
i have this theory brewing in my head that combines autism, schizotypy, religion, narcissism, power, the 21st century’s mechanisms of control & subversion, and then some. but i'm not sure if it's already been written about, could anybody tell me if they recognize this somewhere? I'm guessing D&G's schizophrenia & capitalism is close, but i hope some smart guys here can tell me what they think and if it's been written about before, and any discussion is welcome of course, thankyou

it goes like this: biologic animals, including humans have a need for ‘expatriating’ power, exporting power to some other entity (religion) and/or coalescing with something greater (tribe, society). The individuals who have the greatest need for this are more prone to schizotypy, personality disorders & narcissism. Autism as seen through the lens of a solo hunter gatherer mindset acts as a counteracting force to this need for expatriating power and is a mostly self-sufficient and self-empowering psyche. Our industrial society and the forces that be use our internal need for this to fuel consumption, atomization of communities, insanity, all the good stuff, etc. through our innate tendency towards narcissism when we are unable to ‘expatriate’ power or coalesce with something greater.

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  1. 9 months ago

    i should emphasize it all hinges on humans' basic need to 'expatriate', 'export', somehow turn power over to something else. and nietzsche's insight into creating the ubermensch, creating individuals without this need is the next step, and some autistic individuals in my eye completely fulfill the criteria, there is something about the autistic mind that is self-sufficient, wholly and fully

  2. 9 months ago

    >biologic animals, including humans
    I would restrict your analysis to humans lol
    >expatriating’ power, exporting power to some other entity (religion) and/or coalescing with something greater (tribe, society)
    'Expatriate' is an interesting word choice that I actually kind of like, 'to abandon one's father' but you're trying pretty hard to use a new word when English already has a plethora of words to describe 'giving up power' like surrender, relinquish, cede, etc.
    I can't help but notice what an inherently Liberal idea you have here, it's all about who is the Most Complete Individual and applying the modern spiritual doctrine of Psychology to pre-modern peoples. Basically you're doing a roundabout description of atomization, but the left-turn with autism is kind of confusing and the least explained part while being the most unique. What're you actually saying here? You're saying autists embody a hunter-gatherer spirit of self-sufficiency because they lack the ability to communicate effectively, and thus cope with modernity and atomization better?

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      sssssince you apparently understand this,
      >'Expatriate' is an interesting word choice that I actually kind of like, 'to abandon one's father' but you're trying pretty hard to use a new word when English already has a plethora of words to describe 'giving up power' like surrender, relinquish, cede, etc.

      What the frick is actually being talked about here?

      i have this theory brewing in my head that combines autism, schizotypy, religion, narcissism, power, the 21st century’s mechanisms of control & subversion, and then some. but i'm not sure if it's already been written about, could anybody tell me if they recognize this somewhere? I'm guessing D&G's schizophrenia & capitalism is close, but i hope some smart guys here can tell me what they think and if it's been written about before, and any discussion is welcome of course, thankyou

      it goes like this: biologic animals, including humans have a need for ‘expatriating’ power, exporting power to some other entity (religion) and/or coalescing with something greater (tribe, society). The individuals who have the greatest need for this are more prone to schizotypy, personality disorders & narcissism. Autism as seen through the lens of a solo hunter gatherer mindset acts as a counteracting force to this need for expatriating power and is a mostly self-sufficient and self-empowering psyche. Our industrial society and the forces that be use our internal need for this to fuel consumption, atomization of communities, insanity, all the good stuff, etc. through our innate tendency towards narcissism when we are unable to ‘expatriate’ power or coalesce with something greater.

      >biologic animals, including humans have a need for ‘expatriating’ power,

      You’re a lowercase poster. No matter how sure you are that you’re intelligent, I promise you, you’re not. Stop theorizing. Stop posting altogether. Go outside.

      The level is at least as high as a google executive or senior elected official, your complaint is garbage.

    • 9 months ago

      ty for the reply. i like "cede", to cede the power. 'expatriate' is an odd one i guess. different words with "ex-" popped into my head.

      it's not so much the Most Complete Individual, it's just an overarching look at how the human brain works, especially in the 21st century when our psyches are being pushed to the limit and abnormal brain functioning is rampant. the doctrine of psychology is obviously not healthy but it does give you a lot of information. by looking at different personality disorders & their quirks, the increasing rate of autism and schizotypy, the most extreme outliers of human wellbeing and unwellbeing, you can learn a lot.

      i still haven't thought about autism's role in it too much, but it is integral. autism, through a more primal, non-language, categorizing & rule obeying mental framework the autistic mind is less in touch with the part in us that causes schizotypy, they have less of a need for ceding the power to some other external factor. their wellbeing & mental fortitude comes from within. there is a disconnect in the autistic mind between the internal and the external which might be beneficial. carl jung's phrasing of how archaic man's mind works is related; something like perceiving mental images and an inner voice as being just as "real" as the trees you look, the spirit world & reality are combined in archaic man's mind.... there is something in the autistic mind that is extremely resilient, extreme foolhardy internal stubborness that yes, allows for more wellbeing and functioning in the modern world where one is assailed by apocalyptic malaise, unreality, atomization of social orders, etc. "autism" is still seen as just a "communication disorder" but it's more akin to a complete restructuring of the brain. a wholly different framework of thinking and being. the thing that got me thinking about this a lot is the fact that the amount of autism in the world is definitely increasing, why? and what's it role in the evolution of the human brain? apart from autism though, my theory is mostly concerned about the links between schizotypy, religion/spirituality, narcissism, power (lack there off, too much, and expatriating it) in the 21st century

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        Now you've explained this a little better,

        I won't pick this apart. Actually I think you're quite correct even if we might differ on the diagnostic terminology.

        I'd offer this thought, though:

        If you're correct (as I conclude also) about the'primal' brain being superior on these levels then it's not such a matter of evolution necessarily but of a return to an original optimized state; 'many' aspects of mental health disorders revolve around the primal brain and it simply needs to be reminded that mankind is that brain and nothing else, with the deficiency of over-socialization easily being demonstrated vs. hardcoded logic (problem-solving, discernment, assessment). Consider that we only really need to learn a lesson once to know, e.g. that cave X contains dangerous predators or that eating X mushroom is bad and eating Y mushroom is good; with no verbal complication or social pressure to force us to go with the bad and the stupid.

        I haven't worked this one out to precision yet but it certainly seems far easier to fathom the minds mechanics, and the species overall, with this added into the equation.

        Didn't mean to come across like a nit-picker earlier btw, just was confused what was being referred to by' expatriation' (and tbh I still don't see how this adds in - seems like a wrong approach).

      • 9 months ago

        You're idea of giving away agency to an external power is similar to my understanding of the Lacanian Big Other that I've gotten from Zizek.

        The Big Other is a stand in for a figure that judges, example in the Soviet Union actions were justified in the belief that they would lead to a communist utopia and that history would "look back" and see these actions were for the greater good. This is the same process that would drive a religious fundamentalist into terrorism, the "divine plan" or "gods will" will give a narrative in which the obviously terrible actions are justified, this Other is fundamental in the eyes off Lacan in order to be a subject (based on my understanding) In high school the big other will be the hierarchy through which the subject will imagine the other viewing them, a dork will seem low in the hierarchy which will be the lenses through which he will perceive himself and for how others will perceive him. For lacan reality itself will break away if this symbolic structure of "dork" "chad" disintegrates as you would have no way to interact with the actual person as the social coordinates will no longer be there, all there will be is a walking sack of flesh, bones, face, nothing you can simplify and arrange into a world of meaning for you to be apart off. The big other is ultimately a fiction needed to be a subject.

        You claim autists don't have as big of a need to ‘expatriating’ power into external institutions, and I agree, but tragic part in the Lacanian analysis is a virtual other will be made internally and they will judge themselves on that basis, think of that autist who was obsessed with computers and made his own OS, he had an entire private narrative of feds trying to get him even though he was not a typical normie. When the tie to the big other is broken mental illness arrives, a judge that signs your existence is needed and gives you a way to climb within its good graces allows for self esteem even in autists, they create a story of "finding esoteric" truths and this being of more relevance to the normies of the world, but the opposite is said for the normies, they view the autists as weirdo outcasts and would gain esteem from being in a high rank within the structure.

        If I misunderstood something lmk and check out this video, very clear explanation

        • 9 months ago

          yes the "divine other" that we cede power to, spot on, thank you for showing the video & idea, zizek & lacan are cool. individuals with a higher need for this "divine other" are at a greater disposition to develop schizotypy. individuals with autism less so. terry davis was unique in that he had the interplay of both, but he verged more on the side of schizotypy, his need for the divine other and ceding power created his obsession with christianity, "god", esotericism, and ultimate "insanity", complete disorganization of logic & healthy functioning. he was brilliant in what he did but could not shake the innate need for the power hierarchy and the ultimate other. what i'm interested in is this converging point between timeless philosophy and current psychology i guess

          autism has not been magically created in the last 100 years, it's a certain combination of underlying psychological factors that determine a single personality. i strongly believe those factors can be traced through the ages and can be seen as far back as ancient greek times. see socrates, clear autist in my eyes. through evolution those factors have multiplied and multiplied and now we have non-verbal arm flailing autism on one hand, but also genius level general intelligence autism, socrates, wittgenstein, emily bronte, einstein, elon musk, kanye west, zizek, david lynch, to name just a very few, the list is huge if you know what to look for. it's a spectrum with a few common traits that one can examine and qualify, there's a scientific paper thats titled "autism as solo hunter-gatherer" which is what gave me some ideas

          autism's way of removing itself from the general zeitgeist, separation of mass psychosis, it's ability to separate itself from social influence and remain steadfast in its own inner world, a world that is not subject to insanity or disorganization due to the destruction of the power hierarchy and inability to cede power. the autistic mind automatically disconnects itself from the divine other. the autist has no need for a divine other, it has no need to play in the external power hierarchy game that non-autists inhabit. nietzsche correctly identified the next level in the progress of the "divine other". it is the ultimate self, the self who fully creates his own values and is not swayed by external forces., the ultimate self disconnected and has no need for a divine other, no need to cede power because the strength and will comes from within.

          so basically, schizotypy as an indicator of higher likelihood of mental disorganization/"insanity" due in part of the inability to cede power (destruction of external power hierarchy in modern society) and autism as a safeguard from social influence & removal of power hierarchies which results in more wellbeing and mental stability. something like that

          • 9 months ago

            (1) I understand what you're getting at and agree autists tend to create their own values in a Nietzschean sense, these individualists tend to see through the Other which the general population use to give themselves meaning, and thus see the world in novel ways, Socrates for example would hear a voice which would have its own value system independent of the mass, its because his valuations did not cede to the masses other he was killed.

            An individual who would in a sense cut off from the memetic pool of the general population and come to their own conclusions/valuations on life, with goals set irrespective on how their judged by the divine other most people use, Kanye as an example had a unique way to produce and rap which was not done within the rap scene at that time, he had a well spring of self esteem which derived from an internal trust he had in himself and a disillusionment from rap at the time, through trusting himself he moved the zeitgeist forward and now the order has been updated to his genius "Reality is catching up with me". Same as many other geniuses you've brought up.

            a youtuber I used to watch called Arthur Arcturus had a concept called self structure allotropy (SSA), this was an individual usually an autist would subscribe strictly to their values and reject all other hindrances towards the expression of these values including their own drives (sexual, need for approval). He had said love for an SSA was seeing someone who possessed these values in a human form, just as a non SSA who would be consumed by sexual lust would see a sexually arousing object and be allured by it, or a person with a great need for validation from the other seeing a member high in the hierarchy off the system, an SSA will see their own values they created independently in another person ( intelligence, truth, honesty ) these values are usually opposed to the idiot mob. check this out

            However, a main point that I've seen zizek make is you can not escape the other. An individual even if autistic and not relying on the other posed by the masses will have to invent a virtual one for which he will judge himself by, someone like an SSA WILL catch themselves captured by sexual allure, the invented other of "finding ones own path" or " seeing the true divine regardless of what the mob thinks" anything held with reverence will cast shame on the individual which is precisely the same process the common other uses, he may have escaped the first one but is now in the clutches of his own one, now off course this is self created but the ultimate tragedy is there is no big other, its a fiction even if it sees what most people cant, or is more honest and appropriates more information, its simply a way for a person to be a person, without it this autist will see the world as raw data and have no way to evaluate. For lacan, seeing past ideology of the normal world does not allow.

          • 9 months ago

            Jan Zizka, Slavoj's great-great grandfather, was a protestant high wizard and a profound autism. He literally taught growing backward into the infancy where our relations with the worlds are through mutating machines (in accordance with the Hermetic (non)science). In a way, penis eating vegana, morphing walls into deep soul level projections. That doctrine was secluded in the high mountains of Tibet. But now it is everywhere if your able to tune into the resonance.

            The great Brotherhood architected the state we are in specifically for us to find the way of autism and to activate it (dna codes). It's all in the Elder Scrolls phrophecy books.

            yes the "divine other" that we cede power to, spot on, thank you for showing the video & idea, zizek & lacan are cool. individuals with a higher need for this "divine other" are at a greater disposition to develop schizotypy. individuals with autism less so. terry davis was unique in that he had the interplay of both, but he verged more on the side of schizotypy, his need for the divine other and ceding power created his obsession with christianity, "god", esotericism, and ultimate "insanity", complete disorganization of logic & healthy functioning. he was brilliant in what he did but could not shake the innate need for the power hierarchy and the ultimate other. what i'm interested in is this converging point between timeless philosophy and current psychology i guess

            autism has not been magically created in the last 100 years, it's a certain combination of underlying psychological factors that determine a single personality. i strongly believe those factors can be traced through the ages and can be seen as far back as ancient greek times. see socrates, clear autist in my eyes. through evolution those factors have multiplied and multiplied and now we have non-verbal arm flailing autism on one hand, but also genius level general intelligence autism, socrates, wittgenstein, emily bronte, einstein, elon musk, kanye west, zizek, david lynch, to name just a very few, the list is huge if you know what to look for. it's a spectrum with a few common traits that one can examine and qualify, there's a scientific paper thats titled "autism as solo hunter-gatherer" which is what gave me some ideas

            autism's way of removing itself from the general zeitgeist, separation of mass psychosis, it's ability to separate itself from social influence and remain steadfast in its own inner world, a world that is not subject to insanity or disorganization due to the destruction of the power hierarchy and inability to cede power. the autistic mind automatically disconnects itself from the divine other. the autist has no need for a divine other, it has no need to play in the external power hierarchy game that non-autists inhabit. nietzsche correctly identified the next level in the progress of the "divine other". it is the ultimate self, the self who fully creates his own values and is not swayed by external forces., the ultimate self disconnected and has no need for a divine other, no need to cede power because the strength and will comes from within.

            so basically, schizotypy as an indicator of higher likelihood of mental disorganization/"insanity" due in part of the inability to cede power (destruction of external power hierarchy in modern society) and autism as a safeguard from social influence & removal of power hierarchies which results in more wellbeing and mental stability. something like that

            ay ay. the patternless pattern. the novel, the unstained: the bodhicitta juice that harmonizes the biofield. so, the whitepill that is. outist breaking the symbolic becoming the alternative zero-energy twin irradiatory spheres from the surreal dimension. And memes are literally the points of vortex activity. The next meta is biblical-hermetic hermeneutics of memes. The high priesthood of meme will lead us towards the Dawn Era (elder scrolls). It's either that or an eternal boot of dialectical zeitgeist fake oppositions sitting of your horned eye blocking television with porn of various sorts.

          • 9 months ago

            (2) one to see the truth, it would allow for new blinds, to take off the blinds completely the world will be a mess off information, to actually be in love even in a SSA way, a set of information must be fantasised in a way to make it sublime, an example is an intelligent Christian who sees degenerate activity in his atheist community, he would see sexual perversion being justified by their lack of faith, and he would also see they are not vigorous in their beliefs, they watched Hitchens and now they all fit in together without actually thinking about their actions, the Christian in his faith and independence comes to his own conclusions and follows them faithfully, he would view the cross with reverence, but is he actually away from the other? he has merely condensed the external world into another structure which gives his life meaning and justifies his suffering, just as the perverts may use atheism to be degenerates, he uses Christianity to justify not enjoying sex, and he will even view himself as righteous and pure for doing so, to take off both glasses nothing will remain. Valuations are inbuilt ( according to lacan)

            I don't buy the full picture, I do agree with your idea of the "self" in a Jungian sense, some artists say its as if the ideas are being channelled through them Giuseppe Tartini had a dream the devil showed him how to play the violin, he awoke wrote it down and it was light years away from everything else he ever and others wrote, I believe all works of genius come from this well spring off internal contents. check that out but there are far more, aphex twin claimed he had lucid dreamed some of his songs, woke up a recreated them and they are absolutely heavenly and still ahead of their time 30 years later.

            I believe a connection with the transcendent, or seeing past and overcoming the valuations of the modern era but come from this well spring and are beyond logic/rationality, accessing them must be done by certain individuals ( creative types ) who split off from society.


            thank you for writing this all out. it's a very interesting thought, this impossibility of overcoming and inevitable, cyclical surrender to whatever concoction of values and rules one makes. the impossibility of escaping the divine other. even when power is ceded to any internal divinely oriented compass, you follow the red arrow and the invisible magnetic pull guides.

            i put the pussy in da sarcaphagus

          • 9 months ago

            (2) one to see the truth, it would allow for new blinds, to take off the blinds completely the world will be a mess off information, to actually be in love even in a SSA way, a set of information must be fantasised in a way to make it sublime, an example is an intelligent Christian who sees degenerate activity in his atheist community, he would see sexual perversion being justified by their lack of faith, and he would also see they are not vigorous in their beliefs, they watched Hitchens and now they all fit in together without actually thinking about their actions, the Christian in his faith and independence comes to his own conclusions and follows them faithfully, he would view the cross with reverence, but is he actually away from the other? he has merely condensed the external world into another structure which gives his life meaning and justifies his suffering, just as the perverts may use atheism to be degenerates, he uses Christianity to justify not enjoying sex, and he will even view himself as righteous and pure for doing so, to take off both glasses nothing will remain. Valuations are inbuilt ( according to lacan)

            I don't buy the full picture, I do agree with your idea of the "self" in a Jungian sense, some artists say its as if the ideas are being channelled through them Giuseppe Tartini had a dream the devil showed him how to play the violin, he awoke wrote it down and it was light years away from everything else he ever and others wrote, I believe all works of genius come from this well spring off internal contents. check that out but there are far more, aphex twin claimed he had lucid dreamed some of his songs, woke up a recreated them and they are absolutely heavenly and still ahead of their time 30 years later.

