosexual IQfytard on waiting for updates?

          • 2 months ago

            bc they motherfricking suck
            and yes, linuxusers are not normies
            dun dun dun
            plot twist
            shocker, iknow, right?

          • 2 months ago

            lintroonjeets on suicide watch

          • 2 months ago

            A 27" QHD monitor (assuming that's the one you're talking about?) has 108 PPI, roughly half 220. That's not too bad at 1x scaling although text will look very rough because of the poor font rendering.

            My 32" UHD monitor is razor sharp under Windows and Linux but a blurry mess under Mac OS.

      • 2 months ago

        , versatile with any displays/keyboard/mouse
        >display looks like shit unless it's roughly 220 dpi because macos can't into dpi scaling
        >keyboard modifier keys are confusingly different, and not as comfortably situated for macos shortcut conventions anyway
        >middle click, forward, back buttons don't work. macos is heavily reliant on multitouch gestures anyway, so you'll probably want to get a touchpad
        BYODKM is a subtle lie.

      • 2 months ago

        >no user upgradable components
        Dead on arrival

    • 2 months ago

      Why would I need a box with a logo?

  3. 2 months ago

    It's unironically the best computer I've ever owned. I get way more done on my tiny 13" MBA than my big ass ultrawide gayman pc because It just werks (tm)

    And also probably because it literally can't do anything else but light work, so I don't get too distracted

    • 2 months ago

      good morning sar, buy MacBook very good laptop sar

    • 2 months ago

      >And also probably because it literally can't do anything else but light work, so I don't get too distracted
      I always hear this like it's somehow a good thing. The computer isn't the problem, your mentally weak ADHD ass is the problem.

    • 2 months ago

      >I get way more done on my tiny 13" MBA than my big ass ultrawide gayman pc because It just werks (tm)
      Bullshit buy an ad

  4. 2 months ago

    Asahi Linux?

    • 2 months ago


  5. 2 months ago

    I don't want to be notched or to be overcharged for RAM and storage either. But yeah, gayOS is the killer.

  6. 2 months ago

    Anon macOS is actually quite good. I like it so much I've built myself a hackintosh. Going back to Windows is no longer an option for me and I am not a fan of Linux dextop either. Give it a shot and you won't be disappointed.

    • 2 months ago

      Compared to Windows, MacOS has no apps.

      • 2 months ago

        what apps are you missing on Mac? Sure, there are some apps that are Windows only, but they tend to be used by narrow groups of professionals, such as CADs, control software for PLCs and various other machinery and instruments. Most people find alternatives to all software they use that is either acceptable or outright better. And some occasional use of Win apps can be accommodated through VMs.

  7. 2 months ago

    just install loonix on it
    i am currently posting from a macshit from 2008
    ddr fricking 2 @800 mhz, baby
    'cant watch two vids at once, but one is ok.
    and its fast enough for light shitposting purposes (cant really run gimp on it tho)

    latest loonix ubuntu oob btw.
    laptop was unusable under macos btw
    'takes an aeon to boot, but once youre there, its pretty fricking usable

    • 2 months ago

      asahi is a broken piece of crap with no drivers. also having to use one of like two compatible distros runs against the appeal of a linux desktop.

      • 2 months ago

        ok. but uboontu werks fine

        No self-respecting, employed person uses Linux.

        ok, nocoder

        how poor are you lmao

        im not really poor. im not rich yet, but imnotpooreither.
        its just that its all hands on deck with my current project.
        both my machines are airgapped currently,but i still need internet access.
        so i borrowed my pops old currybook.
        all it needs to do is to run curl every now and then, be able to play israelitetube, and ofc
        shitposting on 4keks

    • 2 months ago

      asahi is a broken piece of crap with no drivers. also having to use one of like two compatible distros runs against the appeal of a linux desktop.

      No self-respecting, employed person uses Linux.

      • 2 months ago

        I use Linux every day at my job.

        • 2 months ago

          Then you have no self respect.

    • 2 months ago

      how poor are you lmao

  8. 2 months ago

    The starting price is $1100 for 256gb of non-upgradeable storage. It's an extra $200 for 512gb. That's almost $0.80 per GB. A 2TB m.2 on Amazon right now costs $140 total, which is a lot less than what Apple charges just for an upgrade that is 1/8th the capacity. Literally $0.07/GB vs $0.80/GB
    They also lock you in to their ecosystem, making it difficult to use anything that isn't iCloud, their overpriced and shitty cloud storage solution (which you will need when that 256gb runs out)
    The Apple ecosystem is designed to trap you and empty your wallet without you noticing. They're the blacks of the tech industry.

    But hey, the battery life is nice.

    • 2 months ago

      >They also lock you in to their ecosystem, making it difficult to use anything that isn't iCloud,
      How do they make it difficult? Don't the same cloud storage apps work same as everywhere else?

      • 2 months ago

        otherwise - how to lock your ipad to anything except macos.
        and you cant legally run macos on anything else than official apple hardware.

        didnt really care about appo since then
        but im pretty sure theres newer, more efficient methods of locking someone into the appo ecosystem

      • 2 months ago

        First off, iCloud can't be disabled. It's always on, and you will constantly get nagged to subscribe. There are cloud sync APIs that devs use to sync data across devices, and those only work with iCloud.
        Finder and Spotlight have special integrations with iCloud that don't work with other services. Sync processes from iCloud have special priority in the OS not available to third party services.
        I'm sure I'm missing stuff, but that's the general idea. Maybe when the DOJ fricks them in the ass with the antitrust suit, Apple products will be a good deal again.

    • 2 months ago

      >But hey, the battery life is nice.
      Thanks, sold! 🙂
      Sent from my M1 MacBook Pro running Asahi Linux.

  9. 2 months ago

    I don't like how macgays had to make all the meta keys and mouse buttons the opposite of windows just to be annoying. Woooah, I have to scroll the other direction because this is le Mac so annoying

    • 2 months ago

      its not to be annoying
      its marketing towards morons

      they do this toremind you at every step that youre usingmacos
      morons will learn the stuff and pretend like theyre extra bc of that

      powerusers want to break their machine in half bc of that
      you have to do alt + shift + 7 iirc on a small format apple kb to get a pipe.
      on a fricking unix system

  10. 2 months ago

    Don't fall for the meme. Macs are useless super proprietary netbooks for stay at home moms. You're only focusing on this so much because of your autism. You think you're missing out on something but you're not

    • 2 months ago

      yeah, no. Once I went to an IETF hackathon. Since you don't understand what it means, think of it as a get-together of wizards who make your Internet work. 7 out of 10 laptops in the room were Macs. That was 10 years ago, it's probably 9 out of 10 now.

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >corporate drones use thing so it must be good

        • 2 months ago

          those "corporate drones" are people with emails like [email protected]. They can get any laptop they want. And of all options available to them they decided that a Mac will serve their needs the best. Certainly anecdotal on a personal level but you can see a clear pattern among dozens of people.

          • 2 months ago

            status symbol?
            theres tons of autists in IT.
            and these tend to lack practical thinking
            + when they have an ego,most often its that of a child

          • 2 months ago

            Yes, there is a clear pattern, hackernews users are moronic.

  11. 2 months ago

    Another day, another totally organic
    >I'm really on the fence about buying Mac please let's discuss it
    on IQfy

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