VIRGIN TERRITORY: 50 Years Without Sex



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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 12 months ago

    It's utterly over

    • 12 months ago

      It's never began

      • 12 months ago

        I'm on page 13 and already god far did you make it?

    • 12 months ago

      It's never began

      I'm on page 13 and already god far did you make it?


      • 12 months ago




        It's utterly over


        It's never began


        I'm on page 13 and already god far did you make it?


  2. 12 months ago

    Paragraph one is a snorer. This guy is a virgin because he's self obsessed. I solved it instantly.

    • 12 months ago

      >can't obsess over the most basic and primordial instinct when you fail


  3. 12 months ago

    I skimmed the beginnign and the end because of profound mental damage reading this can do to me. Thankfuly I starting to get out of my home at 23 and probably will avert this fate. If I don't manage to become human by 30 years old I will logout, I don't want to become this man, this scares me more than climate change and AI Supremacy.

    • 12 months ago

      >he thinks the author is somekind of NEET lord and didn't find anyone because he was a NEET.


  4. 12 months ago

    50 years?
    Preposterous. Absurd. Don't be ridiculous anon

  5. 12 months ago

    Something about dudes explaining their orgasms gets me. Any more like this?

  6. 12 months ago

    i've always been on places like wizchan, LULZ, incel forums, seen these documentaries on loveshy, etc.
    and what actually demoralizes me nowadays is that i am not like these people at all, yet i'm in the same position as a 25KHHV, sometimes even worse because these guys will atleast have good tech jobs and the like.
    they're all hypernerdy or ugly, are visibly autistic or have unpleasant narcissism, lack self awareness, dependent, etc.
    i get called attractive and cute regularly, i'm IQfy, have masculine hobbies and interests, groom myself really well, but i've been a socially anxious and reclusive depressed neet with no education since leaving highschool unfinished, i just had an insanely bad roll in the game of life and it takes herculean effort to fix it, its so hard not to be demoralized and keep pretending it gets better.
    i even had a girl seemingly into me lately (i literally hadn't talked to women since childhood), but she ended up having a bf and i have no fricking clue where else to meet other women, time just keeps ticking away while i keep tripping into these pitfalls of demoralization, effort not leading to improvements, while i stay alienated forever..

    • 12 months ago

      maybe you should think about it some more. that'll probably help.

      • 12 months ago

        i understand what you mean, and you're right, but i cant seem to break free from that cycle

    • 12 months ago

      The truth is probably that you don't wanna have sex. You need like 1000 hours of build up and slowly rising intimacy because you have the soul of a fragile girl. Tough out there for guys like you. Keep your chin up.

      • 12 months ago

        this couldn't be further from the truth, i'm unironically sexually frustrated and have low standards, i was pretty much gearing up to frick this girl that liked me, and i never anticipated anxiety about that despite my history, but then i learned more about her and her having a relationship and i immediately got depressed and felt destroyed and filled with self-doubt about my perceptions, esteem, status, etc.

    • 12 months ago

      My brother you are quite literally me, I'm also a 25 KHHV, went through the "girl clearly likes you but then says she has a BF" thing and I also went for years feeling like I had no idea where to meet women.

      Do not fall for the cliche advice of meeting women at clubs or getting hobbies, women who go out clubbing are slabs and attractive women don't have hobbies.

      What's working for me is this: just go outside. Hang out at places where cute girls go as part of their daily lives. Go to the local coffee shop every weekend, go and spend a couple hours reading in the park, take public transport. Basically just put yourself out there in places where there's dozens of girls around you that you could approach if you so wanted to. This solves the first problem of being blackpilled by the feeling of having no opportunities to meet women.

      The next issue which you will probably face is realizing that you are a fricking social moron and that your problem was never lack of opportunity but rather crippling autism. You're too nervous to approach women to talk to them because you're terrible at talking to people in general, you feel awkward and out of place talking to women in public because you never talk to people in public at all.

      To solve this I'm currently just working on my small talk skills, pic related is an excellent book. I'm just trying to talk to anyone in public when the opportunity arises now, and being more relaxed and socially in tune in public in general. I figure that if I can casually make conversation with random men in public then making conversation with girls is a pretty small step after.

      Also you will find you become way more fricking happier in life in general after gaining these skills. I used to think I was a socially anxious introvert but now I'm realizing the only thing I found scary and draining about socializing was the fact that I was so fricking terrible at it and just felt tense all the time. Once you get to the point where you let go and are happy and relaxed in public and can have positive interactions with random people, including girls, you feel so fulfilled it's unreal.