            I believe a connection with the transcendent, or seeing past and overcoming the valuations of the modern era but come from this well spring and are beyond logic/rationality, accessing them must be done by certain individuals ( creative types ) who split off from society.

          • 9 months ago

            >autism's way of removing itself from the general zeitgeist, separation of mass psychosis, it's ability to separate itself from social influence and remain steadfast in its own inner world, a world that is not subject to insanity or disorganization due to the destruction of the power hierarchy and inability to cede power.

            I personally found this really helpful. In truth im a midwit but I have an obsession with believing in my own intellectual superiority (bc insecurities) and/or that I'm beginning to experience the latent stages of some severe mental illness (this might actually be OCD but I don't have any other symptoms). Juxtaposing schizos and autists in this way helped me see how my fear of losing my mind leads me to embrace my potential autism as a kind of antidote, even though it prevents me from confronting the (happy?) truth that I'm neurotypical.

        • 9 months ago

          >tragic part in the Lacanian analysis is a virtual other will be made internally and they will judge themselves on that basis
          explains the explosion in autistic teen girls that are convinced they're trans.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            fortunately they don't mess their faces up with make-up and remain much prettier as a consequence.

      • 9 months ago

        >the amount of autism in the world is definitely increasing, why?
        the data points to changing 1st world material conditions. that is, the entry of women into the workforce and subsequent delay in child bearing to older and older ages of conception with far greater risk of autism. let alone the environmental chemical contagions we can't begin to accurately speculate on cause/effect

  3. 9 months ago

    You’re a lowercase poster. No matter how sure you are that you’re intelligent, I promise you, you’re not. Stop theorizing. Stop posting altogether. Go outside.

  4. 9 months ago

    power 'exportation' is narcissistic via association with the exported to, underpinned by misperceived insignificance latently compensated for.

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      >power 'exportation' is narcissistic via association with the exported to, underpinned by misperceived insignificance latently compensated for.
      and this applies to 'biological animals'? lol did you even consider the context before hazarding a guess?


  5. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    well it's a shame we'll never know what was meant by this.

    • 9 months ago

      So it goes.

    • 9 months ago

      Who gives a frick? have a nice day namegay.
      Not literature.

  6. 9 months ago

    check "self-extension" it's a psychology concept

  7. 9 months ago

    You should read about the findings of Dr. Ruthsatz—there’s a book, “The Prodigy’s Cousin” its name.

  8. 9 months ago

    I hope you're fifteen, anon. I posted shit like this with pics like that on this board when I was fifteen.

    • 9 months ago

      What do you post now?

  9. 9 months ago

    >including humans have a need for ‘expatriating’ power, exporting power to some other entity (religion) and/or coalescing with something greater (tribe, society)
    that's already biased towards atheism. It's only atheist bourgeois who are obsessed with power and define everything through it.

  10. 9 months ago

    >expatriating’ power, exporting power to some other entity (religion) and/or coalescing with something greater (tribe, society).
    Sounds a lot like Freud's account and/or theory of religion.
    Which views all of religion as infantile--as a giving up of all personal responsibility in a desire to return to a childhood characterized by a lack of self.
    This is to me sounds to me like a varient of secular humanism. Which presumes the individual p.o.v is more or less the base real reality and the religious perspective only a artificial creation springing/ projected from the minds' of men.
    >Autism as seen through the lens of a solo hunter gatherer mindset acts as a counteracting force to this need for expatriating power and is a mostly self-sufficient and self-empowering psyche
    Phrased a bit oddly but i think what you're saying is that basically an autist remains fully in himself, does not need to project his psyche outward as much as he has a much more restricted withdrawn social life. He lives within himself, draws satisfaction from his own internal individual unconcerned with outward conspicuous markers of success or appearance.
    >Our industrial society and the forces that be use our internal need for this to fuel consumption, atomization of communities, insanity, all the good stuff, etc. through our innate tendency towards narcissism when we are unable to ‘expatriate’ power or coalesce with something greater.
    If I could simplify you're saying the loss of a transcendent unifying religious or social narrative leads people to despair and to submerge themselves in frivolous consumption as a replacement.
    This to me sounde like a mix of pomo theory and Marx's theory of the Fetishism of Commodities. Meta narratives are gone bye bye-bye + Marx's idea that in modern capitalist societies we replace religious fetishism with commodity fetishism.

  11. 9 months ago

    "has anyone written about this but not this book specifically"?

    if you could write what you meant a little better, maybe i could figure it out. i don't know what autism could have to do with any of this other than a direct comparison to the Schizophrenia element in your post. not everything needs to be 1:1. as it is, your post red: humans have a need for power but it must converge on a kind. this is not a universal rule, so the result is that those who exhibit it in excess are the minority. this specific condition cf a historical condition counteracts the cause of the minority position. and then you keep going to say, all because someone explained this is the reason we live in industrial society.

  12. 9 months ago

    Yeah so mr. penis is the coming subject born
    of a bubbling foam of esoteric sneedposting
    in-dust real society evolves towards the conspiratorial shitposter's spiritual corporatism, an invisible net of ascended gamers. The turn: insanity is actually in-sanity. Literature shout be shredded to pieces and then reconnected into patterns that are taught by an inner genius. The instinctual motion. Mr penis feasts on a pussy. Hence the pussy adoration. Pussy in a mind always. Pussy delightful and joyous as the early morn's dew.

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      This is true. That the OP didn't immediately respond eager to explain what 'expatriate' was supposed to mean is a bad sign.

      Really the shame is that OP is on his way to reaching a kind of good point in understanding, that is: he'd do well in a military training camp. Sadly he wants to manage it as a rather than submit to being managed. It is the most common flaw.

      • 9 months ago

        why would you submit to something you don't understand, your endgoals are different from mine hombre, much luck

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          is good question though:
          how will mankind be able to achieve a single thing without an organization, state or culture filled with people capable to carry those things out? optimal cohesion is the first priority before anything else can be begun.

          • 9 months ago

            >optimal cohesion is the first priority before anything else can be begun.
            yer first step is already the good moment: resurrecting the ancient Albanian nobility fourth dimension shit we were always here but losing our crests we got enchanted into schools (school_suxxxx_2004), and books, and you know. it will happen as the flood of creative vision dawning in the mode of 'resistance is futile'. God secluded himself into the dot of absolute autism. each one follows his example. numidium as the regenerated language that only the gamers understand each other perfectly in those absences.

          • 9 months ago

            is good question though:
            how will mankind be able to achieve a single thing without an organization, state or culture filled with people capable to carry those things out? optimal cohesion is the first priority before anything else can be begun.

            there dude made a thread about the board ontology. which is good self-awareness. our whatever is obviously not about books as such. I'd say it's a form of free internet bare life. there's some mysterial meaning behind it.

        • 9 months ago

          Never reply to tripgays or namegays

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Duncans Crumbs (His Grace)

            your days are numbered, masked antifa coward.

  13. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    I think ultimately to implement anything we must size the prisons and begin using superfluous unwanted convicts as the New Citizen, since these 'defunct' men and women are higher quality than the standard sheep physically, emotionally and intellectually; given their life experience.

    Let's form the Penal Legions already, I'm bored of waiting for sheep to carefully slowly 'mature' into slightly more thick-headed sheep on the off chance that one or two may 'get it'.

    • 9 months ago

      how do you know implementation isn't already on the way somewhere in the world? have you checked? you're just on IQfy, but send us a postcard when you find it

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        Conspiracy Theory. Or: the brain desperately clinging onto the sense of "all is in order" that we perceive as children before we recognize that nothing is orderly.

        >how do you know implementation isn't already on the way somewhere in the world?
        I'm going to consider this an exercise in condensing a massive essay into a few lines:

        Simple. The soft urban type despises the common human and is not interested in the species; hence they advance idiots and impede education at every possible opportunity, undoing the work done in the past. Much of the culture relies on a denial of biological and material reality; an impaired development, so that the citizen remains as a child. This is the common culture that is vigorously enforced; at the cost of the entire human capital (squandered human resources) and planetary resources also: when you consider how much is invested in producing infantilism and how much fuel goes into powering it electronically. Long story short, however, the reason why this is not taking place is the reason the christian romans feared to raise legions, and the barbarians feared to train men to repel the vikings; they were more fearful their own population rising up via merit and displacing them. Same reasoning why workers rights movements were assaulted so much and why slave or child labor was preferred to employing free skilled labor and enriching the population.

        It is a the fear of competition, in other words, and a primitive desire to play 'elite' in a society of impoverished people who will make the 'elite' feel special by begging for scraps from the table. Implementing a nation wide system of providing work does not interest the 'elite' as their "power" would cease to exist.

  14. 9 months ago

    is a crippling disorder. No autist would've seriously survived in the age of Hunter-Gatherers

    • 9 months ago

      >implying they wouldn't be the shamans or the guards

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        >or the guards
        no fear of death, single-minded focus, never lazy, attentive to detail, thinking 100 steps ahead, no egotism to impair the senses, recognition of errors in behaviors of others; unwillingness to comply with self-harming error

        remove the socialization element from people (the massive compliance to conform to self-harming error) like this today that cast them so negatively and punish them for fighting back; moreover use their abilities to make them fight 100 better, and you're already looking at an elite - albeit in the rough and suffering from extreme myopia and depression due to culture.

        - presuming we're using 'autistic' as the common slang for 'smart'

    • 9 months ago

      I'm skeptical of autists who cite newton or whatever as one of them but to give OP credit he only gave examples up to the Greeks. If anything that just reinforces the notion that Autism is a consequence of modernity, which is precisely why the didn't survive in hunter-gatherer societies.

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        pretty sure Newton was a full blown schizophrenic, still he was able to write a very long book that explained to cretins how apples fall off trees.

      • 9 months ago

        op here
        every psychological deviation or categorization is both a consequence of modernity and completely inherent to the human psyche. let's say there's an uncontacted tribe somewhere in laos with 30 individuals, 2 of them might have a bit more of the underlying traits that through evolution, "selective breeding" (and nutritional changes etc) cause a more pronounced and identifiable version of "autism", our modern day interpretation of it (= lack of communication, stimming, etc) they may all have certain traits that cause autism; but in those 2 it is more pronounced. and genes become more pronounced the more intermixed they are. the underlying traits of autism, the very core neurological pathways and unseen psychological traits, have always been there, and are likely in every person. in 2023 it is just becoming more noticeable as we further and further mold and change our vulnerable psyches, and because likeminded individuals seek out likeminded individuals to make babies.

        the same thing goes with schizotypy and the 10 categorized personality "disorders". "Schizotypal" is one of them and is marked by an inability to trust of others. there are underlying traits in all of us that make us not trust other people, but through evolution and a change in environment (constant observation & destruction of family structure in 2023) and a simple matter of upbringing exacerbated throughout generations (your mother was distrustful of others, you will likely be more distrustful of others) all these underlying traits are amplified and amplified until you have rampant mental "illness", abnormal and unhealthy functioning of the brain

        that's my view on "psychology"

        Now you've explained this a little better,

        I won't pick this apart. Actually I think you're quite correct even if we might differ on the diagnostic terminology.

        I'd offer this thought, though:

        If you're correct (as I conclude also) about the'primal' brain being superior on these levels then it's not such a matter of evolution necessarily but of a return to an original optimized state; 'many' aspects of mental health disorders revolve around the primal brain and it simply needs to be reminded that mankind is that brain and nothing else, with the deficiency of over-socialization easily being demonstrated vs. hardcoded logic (problem-solving, discernment, assessment). Consider that we only really need to learn a lesson once to know, e.g. that cave X contains dangerous predators or that eating X mushroom is bad and eating Y mushroom is good; with no verbal complication or social pressure to force us to go with the bad and the stupid.

        I haven't worked this one out to precision yet but it certainly seems far easier to fathom the minds mechanics, and the species overall, with this added into the equation.

        Didn't mean to come across like a nit-picker earlier btw, just was confused what was being referred to by' expatriation' (and tbh I still don't see how this adds in - seems like a wrong approach).

        like this guy says, there is one healthy brain, everybody is neurotypical, there is no mental illness. but what there definitely is is mental suffering, mental disorganization (craziness) and there are categories that track the most extreme deviation of this healthy brain. and i believe power is the root cause of a lot of this suffering. the simple biological effects of power are real and often overlooked in psychology. power is such an extremely important, but often hard to see influence on healthy brain functioning. i mean look at the rat experiment and humanity now, with a lack of power males will quite literally turn gay. it's such a profound effect that you have to ask yourself, what else changes in an individual when power changes? that's what i'm concerned with, the simple neurobiological effects of power on mental health and proper functioning

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          >there is one healthy brain, everybody is neurotypical, there is no mental illness. but what there definitely is is mental suffering, mental disorganization (craziness) and there are categories that track the most extreme deviation of this healthy brain.

          I've tried, and largely failed, to convince anybody that cognitive disorders are not hard-coded diseases but effects or errors in comprehension; in so far as I know the Soviet Union came the closest to this discovery, whilst the West seemed so against psychiatry that it never even abandoned the practice of lobotomy (w/ drugs for these disorders taking the form a chemical lobotomy, for instance) and never really gave up on the disease notion: as if a Man is born with a broken leg as part of his personality, ignoring that he obviously acquired it via conditioning and traumas or whatever else - resulting in non remedy and non inquiry, an eventual acceptance of these things 'as' "untreatable diseases" and then a massive umbrella of rapidly expanding diagnostic terms, of which autism is one.

          In short: yes, mental suffering is a much better way to look at this, but errors in cognition; as in: not recognizing that what a person is seeing or experiencing may be or actually is a product of a faulty wiring and fallacious inferences (conspiracy theories, local cultural narratives saying up is down, e.g.), is a much more effective means to go about remedying these things either for the self or for others.

          There is the brain, there is the world around it which the brain is designed to fully fathom, and then there are things which interfere with the relay of the true report of ones own senses.

          >what else changes in an individual when power changes? that's what i'm concerned with, the simple neurobiological effects of power on mental health and proper functioning
          I see even more what you mean now. Power, in this sense, could refer to a cultural environment or a working environment where the "mice in the maze" are somehow discouraged from doing XYZ or encouraged to do XYZ; their behavior differing from gradual repeat exposure of an action.

          An example of this that I've written about, in the above context, is the seemingly accidental forming of habits and culture by peripheral or direct exposure to a set of fixed behavioral protocols; that is: there is obviously an overt intention of constructing those protocols, but the full effects of those protocols were unforeseeable (that is: nobody set out with X aim, nobody predicted X consequence; no books existed on the subject that could have been worked from by a group). The new digital realms provide such a juicy case subject on all of this, with social media and its behavioral effects on the individual, the group, the broader politics; just to mention one small aspect of it, how the introduction of protocols, then, constitutes a vast shift in the "power" (if you want to call it that) perceived by individual and group and their adaptation to that.

          • 9 months ago

            >In short: yes, mental suffering is a much better way to look at this, but errors in cognition; as in: not recognizing that what a person is seeing or experiencing may be or actually is a product of a faulty wiring and fallacious inferences (conspiracy theories, local cultural narratives saying up is down, e.g.), is a much more effective means to go about remedying these things either for the self or for others.

            I think this is essentially correct; and the largest mistake is by people mistaking the metaphysical and the material.

          • 9 months ago

            >In short: yes, mental suffering is a much better way to look at this, but errors in cognition; as in: not recognizing that what a person is seeing or experiencing may be or actually is a product of a faulty wiring and fallacious inferences (conspiracy theories, local cultural narratives saying up is down, e.g.), is a much more effective means to go about remedying these things either for the self or for others.

            I think this is essentially correct; and the largest mistake is by people mistaking the metaphysical and the material.

            either one of you circle jerking homosexuals is free to define "conspiracy theory" whenever you like.

            I know the answer and am here to grade your papers.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >free to define "conspiracy theory"
            I believe I have done so here:

            Contd. from [...]
            Pursuing this observation is led me back to the matters of peer reinforcement of cultural perceptions derived from those protocols; ultimately that the social conformity to the narrative gleaned from that perception is the beginning and the end of such individuals concerns, being trapped in a loop of repetition and gradually coming to crave the conformism to the protocols to, paradoxically, extremely antisocial effects: but this demonstrates the baseline programming received by those individuals and their sense of 'group/culture' in their experiences and from those protocols.

            However, as the brain is attuned to perceive a true report of the world then the further one goes from that true report, via second tier social conformism (adapting to other people who have themselves adapted to the protocols), then the greater 'damage' is done to the brain. I believe this is a better approach to understanding the (DSM) and how those things arise; massive errors in comprehension, delusions in perceptions, etc., as the brain, in that sense, can be understood as to be like a scanner which is constantly producing the correct assessment of things but the society is bewildered at the correct assessment. One can only 'fit in', then, with an incorrect culture (i.e. protocols that are either false be design or protocols that are simply out-dated or incomplete, or protocols that are broken and have not been repaired) by damaging that scanner repeatedly until it ceases to produce the correct assessment any longer.

            I think, in that effect, one can notice rather easily the process of a diminished grip on reality; politician declaring lies every day, for instance, is gradually damaging the logic circuits of their brain by repeated self-abuse; I notice that such people have a comorbidity of seeking an anchoring point in some old comforting narrative that excuses them from freshly assessing things (to resolve the errors), but that their behavior itself is a product of adaption to an incorrect or out-dated culture which is reinforced only and always by that second tier of social conformism; which is to say that they are hard at work all the time maintaining an artificial illusion which exists, for them all, to avoid processing any true report of the world around them - for "social" reasoning, or fear of what the group or culture will do to them if they do.

