Tolkien-noob here

Was there a reason that Gandalf needed to be on the Fellowship? From what I understand, it was supposed to be a stealth mission, which is why someone like Glorfindel wasn't involved, but wouldn't Gandalf also attract attention?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Not really, Gandalf had spent centuries cultivating an image as a weed-smoking eccentric who spent his time helping out halflings and dwarves for his own weird satisfaction. Yes, he was influential in driving Sauron from Dol Guldur, but even on that occasion he had had to go to the White Council, and particularly Saruman, to be able to drive Sauron out. Alone, he was easily captured even by Sauron's incorporeal form. Everyone in the fellowship was in some way beneath Sauron's notice:
    An eccentric wizard whose master served Sauron (or so he thought)
    A ranger of no known distinction
    The son of the steward of Gondor, a steward who was possibly already being fed doomposting via Palantir.
    The son of a particularly isolationist Elf-king
    The son of a literally-who tier dwarf noble
    A bunch of halflings

    Sauron probably thought that Eleond had put together a group of nonentity delivery boys to get the ring to Denethor without any of them feeling tempted to take it for themselves.

    • 12 months ago

      >The son of a literally-who tier dwarf noble
      That's alot of talk for someone who isn't even a noble at all, lad

      • 12 months ago

        I am sorry to have offended you, Glóin son of Gróin.

        For any zoomers out there, this anon is referring to tobacco, not marijuana
        No such term. You can call him "Olorin" if you want to refer to his name in Valinor
        Also, Maiar is plural, Maia is singular

        >For any zoomers out there, this anon is referring to tobacco, not marijuana
        Yes indeed, I think Tolkien even clarified that somewhere.

    • 12 months ago

      For any zoomers out there, this anon is referring to tobacco, not marijuana

      gandalf didn't advertise that he was a maiar, it's possible that sauron didn't even know.
      He was just an old man, and known by different names throughout the world, so he was always viewed as just a local old wise man with maybe a few magic tricks, but not as "THE GANDALF OF VALINOR"
      and as to why he was a part of it, because he was the most knowledgeable about the Ring and most capable to stop magic (as proven by his duel with the Balrog, and his attempted duel with Saruman)

      No such term. You can call him "Olorin" if you want to refer to his name in Valinor
      Also, Maiar is plural, Maia is singular

      • 12 months ago

        OP called him gandalf, which is why i did. You're just quibbling over minor details.
        and he never went as Olorin in middle earth, no one would have known who that was.
        but keep trying to show off i guess, if that's what floats your boat 🙂 meanwhile i'll address OP's question because i'm not a complete tard like you

        • 12 months ago

          Don't be mad, doll.

          • 12 months ago

            don't be autistic, incel.

          • 12 months ago

            LMAO there it is, fricking classic. I suspected you were a woman based on your passive aggressive smiley although I didn't want to assume but this confirms it, you're an absolute woman.

          • 12 months ago

            >you're an absolute woman
            you say that like it's an insult lol (it's not, but it's interesting that you think it is)
            you can stop being an incel whenever you want you know, it's only you holding you back.

          • 12 months ago

            >you say that like it's an insult lol
            Don't kid yourself, it absolutely is. Women are a travesty in any situation that doesn't involve social interaction. Look at yourself, with the idea of sex constantly hovering in the back of your head to such an extent that you have to mention it in every post.

          • 12 months ago

            you seem to forget that Tolkien had a high opinion of women.
            and let's be honest, you ARE an incel.

          • 12 months ago

            Every man respected women before suffrage, since that was before they witnessed women making a mess in the office.
            >still fixated on sex

          • 12 months ago

            >men haven't fricked up, only women
            see, this is a complete incel take.
            men are responsible for pretty much every single war, for the vast majority of rapes, they make up the majority of pedophiles.
            no you of course, you're just an incel, but it's clear that you're disgruntled by that fact lol

          • 12 months ago

            >men are responsible for pretty much every single war, for the vast majority of rapes, they make up the majority of pedophiles.
            I wholeheartedly agree, all that plus every major civilization, almost every invention and discovery, and every comfort of modern society. Women are basically a footnote in history and culture

          • 12 months ago

            >men invented weapons on a massive scale
            >aren't you grateful!
            look at you trying to take credit for the works of OTHER men.
            you're just a talentless, mediocre incel who hates women because they won't put out for a mediocre person like you.

