what did Nietzsche mean by this? he sounds very postmodern in this essay

what did Nietzsche mean by this? he sounds very postmodern in this essay

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  1. 8 months ago

    Voltaire mogged mustache man.
    there's a reason why pseuds like Deleuze like NEETzche.

  2. 8 months ago

    I suppose Pilate was also a "post-modernist" then? I swear you guys just throw terms around.

    • 8 months ago

      You have not read Plato if you think he'd ever take a relativist stance on truth of all things, I dare you to post a single excerpt from Plato's works where he basically refers to truth as a sum of shared meta-narratives ingrained in society's consciousness, which is basically what postmodernism is all about.

      • 8 months ago

        Pilate ≠ Plato...

        • 8 months ago

          sorry anon it's 6 am in the morning, I better go drink my coffee before I post on a philosophy thread of all things

          • 8 months ago

            this is true, you have to bring your best to the chinese cartoon boar

    • 8 months ago

      Pilate: "What is truth?" ≠ Nietzsche's "Truth is an illusion."

      • 8 months ago

        He's talking about statements considered true, this should be obvious if you're literate and honest but you're neither. In BGE he ties this to "I think therefore I am". The statement rests on metaphors we don't notice are metaphors. Every single word in every language is rooted in a metaphor, this is least clear in English where the history of every word is almost totally obscured. Anglos are the most likely to think words are fundamental somehow. They don't understand the poetic metaphors behind the words, only the conditioned association so they think a word itself has some real relationship to the association.

        • 8 months ago

          throws rock at your stupid b***h ass head
          there's your truth lil b***h

          • 8 months ago

            Again you're just being dishonest, illiterate or both. What you said has no relationship to anything I said or anything quoted by OP.

          • 8 months ago

            proceeds to throw a rock at you again, ESL b***hass
            even though you can't comprehend an argument and aren't educated enough to know the reference to western philosophy (probably bc you're an ESL subredditor), that doesn't mean i'm going to spoonfeed (You)

        • 8 months ago

          what you're describing is structuralism, the ideology that led to postmodern thought, believe it or not but your revelation about language wasn't that widely delved into by the likes of Descartes or whoever built his thoughts on existing axioms.
          the study of language itself is what led to the works of people like Derrida & Deleuze

          • 8 months ago

            >what you're describing is structuralism
            No, what I'm describing is morons like you confusing words for reality and calling it truth.
            Every moron understands post-modernism is based on Nietzsche. Only the exact type of moron being described by Nietzsche here thinks the association is damning of anything he says. You don't think, you condition
            >your revelation about language wasn't that widely delved into by the likes of Descartes
            That's the fricking point moron.

            proceeds to throw a rock at you again, ESL b***hass
            even though you can't comprehend an argument and aren't educated enough to know the reference to western philosophy (probably bc you're an ESL subredditor), that doesn't mean i'm going to spoonfeed (You)

            Neither my post nor the original quote are meant to challenge your ideas about rocks hurting. If you read any of it as implying anything of the sort you're illiterate. If you pretend that's the point despite knowing it's not you're dishonest.

          • 8 months ago

            >No, what I'm describing is morons like you
            Not worth engaging with in good faith, come back when you're over 18 and are able to have a conversation without name calling, until then no opinion of yours holds any value

          • 8 months ago

            You're actually proud of being unable to get over your petty ego bullshit like the moron you are?
            After dishonestly misrepresenting people multiple times you have the lack of awareness to sperg about the inexcusable social faux-pas of calling out your moronic shit as moronic?
            You're absolutely, irredeemably moronic. I even answered every question you raised but of course gratitude for someone sincerely engaging with your dishonest, moronic shit doesn't even occur to you.

          • 8 months ago

            not that anon
            you're using low iq adhominem arguments
            go back to your subreddit

          • 8 months ago

            >you're using low iq adhominem arguments
            Demonstrably false.
            You're unable to untangle anything I say because you don't think. All you have are these vague associations between things that trigger responses like claiming I'm using a fallacy but you're just revealing you don't even understand fallacies, basic "reddit" shit.
            There's no logic presented that rests on you being moronic. I did not avoid any argument or question based on the fact that you're moronic. Despite you being an absolute moron I engaged in good faith while adding the point that you're absolutely, irredeemably moronic as an aside.

          • 8 months ago

            What about "not that anon," did you not understand. You are low IQ and schizophrenic. Hope that helps!

          • 8 months ago

            How is it relevant moron? Again you're talking about something that nothing actually rests on as if it's relevant. No hint of understand of basic logic.

          • 8 months ago

            Because you're an imbecile writing to me as if I'm the other poster. It demonstrates to me that you are either schizophrenic, and therefore cannot concentrate logically, or are simply too low IQ to logically process what is stated to you. Hope this helps 🙂

          • 8 months ago

            This is a textbook example of the famous ad hominem logical fallacy. Look it up.

          • 8 months ago

            oh yeah?
            >Despite you being an absolute moron I engaged in good faith while adding the point that you're absolutely, irredeemably moronic as an aside.