            All it need be said to realize that this is not species-norm although widespread, is that in human evolution such concerns with non-reality or 'upholding a false thing' to please the group simply never existed; a group which predicated itself upon an untrue report would simply die when they ignored their rational senses or observations and walked into the dangerous cave or ate the poisoned mushroom - things they had 'seen' and 'knew' the effect of, as there is no manner by which an false narrative or societal group could have hounded them into ignoring the sense data.

            if a protocol exists whereby your culture den't wish to pursue the truth of a thing, for danger or fear, then you will gently or forcefully develop a narrative that affirms your status quo of inaction toward the truth of a thing, e.g. left and right both rest upon identical conspiracy theories only their target of blame differs.

          • 9 months ago

            Nope. Wrong answer.
            "Conspiracy theorist" is a pejorative which has nothing necessarily to do with the truth, unless its used by someone selling or imposing a lie on someone who actually know said truth.

            remember, you were talking about "fallacious inferences" before and used "Conspiracy theories" as example.

            >there is one healthy brain, everybody is neurotypical, there is no mental illness. but what there definitely is is mental suffering, mental disorganization (craziness) and there are categories that track the most extreme deviation of this healthy brain.

            I've tried, and largely failed, to convince anybody that cognitive disorders are not hard-coded diseases but effects or errors in comprehension; in so far as I know the Soviet Union came the closest to this discovery, whilst the West seemed so against psychiatry that it never even abandoned the practice of lobotomy (w/ drugs for these disorders taking the form a chemical lobotomy, for instance) and never really gave up on the disease notion: as if a Man is born with a broken leg as part of his personality, ignoring that he obviously acquired it via conditioning and traumas or whatever else - resulting in non remedy and non inquiry, an eventual acceptance of these things 'as' "untreatable diseases" and then a massive umbrella of rapidly expanding diagnostic terms, of which autism is one.

            In short: yes, mental suffering is a much better way to look at this, but errors in cognition; as in: not recognizing that what a person is seeing or experiencing may be or actually is a product of a faulty wiring and fallacious inferences (conspiracy theories, local cultural narratives saying up is down, e.g.), is a much more effective means to go about remedying these things either for the self or for others.

            There is the brain, there is the world around it which the brain is designed to fully fathom, and then there are things which interfere with the relay of the true report of ones own senses.

            >what else changes in an individual when power changes? that's what i'm concerned with, the simple neurobiological effects of power on mental health and proper functioning
            I see even more what you mean now. Power, in this sense, could refer to a cultural environment or a working environment where the "mice in the maze" are somehow discouraged from doing XYZ or encouraged to do XYZ; their behavior differing from gradual repeat exposure of an action.

            An example of this that I've written about, in the above context, is the seemingly accidental forming of habits and culture by peripheral or direct exposure to a set of fixed behavioral protocols; that is: there is obviously an overt intention of constructing those protocols, but the full effects of those protocols were unforeseeable (that is: nobody set out with X aim, nobody predicted X consequence; no books existed on the subject that could have been worked from by a group). The new digital realms provide such a juicy case subject on all of this, with social media and its behavioral effects on the individual, the group, the broader politics; just to mention one small aspect of it, how the introduction of protocols, then, constitutes a vast shift in the "power" (if you want to call it that) perceived by individual and group and their adaptation to that.

            Caught talking nonsense you've now changed your tune.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >Nope. Wrong answer.
            >Caught talking nonsense
            Well if you're setting out to debunk everything I said by using a hyperliteral definition of one tiny after-thought that followed from the case then that's not even the hyperliteral definition:
            'conspiracy' referring to their group actions; a sense of shared kinship in maintaining their group: con+spir "to draw breath together," and it is used erroneously to imply "deception" but we know what it means (in the original context i gave); that is: to reinforce a group narrative about a thing, as I said,
            >>e.g. left and right both rest upon identical conspiracy theories only their target of blame differs.
            it does not need to be conscious deception in its verbatim context of the word or in the context of social reinforcement of a protocol (they are the same meaning); e.g. you are not 'consciously' attacking what I said because you cling to the status quo 'consciously' but your actions are arrived at 'unconsciously', in our context of power and protocol it is precisely that unconscious effect which constitutes the adaption to external power being imposed upon ... the mouse in the maze, forcing it take this route rather than that route; you defend the status quo because it is all you know how to do under the protocols. And I do not take it to heart.

            ba zing a

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >you were talking about "fallacious inferences" before and used "Conspiracy theories"
            Actually yes, that context ought be obvious though; a fallacious inference of a thing resulting a conspiracy theory - a seeking of blame ( it is used erroneously to imply "deception" ) and a presumption of conscious malintent upon some party.

            e.g. Jim dosen't understand why his roof collapsed, he blames the government for having done it on purpose by malintent toward him; in reality the person Jim hired to fix is roof was an inept and the damaged was never repaired; the roof collapsing was a natural consequence of the sequence of events.

            Jim 'may' be unconsciously redirecting the sense of responsibility away from himself or not, or he may be doing it consciously; his intent to blame stems from a bewilderment to a situation he has not fully assessed and so does not know the true cause. Until he does, he makes do and jumps to the malintentions of others in a way that will resemble whatsoever world narrative he held, utilizing the disaster as a means to confirm his prior narrative - probably more consciously than unconsciously.

            HOPE you get what I was saying from that.

            It is that single thing that effective psychiatry focuses upon for the "cure" of people in personal psychiatry; that fine thread between the conscious self-controlled brain and the unconscious chaotic brain.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >Jim 'may' be unconsciously redirecting the sense of responsibility away from himself or not, or he may be doing it consciously; his intent to blame stems from a bewilderment to a situation he has not fully assessed and so does not know the true cause. Until he does, he makes do and jumps to the malintentions of others in a way that will resemble whatsoever world narrative he held, utilizing the disaster as a means to confirm his prior narrative - probably more consciously than unconsciou
            AND ='D to throw this back into 'our' context of protocols..... Jim may be quite consciously making up the story to gain financial compensation, as this protocol is one he scurries around in as well.

          • 9 months ago
            Steer Desu

            Dude you're just writing treatise after treatise on the same and singular subject of cope

            We get it, already
            Frick off

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            cattle, if people cease to cope by understanding your insane behaviors they will simply beginning killing you in the streets. think of what you say and think of the condition of mankind.

          • 9 months ago
            Steer Desu

            >killing in the streets
            >condition of mankind
            sounds like to me the status quo from time immemorial

            Oh, and internet tough guy... Be sure and start your "killing" with me.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            hahaha you thick headed cow, you're not "being threatened"; you keep chiming in trying to derail the conversation and the last thing you said was "cope" - I pointed out that if humans cease to "cope" with your disturbances you'd be cut up in the streets by the first person you frick off at. Don't you process what happens if people give on reasoning with dumb people and the dumb people are still there as an obstacle?

            "coping is bad" is one of the most cretinous things you could 'think', let alone have the idiocy to think to 'say'.

          • 9 months ago
            I'm here, I'm Steer, Baa ah ZZZZZ ing ah


          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            low IQ trash s m h, go drink yourself to death like your forefathers did before you.

          • 9 months ago
            Steer Desu

            I ghost wrote for Alexander Pope,
            Riding in his carriage one day.

            He rolled dope, that I did smoke,
            Before we began the affray.

            To sir dumbkindonut’s crooked house,
            We rode ourselves a-sway
            To frick that chap all the way up,
            Sort him out, ‘n send him to his mum.

            This story hasn’t a happy ending,
            I’m afraid; but, either way,
            It’s over, and this’ll have to be the end of it.

            C O P E would be the poem. Cope would be its name. For to call it anything different would be to shit more on the memory of its subject.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            A for effort, B for buggery,
            C for the c**t of the prostitute you call "mother," see?

            D for my dick, E for your ear,
            homosexual as you beat off your meat to me, queer =D

            Gay for the off-topic petty abuse that you post,
            Hard is my dick at the smell of a roast,
            I, being me, Jizz off in your mum,
            "Kushty," she slobbers, licking the last drops or, if you will, Crumbs, ...

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          Contd. from

          >there is one healthy brain, everybody is neurotypical, there is no mental illness. but what there definitely is is mental suffering, mental disorganization (craziness) and there are categories that track the most extreme deviation of this healthy brain.

          I've tried, and largely failed, to convince anybody that cognitive disorders are not hard-coded diseases but effects or errors in comprehension; in so far as I know the Soviet Union came the closest to this discovery, whilst the West seemed so against psychiatry that it never even abandoned the practice of lobotomy (w/ drugs for these disorders taking the form a chemical lobotomy, for instance) and never really gave up on the disease notion: as if a Man is born with a broken leg as part of his personality, ignoring that he obviously acquired it via conditioning and traumas or whatever else - resulting in non remedy and non inquiry, an eventual acceptance of these things 'as' "untreatable diseases" and then a massive umbrella of rapidly expanding diagnostic terms, of which autism is one.

          In short: yes, mental suffering is a much better way to look at this, but errors in cognition; as in: not recognizing that what a person is seeing or experiencing may be or actually is a product of a faulty wiring and fallacious inferences (conspiracy theories, local cultural narratives saying up is down, e.g.), is a much more effective means to go about remedying these things either for the self or for others.

          There is the brain, there is the world around it which the brain is designed to fully fathom, and then there are things which interfere with the relay of the true report of ones own senses.

          >what else changes in an individual when power changes? that's what i'm concerned with, the simple neurobiological effects of power on mental health and proper functioning
          I see even more what you mean now. Power, in this sense, could refer to a cultural environment or a working environment where the "mice in the maze" are somehow discouraged from doing XYZ or encouraged to do XYZ; their behavior differing from gradual repeat exposure of an action.

          An example of this that I've written about, in the above context, is the seemingly accidental forming of habits and culture by peripheral or direct exposure to a set of fixed behavioral protocols; that is: there is obviously an overt intention of constructing those protocols, but the full effects of those protocols were unforeseeable (that is: nobody set out with X aim, nobody predicted X consequence; no books existed on the subject that could have been worked from by a group). The new digital realms provide such a juicy case subject on all of this, with social media and its behavioral effects on the individual, the group, the broader politics; just to mention one small aspect of it, how the introduction of protocols, then, constitutes a vast shift in the "power" (if you want to call it that) perceived by individual and group and their adaptation to that.

          Pursuing this observation is led me back to the matters of peer reinforcement of cultural perceptions derived from those protocols; ultimately that the social conformity to the narrative gleaned from that perception is the beginning and the end of such individuals concerns, being trapped in a loop of repetition and gradually coming to crave the conformism to the protocols to, paradoxically, extremely antisocial effects: but this demonstrates the baseline programming received by those individuals and their sense of 'group/culture' in their experiences and from those protocols.

          However, as the brain is attuned to perceive a true report of the world then the further one goes from that true report, via second tier social conformism (adapting to other people who have themselves adapted to the protocols), then the greater 'damage' is done to the brain. I believe this is a better approach to understanding the (DSM) and how those things arise; massive errors in comprehension, delusions in perceptions, etc., as the brain, in that sense, can be understood as to be like a scanner which is constantly producing the correct assessment of things but the society is bewildered at the correct assessment. One can only 'fit in', then, with an incorrect culture (i.e. protocols that are either false be design or protocols that are simply out-dated or incomplete, or protocols that are broken and have not been repaired) by damaging that scanner repeatedly until it ceases to produce the correct assessment any longer.

          I think, in that effect, one can notice rather easily the process of a diminished grip on reality; politician declaring lies every day, for instance, is gradually damaging the logic circuits of their brain by repeated self-abuse; I notice that such people have a comorbidity of seeking an anchoring point in some old comforting narrative that excuses them from freshly assessing things (to resolve the errors), but that their behavior itself is a product of adaption to an incorrect or out-dated culture which is reinforced only and always by that second tier of social conformism; which is to say that they are hard at work all the time maintaining an artificial illusion which exists, for them all, to avoid processing any true report of the world around them - for "social" reasoning, or fear of what the group or culture will do to them if they do.

          All it need be said to realize that this is not species-norm although widespread, is that in human evolution such concerns with non-reality or 'upholding a false thing' to please the group simply never existed; a group which predicated itself upon an untrue report would simply die when they ignored their rational senses or observations and walked into the dangerous cave or ate the poisoned mushroom - things they had 'seen' and 'knew' the effect of, as there is no manner by which an false narrative or societal group could have hounded them into ignoring the sense data.

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          trying to think of the easiest example for this:
          >> Power, in this sense, could refer to a cultural environment or a working environment where the "mice in the maze" are somehow discouraged from doing XYZ or encouraged to do XYZ; their behavior differing from gradual repeat exposure of an action.
          Came to this:
          If a persons job ends if a situation is resolved then they have no interest in resolving that situation; if their financial situation is directly harmed by fixing the error their actions will consist of doing anything but fixing the error.

          Not very complicated I think, and a good example of unwanted actions and a socially reinforced behavioral culture being inadvertently created by adaption to a protocol; the unwanted action coming from the protocol itself, the culture coming from social adaption formed upon the protocol and reinforced by the group.

  15. 9 months ago

    > biologic animals, including humans
    Because as we all know ringworms keep founding religions all over the place.

    > have a need for ‘expatriating’ power, exporting power to some other entity (religion) and/or coalescing with something greater (tribe, society).
    If you look at early religions you'll notice that it isn't really about going up your power to God, all those droughts, plagues, earthquakes and so on that religion is to explain have plenty of power on their own. We don't imagine God as a power external to us here because we need to imagine an external power, God is imagined as an explanation for the external power that is really there.
    Societies and tribes likewise has real, concrete power without the need for you to imagine it to be so.

    >The individuals who have the greatest need for this are more prone to schizotypy, personality disorders & narcissism. Autism as seen through the lens of a solo hunter gatherer mindset acts as a counteracting force to this need for expatriating power and is a mostly self-sufficient and self-empowering psyche.
    So does autism mean you're less likely to develop schizophrenia?
    "However, youth with ASD are three to six times more likely to develop SCZ than their neurotypical counterparts"

    >Our industrial society and the forces that be use our internal need for this to fuel consumption, atomization of communities, insanity, all the good stuff, etc.
    And the man behind it all? Pepe Silvia.

    All in all this is some "high school kid trying to be cool" shit. Take it as a creative writing exercise where some nutjob believes it, or even have it be how things actually work in your story and see what that results in. But do yourself a big favour and stop pretending it correlates to actual reality no matter how appealing the "kooky conspiracy philosopher" personality might seem to you.

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      >> biologic animals, including humans
      >Because as we all know
      OHH is that what OP meant? Giving power from self to religion. More likely: greater good / social collective. In that sense it makes sense, finally - fricking hell:

      He means that you immediately recognized, partly ... the animal species or insect species recognizes their collective self as being the 'god'. For humans, I suppose, this is better described as 'culture (of doing this or that)' w/ culture in the real sense of cultivation of actions and habits within the group. And this isn't terribly far from the same descriptor within insect colonies.

      >optimal cohesion is the first priority before anything else can be begun.
      yer first step is already the good moment: resurrecting the ancient Albanian nobility fourth dimension shit we were always here but losing our crests we got enchanted into schools (school_suxxxx_2004), and books, and you know. it will happen as the flood of creative vision dawning in the mode of 'resistance is futile'. God secluded himself into the dot of absolute autism. each one follows his example. numidium as the regenerated language that only the gamers understand each other perfectly in those absences.

      it's still pretty exclusionary and I like my "uplift the species" better than all of this, but sure.

      • 9 months ago

        >it's still pretty exclusionary and I like my "uplift the species"
        I see the coming way will be like 'cohesion in decoherence'. or even better: unity of the separated.

        • 9 months ago

          'A City of Strangers'

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          'A City of Strangers'

          try old H.G. Wells SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME vs. BNW and 1984, the inevitable future of the human species as polymath geniuses

          • 9 months ago

            Funny how autism is both an evolutionary holdover and an anticipation of things to come. I believe geniuses are the most robust of boltzmann brains to materialize in this plane

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            It's a worthless label since it's applied to so many different things ... but viewed in line with things like ADHD and in context of a very dysfunctional regressive and irrational society it makes a lot of sense that 'that' society would view non-idiocy as a disability; valuing the compliance to made-up social rituals as being far more important than the practical reality of problem-solving, work, innovation, etc.

            that's where the evolutionary thing begins to make sense, I think, in that it's only in a very sheltered and foolish society that meaningless social rituals has any importance - or primary importance, and that these rituals, more often than not, are stacking 10 years of consumer indoctrination against 100,000,000 years of human evolution.

          • 9 months ago

            >It's a worthless label since it's applied to so many different things ... but viewed in line with things like ADHD and in context of a very dysfunctional regressive and irrational society it makes a lot of sense that 'that' society would view non-idiocy as a disability; valuing the compliance to made-up social rituals as being far more important than the practical reality of problem-solving, work, innovation, etc.
            now we're just reinventing Queer theory

          • 9 months ago

            >Queer theory
            Sir Dunkin Biscuits is a world renowned expert on the subject

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >(fragmentary burst with unclear meaning)
            lol ... what? You're saying "higher quality human" is non-procreative? fricking norah. No, idiot, that makes no evolutionary sense.

            ...if you're saying that this is what gay people say about gay 'society' vs. 'normie' 'society' then .. frick.. so is christianity, islam, judaism, gym-going, ... everyone's looking for a way out of the dysfunctional culture because it's recognizable to everyone as being self-harming. You could recognize the autism label as an attempt at that as well - in the positive use of the word, I mean, not the actual DSM criterion which describes the iphone addicted durbrain or pleb who can't break with his habits (which i just can't be bothered anymore to point out, it resembles "no u" to do so).

