This is the saddest shit I've read in a while.

This is the saddest shit I've read in a while. It's one of these books where the author is truly baring their soul even if they're also clearly lying to themselves or recalling events in self-serving or rationalizing ways. This woman has massive unsolved daddy issues and it's very clear that everything she did is an attempt to deal with a sense of inadequacy in her father's eyes and a perceived lack of affection from him and, to a lesser extent, her mother as well.

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  1. 11 months ago

    All I got from this book is that Halifaxx homosexuals only care about raping bawds.

  2. 11 months ago

    Elliott must be really cleaning up in Hollywood with all those big time acting gigs considering as a woman, she was so good in all those big budget movies with the world's biggest stars, based on her acting alone and not her looks as a woman. Can anons give me a must watch movie list post surgery? Thanks I have the next few days off and want to watch a bunch of movies.

    • 11 months ago

      It's not that she'd get anything as a woman. Girlets age poorly on screen. From Judy Garland to Natalie Portman, they just hit a wall, and it's over.

    • 11 months ago

      Kek as you imply eliot page was in fact never a good actor and presumably will never act again the c**t

    • 11 months ago


  3. 11 months ago

    post excerpts

    • 11 months ago

      >It seems like [her father] was annoyed he had made a baby in the eleventh hour with someone he didn't desire to be with, a puny human, relentlessly keeping the cord strong and taut.

      >The scent of my childhood home, hitting me on the way in, made me nauseated.

      >I felt [the stepmom]'s annoyance at this burden from her husband's first marriage. She could get away with it. I never actually talked to my father about how she treated me until I was an adult and I never, not once, stood up to her. I suppose I felt I deserved it, and why the hell wouldn't I? My father knew and did nothing about it."

      >I cringed as my dad came and sat next to me on the floor. He put his hand on my spine, I felt my insides retreat.
      >"We are just kidding around," he said, whispering, rubbing my back. "It's just a joke."
      >No sorry. Never a sorry. No stop. Never an "Are you okay?"

      >If I was not born, I'd have no perception of what I'd be missing, nor would anyone else miss me. This would suit me just fine. We are all micro specks, almost nothing int he grand scheme.

      >I have been on testosterone for over a year now. Every Friday I wake up excited yet content, a new sense of calm in my life. I inject myself with forty milligrams of T, I'm changing, I'm growing, it's all just beginning.
      >Let me just exist with you, happier than ever.

      • 11 months ago

        the top 4 are sad but not too far out of the ordinary. People have daddy/step mommy issues all the time.
        the bottom 2 are more startling. who is the "you" at the very bottom line addressed to?

        • 11 months ago

          >the bottom 2 are more startling. who is the "you" at the very bottom line addressed to?

          The reader.

      • 11 months ago

        >>If I was not born, I'd have no perception of what I'd be missing, nor would anyone else miss me. This would suit me just fine. We are all micro specks, almost nothing int he grand scheme.

        Kek at this cliche rick and morty tier nihilism

  4. 11 months ago

    This thread again.
    All right, can someone post the excerpt of her starving herself, taking drugs, and then losing to the voices inside her head and having herself maimed?

    • 11 months ago

      >All right, can someone post the excerpt of her starving herself, taking drugs, and then losing to the voices inside her head and having herself maimed?
      I believe this is dishonest or heavily embellished until I see it

      • 11 months ago

        b***h went full schizo and punched herself in the face until she bled. Then she went to her israelite therapist that told her chopping off her little breasts would solve her problems.

        • 11 months ago

          You're underselling it. She says actually HEARD VOICES telling her to transition, and from the experience to being recommended for trans surgery there was just about a month. It is this is insane and it is even more insane that people are lauding this instead of being horrified about it.

          The entire book has her telling about how she's been self-harming since she was a teen and continued well into her 30s. She's fleeing from her pain into whatever seems to be the miracle pill for her to finally accept herself. It obviously won't - her problems are clearly deeper and deeply ingrained. What will this woman who's committed self-harm for decades do once she realizes that transitioning was just more self-harm?

          • 11 months ago

            Do you have any evidence she hasn't become happier on testerone?

          • 11 months ago

            NTA but look at her face on the cover

            You're underselling it. She says actually HEARD VOICES telling her to transition, and from the experience to being recommended for trans surgery there was just about a month. It is this is insane and it is even more insane that people are lauding this instead of being horrified about it.

            The entire book has her telling about how she's been self-harming since she was a teen and continued well into her 30s. She's fleeing from her pain into whatever seems to be the miracle pill for her to finally accept herself. It obviously won't - her problems are clearly deeper and deeply ingrained. What will this woman who's committed self-harm for decades do once she realizes that transitioning was just more self-harm?

            I'm still waiting on the "hearing voices" and "punched herself in the face" excerpts

          • 11 months ago

            Eat it up gay. Thats quoting shit she said to the LA Times.

          • 11 months ago

            >“The agonizing voice saying, ‘No, you’re not,’ ‘No, you can’t’ just switched and became very gentle and loving.
            the devil comes disguised as an angel of light

          • 11 months ago

            it's the same voice that told her to become anorexic, according to her.

          • 11 months ago

            >Hard and sharp, I struck myself with my knuckles. Surprised at my temerity, I glanced back down at my fist. Inspecting it, I looked at both sides and then, WHAM! Again. And again. Harder. Sharper. I pummeled my face, pounding next to my right eye. Some other force working to knock it out.
            >Bruises materialized. I'd be seeing people in a couple days, friends who were coming up to stay briefly at another cabin nearby. I had to surmise a way of explaining it, or a way of hiding it.

          • 11 months ago

            Definitely zero mental-issues.

          • 11 months ago

            >Unable to shower, remove my hoodie, eat without anxiety, or at at all. Sadness came over me, a grief and anger, livid that I could not just be. Exhausted by the distress, a brain that was about to crack, unsure if I was able to cope.
            >And then something happened.
            >You don't have to feel this way.
            >That voice.
            >I don't have to feel this way?
            >That fricking voice.
            >You don't have to feel this way.
            >I don't have to feel this way.

          • 11 months ago

            After the epiphany at the cabin, she decides that she has to get surgery, and it has to be before the Umbrella Academy would start filming the next season, so in three months tops. She manages to get it in one.

          • 11 months ago

            >and it has to be before the Umbrella Academy would start filming the next season

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            YO LIL DONNIE tier post

          • 11 months ago

            So they wouldn't have to stop filming while she gets surgery and recovers since she's a major character in that show. If she didn't get the surgery in those few months it'd need to wait for filming to end and I genuinely think she'd have killed herself from the anguish until then. The entire cabin segment is awful.

          • 11 months ago

            >The entire cabin segment is awful.

          • 11 months ago

            She basically narrates a huge breakdown she had culminating in her punching herself to the point of bruises (

            >Hard and sharp, I struck myself with my knuckles. Surprised at my temerity, I glanced back down at my fist. Inspecting it, I looked at both sides and then, WHAM! Again. And again. Harder. Sharper. I pummeled my face, pounding next to my right eye. Some other force working to knock it out.
            >Bruises materialized. I'd be seeing people in a couple days, friends who were coming up to stay briefly at another cabin nearby. I had to surmise a way of explaining it, or a way of hiding it.


          • 11 months ago

            That's not that huge of a breakdown honestly. Sigh, sounds like yet more delusional narcissistic female drama, I'm very very much tired of his

          • 11 months ago

            Lmao unbelievable. Literal voices in my head told me to do it wow

          • 11 months ago

            >Unable to shower, remove my hoodie, eat without anxiety, or at at all. Sadness came over me, a grief and anger, livid that I could not just be. Exhausted by the distress, a brain that was about to crack, unsure if I was able to cope.
            >And then something happened.
            >You don't have to feel this way.
            >That voice.
            >I don't have to feel this way?
            >That fricking voice.
            >You don't have to feel this way.
            >I don't have to feel this way.

            This is why I don't envy people with money. You never know what moronic shit they're mixed up with.

          • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago

            >All right, can someone post the excerpt of her starving herself, taking drugs, and then losing to the voices inside her head and having herself maimed?
            I believe this is dishonest or heavily embellished until I see it

          • 11 months ago

            troonyism is literally the product of demons

          • 11 months ago

            Based and gay demonpilled

            Frick your gay thread as well OP

          • 11 months ago

            Somehow you reminded me of "Self-Made Man" by Norah Vincent. A nyc lib lesbian larps as a man. She finds out men are not as privileged as she thought. This book was a decade ago. At some point she an heroed I think.

            is literally the product of demons
            It's funny to me how much they resemble Chaos form Warhammer. They even mutate into monsters and corrupt everything around them.

          • 11 months ago

            Yes since she was slaying hollywood pussy back when she was a dike.

          • 11 months ago

            Yeah but apparently she didn't really care about acting fame and also as i mentioned she was a bad actress anyway lol.

          • 11 months ago

            people also become happier when they cut or engage in substance abuse, moron - it's why these become destructive addictions in the first place

  5. 11 months ago

    I mean, I know it is not right to judge a book by its cover, look at the picture she chose to repersent herself. She looks like an uncomftorable rube. When I look at this picture of her it brought to mind an image of my awkward friend from high school who eventually got addicted to heroin. I remember one day he was waiting for his dealer to come give him his fix. He sat there like that, in an incredible amount of discomfort, yet trying to impose a casual air. The posture, and herself, are a ruse. She is a liar and her life is a liar. She multialted herself in anticipation of some great ease that she pass over her, but it never happened and it never will

  6. 11 months ago

    Literally can't believe this dumb homosexual thinks they're a writer on top of being a man. Hilarious. If you want to understand these crazy homosexuals read st james.

    • 11 months ago

      Anon it's a woman you can just say she

      • 11 months ago

        James st james is not a women

      • 11 months ago

        Pronoun police, over here.

  7. 11 months ago

    Is the cover supposed to be ironic? As I think another anon said, it looks a bit like a 14-year old's idea of masculinity after watching a Marlon Brando movie

  8. 11 months ago

    What'd her dad do according to the book?

    • 11 months ago

      Raped her by creating her lol imagine being a women and resenting your parents your whole life holy shit

  9. 11 months ago

    >imagine reading a book just to seethe over it
    You are an spiritual troony, seethe and dilate. Thanks.

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe he read it to understand better

      • 11 months ago

        >"uuhhhh... why are you trying to inform yourself about a craze of genital mutilation sweeping across the developed world? is there something wrong with you?"
        frick off.

        Do you have any troony in your family? Why do you care? Just ask them things directly, you don't have to read books on that shit.

        Know thy enemy :^)

        >Behold le troony, scourge of western civilization, chaos bringer, devourer of morals, destroyer of penises.
        Seriously, get real.

        • 11 months ago

          >Why do you care?
          about other people?

          • 11 months ago

            >Do you have any troony in your family?
            >why do you care
            aren't I supposed to? its good to care about people

            What is wrong with letting people do what they want? Why do you feel the need to tell someone else what they ought to do with their life/body? I would maybe read that book, but not to get mad over it.

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            I'm not a troony, I literally called OP a spiritual troony, in case you haven't noticed. You are one too, seethe and dilate. Thanks.

            Hey, you said it, not me.

            What? I don't care about trannies, I'm fine with them. Some are cool, others not really, like other people.

          • 11 months ago

            Because there are increasing points that their deluded worldview leaks into legislation that affects me.
            moreover, I'd like for them to get more effective help rather than to validate their delusion and watch them hurt and destroy themself.

          • 11 months ago

            >affects you
            Are you a troony?
            >more effective help
            Are you a psychologist, priest or whatever?

          • 11 months ago

            No on both accounts
            that doesn't mean I can't seek to understand and contribute to a solution.

          • 11 months ago

            Why do you feel like contributing to the troony cause? Are you friends with one?

          • 11 months ago

            this is classic troony rhetoric. they always try to frame any interest at all as some kind of psychological oddity.

          • 11 months ago

            >troony rhetoric
            I'm just asking, I'm not a troony and I kinda don't really care about them, beside some curiosity and them being somewhat interesting people because they are tormented in a way. And I just wrote a plausible explanation about it, I'm just asking what is yours.

          • 11 months ago

            because its a prominent and relevant social phenomena that deeply impacts peoples lives and legislation that potentially affects me

          • 11 months ago

            How it affects your life? Trannies being a thing and making surgeries on their genitals. I honestly don't really care, besides it being somewhat interesting, in a somewhat Tolstoy sense of every family being unhappy in its own way. I remember listening to a podcast and they got a bunch of trannies who did just fine with their families, so yeah, there is that too. I honestly don't care.

          • 11 months ago

            You wrote a fricking essay about fictitious trannies that have good relationships with their families. That is peak high fantasy gay shit.

          • 11 months ago

            >wrote an essay
            I listened to a podcast. I haven't wrote shit. I'm fine with them.
            This one, it is in Portuguese. And that is kinda the thing, there are people who were happy and are ok and it is somewhat "that is it, it is that fricking simple, just did the fricking thing".

          • 11 months ago

            >and legislation that potentially affects me

            >How it affects your life?
            Legislation like bill c-16 in Canada or intentional misgendering being considered a violation of human rights by the DoH and harassment by the Australian Human Rights Commission
            these are topics that I need to be informed on if I'm going to have a voice in future discourse.
            There's also basic human compassion. I see it best that these people do not mutilate themselves, but this is still something that warrants understanding and conversation before making assumptions.

            You very clearly care very much, there is no need to hide it. It's ok.

          • 11 months ago

            LOL frick off troon

          • 11 months ago

            how am I a troon....

          • 11 months ago

            You know all the troon laws and bump the troon threads

          • 11 months ago

            Looks like that legislation refers to intentional i.e. persistent misgendering, where you're intentionally fricking with people. It's not really something you need to be aware of unless you want to actively harass someone and want to know where the line is.
            Also why are you combining Canadian and Australian law here lmao, you must live in one country and are simply looking for international examples of law to justify your persecution complex

          • 11 months ago

            >intentional i.e. persistent
            intentional and persistent are not the same thing. even if they were a person should have the freedom not to engage in your delusions.

          • 11 months ago

            Intentional and persistent is the only situation where you're going to run afoul of that law though.
            > even if they were a person should have the freedom not to engage in your delusions.
            What does this even mean
            It's just a respect thing to call a person what they want to be called.

          • 11 months ago

            address me as your highness in future posts, then.

          • 11 months ago

            Your highness my lord what did you think of international best selling memoir phenomenon PageBoy by world respected artist Eliot Page?

          • 11 months ago

            I brought up several countries to show it is a pertinent issue in any country, it isn't just an American circus act phenomena
            >Looks like that legislation refers to intentional i.e. persistent misgendering, where you're intentionally fricking with people
            I disagree with legislation such as this on principle, even if its my own race or religion being "fricked with".

            You don't understand what I mean by "I don't care", it means that I'm fine with whatever, because it doesn't really affect me in any way. I ask trannies somewhat the same things that I'm asking you.
            >misgendering being
            So what? Do you know any troony?
            >I see it best that these people do not mutilate themselves
            Do you have a better alternative? Because they end up doing a lot of weird shit by themselves.

            >because it doesn't really affect me in any way
            I just explained how it has the potential to. It seems that you are someone without principles and willing to just bend the knee as long as there isn't a rifle being shoved up your ass. Why even care to have discourse with me? just watch netflix
            >Do you have a better alternative?
            not really, but thats what we are trying to figure out
            the suicide rates post op don't seem optimistic

          • 11 months ago

            >I won't use arbitrary pronouns
            Is that it? No one is asking you to marry a troony or anything.
            >the suicide rates post op don't seem optimistic
            It seems that those things are still inconclusive, I don't know. And even then, are you willing to be a specialist on that shit? Why don't you study and start counseling kids and teens?

          • 11 months ago

            It is funny that you're willing to take a casual ambition to understand transgenders to a weird extreme, but not mandated violations of speech

          • 11 months ago

            I don't care, I'm as interested in trannies as I'm interested on incels, I don't think there is any extreme on this. I just like to look at people, it is that simple, I also read a bunch of stuff about religious people too, despite not being religious.
            Why do you care about using a pronoun? Is it THAT important to you? Are you not willing to use an arbitrary pronoun so that other people feel better about themselves? This is what I'm talking about, is it that important to you that you will feel horrible because you are using the wrong pronoun or something?
            And I'm just trying to understand your side of things to an weird extreme. You don't seem to be a troony.

