What was his problem?

What was his problem?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    short left arm can drive a kaisa crazy

    • 1 month ago

      Tbh I WW1 was just overcompensation for his t-rex arm

    • 4 weeks ago

      Tbh I WW1 was just overcompensation for his t-rex arm

      he had a weird physical feature and that lead to all of his politics being overcompensating for that.
      Same goes for Hitler, Stalin and Timur


      Mommy issues deriving from the fact that his British mom choked him during birth and crushed his arm (made worse by the imported British trend of using chloroform to sedate mothers during childbirth, prolonging the already traumatic breech birth).

      She then tortured little Willy in various ways during his childhood including electroshock therapy, contraptions stretching his limbs and bathing his left-arm in animal blood. When none of this helped she instead neglected him as if he was some moronic subhuman which helped to create a serious inferiority complex in Wilhelm, in particular concerning his arm.

      His father Frederick also seemed to be rather absent during his childhood. He was even more absent when he died from cancer after his British doctor Morell Mackenzie consistently misdiagnosed his throat cancer against the correct diagnosis of his German doctors.

      Spending most of the early part of his life up to becoming emperor getting thoroughly fricked over by the British doctors his mom dragged over the pond with her probably also had an effect as to how Wilhelm viewed Britain itself.

      Whilst there's no doubt his actions before the July Crisis led to the war, in his defense he did his best to prevent the war from becoming widespread, it was his government and military that pushed him into joining it.

  2. 1 month ago

    Attacked Russia before France. Turns out Russia was the easy target and France was the one that needed to be dealt with immediately. They were very close to Paris, but gave the French too much time to mobilise.

    • 1 month ago

      It's actually vice versa. Wilhelm wanted to deal with France immediately because he thought Russia is going to take eternity to mobilise. The whole Schliffen Plan revolved around it and promptly failed when it turned out the Eastern Front required more forces than anticipated - forces that could have brought victory at the Marne.

      • 1 month ago

        Then why were German forces stonewalled just 15 miles from Paris? I think they left it too late to attack France

        • 1 month ago

          They outran their logistics.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Italy are pathetic traitor

  3. 1 month ago

    he had a weird physical feature and that lead to all of his politics being overcompensating for that.
    Same goes for Hitler, Stalin and Timur

    • 4 weeks ago

      Timur was an actually based moron badass who trolled the frick out of every muslim around him

  4. 1 month ago

    classic German autism

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Mommy issues deriving from the fact that his British mom choked him during birth and crushed his arm (made worse by the imported British trend of using chloroform to sedate mothers during childbirth, prolonging the already traumatic breech birth).

    She then tortured little Willy in various ways during his childhood including electroshock therapy, contraptions stretching his limbs and bathing his left-arm in animal blood. When none of this helped she instead neglected him as if he was some moronic subhuman which helped to create a serious inferiority complex in Wilhelm, in particular concerning his arm.

    His father Frederick also seemed to be rather absent during his childhood. He was even more absent when he died from cancer after his British doctor Morell Mackenzie consistently misdiagnosed his throat cancer against the correct diagnosis of his German doctors.

    Spending most of the early part of his life up to becoming emperor getting thoroughly fricked over by the British doctors his mom dragged over the pond with her probably also had an effect as to how Wilhelm viewed Britain itself.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >bathing his left-arm in animal blood.

      What...The...frick ???

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Twice a week Wilhelm’s left arm was inserted into the body of a ‘freshly slaughtered hare’ for half an hour, in the hope that the wild animal’s warmth and vigour would be transferred to the arm.
        >At this point one already wonders what psychological effects this cruel and gory procedure, which was kept up for several years, might have had on the future German Kaiser. It certainly brought no physical benefits


        Source also describes a bunch of the other Frankstein shit they performed on him.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Could modern medicine have helped him?

          • 4 weeks ago

            It might have but at the time doing nothing was really the best option. Prior to modern medicine quackery was excessively common though.

            Basically whenever something was wrong patients and/or their family would often still demand treatment. Doctors in turn, wanting to get paid, often came up with bullshit if they didn't know how to actually treat an ailment. Doing nothing or providing comforting treatment was thus often not even considered.

            The shit Wilhelm was put through was basically driven by the same urges that explains why "Bloodletting" was such a common cure for centuries despite the fact that it pretty much always harmed the patient and often substantially reduced their chances of survival. Because people would rather take a stupid treatment over no treatment (and because it was cheap and easy to perform by doctors).

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I like the kaiser, but the truth is he was just another arrogant germutt hun who thought he had the world in his hand. Dude went on vacation when the war started, exacerbated the death of his own cousin and fumbled his ancestors' hard work of many centuries. In the end hubris is why he lost. At least he lived tho, and homie had drip, more than can be said for others

  7. 4 weeks ago

    He decided the build a high-seas fleet to rival the Royal Navy at a point when the UK would've allied with Germany vs France & Russia, when their only condition was "don't build a high-seas fleet" and he also thought that Russia & France would never commit to a formal alliance because they had incompatible forms of government. He was a moron who didn't understand diplomacy or strategy

    • 4 weeks ago

      German geopolitics is a mysterious thing anon. Don't try to understand it, it will hurt your brain.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >newbies doesn’t know

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Correct answer: jealousy of the British.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What's with krauts obsession with the british?

      • 4 weeks ago

        What’s with bong obsession with North German Ocean?

  9. 4 weeks ago

    >The Eulenburg affair was a public controversy surrounding a series of courts-martial and five civil trials regarding accusations of homosexual conduct, and accompanying libel trials, among prominent members of Kaiser Wilhelm II's cabinet and entourage during 1907–1909.
    >The Kotze affair was a scandal involving the German imperial court at the end of the 19th century. From 1891 onwards, several members of the aristocratic court society and the family of Wilhelm II were accused of sexual debauchery in anonymous letters.
    >During a formal evening function, [Dietrich] von Hülsen-Haeseler appeared dressed in the pink tutu and rose wreath of a ballerina, dancing for the Kaiser and his assembled guests. The performance included pirouettes, jumps, capers and flirtatious kisses to the audience. Apparently exhausted by his exertions, the general bowed, collapsed and was pronounced dead after hasty medical attention.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >during 1907–1909

  10. 4 weeks ago

    He didn't want to live in the shadow of Bismarck's legacy like his forebears which ironically meant he almost completely undid his legacy with Germany's near destruction/dismantlement.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Unironically, Autistim. And as is the case with most autists his mother could have done the world a favour by strangling him in his crib before he could inflict his spergness on the world.

    • 4 weeks ago


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