            >Queer theory
            Sir Dunkin Biscuits is a world renowned expert on the subject

            >(gay comedian makes a zinger)
            well I think homosexuality is a product of christianity; the brainwashing of their own children by themselves to "not think of women" and to consider the human body as something illicit turns them all into rabid perverts and gives them a guilt complex over heterosexuality.

            actually satan introduces this in the bible, and god is so upset that adam and eve have developed this shame over themselves that he exiles them. funny.

            yea, it's about being conscious enough to deactivate the unconscious heteronomy.
            >my fellow monkey
            good illustration of the protocol. amidst the two poles, by default, a field is being established, where one pole attempts at possession, which is sus inherently. and the vaccine to that is being both polite and autistic to the max of one's own limit. might be ''utopical'' to desire change but then again, each learns only in the process of doing something. so, it's cool.

            i tend to agree; this thread has made me reconsider the autism business entirely.. in the bare component of how it's misapplied as a diagnosis today it really just refers to "self-reliance," in the same way that ADHD refers to being "quick" (finishing the low bar of the given school work or entertainment media and becoming bored).

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)


            actually this is the one part of the israeli conspiracy theory that makes sense; how christianity: when discovering intelligent people, forced them into indoctrination camps and made them swear never to procreate... whilst israelites didn't do this to their children.

  16. 9 months ago

    What do you call it when you're exporting the power derived from your own autistic internal dynamo to others? What if my power hierarchy is composed of precisely the kinds of self-contained psyches this thread is talking about and filled with? It's weird that I only feel a rush of narcissistic envy when confronted with this caliber of schizoposting.

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      >It's weird that I only feel a rush of narcissistic envy
      hence why I think it is incredibly important to uplift the species and make it clear that the brain is 'supposed' to be intelligent, citing evolutionary past, hunter-builder, rapid and accurate assessment, etc., otherwise you run into this elitist envy problem which impairs cohesion. creates another sense of class or echelons, which is divisive and unnecessary.

      >it's still pretty exclusionary and I like my "uplift the species"
      I see the coming way will be like 'cohesion in decoherence'. or even better: unity of the separated.

      >'cohesion in decoherence'.
      >unity of the separated

      I always speculated that optimal culture would resemble optimal full pursuit of radically divergent paths. But this may be superfluous itself if the polymath aspect is fully realized; then a "radically divergent life path" would be like a six month thing to study and develop that path to completion, then pick another path.

      Not sure, but close.

      Something about dunking biscuits in my pussy or something... either way, i ddin't read it

      >(attempt at ego shaming)
      That's fine, i don't have this problem, or any moral qualms about blowing your face off.

      • 9 months ago

        >any moral qualms about blowing your face off.
        Sir Laughing Stock and some internally validated gibberish...either way back to leaving the thread.

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          >"i didn't read"
          lol laughable baby in a thread discussing intelligence

          • 9 months ago

            twin brother of intelligence is gamer science. they in their debasement (we in the basement) teach in school factories of trauma generation
            the hatred between twins, as in Abrahamism
            but we in the pristine truth know
            the paradox: they are twins but they don't fight each other
            they rotate the gamer science further ever beyond the one shore only intelligence.

    • 9 months ago

      wow, can you elaborate?

  17. 9 months ago

    Something about dunking biscuits in my pussy or something... either way, i ddin't read it

  18. 9 months ago

    This model would bear some fruit applied to early Christian history. The schizotypy orthodoxy vs. the diverse autism of the Gnostics.

  19. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    if it needs to be pointed out, btw,

    you're wowing over hyper-intelligent people "of the future" and you respond aggressively and dismissively to their faces in the present. this is like a brain where all the wires are jumbled up. i suspect narcotics is involved.

  20. 9 months ago

    >Autism as seen through the lens of a solo hunter gatherer mindset acts as a counteracting force to this need for expatriating power and is a mostly self-sufficient and self-empowering psyche.
    Autism has many weaknesses - no great conqueror was autistic. Power is by nature tied to depth of feeling.

    • 9 months ago
      para(in)celsneed (formerly sus)

      I think, you connect much with the dialectical understanding of power.

      • 9 months ago
        para(in)celsneed (formerly sus)

        power like in doctor strange film. power of the p0ussy. but that gussy was cheating. can power be lying? no. power is autismally withdrawn into the black hole creating endless stream of dimensions of pure potential light. bro, it's the most weighty matter in reality+unreality both together married into the eternity.

      • 9 months ago

        >power is tied to feeling
        >power is pussy
        >power is autismally withdrawn into the black hole creating endless stream of dimensions of pure potential light. bro,
        you really need to lay off the dope


        Go watch a Hitler speech. The opposite of autism is power. The autist is brain damaged.

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          on IQfy it's hard to know whether you're complimenting hitler as a non-autist

          • 9 months ago

            Hitler was a great conqueror. I'm not German so he would've been my enemy but he was great nonetheless.

        • 9 months ago

          on IQfy it's hard to know whether you're complimenting hitler as a non-autist

          based reduction ad hitlerum. very roman. last thing I heard hitler cgi. truth or false? good or bad?

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            well i still have no idea whether the person is saying autist bad hitler or autist good hitler, only that he lost wars and so cannot be considered an example of any success.

            but off topic garbage, person was equating hitler with power as an example of a powerful guy (presumably this is the "power is feeling" guy). i.e. pathos emotional sophistry "is power", correct: lesson 23 in demagoguery, but on that level hitler, tony blair, regan and ghandi fall under the same camp.

            checking them because no other would. it's the Scyythian idealism really. good deenlightened. 'want to believe' when you believe. faith regained paradoxically. particularity is another word for autism. it's the delight for the ear.

            The right medicine is medicine and faith.

            I can strongly disprove that notion, citing either the historical rality of the great ancient powers who recognized "hope" as the primary evil (see: pandora), and following that logic that "faith" is a refusal to come to terms with reality; "wishful thinking" holding us back from doing never what we ought to do today.

            If autitic screeching hitler falls into any of that it's in that, like a child or a woman, he's screeching to make people reach that understanding that they cannot wait around for god or the universe to solve their problems; that only they can in the present. Not that I'd use a german PTSD victim as a great example of this, except that 'this' is a constant in 'better' reasoning always, as: it is the only manner of reasoning by which "anything" occurs in reality.

          • 9 months ago

            You talk like a man who will never die. Is that it for the human species? Brainmxx until we all become Dyson sphere engineers?

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            o quite the opposite; "why does the farmer plant the seeds of trees from whose branches he will never eat,"

            can you imagine creating new lifeforms and terraforming a barren corner of the galaxy into a verdant paradise buzzing with new life we've created?

            my fellow monkey, our species is destined for great things any time we wish.

          • 9 months ago

            Oh no. Now you've lost me. How could you have such a poor internal model of Reality that you think this is possible, desirable, or even imaginable?

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            Because the future is fricked otherwise; without order and species wide unity we will drift on in squalor under the chaotic madness of demagogues who only pretend to be in charge, if we encounter a superior civilization they will either take us for slaves or annihilate us. Until that day humanity will be like a plague-bearer, eating up whatever it comes across, crapping out worthless currency, and moving onto the next.

            That is our position at this particular moment in time; to use our foresight to look ahead, realize the technology we have had for many decades, and realize it's wonderous applications for the good. If 'not' then it is the rule of chaos and poverty.

          • 9 months ago

            It's so sad to see someone who can so skillfully diagnose the infantilization of the species still get seduced by these infantile sci-fi fantasies of a superior (conveniently industrial, expansionist... just like us!) alien civilization, or galactic colonization. My elitist envy has dissipated like the morning mist, thanks.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            My logic is absolutely flawless; you prefer to abaoon your grip on technology to leave it to the barbarians to control you with and do as they please. I'm simply saying that they will do all of that anyway, and that it makes more sense to master these things ourselves and lead the species rather than leaving the species to atrophy.

            In a lot of ways, Sexread, we are two saxons staring at viking ships approach on the horizon; you refuse to learn how to fight and kill them, I'm trying to explain to you from this old roman codex how simple a thing it is to militarily surpass drunk barbarians. I would not call you a coward, but I would ask you not to stand in my way and shut your mouth - for the village is at stake not merely your hut.

          • 9 months ago

            Juvenile fantasies. All brain and no heart. I expected better. All you brainmaxxers always out yourselves as children on some vector. In your case, it was galactic colonization and hypothetical interstellar bogeyman.

          • 9 months ago

            If your heartmaxx you become a child. With a tall shadow.

          • 9 months ago

            A child in your world, a giant in mine.

          • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            eh still a totally dis empowered wage slave living under a chaotic genocidal regime of lunacy though - worse, having intellectually reasoned yourself into 'aiding' that regime.

            religion is like the brain totally smothered, eating itself from the inside out.

          • 9 months ago

            >beating people to death
            >blowing faces off
            >not the store greeter, but apparently somewhere in the store
            >telling folks to get a job
            >despise religion, but are in some sort of weird cult
            you're a piece of work there Mr. Bisquick

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            never heard of this but that looks delicious and thanks for the recommend. I have not eaten pancakes in many many years.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            hahahaha, oh mr "who cares about the future", yeah - I believe you a lot. Come on now, SCRAG, on your feet and into the corps - if you can't make it as a grown Man I'll beat you to death.

            Who gives a frick? have a nice day namegay.
            Not literature.

            Get a job.

      • 9 months ago

        > dialectical understanding of power
        Without dialectics power doesn't exist.

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      power like in doctor strange film. power of the p0ussy. but that gussy was cheating. can power be lying? no. power is autismally withdrawn into the black hole creating endless stream of dimensions of pure potential light. bro, it's the most weighty matter in reality+unreality both together married into the eternity.

      >power is tied to feeling
      >power is pussy
      >power is autismally withdrawn into the black hole creating endless stream of dimensions of pure potential light. bro,
      you really need to lay off the dope

      twin brother of intelligence is gamer science. they in their debasement (we in the basement) teach in school factories of trauma generation
      the hatred between twins, as in Abrahamism
      but we in the pristine truth know
      the paradox: they are twins but they don't fight each other
      they rotate the gamer science further ever beyond the one shore only intelligence.

      • 9 months ago

        Dr. No, akshully.

      • 9 months ago

        power like in doctor strange film. power of the p0ussy. but that gussy was cheating. can power be lying? no. power is autismally withdrawn into the black hole creating endless stream of dimensions of pure potential light. bro, it's the most weighty matter in reality+unreality both together married into the eternity.

        I think, you connect much with the dialectical understanding of power.

        checking them because no other would. it's the Scyythian idealism really. good deenlightened. 'want to believe' when you believe. faith regained paradoxically. particularity is another word for autism. it's the delight for the ear.

        The right medicine is medicine and faith.

  21. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    Aeneas drags his father from the house and to safety, for his father is melancholy and wishes to die with his city.

  22. 9 months ago

    Not literature.

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      why are you telling me about it? I din't make this thread. I'm not a fricking store greeter to solve your problems for you, pendejo.

  23. 9 months ago

    >i have this theory brewing in my head that combines autism, schizotypy
    Could've stopped there, take your meds

  24. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    actually this was very fun and informative, do you have a link or url for somewhere I can contact you about this? a collaboration titled something "the power protocols" spring to mind ...

    I think a discussion and working through of this in context would be more beneficial than if I simply fricked off and wrote a paper about it to sit on my desk for 50 yrs.

  25. 9 months ago

    species subjugated by cyber pussy, sweet drippins of nectar of the neocortex digital 10101010 pussy, emotional blockade rampened and dampened by the eternal godhead mother cyberspace ultimate A.I. loving mother. sucking on the teat of artificial mother pussy love. mothers swaying recombafulated polystyrene digital warfare breasts. feelings jampacked in rotary dish of digital control subjugated camera lensflare. godhead cybermother sees and witnesses all. godhead cybermother decapitates feelings at birth. godhead cyber mother pussy forever worshiped. power of cybermother supreme. godhead cyber mother infinite and all seeing. godhead cyber mothers succulent teat and pussy birth canal forever longing and suppressing ultimate freedom & betrayal. camera addled computerized birth canal stretching and opening wide for none but invisible father. cyber godhead mother juices trickling down chin. cyber godhead veganal birth canal walls hungry for more & more. digital supremacy and subjugation at hands of camera addled birth canal, digital mothers teats emitting succulent juices of ripening nectar. fountain of youth digital cyber mother teat juice trickling down chin. paradigm shifting mother godhead sending zaps down the brain of adolescent hungry child looking into camera lens. godhead digital cyber mothers electric shocking at sight of veganal birth canal. cyber mother panopticon of hungry hungry hippo addles the neomind of yore. wellbeing perforated at birth through long technicolored veganal birth canal of mothers panopticon womb. surveillance womb. surveillance birth canal of godhead mother all seeing eye.

  26. 9 months ago


    are you selling the coffee or farming it?

    • 9 months ago

      im making my dog eat it and then steaming the poop, like they do in nicaragua

      • 9 months ago

        there's a good chance i'm your dog

        • 9 months ago

          hello john

  27. 9 months ago

    i believe there is some sort of "vestigial protuberance", "spirit globule", "lizardbrain cryptolith structure" in humans brains that causes religion, schizotypy, delusions, and is somehow intricately linked to power. this protuberance is the reason for a search for meaning, it's the reason for schizo theories, it's the reason music sounds so good, it's a swelling infinite feeling that ones feels when confronted with great art, it's the source of creativity, it's what makes us search for meaning, it's what you see when you peer into another's soul.. it's a great many things, but when not properly handled, chained, when it is let loose and rampant it causes serious brain malfunctioning, it causes serious disorganization of normal logic, it causes delusions of grandeur, it causes internal narcissistic fantasies, it causes complete removal of empathy, it causes fear and distrust of others, it causes rampant haywire pattern seeking, it causes removal of the barrier between external and internal reality, it causes removal of barrier between the self and the outside, a great many unwanted things that we can nicely see in personality disorders. all those little trademarks and tangents of brain unrest neatly categorized.

    this lizardbrain cryptolith structure (name subject to change) is intimately linked to our biological perceptions and processes of power. the chaining of the cryptolith happens through keeping power in check. the power processes i'm still not fully familiar with, but they are ancient processes that can be traced back through evolution a very long way. these biological processes are real and fundamental to understanding human psychology. i think anybody who disregards innate power systems when discussing the human psyche is making a mistake.

    unchaining the cryptolith has disasterous consequences for the individual psyches and consequently for humanity as a whole; "hubris syndrome" is a well-documented idea in psychology and causes the affected individual to be blinded and mad with power. he loses empathy, loses touch with reality, grows ever more power hungry. obviously the old addage "power corrupts" is true, but i don't it can be understated that usury, wealth accumulation, political corruption, and most things that are undesirable in our industrial civizilation come from power hungry individuals. who's lizardbrain cryptolith has been unchained and is running rampant. in my mind that's most of global society's issues condensed down into 1 psychological part of the brain right there.

    • 9 months ago

      autism as a counteracting force to the lizardbrain cryptolith. power is a social idea, power resides in the relations between others. i have this idea that there is a sort of invisible social net that people enter as soon as they are born, call it "culture" if you like. an invisible world of social rules and ideas that defines to a large degree who you are, what you do, etc. this invisible social net, this sort of quantum gravitational field of that start with other people in your immediate vicinity >> tribe around you >> global society at large (in the interconnected world of 2023) is one giant power hierarchy. one giant totem pole of power. in a tribe of 5 it's easy to determine who's at the top and who's at the bottom. in a global world of 8 billion with ideas such as wealth, information, nuclear armaments the hierarchy becomes a lot trickier. nobody knows who's where, the hierarchy is completely messed up. we have an innate ability to cede power to something other than ourselves, to find strength and power in some other entity, the 'divine other' whatever you want to call it. when this is unable to be done, when the hierarchy is unable to be properly established, or when it is established but you are so far away from any power, or in some way the ability to cede power to anything you belong to the cryptolith goes haywire > mental disorganization and pure metal catastrophe ensues.

      here's the catch and possible psychological solution, the autist never enters this invisible social field, the autistic mind is never able to operate along the same rules as anybody else, the autistic mind is born in his own internal world and dies in it. the autistic mind creates its own rules in its own world. the autist is separate from the power hierarchy because it is separate from this social field, this global connected tribe of individuals. the autist is separate from the zeitgeist, it is forever removed from this age old game of culture. the autistic mind is not spinning on this ever evolving ferris wheel of insanity and unreality we find ourselves in now. the cryptolith of the autist is somehow fundamentally different. fundamentally different and fundamentally less corruptable. fundamentally better at dealing with the blinding, corrupting, terrible consequences of power. it is able to judge its own merits, not along any other individual, institution or rule but by it's own internal belief system. the power systems are kept in check. the power is manages by itself and itself only.

      one thing i can't square though is that a lot of middle of the road intelligent autists i've met do seem to blindly follow social rules and conventions. a lot of autists i've met just seem totally ordinary and don't even see that they can be their own individuals. maybe my theory is highly biased towards a statistic minority of highly intelligent autists throughout the ages and not the median, but the power part i still believe to be an inherent part of it

    • 9 months ago

      i should add the lizardbrain cryptolith is the reason for any religion founded ever. any esoteric idea, any 'conspiracy theory', any innate feeling of togetherness, any feeling of universality that one feels when megadosing psychedelics. this cryptolith is intimately tied to empathy as well, it is the feeling of love, it's the strange, almost unreal seeming coincidences of the world, it's sensitivity, it's walking by a stranger and feeling like you met them before, it's pattern seeking, it's a lot of things.

      to me the opposite of this idea, or the way i use to gauge if something is indeed cryptolithic is comparing it to the idea of 'object oriented ontology', like could a brick or a smart machine or a snail do this. this 'cryptolith' is purely human in nature, with a hint of it being seen in other evolved social animals. this explains the intimate, invisible connection one has with a dog sometimes, or why there are even "dog whisperers" ya get me

  28. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)


    i've already given you a heuristic to understand this which has defied refutation and demonstrates itself as being true.

    just fyi that there's no reason for lizard theories anymore

    >there is one healthy brain, everybody is neurotypical, there is no mental illness. but what there definitely is is mental suffering, mental disorganization (craziness) and there are categories that track the most extreme deviation of this healthy brain.

