What does a photon see traveling at c?

What does a photon see traveling at c?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Nothing it has no eyes

    • 2 years ago

      More so, its not conscious.

  2. 2 years ago

    As if everything else wasn't enough proof of God, Light certainly is

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        It's too nice and magical. Sophisticated, multi beneficially faceted (like much else). Computers are possible, light bulbs are possible, eyes are possible and a plenty.

        It is most fast and micro, but works with slower and macro. It travels bizzarely. It works well and is consistent. The universe is Big and it works here and over there, and always perfectly. It is unlike everything else, so specifically itself. If it were an idea it would be a brilliant idea. And to make it distributed so convieniently, largely and lastingly by the sun.

        • 2 years ago

          >If it were an idea it would be a brilliant idea
          It was. This is why "Einstein" is a synonym for brilliant.

        • 2 years ago


          All of this assumes that the laws of physics are same everywhere, see variable plank length and variable light speed theories.
          Also it could be that we have constructed computers around the physical word, not the other way round.
          And if light is so perfect explain black holes.

          • 2 years ago

            >Also it could be that we have constructed computers around the physical word, not the other way round.
            Yeahhhhhhh...................... Computers work by using light. Make tvs and computers that don't utilize EM waves in any way

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah there could be inventions we cannot comprehend because of the laws of physics.
            Nicessity is the mother of invention.
            I'm a Christian but what anon said is no proof of anything because its simply one persons perspective.

          • 2 years ago

            Certainly since the early mid late 1900s scientests and inventors and nerds would have theorized about possibilities of creating tvs and computers that use no EM waves for their functioning and info transmission on earth

          • 2 years ago

            Even if thr speed of light is different other places, it is still a semi uniform system over a cast expanse that travels in a semi uniform manner unimaginably quickly and it are these little sexy ball wave wiggle waggle spurts of beautiful sophisticated sensitive subtle powerful delicate conserved essence

        • 2 years ago

          B8 or delusion. I'll let other anons decide.

        • 2 years ago

          These are just facts about light
          how does this in any way prove god?

          • 2 years ago

            Well, just a hunch, the slightest tickle of a hint.

            If you are forced to be a hardcore true skeptic 50 50 agnostic, admitting you literally do not know one way or the other, if the universe was constructed by an intelligence or was not;

            Then sometimes you may come across something that may jolt you with the recognition of a possible sway, in one way or the other.

            I can only go off of seems here, it seems like an intelligently created universe would have seeming signs of intelligent creation.

            I can only say it seems with everything I know about light; very very little, but seemingly, it exists everywhere, is different than everything, and is in many ways so useful to intelligences, also the usefulness of everything else but thats going beyond light;

            That at the big bang, or starting of this universe; whatever fundamental substance stuff was there, happened to perfectly splinter off into self consistent self maintained groups of styles of things with characteristics and traits (elements, subatomic particles, that can happen to do all the things they can, and interact with light in all the constructive ways) that some of that stuff;

            Or what some or most scientists would say with fundamental material they say being able to be disintegrated entirely into light;

            That the em field was created at the big bang and wrapped itself around everything and perfectly became itself at all locations, and to interact with matter in it's constructive ways, and have the speed limit it has that it so perfectly obeys, and all the systems are stable.

          • 2 years ago

            Well, just a hunch, the slightest tickle of a hint.

            If you are forced to be a hardcore true skeptic 50 50 agnostic, admitting you literally do not know one way or the other, if the universe was constructed by an intelligence or was not;

            Then sometimes you may come across something that may jolt you with the recognition of a possible sway, in one way or the other.

            I can only go off of seems here, it seems like an intelligently created universe would have seeming signs of intelligent creation.

            I can only say it seems with everything I know about light; very very little, but seemingly, it exists everywhere, is different than everything, and is in many ways so useful to intelligences, also the usefulness of everything else but thats going beyond light;

            That at the big bang, or starting of this universe; whatever fundamental substance stuff was there, happened to perfectly splinter off into self consistent self maintained groups of styles of things with characteristics and traits (elements, subatomic particles, that can happen to do all the things they can, and interact with light in all the constructive ways) that some of that stuff;

            Or what some or most scientists would say with fundamental material they say being able to be disintegrated entirely into light;

            That the em field was created at the big bang and wrapped itself around everything and perfectly became itself at all locations, and to interact with matter in it's constructive ways, and have the speed limit it has that it so perfectly obeys, and all the systems are stable.

            It just seems that intelligence would design something like that, and if intelligence didn't, that it possibly would not work so well,

            It just seems to my gut, that a light field expanding the distance of the universe, would have less homogeneity, that it would have weirder reactions over there and collapse and fall apart, and over there it would leak and interact novelly with this stuff to produce a new field.
            Constantly, more fundamental chaos here and there, not stability and iso's and homo's the distance of the universe.
            Then there is that possible fact that all matter can be turned into light, so light might be the most fundamental thing, and there is nothing more spooky and virtual and computer like than light, so if everything is fundamentally all light, then that is very Gods Computer like and matter is just bits, data, code, program, information that light pushes around and computes, and when particle antiparticle anihilations occur thats like erasing a bit of code from the program language, and the energy, the process, the power source, replaces it with light, which is like the background refresh computational analyzer string logic gate stuff, like our computer electrons in logic gates is the universes Light in gravity field interacting with atoms.

            Or light is where programing code software meets physical hardware

    • 2 years ago

      I want it to go away forever. it doesn't even matter if heaven is real - the very fact that you are forced to exist means the creator is a sinner.

      • 2 years ago

        Chill bro, real or not, it's all nonsense compared to the real life. take a shower eat a meal and have a long sleep

    • 2 years ago

      God is real, we are souls born onto a planet, with differing abilities to learn and do of Nature, so that we might help the planet and people flourish. When we die we will be sent to another planet to try to help it flourish, and so on, so that we may learn and grow, so that God may learn and grow, so that we may earn our place and standing among the brilliance of all possible reality, so that we may become fulfilled as co creators of the genius construction of eternity

    • 2 years ago

      >Anything you dont understand with your own knowledge is a proof of your personnal God.


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      religious lunatics like you should be kept at special designated zones with zero amenities, I'm sure your god will throw you a loaf of bread or something

      • 2 years ago

        I just made a statement to see how people may react, argue, or discuss with it, I do however think if there is any evidence of God at all, it's probably the universe

  3. 2 years ago

    Neither space nor time exist for anything traveling at c. It cannot see anything because you can only see in space.

    • 2 years ago

      So how does it exist then?

      • 2 years ago

        this question has dubs yall must answer it

      • 2 years ago

        Time varying at a rate different to the observer is termed a time-dilation.
        The photon exists inside its own special-condition.

        • 2 years ago

          You can just make fricking anything up and say it here, huh?

          • 2 years ago

            Where do you think you are?

          • 2 years ago

            some wretched chimera of /x/ and r/pol

          • 2 years ago

            Special condition is a term for places like the Quantum-Realm & Planck-Scale where space is decoupled from the Newtonian world we live in.

        • 2 years ago

          Hahahaha this is peak IQfy post, i love it.

    • 2 years ago

      Silly statements.

      It requires space and time for light to get to a galaxy to a human telescope

      • 2 years ago

        Space and time ceases to exist from the perspective of a photon traveling at the speed of light, but not for observers outside of the photons frame of reference who can see it traveling through space and time.

        • 2 years ago

          >redefine space and time in terms of light signals
          >space and time end up being undefined for light, as one would exspect
          >"there is no space and time from the perspective of light!"
          >light still needs actual time to travel through actual space
          >"it's a mystery of fai-I mean science! read this book to strengthen your fai-I mean understanding, my brother in science"

          • 2 years ago

            >light still needs actual time to travel through actual space
            Not in the light's reference frame. Space along the trajectory geodesic is flat.

          • 2 years ago

            In the light's reference frame, light needs the same exact classical time to travel, and relativistic time collapses because it's a bad notion of time.

          • 2 years ago

            >Not in the light's reference frame
            How moronic that is? Is this some "troony" relevance? Everyone else sees that i'm a man but inside i think i'm female?
            How can you even tell light is timeless when every single outside evidence and all events around it prove it has time of travel?
            What's the point? Is it done just so it can fix another of QM failures that soientist didn't account for?
            Please don't be shy, tell everyone what kind of fail in QM "no time of travel" for light compensates for? We can figure out the reason very shortly, it's always some coping mechanism with modern science, just disappointing.

          • 2 years ago

            >Is it done just so it can fix another of QM failures that soientist didn't account for?
            >Please don't be shy, tell everyone what kind of fail in QM "no time of travel" for light compensates for?
            It's the source of those failures. QM fails mostly to compensate for relativity, not the other way around.

        • 2 years ago

          >be photon
          >direction of travel is perpendicular to observer
          >observer is holding a clock
          >with my photon eyes, I look at the clock.
          what do I see?

          • 2 years ago

            The space where the clock would be is compacted into nothingness, along with the rest of the universe you're travelling through.

          • 2 years ago

            Is that just a fancy way of describing looking out the window of a fast moving car, and seeing how all the houses zipping by look like thin blurs?

          • 2 years ago

            The physical world from your point of view contracts into a single point.

          • 2 years ago

            >Note: "The physical world" is defined by what you can probe by pointing a laser pointer at it and wait for the signal to come back to you, not the actual physical world

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, your point?

          • 2 years ago

            You're making mysticism out of a triviality.
            The physical world doesn't "contract into a single point" "from your point of view", light doesn't "experience no time" from "its point of view", you're using bad definitions of space and time and act surprised when you derive absurdities, because you still pretend that the "space" and "time" you so defined, are still the same space and time as the real world.

          • 2 years ago

            No, you're just a mere npc in the physical world, nothing evolves around you baby, it's not like your mommy told you, nobody cares.

          • 2 years ago

            Speaking of photons reflecting off houses;
            How do kigiglions of photons reflect off everything every second and not collide and disrupt, they going every every every which way, and everyone standing around can see everything unimpinged

          • 2 years ago

            Photons don't collide with each other. They do scatter a little bit from hitting air molecules, but at the scale of looking at a house across the street you wouldn't be able to tell. It's pretty obvious when looking at distant hills though.

          • 2 years ago

            You can't see the clock. The interaction would have to happen at light speed so the photon would be completely unable to see things that are perpendicular to its direction of movement. The photon could only "see" things in a 90° cone in front of it.

    • 2 years ago

      This is just a stupid thing to say and Einstein could not have possibly said something like this.

      It is just such a dumb meaningless unrelated, no physical reason thing to say.

      "From lights reference frame" is such a stupid thing to say. Actually it alone might not be stupid, but saying "it experiences no time or space" makes it an incredibly stupid thing to say

      • 2 years ago

        >"From lights reference frame" is such a stupid thing to say. Actually it alone might not be stupid, but saying "it experiences no time or space" makes it an incredibly stupid thing to say
        Because what is it around 299,000 m/s?

