What do I need to know about setting up an IRC server?

I want to host a 24/7/365 home server for an IRC that can hold up to 100 or so people.
I thought building a machine to do this would be fairly cheap but I saw some people recommending some pre-built ones that cost upwards of 700$ (Synology DS920+).
I also saw people saying that your IRC server can be very easily hacked into to access your network.
My purpose is a simple chatroom with file sharing and maybe the ability for embedding images, gifs and video (like discord).
How valid are the dangers and how do I go about it?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    make sure you do ssl encryption, and give me an invite. that's all i care about
    >file sharing and maybe the ability for embedding images, gifs and video
    you out of your mind. dcc is biggest piece of wank ever, it's literally definition of deprecated. what you could do is write bot that converts data to base64 format and sends over irc in plain text. it's very long process, but works. forget videos though, unless you gonna decode 100000000000000 of lines

    • 4 weeks ago

      >ssl encryption,
      >open mirc
      >right-click -> doxx

      • 4 weeks ago

        i dont give a shit what you do with my ip? discord does worse things to it. i care if my isp sees what im saying, that's #1 threat in this case. now granted isp could in theory just plant a duck into said irc server, but it's a bit of a stretch, especially if op sets up passwords for trusted channels

    • 4 weeks ago

      >ssl encryption
      It's IRC. It's all public anyway. That's a waste of CPU time, bandwidth, and administrative effort.

      • 4 weeks ago

        then make it private irc server and invite those good 100 fellas yourself, only best frens

        • 4 weeks ago

          sorry forgot to specify, it's going to be invite only. How vulnerable is it really, if I don't do the too overcomplicated stuff?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Just run that one python IRC server and tell people to use decent, well maintained clients. If they get hacked its their problem.
            Image embedding is moronic but that's 100% a client side thing so you don't have to care about that being a sysop.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Just run that one python IRC server
            Which one?

            >tell people to use decent, well maintained clients
            >embeds are a client side thing
            If all of them used the same client, which ones do you recommend?

          • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            Why would you want everyone to use the same client? That defeats the point, just make some web shoutbox then.


            irssi kind of sucks.

          • 4 weeks ago

            trips checked
            The point is a secure and private chatroom.
            Some official discord staff banned a member of my server because of racism
            It doesn't have to be IRC, we just want a private and secure solution so that nobody will spy on us or censor us.

          • 4 weeks ago

            irc is the best for it because no one cares about, ironically. i had friends who set up ircs before just so we could chat away from prying eyes because we were getting sick of using gpg
            you NEED ssl for it, even if it's simple key exchange between you and your friend, just gen your own ssl, it'll be like gpg

          • 4 weeks ago

            >The point is a secure and private chatroom.
            Use XMPP with OMEMO if you actually care about security at all. IRC is for public chat rooms. There are ways to make it slightly more private but it's not really built for real privacy and if you need that you're going to be disappointed.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >literally blocked on protocol level in my country
            wow so secure. don't listen to this moronic homosexual. you need https to 'hide in plain sight' there is no other way to go about security these days when traffic is so identifiable. ssl is good idea in any case because EVERYTHING uses it

          • 4 weeks ago

            blocked on protocol level in my country
            That's how you know it works heh. (and it is in fact the only thing that actually works if you really care.)

          • 4 weeks ago

            >literally blocked on protocol level in my country
            On what shithole do you live? Best korea?

            First time I've heard about xmpp being blocked. Never imagined something as moronic as xmpp getting blocked. So as someone said then, you know it really works, lol

          • 4 weeks ago

            >we just want a private and secure solution so that nobody will spy on us or censor us.
            There will always be spies and snitches. It only takes one homosexual in your chat circle to get butthurt and leak all the logs of you railing about the "israelites" and "Black folk" to your friends, family, and boss.

          • 4 weeks ago

            This is the other thing. Conspiring is very very hard even with blackmail involved (which I'll assume you're not doing.)
            It wasn't a coincidence Caesar's wife had her dream about their house collapsing IMO. The conspiracy to kill him was effectively public knowledge by the time it happened. If you do really want to communicate on the internet in confidence it should really be with individuals.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Conspiring is very very hard even with blackmail involved
            Difficult? Not really.