          • 11 months ago

            >I disagree with legislation such as this on principle, even if its my own race or religion being "fricked with".
            kek you disagree with every legislation dealing with discrimination/ unfair dismissal based purely on protected categories like race and background? sure buddy

          • 11 months ago

            Yes because the term "discrimination" very easily becomes abused

          • 11 months ago

            It doesn't though, I don't thing spergs like you understand how these laws actually work
            In the case of employment law it's just to protect people who are clearly fired solely on the basis of a protected basis, i.e. being a troony. This is very hard to prove as well, it's very easy to fire them for any other reason
            And even in these cases you can basically still discriminate if there is a reason for it, like a sports club or elite special forces can pretty much only hire men because they can prove you need to be in elite physical shape which most women can't achieve.

          • 11 months ago

            >This is very hard to prove as well
            it's easy if you have the right lawyers and can weaponize it

          • 11 months ago

            >it's easy if you have the right lawyers and can weaponize it
            It's really not, this dumb short response you've given just proves my point that you have a very dim understanding of how the law works
            You need to have clear evidence that the employer had some issue with the person's gender identity and acted solely on that.
            It's very easy to just say "oh they didn't do this work and so I fired them" or whatever other genuine grounds there are for dismissal

          • 11 months ago

            You fricking moron, people weaponize anti-discrimination laws all the time. Terminating any employee who is part of a minority group is more difficult with such laws in place.

          • 11 months ago

            You don't understand what I mean by "I don't care", it means that I'm fine with whatever, because it doesn't really affect me in any way. I ask trannies somewhat the same things that I'm asking you.
            >misgendering being
            So what? Do you know any troony?
            >I see it best that these people do not mutilate themselves
            Do you have a better alternative? Because they end up doing a lot of weird shit by themselves.

          • 11 months ago

            >and legislation that potentially affects me

          • 11 months ago

            Because transgenderism is essentially nothing more than a perverse extention of the plastic surgery industry. It's no secret why fashion companies promote this, because it's big bucks for them, at the expense of usually people at a low point in their lives, clamering to some kind of identity to hold on to. It's essentially a deeply vile industry of systemized sexual abuse

          • 11 months ago

            Ultimately though people are allowed to get israeliteed by stuff like plastic surgery promoters and wanting to do this stuff to themselves
            People will rant and rave about muh trannies while totally ignoring the women who want to bimbofy themselves and get fake boobs, lip fillers, botox and so on, because most people just have a weird and irrational hatred for trannies above all else

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, they will provide whatever as long there is a demand for it, but still, I don't think it would end up being big bucks for them.
            The point is why are those people in a low point of their lives. Maybe they are actually trannies, if they aren't, people have to figure out a way to separate the true ones from the fake ones.

          • 11 months ago

            >I don't think it would end up being big bucks for them.
            End up? It already is. This is a massive industry.

            The demand is small, the money comes from NGOs and governments funding it.

            >Maybe they are actually trannies
            No such thing.

          • 11 months ago

            So why haven't you solved trannies?

          • 11 months ago

            The only solution to that problem is the final solution.

          • 11 months ago

            So you agree there's a genetic component that can predict troonyness?

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, if you kill all the israelites, the problem goes away overnight.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not in charge of an authoritarian dictatorship.


            >massive industry
            It is not, there are more people getting lifting, botox, implants and so on. This troony sex change stuff is pretty experimental and there are probably not that many people doing it, and I don't think it is that lucrative either. Also, it is pretty fricking risky, so I bet there aren't a lot of doctors willing to do that.
            Especially considering the backlash they can get, considering people who regret surgery, or even people who simply disapprove it and boycott their clinic or something.

            >plastic surgery isn't a massive industry
            >it's just a massive industry
            Thank you for agreeing with me.

          • 11 months ago

            >feels like being a dictator
            >can't read

          • 11 months ago

            >massive industry
            It is not, there are more people getting lifting, botox, implants and so on. This troony sex change stuff is pretty experimental and there are probably not that many people doing it, and I don't think it is that lucrative either. Also, it is pretty fricking risky, so I bet there aren't a lot of doctors willing to do that.
            Especially considering the backlash they can get, considering people who regret surgery, or even people who simply disapprove it and boycott their clinic or something.

          • 11 months ago

            Business is booming, actually.

          • 11 months ago

            I don't know, I still have a hard time believing that this is more profitable than messing with regular women. There are way more of them, I don't think I know that many trans people.

          • 11 months ago

            Three of my high school friends who were in my clique are now trannies. Fricking THREE of them. There is no chance whatsoever they all thought they were the wrong gender twenty years ago.
            >t millennial

          • 11 months ago

            According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the US are:

            Breast augmentation (Augmentation mammaplasty)
            Nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty)
            Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty)
            Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)
            Facelift (Rhytidectomy)
            Breast lift (Mastopexy)

            According to Newsweek, gender-confirmation surgeries increased by 20 percent from 2015 to 2016 in the U.S., with more than 3,000 such operations performed last year

            According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), there were 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the US in 2019 .

            It is 3 thousand out of 1.8 million, this shit is exactly like I said. I bet most doctors aren't willing to mess around with it, I literally ask that to a French troony on IQfy, and it is exactly this, there aren't enough doctors willing to mess around with that crap.

          • 11 months ago

            You're not counting people who are taking hormones but not getting surgeries.

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, but those aren't that expensive,
            >The cost of obtaining prescriptions and regular check-ups can range between $1,500 and $2,000 per year. Trans men on hormone therapy typically receive testosterone injections for around $80 per month and testosterone patches for more than $300.

            > However, according to The Commons Cafe, the average American spends about $1,100 on Starbucks coffee each year.

            Kinda like starbucks, but worse, because there aren't that many people that are trans, there are way more people who drink coffee.

          • 11 months ago

            >there are way more people who drink coffee.
            Billions must die

          • 11 months ago

            Yes troon your gay friends getting hormones off welfare is totally the same as wagies buying coffee.

          • 11 months ago

            You were arguing the "industry" size and that it would be extremely lucrative. It would be literally like selling coffee.

          • 11 months ago

            Listen guy you dont pass and all the women who meet you laugh at you when you leave the room hontroon.

          • 11 months ago

            >ze women
            I don't give a shit about women, buddy. Not even any other people, unless they are paying my bills.

            It isn't your society, you're just a parasite killing the host.
            The only possible outcome is your death, the only question in how far the rest of us allow things to degenerate until we kill you.

            >my death
            Whatever, get help before you end up getting arrested.

          • 11 months ago

            >I don't give a shit about women
            You obviously do since your entire existence is tied to failing at pretending to be a femoid.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not a troony, I'm not gay. I'm not an incel either. Nor a virgin, and no, I didn't had to pay for it. I just enjoy looking at things. It is that simple.

          • 11 months ago

            Words words words. Its the 21st century no one will judge you badly for being a homosexual on IQfy.

          • 11 months ago

            >Whatever, get help before you end up getting arrested.
            Over 50% of homicides go unsolved
            take that as you may!

          • 11 months ago

            Zizek was right

          • 11 months ago

            >I won't use arbitrary pronouns
            Is that it? No one is asking you to marry a troony or anything.
            >the suicide rates post op don't seem optimistic
            It seems that those things are still inconclusive, I don't know. And even then, are you willing to be a specialist on that shit? Why don't you study and start counseling kids and teens?

            How it affects your life? Trannies being a thing and making surgeries on their genitals. I honestly don't really care, besides it being somewhat interesting, in a somewhat Tolstoy sense of every family being unhappy in its own way. I remember listening to a podcast and they got a bunch of trannies who did just fine with their families, so yeah, there is that too. I honestly don't care.

            >Trans-tech is a budding industry with an enormous opportunity, RKA claims. “Our estimates place the average cost of transition at $150,000 per person. Multiply that by an estimated population of 1.4 million transgender people, we’re taking about a market in excess of $200B. That is significant. That’s larger than the entire film industry.”

