>twenty fricking twenty four, 53 years since the invention of email. >still no decent way to filter spam

>twenty fricking twenty four, 53 years since the invention of email
>still no decent way to filter spam
>spam still a big problem
>email scams still a big problem
>no tool that does a good job of recognising spam
What the frick is going on?

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  1. 2 months ago

    >have multiple emails
    >use aliases if you can
    >don't share your email unless you absolutely have to
    >check for unsubscribe buttons at the bottom of spam emails
    Email spam isn't what it used to be in my experience, now phone call spam on the other hand..

    • 2 months ago

      for unsubscribe buttons at the bottom of spam emails
      Except for the cases where that doesn't work and that's just a button that tells them to send even more spam once they realise there's someone reading their emails.

    • 2 months ago

      >now phone call spam on the other hand..
      I disconnected my phone number two years ago, best decision I ever made.

    • 2 months ago

      >, now phone call spam on the other hand..
      We already have modern technology to deal with phone spam. It's called now. Just target India

    • 2 months ago

      Never had that problem until they forced me to use an iPhone for work. Now I get at least one pajeet or chink call a week.

  2. 2 months ago

    The entire modern world is a bunch of bootstrapped glue and silver tape solutions to the inventions of literal savants after World War 2

  3. 2 months ago

    What alternatives to email do you propose?

    • 2 months ago

      I don't want alternatives, I want email to catch up.

  4. 2 months ago

    I use fastmail and the spam filtering is great. Same email since 2004 and been leaked dozens of times. So yeah I get a ton of spam but 99% of it gets filtered.

    One thing it doesn't filter well is newsletters. Which sometimes I get signed up for without consent like when buying from a website even if I specifically opt out they still spam me, and I report that shit as the spam it is, then it starts going to spam if the unsubscribe link doesn't work.

    • 2 months ago

      To name and shame one, canonkeys did this recently.

  5. 2 months ago

    Email proxies like Firefox relay and whatever extra you can add to your Gmail address to have it redirect to your main one might be something new but yeah email hasn't changed much. You don't even need to guess why, think about who mostly still uses emails.

    • 2 months ago

      >think about who mostly still uses emails.

      • 2 months ago

        no he meant corporations, academia, governments and banks

        you know, where everything happens

  6. 2 months ago

    are you living in 2004 anon?
    centralized email like gmail solved spam a long-ass time ago
    anyway what we should have had with email (and it's too late now, because again it's a solved problem) was burner recipient addresses, which are only useful for a single sender.
    so like every time I want to receive emails from somebody, it generates a unique randomized email address that isn't guessable (so, not like adding +whatever to a gmail account). even if that ever leaked it would be trivial to block it, and know exactly who sold/leaked your email address
    the idea being, nobody's bare email address (or phone number for that matter) should be public by default. it should require some per-sender/per-caller permission token that's easily revoked.

    incidentally bitcoin was basically inspired by "hashcash", which was an idea to solve spam emails by requiring proof-of-work. of course this was in the days when people couldn't rent high end GPUs to crunch problems much faster than CPUs.

    • 2 months ago

      >are you living in 2004 anon?
      Maybe, I use a 1and1 email and their spam filtering sucks ass. I don't want to abandon it because it's my personal domain and name.

      • 2 months ago

        pretty sure you can move domains around if you don't like the service you're getting
        not saying it will be easy or fun, but ...

      • 2 months ago

        so move your domain to a new provider. I know this is going to be the second post about fastmail in this thread but I swear Im different to the other anon, and I dont work for fastmail, but I moved a domain to israeliteflare a few days ago and I shit you not it took me about 10 minutes to go from vaguely being aware that fastmail exists to having live, working email service on my domain. its pretty much as simple as follow the guide they give you for any of the major domain registrars. dont go with a small registrar if you value the domain.

  7. 2 months ago

    email shouldn't be used on the inter-net

    you're forced to use it because it's easy to data mine

  8. 2 months ago

    We have AI now, which can (or soon will, when combined with the identifying qualities of ad-blockers), potentially delete all the garbage nobody has to read. The crazy part is there will be spam apologists claiming it's a form of ad-blocking, and thus le bad.

    Are you ready for LTT and other breadtubers to tell you AI spam e-mail detection/deletion is a form of piracy?

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