What books can I read to understand the zoomer generation?

What books can I read to understand the zoomer generation?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Zoomers are post-(and sometimes literally il-)literate.
    Your best chance of understanding them would be looking at Tik-Tok.
    Generations by William Strauss would probably be helpful though.

    • 12 months ago

      Post-literate doesn't exist. It's just rebranded illiteracy

      • 12 months ago

        I'd argue that at no point has life been easier as an illiterate person since before writing was invented. Everything can be solved with symbols and brute forcing when words are presented. The ability to read is becoming less and less important. Donald Trump, our last president, refused to read things handed to him and would only watch briefings in the form of video.

        • 11 months ago

          >refused to read
          >preferred video
          That doesn't count. Preference for one medium does not imply inability to use another.

      • 12 months ago

        I'm not sure that's entirely true. Illiterate means you can't read, words mean nothing, as if you are reading a foreign language all the time. Zoomers are post-literate. Modern people read all the time, online, on the phone, there are words and sentences everywhere- but zoomers have no concept of understanding literature beyond the simple commands and words and stanzas of social media.

        • 12 months ago

          This is wrong. Illiteracy is more than the simple inability to read any language. Actual measurable literacy is low among young people. It's not simply that they won't read literature or don't care to, they can't, and social media text does not foster higher levels of literacy. Calling it "post-literate" instead of illiterate is nonsense schizobabble to veil the inadequacies of both education today and the culture which produced these inadequacies in people.

          • 12 months ago

            jean twenge wrote a book about them

            post-literate is a term to describe cultures, not individuals

            man zoomers haven't had a new dance in ages, it feels like they're already a spent force culturally.

            zoomers don't dance because that's a physical activity

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not sure that's entirely true. Illiterate means you can't read, words mean nothing, as if you are reading a foreign language all the time. Zoomers are post-literate. Modern people read all the time, online, on the phone, there are words and sentences everywhere- but zoomers have no concept of understanding literature beyond the simple commands and words and stanzas of social media.

            In some statistical studies, illiterate means the inability to understand symbols period, i.e. if you can understand a stoplight you technically count as barely literate in those studies even if you can't read

    • 12 months ago

      Post-literate doesn't exist. It's just rebranded illiteracy

      I'd argue that at no point has life been easier as an illiterate person since before writing was invented. Everything can be solved with symbols and brute forcing when words are presented. The ability to read is becoming less and less important. Donald Trump, our last president, refused to read things handed to him and would only watch briefings in the form of video.

      Step 1. Pick up a brick

      Step 2. Bash into your skull repeatedly

      Congratulations, now you understand them greater than they understand themselves

      Zoomer here, I'm better educated than 99% of the browsers on this board. The zoomer meme is just a means for boomers to cope about their impending deaths. The male equivalent of old hens being jealous over young chicks. If there were any rationale involved then there couldn't be as much vitriol as for an entire generation, which includes dumb and smart like every other generation, and the very presence of that resentment for an apparent lesser should tell you all you need to know about real motivation.

      • 12 months ago

        I think they often mean the post iphone generation when they talk about zoomers. 1995-2005 is not what they mean.

      • 12 months ago

        OP here.
        The phenomenon of older generations shitting on the younger is a constant in human history but that wasn't the point of this thread, I genuinely am interested.
        By the way, zoomers are less criticised than millennials were, who in my opinion served as scapegoats for a lot of the effects caused by the GFC.

        Zoomers are post-(and sometimes literally il-)literate.
        Your best chance of understanding them would be looking at Tik-Tok.
        Generations by William Strauss would probably be helpful though.

        I was hoping for something contemporary but I'll keep it in mind.

        • 12 months ago

          Why is the “people did this in the past” argument always trotted out in these discussions. Just because it has historical precedent doesn’t mean that every critique of a new generation is wrong.

          Gen z has been studied and shown to have an IQ decline and digital literacy decline. Did previous generations have IQ to back the claim that the new generation is moronic?

          • 12 months ago

            >Why is the “people did this in the past” argument always trotted out in these discussions.
            I brought it up because his post gave me the impression he thought it was unique.
            >Just because it has historical precedent doesn’t mean that every critique of a new generation is wrong.
            I never made a judgement about whether it was right or wrong.

          • 12 months ago

            >Gen z has been studied and shown to have an IQ decline and digital literacy decline.
            Ah yes, we know that such declines arise spontaneously out of the ether and definitely aren't caused by the actions or lack thereof of the preceding generations. It is the moron's fault that he was born deficient

          • 12 months ago

            >Why is the “people did this in the past” argument always trotted out in these discussions.

            Because talking shit about the younger generations will garner criticism about the older generations, whether right or wrong. How can you not understand this?

            >Just because it has historical precedent doesn’t mean that every critique of a new generation is wrong.

            You've answered your own question.