            Why do you want to see people hurt and mutilate themselves? I mean your bosses, seeing as how you're repeating all the standard shill points and probably will be for hundreds of subsequent threads. The only thing we can do is spread facts and wake people up to this extremely messed up corporate product and the trauma and alienation it preys on. I mean just look at the faces in the article

            Also /misc/ is a cesspool but they have lots of genuine redpills on this subject. If you consider yourself an educated person it's only fair to hear out the other side.


          • 11 months ago

            >The point is why are those people in a low point of their lives.

            That could be a number of things: depression, violence, abuse, etc. The point is that transgenderism as a concept is very clearly a modern invention to make boatloads of money, and most of the marketing for it is done by the right that actively opposes it

          • 11 months ago

            I don't know, why would a woman feel like not only being a lesbian, but wearing men's clothes? Consider yourself, did you used to feel like doing girl's things back when you were a kid? Or you were into running around, climbing trees and doing things. Some people just are like that, there isn't much to be done about it.

            The only solution to that problem is the final solution.

            >kill the trannies
            You are a genius. Who would think that?

          • 11 months ago

            >I don't know, why would a woman feel like not only being a lesbian, but wearing men's clothes?

            Because humans aresocial creatures and this stuff is now being marketed on a massive scale. This isn't hard

          • 11 months ago

            But not only that, also doing men's activities. That is the point. Some woman that would feels like hunting instead of staying at home.

          • 11 months ago

            Because we live in a society, and only a suicidal society would tolerate this.

          • 11 months ago

            Do you have any troony in your family? Why do you care? Just ask them things directly, you don't have to read books on that shit.
            >Behold le troony, scourge of western civilization, chaos bringer, devourer of morals, destroyer of penises.
            Seriously, get real.

            Yes, I'm sure trannies will destroy western civilization.

          • 11 months ago

            Western civilization is already destroyed, the new Reich will be built on the corpses of israelites and their troony golems, just like last time.

          • 11 months ago

            the destruction of our principles will
            ie when social conventions like gender are relegated to "social constructs" and therefore subject to undermining
            the scientific method is a social construct, age of consent is a social construct, truth is a social construct
            the deconstruction of social norms simply on the basis of being a social construct very easily can be destructive to civilization.

            This is what I don't get it, it doesn't really concern any of you. You will still be the same. You aren't obliged to be a troony, not even to marry one, how does that change anything? I don't even see that many trannies outside, and there were some back when I was doing college, and I was fine with them, they were ok.

          • 11 months ago

            >it doesn't really concern any of you.
            are you STILL that brazilian? I think you have your fingers in your ear holes at this point
            it is about the principles. once everyone lives under an idea of "this doesn't concern you", you will realize that you are suddenly surrounded by lawless and dangerous people.

          • 11 months ago

            It doesn't fricking concern you, are you also invested in studying suicide? Are you also invested in studying drug addiction? And mental illness? And homelessness? And so on. You are just full of shit.

          • 11 months ago

            Eat a dick and choke to death on it troon.

          • 11 months ago

            >are you also invested in studying suicide? Are you also invested in studying drug addiction? And mental illness? And homelessness?
            as I will again repeat
            once everyone adheres to this "ideology" (which is actually a lack of an ideology) that you should just let everyone do what they want, you'll suddenly find yourself living in a land of lawlessness, and you will suddenly find yourself surrounded by dangerous people
            yes, with this ideology comes.... drug addiction, mental illness and homelessness. so yes I am concerned with all of them. they go hand in hand with this idea that you can simply do what you want, even when it comes at the cost of destroying yourself and by extension society

          • 11 months ago

            How does that happen? The "actual shit holes" don't have any of that. They actually are filled with people like

            Eat a dick and choke to death on it troon.

            . I seriously don't understand how trannies will destroy society.

          • 11 months ago

            >I seriously don't understand how trannies will destroy society.
            I explained it to you here, and you willfully ignored it and called me full of shit

            >it doesn't really concern any of you.
            are you STILL that brazilian? I think you have your fingers in your ear holes at this point
            it is about the principles. once everyone lives under an idea of "this doesn't concern you", you will realize that you are suddenly surrounded by lawless and dangerous people.

          • 11 months ago

            And what I'm asking is where did you got those principles? Why it is it that important to you?

          • 11 months ago

            Because I like living in a functional society, which necessarily requires the exclusion of leftytroons.
            Either we can tolerate leftytroons, we can have nice things, but we clearly cannot have both.

          • 11 months ago

            For me its the bible
            you must always appeal to the transcendental, or the highest possible authority when arguing for principles
            thats why our founding fathers appealed to our rights as "endowed by our creator".
            I know you will respond inflammatory to my appeal to religion, it is because you've made yourself god. thats what is really wrapped up inside your "just leave people alone" rhetoric. you want each man to be his or her own god, with no accountability or space to self critique. and this is why the ultimate conclusion is drug addiction, mental illness, self harm etc.
            now you will STILL say you don't understand why it concerns me, or sky daddy nonsense
            you choose to not understand

          • 11 months ago

            >The Bible
            I don't care, it is just that you believe in this, and don't believe in science. Ok, you are very superstitious and mistrusts science.

          • 11 months ago

            I'm willing to discuss the science, thats why I'm here
            you keep insisting that I'm not allowed to care because it doesn't concern me

          • 11 months ago

            I don't know why the outcome of this is that important to you. I wouldn't care either way, if they make it so it is illegal to sell hormones and get surgeries, it wouldn't make any difference in my life. That is what I'm talking about.
            In the sense that, I'm ok with letting science figure things out with people who are willing to do those things.

          • 11 months ago

            >I don't know why the outcome of this is that important to you.

            I. JUst. FRICKING. explained it to you
            multiple times

          • 11 months ago

            No, you said some shit about society, when it hasn't really happened anywhere else. You just said things about the Bible, then you said that you were cool with science, now you are saying that science shouldn't mess with it. Why are you so emotional invested in this? What is the thing with the Bible that drives you do this?

          • 11 months ago

            >now you are saying that science shouldn't mess with it.
            please greentext where I said that

          • 11 months ago

            >I don't know why the outcome of this is that important to you. I wouldn't care either way, if they make it so it is illegal to sell hormones and get surgeries, it wouldn't make any difference in my life. That is what I'm talking about.

            >I don't know why the outcome of this is that important to you.

            I. JUst. FRICKING. explained it to you
            multiple times

            Then you get into this, when science hasn't figured it out. They are still studying those things. All this gender crap and studies of whatever shit that I don't know, and those meme stuff. They are supposed to figure this shit out.

          • 11 months ago

            Mainly by being annoying.

          • 11 months ago

            >It doesn't fricking concern you
            Yes it does.

            >do you seriously care about your fellow man?!
            Yes I do.

          • 11 months ago

            And how does bothering them makes it any better? Is there any research on this? That you can just bully them back to their "right gender"? Is this actually a thing?

          • 11 months ago

            >are you also invested in studying suicide?
            Yes, I don't want my friends to kill themselves

            > Are you also invested in studying drug addiction?
            >And mental illness?
            Like trooning out?
            >And homelessness?

          • 11 months ago

            Go back to lgbt you ridiculous gay ass homosexual.

          • 11 months ago

            It's my society, and I'm sick of you shitting it up.

          • 11 months ago

            It is theirs too, that is the thing. Why do you want to not only get to choose what you can do, but what others can do? What entitles you that?

          • 11 months ago

            It isn't your society, you're just a parasite killing the host.
            The only possible outcome is your death, the only question in how far the rest of us allow things to degenerate until we kill you.

          • 11 months ago

            Oh my god SHUT THE FRICK UP

          • 11 months ago

            >ze troony single-handedly destroyed rome
            Now I understand why people worship trannies. Who would imagine they were so powerful?

          • 11 months ago

            Acting like a smarmy moron just makes people hate you more

          • 11 months ago

            So ze troony is ze uber macht being? Unrivaled power in history? Nothing compares to its destructive potential?

          • 11 months ago

            Destroying shit is easy and not impresive.
            And I would argue Black folk have the greatest destructive potential.
            Trannies are just the result of everyone checking out from civilization.

          • 11 months ago

            Literally every era had strife and discord. Trannies have become such a boogeyman on this site. Most of the anons obsessed with battling them don’t have close interactions with them in the first place. It’s all dear mongering twitter screencaps and clickbait. PC woke culture is toxic but so is the /misc/ mindset. There has never been such levels of herd mentality as there is now. Anons are literally letting screenshots and propaganda ruin their life.