        So if it travels 900,000 m, it experiences 900,000 m and 3 seconds

        • 2 years ago

          >So if it travels 900,000 m, it experiences 900,000 m and 3 seconds
          Are these numbers being so crisp and square evidence of anything?

          A: m is an arbitrary human spatial distance measurement.

          A second is an arbitrary human time mesurement.

          Humans could have just as easily, made a unit of measurement Q that is 20 feet less than m, or 40 feet, or 50 feet, or 100 or 200 ..

          Likewise as a yard is 3 feet or something right; a time unit measurement F, could have been 3 seconds, or 6, or .5 a second.

          And then the speed of light time to distance wouldn't be so crisp would it?

          What is the signifigance of 1 second, objectively, universally? And a m, meter?

          That considering possibility of slight human error or relativity earth gravity well rotation it may very well be that light travels exactly 300,000 m/s?

          So crisp and pure and exact.

          Or any combo of measurement units as I said would scale up and down and be not so numerically crisp?

          • 2 years ago
            Eman Nep

            >That considering possibility of slight human error or relativity earth gravity well rotation it may very well be that light travels exactly 300,000 m/s?
            >So crisp and pure and exact.
            >Or any combo of measurement units as I said would scale up and down and be not so numerically crisp?
            Though something like a meter
            And something like a second

            Could be some universal valence point in between most micro and most macro scales, that if God was tinkering around to figure out how to set everything up, God could have based the speed of light roughly on the scale of a meter and time bit of a second.

            Though. Are there other proportional possible distance and time units that result in crisp number?

            For example if light traveled 100 units of distance every 1 unit of time.

            Or 5,000 units of distance, every 10 units of time?

            Or 100,000 units of distance every 500 units of time.

            Or the point is always equaling a unit of time to a (1).

            But as is with rulers and scales; 1 second is made of microseconds, nano seconds, pico seconds etc.

            So... Light travels some distance in some amount of time.

            What are all the possible crisp numerical ways of representing that ratio?

            It just so happens m/s is crisp, no other possibilities of representing it are?

            Oh and consider this as light traveling 300,000 m/s for thought experiment (standard deviation human error padding) sake.

          • 2 years ago

            How differently would light and the universe be if EM radiation traveled only half the speed of light, if everything was the same, but the speed of light was half our speed of light, how different would things be?

          • 2 years ago

            Who says it's not?

          • 2 years ago

            Pretend in this universe it's not.

            Then pretend everything about this universe is the same, except light travels half the speed of light in this universe.

            How different would things be?

          • 2 years ago

            Would all of biology pretty much have developed exactly the same, it's just things would look a bit slower?

          • 2 years ago

            Would all of biology pretty much have developed exactly the same, it's just things would look a bit slower?

            Everything would be exactly the same, it would just look like things moved half speed?

          • 2 years ago

            Or half the speed of light is still so fast, the difference would hardly be perceptible due to the close ranges of interactions we are familiar with on earth?

          • 2 years ago

            Then c would be 149896229 m/s and would still be the absolute limit of speed and nothing else would change

          • 2 years ago

            But would we see different on earth? Would biology, because electron photon capture, and speed of light detection, have evolved different?

            Or is it still so fast every thing would be roughly the same, light would need to have it's constant cut by like 1/6 or 1/10th or 1/15th or more it's speed, to have signifigant effects on vision and bilogies paths and rates of evolution

          • 2 years ago

            We would only really see significant differences if the speed of light were around 20000 m/s or so. At about 10% of speed of light we start to care about effects from relativity. Hydrogen is moving around 1800 m/s in air as probably the fastest common day thing. There may be quantum effects that would be modified by relativity. None of these would likely change anything significant or disallow things that would be allowed otherwise. The main thing we would see is the effect of dilation (mass probably most significantly) causing increased need for energy to get to a higher speed than currently needed. It probably quotient affect much.

            You might be able to get a counter argument to this by looking at stars and black holes. The escape velocity might not be obtainable if c is too low, but don't have a computation off hand for which stars would just be black holes before formation and fusion.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh so is part of this?; that the speed of light IS tied to the possible energy lights contact imparts? And that if the max speed of light was 10% slower, biology wouldn't have developed and evolved the same, and vision wouldn't work the same, because biological cells and mechanisms and molecules wouldn't have recieved the same average; momentum, impact?

          • 2 years ago

            Interesting if true. That the speed of light is tied to the energy light imparts to objects when it collides

          • 2 years ago

            Meaning if the speed of light constant was half what it is now, then light would impart half as much energy when it closed with things? Does that make sense?

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Why do you think that?

            Velocity = relative mass.
            An object imparts X energy when moving velocity 5 velocity units.
            When the object is traveling at 100 velocity units it parts > X energy.

            Light has velocity = ~300,000 m/s
            Light imparts energy Y when colliding with an object.

            If lights speed limit velocity was 150,000 m/s
            Light would impart an energy of < Y onto the object it collided with

          • 2 years ago

            Some one respond

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe the poster disagreed with you stating the energy imparted would be half.

            Does a baseball hitting an energy registrator at 50mph, register half the amount of energy as a baseball hitting at 100mph?

          • 2 years ago

            Yo someone that knows about math and numbers and units of measurement take a crack at this

      • 2 years ago

        This is the stupidest post I've ever read. What the frick are you even talking about. Do you even know what reference frame means.... It's assigning a fricking origin. Of course it can have it owns reference frame.... RUFKM

        • 2 years ago

          Not him and he is slightly dumb but light cannot have its own frame of reference in Einsteinian physics. Saying light experiences no time is true in some sense though.

          • 2 years ago

            >Saying light experiences no time is true in some sense though
            No that is stupid.

            If light travels roughly 300,000 m/s

            And light travels 900,000 m let's say in this example, light will have """""experienced"""" 3 seconds of time. Or that light wave will have existed for 3 seconds.

          • 2 years ago

            In classical physics, yes. Not according to special relativity. If it made sense to take light's frame of reference then you could say that the light travels instantly everywhere in that frame of reference and thus it cannot experience the passage of time.
            Also light doesn't travel 300,000 m/s.

          • 2 years ago

            >If it made sense to take light's frame of reference then you could say that the light travels instantly everywhere in that frame of reference and thus it cannot experience the passage of time.
            How do you figure, you can say that?
            >Also light doesn't travel 300,000 m/s.
            Also I said roughly

          • 2 years ago

            That's a really, really rough approximation considering the relative error of it is 99.9%.
            >How do you figure, you can say that?
            If you had a clock travelling extremely close to the speed of light, the universe would be squashed for that observer and it would take very little time for that observer to reach any destination. Taking the limit as v approaches c, the clock can register no time when travelling between any 2 points anywhere in the universe. That's kind of the whole schtick with time dilation.

          • 2 years ago

            >That's a really, really rough approximation considering the relative error of it is 99.9%
            Oops; ~300,000,000 m/s
            300,000 km/s

            >would take very little time for that observer to reach any destination
            100 years is not very little time! As in Galaxy such and such is 100 light years away

          • 2 years ago

            It would take 100 years for the observer who measures the distance to be 100 ly. For the traveller moving close to the speed of light, it would take much less time. Arbitrarily little time in fact as you get closer to the speed of light.

          • 2 years ago

            No, it takes 100 Years. For light traveling lightspeed to reach an observer 100 light years away. 100 Real Years. Actually travelling for a hun dred years.

            I will give you this however, it is absolutely bizarre that light pretty much travels instantly, as for us a second may as well be an instant.

            The Earths perimeter is roughly 25,000 miles.

            Light travels 186,000 miles per second.

            Something seriously fricked up is going on here.

            Light can travel the earths perimeter 7 times in a second?

            Something is really afoot, here....

            Oh, sorry never mind, I was looking at my foot.

            I mean break down spatial increments into the smallest unit, Planck lengths or smaller, how many units of time does it take for light to travel 1 of the smallest units?

            This is where you get your instant kick, if it travels multiple smallest units of space in 1 smallest possible unit of time;

            Though fundamental real physical time should be the amount of time it takes for light to travel the shortest possible distance

            Respond to this though

          • 2 years ago

            Only because you are measuring from a certain frame of reference. A moving frame of reference will measure a different distance and different time.

          • 2 years ago

            >A moving frame of reference will measure a different distance and different time.
            Yes, and that distance and time of light traveling 100 light years is not 0 time and 0 space. It's 100 Earth years of light traveling 100 light years through a spatial distance that takes light 100 years to travel

          • 2 years ago

            As I said, only because you are measuring from a particular frame of reference. In the context of a photon experiencing time, it would experience no time if you could take it as a frame of reference.

          • 2 years ago

            >In the context of a photon experiencing time, it would experience no time if you could take it as a frame of reference.
            As I asked; if it is existing and traveling through space for 100 years, where are you certifying a possession of the right to say what you are saying? Why are you making such a certain statement that simply seems so certainly contradictory to reality.

            Light is generated at point A and travels for 100 years where it enters a telescope at point Z.

            You: That light was generated at point A, and traveled 100 years at 300,000 km/s, where it enters a telescope at point Z. It travels from point A to point Z instantly.

            I seriously don't want to be mean and don't want to talk about this but what you are saying is something that would be said by a something of an 18-20 year old who has only seen a few YouTube videos on the subject.

          • 2 years ago

            Not Sam eggy but he’s right. Here I’ll demonstrate. Let’s say you’re moving at .9999999999c

            In that case gamma is about 70000. This means you feel time 1/70000 as fast as stationary man. To travel to nearest galaxy (25000 ly) would feel like only a third of a year for you.

            If we bump it up to .999999999999999c then gamma is about 7 million. This means the travel to nearest galaxy would feel like approximately one day!

          • 2 years ago

            Same guy*

            spellcheck bullshit

          • 2 years ago

            I have never said the light moves instantly, what

          • 2 years ago

            Light moves instantly...
            IN ITS OWN FRAME.

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            Yes, if such a frame existed. How is that wrong?

          • 2 years ago

            Ok... Maybe.... But it does not move instantly from point A to point Z 100 light years away, even in its own frame.

            In its own frame it would be 100 years of travel

            Last I'll comment on this distracting and irrelevant and stupid statements

          • 2 years ago

            Not Sam eggy but he’s right. Here I’ll demonstrate. Let’s say you’re moving at .9999999999c

            In that case gamma is about 70000. This means you feel time 1/70000 as fast as stationary man. To travel to nearest galaxy (25000 ly) would feel like only a third of a year for you.

            If we bump it up to .999999999999999c then gamma is about 7 million. This means the travel to nearest galaxy would feel like approximately one day!

            I explained the idea here. He’s right. Only thing is there’s no such thing as photon frame of reference, but we can get as close as we want and shorten the time arbitrarily

          • 2 years ago

            You are talking about non light ,being accelerated towards the speed of light, light just goes light speed. So there was no need to bring in the .999 stuff.

