What should men do if feminist literature makes them uncomfortable?

feel so guilty. I'm a young man who wants to become a feminist ally, but I'm struggling to do that because of my own silly personal issues.
My issue is that reading feminist literature greatly exacerbates a problem I have. The problem is that I hate and resent masculinity and the men that embody it
I hate masculinity. I hate patriarchy. I hate being perceived as and feeling like a masculine butthole. I hate most men and I hate being associated with them. I hate anything that's associated with masculinity, such as "masculine" hobbies, "masculine" clothes, and the male form.
Feminist literature that discusses the horrors of patriarchy makes all of that much, much worse. I hate what patriarchy and hegemonic masculinity has done to the world. I hate being associated with the men that contribute to that shit. It makes me hate myself so much.
I just wish that I could be perceived by people not fundamentally different than women just because I'm a man. I relate to women more than most men. I hate masculinity.
This makes me desperate to find a way to deal with my negative emotions, which often results in me distracting myself with hobbies like gaming, or worse, self harm. I'm not learning about feminism. I feel so guilty. I'm not doing anything productive to feminist causes. I'm just wallowing in my own pitiful issues.
How do men prevent their own issues from interfering with the activism that they want to do? How do they do that without derailing the conversation to make it about them?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I don't know, I honestly just talk to people and ask things, and try to learn. I honestly don't give a shit, just don't be a jerk, be nice to people out there. It is not that hard, as in consider that how would you like that other men treated your mother/sister/daughter and so on.

  2. 12 months ago

    Did you copy paste a reddit post? I've done that once. Though this one seems too absurd even for reddit.

    • 12 months ago

      >literally read all that shit

  3. 12 months ago

    This is exactly the kind of guy who has mental issues and transitions instead of addressing his mental illness

  4. 12 months ago

    Become a troony or have a nice day. There is no third solution now bro.

    • 12 months ago

      Why did you give the same two choices?

  5. 12 months ago

    Can’t wait until every feminist is wiped off the face of the earth.

  6. 12 months ago

    If this is real, tell me, how old are you?

    • 12 months ago

      I'm 27. Why does it matter?

      • 12 months ago

        Not him, but I'll tell you why it matters.
        Subscription to fashionable political fads tends to dwindle with age. Why? Because people gorw up, and get some life experience that exposes said fads as bullshit.
        The fact that you're capable of posting the OP at your age is worrying, and suggestive of moronic personal development. This kind of resistance to reality is usually only possible within academia.
        You appear to be a long way from realising that feminism is just an attempt by certain women to rationalise their hatred of men, and by certain men to rationalise their hatred of themselves. Your OP expresses this is the most explicit way imaginable.
        The answer to your quandary is simple: grow the frick up.

        • 12 months ago

          >You appear to be a long way from realising that feminism is just an attempt by certain women to rationalise their hatred of men
          Now I’ve only been around the block a few times, but in my experience, attempting to reduce an ideology you are opposed to down to a set of hidden principles which are being operated on in bad faith usually reveals a lack of familiarity with the opposing ideology or willful ignorance. Feminism as a formal ideology has been around for quite a lot longer and taken a greater variety of shapes than you may be giving it credit for, and to make a highly general statement that all those who subscribe to it are rationalizing hatred towards men is not only highly likely to be false, but also irrelevant to a fair evaluation of feminism.

          • 12 months ago

            >Feminism as a formal ideology
            Feminism isn't a formal ideology. There are almost as many definitions of feminism as there are feminists. And if you've ever heard two feminists debating feminism, you'll realise how many of those definitions are irreconcilable.
            Feminism isn't an intellectual standpoint, it's an emotional standpoint for resentful and envious women.

          • 12 months ago

            It's an ideology that morphed out of the protean desires of a minority of neurotic, seething spinsters. It also has no objective reality to its puritanical moralism. It's not like a religious tradition that has 'two-edged' sword of moral law its adherents have to abide to, and consider for those outside its in-group. It's whatever X faction of women desire at any point in time. If that means destroying society for the sake of these desires, then so be it. Ideologists like that emerge out of secularism and are resemblant to any junkie. Anything is justified. Feminism is a cult of the dyad, pure feminine chaos.

            These feel disingenuous. It's always been my understanding that feminism's core belief is that women are unequal to men socially, and seeks to remedy that through social change. Of course it may not carry as precise of a message as, say, one religious denomination that's been specifically shaped by its adherents to convey that message. It's more like a patchwork of movements and ideas coming from countless sources over the years. Might as well say that philosophy is bullshit because it has too many definitions and it has no "objective reality."