          • 11 months ago

            troonyism is the single most evil ideology ever conceived of, and no issue is more important than destroying it.
            Even gassing israeli babies doesn't even come close, at least they just died instead of having to live to see themselves irreversibly mutlated into a horrific farce of the human form.
            You would have better luck normalizing Mexican cartel execution videos than troonyism, as they fall into the same uncanny valley of disgust where it's still recognizable enough to tell that it was human at some point.

          • 11 months ago

            Do you even read books? Why are you here? You’re the gay with a folder of troony shit, aren’t you? Your father would be ashamed if he knew

          • 11 months ago

            I'm sure your father was delightes to learn that his family line ended with his disgusting mentally ill son chopping his dick off and crossdressing in public to play out his AGP exhibition fetish.

          • 11 months ago

            Except I’m not a troony. I don’t particularly like trannies, but I don’t exactly dislike them either. I pay them no mind as I would to a schizo. It seems like someone with a folder of trannies is pretty mentally ill himself. Go spam this weird shit elsewhere. One is as great as his arch enemy and your enemy is a troony

          • 11 months ago

            You can't even pass on an anonmyous imageboard.

          • 11 months ago

            This anon is a troony in denial and will probably eventually ack himself and join the 40%

          • 11 months ago

            I missed out on the magical experience of being groomed by genderclowns in public school growing up, so no.

          • 11 months ago

            Here we have the headline and cartoon-obsessed schizo bargaining that she can‘t possibly be one of them because contrived rearing necessities don‘t fit into place.

          • 11 months ago

            Is pic related supposed to be anti-troony? Becaude it only supports them. The whole point of 'transitioning' is keeping them from killing themselves.

          • 11 months ago

            You don't keep someone from killing themselves by irreparably turning them inot a horrific farce of the opposite sex, that's why they kill themselves in the first place.

          • 11 months ago

            And I thought queers were melodramatic.

          • 11 months ago

            the destruction of our principles will
            ie when social conventions like gender are relegated to "social constructs" and therefore subject to undermining
            the scientific method is a social construct, age of consent is a social construct, truth is a social construct
            the deconstruction of social norms simply on the basis of being a social construct very easily can be destructive to civilization.

          • 11 months ago

            Lmao imagine thinking social constructions should be deconstructed.

          • 11 months ago

            I dont like watching people drown in their self delusions just to end up a homeless ranting schizo on Skid Row or Sunset Blvd.

          • 11 months ago

            Post proof. Some random troony invented the Rust programming language, it is working and getting better.

          • 11 months ago

            Im trans btw, not sure if that matters owo

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not, but I don't think that trans are the most powerful gender that will be able to destroy the entire western civilization, nor that they are the harbingers of the complete degeneration of society. Other countries that are "trans friendly" are just fine. If anything it is the "trans hostile" ones that are literal shit holes.

          • 11 months ago

            >the countries sterilizing their children and amputating their genitals are doing just fine

          • 11 months ago

            So how many countries have this amazing strategist conquered?

          • 11 months ago

            Doesn't even need refuting at this point as its horrid results are self-evident

          • 11 months ago

            they're getting into my hobbies, not to mention their schizo obsession of cancelling anyone who shows a slight interest in anything Harry Potter related

        • 11 months ago

          >Do you have any troony in your family?
          >why do you care
          aren't I supposed to? its good to care about people

          • 11 months ago

            >its good to care about people
            No it isnt

        • 11 months ago

          Hey, you said it, not me.

        • 11 months ago

          >cybelline cults

    • 11 months ago

      >"uuhhhh... why are you trying to inform yourself about a craze of genital mutilation sweeping across the developed world? is there something wrong with you?"
      frick off.

    • 11 months ago

      Know thy enemy :^)

  10. 11 months ago

    Deleuze was right. People really can only interpret things in reductive Oedipal terms.

  11. 11 months ago

    >reading a 300 page suicide note
    Of course it’s depressing

  12. 11 months ago

    >another troony thread

  13. 11 months ago


    I don't know what you are talking about. I have means to defend myself at home.

    • 11 months ago

      >I don't know what you are talking about. I have means to defend myself at home.

  14. 11 months ago

    Well IQfy?

    • 11 months ago

      Yes, i think sex change people are deeply disturbed.

    • 11 months ago

      The only worth trans gays have in society is to be wienersleeves for "straight" Chads.

    • 11 months ago

      >let's make comic books
      >this will solve everything
      If there is a way to find out who is and who isn't at a young age, then yeah, there will be trans kids, wtf is that even supposed to mean?

    • 11 months ago

      This artist is a babyfurrie into diapers btw.

      • 11 months ago

        Almost all trannies are paedophiles and many are zoophiles too, yes.

    • 11 months ago

      Serious question: How can a child know they're trans? When I was a kid I wanted to be a dinosaur when I grew up.
      Should I have been allowed to tattoo lizard skin on my face, sharpen my teeth, and have my nose removed like that one guy? Surely no one would say yes to that?

      • 11 months ago

        you cannot as a kid, you can during puberty, around the same age when people are able to realize they are gay and so on, so let's say around 13-15 usually

        • 11 months ago

          >you're no longer a kid at 13

          • 11 months ago

            go away, you know I meant

      • 11 months ago

        You probably can't, but they might end up figuring that shit out. This is the problem, what are the alternatives? Those Bible frickers had 2000 years to figure it out, and they took the path of not solving shit, bullying people into not doing stuff and killing them. Guess what? It didn't work, because trans people are children of cis parents. So whoever says "bible" or anything in a discussion like this shouldn't be taken seriously, it is that simple.

        • 11 months ago

          holy frick are you the moron from the stephen hawking thread ?

          • 11 months ago

            >So whoever says "bible" or anything in a discussion like this shouldn't be taken seriously, it is that simple.

          • 11 months ago

            >Those Bible frickers had 2000 years to figure it out
            2000 years and you haven't solved it. Now frick off, shut the frick up, and let science do its thing.

  15. 11 months ago

    The thing is that we're reentering the Weimar realm if you go by the troony and capitalist antics at play, which was horrific enough that it turned someone who had just come back from one of the most brutal wars in human history into a militarist.
    I, for one, would like for this to remain a hypothetical.

    • 11 months ago

      >le troony
      >scourge of western civilization
      >destroyer of worlds

      • 11 months ago

        The thing is that we're reentering the Weimar realm if you go by the troony and capitalist antics at play, which was horrific enough that it turned someone who had just come back from one of the most brutal wars in human history into a militarist.
        I, for one, would like for this to remain a hypothetical.

        Were not far at all from trannies being demonized to the point of rounding them up in concentration camps

        • 11 months ago

          Not good enough, we need everyone even tangentially involved in the industry to be sent to gas chambers.

          • 11 months ago

            EVERY TIME?!

          • 11 months ago

            sure seems like it !

      • 11 months ago

        Not quite: they're a symptom, not the cause. The real cause lies in the pharmaceutical-industrial complex and their pet psychologists, who seeks to make a mountain out of a molehill, pollute the airwaves with infohazards, and turn the political climate into an untraversable hellhole all for the specific end of making fat stacks of cash (metaphorical).

        • 11 months ago

          Consider the sheer number of institutions that have been reduced to unsavagable garbage in order to claim chemically castrating children and amputating their genitals to be considered "essential health care".

          • 11 months ago

            can you link the video?

            Your highness my lord what did you think of international best selling memoir phenomenon PageBoy by world respected artist Eliot Page?

            the prose was a little weak but if she didn't use a ghostwriter i say not bad for an amature.

    • 11 months ago


  16. 11 months ago

    Aaaaaaaand /misc/ is here. That's the end of the thread, I suppose.

    • 11 months ago

      ok frick off then, why announce it

    • 11 months ago

      Now the thread is over

    • 11 months ago

      >le pol boogeyman
      You gays need another playbook

      • 11 months ago

        Make us some mystical hitler summoning ritual crap.

        • 11 months ago

          Black person I got moron goth hoes preparing a blood ritual to resurect the homie Hitler.