            The whole non understanding defining time velocity stuff is dumb nonsensical and irrelevant and wrong and stupid.

            In lights reference frame, if it travels 100 years, """"it experiences"""" 100 years of travel.

            This is the most useless worthless meaningless topic of conversation, we were spending, I was spending weeks talking and wondering and asking about really cool interesting mysterious stuff. You watched some pbs YouTube animations and now you are parroting the misunderstandings of misunderstandings as badges of proud knowledge

          • 2 years ago

            I am not talking about acceleration. I’m talking about relative motion.

            The point was that the closer to speed of light you get, the faster you feel like you’re getting to places. There’s is a speed Avery very close to the speed of light which, if you’re traveling at that speed, you’d feel like you crossed the whole universe in a second. You’ll age one second and bloop - you’ll be at the other side.

          • 2 years ago

            >if you’re traveling at that speed, you’d feel like you crossed the whole universe in a second. You’ll age one second and bloop - you’ll be at the other side.
            NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO


            traveling at the speed of light you travel 300,000 km in one second. The universe is much bigger than 300,000 km....much much bigger.

            Let's say it's bigger than 9999999999999999 km.


            your statements are dumb and meaningless and false and stupid and pointless and nonsensical and faulty and absurd and ruinous and wrong

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            Length contraction is a thing.
            The universe observed by a fast-moving object is shortened by the Lorentz factor.

          • 2 years ago

            This is what’s special about the speed of light. It’s complicated to explain here, but the point is:

            when moving very fast, the gamma factor approaches infinity as your speed approaches c.

            The way you transfer between frames of reference (ie if I’m going close to c in your frame, then what do I see in my frame) is dependent on gamma, not your speed (also known as beta).

            Remember that in your own reference frame you are at rest. Everything is moving towards you. And what’s special is also the way you see everything is different from the way your observer sees it. If going fast enough, you will see the universe the size of one foot, and you’ll get to the end immediately.

            Is that clearer?

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            It follows from Special Relativity. The experience of the passage of time and distance is deeply connected with the relative velocity. A photon doesn't "experience" anything because it's not a valid relativistic frame of reference in the first place but if we pretend that it could not experience any time for any finite time measured by the stationary observer.

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            ...if we pretend that it could, it would* not experience any time for any finite time measured by the stationary observer.

          • 2 years ago

            It follows from Special Relativity. The experience of the passage of time and distance is deeply connected with the relative velocity. A photon doesn't "experience" anything because it's not a valid relativistic frame of reference in the first place but if we pretend that it could not experience any time for any finite time measured by the stationary observer.

            Yeah maybe on earth because light travels the earths perimeter 7 times in a second, but not from galaxy to galaxy

            Popsci exaggerated headline you got carried away with and now universally apply the cartoonish thought without thinking

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            >Popsci exaggerated headline you got carried away
            Jokes on you, I actually study this.
            It's 2022. Time dilation is a real and well known phenomenon.

          • 2 years ago

            >Time dilation is a real and well known phenomenon.
            No its not, it's called percievef velocity dialation,

            Time never changes under any circumstances. Only velocities change. Time is used to measure velocities, time is not velocity.

            ...if we pretend that it could, it would* not experience any time for any finite time measured by the stationary observer.

            It follows from Special Relativity. The experience of the passage of time and distance is deeply connected with the relative velocity. A photon doesn't "experience" anything because it's not a valid relativistic frame of reference in the first place but if we pretend that it could not experience any time for any finite time measured by the stationary observer.

            The observable universe is thought to be a distance of 93 billion light years, with actual universe thought to be larger.

            So No. Light traveling the distance of the universe, talking 93 BILLION YEARS, would not experience this instantly FOOL

          • 2 years ago

            Length is unfortunately not equivalent in all reference frames. If someone is going fast enough, like the other guy said, the universe will be one foot long for them, in their reference frame

          • 2 years ago

            >Length is unfortunately not equivalent in all reference frames. If someone is going fast enough, like the other guy said, the universe will be one foot long for them, in their reference frame
            NO IT WONT FOOL

            LIGHT YEARS

            NOT 93 BILLION YEARS

            NOT 93 BILLION YEARS

            93 BILLION LIGHT YEARS

            93 BILLION

            93 BILLION


            93 BILLION

            93 BILLION


            YEARS........LIGHT YEARS......

            LIGHT YEARS

            93 BILLION
            93 BILLION
            93 BILLION LIGHT YEARS


          • 2 years ago

            Yes. I don’t know why you’re having this meltdown. 93 billion light years (a measure of distance) for someone going really really really close to c would look like one foot. This is reality. This is orthodox one hundred year old science

          • 2 years ago

            >for someone going really really really close to c would look like one foot
            We weren't talking about something going close to c, we were talking about light going c. But regardless, I know you think that's even better for your argument.
            But its likely not because your likely using the accelerating something towards c taking all the time and energy or something, but regardless NO

            Light traveling 93 BILLION light years does not experience the universe as like totally like about like a pulled out of my ass like a foot dudeeeee

          • 2 years ago

            I already stated. Light doesn’t have a reference frame. But the closer you are, the more arbitrarily small the universe is.

            Get close enough? It’s one inch long. Closer? It’s one millimeter long. And so on and on. At almost speed of light, you can cross the universe in an instant

          • 2 years ago

            >almost speed of light, you can cross the universe in an instant
            Define 'instant'.

            So the universe is roughly 14 billion years old to us. How old is the universe to light?

          • 2 years ago

            Light doesn’t have a reference frame. The question doesn’t make sense

          • 2 years ago

            Define 'instant'.

            There is a difference between light traveling for 5 billion years, light traveling for 10 billion years, light traveling 50 billion years, light traveling 60 bil years, 75 bil years, 76 bil years, 77 bil years, 80 bil years, 81 bil years, 85 bil years, 90 bil years, 91 bil years, 93 bil years, 93 bil years.....

            What is the nature of this difference?

          • 2 years ago

            This question makes no sense. For an observer there is a difference. For light, there’s no frame of reference at all to talk about

          • 2 years ago

            >For light, there’s no frame of reference at all to talk about
            All because light has no mind and eyes?

            When it suits you lights frame of reference is equally an instant whether it travels 10 light years or 100 billion light years, lights reference frame experiences equally an instant in those cases.

            When it suites me, it all the sudden suites you that it is impossible to talk about light having a referenence frame

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            From the very beginning we were point out that light doesn't have its own frame of reference but if it had, then the limiting case is the Lorentz factor being infinite.

          • 2 years ago

            I said many times over this discussion. Light has no reference frame. Not because it has no eyes. Because it has no reference frame.

          • 2 years ago

            >I said many times over this discussion. Light has no reference frame
            You or someone also kept saying the light experiences traveling the whole universe distance in an "instant"

          • 2 years ago

            I said someone traveling very very close to light speed would experience that. And it’s correct

          • 2 years ago

            experiences require time so a truly "instant experience" is a contradiction. There's no experience at all.

          • 2 years ago

            An instant is any length of time you desire. As short as you want. Just go the right speed and it will take as little as you want

          • 2 years ago

            >so for example the decay of radioactive isotopes, as well as elementary particles, has a different perceived half-life depending on their velocity.

            Exactly, velocity, not time. Velocity makes material systems function different in relation to them, things take different amounts of time to do things, but this is not time changing, this is a systems timings changed.

            If I dribble a basketball 5 times in 10 seconds.
            And then 10 times in 10 seconds, time itself is not changing, maybe a rate of activity in time, but regardless.

            It requires me more energy to dribble 10 times in 10 seconds than 5 times in 10 seconds. Same amount of time, different energy, different frequency of action.

            I understand I am the fool for ruining this thread by responding to this

            >If I dribble a basketball 5 times in 10 seconds.
            >And then 10 times in 10 seconds, time itself is not changing, maybe a rate of activity in time, but regardless.
            >It requires me more energy to dribble 10 times in 10 seconds than 5 times in 10 seconds. Same amount of time, different energy, different frequency of action.
            Respond to this. Time doesn't change, 10 seconds is 10 seconds. Amount of actions in time changes.

            93 billion years is 93 billion years. It takes like to travel X amount of distance in 93 billion years.

            Humans can travel much less Distsnce X in 93 billion years. Time does not change, relative velocity changes.

          • 2 years ago

            If you (standing still) look at a guy dribbling a basketball 5 times in ten seconds, then I (going 90% the speed of light) would see him dribbling it 5 times in (about) twenty seconds.

            Similarly, you see me traveling for over 93 billion years, I feel like I’m just going for a second, because of my speed being close to c

          • 2 years ago

            >Similarly, you see me traveling for over 93 billion years, I feel like I’m just going for a second, because of my speed being close to c
            Are you speaking colloquially and loosely?

            Why would traveling c not experience 300,000 km in 1 second?

            Why would 300,000 km be equal to 93 billion light years?

          • 2 years ago

            Someone traveling close to c like, any other speed, sees himself at rest. He sees other things moving towards him at speed of light.

            Here’s the tricky part:

            you’re looking at him. He’s one light year from destination going near the speed of light. So it takes him one year.

            Now we cross over to him. He sees the destination as one foot away, moving towards him at speed of light. In an instant, he reaches it.

            These are your respective experiences

          • 2 years ago

            >standing still) look at a guy dribbling a basketball 5 times in ten seconds, then I (going 90% the speed of light) would see him dribbling it 5 times in (about) twenty seconds.
            Ok I get that, because it's the idea of frame rate, shutter speed, slow motion, right.

            2 people running on a straight away 10 yard track:. 1 person walks it in 100 seconds
            The other person sprints back and forth 10 times in 100 seconds.

            They experience time differently, the sprinters mind and body has to compute differently due to the need of coordinations and energy expenditures.
            The person going for the walk calmly reflects on the beautiful day, looks and sees a bird, wonders what he wants for lunch.

            The sprinter is feeling the strain and burn and sweat all over body, their mind is like ah ah ah gotta run ahhh hurts ok this is good breathe ah ah I'm the best...

            I don't know.

            So you are doing laps around the bball dribbler, at 90% speed of light;

            It is as if they are moving in slow motion because, all their matter requires longer time frames to accelerate A to B,

            Someone who's brain works twice as fast as another person would experience twice as much information in the same time, so to them they would experience more time or less time than the slow brained, or would it matter if they were having fun or not, time flying and all

          • 2 years ago

            >Similarly, you see me traveling for over 93 billion years, I feel like I’m just going for a second, because of my speed being close to c
            Ok so the universe is young and early to light, so let's say hypothetically light will exist for very very very long time, let's even say that light will travel for 99999999^9999999999 light years;

            Would it experience that travel equally to 93 billion light years?

          • 2 years ago

            Light has no reference frame. There is no experience from the perspective of light because there is no perspective of light

          • 2 years ago

            >will travel for 99999999^9999999999 light years
            According to whom? If you do not provide a frame of reference you can't really tell what the observations are going to be.

