Video content ruined the internet

The move from written blogs and personal sites was the start of the internet becoming television. It is what forced us in this current era to be completely reliant on corporations since it is only corporations that would be able to have the means to provide what is the current standard now. With the change in web content came the change in psychology. The passivication of internet use through consumerisation. When people had something to say or share, they had blogs to do that. A form of communication that is simple and doesn't require too much equipment. Anyone could make a blog. Not everyone can be a streamer whether it's due to the time and effort required, or they don't have an engaging personality.
Certain people rise to the top and it is this quality that leads to cults and worshipers who view their voices as important. This has lead the internet to becoming a popularity contest where everyone wants to be an e-celeb.

It is these video platforms that made everyone focused on numbers and engagement and is what lead to the boring-ification of the internet.

No one cares about writers anymore. You can make a blog but no one will care and no one will want to read it as long as video rules the internet.

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  1. 2 months ago

    >boohoohoo, they stopped telling us and started showing and that's le bad

    • 2 months ago

      >not following someone who does practical application of concepts he presents on a notepad
      Kek. Ngmi

    • 2 months ago

      I mean, yes? Videos are good for I don't know, painting tutorials, where seeing it in motion brings additional value. For programming tutorials, though? My only answer to that is WHAT THE SHIT, I DON'T NEED TO SEE YOUR FRICKING RICE, JUST GIVE ME WORDS

      • 2 months ago

        >programming tutorials
        back in my day we had man pages and no internet to look up how to read man pages

  2. 2 months ago

    fricking nerd

  3. 2 months ago

    didnt read but true

  4. 2 months ago

    >Video content ruined the internet

    • 2 months ago

      Proving his point.

  5. 2 months ago

    Only casuals switched from blogs to videos. Most blogs/WP weren't worth it, in general quality was terrible and simple copy-paste from other sites.
    Traffic to those are the same passive luker mass, lukers are useless anyways.

    People complaining are chronic internet users that want to go back in time to reverse years of wasted life or that can't profit from adsense.
    Change your habits. YT is ok if you sanitize and not use the same cookies to watch soft porn, news, trends and good channels because that's what 'normies' likes. You're a betatester of the algo 10-15 years ago. But it wasn't really intended to you.

    You always need a trash can, don't blame it for the garbage.

    • 2 months ago

      its nice that personal blog quality is much better nowadays since all the grifters moved to the video platforms

  6. 2 months ago

    Book content ruined the story telling

    The move from spoken words and story telling was the start of the people becoming brain dead. It is what forced us in this current era to be completely reliant on corporations since it is only corporations that would be able to have the means to provide what is the current standard now. With the change in propaganda content came the change in psychology. The passivication of thinking through consumerisation. When people had something to say or share, they had mouth to do that. A form of communication that is simple and doesn't require too much equipment. Anyone could tell a story. Not everyone can be a book writer whether it's due to the time and effort required, or they don't have an engaging personality.

    Certain people rise to the top and it is this quality that leads to cults and worshipers who view their voices as important. This has lead the books to becoming a popularity contest where everyone wants to be an writer.

    It is these text platforms that made everyone focused on numbers and engagement and is what lead to the boring-ification of the story telling.

    No one cares about people anymore. You can tell a good story but no one will care and no one will want to hear it as long as book rules the world.

    >reading books, news papers and listening classical music is equal to being brain dead and not creating your own thoughts

    • 2 months ago

      Writing without references, previous knowledge in general it doesn't result in anything decent.

    • 2 months ago

      This was true until recently. We don't live in a time where only a small minority of people are literate, and the tools and technology that allows us to distribute our writing are more accessible than they have ever been.

  7. 2 months ago

    youtube's new layout is actually genuinely terrible, pretty much the final betrayal of what it used to be

  8. 2 months ago

    only read the subject but you are probably right

  9. 2 months ago

    >No one cares about writers anymore.
    And now with AI content generation, you can't trust shit you read anyways.
    Everything is garbage nowadays... or rather it's impossible to find the 0.0000001% that's not garbage.

    • 2 months ago

      >it's impossible to find the 0.0000001% that's not garbage. is good enough

  10. 2 months ago

    All sixes and nines, checkem

  11. 2 months ago

    I keep meaning to start a blog but get demoralized because I know deep down NOBODY would ever read it, and even if I did shill it, NO ONE would care.

    • 2 months ago

      just treat it like your personal diary that you're going to read by yourself to remember days when you weren't as demoralized as in $current_year+1

  12. 2 months ago

    the masses move, while niches persist. not a new trend, and you should be thankful that normalgays "got out".

  13. 2 months ago

    >Video content ruined the internet
    you have a point

  14. 2 months ago

    The only thing that ruined the internet was and still is ease of access. We're going to be flooded with jeet street shitters in the coming years purely because of ease of access and you'll see it then. All oldgays already know this to be true since the smartphone absolutely obliterated this site.

  15. 2 months ago

    Real literacy has always been low, it was inevitable once the broader public went online thanks to smartphones.

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