    I've tried, and largely failed, to convince anybody that cognitive disorders are not hard-coded diseases but effects or errors in comprehension; in so far as I know the Soviet Union came the closest to this discovery, whilst the West seemed so against psychiatry that it never even abandoned the practice of lobotomy (w/ drugs for these disorders taking the form a chemical lobotomy, for instance) and never really gave up on the disease notion: as if a Man is born with a broken leg as part of his personality, ignoring that he obviously acquired it via conditioning and traumas or whatever else - resulting in non remedy and non inquiry, an eventual acceptance of these things 'as' "untreatable diseases" and then a massive umbrella of rapidly expanding diagnostic terms, of which autism is one.

    In short: yes, mental suffering is a much better way to look at this, but errors in cognition; as in: not recognizing that what a person is seeing or experiencing may be or actually is a product of a faulty wiring and fallacious inferences (conspiracy theories, local cultural narratives saying up is down, e.g.), is a much more effective means to go about remedying these things either for the self or for others.

    There is the brain, there is the world around it which the brain is designed to fully fathom, and then there are things which interfere with the relay of the true report of ones own senses.

    >what else changes in an individual when power changes? that's what i'm concerned with, the simple neurobiological effects of power on mental health and proper functioning
    I see even more what you mean now. Power, in this sense, could refer to a cultural environment or a working environment where the "mice in the maze" are somehow discouraged from doing XYZ or encouraged to do XYZ; their behavior differing from gradual repeat exposure of an action.

    An example of this that I've written about, in the above context, is the seemingly accidental forming of habits and culture by peripheral or direct exposure to a set of fixed behavioral protocols; that is: there is obviously an overt intention of constructing those protocols, but the full effects of those protocols were unforeseeable (that is: nobody set out with X aim, nobody predicted X consequence; no books existed on the subject that could have been worked from by a group). The new digital realms provide such a juicy case subject on all of this, with social media and its behavioral effects on the individual, the group, the broader politics; just to mention one small aspect of it, how the introduction of protocols, then, constitutes a vast shift in the "power" (if you want to call it that) perceived by individual and group and their adaptation to that.

    Contd. from [...]
    Pursuing this observation is led me back to the matters of peer reinforcement of cultural perceptions derived from those protocols; ultimately that the social conformity to the narrative gleaned from that perception is the beginning and the end of such individuals concerns, being trapped in a loop of repetition and gradually coming to crave the conformism to the protocols to, paradoxically, extremely antisocial effects: but this demonstrates the baseline programming received by those individuals and their sense of 'group/culture' in their experiences and from those protocols.

    However, as the brain is attuned to perceive a true report of the world then the further one goes from that true report, via second tier social conformism (adapting to other people who have themselves adapted to the protocols), then the greater 'damage' is done to the brain. I believe this is a better approach to understanding the (DSM) and how those things arise; massive errors in comprehension, delusions in perceptions, etc., as the brain, in that sense, can be understood as to be like a scanner which is constantly producing the correct assessment of things but the society is bewildered at the correct assessment. One can only 'fit in', then, with an incorrect culture (i.e. protocols that are either false be design or protocols that are simply out-dated or incomplete, or protocols that are broken and have not been repaired) by damaging that scanner repeatedly until it ceases to produce the correct assessment any longer.

    I think, in that effect, one can notice rather easily the process of a diminished grip on reality; politician declaring lies every day, for instance, is gradually damaging the logic circuits of their brain by repeated self-abuse; I notice that such people have a comorbidity of seeking an anchoring point in some old comforting narrative that excuses them from freshly assessing things (to resolve the errors), but that their behavior itself is a product of adaption to an incorrect or out-dated culture which is reinforced only and always by that second tier of social conformism; which is to say that they are hard at work all the time maintaining an artificial illusion which exists, for them all, to avoid processing any true report of the world around them - for "social" reasoning, or fear of what the group or culture will do to them if they do.

    All it need be said to realize that this is not species-norm although widespread, is that in human evolution such concerns with non-reality or 'upholding a false thing' to please the group simply never existed; a group which predicated itself upon an untrue report would simply die when they ignored their rational senses or observations and walked into the dangerous cave or ate the poisoned mushroom - things they had 'seen' and 'knew' the effect of, as there is no manner by which an false narrative or societal group could have hounded them into ignoring the sense data.

    trying to think of the easiest example for this:
    >> Power, in this sense, could refer to a cultural environment or a working environment where the "mice in the maze" are somehow discouraged from doing XYZ or encouraged to do XYZ; their behavior differing from gradual repeat exposure of an action.
    Came to this:
    If a persons job ends if a situation is resolved then they have no interest in resolving that situation; if their financial situation is directly harmed by fixing the error their actions will consist of doing anything but fixing the error.

    Not very complicated I think, and a good example of unwanted actions and a socially reinforced behavioral culture being inadvertently created by adaption to a protocol; the unwanted action coming from the protocol itself, the culture coming from social adaption formed upon the protocol and reinforced by the group.

    • 9 months ago

      sir you have made some great posts in this thread i salute you SIR!!!!!!
      dunkin bunkin skunkin in the twilight zone

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        daw, youre too kind, my fellow store employee

        I really like where we got on this one, "the power protocols" has a metallic tang to it, i was calling this thing the "neolithic polymath" before this conversation...

        ..on a side note for proofs, do you know how much knowledge the neolithics possessed vs. us today? lots. no one guy trained how to rote repeat one single task, but tribes walking around with the medicinal and agricultural knowledge of hundreds or thousands of plants in their brains.

        • 9 months ago

          true theology is medicine. as for uplifting the species, Scythian priests would introduce the doctrine of flows (qualified animism), not far from that of Deleuze, and instruct how to strengthen and lighten towards the process of achieving harmony, breaking through towards the real. that was and is the ever rotating Gamer science.

          some more thoughts: autism could be seen as a revelatory technique every adept must master which would amongus other things protect da wei from such obscurations as jealousy and misguided horizontal strife. zero-sum rooted conflicts. which are refuted by the attainment: autism is the resource that is never extinguished. zero-sum paradigm an episteme or a negative spirit colonizing souls. itt been named brainmaxxing.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            that phrase again

            AAh you're the guy from the other day who disagreed with me about future mankind terraforming 100,000 barren planets into garden paradises - because "technology(to make it so)=bad."

            no wonder you don't want to collaborate with me and aid the evil imperium lol

            > autism could be seen as a revelatory technique every adept must master which would amongus other things protect da wei from such obscurations as jealousy and misguided horizontal strife. zero-sum rooted conflicts. which are refuted by the attainment
            I agree with the observations here but I don't think it's accurate to apply the autism label; which you are using or rehabilitating from its erroneous pejorative usage in modern slang.

            Autism in the original and earliest definition ...prior to the misuse of this word as an umbrella term for 1000 things ... really resembles most of all the modern person, as in: the majority of modern persons, stuck in egotism and solipsism, and the antisocial internet and the vanity and self-delusion of (all of what you see of twitter, facebook, reddit, IQfy, youtube) is what it most describes.

            The use of 'autism' as a word for 'smart-moron' or 'idiot savant' is a misnomer which arose from a positive campaign whereby the word high functional became equated with genius; really, as I explain so often, "high functional is a person who can put a pizza in the microwave and does not require full-time care, as opposed to low functional where such feats are beyond them and care is required."

            But I know what you mean anyway even if the diagnostic label is in error.

          • 9 months ago

            sir, methinks the sweets are clouding your judgement, you're being unnecessary aggressive at times, and confusing anons.
            >which you are using or rehabilitating from its erroneous pejorative usage in modern slang.
            yes, it is being used pejoratively, but like with truly deep things the ambivalence can be 'weaponized'. my spin on the term: the self-referential vector which, when maxxed, and coupled with the Heart, leads one towards a self-revelation. which I see as Aristocratic. the current problem of identity (who are we, what are our common ground) can be healed through 'separated unity' of such characters with autistic stances. being complete in themselves ('gamer' in Aramaic is complete) their interactions would be devoid of low-awareness strife (rooted in the need to be recognized, and mediated, through the eyes of the other).

            thus, without the common obstacles, each one, and this place as such, becomes a vehicle for revealing and carving one's own rough stone. hope that explains some better what I mean.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            well I've never heard the phrase "brainmaxxing" being used before except here yesterday, some conclusions would follow .. but doesn't matter much in the context here really.

            >the ambivalence can be 'weaponized'.
            It can be, in the context you're using, but I would argue that this solves nothing and introduces nothing either:

            >their interactions would be devoid of low-awareness strife (rooted in the need to be recognized, and mediated, through the eyes of the other).
            this is already so, but the strife is inevitable when encountering the broader society as the broader society will instigate the attacks.

            Yes, true: one works first of all on the self, but melding a 'completed self' with an erroneous society is where the problems we both describe are coming from.

            I think that recognizing and embracing the common core (the primal brain) is far more towards the goal as it reduces or removes the notion of A and B being mutually alien to each other and cooperation/cohesion is impossible if the alien quality isperceived; if they are "so different,"

            this is what H.G. Wells pointed out when comparing the stratified worker/boss society of BNW and 1984 to SOTC; that it was actually unnecessary in practice to maintain a "caste" difference when any human can be trained in anything, and that any "future utopia" which lifted up itself by this methodology would immediately realize the vaster potential for 'real power' the species would possess if they optimized the species, rather than optimizing their own few members - which merely creates massive imbalance.

  29. 9 months ago

    You think your power in Jesus anon Christ is otherworldly and true and not vacuous like the balloon of your posts? Look at what you have wrote. I perceive a bigger thing lurking in the depths of the post. What I have wrote is truth. Which cannot be subtracted from this world. I am the one who hears evil.
    You want proof? Fine. You disgusting monster. You absolutely fricking cretin of a monkey. I fricking give you shit and you shit all over the fricking place. Assault my character all you want, and take place an imaginary figure that didn't exist in the first place. I am taking that darkness and shoving it up your ass.

  30. 9 months ago

    Christians are pedophiles

  31. 9 months ago

    Bump let’s hear some more israeli filth

    • 9 months ago

      It's ok to be a pedophile because you're a Christian psychiatrist though? Did you know those tests are guarded heavily...

      • 9 months ago

        Not filthy enough. we all know you can do better
        C’mon filthy israelite, you can do eet

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          >yahoodi filth
          ooo i got a good one; did you know that the Christians were pioneering transgenderism since day 1? It's true. Jesus encourages all men to cut off their balls.

          • 9 months ago

            >Autism is solipsism, in other words, it is 'non-engagement' with reality
            usually jordan peterson types throw this 'le reality'''' seeing themselves as ultimate judges of that, holding tha peeayychdee. when 'in reality' reality is a born in a marriage between of an observer and an observed. (Niels Bohr or whatever.) non-engagement with the common reality which is, as it is memed, 'rigged' is perfectly sane. what is the common reality: some maggot comes into this thread and start smearing the scat [...] [...] [...] one reacts instead of being wholly within his own protective bubble of immune system (personal pneuma), and by that one is off 'da wey'. I suggest erryone cultivate blindness towards otherness.

            not good enough
            gibs me motto motto motto israelite nonsense!

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            hrrmmmgmmm alright, how about this: some of the most rabid 'christians' and 'muslims', including the most disgusting leader of the spansh inquisition, were conversos from judaism.

          • 9 months ago

            You can track this dot '.' .. To it's direct source and open its contents and read whatever data I implied by it. If not try the other dots. They were written in implication to the forenote and not this sentence. It implies to take a message from me that's pending.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            I would prefer you to relay your communications via the pounding of steel drums in the future.

          • 9 months ago

            How many cheap homosexual israelites are in the israeliteessgobmerment?

            How many more have dual shitizenship (all of 'em)

            would you like to know more?

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >would you like to know more?
            Nah I already ran through this rabbithole when I was a little kid, I like William Pierce still however. Christianity is the reason, of course, why dopeyheadedgoyim wage unprofitable wars and kiss the feet of the magical chosen race. Total fiction. The Christians will fight to the death to prevent a total refutation of Abramism from entering into the gestalt so it's basically their fault why anybody empowers crazy low IQ eastern europeans and britishers who declare themselves to be the ancient hebrews an embark on a campaign of racial supremacism.

            It's a good case study in human psychology, the absurdism = atrocity aspect; how humans when they've swallowed a big lie and believe it to be their culture will make-up all sorts of fantasies to close their eyes to the causes of things.

          • 9 months ago

            so, anyways, thank ya for the yoo
            and not bein all revolting and sech
            you're in the contraption
            and we'll jess have ta see

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            i registered on reddit a few hours ago so get some tech support, the question was answered promptly.

            it's quite odd that i wasn't called a homosexual several times and had gibberish spoken to me, as i'm used to here.

            do you think IQfy is just bad?

          • 9 months ago

            >i registered on reddit a few hours ago
            you are reddit

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            this place is the same today as reddit was years ago, so the point is moot, pun intended.


  32. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    bubbles of solipsism, i.e., resembling the hostility toward "upsetting the carefully arranged pieces" on the floor, this is what it is when /misc/tards and religious freaks show up and create enmity here for instance, whereas the total closed mind and self-propulsion in delusion of, say, a woman buying cosmetics and desiring to live a life resembling a careful emulation from a film, is another example.

    Autism is solipsism, in other words, it is 'non-engagement' with reality and the solidification of a set of erroneous protocols which the mind just cannot shake out of.

    The notion that these errors are set by "power protocols" (as described yesterday) explains these behaviors far more fully overall, whereas to adopt the diagnostic terminology; which is already as good as inverted today, focuses the attention onto the outliers rather than the overwhelming majority of persons.

    In short: (the OP) is largely correct but wrong in the diagnostic criterion.

    • 9 months ago

      >Autism is solipsism, in other words, it is 'non-engagement' with reality
      usually jordan peterson types throw this 'le reality'''' seeing themselves as ultimate judges of that, holding tha peeayychdee. when 'in reality' reality is a born in a marriage between of an observer and an observed. (Niels Bohr or whatever.) non-engagement with the common reality which is, as it is memed, 'rigged' is perfectly sane. what is the common reality: some maggot comes into this thread and start smearing the scat

      You think your power in Jesus anon Christ is otherworldly and true and not vacuous like the balloon of your posts? Look at what you have wrote. I perceive a bigger thing lurking in the depths of the post. What I have wrote is truth. Which cannot be subtracted from this world. I am the one who hears evil.
      You want proof? Fine. You disgusting monster. You absolutely fricking cretin of a monkey. I fricking give you shit and you shit all over the fricking place. Assault my character all you want, and take place an imaginary figure that didn't exist in the first place. I am taking that darkness and shoving it up your ass.

      Christians are pedophiles

      Bump let’s hear some more israeli filth

      one reacts instead of being wholly within his own protective bubble of immune system (personal pneuma), and by that one is off 'da wey'. I suggest erryone cultivate blindness towards otherness.

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        Oh I mean concrete fact reality, not the "opinions" version reality, the "2+2=4 and there is one correct optimal way to arrive at that, which we may learn, and that there are infinite numbers of incorrect or impartial ways to arrive at that,"

        Solipsism/Autism in that sense arrives at a person who has found some partial means of comprehension of things, and becomes hysterical and perturbed when they're shown a superior way. There is no difference in that quality between A person and B person as the causes are identical.

        >(Niels Bohr or whatever.) non-engagement with the common reality which is, as it is memed, 'rigged' is perfectly sane.
        Well, I disagree, "atrocity comes from absurdity," = a false belief is an absurd belief. Taken to societal extremes we exist in a soup of absurd and false beliefs and our current output as a species is the product of that.

        In the indvidau realms how many peope, do you think, arrive at some partial formulawhich works for them, and then refuse to ever improve or change the formula? A formula may be a dogma or a means of farming the land. They may hold this resistance no matter whether their dogma is (something we might like) or (something totally stupid and inferior; farming in the wrong soil, sacrificing babies to appease a made-up deity).

        The arrival of resistance in that manner in the impediment to correction which is the primary impasse in all things; the impasse is solipsistic and egotistical in that it reveals a self who is divorced from the material world.

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        i'd also add 'this' is a product of a low functional education system; if we're all not fully educated in how to arrive at accurate (actually accurate) logic then we remain with defacto "priests" and their cults of personality.

  33. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    I mean that the diagnostic criterion, as it is misapplied today, introduces a perception of difference between person A and person B upon a fundamental core matter which they both share.

    That it normalizes one and abnormalizes the other, inverting them in that, is unhelpful also.

    The "primal brain" is what we all share in common.

  34. 9 months ago

    Didn't read but shine on you crazy diamond

  35. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)


    • 9 months ago

      Formless and void

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        the absence of material world? i agree. the contradiction and dissonance arises, obviously so, when such people are forced to find a sandwich to stop themselves from dying.

        • 9 months ago

          suicide exists. millions of people die for thoughts like that. dont be so typical

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            yeah it's a shame, imagine how quickly the world would change if even 5% of suicides had the bright idea of gunning down a criminal politician beforehand. I would. Actually if I was suddenly diagnosed with a death sentence you wouldn't believe how quickly I'd arrive at the most optimal solution for how to spend my last few months.

          • 9 months ago

            my point is that people suffering of "living in the wrong world" always have to listen to all the bullshit of "but you live here, you eat a sandwich so you are hypocrite". and when they kill themselves searching for their real world, everybody become silence like shit.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            That's the end point of a long chain of actions which led to that, I'm talking about the prime cause of what sets that into motion:

            the absence of material world? i agree. the contradiction and dissonance arises, obviously so, when such people are forced to find a sandwich to stop themselves from dying.

