The pointlessness of reading and writing

As I was writing a short story, I came to a realization that it was pointless. No matter how descriptive I get, no reader is ever going to see the same scenes in their head that I am seeing. Similarly, if I read a book, the scene I see and hear in my mind is never going to be the same as what the author saw.
For what purpose do I write if I can never ever convey to the reader the same exact scene I had playing in my mind?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Mby be happy with just being slightly understood and not too perfectionist in transmitting your thoughts like a carbon copy but consider it more like a conversation, where you can be heard and get a reply and not talk to yourself but to someone different who interprets what you say differently because we're human not relays in a communication network with 100% efficiency

  2. 1 month ago

    >implying I want to see whatever dumb shit you think is cool
    You tell a story for a reader to fill in with his own experience. You can guide him towards certain conclusions, towards. Go look up writers who can draw and prepared to be disappointed in your own imagination if you actually believe in your premise and aren't just trolling.

  3. 1 month ago

    >As I was writing a short story, I came to a realization that it was pointless. No matter how descriptive I get, no reader is ever going to see the same scenes in their head that I am seeing. Similarly, if I read a book, the scene I see and hear in my mind is never going to be the same as what the author saw.
    Not unless you draw it.
    Illustrated books are a thing anon.

    • 1 month ago

      If you can't draw, hire an artist. Or use AI. You can keep describing it better ant better until it matches what you see in your mind. No ability to draw required.

    • 1 month ago

      Words can express what images cannot.
      No painting can make you feel the scenes described in Baudelaire's poems.

  4. 1 month ago

    Read Pierre; or the Ambiguities.

  5. 1 month ago

    It seems to me that you're supposed to be a painter, not an author

    • 1 month ago

      Doing a videography project would be good, given that Anon wants to transmit audio too.

      • 1 month ago

        Or a visual novel.

  6. 1 month ago

    This is honestly a good realisation that will make you improve as a writer. All amateur writing is impeded by a desire transmit the little movie that's playing in the writer's head. The paradox is that it's only good literature (fiction that realises its strengths lie in voice, ideas, character) that seems to evoke in the reader's mind the really vivid, haunting flashes of 'actually being there'. I can't explain why, but that seems to be the case for me at least.

    • 1 month ago

      very beautiful picture. spent a while staring at it

  7. 1 month ago

    >complain about le pointlessness of an otherwise fundamentally personal endeavor
    >complain others won't ever fully comprehend your (va)ginormous genius
    >complain you won't ever get to be told precisely what to think/see/hear by others
    >need motivational encouragement to perform a hobby
    >post le artsy vignette photo of a random gross gypsy on his way back from stripping copper wire from the city infrastructure to his dilapidated corrugated metal shack home

    You will always be a woman.

  8. 1 month ago

    Purposes to write:
    >Expression of things that upset you, activities you engage with, people who be- or amuse you, situations that you want to get past
    >Storytelling is only one part of writing, there are many other parts. Scientific writing, poetry, diary-style, voicing of your thoughts, reactions to what you've read, seen, heard, felt, blatant attacks on idea-antagonists, defence of the own viewpoint, propaganda making, manifesto making
    >To train to write is preferable over NEETing the days away and cashing in undeserved checks
    >Sharpening the linguistic side of the brain so that you can engage with the world around you on at least an average level, and above that level if you wish to train further
    >Bodily training: after having done 20 years of writing sitting down, you might want to stand up while you write
    >The feeling of accomplishment that comes with filling a notebook or digital project for the full 100%

    • 1 month ago

      >Publishing and exposing whatever it is that you made of whichever quality to the universe
      >Maybe receive a cart of groceries if it's good, otherwise some universal credit that transcends the money system as we know it
      >Defend freedom even if the writing is not as clear as you would want it to be
      There are many reasons, Anon.

  9. 1 month ago

    You dont write as if you're painting a photorealistic scene, you should write as though you're an impressionist. Photorealism is purple and tedious to read, and the tone and emotion gets bogged down under the weight of details.

  10. 1 month ago

    I know how to condense whatever the most important parts are into clear language and I'm not an autist who gets hung up on wondering whether the handwritten note is written in 0.05mm mechanical pencil or 0.07mm mechanical pencil.

  11. 1 month ago

    >no reader is ever going to see the same scenes in their head that I am seeing
    That is a good thing once you learn to control it. Say you want to describe an idyllic setting on the beach, a surfer and a fisherman are going to have a very different idea of what that is but the writer can just say it was a fish fry on an idyllic beach and the reader will fill that in with what they consider to be an idyllic beach. Visual mediums lose this and can end up creating dissonance with the viewer.

  12. 1 month ago

    >no matter how descriptive
    This causes purple prose

    >Never convey to the reader the same exact...
    Ya, it's fiction not a math text book.

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