

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    Standard narcissistic interpretation of the world
    >it would make me miserable so they are miserable!

    • 2 months ago

      Like bro just smile hahaha like bruh just chill and shit like wtf lmao

      >completely missing the point

      • 2 months ago

        I'm an oldgay who can't get the hang of nuIQfy and the trend of completely ignoring (missing) what was said in favor of nitpicking and shit flinging. I don't really care if some anon has a weird sense if punctuation.

      • 2 months ago

        What point? That you're a homosexual? Bang roasted gtfo my board gay b***h

  2. 2 months ago

    Why not just do something else? lol

    • 2 months ago

      That would require taking accountability for oneself and growing up.

      • 2 months ago

        Accountability is quite overrated. Societies aren’t islands and people have to be urged to reciprocate others, if a man is not receiving this in order to keep the system intact, he’s under no obligation to act cordial to everyone else involved.

  3. 2 months ago

    thoughts? apparently not!

  4. 2 months ago

    nuclear grade cringe

  5. 2 months ago

    Like bro just smile hahaha like bruh just chill and shit like wtf lmao

  6. 2 months ago

    It's worse yet not worst yet. Spelling aside, his writing is terrible. Use less words.

    • 2 months ago

      >Use less words
      So your main criticism is wordiness?

      nuclear grade cringe

      How so?

      • 2 months ago

        Not wordiness, unnecessary wordiness. And bad sentence structure. In fact I'll go the extra mile and justify myself with an improved rewrite.

        I can find no word to describe the modern American male better than "torpor". He is thrust into an uncaring world where every path is decided for him. His thoughts are instructed, his emotions are medicated, and so he feels a lack of agency floating day to day in total indifference. At some point in his life, he will look in the mirror teary eyed and ask "Is this it?" Suddenly existential frustrations will well up inside him and sit like a yoke around his neck to be carried every day. Rather than fight this burden, he will resign to indifference, as has characterized his entire life, until he dies. Sometimes by his own hand.

  7. 2 months ago

    people need to read more books, seriously. It restructures your thoughts, your feelings become complex and in no need of medication, it helps when tragedy happens - both to interpret it and to accept it. You need to read a lot of good novels and good poetry, and in general interact with high culture. Americans don't do that because they have watched hours on end of movies where everyone who thinks is evil, where the status quo is always re-established by gun wielding do-gooders, and because in general american media pander (paternalistically) to the "people", which they believe to be stupid, and for which therefore they produced stupider and stupider content through the years trying to appeal to their basest desires. "Torpor" is what you get when you build a society where sophistication and complexity are looked down at from the height of moral "simplicity". To think that this country produced Whitman makes me sad every time, because he really proposed a virtuous version of american individualism which in itself could have significantly advanced human culture if properly followed. Instead, America has chosen the individualism of eating junk food in front of trash TV because it's your god given right to do so. Thank god the idea is out there, maybe in a few centuries it will develop into something new. Right now, all you can do to break the conditioning of american society (and american propaganda, if you don't live in the US) is stop buying as much stuff as possible and read WAY more books.

  8. 2 months ago


  9. 2 months ago

    The person anon is describing is an npc and they have always existed. Sure, it's harder to find meaning now that church, family, and community have been effectively destroyed. Real homies like me grinding in the forests and deserts of meaning, warriors with rare esoteric armor, take all this in stride. The core of our being, our ancestral blood memory, can never be erased.
    >existential yoke
    How gay. There's no fricking yoke. The path is clear. Git gud scrub.

  10. 2 months ago

    That’s probably why so many of us (but not me) reject the concept of free will because the powers that be don’t let us have one. However through my written insights I intend to change this.

  11. 2 months ago

    >and now this other you are not lying now either but you are still blind to what is in yourself to that part of general truth the sequence of natural events and their causes which shadows every mans brow even benjys you are not thinking of finitude you are contemplating an apotheosis in which a temporary state of mind will become symmetrical above the flesh and aware both of itself and of the flesh it will not quite discard you will not even be dead
    >you cannot bear to think that someday it will no longer hurt you like this now were getting at it you seem to regard it merely as an experience that will whiten your hair overnight so to speak without altering your appearance at all you wont do it under these conditions it will be a gamble and the strange thing is that man who is conceived by accident and whose every breath is a fresh cast with dice already loaded against him will not face that final main which he knows before hand he has assuredly to face without essaying expedients ranging all the way from violence to petty chicanery that would not deceive a child until someday in very disgust he risks everything on a single blind turn of a card no man ever does that under the first fury of despair or remorse or bereavement he does it only when he has realized that even the despair or remorse or bereavement is not particularly important to the dark diceman

  12. 2 months ago

    completely blase towards these sorts of posts. would be more original if he ended it with a joke or some semblance of irony

    • 2 months ago

      >completely blase towards these sorts of posts
      Because they're common here?

  13. 2 months ago

    *reads houellebecq once*

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