What do you think the future of philosophy will be?

What do you think the future of philosophy will be?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Mega-tolerant preponderance

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Incel theory.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Every time you call someone an incel you become the words themselves. If you mean it genuinely and with a passion it means you become an incel in an indifferent twist. By the way, I am God because I play video games all day. Such a godly thing to do.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Not using the word as a pejorative though, I’ve been without a girlfriend for seven years. Having to deal with emotionally abusive bawds, I decided to read and learn theories by people ranging from Kant and Aristotle to Durkheim and Weber nine years later I’ve got three books of my own theory written down and published. It was cathartic.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Trans prostitutes debating on tiktok which dick pussy is the least sus. With donations to support Israel, of course.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    There is no way of knowing for certain.
    Though I imagine, it would be a bleak, existentially deconstructionist abyss, with iron-infused, technocratic xenophobes crawling like rats underneath the splinters of the New World Order.
    They'll likely adopt a rudimentary, ancestral mysticism to cloak themselves from persecution: philosophers, that is.
    Seems like the Future, but Truthfully, this has always been the case.

    =Rejavik, the Ice Dragon

    • 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      I disagree. I imagine it will be a vivacious, existentially affirming constructionist expanse, with iron-infused, technophilic xenophobes bounding like gods from cloud to cloud of the free world above.
      They'll likely adopt rudimentary technological animism to safeguard their avenues of power: philosopher kings, that is.
      Seems like the future, but Truthfullu, this has always been the case.

      =portabellã, the unfound

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Liberalism and Humanism hasn't yet been forced to reckon with it's Christian inheritance and view of what Man, the animal, is that empirical science is constructing. As notions of agency, and self, are dissolved into deterministic neural-soup the harm based ethics of post-enlightenment humanism will have to find another grounding.

    I think the same kind of arguments used for supporting mass vaccinations will be picked up with regard to some kind of cognitive networking of all citizens. It could be along the lines of commercial brain implants, or simply a continuing intensification of of meta-data and profiling algorithms until they get so powerful they become de facto mind readers. Either way a person who makes it even the slightest bit difficult to be completely modeled or "solved" will be argued for as being a threat in the same way an unvaccinated person is.

    The emphasis on the rhizomatic interdependency of all dogma-nodes within the composite body of any given worldview will make it increasingly difficult for thinkers to voice even the slightest deviation from the norm. Meaning, and really we already see this happening, it becomes easier to jump to an entirely different worldview than voice dissent within your current one. Now this isn't really a new phenomenon, it's arguably basic social dynamics, but difference is scale due to social homogenization. What could have meant ditching a bad friend group, or a "toxic" scene in the past increasingly requires a person to jump to a different civilizations.
    So expect to see philosophers pulling a lot of 180s rather than revising their positions.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >it becomes easier to jump to an entirely different worldview than voice dissent within your current one
      Interesting observation

    • 4 weeks ago

      when the right kind of people are all gone there will be no philosophy, before that basically

  6. 4 weeks ago

    The future of philosophy is going to be IQfy. No cap. Fr fr.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    MY philosophy is to have sex with asuka (2D)

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Post-humanism. Soon it might become clear that human intelligence isn't as special as we were inclined to think. Machines will become more powerful. Synthetic intelligence will become more important. What was thought as human might be a temporary manifestation for something different to come.

    • 4 weeks ago

      progressives have been fantasizing about this for 200 years but all we get is exponentially more Black folk and other all-too-human horrors

      • 4 weeks ago

        progressives were never post-humanist. they hate humanity too much to ever move it forward.

        in the mind of the progressive, "progress" is to move away from fundemental humanity.

        in the mind of a post-humanist, progress is to improve upon fundemental humanity.

    • 4 weeks ago

      This jives with what Dugin talks about. The end result of liberalism is basically transhumanism, but of course this is pernicious to Dugin. A lot of Silicon Valley techbros are already priming us for the transhumanist future and SciFi has been doing it for decades.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Philosophy is dead until life is revived. Life is dead until everything modern loses its determinative value.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Bad philosophy will become a lot more popular, good philosophy will become even more irrelevant.

  11. 4 weeks ago
    Voluntary Fool
  12. 4 weeks ago

    Unimaginable horrors beyond comprehension.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    philosophy of the anti human, trans human, eugenics, AI, etc

    basically nick land was right!

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Liturgy of the popularity. Exhibit of.

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