        • 12 months ago

          Gen Z'er here
          We don't get much hate because the millennials frick us over we are just cleaning their shit (or we will be cleaning their shit

          • 12 months ago

            First hand proof that zoomers are illiterate

          • 12 months ago

            Lol, I do agree that my grammar can be awful (I need to proofread before posting) but it does not make my statement invalid

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah, it's not quite the grammar that makes it invalid. It's the syntax maybe? Idk, it just doesn't make sense. How can it be valid when it doesn't even make sense? And I don't think this is necessarily an effect of illiteracy. I think Zoomers are literate. Maybe not as much as previous generations but still literate. I think the issue is a cognitive one. I experience it myself as a Millenial. The thoughts get jumbled. You can't form a proper sentence that effectively conveys what you mean. I don't think OP or many of the others here who poke fun at you Zoomers blame you all for your behavior. It's your lot in life. You were born into a schizophrenic society. For some reason, Boomers really get a sick thrill out of blaming Millenials for their situation and this drives anyone with seeing eyes mad because it is evident we are simply doing our best given the world they gave us. We can all hate on Boomers because they were born into the most prosperous time in human history and immediately squandered it through self-indulgence and myopia. Truly the "Me" generation. But again, I don't blame them or actually hate them. Simply a product of their environment. Good times create weak men, etc.

          • 12 months ago

            I agree, most zoomers are bilingual (or speak more than 2 languages) from an early age which can affect your thinking patterns, speech and writing (not to mention world view).

          • 11 months ago

            Mumble rap isn't a language

          • 11 months ago

            No they don't lol. Most 2nd or 3rd gen Latinx zoomers don't even know Spanish.

          • 11 months ago

            He's probably European.

          • 11 months ago

            Even if this is technically human speech, to me the person that wrote this counts as illiterate. Disregarding syntax and punctuation is unacceptable. Imagine some guy reading this out loud, verbatim, including the missing pauses that should have been marked by punctuation here.

          • 11 months ago

            This is the person who failed English in middle school.

          • 11 months ago

            don't forget your punctuations lil shayniqua

          • 12 months ago

            >Clean it up zoomie!
            t. your soon to be millennial overlord

          • 12 months ago

            >implying that millennials could do anything besides rent and lease stuff
            literally the new silent generation shut yo avocado-toast facebook ass up Daniel

          • 12 months ago

            Quite the contrary zoomieboy. That's a myth. Millennials are the most educated generation in history, and quite competent. We're slowly taking over, one dead boomer or milquetoast gen x'er at a time. Make sure to wear a tie at the job interview. I'll be waiting.
            Now shine my shoes.

          • 11 months ago

            >Millennials are the most educated generation in history, and quite competent.
            Lmao ok see you in 30 years when shit is exactly the same. self-important moron

          • 11 months ago

            >shine my shoes
            Oh lawdy massa

          • 12 months ago

            They can't even control their polycules. Or their thoughts. Or their diets.

        • 11 months ago

          It is honestly amazing how not wanting to buy the goods and services of some business is somehow my fault. Am I supposed to be buying all this stuff and going to these restaurants I don't even like?

          • 11 months ago

            the funny one is them complaining about millenials not eating unhealthy foods

          • 11 months ago

            the funny one is them complaining about millenials not eating unhealthy foods

            >millenials killing unnecessary, self-indulgent and overexpensive shit.
            Based, and I'm not even a millenial.
            However, it's boomers who killed the access to such things for millenials by raising prices and lowering wages

          • 11 months ago

            I don't think so, unless were talking about homeownership. I don't go to McDonald's or Applebee's because it's terrible and/or boring food. Same reason I don't shop at J. Crew. Their clothes are uninteresting and lack style.
            It's not that Millennials don't have the money to go to these places, it's that Millennials have more taste than all that.

          • 11 months ago

            >Am I supposed to be buying all this stuff and going to these restaurants I don't even like?
            Yes, our usurious economy actually dies if you merely save money and don't take on debt.

        • 11 months ago

          Jesus what didn't millenials destroy?

          • 11 months ago

            My dick (I'm a virgin)

      • 12 months ago

        And I'm also trans if that matters

        • 12 months ago

          Imagine bringing up you have a mental disease for no reason

        • 12 months ago

          >better educated than 99% of

          You're not as smart as you think you are zoom zoom

          I am also a Zoomer and you are fricking moronic.

          All the millennials seething about zoomers are the same ones who b***hed about boomers seething about them.

          • 12 months ago

            Boomers were locusts and zoomers are braindead morons who grew up on the internet but don't know how to use it.

          • 12 months ago

            >Boomers were locusts
            Millennials would've done the exact same things as boomers, they're just mad that they were born too late. Big generations are naturally corrupt.

          • 12 months ago

            >if you were born at the same point in history as a preceding generation you would be reflective of that generation
            What a nonpoint. See, zoom zooms are idiots.