    • 11 months ago

      >its so over
      >billions must chop their wiener off

  17. 11 months ago

    Unironically, cast Elliot Page as Robin. In a campy, over the top batman film.

    • 11 months ago

      who as batman? nicholas cage?

      • 11 months ago

        Kristen Stewart.

  18. 11 months ago

    He seems fine

  19. 11 months ago

    kek it is you lmao

    • 11 months ago

      >bible zealotry
      >"trans activism"
      What is the deal with the Bible that turns people into morons?

  20. 11 months ago

    Maybe certain Christians shouldn't have their place on a democratic society. They are too dangerous.

  21. 11 months ago

    who said anything about the bible ? who said anything about christianity ?

    • 11 months ago

      >multiple mentions to it
      >I literally post something about it
      You are clearly not reading it. Are you stalking me? Are you going to come to my house and keep pressing the doorbell everyday?

  22. 11 months ago

    We can always just send them to reeducation camps and arrest the ones who refuse to go.

  23. 11 months ago

    you were replying to me tho lmao

    • 11 months ago

      >acting like a moron
      This is why I felt like being a psychiatrist. This is absolutely some mental disease.

      • 11 months ago

        yeah sure
        why did you leave the thread yesterday ?
        it was just getting good

        • 11 months ago

          I don't know why I would bother explaining, since it was exactly what I said, that thread was about the thread itself, not me, not you. So it was done. I honestly don't care about you, either way is fine, if you keep acting like a moron or not, I'm ok with it.

  24. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      There is no dialogue, I just felt like showing it. Straight honest, that religious people's definition of dialogue is some weird shit. You are still doing it, you are high on religion, you can't read. I feel sorry for people like you, but don't worry, science will figure it out. You will be able to read eventually.

  25. 11 months ago

    Why they can't handle it? Why do they turn into morons when they can't answer things? What is wrong with being actually honest?

  26. 11 months ago

    I'm pretty fricking sick of the meme that trannies should be allowed to transition because it supposedly helps them. They are a net negative on the world.
    They don't deserve help they deserve death.

  27. 11 months ago

    Transitioning does NOT help. Not even in the slightest. It's so fricked up on a medical level especially.

    >You shall NOT harm the patient
    So much for Hippocrates

  28. 11 months ago

    >lack of affection from him

  29. 11 months ago

    Well IQfy?

  30. 11 months ago

    This thread is filled with cucks. If I ever have a daughter I'm making her transition to male, and I will leave him my penis as inheritance.

    • 11 months ago

      My trans son will avenge me, and make up for my incel years. Dicking all the b***hes.

  31. 11 months ago

    >It's one of these books where the author is truly baring their soul even if they're also clearly lying to themselves or recalling events in self-serving or rationalizing ways
    People with autistic/asperger's and related mental configurations, like the sort of "excess" interiority that can lead to quirky genius or to BPD/NPD and furry fandom, often lapse into personalities like this if they don't have strong moral and metaphysical frameworks showing them a better way of life. They become ingrown and self-obsessed, and all the growth they could have done in the direction of becoming a doctor or mathematician or whatever is channeled into their interpersonal affairs, which also happen to be the weak point of autists/aspergers types, as they understand everything through rigid tit-for-tat dynamics, because they see others with more ordinary emotional ranges reacting to things and they unconsciously make rationalized abstractions of those reactions and then try to situate their own range of possible reactions and identities within those abstractions. Whereas the neurotypical normies just reacting with "normal" emotions are primarily non-abstracters, they live more by following personalities and character archetypes than impersonal patterns, so they make plenty of room for exceptions.

    Normies also live by "sedimenting" things unsystematically, they amass experiences gradually and nuance their existing projections about the world and coping mechanisms etc. The downside of this is that normies are very limited because this is an inefficient way to learn about the world - it's comparable to the employee who is a good employee of this or that job because he's never dreamed of anything different and has just slowly and (in a way) thoughtfully amassed little bits of "wisdom" at the job, vs. the well-trained specialist who in theory is far superior to the ho-hum employee and able to see farther, but who sees all such workplaces and their employees as nested sets of abstractions, that can even be torn down and built up again as needed. The latter tends to miss nuance and particular, to be inhuman and unfeeling, but to have greater efficiency at the macro-level.

    FtM troons draw their ranks substantially but not entirely from this demographic of women, which is smaller than the equivalent demographic among men but even more pressurized and isolated as a result, even before taking into account the "normal" majority of naturally feminine women's airheaded childishness, dopey dipshit optimism, carefree hedonism, carefree lack of worldliness, and unexamined entitlement, their dominant personality traits, as particularly well situated to shame and isolate women who lack or reject these traits.

    • 11 months ago

      But where a male autist or sperg would be stabilized by other spergs, and only get into trouble when he is especially autistic and/or falls into an especially bad group of autists at an especially vulnerable time in his life, like a bunch of e-girlcon communists on discord when he's 15, FtMs are much more likely to be isolated and utterly misunderstood and to have no way to stabilize their autism in relation to other autists, for instance by going "oh so this is who I am, I play DWARF FORTRESS with the lads, now this all makes sense." As the years go by, Dwarf Fortress with the lads becomes being the best topologist in the class becomes being the best finance guy or self-publishing books on Chaldaean sacred geometry or whatever.

      FtM troons are the supreme autists in a way, because they are aut-istic, utterly self-oriented, as they have no decent reference points, when they try to find other autist women who have problematic relationships with their own femininity they instead find trillions of seemingly unconscious airhead child-women (normal women) who both provide no help and are actively hostile entities in their strange status games to be the best and ultimate woman by being the most debased and childish child-prostitute-slave of men. If a proto-FtM tomboy already has ideas like "I don't want to be a child-prostitute-slave; that's demeaning" in her head, or she is simply so powerfully autistic that she can naturally generate principled thoughts that resist the waves of normal female emotion battering them down into conformity, her reward is total alienation both from other women and from her own femininity, which feels like a salient of other women's femininity inside her own being, but not "of" her, never accepted by her. And because autistic people prefer to live by abstractions they generated and can in principle check and re-generate at any moment, this experience increasingly torments the FtM:
      >The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it. (Paglia)
      until her abstracting rigid non-femininity (thought) and her invasive, unsolicited, unaffirmed yet always dominant femininity are elevated into diametrically opposed abstractions in a Manichaean system. She misidentifies her capacity for abstract thought with masculinity because it is the opposite of her irrational femininity, when in fact she is just the rare thinking subtype of woman, the woman capable of abstract thought. Abstract thought is a human universal and not an essentially male activity. It's just so rare in women that one can be forgiven for thinking it is exclusively male. The same goes for quintessential "male" virtues (vir-tus, literally from vir, man) like honor, pride, self-sacrifice, yearning for truth, all things ordinary women are blind to in their quest to become the ultimate rape victim sex princess.

      • 11 months ago

        Once the Manichaean duality is established, she can finally vent her abnormal and usually stifled emotions at it, particularly venting rage at the hated evil side of the equation. After a lifetime of feeling out of joint and phase with reality, always having to check or ignore one's emotions, it feels good being able to join up your powerful and refined capacity for abstract thought with your emotions, busting open the dam containing the latter and becoming an intellectually justified moral crusader. This happens to autistic men too, which is why you can prick a Terence Tao and he will go into a tirade about how only his way of computing sigma is correct and how he is persecuted for his beliefs, but because Terence has had a lifetime of channeling this autistic lack of "normal" perspective into structures at least acknowledged by normal people, this acts as both a shield for him and a mould for his neurosis, forcing him to color mostly within lines that are also firm lines recognized by normies as a space in which it's acceptable to be vibrantly and intensely idiosyncratic.

        FtM troons have none of this and in fact they do the worst thing of all, they channel their insane neurotic autism and desire to understand everything through abstraction into the only world they've ever had even partway membership in, which is woman world, aka hell filled with slave child prostitutes bragging about who gets raped by the best daddy. Instead of truly escaping to male world and becoming an honorary male autist (a dangerous path in its own right, as paradoxically going from being the worst woman in a group of woman to being the best woman in a group of men who have no frame of reference usually reactivates a woman's biological imperatives and turns her into a fat chungus prostitute or "the dungeon master's girlfriend" type hanger-on and source of constant drama) the FtM instead tries to extract the almost nonexistent filament of conceptual and conceptualizing activity from within woman world, and "work it up into" a purely abstract and systematized reference point in questions of identity.