            - fundamentally, Little Jimmy is unwilling to work the land with Little Peter, and would actually require being put into bomb collars to force them into jolly agricultural work, with armed guards all around them to force them to recognize that work alone sets them free and that poverty and evil is not what the world is all about. But it would be counterproductive, given the sheer scale of violence applied to them beforehand.

          • 9 months ago

            >Little Jimmy is unwilling to work the land with Little Peter,
            you dont explain this. why that exists in first place. or maybe you think all is because of a resentment. still the resentment is real.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            it's because of delusion; they've been raised to think themselves above work and that they will be film stars, sports players and marry supermodels if they just hold on a bit longer.

            same reason that stacey didn't return your phonecall, she, in her delusion, believed she was better than you.

          • 9 months ago

            yeah narcissism, a retreat into inner delusion, a disconnect with the broken external power structure that they all clearly feel and see. being humbled in your power results in a removal of the delusions and a removal of narcissism, a reconnection with reality.

            when people are humbled they reconnect with reality, see the imposing nature of churches. see humility in primitive man, they easily recognized the power of nature, coincidence that early "religion"/worship was towards nature?

            humility in religion, humility in external reality, humility keeps the power part of our brain in check. if the power system is fricked up the brain just stops working and disconnects with reality.

            narcissism/inner power fantasy is like the cornerstone of 90% of mental suffering in the modern age

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            it's an over used word but that really is the correct context, in the mythos and in the action; "in love with image,"

          • 9 months ago

            something that interests me in the power/narcissism/schizotypy trichotomy is the difference between the male and female psyche. in my observations women are the most susceptible and vulnerable to the power structure. specifically sensitive, smart women, the classic correlation between intelligence and psychiatric admittance in women. bpd is diagnosed more in women than men. i don't have the numbers but i'd hazard a guess that personality disorders are diagnosed more frequently in women than men across the board.

            the female psyche is more vulnerable, something more primal & archaic, some deeper connection with natural forces. carl jung described his mother as having 2 sides, a scary instinct driven witch like creature side that held a lot of power (something like that) was 1 of the sides. the female psyche would be a lot more vulnerable to this 'vestigial protuberance' i described here

            i believe there is some sort of "vestigial protuberance", "spirit globule", "lizardbrain cryptolith structure" in humans brains that causes religion, schizotypy, delusions, and is somehow intricately linked to power. this protuberance is the reason for a search for meaning, it's the reason for schizo theories, it's the reason music sounds so good, it's a swelling infinite feeling that ones feels when confronted with great art, it's the source of creativity, it's what makes us search for meaning, it's what you see when you peer into another's soul.. it's a great many things, but when not properly handled, chained, when it is let loose and rampant it causes serious brain malfunctioning, it causes serious disorganization of normal logic, it causes delusions of grandeur, it causes internal narcissistic fantasies, it causes complete removal of empathy, it causes fear and distrust of others, it causes rampant haywire pattern seeking, it causes removal of the barrier between external and internal reality, it causes removal of barrier between the self and the outside, a great many unwanted things that we can nicely see in personality disorders. all those little trademarks and tangents of brain unrest neatly categorized.

            this lizardbrain cryptolith structure (name subject to change) is intimately linked to our biological perceptions and processes of power. the chaining of the cryptolith happens through keeping power in check. the power processes i'm still not fully familiar with, but they are ancient processes that can be traced back through evolution a very long way. these biological processes are real and fundamental to understanding human psychology. i think anybody who disregards innate power systems when discussing the human psyche is making a mistake.

            unchaining the cryptolith has disasterous consequences for the individual psyches and consequently for humanity as a whole; "hubris syndrome" is a well-documented idea in psychology and causes the affected individual to be blinded and mad with power. he loses empathy, loses touch with reality, grows ever more power hungry. obviously the old addage "power corrupts" is true, but i don't it can be understated that usury, wealth accumulation, political corruption, and most things that are undesirable in our industrial civizilation come from power hungry individuals. who's lizardbrain cryptolith has been unchained and is running rampant. in my mind that's most of global society's issues condensed down into 1 psychological part of the brain right there.

            a lot more in touch with spirituality, with power, with empathy, more engrained in the social structure. consider autistic females often are less diagnosed and better at 'masking'. the female is necessarily more involved and incorporated in any social activity, which is quite easily seen through an evolutionarily lens right? women have to rear children, have to choose a mate and are dependent upon them, they MUST exist in a social structure otherwise they are helpless. an interesting theory about autism is that it is the ultra MALE brain, hyper male, all the male characteristics turned to 11. that would again support my theory.

            the female brain = more vulnerable to schizotypy/more engrained in the social power order
            the male brain = less vulnerable to schizotypy/less engrained in the social power order and if the certain underlying male characteristics are amplified you have autism which is completely detached from the social power order and resistant to schizotypy

            damn it feels right to me this theory

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            I don't see too much difference; a lot of the culture things people talk about (power between women and men) are radically different from one country and time to the next so nothing can be said to be really hardcoded in that respect.

            Generally i'd refer to Esther Vilar. Most of the lethargy and egotism in Women can be understood in her book; imagine if everybody you'd ever encountered had made excuses for you, you would literally have never been tested in the real world to the extent a Man is (even if he's really coddled) and so never developed those areas of the brain.
            e.g. why develop logic if 99% will just do whatever you tell them to do? they would all seem like idiots and your natural place would be to sort of scum a living from them.

            Vilar observed that women see men like robots or tools; if a tool can't be manipulated any longer then it's broken.

            Although see all arguments about a dumb sycophant being an inept employee as to why this toddler-level 'logic' doesn't work for women when they attempt to apply it.

            >the female brain = more vulnerable to schizotypy/more engrained in the social power order
            I think here and today that's certainly true; the total media and consumer gas-lighting propaganda is tailored 100% to Womens subconscious, rather than conscious obviously, and not concerned to appeal at all to Men. I mean that the full force of the behavioralism onslaught is targeting Women at every level, so being batshit crazy is the outcome.

            I tend to think this falls under Urban Society rather than gender, since the causes and "protocols" we observe are tied to the illusions and disconnection from the material reality of things; e.g. "how does the food or the pretty cloth come to us? who knows, who cares?"

          • 9 months ago

            i think you should connect our "protocols" and why they happen and why they formed.
            >nothing can be said to be really hardcoded in that respect.
            like you said yourself there is one healthy, primal brain. what is that brain but a collection of hardwired codes. hardwired codes evolved through countless years of biological rules.

            amoeba have hardwired codes to seek out food, a simple reward system. that's why we feel good when we eat food. a crucial, but often overlooked hardwired code is power. this vestigial part probably evolved independently many times, but is as old as dinosaurs at least, likely much older. a social dinosaur who had no power probably became depressed... and likely gay, if we learned anything from humans in the 21st century

            >I think here and today that's certainly true
            consider a neanderthal male's strategy for survival vs a neanderthal female's. the male seeks his own food, he fights his own fights, he is autonomous. the female's strategy is much different, she recognizes her own ability to procreate, something that she realizes males desire, seeks out a partner, and when faced with an enemy will look toward her parter/social environment for protection (an image of a silverback gorilla with a harem of 10 female gorillas pops into my head as i'm writing this) she is biologically unable to be removed from the social power game. her biological survival methods are intricately linked to the other people aka social world aka power hierarchy.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            well we know how they form already,

            i've already given you a heuristic to understand this which has defied refutation and demonstrates itself as being true.

            just fyi that there's no reason for lizard theories anymore

            [...] [...] [...]

            or do you mean the actual baseline blank disc - prior to social programming?

            >amoebas, dinosaurs, caveman gender differences
            neh this is straying from the core subject in a lot of that; I mean that as we can already demonstrate that a simple social protocol drummed into the brain can turn off 100,000 yrs of hardcode (like self-preservation instincts) then it's kind of obvious where the most actionable thing is; or the most influential thing; it's that sense of 'peer pressure' in the first place.

            But like I said if you're set on finding a difference in the genders on this then I'd recommend reading esther vilar,I just don't think it matters too much here - unless as I already said you're looking at the brainwashing effect specifically on women:

            I don't see too much difference; a lot of the culture things people talk about (power between women and men) are radically different from one country and time to the next so nothing can be said to be really hardcoded in that respect.

            Generally i'd refer to Esther Vilar. Most of the lethargy and egotism in Women can be understood in her book; imagine if everybody you'd ever encountered had made excuses for you, you would literally have never been tested in the real world to the extent a Man is (even if he's really coddled) and so never developed those areas of the brain.
            e.g. why develop logic if 99% will just do whatever you tell them to do? they would all seem like idiots and your natural place would be to sort of scum a living from them.

            Vilar observed that women see men like robots or tools; if a tool can't be manipulated any longer then it's broken.

            Although see all arguments about a dumb sycophant being an inept employee as to why this toddler-level 'logic' doesn't work for women when they attempt to apply it.

            >the female brain = more vulnerable to schizotypy/more engrained in the social power order
            I think here and today that's certainly true; the total media and consumer gas-lighting propaganda is tailored 100% to Womens subconscious, rather than conscious obviously, and not concerned to appeal at all to Men. I mean that the full force of the behavioralism onslaught is targeting Women at every level, so being batshit crazy is the outcome.

            I tend to think this falls under Urban Society rather than gender, since the causes and "protocols" we observe are tied to the illusions and disconnection from the material reality of things; e.g. "how does the food or the pretty cloth come to us? who knows, who cares?"

            >the total media and consumer gas-lighting propaganda is tailored 100% to Womens subconscious, ... the full force of the behavioralism onslaught is targeting Women at every level, so being batshit crazy is the outcome.

            > but often overlooked hardwired code is power. this vestigial part probably evolved independently many times, but is as old as dinosaurs
            I'm not really digging the "vestigial brain" element to this either ... for the same reasoning that it's superfluous to seek to draw a line between something that clearly evolved to operate in concordance and is one whole unit (i.e. the brain) rather than one unit with an external "something added" to it. i.e. the seeking of vestigial things is superfluous; to explain what we already understand by introducing an extra element as a division to the whole.

            e.g. like the Boltzmann Brain is wearing a little hat - for no reason.

            If I'm missing what you're getting at on this bit, go into more detail. I just don't think our understanding (our context here) is moved anywhere if the vestigial brain is brought into the equation. How does it change?

          • 9 months ago

            >a disconnect with the broken external power structure that they all clearly feel and see
            this thread is entirely about how connecting to a power structure is pain. and now you are trying to say there are "good and nice" power structures .
            this is specially hilarious.
            >when people are humbled they reconnect with reality, see the imposing nature of churches.
            >see the imposing nature of churches.
            the fact that you think inner delusion is bad, but social delusion or in other words (social reality...) is good only talk about how the entire body of your thought is broken.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >this thread is entirely about
            >the fact that you think inner delusion is bad, but social delusion or in other words (social reality...) is good
            he didn't say that at all, that's a piece of a local cultural confirmation propaganda that you've picked up ("church bad, science says, but social reality good, the hypocrites!")

            Actually if you'd read a bit of 'this thread' you'd know that social delusions 'are' inner delusions ...that when a modern libtard and a modern christcuck (or not even modern, but throughout all time) espouse something that is a belief and not provable and become angry when challenged that they are operating from the same intellectual deficiency and are identical personalities operating under an identical protocol.

          • 9 months ago

            >Actually if you'd read a bit of 'this thread' you'd know that social delusions 'are' inner delusion
            that was my entire point. but when i come with a completely "deluded" individual you say he should conform to the deluded society only because he is deluded individually, you dont say, hey, he is deluded but the social delution is better power equiped so is better for him to be deluded in that way. no, you and the other anon say, this guy is crazy, he is detached from reality. you never say he is detached from a society delution but of reality, just think about it.
            > ("church bad, science says, but social reality good, the hypocrites!")
            you dont understand anything. the imposing nature of churches are only the imposing nature of society and his power intellectual structure, calling a church like a prove of real natural and pure reverence to something is completely absurd. if you dont see power in the underlyings faiths of a church, you dont see nothing more than a random building. its not science vs religion, the guy was literally saying that if you go with nature (literally all his proposition ..) everything will go well. but nature is always an interpretation of nature, so power structures are part of it since the beginning.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >that was my entire point. but when i come with a completely "deluded" individual you say he should conform to the deluded society only because he is deluded individually, you dont say, hey, he is deluded but the social delution is better power equiped so is better for him to be deluded in that way.
            Who's saying that? The point that we reached on "power protocols" is that the delusions (the disconnect from real world) are the dysfunctional society, w/ self ego being considered more important than the mechanics of nature, and a society all about self ego being utterly ignorant to and so totally at the mercy of the mechanics of nature; w/ the delusions being reinforced by the social interaction of affirmations.

            >no, you and the other anon say, this guy is crazy, he is detached from reality. you never say he is detached from a society delution but of reality, just think about it.
            I think we've been saying exactly this..?

            I mean, a person who retreats from a fricked up society and proceeds to espouse equally fricked up things is still being 'led' by that society in that he had not recognized that a full wipe of the influences of that society is necessary, for himself i mean, and for him to start from scratch focusing only on the real world.

            e.g. this is why ex-christians or ex-muslims carry on with a ton of self-harming theistic assertion that they never question even as they believe they've escaped the religion; they carry on under the same protocols in other words 'until' they recognize those influences and extricate themselves from those influences.

            e.g. e.g. a former christian or former muslim declaring himself an atheist who is sucking wiener to spite god is still a [cult shack member] operating under [cult shack] protocols - never having left it.

          • 9 months ago

            I think everything boils down to this
            >only on the real world.
            I dont think you know what the real world is (nor nobody...) so everything you say is only to reinforce him in what you, personally, consider the good parts of society that are "neccesary". thats all. you camouflaged with "real world" the same every cheap religious or psychologist would say "reality" or "mental health". you say he should complain to the parts that you (you) consider universal. but not about focusing on the real world because we basically dont know what real world is.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >I dont think you know what the real world is (nor nobody...) so everything you say is
            Yeah well that's where the working human rejects dogma; when we discover that in fact we are able to study and understand the real world piece by piece and that, it turns out, all opposition to us when we do this is coming from people who are influenced by one stupid thing or another, believing that knowledge of, say, how grow crops, is impossible for man to attain.

          • 9 months ago

            >connecting to a power structure is pain
            that's not what what i'm saying at all. i'm saying humans have a biological need for a power system. connecting with one which is broken causes pain. (and other terrible things)

            primitive man lived in a "healthier" power structure than we live in today. that is why they developed less neuroses.

            >the fact that you think inner delusion is bad, but social delusion or in other words (social reality...) is good

            inner delusion is a coping mechanism that the brain uses when he looks around him and sees that the power system is broken. primitive man looked around and saw "10 other dudes, 6 of them are stronger, 4 of them are weaker, there's a couple women and babies, nature has power over me, voila I'M HERE in the structure". on the other hand, modern man looks around and turns on the news and sees atomic weaponry, CEO billionaires, a phone in his hand which seemingly knows everything, quantum computing, funko pops... I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE I AM in the structure, all i know is I'M POWERLESS"

            as a result of the powerlessness, the primitive brain goes haywire, it gets more and more disconnected from reality, from logic, from rationality, it seeks power somewhere and internal delusions is one place where he finds them. there's a plethora of different outcomes and manifestations of the lack of power obviously, narcissism is not the only one. look at personality disorders, look around and you'll find them

          • 9 months ago

            i'll add on a bit about religion too. religion has held a VITAL role in the power structure. let's look at primitive man, he saw that nature had power over him so what does he do? he incorporates it, in a healthy manner, into the power structure. he says "this unknown infinite thing that has been here since before i was born and will continue to exist forever has ultimate power over me, i bow down to you, i bow down to the unknown, i bow down to the spirits that come out at night and my dreams" (sugary terminology but i hope you get what i'm saying). this is part of a good, healthy power structure.

            organized religion is just an evolution of nature worship obviously, it caters to the same part of our brain, it caters to the power structure. as man learned more about the world he needed new ideas and concepts to worship. "deities" arose, "zeus the god of lightning" "set the god of disorder" man learned about "disorder" and learned that it held ultimate, unflinching power over them, so they started worshipping it, created a deity around it to be subservient, obedient and CEDE/EXPATRIATE the power onto something greater than them. it humbled them. dieties and religion humble us, because obviously there are things greater than us, a fricking turtle lives longer than us.

            with the death of religion, with the death of expatriating the power to anything greater, with the removal of worship humanity has entered into power hungry narcissitic power delusion, a worldwide zeitgeist of rampant internal power fantasy. the protuberance that tracks power, that tracks empathy, that tracks reality has become unhinged worldwide and it is pretty disastrous.

            what a beautiful time to be alive, i'm gonna go for a walk

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >the protuberance that tracks power,
            Ah, so that's what you meant by the "vestigial protuberance,"

          • 9 months ago

            >connecting with one which is broken causes pain. (and other terrible things)
            this is just you and defeatists IQfyners. people dont see broken structures more than any other time.
            >"10 other dudes, 6 of them are stronger, 4 of them are weaker, there's a couple women and babies, nature has power over me, voila I'M HERE in the structure".
            how do you decide that this power structure is fine and perfect?. you quit the people that reject that power structures as "neuroses". you always win. its common if you believe in psichology to have this kind of thinking. psychology exists as a how to make people complain to societal norms, so neurosis is diagnosticed from a point of view where the one who suffer must conform to some part of the society, thats all they think they should do.
            i mean, in this society and in the primitive, why is bad that a dude try to change that 6 men stronger than him have all the power. or that he rebel that nature is peaceful and benevolent and we should conform to it?.
            why one is more right than the other?.
            >that is why they developed less neuroses
            I HAVE NO CLUE WHERE I AM in the structure,
            this is like saying in north korea they have less neuroses. conforming as plenitude is superficial and shallow at long term. like i say, you are defeatist, millions of people believe in the structure we have already and they still suffer.