          • 2 years ago

            but photons basically does not experience the passage of time

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            For you, the universe is 93 billion ly wide. From the perspective of something travelling very fast this distance is shorter.
            >Time never changes under any circumstances.
            It totally does and is experimentally verifiable. All time-based physical processes are affected so for example the decay of radioactive isotopes, as well as elementary particles, has a different perceived half-life depending on their velocity.

          • 2 years ago

            >so for example the decay of radioactive isotopes, as well as elementary particles, has a different perceived half-life depending on their velocity.

            Exactly, velocity, not time. Velocity makes material systems function different in relation to them, things take different amounts of time to do things, but this is not time changing, this is a systems timings changed.

            If I dribble a basketball 5 times in 10 seconds.
            And then 10 times in 10 seconds, time itself is not changing, maybe a rate of activity in time, but regardless.

            It requires me more energy to dribble 10 times in 10 seconds than 5 times in 10 seconds. Same amount of time, different energy, different frequency of action.

            I understand I am the fool for ruining this thread by responding to this

          • 2 years ago

            I will give you this however, it is absolutely bizarre that light pretty much travels instantly, as for us a second may as well be an instant.

            The Earths perimeter is roughly 25,000 miles.

            Light travels 186,000 miles per second.

            Something seriously fricked up is going on here.

            Light can travel the earths perimeter 7 times in a second?

            Something is really afoot, here....

            Oh, sorry never mind, I was looking at my foot.

            I mean break down spatial increments into the smallest unit, Planck lengths or smaller, how many units of time does it take for light to travel 1 of the smallest units?

            This is where you get your instant kick, if it travels multiple smallest units of space in 1 smallest possible unit of time;

            Though fundamental real physical time should be the amount of time it takes for light to travel the shortest possible distance

    • 2 years ago

      Does a photon instantly redshift?

  4. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      sneedlike chuckarticles

      • 2 years ago

        formerly waves

  5. 2 years ago

    There is no time or space along the geodesic it travels on in a photon's reference frame. It is emitted and absorbed in the exact same instant, in the exact same spot because the universe is flat in that direction.

  6. 2 years ago

    Probably fish, boats maybe a pier etc.

  7. 2 years ago

    the eternal darkness

  8. 2 years ago

    It's impossible to know because of the unsolvable problem of consciousness (often misnamed as the "hard" problem)

  9. 2 years ago

    Photon is gender fluid, it identifies both as particle and a wave, but you can't know it unless you peek and observe under the skirt

    • 2 years ago

      >Photon is gender fluid, it identifies both as particle and a wave, but you can't know it unless you peek and observe under the skirt

  10. 2 years ago

    Nothing because the second it 'sees' something, it would be colliding with another photon which would cause some resistance, therefore stopping it from travelling at c.
    I suppose the last thing it "cees" at c is a big ol' photo smashing into it.

  11. 2 years ago

    If it looks within, it sees everything
    If it looks without, it sees nothing

    • 2 years ago

      Innerstand, never ever outerstand, and under no circumstance understand! Only NPCs understand, and fools outerstand, and despots overstand. True photons innerstand

  12. 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago

    Nothing. From what a photon knows, it dies once it is created

  14. 2 years ago

    What would happen if you took photons out of the universe, and why can't you do so?

  15. 2 years ago

    Not much, u?

  16. 2 years ago

    The paths of science are: coming to know some possible techniques of godliness

  17. 2 years ago
    Eman Nep

    The thing about physics how it achieves some reverence in the sciences is because it deals with the biggest possible picture and pictures, the smallest, and everything in between. The idea of substancehood in general, and all possible and probable mechanics thereof

    • 2 years ago

      Science is so captivating because consider how in love and intrigued humans can be of human creations; Science is the research and reverenece, worship and study of Gods Art

  18. 2 years ago

    Nothing, the photon itself experiences 0.0 time from cradle to grave.

    • 2 years ago

      What about when a photon is travelling through a medium, so less than c, does a photon experience time then?

      • 2 years ago

        photon always travels C, it just takes a longer path thru the medium's obstacles.

        • 2 years ago

          It doesn't. Light interaction with matter is more complex than just a photon taking the long path.

          • 2 years ago

            >is more complex than just a photon taking the long path.
            yes, it is...
            but light still travels at c, and the path is still longer.

          • 2 years ago

            It's not. I don't know which version of "longer path" you subscribe to but as far as I know, they are all wrong.

          • 2 years ago

            [-] light scatters off the molecules that make-up different materials it travels thru.
            [-] How quickly the atoms in a material can absorb and re-emit the photon and how dense the atoms are decides the apparent speed of light in that material. So the light appears slower because it has a smaller “drift speed”.

          • 2 years ago

            Keep postulating more unexplained mechanisms to keep your theories from collapsing, so that you can explain less with more.

          • 2 years ago

            google "why does light travel slower in a medium?"

          • 2 years ago

            google "can a man get pregnant?"

        • 2 years ago

          Oh ok thanks, that makes sense then

          • 2 years ago

            That anon is wrong.


          • 2 years ago

            thats an explanation dispersion.

          • 2 years ago

            confident gesticulating fermilab man is a popsoi propagandist

          • 2 years ago

            I'm getting the feeling scientists don't really know why.

          • 2 years ago

            The electric field explanation actually fits with what we know about electromagnetic fields. The long path explanation is just a guess from someone's butthole.

          • 2 years ago

            >electric field explanation actually fits with what we know about electromagnetic fields
            electric/electromagnetic field focus lenses, when?

          • 2 years ago

            That's already a thing.
            It's called glass.

          • 2 years ago

            "every thread"

        • 2 years ago
          Eman Nep

          That anon is wrong.


          confident gesticulating fermilab man is a popsoi propagandist

          I'm getting the feeling scientists don't really know why.

          Imagine we are at a pond, and we are interested in measuring the natures of surface water ripples, frequencies, wavelengths, amplitudes, energies, speed of propagation, momentum, force, repulsive powers, attractive powers etc.

          And then after some time someone brings out a power drill, with a metal cage sphere like a soccer ball, with each place where a stitch line would meet to make the corner of some patches, would be placed a little cup (shot glass, tea cup, dixie cup what have you),

          So the drill is pressed on low to medium power; and held partially submerged in the water, at times fully submerged;

          The propagation speed of the water and water waves is unchanged, regardless of what the material in the water is doing.

          The cups of the apparatus remove water from the equation, the system for a momentum, but just as the water is returned to the medium, the water waves at it's constant speed away.

          You can make a ripple, and take water from elsewhere, and phsycislly move it faster than the ripple, so water can withstand being made to travel faster than the natural wave in it's medium;

          But like a light wave, a wave ripple in water cannot be grabbed and stopped and moved; the very idea of wave is motion, and to stop a wave, is to stop motion stop the existence of the wave.

          • 2 years ago

            Okay, it's not that funny anymore. You can turn the bot off now.

          • 2 years ago

            Are force lines made of photons or virtual photons? Force lines appear to be something there stable, force lines appear to be something there that's pretty much solidly there at rest (but only magneticly alligned material senses it... That's so odd... Regular material can pass right through but magnetic material can sense a resist..what the) so do virtual photons have rest mass?

            What do field lines look around non magnet material?

          • 2 years ago

            Force lines aren't a physical thing. They are a method of representing the shape of a field.

          • 2 years ago

            But I've seen iron filings react to them, and there's a corresponding physical reason they are drawn with the geometry arcs they are drawn with,

            In vacuum, in space, do magnetics have those forcefield lines extending from their body that can do iron filing stuff?

          • 2 years ago

            >But I've seen iron filings react to them, and there's a corresponding physical reason they are drawn with the geometry arcs they are drawn with,
            >In vacuum, in space, do magnetics have those forcefield lines extending from their body that can do iron filing stuff?

            Force lines aren't a physical thing. They are a method of representing the shape of a field.


          • 2 years ago

            >But I've seen iron filings react to them, and there's a corresponding physical reason they are drawn with the geometry arcs they are drawn with,
            It's not exactly like that. Iron filings do not fairly represent the shape of the field. Iron has very high permeability and the magnetic field will take a short through long filings.
            The reluctance is minimised (the magnetic force behaves in such a way as to minimise reluctance) when the iron filings align with the field end to end forming long chains. The magnetic field that iron filings visualise is distorted as it would rather flow through the iron than the air around it, forming characteristic lines.
            Pic related. The distortion is very exaggerated but in a real field with filings in it, the "field lines" would be very pinched around the filings with very little of the field moving through air.
            >In vacuum, in space, do magnetics have those forcefield lines extending from their body that can do iron filing stuff?
            There's no tangible difference in this sort of experiment

          • 2 years ago

            >In vacuum, in space, do magnetics have those forcefield lines extending from their body that can do iron filing stuff?
            >There's no tangible difference in this sort of experiment
            So what are force lines, they exist in outer space and in vacuum, so lines really exist everywhere in space attaching all electrons to each other? And these lines are really things that exist, so that's very interesting important and strange, that there is apparently matter everywhere that is not made of electron and quark.

            Are the distance between the lines any relevance or just a diagram convention?

            The lines themselves are not points of anything special is it? If magnet was placed anywhere in the vicinity it would react just the same, on top or next in between the lines?

          • 2 years ago

            Magnetic field lines are physically real.

          • 2 years ago

            In vacuum and in space they are there too, so they are not just the pressure of atmosphere?

          • 2 years ago

            Maxwell and Faraday thought of magnetic field lines as vortex filaments, and if you do too you'll never make a mistake.
            The electric field is less clear even if you distinguish between the electrostatic and electrodynamic components.

          • 2 years ago

            Why is it so mysteriously beyond simple expressing grasp? Is it like trying to describe a tiger to someone who has never seen anything like it? Surely the average seer of a tiger can draw a crude picture and an autobahn can do better, but I have seen pictures of magnet field lines since a child of course, there is some realness to their cause; and presence;

            I'm asking are they present in vacuum because the first thought is atmosphere is partially or largely responsible for field lines;

            If not that, that it is true that space is full of these real lines... Then yeah that line or the space between that line must be full 9f some real stuff, to have such a real effect, just again now why does the magnetic material so react to another's field lines while another magnetic material does not?

            How does a very strong electromagnet effect a non magnetic rock for instance?

          • 2 years ago

            So all of space is some kind of quickly moving lumineferous goo, the speed the sun is traveling, is maybe slower or much slower or near the speed of the goo,

            The goo is in-between all the atoms, and it is this material of an inter sensitivity that when an atom moves, the goo registers that movement as a vibration on its body that can be intercepted by a cluster of atoms at a different location in the all encompassing lumineferous electromagnetic photon field goo

            Because the phenomenon of electricity is closely related to the last major open problem of classical mechanics, turbulence.