      • 12 months ago

        you seem to have a different perspective than me, the girl i mentioned i had met in a hobby club type place, and i've found out i'm better in a "warm" place like this, i can't imagine doing cold approach, it just seems pointless and unrealistic to me. i understand the benefit of being more immersed in slightly more social areas like coffee shops but i found that these things only make me feel more lonely because i feel alienated and withdrawn unlike everybody else, i don't think i'm a permanently fricked anxious mess, but i don't think bruteforcing myself into an extroverted cold approacher makes any sense for me.
        all of this sounds like the opposite of what i've learned so far

        • 12 months ago

          Yeah I wrested mentally with the whole "approaching girls would make me an extrovert and that's not who I am" thing as well. But then I realised that being able to calmly approach people and talk to them in a friendly way isn't extroversion. You don't have to be loud and overconfident and high energy you can just be calmly spoken and chill. You're not trying to be a fake showy version of yourself you're just trying to be a less anxious and inhibited version of yourself, which is actually making yourself more genuine.

          >these things only make me feel more lonely because I feel alienated and withdrawn
          Promise I'm not shilling, but the book I mentioned addresses exactly this. The two root causes of social anxiety are 1) focusing too much on yourself, and 2) seeing other people as either above or below you, never as your equals. If you see a group of people laughing and having fun and your first thought is "I'm such a loser, those guys are having way more fun than me, they would probably all mock me" then you have a mindset problem. Once you get out of your own head and realize other people are your equals, you start to share other people's joy and want to be part of it.

          • 12 months ago

            i dont know, i just think it all comes too close to "cold approach", especially if you have intent, which i cant just drop, all this is too much mental drain
            its outdated and nobody really socializes anymore that way, especially not in my country (nordic country), i understand the part about being more genuine, but i dont think its realistic and i've completely deleted that idea from my head.
            being a neet with absolutely nothing else going on besides some niche IQfy hobbies and masculine interests who camps libraries and coffeeshops to talk to girls is just not going to work

          • 12 months ago

            Get a job then

          • 12 months ago

            Just want to mention I'm on the same page, cold approach doesn't work for me, speaking with strangers purely for the sake of conversation is very draining, but I can speak about stupid shit for hours with friends I know. I need something like a setting or common experience to socialize at my best, and that's very hard to get that with girls once you finish college.

            Yeah I wrested mentally with the whole "approaching girls would make me an extrovert and that's not who I am" thing as well. But then I realised that being able to calmly approach people and talk to them in a friendly way isn't extroversion. You don't have to be loud and overconfident and high energy you can just be calmly spoken and chill. You're not trying to be a fake showy version of yourself you're just trying to be a less anxious and inhibited version of yourself, which is actually making yourself more genuine.

            >these things only make me feel more lonely because I feel alienated and withdrawn
            Promise I'm not shilling, but the book I mentioned addresses exactly this. The two root causes of social anxiety are 1) focusing too much on yourself, and 2) seeing other people as either above or below you, never as your equals. If you see a group of people laughing and having fun and your first thought is "I'm such a loser, those guys are having way more fun than me, they would probably all mock me" then you have a mindset problem. Once you get out of your own head and realize other people are your equals, you start to share other people's joy and want to be part of it.

            >But then I realized that being able to calmly approach people and talk to them in a friendly way isn't extroversion. You don't have to be loud and overconfident and high energy you can just be calmly spoken and chill.
            Approaching people for talk when I have a goal is very easy, I've worked with strangers at my job, I've spoken with employees, doctors, nurses, electricians just fine. What extroversion helps you with is keeping a conversation going all by yourself even when there's nothing to say. An introvert won't feel the need to share a story from his past with a complete stranger for no reason, and that doesn't work in your favor when cold approaching.

            The obvious solution is to try and hang out in places with repeated people but depending on circumstances that's not always available for everyone.

    • 12 months ago

      >it takes herculean effort to fix it
      The good thing is you, as a man, are a potential Hercules. So make the effort. You can do it.

  7. 12 months ago

    Look bros, women are difficult for most men. That's why "survivial of the fittest" is a thing, it's why you need your ballsack there to keep encouraging you to put up with the bullshit. I was convinced that I was gonna be an incel loser forever, but I kept working on myself despite that, and at age 30 I married a 19 year old virgin. It might seem hopeless but you only gotta get lucky once. I'm happy and I don't feel like I missed out on anything by being single for so long. Honestly I wish that I'd enjoyed being single more.

    • 12 months ago

      I don’t think rape should be illegal honestly if you’re really desperate

  8. 12 months ago

    Damn I was feeling pretty fine about being a 30 years old virgin but reading the first pages there feels me with a sort of existential dread and fear of missing out.
    Unfortunately at this point my social circles are frozen over, I don't meet new people through school, work or friends. It's going to be smooth sailing to OP's story for me.

    • 12 months ago

      Hey dude, just want to say that I'm in the same boat, I'm 31 y.o. virgin and probably will end up the same too. So, you're not alone like that, that's what I wanted to post. Pretty sure most of the people are lonely, that's what fricked up.