          • 12 months ago

            >>men invented weapons on a massive scale
            >>aren't you grateful!
            This but unironically.

          • 12 months ago

            it's hilarious how many people with orc mentality like Tolkien.
            the feeling wasn't mutual, fyi.

          • 12 months ago

            you're the one obsessed with sex that you're not having, so obsessed you now despise women.
            You sound like an orc obsessed with rape and violence.
            >but orcs invented gunpowder before the elves did! Aren't you so grateful!

            Why are you so orcphobic? Fricking racist.

          • 12 months ago

            for the same reason that Tolkien was orcophobic

          • 12 months ago

            based catholic racist

          • 12 months ago

            it's more about temperament than about race (though often they overlap, but not always).
            Orcs are just lovers of violence. They're not stupid, Tolkien wrote that they had medical tech that was pretty good, they tended to focus on war tech (so they had catapults and such which even the elves didn't have). They're Nimrodian cultures (if that means anything to you).
            But Nimrodian cultures took over Europe too, which means that catholics have a heavy dose of it. (hence all the war and inquisitions)

            Even in Book of Lost Tales, Tolkien wrote that by the time of Hengist and Horsa (500-800AD iirc) Melkor had complete domination of (Middle) Earth. Catholicism is just another Melkorin religion out of many.

          • 12 months ago

            >Catholicism is just another Melkorin religion
            You heard it here first folks, Tolkien worshipped Melkor. Stay tuned next week for more moronic insights into literature!

          • 12 months ago

            Melkor is the only one that had priests, temples, blood sacrifices, etc. Not Eru, who didn't require anyone (not even the elves) to worship him.

            Now whether Tolkien realized this about Catholicism, and was lowkey condemning Catholicism, or whether he was more like the gnostic christians and just thought the Old Testament was Melkorin, and that christianity was a revolt against the OT? or whether he was theist and raised catholic, but actually didn't adhere dogmatically to catholic teachings... who knows.
            the gnosticism option has a lot going for it, especially if you've read History of Middle Earth (specifically "Melkor's Ring", where tolkien talks about how "physical matter is evil because melkor infused his essence into it, and that Valinor is pure spirit realm" etc.)

          • 12 months ago

            >be tolkien
            >faithful catholic
            >write a mythopoeia cantered around celtic+nordic folklore and catholicism
            >100 years later some terminally online incel wonders if you subconsciously worshipped the devil

          • 12 months ago

            >LotR is about catholicism
            that would explain why there's no mention of any churches, popes, priests, (except when about Melkor and his religion) and why christians have to contort themselves to find anything christian in the books
            >Sam, Aragorn, Frodo and Gandalf actually represent the 4 aspects of God
            Christians don't even believe in reincarnation, which is a central theme in Tolkien's books. Gandalf dying doesn't automatically represent Jesus dying, because in that case Glorfindel and all the other reincarnated elves would also be "jesus archetypes". Even Beren returned from Halls of Mandos after being killed, and he was human.
            but gnostic christians believed in reincarnation, which is one of the reasons why i mentioned that tolkien could have been deliberately inserting gnostic themes in the books.

          • 12 months ago

            >J. R. R. Tolkien was a devout Roman Catholic from boyhood, and he described The Lord of the Rings in particular as a "fundamentally religious and Catholic work"

          • 12 months ago

            so then he was unaware, though clearly he intuitively knew something was up.

          • 12 months ago

            >Tolkien didn't realise it but he ACKSHUALLY worshipped the devil

          • 12 months ago

            Melkor is the only one that had priests, temples, blood sacrifices, etc. Not Eru, who didn't require anyone (not even the elves) to worship him.

