what does it mean when you get bored of music, games, movies, and every other form of entertainment but suddenly you got interested in books?

what does it mean when you get bored of music, games, movies, and every other form of entertainment but suddenly you got interested in books?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    It means you move from thing to thing and never commit to any of them. If you are around 20ish this is nothing to worry about. If you are up near 30ish you might want to worry unless you like your cubical a lot. If you are older than that I hope you have come to terms with your existence.

    • 2 weeks ago

      why is it considered as a bad thing?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Because people who move from thing to thing tend to go nowhere in life, which is not exactly a bad thing unless you want to go somewhere in life. People who have nothing beyond socializing tend to do better than people who chronically move from thing to thing. At some point in life you need to start committing to things if you want to progress in anything.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I don't like being social, being around others made my life worse, And I'm moving into reading books because they aren't filled with propaganda and agenda that favor women over men.

          • 2 weeks ago

            In that case, you have painted your ceiling with a cloudscape and your quality of life is now completely dependent on believing that a bare 40 watt incandescent bulb is the sun. If you ever accomplish this act of faith you will develop a god complex and turn out the sun for all time. This will not work but it will get you a padded room and a drool cup.

            Also, you missed the point. Which is sort of my point, moving from thing to thing means you never develop the needed skills for much of anything leading you to fail to comprehend my post, I did not reduce it to either social life or move from thing to thing. But this is probably not a problem, as I explained; if you want to progress in life you should commit to something greater than existing.

          • 2 weeks ago

            but if i was good at one thing the people will say that I'm not good at the other thing and I'm too insecure to let them go without a fight

            if i developed skills in one thing i wouldn't be able to develop skills in other things and thus there is no point of the skills i developed

          • 2 weeks ago

            >another failure in comprehension
            Again, moving from thing to thing means you never develop the needed skills for anything. You need to develop the skill to be good before you can be good at anything and to develop that skill you must get good at something.

          • 2 weeks ago

            okay, i will focus on a thing and i will not move to any other thing than that thing im focusing on until i developed the need's skills to be good, but what about the people who will mock me for not having the needed skills at other things im not focusing on?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Just threaten to turn out the sun forever and then drop your pants and smile. They will stop mocking you.

          • 2 weeks ago
          • 2 weeks ago

            >vague intimations of 'the they'
            >first in some haunting notion of an 'incandescent lightbulb'
            >second in allusions to rape
            The only requirement in life is to live life.
            There isn't some measured definition of progress except the one that is lived.

          • 2 weeks ago

            God you are such a fricking homosexual. You're right but the way you communicate it is so fricking gay.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Thread required a certain buttholeishness.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Thread required a certain buttholeishness.

            You're obviously a few levels above the delusion that most people operate under, but this
            >Thread required a certain buttholeishness.
            No it didn't, never does. I tend to tell myself things like this to. Other times I have the integrity to admit to myself that I'm extremely small inside and enjoy the sadistic pleasure that comes with seeing right through someone and telling them about how I am able to do this, with some sting embedded in it, and rationalize this by further telling myself that its "for their own good" and I'm helping them out.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I was simple and direct first post even if I didn't go into great depth explaining it, and I even humored the attempts at gotchas in the following posts, but that didn't work so I took the next step, You are over thinking this and reading into things which are not there.


            Nah, I was just implying that habits in one part of your life tend to seep into other parts of your life which leads to your life becoming running in place if you never commit and follow through with something. Its not that I am fricked up, I am just an old gay and these patterns in people become impossible to not notice after a few decades, people who succeed in the things they want in life have something singular which they dedicate themselves to becoming really good at even if that is just having a satisfying social life.

        • 2 weeks ago

          But what if I go through like 5 things in a cycle over the last decade or longer?

          • 2 weeks ago

            You will possibly get somewhere with them before you die but probably just spend a lot of time relearning things you forgot and have slight variations of the same 'revelation' over and over and over.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Books are the highest form of introspective medium. So it probably means you're less interested in passive entertainment and more interested in thinking things through. And developing depth of feeling.

    • 2 weeks ago

      yes, I want more depth

  3. 2 weeks ago

    >spent 5 minutes going back and forth with me about how me losing interest in mainstream entertainment forms and being interested in books is moving from thing to a thing without developing the needed skills
    >yet he can't develop the needed counter argument for when people mock others for not being perfect

    was this a lazy gatekeeping attempt because you don't want others to get into books? no one will sabotage your underrated books secret club bro

    • 2 weeks ago

      You said you were not interested in things social which makes your comment about insecurity and being mocked a strawman or the previous post goalpost moving, so I had fun with it.

      >vague intimations of 'the they'
      >first in some haunting notion of an 'incandescent lightbulb'
      >second in allusions to rape
      The only requirement in life is to live life.
      There isn't some measured definition of progress except the one that is lived.

      My first post made it clear I was not talking about external ideas of progress but the personal idea. If you are happy in your cubical that is great.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    youre getting older and dying and hence you realize a majority of it is a waste of time

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