          • 12 months ago

            More like
            >Millennials have the same amount of solipsistic greed as boomers and would have plundered the earth just the same so they are only seething that they can't take the treasures of the earth to their grave.
            But I don't expect a millennial to have any reading comprehension, what with how occupied they are with their midlife crisis.

          • 11 months ago

            The point you are trying to make also applies to you zoomie.

          • 11 months ago

            >changes original point
            >uses a thesaurus
            Still pretty dumb, zoom zoom. Broccoli hair isn't a substitute for a brain.

            >Still doesn't get it
            Millennial "brain" cranking hard. I guess you, samegay, were still high from your saturday morning cartoon, cereal and weed fest.

          • 11 months ago

            At this point I doubt whether you know the point you are trying to make. Because your words were pretty clear. That tik tok app must have truly messed your brain up, zoomer. Is this the zoomer mentality ? With a head so far up their ass that even they don't know what they were thinking.

          • 11 months ago

            >Still doesn't get it
            Never change fattie

          • 11 months ago

            >labours a nonpoint for days
            Zoom zoom...

          • 11 months ago

            At this point I doubt whether you know the point you are trying to make. Because your words were pretty clear. That tik tok app must have truly messed your brain up, zoomer. Is this the zoomer mentality ? With a head so far up their ass that even they don't know what they were thinking.

            Once again, samegay

          • 11 months ago

            You wish, zoom zoom. Everyone knows you're moronic.

          • 11 months ago

            Samegay who is spiritually the same as a boomer

          • 11 months ago

            > thinks it's somehow better if only 1 anonymous stranger fricks with him
            Updoot mentality broke your brain, zoom zoom. Get off social media and experience the world.

          • 11 months ago

            >Basically admitting it
            Samegay fatlennial. Experience your gf more instead of letting the neighbourhood do it.

          • 11 months ago

            >blah blah blah gf blah blah blah bawd
            Brevity is the soul of wit, zoom zoom.

          • 11 months ago

            >changes original point
            >uses a thesaurus
            Still pretty dumb, zoom zoom. Broccoli hair isn't a substitute for a brain.

          • 11 months ago

            original point
            nah thats what i meant
            >t. original point maker

          • 11 months ago

            You did but it's vapid either way so...

          • 11 months ago

            boomer move to passive aggressively shift the goalposts

          • 11 months ago

            >wrote something dumb
            >called out
            >seething days later
            Zoom zoom...

          • 11 months ago

            this a slow board, boomer. if you dont like it you can go back to facebook

          • 11 months ago

            But the millenials porridge was just right

        • 11 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >better educated than 99% of

        • 11 months ago

          Holy shit my brain just autofilled that to users. Guess I'm just superior.

      • 12 months ago

        You're not as smart as you think you are zoom zoom

      • 12 months ago

        I am also a Zoomer and you are fricking moronic.

      • 12 months ago

        Even if you are intelligent anon you lack something that all younger generations do... Wisdom.
        Try to understand that wisdom comes with time and learning from those that have it. Older generation people that realize that this goes both ways are the ones that prosper the most.

      • 12 months ago

        One day It'll all end, and someone will say "remember boomers?"

      • 12 months ago

        No, you’re not. And being educated doesn’t mean shit. You could have a degree and still be a moron

      • 12 months ago

        Your generation doesnt even know how a mirror works

        • 11 months ago

          They can't even grasp what POV means.

          • 11 months ago

            It’s a porn genre

      • 11 months ago

        Boomers seething and killing themselves right now lol

      • 11 months ago

        The more you know, the more you become aware of what you don't know.

        Your overconfidence is proof you know don't shit.

      • 11 months ago

        >The zoomer meme is just a means for boomers to cope about their impending deaths
        kek moron

      • 11 months ago

        This is the way tr00ns brag about being better than real women.

      • 11 months ago

        The post that destroyed IQfy

      • 11 months ago

        >t. Aalewis' long-lost younger brother

      • 11 months ago

        >I'm better educated than 99% of the browsers on this board
        kek, literally all 20-something-year-olds think they're hot shit. in one way or another. The insecurity is actually pretty on-brand.
        >The zoomer meme is just a means for boomers to cope about their impending deaths
        You're never gonna die?
        >If there were any rationale involved
        Weren't zoomies fricked by covid when they literally pissed away a year of education doing online classes? Not to mention it's not like this generation is obsessed with STEM. The top career desire is Youtuber/influencer. And finally, tidepods unironically.
        > the very presence of that resentment for an apparent lesser
        Oh please, you're just the youngest.

        • 11 months ago

          >And finally, tidepods unironically.
          You're embarrassing yourself.

          • 11 months ago

            I am not embarrassed. I am looking down at you with disgust as tidepod juice rolls down your nubile zoomie cheeks. Yummy, yummy there's detergent in your tummy.

      • 11 months ago

        We're just the new punching bags now that millenials are middle aged. All the same memes about the millenials are repeated about us verbatim.

