>There is a false saying, 'Whoever cannot save himself - how can he save others?

>There is a false saying, 'Whoever cannot save himself - how can he save others? ' But if I have the key to your chains, why should your and my lock be the same.

is there a bigger cope in all of literature?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Dumb poster doesn't even know how to reflect on aphorisms. Comeback in ten years.

  2. 2 years ago

    Pain is vanquishing my life and my will." He wrote in a letter. "What months, what a summer I have had! My physical agonies were as many and various as the changes I have seen in the sky. In every cloud there is some form of electric charge which grips me suddenly and reduces me to complete misery. Five times I have called for Doctor Death, and yesterday I hoped it was the end — in vain.

    "Though I am in my forty-fifth year and have published about fifteen books…there has not yet been a single even moderately reputable review of any one of my books. People help themselves out now with the phrases "eccentric," "pathological," "psychiatric"."

    "It hurts me frightfully that in these fifteen years not one single person has 'discovered' me, has needed me, has loved me."

    "How rarely a friendly voice reaches me! I’m now alone, absurdly alone…And for years not a word of comfort, not a drop of feeling, not a breath of love."

    "It has been ten years already: not a sound reaches me any longer – a land without rain…If only I could give you some idea of my feeling of isolation. Neither among the living nor the dead is there anyone with whom I feel any kinship. This is inexpressibly horrible."

    • 2 years ago

      As the sun was setting on 1888, Nietzsche was staying in Turin as a guest in the home of a prominent family, and it was at this time his behaviour took a fateful turn. In late November, while sauntering through the streets, Nietzsche reported increasing difficulty hiding his laughter and controlling his intense fits of glee.

      "…my face was making continual grimaces in order to try to control my extreme pleasure, including, for 10 minutes, the grimace of tears."

      Throughout the month of December, his letters were no longer signed off with the name "Friedrich Nietzsche", but with the name "Dionysus", "Nietzsche-Caesar", or else "the Crucified". In the period between Christmas and New Year, the guests in the house where Nietzsche was staying reported that for three days and nights Nietzsche remained locked in his room and, while naked, improvised on the piano, and sang and danced like a wild man possessed, in what appeared to be a one-man re-creation of a Dionysian festival. On January 3, 1889 while in the streets of Turin, upon witnessing a horse being whipped by its coachman, Nietzsche wrapped his arms around the horse, collapsed and passed out, and it is this event that many point to as signifying his break into madness. Over the next few days Nietzsche re-gained enough lucidity to write a few strange but beautiful letters to friends and family.

      >rape, murder, torture, barbarianim good
      >compassion bad
      >nooooooo not the heckin' horserinoooo

      >ITT: REDDIT

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          keep posting reddit memes they are really funny

          • 2 years ago

            You're the on who is so obsessed with plebbit so you should go back then

      • 2 years ago

        keep posting reddit memes they are really funny

        Reddit website, you are no longer welcome here.

    • 2 years ago

      As that other kraut said
      >“To be alone is the fate of all great minds—a fate deplored at times, but still always chosen as the less grievous of two evils.”

  3. 2 years ago

    As the sun was setting on 1888, Nietzsche was staying in Turin as a guest in the home of a prominent family, and it was at this time his behaviour took a fateful turn. In late November, while sauntering through the streets, Nietzsche reported increasing difficulty hiding his laughter and controlling his intense fits of glee.

    "…my face was making continual grimaces in order to try to control my extreme pleasure, including, for 10 minutes, the grimace of tears."

    Throughout the month of December, his letters were no longer signed off with the name "Friedrich Nietzsche", but with the name "Dionysus", "Nietzsche-Caesar", or else "the Crucified". In the period between Christmas and New Year, the guests in the house where Nietzsche was staying reported that for three days and nights Nietzsche remained locked in his room and, while naked, improvised on the piano, and sang and danced like a wild man possessed, in what appeared to be a one-man re-creation of a Dionysian festival. On January 3, 1889 while in the streets of Turin, upon witnessing a horse being whipped by its coachman, Nietzsche wrapped his arms around the horse, collapsed and passed out, and it is this event that many point to as signifying his break into madness. Over the next few days Nietzsche re-gained enough lucidity to write a few strange but beautiful letters to friends and family.

    • 2 years ago

      where are the letters

  4. 2 years ago

    >rape, murder, torture, barbarianim good
    >compassion bad
    >nooooooo not the heckin' horserinoooo

    • 2 years ago

      He clearly felt a certain kinship with horses.

  5. 2 years ago

    >just because my ideas ruined me doesnt mean they arent heckin epic
    Yeah, it fricking sucks. Adolescent garbage

  6. 2 years ago

    Are there any posters dumber than nietzsche posters? These threads are horrendous.

  7. 2 years ago

    nietzsche was based but not in the way rightoids think

    that is aphorism #220857 in my book "the homosexual jesus christ" on sale now. buy it on Amazon pls

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        oh no.
        this must mean...

        • 2 years ago

          I fricking knew that homosexual who keeps making these threads is just a brownoid butthurt that someone mocked his precious Hay-soos.

  8. 2 years ago

    As I was saying Nietzsche threads are reliably the worst threads on lit, everyone who disagreed with me now owes me an apology.

    • 2 years ago

      It's been this way every since I started coming on here nearly a decade ago. With the exception of a few effortposts, I haven't seen anything with even a rumour of insight regarding his work. I'm currently working on BG&E, and it'd be quite nice to hear some commentary from the other anons about it.

      • 2 years ago

        >With the exception of a few effortposts, I haven't seen anything with even a rumour of insight regarding his work.
        Isn't it amazing?

  9. 2 years ago

    God is dead and Jesus was a cuck. Cry more, nihilist christhomosexual

  10. 2 years ago

    ive never seen a winner celebrate nietzsche, only losers bitter that their parents made them go to church, and sycophant philosophy students take the ideas seriously.

    i suppose it shouldnt be suprising that winner fetishists would suffer most from dunning kruger

  11. 2 years ago

    I lost all the respect I had for Nietzsche when I discovered he cried when he saw a horse getting beaten.

    He is the intellectual ancestor of Greta Thunberg. Hard on mankind soft on nature.

    • 2 years ago

      >He is the intellectual ancestor of Greta Thunberg. Hard on mankind soft on nature.
      lol so fricking true. Basically a woman.

    • 2 years ago

      death of the author

    • 2 years ago

      that never happened you imbecile

  12. 2 years ago

    Girard refuted Nietzsche. I consider the Girardian interpretation of Nietzsche to be the final word on him.

    • 2 years ago

      What did he say about him?

  13. 2 years ago

    this type of basic reasoning is like super fricking rare and precious yet oh so necessary in life, Nietzsche was a genius but it's also just a case of everyone being moronic as well

  14. 2 years ago

    why does he like horses so much? while simultanously hating everything and everyone else. was he the first ponybro?

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