            Now whether Tolkien realized this about Catholicism, and was lowkey condemning Catholicism, or whether he was more like the gnostic christians and just thought the Old Testament was Melkorin, and that christianity was a revolt against the OT? or whether he was theist and raised catholic, but actually didn't adhere dogmatically to catholic teachings... who knows.
            the gnosticism option has a lot going for it, especially if you've read History of Middle Earth (specifically "Melkor's Ring", where tolkien talks about how "physical matter is evil because melkor infused his essence into it, and that Valinor is pure spirit realm" etc.)

            >LotR is about catholicism
            that would explain why there's no mention of any churches, popes, priests, (except when about Melkor and his religion) and why christians have to contort themselves to find anything christian in the books
            >Sam, Aragorn, Frodo and Gandalf actually represent the 4 aspects of God
            Christians don't even believe in reincarnation, which is a central theme in Tolkien's books. Gandalf dying doesn't automatically represent Jesus dying, because in that case Glorfindel and all the other reincarnated elves would also be "jesus archetypes". Even Beren returned from Halls of Mandos after being killed, and he was human.
            but gnostic christians believed in reincarnation, which is one of the reasons why i mentioned that tolkien could have been deliberately inserting gnostic themes in the books.

            so then he was unaware, though clearly he intuitively knew something was up.

            Is this what they teach in modern humanities? That headcanon should not be discarded as spurious in the face of historical fact? Glad I took up STEM tbh

          • 12 months ago

            this is more a combination from different sources. Started with me learning about christian gnosticism and noticing the similarities with LotR (specifically Melkor and hroa, and Valinor and fea).
            then i started researching pre-judaic religions and cultures, and finding out that the Old Testament was basically copy-pasted from these older cultures with only minor name changes. (for example, like how the Bethel Stone of Jacob, in Genesis, wasn't unique, but was worshiped by the Canaanites as the Baetyl Stone, and by the Greeks as the Omphalos Stone, etc.)
            Which culminated with Algernon Herbert's "Nimrod" which proved that the ancient world was not a hodge podge of different cultures and religions that formed independently of each other, but rather a single culture that then spread far and wide, and then seems to have forgotten their origins (or else deliberately hid it)

            So it's entirely possible that Tolkien doesn't know the melkorin origins of the Old Testament, since he wasn't a biblical scholar, he focused more on northern european cultures. But he clearly hated any religion that engaged in blood sacrifices (read "Melkor's Ring" if you haven't, it's very explicit there), and the OT qualifies as a blood sacrifice religion.

          • 12 months ago

            >he wasn't a biblical scholar
            He was though. For example he was one of the contributors in compiling the Jerusalem Bible

          • 12 months ago

            >he helped translate
            people who ONLY read the bible isn't what i meant. I meant it as having studied the pre-culture enough to finally make the realization that the Old Testament and the Canaanite Baal worship (for example) are one and the same.
            Merely translating, while admirable, doesn't mean you actually know the origin of all the OT stories (which were decidedly not Hebrew in origin).

          • 12 months ago

            >Tolkien didn’t know his name would appear in the printed edition, as he didn’t think his contribution was much of anything. He wrote in letter dated 1967, “Naming me among the ‘principal collaborators’ was an undeserved courtesy on the part of the editor of the Jerusalem Bible. I was consulted on one or two points of style, and criticized some contributions of others. I was originally assigned a large amount of text to translate, but after doing some necessary preliminary work I was obliged to resign owing to pressure of other work, and only completed ‘Jonah’, one of the shortest books.”

          • 12 months ago

            >men are responsible for pretty much every single war
            It's what happens when you can't frick your way into any winning group
            >for the vast majority of rapes
            Hey Siri, how many women orgasm during rape?
            >they make up the majority of pedophiles
            Lmao fempedos are everywhere just underreported

          • 12 months ago

            how many women have you raped? (prolly none, being a hardcore incel that you are)

          • 12 months ago

            Raped? none
            CNC kink women i had fun with, 2

            Leave her alone.

            she's not gonna frick you bro

          • 12 months ago

            what's "CNC"?

