was it really that good?

was it really that good?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Do you guys think this book is hard to read in the original language? Or am I just not a good enough reader

    • 2 years ago

      You mean English? If you can't understand English then you may just be moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      Get an edition with modernised spelling, there's nothing wrong with the language, just the script.

    • 2 years ago

      I myself am an ESL, and I managed to understand and appreciate the poem, so it is no that hard, though you should read other books before.

  3. 2 years ago

    Blind Milton is better

  4. 2 years ago

    If it was more of a story telling structure instead of poetry it wouldve been 10x better

    • 2 years ago

      Beyond belief, truly a masterpiece.

      Black person

  5. 2 years ago

    Penguin audiobook version narrated by Adrian Schiller is better.

  6. 2 years ago

    Honestly the first three books are a bit repetitive. Once he stops talking about Satan's great escape and gets into Adam and Eve, it's actually an interesting read.

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking idiot. Book 2 is incredible. If you don't like Milton then just give up reading English. Pick up a new language.

  7. 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago


    Blank verse is a waste of everyone’s time.

    • 2 years ago

      It has some incredible ideas, references to myth and history, and pretty good poetry

      Milton did have plenty of technique and made great use of trochaic substitution. I don't think the free verse is as much a problem to the poetry of Paradise Lost. The issue comes with cons inherent to a stichic poem, such as making it very difficult if not impossible to organize paragraphs and verses evenly with logic, but the stichic poem is appropriate for the epic narrative he wants to pull off.

      • 2 years ago

        >pretty good poetry
        The state of lit. Shakespeare, Chaucer and Milton are the only 3 English writers who are uncontestable. If your an American poster and you're commenting on my language then consider learning Hispanic instead, as your culture only has Whitman and Le whale book.

        • 2 years ago

          Well excuse me for noth thrashing anon to pieces about it, Milton's my favorite poet and I agree with you on his preeminence. No need to be reactionary about it, and I don't like Whitman, in fact I find him repulsive. I was merely stating that there are advantages to shorter, stochic poetry which that anon was referring to. Milton is good in both and Paradise Lost is not only breddy gud, it's textbook, exemplary, all of the above. The fact that I even gave example of why I thought it was good makes me baffled you were outraged.

          • 2 years ago

            Mutt confirmed. Your culture is fricking pathetic compared with mine. I wish American was a separate language. It's a separate culture just remember that! We have Shakespeare and you have DFW.

          • 2 years ago

            Not even a yank but you clearly haven’t ready anything American. How about Emerson, Pound, London, pierce, Thoreau,Poe

        • 2 years ago

          It has some incredible ideas, references to myth and history, and pretty good poetry

          Milton did have plenty of technique and made great use of trochaic substitution. I don't think the free verse is as much a problem to the poetry of Paradise Lost. The issue comes with cons inherent to a stichic poem, such as making it very difficult if not impossible to organize paragraphs and verses evenly with logic, but the stichic poem is appropriate for the epic narrative he wants to pull off.

          Mutt confirmed. Your culture is fricking pathetic compared with mine. I wish American was a separate language. It's a separate culture just remember that! We have Shakespeare and you have DFW.

          Not even a yank but you clearly haven’t ready anything American. How about Emerson, Pound, London, pierce, Thoreau,Poe

          Stop this. Greatest poet was Cruz e Sousa from Brazil ("Black Dante"). He was on pair with Shakespeare. Good old Black.

          Oh pale, white Forms, clear Forms

          of moonlight, snow, and mist!...

          Oh vague, fluid, translucent Forms...

          Incense burning on altars...
          Forms set with pure, bright lights

          of the love of Virgins and vaporous Saints...

          Wandering brilliances, drenched coolnesses

          and sorrows of lilies and of roses...
          Indescribable music from heaven,

          harmonies of Color and of Fragrance...

          Sunset's hesitant last moments,

          Requiem for the Sun in Light's Pain...
          Visions, psalms and peaceful hymns,

          muffled sounds of organs, sobbing...

          Suspension of sensual malices

          morbid, ecstatíc, subtle and soothing...
          Infinite spirits, scattered,

          inexpressible, Edenic, ethereal,

          fertilize the Mystery of these verses

          with the ideal flame of all mysteries.
          Let the Dream's bluest gauzes

          be bright let the Stanza be exalted

          and let the emotions, the chastities

          of the soul of Verse, sing in these verses.
          Let the gold pollen of the finest stars

          fill and inflame the rhyme with clear passion...

          Let the purification of alabasters glisten

          sonorously, luminously.
          Primitive forces, essences, grace

          in women's bodies, kindnesses...

          Ali those auras that flow from Ether

          in waves of rose-scented, gilded currents...
          Crystals flawed by eager flashes,

          desires, vibrations, longings, gusts

          of courage, bitter triumphs, dark conquests,

          the most peculiar quiverings...
          Dark flowers of boredom and vague flowers

          of empty, unwholesome, elusive loves...

          Crimson depths of old sores,

          open, bleeding in rivers...
          Let all! alive, nervous, hot, and strong,

          in the Dream's fantastical whirlpool

          pass singing before Death's occult

          confusion and terrible profile...

  9. 2 years ago

    I read it first when I was 16. Great book.

  10. 2 years ago

    It is unironically the single greatest piece of literature ever produced. Perhaps even the single greatest piece of art.

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