            If anything, it's more time-consuming to gather enough damaging information about other people in an IRC channel. We're talking months, even years. Once you have the information and *motive*, it's not hard to leak to the relevant sources.

            The hardest part of blackmail could be *finding* the motive. However, there are too many terminally online skids who can't think rationally and will act out impulsively for street cred.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm not sure the tool really matters, you can log any chat room.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah that's the singular usecase for SSL on IRC.

      • 4 weeks ago

        this argument is really shitty because it can be said about LITERALLY EVERY SITE EVER. and if you really wanna make that argument, then yes, isp sees your header, site is public, it goes there and sees its contents anyway. HOWEVER, it doesnt see exactly what you have seen on it, it may speculate, sure, but wont know exactly. irc is shitty in that sense because it is indeed public, but it least it can have private channels. if you really dont want anyone seeing your shit, just make i2p irc server, the sole reason i2p was invented to make irc more secure

        • 4 weeks ago

          Yeah most websites *really* don't need SSL.
          I don't server my resume over HTTPS even though the server has valid certs for other stuff because that's fricking moronic.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Yeah most websites *really* don't need SSL.
            *injects javascript*
            >I have JS disabled
            *replaces all images with dick picks*

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I don't want to give my ip to a random anon...

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >I thought building a machine to do this would be fairly cheap but I saw some people recommending some pre-built ones that cost upwards of 700$ (Synology DS920+).
    you can host it on some old office computer that goes for $30-40. it's just text

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Can't you put something like that on a free vps?

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Most of the naysayers are going to turn out to be glowBlack person scum, by the way.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    So in the end, is the best solution IRC with ssl or XMPP with OMEMO?
    In either case, could you give me some good guide or tutorial to do it on windows? Or is it easy enough that a few google searches will get me there?
    Thank you all for your help by the way.

    • 4 weeks ago

      If it's just a bunch of anons fricking around IRC is the best because it's easy and everything kind of just works.
      If you're deploying an agent into a country with a hostile government and you need him to check in every morning you need XMPP with OMEMO and getting everything set up is a major b***h because literally everything in XMPP is an "optional" protocol extension and needs a ton of configuration.

      Unless you're planning on scaling up to an entire network https://github.com/jrosdahl/miniircd is all you need for the server. There's almost no configuration. Just get any client that has all the features you need.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Thanks anon

      • 4 weeks ago

        Is there something like miniircd but not mini - meaning it doesn't have the limitations that are listed? It looks very easy to install and it'd be nice to have the complete thing

        • 4 weeks ago

          Not that I'm aware of, it's super easy to hack on if you need features (a while ago I forked it and added support for push notifications in mobile apps for example. It took a couple hours it was very easy.)

          Otherwise you can run a full server. I've never tried that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      in the end it's better to have all so when one CENTRALIZED solutions fails, you have more DECENTRALIZED solutions already set up ahead of time

  7. 4 weeks ago

    >IRC server for 100 people

    lmao a 20 year old laptop can do this

    >My purpose is a simple chatroom with file sharing and maybe the ability for embedding images, gifs and video (like discord)

    that's not a "simple chatroom" anymore, look into Matrix, Mattermost, Rocketchat etc

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lots of IRC clients will embed links to files inline. You don't need garbage like Matrix for that.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    A 100 MHz pentium could easily run a large irc server back in '96
    The hardware requirements are miniscule, irc is deep in web 1.0

    • 4 weeks ago

      IRC isn't part of the web...

      • 4 weeks ago

        deep in the web 1.0 era, I maybe should have said

        >a simple chatroom
        >with file sharing and maybe the ability for embedding images, gifs and video (like discord).
        No, irc can't do any of this. Look into other options (or use discord)

        • 4 weeks ago

          IRC definitely has file sharing and many clients will embed externally linked images.

          It does not have file *hosting* though. That's separate.

          • 4 weeks ago

            DCC is dead, everyone is behind NATs now.

            Eggdrop bots had file areas but boy was that clumsy. Not to mention it worked with DCC

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