            >you're using low iq adhominem arguments
            Demonstrably false.
            You're unable to untangle anything I say because you don't think. All you have are these vague associations between things that trigger responses like claiming I'm using a fallacy but you're just revealing you don't even understand fallacies, basic "reddit" shit.
            There's no logic presented that rests on you being moronic. I did not avoid any argument or question based on the fact that you're moronic. Despite you being an absolute moron I engaged in good faith while adding the point that you're absolutely, irredeemably moronic as an aside.

            you are a fricking moron who, again, an imbecile who wrote to me as if I'm the other poster. It demonstrates to me that you are either schizophrenic, and therefore cannot concentrate logically, or are simply too low IQ to logically process what is stated to you. Hope this helps 🙂

          • 8 months ago

            >ad hominem
            >an argument or reaction directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
            Do you still not get it? You brought it up.

          • 8 months ago

            Oh - you're just too low IQ to understand how your actions are moronic. That other poster was right - you're a Slav Slave moron who needs to go back to whatever the internet is over there

          • 8 months ago

            My actions, including minor mistakes are consistent with someone focused on content over appeals to associations. Ad hominems are an example of the kind of associative thinking I was already criticizing. Notice the qualitative difference between the content of our post. I have consistent positions, you morons have petty associations.

          • 8 months ago

            I like Nietzsche, you low IQ Slav moron. HAVE YOU UNDERSTOOD I AM NOT THE SAME POSTER, homosexual? No wonder your ancestors were slaves.

          • 8 months ago

            >I like Nietzsche
            Is just another example of associative thinking. It's not relevant to any of the points except as an example of thinking in associations instead of building models.
            One of you morons accused me of using ad hominem arguments based on associations and none of you morons seem to understand the fallacy.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah no shit you fricking moron. I'm only here to call you a massive moron since you kept thinking I was another person WHEN I SPECIFICALLY WROTE NOT THAT ANON
            YOU ARE A MORON!

          • 8 months ago

            I forget you were a different guy when I was writing it and then immediately acknowledged you're not the same guy when you brought it up, and that it's irrelevant.
            In your post you interjected with shit about fallacies when you don't understand the most basic shit about fallacies.
            You still haven't even acknowledged that, instead you spend energy on repeating this childish shit to avoid thinking. The exact kind of behavior I was already talking about.

          • 8 months ago

            >I forget you were a different guy
            okay, so you're dumb thanks for your concession
            have a good day vlad

          • 8 months ago

            Will you 2 just go get a room already?

            Think, moron.

          • 8 months ago

            ESL ALERT!
            BEEP BEEP BEEP

          • 8 months ago

            What is the goal and philosophical grounding of this post?

          • 8 months ago

            What is the goal and philosophical grounding of this post?

          • 8 months ago

            Inquiry in the spirit of the ancient Greeks.

          • 8 months ago

            If only you could use proper diction and punctuation like Plato.

          • 8 months ago

            Again, what is the goal and philosophical grounding of your posts? Is it to undermine any hope of anyone finding anything out?
            Plato's famously perfect English is not relevant to anything.

          • 8 months ago

            >Plato's famously perfect English is not relevant to anything.

          • 8 months ago

            Am I really that clever? You died from laughter from the most basic joke?

          • 8 months ago

            I'm laughing at you lil slav. You're certainly a joke!

          • 8 months ago

            You don't even have the insight needed to guess the right language group. You understand nothing that happens ever.

          • 8 months ago

            >You understand nothing that happens ever
            so true.

          • 8 months ago

            I forget you were a different guy when I was writing it and then immediately acknowledged you're not the same guy when you brought it up, and that it's irrelevant.
            In your post you interjected with shit about fallacies when you don't understand the most basic shit about fallacies.
            You still haven't even acknowledged that, instead you spend energy on repeating this childish shit to avoid thinking. The exact kind of behavior I was already talking about.

            Will you 2 just go get a room already?

          • 8 months ago

            shut the frick up, vlad
            go post on your latvian websites

          • 8 months ago

            Oh - you're just too low IQ to understand how your actions are moronic. That other poster was right - you're a Slav Slave moron who needs to go back to whatever the internet is over there

            Latvia is a Nordic country. A state of the Teutonic Order in the past. Also, if you'd read Neetzch (and Deleuze) attentively, you'd find 'moronism' rethought in a positive way.


            what did Nietzsche mean by this? he sounds very postmodern in this essay

            >he sounds very postmodern in this essay
            I suggest you stop listening to videoessays on youtube. Cut through the content that is marked with le basadist signatures, like b*p, redpill, catholicism, petersonianism, etc. – away from these cursed fields, no matter how 'reasonable' they are trying to sound, what arguments they fashion, it's a binding spell. And yes, he is the precursor of post-modernism; in the sense that the thunder and lightning are conjured to clear the horizon.

  3. 8 months ago

    Nietzsche was a hypermodernist.

  4. 8 months ago

    >correspondence theories of truth are invariably pointing to the finger pointing to the moon only illuminated by a celestial body out of sight

    He was familiar with Hegel, and the fetishization of reification itself may be called the Negative Infinity of Finitude.

  5. 8 months ago

    He meant that rhetoric & philosophizing is ultimately a stupid waste of time that can spun any which way one wants and that action is the only thing real in this world

    • 8 months ago

      Correct but without constraints to which most people adhere to society as complex as it is now, able to support millions of people, would not be possible if we were to go the route of petty violence and short term gain.

  6. 8 months ago

    >Nietzsche was a moron
    More news at 9

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