          • 2 years ago

            Electricity is like tapping into the fundamental quantum world, the power of connection and attatchment on that scale, everything on earth is electrically quite dull, it took humans to find the right pieces to put together to get huge power lines, of surging electricity. To those who have experienced first hand the cosmic powers of voltage, raw power, of that juice. When there is that connection made,.the purity of the attractive link flow,

          • 2 years ago

            >quantum world
            No such thing.

          • 2 years ago

            I just thought like when there is like strong electric flow something is happening there on the small scales

          • 2 years ago

            So all of space is some kind of quickly moving lumineferous goo, the speed the sun is traveling, is maybe slower or much slower or near the speed of the goo,

            The goo is in-between all the atoms, and it is this material of an inter sensitivity that when an atom moves, the goo registers that movement as a vibration on its body that can be intercepted by a cluster of atoms at a different location in the all encompassing lumineferous electromagnetic photon field goo

          • 2 years ago

            So the Sun is traveling,

            Either the Sun is ripping through the medium like a ballistic
            The medium dragging the sun like a conveyor belt
            Or a mixture of both.
            The Sun is also rotating.

            So I mean field theory is kind of already like this;. But what if what we see of as Black Space Between Stars and Planets, is really this Field Medium;.

            And the supermassive black hole at the center of the Galaxy, along with the medium and the stars and planets are rotating around this common center, so the Sun is dragged in it's orbit like a kayak in rapids;

            But it's also rotating;
            Maybe the atoms of the sun do experience some friction from rubbing up against this conveyor belt gravity field space medium, and maybe this is a source of the Suns volitile and otherwise emitence of light

          • 2 years ago

            >. They are a method of representing the shape of a field
            Non existing things don't need to be represented by shapes: what is it that is making the need for this representation? What is the thing that is there?

          • 2 years ago

            Do you know how force lines or field isolines are drawn?

          • 2 years ago

            There are only so many ways things can have fixed motion rate velocitys, think of some examples what are they, speed of sound, speed of water ripples, speed gas can make cars go, speed the fastest sail boat can go, rocket ship, things have speed limits, but how many things have speed limits and speed enforcement be the same quantity?

  19. 2 years ago

    Since it's trading execution speed for movement speed, pretty much nothing until it interacts with something.

  20. 2 years ago

    It has no time to admire the outside view at that speed.

  21. 2 years ago

    A photon doesn't see shit because it's light, vision is only a thing when photons bounce off something

  22. 2 years ago

    "Einstein knew that the answer to his question was “no,” but he wanted to know why. After a lot of thought, the only possible answer that he could think of is that time slowed down for the rocket, or any moving object, just enough that the reduction in time canceled out the speed of the rocket, causing the light of the flashlight to travel at the speed of light. It turns out that he was right!"

    But time doesn't exist, things change or they stay the same forever.

    "If you were to ride on a spaceship that approaches the speed of light, you would age slower than a person standing on Earth. Once you reached the speed of light, time would literally stop for you. The person on Earth would age, while you wouldn’t age at all. "

    How is speed slowing aging exactly? It seems hocus pocus that all variables of aging slow down for those at speed.

    Surely if this was the case, that speed was acting like cold temperatures on the cells. What the hell is going on.

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot the prior statement for the first statement:

      "Albert Einstein asked a very similar question. As nothing can go faster than the speed of light, it is known as the speed limit of the universe. He asked, if a flashlight is attached to a rocket going some speed, wouldn’t the flashlight project light at a speed equal to the speed of light plus the speed of the rocket?"

    • 2 years ago

      I'll add, time is but memory for a living creature or time it took from A to B.

    • 2 years ago

      Ah i get it, so the speed of light didn't add up in moving objects rite? So the soitentist decided that if you go fast then light from your flashlight doesn't go faster, it's just the heckin clockerinos slowing down!1

      • 2 years ago

        Watch out, those clocks have given rise to a new aspect of reality yet not proposed since buying one from the shop! We must factor for it in our formulations.

      • 2 years ago

        >Ah i get it, so the speed of light didn't add up in moving objects rite? So the soitentist decided that if you go fast then light from your flashlight doesn't go faster, it's just the heckin clockerinos slowing down!1
        This can be easily verified with two synchronized clocks. Take one of them, put it on a train or something and measure the difference afterwards. At least gravitational time dilation has been measured this way, but using planes instead of trains.

      • 2 years ago

        Hasn't time dilation already been proven? It seems very easy to verify.

        • 2 years ago

          Apparent time dilation (special relativistic): the relative slowing down of light due to your motion.
          Real time dilation (general relativistic): the absolute slowing down of light due to gravity.

          You cannot perform any experiment to disprove this interpretation.
          Variable speed of light due to gravity was Einstein's original idea that he never really abandoned.

          • 2 years ago

            Is it possible to run an experiment with a nuclear clock on a probe and one on earth, where the probe is sent out into space at a significant speed and return back to earth so it can be compared?

          • 2 years ago

            You could, it's just the clock/twin paradox, but the result would be the same for either interpretation

            Also note, since we're talking about the clock paradox, there are 4 interpretations of SR floating around in people's minds:
            1 The fully relativistic one: relativistic effects must be completely reciprocal and real
            Therefore, in the SAME physical situation, you should get the same result considering "what the other observer observes"
            This one is absurd, and disproven by the paradoxes of SR, like the twin paradox. But it's also what you find in Einstein's original paper. He weaseled out of it later on
            2 The relatively relativistic one: relativistic effects are reciprocal but real only in one way
            Therefore you must perform a calculation for each frame considered stationary, and only one of them will be correct (to be decided experimentally)
            Then, considering the DIFFERENT physical situation where another frame is stationary, you'll find that... the solution where it is stationary is correct, which you could figure out by classical relativity
            3 The Lorentzian interpretation: you notice certain frames tend to be more stationary than others, so you postulate THE ideal stationary frame, since considering relative velocities only clearly was not enough to get the full picture
            4 The sleight-of-hand interpretation, taken by the "don't trip over yourself, just draw a spacetime diagram" crowd, implicitly Lorentzian, that starts by choosing the stationary frame first to draw the spacetime diagram, then perform a red herring Lorentz transformation into the moving frame, and see that you get all the correct results. But if you started with the other frame stationary, you would've gotten another result: which is correct? Direct experimentation will tell
            These are the battered wives of SR. They believe that if you agree with the 3rd, then you must be confusing the 1st and 2nd interpretation. They probably confuse them themselves, and use spacetime diagrams as a crutch

  23. 2 years ago

    If a photon is travelling at c and runs into a blackhole from its point of view was it always in the blackhole?

  24. 2 years ago

    How long is a single EM waves waving body?

    • 2 years ago

      One wavelength, but a photon is one second worth of wavefronts because physicists are moronic.

      • 2 years ago
        Eman Nep

        You know how a water wave is attatched to a surrounding medium which has an average flatness which the waves body is measured against, starting to leave that flatness to returning to it (equilibrium).

        Is the body of a light wave attatched to some average actually existing EM flatness, or is the body of a light wave completely unattatched to anything, and just a wiggling line, with it's front and back tips, nose and tail, just like unfrayable ends of ropes

        • 2 years ago

          A wave is an ordered internal motion of a body, it has no "body" per se

          • 2 years ago

            Explain this more. What is the body then, if the light wave is the internal motion of a body?

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            Describe the physical mechanism mechanics of how Aether exists and what motions with what energies occur

          • 2 years ago

            >physical mechanism mechanics of how Aether exists
            Elastic collision of many atoms.

            >what motions with what energies occur
            Those governed by the Navier-Stokes equations for an inviscid compressible fluid, from which you recover:
            Maxwell's equations, from the Lamb vector and vorticity vector as the electric and magnetic fields respectively.
            Schroedinger's equation, from Brownian motion.
            The metric tensor from general relativity, from its density and pressure field.
            The Lorentz transformation from special relativity, from its incompressible flow approximation.


          • 2 years ago

            >A wave is an ordered internal motion of a body, it has no "body" per se
            What's the body it's an ordered internal motion of?

          • 2 years ago

            Already asked, already answered.

            Explain this more. What is the body then, if the light wave is the internal motion of a body?


            Describe the physical mechanism mechanics of how Aether exists and what motions with what energies occur

            >physical mechanism mechanics of how Aether exists
            Elastic collision of many atoms.

            >what motions with what energies occur
            Those governed by the Navier-Stokes equations for an inviscid compressible fluid, from which you recover:
            Maxwell's equations, from the Lamb vector and vorticity vector as the electric and magnetic fields respectively.
            Schroedinger's equation, from Brownian motion.
            The metric tensor from general relativity, from its density and pressure field.
            The Lorentz transformation from special relativity, from its incompressible flow approximation.


          • 2 years ago

            Is the aether made of smaller particles then electrons and protons neutrons? like marbles or goo

          • 2 years ago

            Presumably it is made of small identical atoms, because that's what an ideal fluid is.
            Less presumably, matter should be a phenomenon of the aether, not something immersed in the aether. Like Kelvin's vortex atoms.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't use the word atom to refer to unidentified particles or possible aether; the word atom refers to the periodic table of elements made by electron, proton, neutron.

            Can you refer to the aether's componenture by atoms, if you are quite certain it is not made of protons, neutrons, electrons?

          • 2 years ago

            Atom means indivisible, so the elements are not atoms, simple as.

          • 2 years ago

            Why are 'gravity-atoms' so difficult to detect and sense evidence of, their presence?

          • 2 years ago

            Because they don't exist.

          • 2 years ago

            So how does that which continously touches the moon to prevent it from flinging away exist and work

          • 2 years ago

            Action at a distance.

          • 2 years ago

            How do magnetic fields work?
            Forces are caused by matter, but they are separare from matter

          • 2 years ago

            So how does that which continously touches the moon to prevent it from flinging away exist and work

            Gravity is effected by pressure differentials in the aether, as Newton suggested and LeSage proposed. Aether is rarefied near matter, so that implies two things: 1. free aether pushes matter towards matter due to its greater pressure, 2. speed of light is reduced near matter, which causes it to bend.
            There are no "gravity atoms", and there are no "light atoms" either, any more than there are "sound atoms" (phonons)

          • 2 years ago

            some kind of aether makes intuitive sense but it just leads to "well what is it contained within" and so on

          • 2 years ago

            I don't care. Do you also not make a step when you walk because you'd have to make another? "Define the destination to be where I am"

            Describe how sound waves look and actually travel through air;

            Can h20 molecules roughly be considered zones of interactive spheres?

            Flicking guitar string or hiting drum, makes the material string, drum cover, vibrate back forth back forth back forth back forth into the air right next to them, so that sends the air flying, thing of the difference between a guitar string wiggling , and a drum pad vibrating, much bigger surface area, theres also reverberations from textures of attack,

            How do these make the air look?

            How does lights motion compare?

            Most of the questions you keep asking can be answered by having basic knowledge about what is being talked about. Open a book.
            About light, it's contentious, but superfluids sustaining both longitudinal and transverse waves is a hint. Light is considered to be transverse.