        • 11 months ago

          Really, we need to do our best if we keep our shit together and nukes don't fly to cut gen Alpha or whatever the frick a break while remaining self-aware. I think I'll die a little if I start seeing fellow Zoom zooms desperately putting down Gen A to feel better about themselves.

      • 11 months ago

        Perfect bait though

      • 11 months ago

        Zoomers will die in their 40s of popcorn lung from vaping fourteen hours a day

      • 11 months ago

        You know what, not bad at all kid, that was amazing bait you executed there

      • 11 months ago

        delusional moron

    • 11 months ago

      Post-literate doesn't exist. It's just rebranded illiteracy

      I refer to this as e-literacy. That is, these “people” are only capable of reading small clips of text from a screen. Click-clock, Twitter comments, Facebook, advertisements, menus at goyslop establishments, etc. but they are actually incapable of reading a book, not to mention critically evaluating the contents of a larger set of text. They represent a milestone in the cultural zeitgeist, the near-perfection in the creation of The Perfect Consumer. E-literacy will set the pace for a marked decline in birth rate (they will all prefer to have house pets which they believe will cure their mental health issues), an increase in mental health related issues (“gender” and racial identity dysphoria: the new hip to the hop), and many other intriguing new phenomena to come, all easily avoidable of course. But it’s easy to be a lazy sack of shit in the short term. Reading a worthwhile book is heard work compared to the shirt term dopamine rush of the e-literate lifestyle. I’d say I feel sorry for them, but that would be a lie. I’d say “I hate to say I told you so”, but that would also be a lie. I get a kick out of seeing these barely-human automatons blonder about without a clue. And the best part is that I’m seen as the weird one for barely using the internet and choosing to study and collect books as my main hobby. Such a funny world we live in.

    • 11 months ago

      Post-literate doesn't exist. It's just rebranded illiteracy

      I'd argue that at no point has life been easier as an illiterate person since before writing was invented. Everything can be solved with symbols and brute forcing when words are presented. The ability to read is becoming less and less important. Donald Trump, our last president, refused to read things handed to him and would only watch briefings in the form of video.

      What a cope. The statistics of reading books for generations before zoomers was less than 1 book per year per person

  2. 12 months ago

    Step 1. Pick up a brick

    Step 2. Bash into your skull repeatedly

    Congratulations, now you understand them greater than they understand themselves

  3. 12 months ago

    I am pro-zoomer and anti-millennial and anyone with a working brain knows that boomers are the worst generation in human history.

  4. 12 months ago

    man zoomers haven't had a new dance in ages, it feels like they're already a spent force culturally.

    • 11 months ago

      This. It's already over for zoomies. Move on to gen a

    • 11 months ago

      >he didnt watch Wednesday

  5. 12 months ago

    Fahrenheit 45's society is eerily similar to where we're going.

    Nothing must be offensive to anybody, everything condensed down to only a few minutes for ease and modern attention spans.

  6. 12 months ago

    Dontnread Nay and watch 8 hours of tiè Tokyo

  7. 12 months ago

    The End of History and the Last Man

  8. 12 months ago

    Baudrillard's "Simulacra and Simulation" followed by Adorno and Horkheimer's "The Dialectic of Enlightenment"

    Alternatively, just Read C.S. Lewis' "The Abolition of Man" which contains the theses of the aformentioned works despite being shorter than either one.

  9. 12 months ago

    >Generation Z – also known as Gen Z, iGen or postmillennial – are a highly collaborative cohort that cares deeply about others and have a pragmatic attitude about how to address a set of inherited issues like climate change, according to research by Roberta Katz, a senior research scholar at Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS).
    >For quite a while, people were critical of what they saw as a generation that was too coddled and “soft.” Gen Zers were called “snowflakes” and “unwilling to grow up.” But much of that negative judgment came from a misunderstanding of what it is like to grow up in today’s world when compared with how their elders grew up.
    >I came to understand that Gen Zers are, on the whole, much better adapted to life in a digital age than those of us who are older and that they can be very frustrated by what appear to them to be outdated and often irrelevant ways of doing things.
    >Taken together, the scholars’ research offers a snapshot of who Gen Zers really are, what matters to them and why. Findings from Katz’s and her co-authors’ research are detailed in a new book, Gen Z, Explained: The Art of Living in a Digital Age
    t. Roberta Katz

    • 11 months ago

      >I came to understand that Gen Zers are, on the whole, much better adapted to life in a digital age than those of us who are older and that they can be very frustrated by what appear to them to be outdated and often irrelevant ways of doing things.

      Yet for some reason they can't create or open a folder on their PCs.

  10. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      oops, wrong side

    • 12 months ago

      oops, wrong side

      only way to get zoomers to read

  11. 12 months ago

    >What books can I read to understand the zoomer generation?
    OP didn't include that he's surrounded by trannies.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      It was drag queens, philistine. And no, it's not the same thing.

      • 12 months ago

        >And no, it's not the same thing.
        Yeah it is.