          • 12 months ago

            consensual non-consent
            rape kink essentially

          • 12 months ago

            >i've never had regular sex, only "rape kink" sex, and that only twice
            >yes, i'm basically an orc
            why on middle earth do you even like Tolkien? You're complete opposites lol

          • 12 months ago

            >female reading comprehension
            I said I did that twice, not that that's the only sex I had.
            That's just your own prescription SSRI-induced projection

          • 12 months ago

            oh i see, so you've had normal sex then.
            btw, i'm not a woman. That's just your own prescription SSRI-induced orc mentality projection blah blah blah.
            Like Tolkien, i respect women and don't admire violence or technology just for the sake of violence or technology (like a Saruman or Sauron)

          • 12 months ago

            >btw, i'm not a woman
            sure thing, tart

          • 12 months ago

            lol, i'm not, but you're clearly invested in thinking of me as a woman (i dread to think why), so i'm not gonna waste time arguing with you about that. Think whatever you like.
            >i've had sex that didn't involve rape
            oh okay, then using the same logic you use: "Sure thing, incel."

          • 12 months ago

            Whatever helps you sleep at night, poppet

          • 12 months ago

            lol, i'm not, but you're clearly invested in thinking of me as a woman (i dread to think why), so i'm not gonna waste time arguing with you about that. Think whatever you like.
            >i've had sex that didn't involve rape
            oh okay, then using the same logic you use: "Sure thing, incel."

            >so ashamed of her holes that she's willing to admit she's a man in an anonymous Mongolian basket-weaving forum

          • 12 months ago

            But being a woman IS an insult tho

          • 12 months ago

            >you're an absolute woman
            you say that like it's an insult lol (it's not, but it's interesting that you think it is)
            you can stop being an incel whenever you want you know, it's only you holding you back.

            you seem to forget that Tolkien had a high opinion of women.
            and let's be honest, you ARE an incel.

            >men haven't fricked up, only women
            see, this is a complete incel take.
            men are responsible for pretty much every single war, for the vast majority of rapes, they make up the majority of pedophiles.
            no you of course, you're just an incel, but it's clear that you're disgruntled by that fact lol

            >men invented weapons on a massive scale
            >aren't you grateful!
            look at you trying to take credit for the works of OTHER men.
            you're just a talentless, mediocre incel who hates women because they won't put out for a mediocre person like you.

            >incel incel incel
            I'm starting to think women are more cumbrained than men, considering how desperate they are to tangentially relate everything to sex

          • 12 months ago

            Leave her alone.

          • 12 months ago

            you're the one obsessed with sex that you're not having, so obsessed you now despise women.
            You sound like an orc obsessed with rape and violence.
            >but orcs invented gunpowder before the elves did! Aren't you so grateful!

          • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >Also, Maiar is plural, Maia is singular
        WHY do so many people make this mistake? I don't understand. Is it because Maia is also a woman's name and they subconsciously find it weird to call a man that even though the meaning is completely different?

      • 12 months ago

        >No such term. You can call him "Olorin" if you want to refer to his name in Valinor
        >Also, Maiar is plural, Maia is singular

  2. 12 months ago

    gandalf didn't advertise that he was a maiar, it's possible that sauron didn't even know.
    He was just an old man, and known by different names throughout the world, so he was always viewed as just a local old wise man with maybe a few magic tricks, but not as "THE GANDALF OF VALINOR"
    and as to why he was a part of it, because he was the most knowledgeable about the Ring and most capable to stop magic (as proven by his duel with the Balrog, and his attempted duel with Saruman)

  3. 12 months ago

    >but wouldn't Gandalf also attract attention?
    Sticking out wasn't Gandalf forte, so he was perfect for that role. It was all part of his keikaku.

  4. 12 months ago

    Well first thing is: get your master's on Tolkien studies from Signum University, then come back here to have some real discussions.

  5. 12 months ago

    >gets outed as a girl
    >immediately spergs out sexual insults at everyone

    • 12 months ago

      You're a girl as well.

    • 12 months ago

      >gets outed as an incel
      >immediately spergs out misogynistic insults at all women, while praising mindless violence

      • 12 months ago

        >no u

  6. 12 months ago

    frick off gays

  7. 12 months ago

    >responds after 6 hours with the meme equivalent of a kindergartner's mocking imitation

  8. 12 months ago

    after 6 hours with the meme equivalent of a kindergartner's mocking imitation

  9. 12 months ago

    quote my post you onions bawd

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