          • 2 years ago

            Interesting because example of transverse waves are the plucked string of a guitar, the string itself. And surface water waves.

            The string of guitar requires attatched on 2 ends to do the kind of standing wave thing.

            The surface water wave, number 1 is on a surface. Number 2 it is a part of a medium and it's wave spreads out latteally due to this;

            So at once; light wave is in that family of wave style; yet somehow exists in a way that is also unrelated to those two? (It's not held down on either end like guitar string, and it's not on the surface of or attatched in anyway to some larger medium)

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, waiting for response

          • 2 years ago

            >So at once; light wave is in that family of wave style; yet somehow exists in a way that is also unrelated to those two? (It's not held down on either end like guitar string, and it's not on the surface of or attatched in anyway to some larger medium)

          • 2 years ago

            Describe how sound waves look and actually travel through air;

            Can h20 molecules roughly be considered zones of interactive spheres?

            Flicking guitar string or hiting drum, makes the material string, drum cover, vibrate back forth back forth back forth back forth into the air right next to them, so that sends the air flying, thing of the difference between a guitar string wiggling , and a drum pad vibrating, much bigger surface area, theres also reverberations from textures of attack,

            How do these make the air look?

            How does lights motion compare?

          • 2 years ago

            I'll get back to you, just gonna ponder that one and mull it over

  25. 2 years ago

    youre asking how the universe works relative to the photon? well laws still hold no matter the frame of reference. so whats youre sneeding about?

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty sure "photon's frame of reference" is not a valid frame of reference in Einsteinian relativity. It doesn't really make sense. How can you assume light's frame of reference if the rule is that speed of light measures the same in all frames of reference?

      • 2 years ago

        a frame that travels with the photon. intuitively, light cones would help you understand it

        • 2 years ago

          Such a frame of reference violates Einstein's postulate about the speed of light so it's not a valid frame in special relativity. Photons cannot be stationary in any frame so photon's frame of reference doesn't exist.

          • 2 years ago

            what is violated? in relativity it just states that times go to zero to make up the speed of light. however you need to consider that frame to obtain a new theory

          • 2 years ago

            No, the speed of light is measured the same in all frames of reference. Doesn't matter how fast you are going. This is one of the basic postulates. This is violated when you take a photon as the frame of reference. Special relativity is not equipped to deal with frames of reference travelling at light speed and can't make any meaningful predictions here.

          • 2 years ago

            are you kidding me?

          • 2 years ago

            No, that's literally the basis for special relativity. Because of that, Special Relativity can't say anything about photon's frame of reference.

          • 2 years ago

            There's no photon reference frame you imbecile

          • 2 years ago

            I'm literally saying that you moron

            Such a frame of reference violates Einstein's postulate about the speed of light so it's not a valid frame in special relativity. Photons cannot be stationary in any frame so photon's frame of reference doesn't exist.

            No, the speed of light is measured the same in all frames of reference. Doesn't matter how fast you are going. This is one of the basic postulates. This is violated when you take a photon as the frame of reference. Special relativity is not equipped to deal with frames of reference travelling at light speed and can't make any meaningful predictions here.

            No, that's literally the basis for special relativity. Because of that, Special Relativity can't say anything about photon's frame of reference.

          • 2 years ago

            No, what you're saying is "there is a reference frame but special relativity can't say anything about it"

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not. What is wrong with you?

          • 2 years ago

            exactly what i was trying to convey but this moron started talking about muh special relativity

          • 2 years ago

            You were the one who was arguing that a photon can have its own frame of reference

  26. 2 years ago

    Shouldn't the universe look look like a single point mass to the photon? From its own frame of reference its creation and destruction are the same event, happening at infinite length contraction, right? Which means everything is compressed to a single point. Or at best wouldn't it be a 2D sheet of solid matter in which case the holographic principle might be applicable in some way? I'm not quite sure how length contraction affects perpendicular directions at c.~

  27. 2 years ago

    It wouldn't experience time

  28. 2 years ago

    >Special relativity
    at that speed time dilates while lengths contract.
    The time a photon experiences from the sun to the earth from the photon's perspective is = 0. Distance along your direction is contracted to a single point.

  29. 2 years ago

    photons aren’t objects, they are wavefronts

  30. 2 years ago

    draw a picture as to how light propagates.

    Is it like ripples on water surface?

    Is it like zig zagging line with deffinite nose and tail?

    Is it like zig zagging line with nose and tail attatched to medium, so the crest of the wave is a compression bubble disturbing equalibrium of medium?

    Is it like the energy transfer waves in a 3d volume of metal bb ball like newton's craddle?

    Is it some mixture of these?

    Is it nothing at all to any degree like any of these?

    • 2 years ago
      Eman Nep





      • 2 years ago

        Some one answer this?

        Light goes and goes and goes away from a lightbulb fiollament? Where is the light waves coming from?

      • 2 years ago

        Don't bother, they don't know. It's purely theoretical

  31. 2 years ago

    time standing still
    t. has a brother who is a photon

  32. 2 years ago


  33. 2 years ago

    There must be a point, points, when the electron is dropping down an energy level Where: a photon has not yet been generated, a photon has not yet been generated,a photon has not yet been generated;
    The electrons dropping down takes time and space; there is a time and space,and nessecerily matter, where the electron goes from; dropping down, no photon yet, dropping down no photon, to, dropping down a photon is beggining to appear from...

    Because it is the electron dropping that physically forces a photon to appear from.., at time and space...

    It could be the very instant the electron begins to drop it's energy level (what physically causes this?) It is touching the EM space so that as it begins to fall it begins to push a photon into propagation, BUT, and here's the point to tie it together;... The electron must be touching the photon or touching something that touches the photon, or the action of the electrons body movements could never correspond with the action of photon body movement

  34. 2 years ago


    Maybe the beggining of the electrons acceleration down, and the end of the frictitious bump of the electrons landing creates the up down wave?

    • 2 years ago

      An electron dropping it's energy state drops some distance in space bigger or smaller;

      E for Electron dropping down

      When does Photon/EM wave appear?





      The photon em waves emission, propagation, generation must occur at some exact space/s and time/s in relation to the electrons lowering it's energy level.

      You could mean that the photon is like a type of liquid that mixes with the electron liquid to make faster liquid, and when the liquid slows down and drips back down it is separated again or the photon is a kind of goo that glooply sticks together to the electron to make an excited fast moving goo around the nucleus, but it is like at the mall those quarter around the wide cone things where a quarter spins on its edge around and around and down and down.

      The electron photon goo like as if it were the electron proton goo, or gass maybe even; swirls around the coneness of the nucleus;and maybe some photon energy even leaks out and this is why the electron eventually slips back down, or maybe just uncontrollable fluctuations between nucleus and photonized electron, shake it down little by little,

      Any way finally the mixture slide down to lower orbital, and squish zap zip zing zoom the photonic electron is seperated and the photon is traveling on its way at light speed, like it never lost a breath or step

      • 2 years ago

        Yes or;

        GGGGround SSState

        • 2 years ago
          Eman Nep


          v ...............................p^
          GGGGround SSState

          • 2 years ago


            v ...............................p^
            GGGGround SSState

          • 2 years ago

            Now one question, if light works anything like this at all;

            What keeps an upward or downward moving wave having a deffinite back and forth quality and not just some slope

            ~~~~~~~~~~~~p. ****(****and then what keeps this photon from not just traveling the downward slope as above??????? As the em wave goes on>>>>>>>>>>> does it maintain any up and down up and down up and down up and down quality? Or is A wave also just a bowed object *~~*~~*~~*~~ it I threw a bow or boomerang like stick this way *~~*~~*~~ it would be more accurate to call these objects waves than particles??????*****
            GGGGround SSState

          • 2 years ago


            v ...............................p^
            GGGGround SSState


            v ...............................p^
            GGGGround SSState

            Yes or;

            GGGGround SSState

            An electron dropping it's energy state drops some distance in space bigger or smaller;

            E for Electron dropping down

            When does Photon/EM wave appear?





            The photon em waves emission, propagation, generation must occur at some exact space/s and time/s in relation to the electrons lowering it's energy level.

            You could mean that the photon is like a type of liquid that mixes with the electron liquid to make faster liquid, and when the liquid slows down and drips back down it is separated again or the photon is a kind of goo that glooply sticks together to the electron to make an excited fast moving goo around the nucleus, but it is like at the mall those quarter around the wide cone things where a quarter spins on its edge around and around and down and down.

            The electron photon goo like as if it were the electron proton goo, or gass maybe even; swirls around the coneness of the nucleus;and maybe some photon energy even leaks out and this is why the electron eventually slips back down, or maybe just uncontrollable fluctuations between nucleus and photonized electron, shake it down little by little,

            Any way finally the mixture slide down to lower orbital, and squish zap zip zing zoom the photonic electron is seperated and the photon is traveling on its way at light speed, like it never lost a breath or step

            You know you can upload pics here dumbass?

          • 2 years ago

            I can't it doesn't work

          • 2 years ago


            v ...............................p^
            GGGGround SSState


            if any light waves actually do have some bodily back and forth component, then what prevents the momentum of the downward motion from not continuing to go down, what is the forcing pressure that would cause a back and forth for forget 10 million miles, 10 feet, how would any wave like back and forth be forced to contain that complex motion, and not just have it's momentum sprawl out into immediate decoherence?

            Like shooting a simple wave encoded message in a slinkies wave function as you shoot it out 100 yards with a wave function encoded in it's up down wave pattern.

            Maybe it would travel 100 yards with it's body wiggle waggling? The same pattern up and down?

            Maybe air and gravity decay it's pattern?

            Maybe in vacuum if you shot a slinky out and gave it a certain vibratory wave function pattern that equals some simple encoded language, hello for instance, that someone will detect 100 yards away,

            If this was done in space vacuum would the slinky be able to maintain for 100 yards or 100,000 yards it's consistent vibratory up down encoded wiggle?

            But if this was to relate to light in any way even .01%,

            Light would have to have some bodyness at all to some degree at all.

            Now another way the slinky in space idea is attempted to get closer to encapsulating how light might exist and travel,

            If we shoot 100,000 slinkies back to back to back

            Or if one slinky 100,000 miles long

            Or 100,000 billion slinkies each 100,000 billion light years long

          • 2 years ago

            Lemme get back to ya on that

  35. 2 years ago

    nothing, it literally does not experience spacetime. from the perspective of the EM spectrum, the entire universe is a singularity. light has the illusion of having speed because movement through time is inherently also movement through time. an object that instantaneously moves through space also by nature moves through time, so even the simultaneous existence within all points between A and B looks like normal, spacetime movement.

    • 2 years ago

      K but what about things moving in the other direction, do photons give eachother a high five when they pass or are they startled like solipsistic cats, "huh! I thought I was the only particle in the entire universe"

      • 2 years ago

        photons are incapable of interacting or colliding with one another, because their movement is as I said illusory. that being said, photons can degenerate into an electron/anti-election pair, and those particles can interact with photons.