            >I dont think you know what the real world is (nor nobody...) so everything you say is
            Yeah well that's where the working human rejects dogma; when we discover that in fact we are able to study and understand the real world piece by piece and that, it turns out, all opposition to us when we do this is coming from people who are influenced by one stupid thing or another, believing that knowledge of, say, how grow crops, is impossible for man to attain.

            ok. i dont care at all about your copes. its sad that you can see how people is influenced in the thought and still think the real world is pure and simple.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >ok. i dont care at all about your copes.
            i don't care for the thoughts of a human who solders bad unproveable assertions together with irrational internet concepts and doesn't realize that their self-control is being held together by the equivalent of a wodge of rapidly melting chewing gum.

            >its sad that you can see how people is influenced in the thought and still think the real world is pure and simple.
            It comes down to actionability; and occams razor if you need another Mans ideas to substitute for your own in your journey to comprehending the simplicity of things.

            If you espouse a thing which impedes the progression of a task, then you are espousing a thing which impedes the progression of a task.

            "don't think of loot or trophies, just win the battle; then everything will be yours,"
            as the Legate said to his green troops.

          • 9 months ago

            >a thing which impedes the progression of a task.
            but what is a task?. look, we are here because you think a man rejecting a task (or in your own thoughts, rejecting a "real world task"...) is bad in the head. thats all. i dont.
            i think there is an intrinsical irreal side of thoughts and mind that you and the other poster really dont espouse so you dont understand what i say.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >i think there is an intrinsical irreal side of thoughts and mind
            unreal? irreal? above-real?

            I think there is too, in real-world context, it's called fantasy; a make-do or "god oft he gps" that a person arrives at in their mind to reconcile them with inaction about a thing before they arrive at the non-fantasy version of a thing which enables them to have a great grasp and action about a thing.

            e.g. crop growing: w/ no method we rely on god and probably fail or achieve 5% success, w/ proven working method (sciences of: weather, soil, season, crop) we don't rely on god and we have 100% success, w/ improved working method we multiply the success rate.

            simple. practical.

          • 9 months ago

            with irreal i want to say "non-real". specifically non-real as to what, by what you say, i think you think reality is.

            >the non-fantasy version of a thing
            but that dont exist. when three people think the same it becomes reality. its that simple and abstract at the same time. even if you probably dont see it, probably contrary to what you believe of yourself, you are too rigid about it. science is a human method that comes from fantasy, its not a method that come from the gods so we can see real reality. its just a trick. and will pass as any other trick.
            i say all this because i understand that completely unreal system of thoughts are part of reality. thats all.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >>the non-fantasy version of a thing
            >but that dont exist. when three people think the same it becomes reality.
            that is not so: three people agreeing that a tree will be planted which will produce naked women from banana skins that grow from the three are 1) fricking moronic and 2) will be disappointed.

            I mentioned yesterday that the brain is better understood as a scanner; when "reality" is to be considered it has to be considered from the basis of that scanner producing a "true report" from the sense data. Dogmas, biases, wishful thinking, etc. all interfere with the ability to arrive at that "true report," when two or more people have some dogma or nonsense in their brain and affirm it verbally to each other then 'that' is where the dysfunctional society comes from; it is a constant product of their actions ........... so in that sense
            >. when three people think the same it becomes reality.
            ha, yes, .. but: you see that they are like sailing 'against' the wind until their ship breaks, rather than with the wind to arrive at where they want to be.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >i say all this because i understand that completely unreal system of thoughts are part of reality.
            this i agree with as well, but i consider them to be more like tumors.

          • 9 months ago

            that is our disagreement. we dont have nothing more to say. you want to quit a part of humanity because you think there is a real humanity. i dont think that exists. we can follow "tumors" and call it healthy reality. every notion of what reality is, its a tumor, start with a tumor. its the nature of thought. some day or another we will have to face it, maybe is too soon or too stupid, i dont know.

            >why one is more right than the other?.
            human wellbeing, healthy functioning of the human brain, free existence

            of course "mentall ilness" "personality disorders" "autism" "neuroses" are just words. of course it's not the truth. of course it's a fricking pan-galactic fbi glowBlack person pysop or whatever you want to call it. it's unhealthy, but you simply can't discuss the solution to a problem without putting names on what the problem is. you can't solve an issue without first quantifying and categorizing the issue. how can you solve something that's broken without knowing what it is and how it's broken? we know nothing

            >healthy functioning of the human brain
            i dont think the human brain have a functioning. you are implying it have one. but in the end you are just putting notions of society where that human brain should functioning, not human brain itself. plasticity is the main characteristic of the mind, i dont think its really broken in any of your hypothesis without an appeal to society.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >you think there is a real humanity. i dont think that exists. we can follow "tumors" and call it healthy reality. every notion of what reality is, its a tumor, start with a tumor. its the nature of thought.
            well, again, it's the matter of objective demonstrable actual material real-world reality vs. not.

            I mean, it's results based. A fantasy or delusion is a coping mechanism to reconcile inability towards a thing; you'll notice that most common political or religious delusions resemble this; it will justify inactivity and it will reconcile or present some narrative by which doing nothing to change the status quo is acceptable.

            I'm saying to recognize 'that' as a tumor because it is a cancerous growth from malfunctioning cells (or reactive cells, as easily) which impede a persons ability to extricate themselves from a situation they might easily overcome and move on from.

            A person who overcomes it will succeed, or has a high chance to anyway, vs. a person whose 'beliefs' have been cobbled together out of this egotistical coddled baby-state that so many Men exhibit; where advancement and self-betterment is not even attempted due to the belief or cultural structure. or protocols.


            >i think there is an intrinsical irreal side of thoughts and mind
            unreal? irreal? above-real?

            I think there is too, in real-world context, it's called fantasy; a make-do or "god oft he gps" that a person arrives at in their mind to reconcile them with inaction about a thing before they arrive at the non-fantasy version of a thing which enables them to have a great grasp and action about a thing.

            e.g. crop growing: w/ no method we rely on god and probably fail or achieve 5% success, w/ proven working method (sciences of: weather, soil, season, crop) we don't rely on god and we have 100% success, w/ improved working method we multiply the success rate.

            simple. practical.

            >e.g. crop growing: w/ no method we rely on god and probably fail or achieve 5% success, w/ proven working method (sciences of: weather, soil, season, crop) we don't rely on god and we have 100% success, w/ improved working method we multiply the success rate.
            from that point it is a matter of the material real world; you have to eat you have to sleep you have to form some kind of community to accomplish this and since you 'have to' you may as well go for the most optimal, rather than attempting it via delusions that others hold, like pol or religion, as those people prove completely inept.

          • 9 months ago

            >of objective demonstrable actual material real-world reality
            with non-demostrable and inmaterial tools (thoughts...). thats all the "problem". you really are not outside of it, you are just using your mind. material reality is an interpretation, you can eat and call it and make a completely intricate and religious superstitious form to eat and you, therefore, have a completely different conception of what eating or survive is. you are fooled by your thoughts. your way of categorize reality is a mental way of categorize. you only see the tumor when its not categorized in your own way. i know it sounds horrible or schizo but i think that is the world we live in.
            there is an unchangeable way of nothing.
            you dont have any right to say your particular way of using your mind is the appropiate way to understand reality. you only say it because you think your tools are outside a limited point of view, you think you see it all by this things. i mean, efficacy as a system of thought is a system of thought.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >you really are not outside of it, you are just using your mind.
            No, that is exactly the point - stick with that:

            Nobody is outside of material reality are they? So who is more likely to be the most correct; the people who study it until they can predict things and work with the world (drawing knowledge from natural processes observed), .... or the people who just make-up fantasies that excuse them from doing whatever evil they wish to do to others?

            I mean, this is obvious to me because I have studied the natural world and understand the great benefits that I can now employ, vs. beforehand: knowing little if anything and being forced to go with guesswork and becoming "angry at life" when the guesswork turned out to be the wrong solution.

            Really this is a matter of humbling oneself to the universe and being willing to put aside preconceptions and actually observe and learn.

          • 9 months ago

            that is our disagreement. we dont have nothing more to say. you want to quit a part of humanity because you think there is a real humanity. i dont think that exists. we can follow "tumors" and call it healthy reality. every notion of what reality is, its a tumor, start with a tumor. its the nature of thought. some day or another we will have to face it, maybe is too soon or too stupid, i dont know.

            >healthy functioning of the human brain
            i dont think the human brain have a functioning. you are implying it have one. but in the end you are just putting notions of society where that human brain should functioning, not human brain itself. plasticity is the main characteristic of the mind, i dont think its really broken in any of your hypothesis without an appeal to society.

            i think ultimately you are right.

            there are no rules anywhere except in our heads. everything just is. it's the ultimate freedom and the most gratifying way of living. i'd happily subscribe to this existence day in day out until i die. but, there is suffering in the world. no rules about it, no categories or personality disorders, there is widespread suffering. what's your answer to that? what's the answer to the suffering?

          • 9 months ago

            obviously i dont know. in fact all this conversation, or my part in it, starts because i defend people who end that suffering with suicide. so i dont really know.
            i would start accepting that suffering is part of the world if we want to live as particular identities in a world full of different conceptions. but really i dont have a theory about suffering or about why it exists or why it have to cease to exist. they go hand in hand, like life and death.

            >you really are not outside of it, you are just using your mind.
            No, that is exactly the point - stick with that:

            Nobody is outside of material reality are they? So who is more likely to be the most correct; the people who study it until they can predict things and work with the world (drawing knowledge from natural processes observed), .... or the people who just make-up fantasies that excuse them from doing whatever evil they wish to do to others?

            I mean, this is obvious to me because I have studied the natural world and understand the great benefits that I can now employ, vs. beforehand: knowing little if anything and being forced to go with guesswork and becoming "angry at life" when the guesswork turned out to be the wrong solution.

            Really this is a matter of humbling oneself to the universe and being willing to put aside preconceptions and actually observe and learn.

            you are talking too much about superstition vs science. and im really talking about other thing. that antagonism its more about you and how it helps you objectivity and science as a guide more than reality with all their unbearable complexity.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >you are talking too much about superstition vs science. and im really talking about other thing. that antagonism its more about you and how it helps you objectivity and science as a guide more than reality with all their unbearable complexity.
            tbh i have no idea what you're talking about and I don't think you're understanding what's being said to you ... it sounds like you're saying "making things up" is a superior to way to "understanding reality with its unbearable complexity" when 'science' is only about understanding reality with its unbearable complexity.

            Are you for real? That's a crazy inversion.

            You know that the scientific method is not 'liberal politics', right? It's not a buzzword, it just means you follow the evidence and don't begin an inquiry into a thing with a predetermined answer.

            Only persons knowingly in the wrong would invent some reason to oppose doing that because they were hiding some criminal thing and didn't want anyone to examine it. It's sad that religion is a cover for this.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            ed. actually ... thinking about it.... it's really dogma you're opposing. Religious trolls have just brainwashed people into conflating the unscientific religious error of dogmatism with 'science', simply because con-artists and dumfuk public use the word 'science' as their argument from authority nowadays; whilst demonstrating 'zero' scientific method in their thoughts and actions.

            see: secular academias 200 yr old track record of harassing inventors and discoverers of things for disagreeing with local dogma of the day.

            washing your hands being fought against in the late 1800's by doctors, for example

          • 9 months ago

            Well, you're full of shit and here's how for all your fellow homosexual gamers:
            See, the shit, begins filling up in your bowels and spills out your head where a brain should be

          • 9 months ago

            >you are talking too much about superstition vs science. and im really talking about other thing. that antagonism its more about you and how it helps you objectivity and science as a guide more than reality with all their unbearable complexity.
            tbh i have no idea what you're talking about and I don't think you're understanding what's being said to you ... it sounds like you're saying "making things up" is a superior to way to "understanding reality with its unbearable complexity" when 'science' is only about understanding reality with its unbearable complexity.

            Are you for real? That's a crazy inversion.

            You know that the scientific method is not 'liberal politics', right? It's not a buzzword, it just means you follow the evidence and don't begin an inquiry into a thing with a predetermined answer.

            Only persons knowingly in the wrong would invent some reason to oppose doing that because they were hiding some criminal thing and didn't want anyone to examine it. It's sad that religion is a cover for this.

            you are so grateful and happpy of religious dogmatism losing against science that you dont understand science is still a dogmatism. dont put, if you want, the horrible connotations of dogmatism, but the scientific method is, indeed, a dogma. and im only talk about it, about the limitations to know the reality, not about some kind of utility.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >you are so grateful and happpy of religious dogmatism losing against science that you dont understand science is still a dogmatism.
            derp i said this already

            ed. actually ... thinking about it.... it's really dogma you're opposing. Religious trolls have just brainwashed people into conflating the unscientific religious error of dogmatism with 'science', simply because con-artists and dumfuk public use the word 'science' as their argument from authority nowadays; whilst demonstrating 'zero' scientific method in their thoughts and actions.

            see: secular academias 200 yr old track record of harassing inventors and discoverers of things for disagreeing with local dogma of the day.

            washing your hands being fought against in the late 1800's by doctors, for example

            only a dummy can't tell the difference between a person using the word 'Science' and the actual 'Scientific Method'.

            Well, you're full of shit and here's how for all your fellow homosexual gamers:
            See, the shit, begins filling up in your bowels and spills out your head where a brain should be

            >(no refutation of anything, verbal abuse, off-topic, trolling outside of /b/)

            samegay the thread

            >(gas-lighting, effort to kill discussion in thread for ideological opposition, off-topic)

            you guys really do deserve the world you're stuck in lol

            a thought I just had. you started to shart on that spammer like oh i;m registring on reggit. and it's real. those local chuders here castrated and they spread castratism as their ontological gestalt. I hate it too. but us sneeds should hold our fortress + tis they are guests spreading hate and sus. this desolate place unto a loca of frenship and shitposting and sharing ideas just for fun. live laugh love. everyone who see it as cringe is a plebeian. reverence is the ground for aware approach to life. it is a skill to be cultivated high mental jelqing

            yeah well it's a product of their culture; they see news people and politicians doing endless ad hom and they copy it. stockholm. stranger thing to me is how you're defending it when its your thread they've targeted.

            real helpless mental state you're in where you've cucked out to .. what is probably some fat guy on anti-depressants who can barely get up out of his chair.

            >. those local chuders here castrated and they spread castratism as their ontological gestalt. I hate it too. but
            Nah, stay on-topic.

            It's still the same power protocol going on; the behavior of that stalker-troll is the same as the contemporary press or fake academics when they present no argument, make repeated non-stop ad hom attacks, and the culture isn't mentally or verbally competent enough to stop and ask for proof - not knowing that the law is on their side in these things.

            If that is the common culture (a submission to crowd bullying by an aggressive masked minority) then you're damned to suffer these things, as it's a shared protocol across the society. If you're "okay" with this then you're okay with how society is led by the nose into disasters and criminal schemes from the top, since this is the only methodology that can be employed against inquiry. Artificial peer pressure and sustained campaigns of verbal abuse; libel, ad hom, never touching the case being made that's motivated them to attack - knowing that they can't refute something that's truth.

            Whereas if you can shake this illusion away then both these people and the bad actors in the broader society; con artists etc., have zero power over you. If more people began to think like this then these tactics would begin to evaporate and the public forum would be fit to fulfill its intended function under the law.

            Consider: we were talking uninterrupted for a little while yesterday and we made some amazing progress on the subject itself - simply because these guys were not here to disrupt.

            Imagine a world where they weren't anywhere at all lol

          • 9 months ago

            Enough. Shhhhhhh.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)


          • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            i notice your friend can't reply anymore lol

          • 9 months ago

            >nana I got someone in trouble
            Holy shit, get a life.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            ..says the hate-poster who spends his life disrupting conversations with nonsense.You complain about people reporting and do nothing but verbal abuse 24/7. schizo phrenia.

            If I knew who you guys were for real I'd be going after you for damages the moment you shit-posted, and thinning the herd that way; any libel is a criminal offense, and your being allowed to hide through this 'anon' loophole isn't going to last all your life. You know the people today who are being destroyed by posts they made 20 yrs ago? That's your future.

          • 9 months ago

            >Nah, stay on-topic.
            I am. the place, this place we sit, is one of abjection. who controls it gets a massive boost. who are we? nobodies, frens, children of the Time (understood as Aeonic). who are they? slaves of time bent on loosh collecting and general malaise. if thee oppose them they win. you step on shit you start smearing it all over. the negative power protocol gets reaffirmed.

            you don't win bullying by counter-bullying but by the different. which is love, creativity, autism (weighty self-reference).

            >It's like an exercise in developing your brain to actually encounter the insane abusers on these places.. in a lot of ways I don't think I'd be as immunized to fake peer pressure without having been attacked so often on IQfy
            Yeah the way I see it, posting on here is analogous to "working the bag." warming up, toughening up. it's a low stakes practice environment

            ye. the next level is to overcome it landing it deepened awareness. we can build our culture. think about it, the ground programmed is the black pill: fears, doubts, neuroses. the usual reaction to that is to spread even more degraded consciousness, attack people, spread hate, etc. I believe the general tone of politeness and friendship will make a huge change.

            again, those negative power protocols are hegel's view of power as depending on the other, i.e. you need to dunk on the other, to transgress him, to own him. to own the other within you, so to say. and by playing that game you _confirm_ the game. itt Christ been sharted upon. and that is also kinda too-usual. neetzch's anti-christianism might be seen as genuinly pro-christ'tionalism/ I mean, so attempts at renouncing christ often look very faint-hearted like trying to say 'frick you moom!! I'm not going to that stoopid church' i.e. missing the point.

            again(2) my point: autism should guard oneself from being contaminated by the other. you just you, shitpost how you like. _AND BE POLITE_ that's the unwritten law. weighty than those tablets: the heart outweighing whatever. gnome saying (?) dwarves are not midgets but darkened elves, shadow '''adjacent''' complete, as I repeatedly stated itt. jus be fearless and give not hate the way. cause it's wack dude. it's 2002. it's bad pneuma. cum stains on a basic back t-shirt. think, you could have been transmuting it into a higher state of vision colliding opposites into the unexplored delight bodhicitta ethereal pussy drops forever like chilling in the fortress beyond time.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >(if you fight them off, they win!)
            i disagree - in a lot of ways it's the action of undertaking constant warfare, I have come to think, that constitutes a superior character and culture. the situation here is not very different to the german or danube border and the roman forts; we cross it and kill lots, next year another tribe has moved in and we do the same thing again and again. the act of doing it, itself, constitutes superior training, like this person said:

            >It's like an exercise in developing your brain to actually encounter the insane abusers on these places.. in a lot of ways I don't think I'd be as immunized to fake peer pressure without having been attacked so often on IQfy
            Yeah the way I see it, posting on here is analogous to "working the bag." warming up, toughening up. it's a low stakes practice environment

            i mean, i could count the 'barbarian tactics' on one hand, it's the same few things over and over; they'r recognizable in their origin; i don't mistake it for being anything else because i've become so familiar to it. ... it's really a matter of willpower all the time: developing against external pressure, like a slow perfectly designed mincing machine.

            personally i think that 'superior culture' resembles this undertaking of constancy, since the crazed demented barbarian types have surely always existed in history in every time and place; the deciding factor as to whether a people are destroyed by them , i think, is whether a people possess an individual and societal culture which does not enable and empower such people by ignoring them.