  12. 12 months ago

    You're no different from zoomers.

    • 12 months ago

      Worthless post

      • 12 months ago

        You are both consoomers taught by tv and grew up on mcdonalds. Genuinely the same. Bond over star wars 17 and gta 43.

  13. 12 months ago

    My diary daysu

  14. 12 months ago

    Lurk various Discord channels.

    • 12 months ago

      Did this and now i got groomed into being a bnwo bawd by balding fat 35 year olds.

      • 12 months ago

        'Tis a perilous path, but a well-versed navigator with a keen mind can traverse safely through.

  15. 12 months ago

    1/3 of this generation was raised by mothers who guiltlessly murdered their siblings in the womb there were conceived in.
    >birth control
    Zoomers have been subconsciously told that they are worth something that their parents wanted by choosing to have less kids instead of them. This could be a nicer house, a pool, or maybe a vacation twice a year - that is, the average zoomer has been told by their parents choices that their life is worth about $5-30K/year.
    Average zoomer has been raised with zero morals by flesh factories who pretend to be parents.
    Surrounded by morally vacuous and aesthetically meritless art since they were 0. It's common for us to have thought that Marvel movies are real art at some point in our lives unless our parents were exceptionally well educated.
    >porn and coed environments
    Because the average zoomer man has grown up around, and went through puberty, being surrounded by women he uses porn as a defense against being horny in coed spaces such as the work place or the classroom and ends up becoming a sexual degenerate or if they were molested old enough then they become gay.
    Because divorce allows for children to be made vulnerable to boyfriends and uncles about 1/5 - 1/4 of men and 1/4 - 1/3 of women were molested before the age of 18.
    Often because of abortion and birth controls teaches children that they are relatively valuable and not divinely they tend to be spiritually empty and worldly depressed and so they often have SSRI prescriptions.

    I will be unambiguous and clear sighted - we will burn this Satan worshipping culture to the ground and piss on its grave. Every beat poet, sexual revolutionary, and work of "progressivism" will be put into the dumpster, lit on fire, and then we will have to bear the shame of three to five generations who turned their back on God to have Apple computers and the illusion that medicine would leave to immortality.

    • 12 months ago

      only 2 more weeks right brother?

      • 12 months ago

        Is pointing to moral failings that are endemic in causing misery somehow Qtard tier or is it just because you are spiritually castrated and morally inept and intellectually bankrupt? I know it's ll three but I am hoping you will say it for me.

    • 12 months ago

      >It's common for us to have thought that Marvel movies are real art at some point in our lives unless our parents were exceptionally well educated
      This part is kind of shocking. Marvel *anything* is not real art.

      >I will be unambiguous and clear sighted - we will burn this Satan worshipping culture to the ground and piss on its grave. Every beat poet, sexual revolutionary, and work of "progressivism" will be put into the dumpster, lit on fire,
      >...Every beat poet...

      I can live without the beats, but can I still keep Whitman?

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        No one mentioned John Gatto who was a teacher who spent the last 20ish years of his life criticizing America's schools. Everything he has written about got much worse after Common Core.

        He's not wrong, modernity is very inhumane.

        • 11 months ago

          yeah, modern society is alienating, destroys any semblance of community by exalting the individual which actual isolates the individual, and is all around killing us inside slowly

          poster is in fricking hysterics over Satan worshipping and leftists and needs to get checked for schizoposting

    • 11 months ago

      Pretty good summary. Being a child in an anti natalist culture can only frick up a psyche.

      • 11 months ago

        how is this antinatalism?

        most antinatalism I've read about talks about bringing life immoral by introducing said life to suffering

        modern day culture isn't anti-natalist in this sense, it makes everything overbearingly hostile to the idea of having kids. yet it operates against itself because it seemingly needs kids to feed the never ending cycle of growth, its operations just act counter to its needs but people are still having children?

  16. 12 months ago

    I never fell into this divide and conquer tactic so I've never used this word to talk shit about any generation, younger or older than me. I have enough hate and other negative emotions and I don't need more. It's not their fault that they were born into a world with an aggressive encroachment of ideology and technology, the latter leading up to merging with machines, so lets not forget that's on the horizon. Keep in mind they're not the perpetrators of what's going in the world that but the victims. I don't want to get preachy but

    >Do Not Judge
    >7 “Judge[a] not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what [b]judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?

    In other words 'what goes around comes around'. What's stopping them from turning on you?

    Imagine you're talking to a young guy who said something seemingly incredibly stupid. If you're the "wise old man" and all he sees is insults and sneering, would he be inclined to listen, or would he start to disregard anything more experienced people tell him? If the previous generation lived in a freer and a less fanatical world, the least they can do is communicate *well* how things ought to be, and pass on how to make better value judgements about the status quo and the things that are being rolled out. If you're talking to someone you think is brainwashed, imagine he's your son, take responsibility to have a talk with him because his parents clearly never did. Or don't, because that's the only way to reach someone. If the older gen was so good, then they should've brought them up well, but instead, they left the world do the upbringing. The teachers, youtube, tiktok, etc. So you have three choices

    >don't do anything
    >have a serious talk as if you're his dad

    I'm well aware this is IQfy but ad homimen exchanges almost never lead to any resolution, IRL or on here. The levels of division and breakdown of communication are staggering.

