What is the best way to calibrate and EQ a subwoofer without buying expensive gear?

What is the best way to calibrate and EQ a subwoofer without buying expensive gear?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Your ears

  2. 4 weeks ago

    >eqing a subwoofer
    Peak midtwit

    • 4 weeks ago

      a subwoofer
      >Peak midtwit
      Yep you're a complete idiot

      • 4 weeks ago

        You are an utter fricking moron. You don't eq a fricking subwoofer you set your crossover and gain and then move the subwoofer around to the best spot. You're so fricking dumb and probably fall for all the fake fads companies use to get morons like you to buy shit

        • 4 weeks ago

          Good job completely contradicting Erin my moronic friend.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Best spot means it sums constructively with the mains. There are other factors you might want to consider like placing it closer to walls to increase room gain, shifting the phase, etc, but it still needs EQ even in the best spot.

    • 4 weeks ago

      a subwoofer
      >Peak midtwit
      Yep you're a complete idiot

      get a room, morons

      • 4 weeks ago

        The room is why subwoofers require EQ. Maybe they'd be better off without a room.

        • 4 weeks ago

          if room has three modes, your host has nice fullrange audio system but not any room modes, who is your host?

        • 4 weeks ago

          no i mean: get a room so you can frick the sub's porthole homosexual

  3. 4 weeks ago

    i think subwoofer is all about minimum delay plus power response, one builds some sort of transducer, low end boost and low pass crossover, check phase at crossover frequency, but not eq any further, calibrate by body effects

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Apply a 200hz low-pass filter to the input.
    Play the worst music you can find at max volume.
    Crank the gain on the subwoofer channel until the cone rattles and sounds like shit, then backoff a quarter turn.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    UMIK-1 and REW (free)
    No, $100 is not expensive

    • 4 weeks ago

      >$100 to EQ when software EQ is free

      • 4 weeks ago

        umik is a microphone moron

        UMIK-1 and REW (free)
        No, $100 is not expensive

        this and sell it back or return it

    • 4 weeks ago

      You do not understand home theatre.

      • 4 weeks ago

        What can't you achieve with that setup
        It's not automatic but anyone over 100 IQ should be capable of doing the right measurements for it even for multiple listening positions

        • 4 weeks ago

          And what will you be EQing the home theatre sub with? Your PC's EQ software? And how do you suppose that would work?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Why wouldn't you use an HTPC like a normal person?

            If you want to stick to boomer ways of playback you can buy a minidsp thingy that have PEQ or use a proper AVR that can also have custom PEQs set. REW can generate the correctly formatted EQ files in any case.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Why wouldn't you use an HTPC like a normal person?
            >no dolby vision
            >limited surround sound support
            >shit audio drivers

          • 4 weeks ago

            So it was about proprietary formats all along, why did you ape out then?

          • 4 weeks ago

            if youre enough of a wienersucker to own a smart tv and pay for netflix youre moronic enough to pay $500 for a Raspberry Pi in a plastic box
            >limited surround sound support
            >shit audio drivers
            brain problem

      • 4 weeks ago

        Home theatre is when you buy an AVR with weak ass amps and weak ass DSP because you're locked into proprietary formats.

        And what will you be EQing the home theatre sub with? Your PC's EQ software? And how do you suppose that would work?

        You use Equalizer APO. It just works.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >Equalizer APO
          >Home Theatre

          • 4 weeks ago

            Home Theatre is when you're not using Windows to drive your sound like a stupid fricking pissant moron

            raspberry pi: $15

          • 4 weeks ago

            Pis don't cost $15 anymore.

          • 4 weeks ago

            yeah they cost $18 you fricking ape monkey

          • 4 weeks ago

            Home Theatre is when you're not using Windows to drive your sound like a stupid fricking pissant moron

            OP said nothing about home theater. Apparently home theater is when you're moronic.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Home Theatre is when you're not using Windows to drive your sound like a stupid fricking pissant moron

  6. 4 weeks ago

    stand in each of the corners of your room and listen if the bass gets boomy or muddy or if it just sounds bad. that will tell you if you need bass traps and improve the bass in general

    • 4 weeks ago

      trap filters and physical resonators are unwanted, and not going to improve uncontrolled bass much

      • 4 weeks ago

        >not going to improve uncontrolled bass much
        you'd be surprised how well corner bass traps work for such low cost

        • 4 weeks ago

          Bass traps don't work for subwoofers at all. Only tuned resonators do.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    You can use any mic for bass. You're only looking for the locations of the peaks. The software is REW. After removing the peaks adjust the overall level by taste.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    toastan in an epic bread

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Buy a 10 year-old AVR with Audyssey MultiEQ XT for $100.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    What is the best way to EQ two subwoofers?

    • 4 weeks ago

      take all the moronic answers in this thread and multiply to the power of 2

    • 4 weeks ago

      never ran into this question before, assume it is room not a car, flip another sub phase and eq till nothing hearable

  11. 4 weeks ago

    There's no such thing, all you can do is adjust the level and frequency.

    If your stereo is high end maybe you can do time alignment. That's all there is to it to subwoofers and everything else is snake oil.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Post in-room response.

      What is the best way to EQ two subwoofers?

      You treat them like one subwoofer and place them in such a way that the second sub will cover the nulls of the first sub. There is no "stereo" in sub frequencies, although they're so sensitive to the position that the response in one of your ears can be different from the other and you'll hear a shift, even on mono content. You just gotta make the best of what you got. Something like minidsp flex will allow you to do true multi-sub DSP but it's expensive.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Room EQ Wizard+Equalizer APO
    You need good microphone tho even webcam mic worked for me just fine.
    For placement, you should put sub where you head is when listening, play reference tones then find where the bass is strongest in the room and that is place here sub should optimally be positioned.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Drink audio engineer. I do clubs and venues and festivals and shit.

      A proper measurement mic for doing room correction is always ideal but you can get away without it.

      Find a good position for the sub in your room.
      Download spectroid on your phone, it won't be accurate but it's better than nothing.
      Run some noise and sine sweeps and shit to identify any egregious room resonance peaks and use a PEQ to put a notch there until it sounds better.
      Just don't be dumb and do it too loud and frick something up.
      Put a low pass filter at the frequency your main speakers roll off at.
      Shove a high and a low shelf filter and adjust to taste.

      Your sub is now 'integrated' with your speakers and has been room corrected.

      This guy gets it.
      REW + rePhase + CamillaDSP is the current industry META (I use peace and a minidsp flex at home)

      What is the best way to EQ two subwoofers?

      Umik-1, REW and rePhase, camillaDSP and a raspberry pi. You can probably wrangle Linux on a PC to do do the output channel separation correctly. IDK how tho. Windows is fricked.

      Post in-room response.
      You treat them like one subwoofer and place them in such a way that the second sub will cover the nulls of the first sub. There is no "stereo" in sub frequencies, although they're so sensitive to the position that the response in one of your ears can be different from the other and you'll hear a shift, even on mono content. You just gotta make the best of what you got. Something like minidsp flex will allow you to do true multi-sub DSP but it's expensive.

      >Something like minidsp flex will allow you to do true multi-sub DSP but it's expensive.
      Flex gang rise up.
      A Raspberry pi and camillaDSP will actually perform the IIR and FIR processing better. The flex is a nice unit but a bit limited when you try to push the FIR filtering.

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