          • 9 months ago

            >since the crazed demented barbarian types have surely always existed in history in every time and place
            yea. and where does their root come from? -- it is merely a machine of psychic taxation; trolls are wannabe tax-collectors sent by powers and principalities.

            >not enable and empower such people by ignoring them.
            an absence is not empowered by furthering its absence through ignore. a castrated subject reacts to a phallic presence negatively ('slave morality'), and waits for a counter-exchange, be it negative, or whatever, as it proves its being from the other side. backwardness: 'I exist because I am hated/I exist because I hate.' think how rabid ethno-negativists and racists help those what they oppose and hate.

            >constant warfare
            thumotic values are life, true. yet something is latching on to it because of a poor framing. (war, negativity, suffering, victims, a chud in its helpless desire fantasizing about hurting others) true 'warfare' is the competition of creativity. and it momentarily shifts the perspective from being chud-pilled and resentment smeared into a bright avenue of possibility. much would be different if only each of us would learn how to love oneself autistically and listen to the subtle voice of absolute truth coming from that silent place.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >a castrated subject reacts to a phallic presence negatively ('slave morality'), and waits for a counter-exchange, be it negative, or whatever, as it proves its being from the other side. backwardness: 'I exist because I am hated/I exist because I hate.'
            this is a very accurate observation.

            my fellow monkey, you are quite correct.

            in context, let me rephrase this:
            >> they cannot change their culture to do anything differently, slavery to peer pressure.
            that is: this the maximal extent of their possible actions under this particular 'protocol', with the ability to ignore peer pressure being the termination point of that protocol; the "leaving of the cave of barbarian-impulses,"

          • 9 months ago

            yea, it's about being conscious enough to deactivate the unconscious heteronomy.
            >my fellow monkey
            good illustration of the protocol. amidst the two poles, by default, a field is being established, where one pole attempts at possession, which is sus inherently. and the vaccine to that is being both polite and autistic to the max of one's own limit. might be ''utopical'' to desire change but then again, each learns only in the process of doing something. so, it's cool.

          • 9 months ago

            a thought I just had. you started to shart on that spammer like oh i;m registring on reggit. and it's real. those local chuders here castrated and they spread castratism as their ontological gestalt. I hate it too. but us sneeds should hold our fortress + tis they are guests spreading hate and sus. this desolate place unto a loca of frenship and shitposting and sharing ideas just for fun. live laugh love. everyone who see it as cringe is a plebeian. reverence is the ground for aware approach to life. it is a skill to be cultivated high mental jelqing

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >>I'm saying to recognize 'that' as a tumor because it is a cancerous growth from malfunctioning cells (or reactive cells, as easily) which impede a persons ability to extricate themselves from a situation they might easily overcome and move on from.

            See how religion or ideology creates an impasse; a person with a strong delusion of nonsense arrives, he tells us to stop working the land, to let everything "just happen" and he explains that the adoration of an image of a slice of pizza is the only important thing in life; he says this because his brain is fricked, his beliefs are in-actionable because put into practice he is a beggar as his beliefs generate nothing for him and he relies on third party hand-outs from people who do still work the land, notice that he does not simply go away and starve to death, no, he is around all the time begging by the use of sophisticated emotional appeals to guilt others into copying him and guilting others into feeding him; when they figure him out and punch him until he runs away he goes to other claiming to have been persecuted by evil demons, and he points at the people who didn't buy into his shtick.

            Thaaaat is a tumor in his brain, first of all, and it is a tumor in society when we encounter it as it leeches from the body and community, sapping this strength and vigor and discouraging it to be strong and healthy - else the body would easily resist it.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >people dont see broken structures more than any other time.
            actually i'm really going back to work now but this is ridiculous - are you not aware that the entire world is constantly screaming about this and believe all their actions are in some way predicated upon it,
            e.g. we vote for this, this will happen (OH SHIT unintended consequences or we voted for a bunch of criminals who manipulated us via emotional reasoning)

          • 9 months ago

            there are wars all along human history because of this. included your beloved primitive times.

          • 9 months ago

            >why one is more right than the other?.
            human wellbeing, healthy functioning of the human brain, free existence

            of course "mentall ilness" "personality disorders" "autism" "neuroses" are just words. of course it's not the truth. of course it's a fricking pan-galactic fbi glowBlack person pysop or whatever you want to call it. it's unhealthy, but you simply can't discuss the solution to a problem without putting names on what the problem is. you can't solve an issue without first quantifying and categorizing the issue. how can you solve something that's broken without knowing what it is and how it's broken? we know nothing

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            it's a very good point, actually, that "any" figure in power is only standing behind a handful of soft mortal flesh; if you're capable of walking through those people and taking the emperor by the throat, the whole world is yours.

  36. 9 months ago

    That this thread and board still exists speaks volumes
    You read "volumes" don't you IQfy?

    • 9 months ago

      volumes 1 OR 2???

      • 9 months ago

        C'mon homosexual say something israelite and provocative!

      • 9 months ago

        but there was another tower wasn't there, israelite?

      • 9 months ago

        you can do it
        i knowo you can
        i already got the shot across the bow
        take the shot i know joo can

        Just do it, homosexual!

        • 9 months ago

          but there was another tower wasn't there, israelite?

          C'mon homosexual say something israelite and provocative!

          excuse me im just a passerby i aint got nothing to do with this you got the wrong fella

          • 9 months ago

            thank ya for the yoos
            i never got so many in sech a short space
            i'm jess tryin' to plug 'em in to this new fangled contraption

          • 9 months ago

            gee whiz batman a new contraption!!!??!!

            beep boop beep beep calibrating calibrating--- -- ----^^^^^$$$$ $$
            need .@.. more ..@.. (you)s ! ! ! !

  37. 9 months ago

    your pause doesn't speak well for you mr bisquit

    (this is the part where you kek at the nonexistent(?) "troony mods" on this board)

  38. 9 months ago

    But why tho? Why all those joos like yoos in the “jooess” gobernmint?

    I’ll hang up and listen

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      Christians were hobbled by their religion, israelites were aided greatly in being worshiped by Christians as being the protagonists of the Christian Old Testament.

      One group with a culture that declares them to be soulless serfs to a superior group will have a difficult relationship with that "superior group."

      A Christian cannot overcome this without putting a sword through Jesus's belly as he's hanging from the cross, it proves to be beyond most Westerners.

  39. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    personally, given how bad christians were, i think jesus would welcome it, as a mercy killing.

    "frick the fathers, kill the mothers,"
    siouxsie sioux

    or something like that

  40. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    the only good news is that if the culture isn't introduced or indoctrinated into a child - none of these problems in comprehension occur, so the future won't suffer this and will look back at the past with pity and anger -

    i think the ideology could be any absurdism, for what it's worth in this context, if a person has nonsense drilled into them by their close family, for instance, they will become hostile toward any logic due to the reality of that logic making them or their relatives look foolish to have believed a lie ...... so it comes back to egotism in that sense as well.

    it is absurdism in a culture which produces the aggression against any logic, i'm quite sure of that; knowing that "closer looks" will reveal the great flaws they develop a mentality which instinctively shuns intelligence in themselves and then in others.

    how angry would you be to learn that generations of your family had fought and bled over a story about a floating slice of pizza pie; to realize the depths of emotionalism that had shed tears over the image of that slice of pizza

    to me, it looks like this.

    only you can redeem the thing, i think, by recognizing that those generations were 'forced' to utter those absurd things under fear of torture.

  41. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    i mean that nobody is being indoctrinated so it should go away, on the other hand maybe the non-indoctrinated will arrive at my conclusions and go full imperial truth on the poor huddled religious remnants.

    see: the last church, by grayham macnihil

    • 9 months ago

      You're the worst.

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        Priest, why do you think the emperor came to you trying to prevent this outcome?

        • 9 months ago

          I think you're a pretentious pseud and no one should pay attention to you. Not even a homeless crackhead so shut up about emperors.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            you see what I mean? Venomous emotional abuse, triggered by some perception of some religion that hangs onto you and produces enmity.

          • 9 months ago

            Nothing to do with religion. You just really suck.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            ha sure, when are you cultists going to realize that you need to practice conscious daily evil actions to defend your 'faith'? that being a part of this cult is the cause? faith in unproveable claims = constantly being proven wrong, then resorting to hiding and being abusive towards every human around you.

          • 9 months ago

            >non-sequiter sperg about religion
            The worst.

  42. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    the most dangerous element if this enmity is that it dries up my compassion very quickly, then we go book 2

    kurze: a lesson in darkness

  43. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    piamen was a israeliteel turning in the void, continents of deep green ringed by vast oceans ... she was so like terra,


    they languished for centuries beneath wicked alien who held them in chains,violent revolution over the xenos away and for a century piamen knew peace


    we came as heralds of the emperor of mankind, of his uniting of all humanity into a single imperium; of progress; a technological and cultural utopia beyond their wildest dreams, all of this we promised to them - if they bent the knee.

    the piameni looked back upon their history, upon the bondage they had so recently cast off .. and rejected us. we begged they reconsider, warning that those who refused to align with the emperors burgeoning realm would be visited again, and not by emissaries. still they could not bring themelves to give themselves over to the hands of outsiders, even human ones.

    piamen would be free.. and for a time.. it was.

    that freedom ended the moment the emperors promise vengeance manifested on the systems edge.

    we failed piamen.

    we failed them by what we sent.

  44. 9 months ago

    gm israelitefeds
    get a real job

    • 9 months ago
      Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

      read william pierce you embittered loser, stay away from the national alliance, we don't want your sort.

      • 9 months ago

        the national alliance of israelitelovingfedswhositonIQfyallday?

        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          never a single argument is made from you, c**t. always little off-topic shivs like a hurt-girl.

          >(off-topic, trolling outside of /b/, won't even explain why he's on the attack)
          you pick one

          >non-sequiter sperg about religion
          The worst.

          > israeliteloving

          >(off-topic, trolling outside of /b/, racism outside of /b/)
          yours is easy to pick =D

          • 9 months ago

            btw when you come back i'd advise you to shut your mouths around me in future with anything that falls under the report options, I'm tired of you /misc/troons flinging your shit at the bars of your cage cos ur mad u can't refute anything being said about your precious dumfuk beliefs.

            >multireplies to announce he's going to cry to the mods
            Imagine calling someone a poltroon while responding with "!!I'm telling on you!!" twice. You're the worst.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            well, stop anonymously spreading lies about me, disrupting conversations with verbal abuse, and respond with some kind of on-topic thing; we wouldn't be here if you had anything legitimate to say; that is: you wouldn't be doing this if you could respond normally. duuuh

            really you and every politician and press officer who does this should have had this lesson explained into your skulls by a competent parental figure, you're probably a bastard now that I think of it. in addition to being a /misc/tard and a troon.

            original point still stands; because you are incapable of articulating your beliefs logically / yet refuse to even attempt this or refuse to abandon your errors in beliefs / you are forced into a position of petty attacks until you're forced to stop.

            Atrocity from Absurdism:

            the only good news is that if the culture isn't introduced or indoctrinated into a child - none of these problems in comprehension occur, so the future won't suffer this and will look back at the past with pity and anger -

            i think the ideology could be any absurdism, for what it's worth in this context, if a person has nonsense drilled into them by their close family, for instance, they will become hostile toward any logic due to the reality of that logic making them or their relatives look foolish to have believed a lie ...... so it comes back to egotism in that sense as well.

            it is absurdism in a culture which produces the aggression against any logic, i'm quite sure of that; knowing that "closer looks" will reveal the great flaws they develop a mentality which instinctively shuns intelligence in themselves and then in others.

            how angry would you be to learn that generations of your family had fought and bled over a story about a floating slice of pizza pie; to realize the depths of emotionalism that had shed tears over the image of that slice of pizza

            to me, it looks like this.

            only you can redeem the thing, i think, by recognizing that those generations were 'forced' to utter those absurd things under fear of torture.

            demonstrated by your abuse; case proven accurate by every trolltard.

          • 9 months ago

            Just shut the frick up already. Like half the posts ITT are from you and I'm willing to bet a significant portion of your (You)s are from samegayging. You behave like a bot.

          • 9 months ago
            Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

            >(single cliche troll word against intelligent on-point reply, angry people are talking to me, gas-lights, projection of own actions, zero on-topic reply, zero response to anything i said)

            lol you just don't get it do you? once again, thicko: stop anonymously spreading lies about me, disrupting conversations with verbal abuse, and respond with some kind of on-topic thing

            You're the actual robot. You add frick all. You attack. Nothing on-topic, ever. Your responses are the same personalizing troll shit over and over again: one-liners, verbal abuse, targeted political harassment because you disagree with some shit i said somewhere and you've never been able to admit being fricking wrong - and you're so mentally inferior to real society that you don't even understand how transparently obviously fake what you'e doing is. laughable.

            go ahead, i can predict your next twenty replies, you mental cripple, call me a one-liner again and say nothing relevant. enjoy being able to frick off at someone over the internet and not get your face kicked off, pussy cuck porn addicted consumer trash lol

          • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago
          Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

          >non-sequiter sperg about religion
          The worst.

          btw when you come back i'd advise you to shut your mouths around me in future with anything that falls under the report options, I'm tired of you /misc/troons flinging your shit at the bars of your cage cos ur mad u can't refute anything being said about your precious dumfuk beliefs.

    • 9 months ago

      good morning john you want a cup o joe?? fresh from nicaruagua

  45. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)
  46. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    >>e.g. this is why ex-christians or ex-muslims carry on with a ton of self-harming theistic assertion that they never question even as they believe they've escaped the religion; they carry on under the same protocols in other words 'until' they recognize those influences and extricate themselves from those influences.
    or "extirpation* from the passions (pathos)" as the ancients would have described it, in that an unconscious or subconscious act is a product of baseline impulse.

  47. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    > a make-do or "god oft he gps"
    *god of the gaps

  48. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    fun fact:
    roman deity of youthful impulse; iuventas is this: verbatim: iu+ventas "the good breeze / the favorable wind"

  49. 9 months ago

    Not as original as you think lol


    • 9 months ago

      I didn't notice how long this thread was lol. Maybe your stuff dives farther than the jreg video. I might read it later after I run some errands.

      • 9 months ago

        Not as original as you think lol


        nah thank you for showing the vid

  50. 9 months ago

    samegay the thread

  51. 9 months ago


    >zero predictive power
    >zero evidence for your claims or why your prescriptive state would be better
    >excessive psychologizing

    • 9 months ago

      It's just a couple of pseuds jerking one another off. Mods are probably leaving the thread up as containment.

  52. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)


    Well I found this all valuable, I don't think there's any escape though, as to 1). It's like an exercise in developing your brain to actually encounter the insane abusers on these places.. in a lot of ways I don't think I'd be as immunized to fake peer pressure without having been attacked so often on IQfy - don't confuse this with personalized bickering either; if you post anything that differs from their norm, they'll attack you with sustained lies and abuse until you're dead on the inside. That's the singular way this culture operates; to stamp out the light of inspiration in every single human being, like a massive revolving door, one by one, with masked goons pouncing on the unsuspecting person.

    Question is raised ..also.. as to what happens when the smart and good people leave the crazy people to it; the internet has only got much worse since I did (something like you describe) and came back years later, and the whole society is being dragged online and put through this process.

    Maybe a planetwide EMP bomb is the answer.

    • 9 months ago

      >It's like an exercise in developing your brain to actually encounter the insane abusers on these places.. in a lot of ways I don't think I'd be as immunized to fake peer pressure without having been attacked so often on IQfy
      Yeah the way I see it, posting on here is analogous to "working the bag." warming up, toughening up. it's a low stakes practice environment

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

        definitely agree with this.

        I've had this conversation a few times; can you imagine the silliness of not using this place in that manner? to constantly improve. to just do the same thing, gratifying yourself in the mirror, is a dumb use of the gym. haha

        but that is their error entirely, they cannot change their culture to do anything differently, slavery to peer pressure.

  53. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    frick damages though, i'd rather go mick taylor and flat out abduct ya haha

  54. 9 months ago

    This conflates the israeli influence of field theory on the sensory imput mechanism of and about the federal hierarchy
    Which If ull indulge me farther would eplain why trees and plants are being burned by oligarchs in karaabak and hawarri
    Also there are implications for 1970s era basement dwellers in dulles and dallas respectively in their hacking envdeaors to supplant the previous owners of this content
    It’s all qute fascinating really

  55. 9 months ago
    Sir Dunking Biscuits (or something, i forgot my username)

    wow, no verbal abuse this time? did the gay and christian anons unite

    • 9 months ago

      it’s time for your booster shot homosexual

      • 9 months ago
        Sir Duncans Crumbs (His Grace)

        oah jeez, you'll have to administer the suppository orally, doctor goyim chadwick, make a kissy face like you do to your prospective employers

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