    • 12 months ago

      Based. Thank you, anon. One reasonable comment in a sea of bullshit.

    • 12 months ago

      Judgement is not the withholding of exhortation but the frankness that you must be willing to state the truth with compassion yet also realize that if you aren't willing to risk yourself to share your morals to help someone else then you should shut up. I think criticizing the generations before us as godless heathens who fornicated and aborted away their time rather than to love God is not wrong nor is it inaccurate to say that people have free will - I'm not turning a blind eye to sin to pretend that that is not judging but rather that acknowledging, specifying, and explaining the reasons for sin is crucial.

      • 12 months ago

        And their parents fought in wars that ensured their own descendants would be enslaved. The greatest generation died for nothing, and they were the children of the silent generation before them, who were unknowing proteges and key actors in initiating the domino of destruction. Millions of corpses, however as you well know, the chain of sins goes way back, and the only one who can save us all is Christ. You can't beat people until they're smart, kids and the elderly in this case. Your best bet is long-form dialogue if you want to prevent or fix something, because that sticks. Fixing the sin on someone is easy, fixing the problem, not so much. How something *ought* to be is a more compelling argument, a vision is a better argument than one-word slurs. I don't know your post history but from what I've read on this site, this is the first time I'm seeing that particular justification for gen Z | baby boomer 'judgement' as you say. I think in general, not you specifically, anons are just pissed and they find a punching bag, and they throw a punch.

        Matthew 7:1-5 is about sinners making judgements because they have a log in their eye. It's about hypocrites, and you conveniently left out the verse that clarifies it's about hypocrites like all the fake hippie "Christians" always do.

        >John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

        It implies how God will judge us, and it also means 'no double standards' for us when dealing with people, I'm not saying "we shouldn't judge". What you're arguing doesn't conflict with anything I said, that's actually my point. The generations between the baby boomers and gen Z aren't innocent either and if they keep shitting on gen Z and gen "Alpha" now, the kids will find whatever's wrong with us and throw shit back, it's simple cause and effect.

        The result will be a pointless antagonism and a severed link between the generations, and that's all I'm arguing for: intergenerational cohesion, as it ought to be. Like a Norman Rockwell painting.

        I could be wrong but I think there may be a cognitive bias involved in the sparring between Millenials etc. and gen Z somehow -- 'The Curse of Knowledge' bias specifically. I guess the internet and the ease of accessing your "thing" feeds that bias. Lets say if a Millenial knows something he'll assume everyone knows the same thing as him, from having files on your own HD instead of streaming, to specific internet communities, to different beliefs about, for example their sexual identity or what constitutes a good film, book, music, which gets into values, the Millenial will assume the kids know about external drives and XYZ propaganda, so anyone who falls in a trap is worthy of Schadenfreude. As far as I can tell there's no dialogue between large swathes of people including adjacent generations. We don't communicate, and that's to everybody's peril, because the future is fricking grim, least we can do is warn them. As I'm typing this I realize that I'm pretty cold-hearted and uncaring towards them as well, I'm really not trying to point the finger, I'm even typing from the premise that they're absolutely stupid and lost and they can't possibly know something I don't.

        We don't care about the kids.

        • 12 months ago

          Also, we could just talk with with them as if they're normal people, it's not like they have a barrier around them, unless we give them one.

    • 12 months ago

      Matthew 7:1-5 is about sinners making judgements because they have a log in their eye. It's about hypocrites, and you conveniently left out the verse that clarifies it's about hypocrites like all the fake hippie "Christians" always do.

      >John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

  17. 12 months ago

    that dance is actually so hard, I cannot coordinate my body like that

  18. 12 months ago

    No cap zoomers are a fun generation. They're huge bawds too

    • 11 months ago

      >They're huge bawds too.
      The only upside. My next gf has to have no living memory of 9/11.

      • 11 months ago

        Mine too

  19. 12 months ago

    Sigmund Freud will get you pretty far into understanding to psyche of humanity. Read him if you want to understand yourself and why zoomers are so fricked up in the head.

  20. 12 months ago

    Unironically, read Berserk. It has everything you need to understand them
    >Getting cucked
    >Raped by a black guy
    >Friend betrays them
    >moronic gf

    • 12 months ago

      Nah, thousand and one nights tier stories have been around for every generation. Don't think it will make Ubermenschen out of them either.