    • 12 months ago

      Hey dude, just want to say that I'm in the same boat, I'm 31 y.o. virgin and probably will end up the same too. So, you're not alone like that, that's what I wanted to post. Pretty sure most of the people are lonely, that's what fricked up.

      I'm a 29 and a virgin, but it doesn't bother me an iota. Maybe it's not the fact that you're a virgin that's the problem.

      • 12 months ago

        >Maybe it's not the fact that you're a virgin that's the problem.
        Well yeah, I couldn't care less about penis in vegana. It's the FOMO, fear that I'm missing out on a valuable experience that everyone else has, and with each passing year I'm getting further away from it. Like pic related except for love in general, not specifically teenage romance which I don't care too much about.
        If half of your life's interactions happen with men and half with women, then I'm missing out on half of my life. Of course I don't think in reality it's so evenly split, but at the very least I've never felt tenderness or intimacy or the touch of someone that's not a handshake.

        • 12 months ago

          I don't feel FOMO. There's like infinite things you're missing out that other people have experienced, but I don't care about comparing my own experience with others.
          Do you have a job? What I imagine the despair logically comes from is if you work but have no transcendent purpose (family) to make money.
          I'm a NEET, so I don't do things that are ultimately meaningless, like working to afford things you don't actually want. The internet is filled with enough free piratable content to last a lifetime.

        • 12 months ago

          I just looked to my right and saw my closet door was open. Idk why but I feel like I’m gonna make it bros. I’m probably among the youngest 5% on this board and I know I still have time.

  9. 12 months ago

    it genuinely feels so good to have defeated inceldom.

  10. 12 months ago

    Just fricking pay for it and get it done with jfc.

    • 12 months ago

      if your post is aimed to the lonely incels ITT, its obviously not about sex, you have to be an extremely shallow person to think that

      • 12 months ago

        Some of them could use the advice

        • 12 months ago

          a lot of people regret losing their virginity to prostitutes, and it sure as hell wont solve anything

          • 12 months ago

            It's terrible advice. 'Just have sex with a hooker' completely misunderstands their plight. They want to experience the most intimate thing with someone who likes them. Having sex with a prostitute achieves none of this.

            let them have sex with prostitutes if they want, don't deny them that, stop gatekeeping loss of virginity. if you make a habit of chasing some fantasy wonderland utopia ideal you'll always be disappointed.

          • 12 months ago

            The point is, they probably don't want that. The fixation on sex is a misidentification. Both for the incel and the people who say "just go frick a prostitute." They want intimacy, real intimacy. A woman who loves you and wants you to feel good. That's really not asking for neverland. Most people achieve it.

            Incels who frick a prostitute find that they're still broken and fricked up because jizzing into a condom after thrusting in some disinterested prostitute isn't the thing that they're actually craving. I suppose fricking a prostitute can be instructive in that sense.

            Obviously, a relationship won't fix all your personal problems either. And the pain that accompanies one is worse than celibacy. Still, I've never met anyone who regrets loving in the first place. It is certainly a big thing to miss out on.

          • 12 months ago

            >A woman who loves you and wants you to feel good. That's really not asking for neverland. Most people achieve it.
            Are you fricking kidding me you piece of shit, have you seen how many marriages end in divorce? Have you seen how many married couples actually claim to be happy? Frick off with that shit. It's extremely rare. Most women don't love men, CANNOT love men, they only love themselves, just a little bit of observation and you'll come to that conclusion.

          • 12 months ago

            But being romantic with a woman really is a sort of fantasy land utopia. Waking up the day after having sex and lying in your bed while you talk about the most meaningless things and kiss each other just giggling the whole time. I can't think of anything better and not experiencing it would be missing out. mechanically fricking a prostitute doesn't even come close. except for the hollowest of souls.

          • 12 months ago

            >a lot of people regret losing their virginity to prostitutes
            If it matters to you whom you lose your virginity to, then you're a gay, sorry to say.
            Also if you haven't been with prostitutes, you have no right to talk. You think it's like sticking your dick in a piece of meat. It's not.

          • 12 months ago

            >A woman who loves you and wants you to feel good. That's really not asking for neverland. Most people achieve it.
            Are you fricking kidding me you piece of shit, have you seen how many marriages end in divorce? Have you seen how many married couples actually claim to be happy? Frick off with that shit. It's extremely rare. Most women don't love men, CANNOT love men, they only love themselves, just a little bit of observation and you'll come to that conclusion.

            you act like a virgin is supposed to accept and know these things at face value, they have no experiences dumbass, do you see the issue? and with their lack of experience go a myriad of issue that should be solved in general

        • 12 months ago

          It's terrible advice. 'Just have sex with a hooker' completely misunderstands their plight. They want to experience the most intimate thing with someone who likes them. Having sex with a prostitute achieves none of this.

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