        This is the final act of attempting to end the Manichaean dualism inside them by conquering the hated female principle with the noble male principle, which is really abstract "finally-free-from-femininity-ness" given a caricaturish "masculine" exterior, hence the tank tops and Popeye tattoos and love of strong jawlines (something the most masculine men in the world, extreme autists, are usually lacking).

        • 11 months ago

          The categories used by the FtM to define both her enemy and the weapon for overcoming her enemy are ultimately derived from femininity and the merely abstract negation of femininity. Consequently, Ellen Page is writing for everyone and no one, because she still writes within the feminine sphere, merely abstractly negating it, which is incomprehensible to women, who simply "are" it, and incomprehensible to men, whose overriding instinct is "why don't you just stop being a fruit and play Dwarf Fortress then. Hey look at this rock I found." To women she seems like a failed woman, i.e., a charity case and thus just yet another prop for normal women to use in their endless empty grandstanding. To men she seems like a dyke - i.e., still a woman, i.e., still a weak spastic histrionic unworldly uninteresting fruit who expects to be doted on and given attention, even paradoxically in her quest to become male, when male practically means "not entitled to attention or doting by default."

          She is aware of this on some level because what she has really done is force the two sides of the Manichaean duality to touch, like holding two magnets of opposite polarity together through sheer force, and every time she sleeps and the magnets repel apart again, the force crashes through all the structures (lies) she managed to erect while holding magnets together and briefly making everything stay "just so" in a way that fits her intellectualizing abstractions of pure non-femininity ("masculinity").

          Every line of "Pageboy" is either an autistic abstraction while the two magnets are held together, or the result of lashing out in despair as the magnets come apart, causing pain and frustration. Sometimes she is showing off to women that she has a "right" not to enjoy a dick up in her. Sometimes she is showing off normal female ambivalence about male sexual aggression and pathetic "heh, you like that don't you babe ;)" sexual overconfidence, ambivalence which normal women deal with by swerving in the other direction, the direction of self-debasement and acceptance that daddy is a bit cringe but that's okay because he's still daddy. The overall effect is just a mess: this person is clearly not happy with who they are, but as OP says, she is also entirely sincere in this chaotic flailing. The quest itself is sincere, but all the categories of thought used to pursue the quest make no sense. It's like she's trying to find the coldest wettest fire in the world to put out the fire within her.

    • 11 months ago

      But where a male autist or sperg would be stabilized by other spergs, and only get into trouble when he is especially autistic and/or falls into an especially bad group of autists at an especially vulnerable time in his life, like a bunch of e-girlcon communists on discord when he's 15, FtMs are much more likely to be isolated and utterly misunderstood and to have no way to stabilize their autism in relation to other autists, for instance by going "oh so this is who I am, I play DWARF FORTRESS with the lads, now this all makes sense." As the years go by, Dwarf Fortress with the lads becomes being the best topologist in the class becomes being the best finance guy or self-publishing books on Chaldaean sacred geometry or whatever.

      FtM troons are the supreme autists in a way, because they are aut-istic, utterly self-oriented, as they have no decent reference points, when they try to find other autist women who have problematic relationships with their own femininity they instead find trillions of seemingly unconscious airhead child-women (normal women) who both provide no help and are actively hostile entities in their strange status games to be the best and ultimate woman by being the most debased and childish child-prostitute-slave of men. If a proto-FtM tomboy already has ideas like "I don't want to be a child-prostitute-slave; that's demeaning" in her head, or she is simply so powerfully autistic that she can naturally generate principled thoughts that resist the waves of normal female emotion battering them down into conformity, her reward is total alienation both from other women and from her own femininity, which feels like a salient of other women's femininity inside her own being, but not "of" her, never accepted by her. And because autistic people prefer to live by abstractions they generated and can in principle check and re-generate at any moment, this experience increasingly torments the FtM:
      >The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it. (Paglia)
      until her abstracting rigid non-femininity (thought) and her invasive, unsolicited, unaffirmed yet always dominant femininity are elevated into diametrically opposed abstractions in a Manichaean system. She misidentifies her capacity for abstract thought with masculinity because it is the opposite of her irrational femininity, when in fact she is just the rare thinking subtype of woman, the woman capable of abstract thought. Abstract thought is a human universal and not an essentially male activity. It's just so rare in women that one can be forgiven for thinking it is exclusively male. The same goes for quintessential "male" virtues (vir-tus, literally from vir, man) like honor, pride, self-sacrifice, yearning for truth, all things ordinary women are blind to in their quest to become the ultimate rape victim sex princess.

      Once the Manichaean duality is established, she can finally vent her abnormal and usually stifled emotions at it, particularly venting rage at the hated evil side of the equation. After a lifetime of feeling out of joint and phase with reality, always having to check or ignore one's emotions, it feels good being able to join up your powerful and refined capacity for abstract thought with your emotions, busting open the dam containing the latter and becoming an intellectually justified moral crusader. This happens to autistic men too, which is why you can prick a Terence Tao and he will go into a tirade about how only his way of computing sigma is correct and how he is persecuted for his beliefs, but because Terence has had a lifetime of channeling this autistic lack of "normal" perspective into structures at least acknowledged by normal people, this acts as both a shield for him and a mould for his neurosis, forcing him to color mostly within lines that are also firm lines recognized by normies as a space in which it's acceptable to be vibrantly and intensely idiosyncratic.

      FtM troons have none of this and in fact they do the worst thing of all, they channel their insane neurotic autism and desire to understand everything through abstraction into the only world they've ever had even partway membership in, which is woman world, aka hell filled with slave child prostitutes bragging about who gets raped by the best daddy. Instead of truly escaping to male world and becoming an honorary male autist (a dangerous path in its own right, as paradoxically going from being the worst woman in a group of woman to being the best woman in a group of men who have no frame of reference usually reactivates a woman's biological imperatives and turns her into a fat chungus prostitute or "the dungeon master's girlfriend" type hanger-on and source of constant drama) the FtM instead tries to extract the almost nonexistent filament of conceptual and conceptualizing activity from within woman world, and "work it up into" a purely abstract and systematized reference point in questions of identity.

      This is the final act of attempting to end the Manichaean dualism inside them by conquering the hated female principle with the noble male principle, which is really abstract "finally-free-from-femininity-ness" given a caricaturish "masculine" exterior, hence the tank tops and Popeye tattoos and love of strong jawlines (something the most masculine men in the world, extreme autists, are usually lacking).

      The categories used by the FtM to define both her enemy and the weapon for overcoming her enemy are ultimately derived from femininity and the merely abstract negation of femininity. Consequently, Ellen Page is writing for everyone and no one, because she still writes within the feminine sphere, merely abstractly negating it, which is incomprehensible to women, who simply "are" it, and incomprehensible to men, whose overriding instinct is "why don't you just stop being a fruit and play Dwarf Fortress then. Hey look at this rock I found." To women she seems like a failed woman, i.e., a charity case and thus just yet another prop for normal women to use in their endless empty grandstanding. To men she seems like a dyke - i.e., still a woman, i.e., still a weak spastic histrionic unworldly uninteresting fruit who expects to be doted on and given attention, even paradoxically in her quest to become male, when male practically means "not entitled to attention or doting by default."

      She is aware of this on some level because what she has really done is force the two sides of the Manichaean duality to touch, like holding two magnets of opposite polarity together through sheer force, and every time she sleeps and the magnets repel apart again, the force crashes through all the structures (lies) she managed to erect while holding magnets together and briefly making everything stay "just so" in a way that fits her intellectualizing abstractions of pure non-femininity ("masculinity").

      Every line of "Pageboy" is either an autistic abstraction while the two magnets are held together, or the result of lashing out in despair as the magnets come apart, causing pain and frustration. Sometimes she is showing off to women that she has a "right" not to enjoy a dick up in her. Sometimes she is showing off normal female ambivalence about male sexual aggression and pathetic "heh, you like that don't you babe ;)" sexual overconfidence, ambivalence which normal women deal with by swerving in the other direction, the direction of self-debasement and acceptance that daddy is a bit cringe but that's okay because he's still daddy. The overall effect is just a mess: this person is clearly not happy with who they are, but as OP says, she is also entirely sincere in this chaotic flailing. The quest itself is sincere, but all the categories of thought used to pursue the quest make no sense. It's like she's trying to find the coldest wettest fire in the world to put out the fire within her.