        • 2 years ago

          >photons are incapable of interacting or colliding with one another
          How interference pattern them?

          • 2 years ago

            Interference is a wave phenomenon so it doesn't strictly require them interacting.

  36. 2 years ago

    Take any basic undergrad physics course and this is answerable smfh

    By the postulates of SR photos move at C to all observers in their rest frame. A photon thusly does not have a rest frame, and cannot be an observer.

    In other words, a photon cant see.

  37. 2 years ago

    It experiences all events as the same event. It's emission and absorption occur at the same time

  38. 2 years ago

    I know this from personal experience

    • 2 years ago

      Here's another one

  39. 2 years ago

    How does a photon have a frequency when it doesn't experience time?

    • 2 years ago

      don't ask questions, just consume theory and then get excited for next theories

      • 2 years ago

        I CLAPPED

  40. 2 years ago

    The photon sees a photo opportunity at the local Black person farm where the mincemeat made of the non-believers is converted into brain-juice for the quantum Maslow effect. The israeli overlords overlook the production of the esoteric meme magick and represent a greater whole than is applicable to the real model of the universe.

    • 2 years ago

      Are you a bot? Answer honestly

  41. 2 years ago

    Why is this even a question?

    A photon does not have a rest frame and cannot be an observer. It won't see anything. End of discussion.

    There is literally nothing else to add to this.

  42. 2 years ago

    What is detected in the center when very very strong magnets are brought together to form shapes, circle, square, cube, sphere, when there is only repulsion or attraction between them?

    If you take two little magnets and bring them near you feel some repulsion or attraction or both;

    With the most sensitive detectors and powerful magnets, when bringing magnets nearer and nearer each other while being arranged in different arrays, circle, sphere,.cube,.etc, getting smaller and smaller, so the volume in the center grows smaller,

    And all of 1 pole north Or south is pointed inward; so a sphere of seperate magnets with all North pointed inward, with the perimeter getting smaller, what would be detected in that center, where apparently the force of attraction or repulsion would propagate through?

    Like imagine very powerful electro magnets, attatched to the strongest materials, and having even 6 brought together all with N or all with S pointed inward;

    One top, one down, one left, one right, one front,.one back;

    You all bring them closer and closer to a common center, and resist the urge to attract or repulse;

    I said electro magnet but also how strong can non electro magnets be made?

    Anyway, what are all sorts of detectors reading what is going on in between those magnets?

    • 2 years ago

      >And all of 1 pole north Or south is pointed inward; so a sphere of seperate magnets with all North pointed inward, with the perimeter getting smaller, what would be detected in that center, where apparently the force of attraction or repulsion would propagate through?
      >Like imagine very powerful electro magnets, attatched to the strongest materials, and having even 6 brought together all with N or all with S pointed inward;
      >One top, one down, one left, one right, one front,.one back;
      >You all bring them closer and closer to a common center, and resist the urge to attract or repulse;
      If you completely enclose some space with magnets (permanent or not) and leave no gaps for the field to "escape", the resulting field inside the structure will be 0 as well as the field outside of it. Well, that would be true for a spherically symmetric configuration. For a cube like that it would be a more funny shape of the field but the point is that opposing fields cancel out so you can't create magnetic monopoles like this.

      • 2 years ago

        But if all the S poles were pointed to a common center,.as the shape they are forming perimeter gets smaller and smaller,
        Wouldn't the magnets experience repulsion at some point?.

        • 2 years ago

          They are constantly experiencing repulsion. Doesn't change the fact that the field inside is 0. Just like the field at the point right between 2 bar magnets facing each other with the same pole.

          • 2 years ago

            So where is the sources of the repulsion?

            Both magnets are stopped from going any further,
            By saying the field is 0, what does that mean, there is no field there ?

            Where is the activity of repulsion being caused from and produced by what where?

            Where is the force being caused on? Where in the magnet, where around magnet,

            So we have these most powerful magnets and most powerful machines in the world holding them, and the machines slowly bring the S pole and S pole together.

            Closer and closer.

            The closer the go together the stronger the force repulsing, or the force is the same?

            So what is causing this repulsion to be felt, it's as if there is an object in between them yes? Or course the magnets can't be touched,.obviously there is something there?

            Who remembers playing with magnets as a kid trying to touch the S pole to the S pole. Can't remember if I could in fact do it, which revokes that above statements.about something actually being there, though i do know it tended.to slip down and slide edge to edge

          • 2 years ago

            Yo what would be going on there, in-between very powerful magnets slowly being brought together the same pole facing in;

            One anon said the field is 0 there..
            I don't know if they mean the energy level is 0,. There are 0 field lines there, there is no magnetism or electric field there, or what, because it certainly feels like there is force and energy there, and I can imagine seriously strong magnets repulsing even harder.

            What do very sensitive detectors say is going on in the middle there? Toss some iron filings In there, when the magnets feel all jumpy from the repulsion do the iron filings jumpy? Are photons being emitted in therr between the magnets?

          • 2 years ago

            >it certainly feels like there is force and energy there
            And you conclude that how?
            This is pretty elementary stuff if you know anything about electromagnetic fields.
            For example, if you have a charged hollow spherical shell, the field is only on the outside of the shell. Inside the shell, there's no field and no force. If the sphere is negatively charged and you put an electron inside, it's not gonna be affected by any force.
            It's the same for various attempts at creating magnetic monopoles. Except the field is zero period. There's no field inside or outside of such creation. You cannot have a single magnetic pole.

      • 2 years ago

        Im asking about what goes on in the volume location in between 2 or 6 extremely strong powerful magnets, all bringing their repulsing poles together; if detectors are placed in that space the magnets S poles are converging on,.

        You have put two S poles together before and felt the repulsion, what do the most sensitive detectors and theoriests minds say is going on in that space there?

        • 2 years ago

          So the Sun is traveling,

          Either the Sun is ripping through the medium like a ballistic
          The medium dragging the sun like a conveyor belt
          Or a mixture of both.
          The Sun is also rotating.

          So I mean field theory is kind of already like this;. But what if what we see of as Black Space Between Stars and Planets, is really this Field Medium;.

          And the supermassive black hole at the center of the Galaxy, along with the medium and the stars and planets are rotating around this common center, so the Sun is dragged in it's orbit like a kayak in rapids;

          But it's also rotating;
          Maybe the atoms of the sun do experience some friction from rubbing up against this conveyor belt gravity field space medium, and maybe this is a source of the Suns volitile and otherwise emitence of light

          So where is the sources of the repulsion?

          Both magnets are stopped from going any further,
          By saying the field is 0, what does that mean, there is no field there ?

          Where is the activity of repulsion being caused from and produced by what where?

          Where is the force being caused on? Where in the magnet, where around magnet,

          So we have these most powerful magnets and most powerful machines in the world holding them, and the machines slowly bring the S pole and S pole together.

          Closer and closer.

          The closer the go together the stronger the force repulsing, or the force is the same?

          So what is causing this repulsion to be felt, it's as if there is an object in between them yes? Or course the magnets can't be touched,.obviously there is something there?

          Who remembers playing with magnets as a kid trying to touch the S pole to the S pole. Can't remember if I could in fact do it, which revokes that above statements.about something actually being there, though i do know it tended.to slip down and slide edge to edge

          Noone responded yet :~~*(

          • 2 years ago

            It was already explained.

          • 2 years ago

            No it wasn't.

            Someone said the fields are 0.

            But with very powerful repulsing magnets I imagine in between them there could be a foot or so where they start experiencing repulsion, a foot or so area with 0 field? Where is the source of the force of repulsion , if not between them? And it feels like a dynamic interaction, like you are squeezing them together and they are sliding;

            Is energy, is photons being generated by the repulsive force?

  43. 2 years ago

    if you could find a way to move faster than the speed of light you could time travel back in time, if you could find a way to manipulate time and space you could create your own reality, you could be your own god

    • 2 years ago

      >travel back in time
      Not in the sense you are probably thinking of.

    • 2 years ago

      God is light, dna upgrades are via light, the world is a fractal of light, light language, light beings, children of light

      The photon is defined as a photonic element, a particle of light from a higher dimension, in the particle aspect. In the aspect of wave, it is one of the magneto-electric waves. It is called “HADO” in Japanese. The photon healing conducted by sensei-Yoshiko uses energy sourced from 8th dimension or even higher, although her performance is not supernatural. The treatment is basically a hand healing, touching gently on affected areas and sending energy through the hands placed over one's body, which generates no pain. However, some may experience some pain or feel heat in affected spots, in the event that one's body resonates with the energy intensely. The photon healing extracts negative energy from your body as well.

      Schizos are invading. Go back to >>>/x/

      • 2 years ago

        go back to school

        • 2 years ago

          I am not the one talking about photonic healing, dna upgrades or ftl enabling time travel here.

  44. 2 years ago

    God is light, dna upgrades are via light, the world is a fractal of light, light language, light beings, children of light

  45. 2 years ago

    The photon is defined as a photonic element, a particle of light from a higher dimension, in the particle aspect. In the aspect of wave, it is one of the magneto-electric waves. It is called “HADO” in Japanese. The photon healing conducted by sensei-Yoshiko uses energy sourced from 8th dimension or even higher, although her performance is not supernatural. The treatment is basically a hand healing, touching gently on affected areas and sending energy through the hands placed over one's body, which generates no pain. However, some may experience some pain or feel heat in affected spots, in the event that one's body resonates with the energy intensely. The photon healing extracts negative energy from your body as well.

  46. 2 years ago

    the problem with science/math is it doesn't understand dimensions yet, most science people think they are smart but are too dumb to take dimensions serious that's why they run into so many problems an nothing makes sense because you are biased to everyday common knowledge that's been out there for decades because of your fake religion that was made by another human, so half of the science you should be talking about or learning is "mysticism" or the occult or magic but it's actually just science, your grand children will be talking about dimensions an levitation an teleportation an looking at us like stubborn religious cucks the way we look at scientist from 200 years ago who didn't know they needed to wash there hands before a surgery and wondered why they were getting sick, scientist are the biggest stubborn biased dumbasses on the planet right now, everyones worried about what someone else is gonna think about them or their non-existent reputation that means nothing to no one

  47. 2 years ago

    Is photon the only immortal substance in the universe?

    • 2 years ago
      Sam eggy

      I wouldn't call photons immortal. Not only are the destroyed when an electron absorbs it, their energy is also not really "immortal" either. Photons lose part of their energy when travelling very long distances due to Hubble's Law.

      • 2 years ago

        >wouldn't call photons immortal. Not only are the destroyed when an electron absorbs it,
        Ok then, is the EM field most fundamental, is that a better way of saying it?