            I wouldn't call myself a feminist but if we're gonna have a discussion on it, it would be most helpful to have a coherent definition of it.

          • 12 months ago

            >feminism's core excuse is that women are unequal to men socially, and seeks to justify whatever social change women want using that premise

          • 12 months ago

            It's an ideology that morphed out of the protean desires of a minority of neurotic, seething spinsters. It also has no objective reality to its puritanical moralism. It's not like a religious tradition that has 'two-edged' sword of moral law its adherents have to abide to, and consider for those outside its in-group. It's whatever X faction of women desire at any point in time. If that means destroying society for the sake of these desires, then so be it. Ideologists like that emerge out of secularism and are resemblant to any junkie. Anything is justified. Feminism is a cult of the dyad, pure feminine chaos.

      • 12 months ago

        not anyone who has posted itt so far but this is correct:

        Not him, but I'll tell you why it matters.
        Subscription to fashionable political fads tends to dwindle with age. Why? Because people gorw up, and get some life experience that exposes said fads as bullshit.
        The fact that you're capable of posting the OP at your age is worrying, and suggestive of moronic personal development. This kind of resistance to reality is usually only possible within academia.
        You appear to be a long way from realising that feminism is just an attempt by certain women to rationalise their hatred of men, and by certain men to rationalise their hatred of themselves. Your OP expresses this is the most explicit way imaginable.
        The answer to your quandary is simple: grow the frick up.

        27 is young, you're pretty far gone but not totally hopeless. Assuming this isn't just ledditpasta as suggested above:
        >I'm just wallowing in my own pitiful issues.
        The overwhelmingly most important aspect of masculinity is to stop wallowing in self-pity. Take responsibility for yourself and stop being a loser. Stop reading feminism. Stop thinking about culture or fighting for causes you have been brainwashed to care about. Start with yourself. Make something of yourself. Hedonism is a weak morality but it is superior to feminism. Seek out and enjoy the pleasure of female flesh. If you find a good woman and have secured a good living, marry her and found a family. Be a productive, responsible Father and leave your legacy in the world to your children, not to some bitterc**t feminist hags who won't ever respect you even a little.

        Or you can just keep wallowing in loserdom. No one respects male feminists. No one.

        • 12 months ago

          >cig guy
          it's so much better with the music, wish I had a copy still

  7. 12 months ago

    It's not your place as a man to be a feminist, and your body is telling you that.
    I respect women looking out for their own needs, and empowering themselves and all of that wank, but at the end of the day, you have to play for your own team.
    If anything, deal with the fact that you kind of hate women (and we all do). Learn to mask appropriately, treat them with the respect they're owed as human beings, but don't deny yourself, and don't be a cuck about it.

  8. 12 months ago

    >I hate masculinity. I hate patriarchy. I hate being perceived as and feeling like a masculine butthole. I hate most men and I hate being associated with them. I hate anything that's associated with masculinity, such as "masculine" hobbies, "masculine" clothes, and the male form.

    Dear OP,
    Are you so called "closet" homosexual with so called "daddy issues"? If you are indeed, I highly recommend you to read this: (pic related)

    You will thank me later

  9. 12 months ago

    Tear the book up
    Run a 15 minute mile, 50 pushups, 50 squats

  10. 12 months ago

    Visit a therapist since you have weird self-esteem and resentment issues.

  11. 12 months ago

    Good one

  12. 12 months ago

    Lmao, this has to be from reddit, it fits perfectly with their basedcuck mentality

  13. 12 months ago

    Read the second sex
    Read Moby-Dick

    Don't read bourgeois feminism

  14. 12 months ago

    this is bad for your mental health. self-flagellation gets you nowhere. stop looking at twitter, stop whipping yourself to feminist literature, stop mind-gaming yourself every time you see a woman. go out in the world. be kind to everyone. treat women as you would anybody else, it's like you've blown them into far more than a person. pause the activism for a little bit. just be nice to people.

  15. 12 months ago

    low tier chudbait

  16. 12 months ago

    >I hate masculinity. I hate patriarchy.
    Why? It's literally just the default and only way of ordering society successfully. This would be like getting annoyed the sun rises in the East. Feminism is largely an abortion cult that tries to complain about women not be identical to men in economic in political terms while they were mercifully ruled over by a religion which fully admitted their equality before God. I don't really think you've ever engaged with a family or individual with traditional gender roles because largely these women are not advocating for a new role that isn't traditionally male or female but they just want to be male and shit out some babies on their paid corporate holiday or maybe get an abortion if they want an extra vacation that year.

  17. 12 months ago

    A swede is born

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