    • 11 months ago

      But where a male autist or sperg would be stabilized by other spergs, and only get into trouble when he is especially autistic and/or falls into an especially bad group of autists at an especially vulnerable time in his life, like a bunch of e-girlcon communists on discord when he's 15, FtMs are much more likely to be isolated and utterly misunderstood and to have no way to stabilize their autism in relation to other autists, for instance by going "oh so this is who I am, I play DWARF FORTRESS with the lads, now this all makes sense." As the years go by, Dwarf Fortress with the lads becomes being the best topologist in the class becomes being the best finance guy or self-publishing books on Chaldaean sacred geometry or whatever.

      FtM troons are the supreme autists in a way, because they are aut-istic, utterly self-oriented, as they have no decent reference points, when they try to find other autist women who have problematic relationships with their own femininity they instead find trillions of seemingly unconscious airhead child-women (normal women) who both provide no help and are actively hostile entities in their strange status games to be the best and ultimate woman by being the most debased and childish child-prostitute-slave of men. If a proto-FtM tomboy already has ideas like "I don't want to be a child-prostitute-slave; that's demeaning" in her head, or she is simply so powerfully autistic that she can naturally generate principled thoughts that resist the waves of normal female emotion battering them down into conformity, her reward is total alienation both from other women and from her own femininity, which feels like a salient of other women's femininity inside her own being, but not "of" her, never accepted by her. And because autistic people prefer to live by abstractions they generated and can in principle check and re-generate at any moment, this experience increasingly torments the FtM:
      >The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it. (Paglia)
      until her abstracting rigid non-femininity (thought) and her invasive, unsolicited, unaffirmed yet always dominant femininity are elevated into diametrically opposed abstractions in a Manichaean system. She misidentifies her capacity for abstract thought with masculinity because it is the opposite of her irrational femininity, when in fact she is just the rare thinking subtype of woman, the woman capable of abstract thought. Abstract thought is a human universal and not an essentially male activity. It's just so rare in women that one can be forgiven for thinking it is exclusively male. The same goes for quintessential "male" virtues (vir-tus, literally from vir, man) like honor, pride, self-sacrifice, yearning for truth, all things ordinary women are blind to in their quest to become the ultimate rape victim sex princess.

      Once the Manichaean duality is established, she can finally vent her abnormal and usually stifled emotions at it, particularly venting rage at the hated evil side of the equation. After a lifetime of feeling out of joint and phase with reality, always having to check or ignore one's emotions, it feels good being able to join up your powerful and refined capacity for abstract thought with your emotions, busting open the dam containing the latter and becoming an intellectually justified moral crusader. This happens to autistic men too, which is why you can prick a Terence Tao and he will go into a tirade about how only his way of computing sigma is correct and how he is persecuted for his beliefs, but because Terence has had a lifetime of channeling this autistic lack of "normal" perspective into structures at least acknowledged by normal people, this acts as both a shield for him and a mould for his neurosis, forcing him to color mostly within lines that are also firm lines recognized by normies as a space in which it's acceptable to be vibrantly and intensely idiosyncratic.

      FtM troons have none of this and in fact they do the worst thing of all, they channel their insane neurotic autism and desire to understand everything through abstraction into the only world they've ever had even partway membership in, which is woman world, aka hell filled with slave child prostitutes bragging about who gets raped by the best daddy. Instead of truly escaping to male world and becoming an honorary male autist (a dangerous path in its own right, as paradoxically going from being the worst woman in a group of woman to being the best woman in a group of men who have no frame of reference usually reactivates a woman's biological imperatives and turns her into a fat chungus prostitute or "the dungeon master's girlfriend" type hanger-on and source of constant drama) the FtM instead tries to extract the almost nonexistent filament of conceptual and conceptualizing activity from within woman world, and "work it up into" a purely abstract and systematized reference point in questions of identity.

      This is the final act of attempting to end the Manichaean dualism inside them by conquering the hated female principle with the noble male principle, which is really abstract "finally-free-from-femininity-ness" given a caricaturish "masculine" exterior, hence the tank tops and Popeye tattoos and love of strong jawlines (something the most masculine men in the world, extreme autists, are usually lacking).

      This is true enough, but it overlooks the fact that many of these women are just outright schizophrenics. The only FtM I've personally known was a complete space cadet who had to be hospitalised for psychotic episodes at least once a year.

  32. 11 months ago

    >anon produces a four-post analysis fueled by high-purity autism, one of whose axioms is that the vast majority of women are morally and/or spiritually moronic
    Absolutely magical.

  33. 11 months ago


    Legit sounds like (s/t)he(y) got Havana'd by israelite spooks putting voices in her head. They're such scumbags. This may also be why so many others are trooning out.

    • 11 months ago

      Are the israelites and troons in the room with you right now?

      • 11 months ago

        not him but yes, there are many in this thread. trannies, listen, you are just fetishists who have gone too long with a license to act out your fetish in normal life. you know you are just addicted to this. that's all being a "troony" is. you're like a gay who has been at a gay parade for too long.

        take off your dog mask, step away from the children, and learn to wear normal clothes again. you are not a dog, you are not your sexual predilections, you are a boring normal person who can jerk off to whatever he wants in his free time, without making his entire life revolve around it. if this doesn't convince you, think of how fun it's going to be trying to maintain the delusion that you're a cute woman, when you're 35. and 45. and 55. your best passing years are already behind you, and you never passed. turn back now.

        • 11 months ago

          Thank you, your words are based & correctpilled.

          Are the israelites and troons in the room with you right now?

          Nice trolling, but the thrust of my previous message is this:

          Carefully modulated microwaves can be (and are) used effectively to put VOICES INTO PEOPLES' HEADS; it is very likely that such high-tech psyops were performed on Ellen/Elliot just to troon her/him out as a sort of sick joke, because, c'mon, israelites clearly hate whites and love to both profit from and ruin beautiful whites. Tinfoil hat? Frick you; follow the clues.

          >tl;dr: CIA/MOSSAD trooned Ellen into Elliot ala Havana Syndromesque remote brainfrickery

  34. 11 months ago



    You have been a victim of severe psychological torture, partially self-inflicted, largely family-inflicted, but mostly Hollywood-inflicted. Like so many other bright & promising stars, perfidious monsters eroded your senses and surrounded you with confusion until you lost sight of truth. A particular tribe of vampires has gotten their sadistic claws into you, and, having been the very picture of gentile beauty, they put voices in your head and drugs into your bloodstream in order to twist & destroy your beauty, because they hate beauty & truth. In their hateful eyes, you represented the feminine strength of the gentile woman; they could not let that be, but they wanted to keep you alive as their toy, so they had some israelite shrink convince you to cut off your breasts and sew a fake dick made out of your arm skin onto your genitals. They laugh even now, thinking of all the beautiful goyim babies you will never birth through what was once your absolutely perfect vegana, children, unborn, who'll never breastfeed at your once-exquisite bosom. They cackle, those children of the Devil, as they fondly recall using you to make billions of dollars through films featuring your idyllic face, and think about how you'll never really get to enjoy those fruits, or many others. They have murdered you. You are a casualty of a million year race war between Neanderthal & Cromagnon, and your death shall be avenged. The love we had for you was -- and is -- platonic; however, when once many of us hoped to gain your love, not as a conquest, but as the gift of an angel, now that love joins the rest of the fuel in our hateful, necessary war to ultimately exterminate the demons responsible for horrifically butchering your body, your mind, your soul. This is but one of ten thousand times ten thousand tragedies they've wrought, and continue to wrought. There shall be a reckoning, and your name -- both of your names -- shall be reminded to them at the gallows.


  35. 11 months ago

    Christcucks can't accept that trannies are literally God's will.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, to kill for exp.

      • 11 months ago

        Very funny, Joshua. Now get back to cleaning the gender reassignment facilities. Your troony overlords aren't happy with your recent productivity, put more effort into it. Thanks for your attention, this was a message automated by ChatGPT for employers.

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