        An electron always eventually drops it's energy level, and a photon is emited, so the photon energy is not destroyed, a location of the field is just temporarily stilled

        • 2 years ago
          Sam eggy

          The electron doesn't have to emit the photon back. The electron can emit a whole range of photons depending on how its energy is changed.
          If the electron is excited by a photon to jump 2 orbitals up it may drop by 1 orbital down twice in sequence producing two photons with less energy each.
          The energy of the photon is not destroyed (at least in this case) but the photon itself ceases to exist clearly.
          It doesn't even have to emit any photons at all. The electron can absorb a photon and then lose its energy moving through an electric field. Or create an entirely new photon by colliding with something after it is accelerated by an electric field.

    • 2 years ago

      Immortal? Ask a photon, it thinks it dies once it is created

  48. 2 years ago

    Leave it to a religious relativist dogmatist to ignore a thread of interesting mysterious unsolved questions to pat themselves on the back for parroting a misunderstanding of misunderstandings blared and declared on popsci headlines the world wide

    • 2 years ago
      Sam eggy

      If Einstenian relativity is invalid then you'd also have to throw out a whole bunch of other fields of physics as well as engineering.
      That's okay, but you will have a hard time finding a good replacement that comes with the same accurate predictions.

      • 2 years ago

        >If Einstenian relativity is invalid then you'd also have to throw out a whole bunch of other fields of physics as well as engineering.
        Most knowledgeable relativist.

        • 2 years ago
          Sam eggy

          >Length is unfortunately not equivalent in all reference frames. If someone is going fast enough, like the other guy said, the universe will be one foot long for them, in their reference frame
          NO IT WONT FOOL

          LIGHT YEARS

          NOT 93 BILLION YEARS

          NOT 93 BILLION YEARS


          93 BILLION

          93 BILLION


          93 BILLION

          93 BILLION


          YEARS........LIGHT YEARS......

          LIGHT YEARS

          93 BILLION
          93 BILLION


          If relativity is false you surely have an alternative explanation for the observed phenomena predicted by it? How come short-lived particles have a much longer lifespan when travelling close to c and why is that difference in time accurately predicted by relativity?
          Why do satellites that have atomic clocks on board clearly show a time discrepancy compared to Earth-based clocks and why is that discrepancy accurately predicted by relativity?

          • 2 years ago

            I never denied relativity fool.

            I denied that light traveling 93 billion light years would do so in like an instant mannnn and see it as if it were like about a foot duddeee

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            So is the problem that you are confused about frames of reference? Because relativity does predict that the experience of time differs with velocity.

          • 2 years ago

            >How come short-lived particles have a much longer lifespan when travelling close to c
            Their speed is inferred indirectly by reverse relativistic calculation from their measured energy. Because energy goes to infinity as speed goes to c, it's circular to claim that their velocity is less than c. So one thing could be that their velocity is higher than c.

            >Why do satellites that have atomic clocks on board clearly show a time discrepancy compared to Earth-based clocks and why is that discrepancy accurately predicted by relativity?
            Because light is slower in a gravitational field.

            Did you know that there's coordinate transformation in aerodynamics called the Prandtl-Glauert transformation, which looks exactly like the Lorentz contraction? Lengths are contracted by a factor of sqrt(1-(v/c)^2), where c is the speed of sound.
            It's a linearization of compressibility effects into an incompressible flow. It's from this transformation that it was thought that the sound barrier was impossible to overcome, because the energy went to infinity as v approaches c.
            Where do you think the Lorentz transformation comes from anyway? From Voigt, who derived it while thinking of the Doppler effect, which affects a wave's frequency, thus time (of travel).
            Is "sound" a spacetime, also? Do supersonic airplanes travel backwards in time?

            Do you think Einstein came up with all the mathematics? The only thing he did, is impose his metaphysical constraints to preexisting mathematics, and interpret it in the most moronic way possible, which we call relativity.

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            >Because light is slower in a gravitational field.
            You do realise that the gravitational field is weaker for a high orbit satellite than it is for us on Earth?

          • 2 years ago

            You do realise that the sign of the contribution to time dilation due to general relativity is opposite to that of special relativity in the situation you mentioned?

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            And you know that general relativity already includes time dilation in it?

            >How come short-lived particles have a much longer lifespan when travelling close to c
            Their speed is inferred indirectly by reverse relativistic calculation from their measured energy. Because energy goes to infinity as speed goes to c, it's circular to claim that their velocity is less than c. So one thing could be that their velocity is higher than c.

            >Why do satellites that have atomic clocks on board clearly show a time discrepancy compared to Earth-based clocks and why is that discrepancy accurately predicted by relativity?
            Because light is slower in a gravitational field.

            Did you know that there's coordinate transformation in aerodynamics called the Prandtl-Glauert transformation, which looks exactly like the Lorentz contraction? Lengths are contracted by a factor of sqrt(1-(v/c)^2), where c is the speed of sound.
            It's a linearization of compressibility effects into an incompressible flow. It's from this transformation that it was thought that the sound barrier was impossible to overcome, because the energy went to infinity as v approaches c.
            Where do you think the Lorentz transformation comes from anyway? From Voigt, who derived it while thinking of the Doppler effect, which affects a wave's frequency, thus time (of travel).
            Is "sound" a spacetime, also? Do supersonic airplanes travel backwards in time?

            Do you think Einstein came up with all the mathematics? The only thing he did, is impose his metaphysical constraints to preexisting mathematics, and interpret it in the most moronic way possible, which we call relativity.

            >his metaphysical constraints to preexisting mathematics
            He didn't randomly come up with them. We already knew that the speed of light is the same for all observers. Einstein wasn't even the first one to come up with the notion of mass-energy equivalence and that's not a secret. He did derive special relativity (and later on general relativity) from scratch in a very elegant way.

          • 2 years ago

            >And you know that general relativity already includes time dilation in it?
            General relativity has its own contribution to time dilation due to gravity, which is NOT the same as special relativity, and does NOT have to have the same sign as it.
            This is due to the fact that "time dilation" due to SR is due to your absolute velocity, relative to which the speed of light is slower, and "time dilation" due to GR is due to the objective slow down of the speed of light near massive objects. Try it out, you'll never fail. In fact, "variable speed of light due to gravity" is how Einstein first came up with general relativity, before geometrizing the concept.
            Of course, light rays will bend when the speed of light of the medium it travels in changes.

            >He didn't randomly come up with them.
            You ignored everything I said btw.

            >We already knew that the speed of light is the same for all observers.
            ... In the same way the speed of sound is. Which is hardly how we "know" about the constancy of the speed of light today.

          • 2 years ago
            Sam eggy

            >... In the same way the speed of sound is.
            So how do you think constant speed of light was predicted?
            >which is NOT the same as special relativity
            Special Realtivity is special case of General Relativity. Anything Special Relativity predicts is predicted by General Relativity (tho not the other way around).

          • 2 years ago

            >So how do you think constant speed of light was predicted?
            By analogy of sound, waves in a medium having constant velocity in ideal conditions, of which the derivation of the wave equation from Maxwell's equations was considered an experimental verification.
            The wave equation is Lorentz invariant, by the way. This goes into the pile of things that you ignored from

            >How come short-lived particles have a much longer lifespan when travelling close to c
            Their speed is inferred indirectly by reverse relativistic calculation from their measured energy. Because energy goes to infinity as speed goes to c, it's circular to claim that their velocity is less than c. So one thing could be that their velocity is higher than c.

            >Why do satellites that have atomic clocks on board clearly show a time discrepancy compared to Earth-based clocks and why is that discrepancy accurately predicted by relativity?
            Because light is slower in a gravitational field.

            Did you know that there's coordinate transformation in aerodynamics called the Prandtl-Glauert transformation, which looks exactly like the Lorentz contraction? Lengths are contracted by a factor of sqrt(1-(v/c)^2), where c is the speed of sound.
            It's a linearization of compressibility effects into an incompressible flow. It's from this transformation that it was thought that the sound barrier was impossible to overcome, because the energy went to infinity as v approaches c.
            Where do you think the Lorentz transformation comes from anyway? From Voigt, who derived it while thinking of the Doppler effect, which affects a wave's frequency, thus time (of travel).
            Is "sound" a spacetime, also? Do supersonic airplanes travel backwards in time?

            Do you think Einstein came up with all the mathematics? The only thing he did, is impose his metaphysical constraints to preexisting mathematics, and interpret it in the most moronic way possible, which we call relativity.

            , the mathematics of relativity are really nothing special at all.

            >Special Realtivity is special case of General Relativity. Anything Special Relativity predicts is predicted by General Relativity (tho not the other way around).
            GR is built on top of SR. I know what you think, but SR and GR do not have the same relation as Newtonian and Aristotelian physics at all. GR presumes SR, Newtonian mechanics explains Aristotelian physics.
            In any case, it still has nothing to do with what I said:
            There is a contribution to time dilation due to SR, i.e. which is calculable from SR alone and that is included in GR.
            There is a contribution to time dilation due to GR, i.e. which is calculable from GR only, and is not present in SR.
            They arise independently.
            They can have opposing signs.

            Are you just throwing questions around hoping to be right, because you feel strong that you have "the right opinion"? You don't seem to understand your own position that well.

          • 2 years ago

            >massive objects. Try it out, you'll never fail. In fact, "variable speed of light due to gravity" is how Einstein first came up with general relativity, before geometrizing the concept.
            >Of course, light rays will bend when the speed of light of the medium it travels in changes.
            Yes but this is not the slowing down of light.

            As a car driving a straight away at 20 mph may take 20 seconds from A to B
            While a car driving around a curve that leads from A to B, at 20 mph will take longer.

          • 2 years ago

            Damn, bot posts are becoming advanced.

          • 2 years ago

            Material clocks are made of material.

            Time is immaterial.

            The ability to calculate this immateriality is fluctuated by the various movements of the material time keeping aparatus.

            If I smash a clock on the floor have I stopped time?

  49. 2 years ago

    >for you
    >for an observer
    >from the perspective
    >from the point of view
    >in the frame of reference
    Sentences that signal the switch from the physical (correct) to the metaphysical (bullshit).

    • 2 years ago

      Lol what are you talking about. Are you salty because you didn’t know about length contraction and those guys btfo’d you? What a loser. If you accepted that the speed of light is constant for all observers you accepted the entirety of relativity already, dumbass

      • 2 years ago

        > you accepted that the speed of light is constant for all observers you accepted the entirety of relativity already, dumbass
        >for all observers
        Not physics.
        I don't accept metaphysical postulates.

        • 2 years ago

          Do you accept that for someone moving quickly and someone standing still a ray of light will seem to be moving at same speed?

          If yes you agree with special relativity.

          If not then sorry experiment disagrees with you

  50. 2 years ago

    Respond this

    Material clocks are made of material.

    Time is immaterial.

    The ability to calculate this immateriality is fluctuated by the various movements of the material time keeping aparatus.

    If I smash a clock on the floor have I stopped time?

    • 2 years ago


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