  21. 12 months ago

    there's bowling alone

  22. 12 months ago

    The Hunger Games
    Percy Jackson
    Harry Potter

    Those are some zoomer classics

  23. 12 months ago

    Say what you want about Zoomers but at least we weren’t responsible for Scott Pilgrim and Homestuck. I’m e-girlng thinking of all the millennials who can’t look back at their teenage years without dying of firsthand embarrassment of how moronic they were.

    • 12 months ago

      Millennials are probably the most cringe generation.
      At least boomers have testosterone, and zoomers know that society is complete bullshit and not worth participating in.
      Millennials have no testosterone, and they are still slaving away with the hopes of being rich one day.
      90% of Urban/ Suburban Millennials are straight up bug men

      • 12 months ago

        >zoomers know that society is complete bullshit and not worth participating in.

        u wot

      • 12 months ago

        >that pic

      • 11 months ago

        Glad I grew up on a farm, then

  24. 12 months ago

    I think anyone that defines themselves along generational lines by calling themself a "zoomer" or anything similar is just doing it to feel a part of something bigger than themselves. It's pathetic, really.

  25. 11 months ago

    Who is the zoomer "Voice of a generation"?

    • 11 months ago

      Probably just another bourgeois eunuch. They seem to be all the rage these days.

  26. 11 months ago

    The Society of the Spectacle

  27. 11 months ago

    Psychopolitics, but also any Baudrillard. Social movements are usually a generation behind intellectual ones, that’s how long it takes those influenced to gain enough power to shape society.

    • 11 months ago

      I kind of feel bad for the Zoomers+ who are growing up in this nightmarish modern world completely unmoored from the real

  28. 11 months ago

    You had your thing, just like they have theirs. Stop being weird about it.

    • 11 months ago

      Not OP but yes, I'm legit concerned about this and I'm a zoomie. I really feel mindraped thinking about the numerous problems plaguing the current society be it the rise of wealth inequality, AI or intelligent bots that can vastly reduce the need for human labour, rampant usage of drugs that drastically alter ones' mind & body, INCELDOM, rise in functional illiteracy & innumeracy, resource depletion at a never b4 seen scale, decline in IQ & other necessary psychological traits, decline in ethics, etc, etc.. Our generation seems to be getting more & more stupid and hopeless each day. They're very well aware of the impending waterfall but they don't wish to do anything about it. One can't also deny that gen Zers were born to parents who were heavily exposed to endocrine disruptors.

  29. 11 months ago

    Interview me. I represent on behalf all of Gen Z

    • 11 months ago

      Why are you gay?

      • 11 months ago

        your mother

        • 11 months ago

          Answer the question

          • 11 months ago

            >old and illiterate
            Tsk tsk

          • 11 months ago


  30. 11 months ago

    this makes me inexplicably angry like i want to throw it into the ocean

  31. 11 months ago

    Zooms get a bad rap. What we should be questioning is this merciless psychopathology toward younger generations. The young are simultaneously praised and worshiped for their promise, their beauty, etc etc, the future of the nation and the bearers of our seed. At the same time they are subject to this relentless, psychopathic criticism , as if they are wholly responsible for their fate and the extremely dysfunctional world they were born into and are inheriting--which, by the way, the older generations ARE responsible for. In psychology there's something called a fundamental attribution error, where one attributes to a person's core personality what are in reality situational or circumstantial variables. E.g someone lashes out at you. You attribute it to them being a mean person, when in reality they were just stressed. Similarly, zoomers have their psycho-behavioral dysfunctions, but they are also subject to dysfunctional technologies and culture. Of course it would frick them up.
    The real problem is why each generation wants to consume the next like fodder. Maybe it has something to do with the socioeconomic system we all live under that pits everyone against each other in competition and individualizes and personalizes social and political problems.

    • 11 months ago

      It's just learned antinatalism warring with biological impulses to procreate.

    • 11 months ago

      >The real problem is why each generation wants to consume the next like fodder.
      because people are evil, selfish, miserable perverted creatures. there's something so grotesque about older men trying to stick their dick in the next generation

  32. 11 months ago

    Sooners have killed this board. At least their girls are easy and like older guys

  33. 11 months ago

    just get a lobotomy

  34. 11 months ago

    The Shallows by that one guy

  35. 11 months ago

    Gen X = Zoomer > Milennial = Boomer.
    If this every other generation is good thing rings true, (since good generation raises good generation, and vice versa), than the next generation (Alpha) will probably be the worst in humanity.

    • 11 months ago

      Gen-X are wannabe boomer scum and their apologists are pathetic

      • 11 months ago

        Gen-X do not want to be boomers. We hate the boomers, but we resent gen-Y and Z (millennials and zoomers) for calling us boomers. They’re just being stupid. But you have to admit, your generation is coming out more poisoned than the previous ones and it’s troubling. This isn’t a generational thing/problem, it’s A CLASS WAR

        • 11 months ago

          >Gen-X do not want to be boomers.
          Your singular complaint was that instead of owning 10 investment properties you'd only be able to afford 5

          • 11 months ago

            Oh bullshit. my generation did OWS. Your's thinks bitcoin and NFTs will save the world, all you gotta do is lay flat

          • 11 months ago

            OWS was a millennial movement you absolute moron

        • 11 months ago

          Okay boomer

        • 11 months ago

          "Hi, I bought this by accident, and I'd like to return it. I think I mistaked it for another product."

