Warrior Societies

Can a modern warrior society even exist? Even militarized societies that have mandatory conscription just seem to get ranks of weak twinks.

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  1. 2 months ago

    It's called Russia

    • 2 months ago

      Their regulars all died

    • 2 months ago

      Regular reminder: all those guys in your le epic remove homosexual VDV UGH memes died burning to death inside thier planes on the first day.

      • 2 months ago

        That's warrior culture.

  2. 2 months ago

    Sparta was semi-matriarchal

    • 2 months ago

      Tbh this. If you want a warrior society you need to give women a lot of the influence. Women can't be stay at home mothers in a warrior society. They have to hold the economy up while the men are all trained to be soldiers from birth amd will all eventually move on to the military

  3. 2 months ago

    All from Hollywood. Your knowledge of the world is pure fantasy.

    • 2 months ago

      Did I ask your opinion? Do you think you are superior because you know how to read? My examples were simply illustrative.
      cry more baby

  4. 2 months ago

    Yes it can it's called India the great country of Vikramaditya and Bramdeep the hero and many more, rugged and ferocious warriors

  5. 2 months ago

    Not needed because modern warfare has largely surpassed the qualities of the individual.
    If you lament that modern societies are "weaker" than advocate for more public sports programs and similar institutions.

  6. 2 months ago

    Warrior societies historically sustained themselves by using violence to assert dominance over non-warrior societies while living among them. The idea is that the warriors of the warrior society are such good warriors that mass conscription is never required, which means the productivity of the subject society is never interrupted by total war, and the warrior society is never weakened by prolonged periods of peace. Mostly this works by making sure the warriors raid every neighboring society often enough to prevent then from being a real threat

    • 2 months ago

      So basically what I'm saying is, modern professional militaries can be considered "warrior societies", especially since the core of most modern armed forces are built around well-paid and prestigious veterans who raise their kids with a military tradition. "Military families" are the backbone of the American, British, Canadian, Russian, Australian and Chinese armed forces as well as those of most third world countries. People get inducted into these military societies from the general population through enlistment and the shared experience of service, but members of military families survive more often and are promoted more readily because of inherited knowledge of the military beauraracy as well as ordinary nepotism. In the US marine core for example, you will find the majority of officers belong to families deeply rooted in the warrior clans of Appalachia

  7. 2 months ago

    unironically Israel

    • 2 months ago

      They have standard-issue diapers because their conscript quality is trash

  8. 2 months ago

    Military societies had warrior castes. There's no such thing in capitalism because any goy can be drafted and sent to war.

    • 2 months ago

      Has nothing to do with capitalism you dolt. Communists drafted peasants en masse as infantry to fight wars.

      • 2 months ago

        like the whole ancient world you donkey.
        most of the warrior Greeks were peasants

        • 2 months ago

          So his point is even more shit than previously thought, thanks

  9. 2 months ago

    >Can a modern warrior society even exist?
    No, because a peak physical condition spartan who has trained his whole life for battle can be instantly killed from 100 miles away by smart munitions launched by some morbidly obese dysgenic woman sitting at a computer terminal.

    • 2 months ago

      >launched by some morbidly obese dysgenic woman sitting at a computer terminal.
      Anon even with the digitization of war we don't see obese dysgenic women as top level competitive gamers


      Without question the greatest warrior society in the history of humankind is modern South Korea

      Every male 1 to 3 years mandatory military conscription

      Professional military of 250,000+ of the most elite soldiers the planet has ever known

      Physically alone ROK soldiers would look like modern nfl players versus late 1800s footballers or modern mma fighters versus early 1900s boxers where heavyweight was over 160lb lmfao

      Let's not even get into the substantially higher iq, far more advanced military training/tactics, and obviously the weaponry, they would look like some space race from the year 10000 compared to all others

      Typical ROK soldier is likely 10cm+ taller and probably 30kg heavier than any pre-modern "warrior" societies, in comparison, meme warriors like the spartans would look like women or children next to modern ROK soldiers

      South Korea got hijacked by hyper-feminists under the daughter of the former dictator

      check Starship Warriors book and movie

      Nobody actually adopted those ideas

    • 2 months ago

      This. Guns and artillery and modern high-tech weaponry precludes a warrior society.
      Industrialized war crushed warrior societies.

  10. 2 months ago

    Warrior cultures are invariably surpassed by more specialized and aggressive groups. Or often, they become such groups. So a wise move imo would be to study those more specialized and aggressive groups, what led to their decline and learn from them. They established because they were useful, but to who's end? Why were they discarded or in what way did they fail to adapt, etc.

  11. 2 months ago

    Pure warrior cultures or martial races if they existed were never successful, what is needed is a professional warrior class and huge peasant, craftsmen and tradesmen classes.

    • 2 months ago

      >what is needed

    • 2 months ago

      Warrior cultures are invariably surpassed by more specialized and aggressive groups. Or often, they become such groups. So a wise move imo would be to study those more specialized and aggressive groups, what led to their decline and learn from them. They established because they were useful, but to who's end? Why were they discarded or in what way did they fail to adapt, etc.

      >Can a modern warrior society even exist?
      No, because a peak physical condition spartan who has trained his whole life for battle can be instantly killed from 100 miles away by smart munitions launched by some morbidly obese dysgenic woman sitting at a computer terminal.

      Warrior societies historically sustained themselves by using violence to assert dominance over non-warrior societies while living among them. The idea is that the warriors of the warrior society are such good warriors that mass conscription is never required, which means the productivity of the subject society is never interrupted by total war, and the warrior society is never weakened by prolonged periods of peace. Mostly this works by making sure the warriors raid every neighboring society often enough to prevent then from being a real threat

      debunking the whole topic

      • 2 months ago

        A bunch of somewhat-autonomous ranchers who train at fighting war in some way could technically be called a warrior culture. People post about warrior on police department faceberg pages and linkedIn corporate posts. It means frick all anon.

    • 2 months ago

      Isn't that want a warrior society is? A society were the elites are the warriors and the peasants suffer what they must. Of course not everyone was a warrior what a stupid straw man argument. Apologies if you are actually brain damaged but you might be moronic

      Difference today is that the elites shy away from conflict and get the poor to do the dirty work.

  12. 2 months ago

    Without question the greatest warrior society in the history of humankind is modern South Korea

    Every male 1 to 3 years mandatory military conscription

    Professional military of 250,000+ of the most elite soldiers the planet has ever known

    Physically alone ROK soldiers would look like modern nfl players versus late 1800s footballers or modern mma fighters versus early 1900s boxers where heavyweight was over 160lb lmfao

    Let's not even get into the substantially higher iq, far more advanced military training/tactics, and obviously the weaponry, they would look like some space race from the year 10000 compared to all others

    Typical ROK soldier is likely 10cm+ taller and probably 30kg heavier than any pre-modern "warrior" societies, in comparison, meme warriors like the spartans would look like women or children next to modern ROK soldiers

    • 2 months ago

      The pic in previous post are elite ROK UDT SEALs

      Here's a pic of typical ROK conscripts with professional volunteer US marines

    • 2 months ago


      The pic in previous post are elite ROK UDT SEALs

      Here's a pic of typical ROK conscripts with professional volunteer US marines

      Send them to india, and do what needs to be done.

      • 2 months ago

        Pakistan claims to be a warrior culture but they're just an embarrassment
        Sikhs claim the same

        • 2 months ago

          >Poo's second law
          Yup, spotted the poo. Like clockwork

  13. 2 months ago

    check Starship Warriors book and movie

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