        • 11 months ago

          >Gen-X do not want to be boomers. We hate the boomers, but we resent gen-Y and Z (millennials and zoomers) for calling us boomers
          Look I get it, but you have to understand I have been dealing with particularly unpleasant Gen X at my job who I suppose you could call Boomer collaborators.

          They have a very schizo sense on authority, both getting angry when I try to respectfully call them by their last name, but also getting angry when I make some social mistake they never mentioned before but actually care about even after they claimed they want a casual work environment.

          That level of arbitrary management is extremely frustrating. I can deal with both extremes, but not one flipping between them every 20 minutes.

          They also just stare at me when I make an incorrect answer, instead of telling me what is wrong or here is what I should do in the future.

          • 11 months ago

            you sound like a frickup

          • 11 months ago

            Perhaps, it's bad management regardless. Lot of the other people just quit or jump to our rivals for a raise.

    • 11 months ago

      Same way gen x are mini boomers, alpha will be mini zoomers and likely lumped in with zoomers

  36. 11 months ago

    >What books can I read to understand the zoomer generation?
    The Holy Bible.

  37. 11 months ago

    there is no such books
    this is the worst generation
    born right when smartphones was easy way for parrents to make child busy, before it was common knowlege that this is terible for kids, right when tick tock and social media was on the rise
    and noone seen the coming consequences of using those
    right when porn was increasingly preverted, degenerate and easy to acces
    next generations - the one that is now 0-2 years old will be better
    parents already take notice what kids do , what they watch, and many cut them off from internet all together - litterary no smartphone till 12/14yo rule etc

  38. 11 months ago

    I know its not in line with the OP's topic, but if people are interested in the 'illiteracy' argument check out Ontario's 'Right to Read'. Basically, parents in some Northern rural areas are making the claim that their children shouldn't be forced to learn to read and write if they don't want to.

  39. 11 months ago

    Do you have a child or a younger siblings you're attempting to reach?

    I have a 14 year old brother. I've been forcing him to do more intellectual things. I had him play Final Fantasy Stranger of Paradise, a prequel to FF1. He loved it so much he wanted to actually play the orignals, he lived those as well, 4 and 5 being his favorite. Took him maybe a month, he seems reluctant to play 6 or any further because he prefers the Job Class system, I dont like it but atleast he tried something considered boomer trash by modern standards. We watched The Secret Lufe if Walter Mitty. I watched it as a late teen and its one of my favorite melancholic films. I'll show him punch drunk love next.

    I started reading the Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem to him adding in the proper vocal tone and inflections for Trurl and Klaupacious. I asked him if he wanted me to stop, he said no. He even turned off the ps4 to hear me finish the second story. I'll be reading two tales from the cyberiad to him per day. Im not claiming that any if these things are super intellectual, but compared to watching Black person Prank videos and NFL YouTube shorts, I'd consider this Einstein tier shit for him.

    • 11 months ago

      Jeez, just make him read Tolkien and Herbert and let him figure the rest out for himself like everyone else

      • 11 months ago

        The issue is the Attention Span. He already likes Medieval, Low and High Fantasy settings. Dragons Dogma, Nioh, etc. They all have shiny things exploding on screen and things to keep them hooked. A child with no sense of genuine creativity is incapable of reading a story and designing the world in their own mind. He literally can not do it. I'll read the story, he'll say huh?, then I'll translate it to zoomer speak and all if a sudden he gets it.

        • 11 months ago

          >He literally can not do it. I'll read the story, he'll say huh?, then I'll translate it to zoomer speak and all if a sudden he gets it.
          But that's the problem, though. He needs to learn the LANGUAGE. This means reading the text for himself and actually understanding it. For example, you may be annoyed by how original The Night Land is written because it's flowery and archaic, but you can go through just fine if you apply yourself.

          • 11 months ago

            Thats the goal though, by reading him well written and interesting stories, It will eventually lead to him wanting to read them himself because there are so many. Im only doing this one book and he has already asked me about the author. For his age, my end goal is Hyperion.

            I completely agree with you though, I use to read for fun as a small child, started with the Magicians nephew at age 10, then to Discworld and Philip K. Dick. Im trying Murakami but the books are just odd. iQ84 had a very interesting first few chapters.

          • 11 months ago

            >Thats the goal though, by reading him well written and interesting stories, It will eventually lead to him wanting to read them himself because there are so many.
            I think he'll just move to audio books.

    • 11 months ago

      get him to play the saga or mana games, anon

  40. 11 months ago

    Gotchoo bruh.

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