What will your real life look like once you make it?

What will your real life look like once you make it?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 months ago

    I'm gonna live innawoods with the sasquatches

    • 2 months ago

      forgot pic

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Currect answer, i will still habitate mens natural habitate.

      • 2 months ago

        Hey I'm dunking on the baggies over in GME general, I've seen you post there before so feel free to join in and cause some seething.

  2. 2 months ago

    Floating in an infinity pool jacked on phenibut

    • 2 months ago

      If you're gonna take Phenibut might as well just do GHB. Unlike Phenibut GHB actually works. Trust me GABA drugs were my favorite before I went straight edge

      • 2 months ago

        GHB is probably amazing but I only ever associate it with date rape and homosexual homies trying to loosen up they bootyholes

      • 2 months ago

        Phenibut is a different sort of high to GHB. You can still actually function on Phenibut
        >t. regularly speeds under the influence of Phenibut

        • 2 months ago

          Phenibut didn't do much for me. GHB is great but too intoxicating. Gabapentin is actually where it's at

  3. 2 months ago

    Already living my "real life", only difference is that I'll live someplace I can bike for groceries and have a bigass fish tank once I make it

  4. 2 months ago

    the same as now, ill just reclaim the 1/3 of my life and do stuff i actually enjoy instead of wageslaving

    • 2 months ago

      Same. I really just want the peace of mind. The whole job thing and being forced to submit to other people is what I'm sick of. I want to be left alone.

  5. 2 months ago

    uprgade everything

  6. 2 months ago

    Pretty much being a neet that goes to an expensive gym and plays vidya all day. I hate people so I don't ever see my life being some cringe pedowood fever dream.

    • 2 months ago

      No more wageslaving. I've got a wife and one baby so far, I'll get another. I'll own a home outright instead of renting.
      I'll not have to work to maintain a basic quality of life in Australia.
      I won't have to humour another corporate slime again. I'm sick of working for Vanguard and Blackrock, I'm sick of managing a hundred Indians because everyone worth anything left from burnout and hiring in country is banned.
      I want to just stay home with my family, host nice birthdays for my extended family, take us overseas a bit every couple years. But most importantly, I don't want to have to be a part of the rotting system beyond taxes, we'll live off dividends and interest and basically maintain the quality of life we have now.

      I'd get a personal trainer. I'd love a tailored fitness plan, time, and someone to push me on it in a safe way. Messed up my back by going too hard too early last time.

      Men blossom late. Just focus on yourself and don't fall for societal norms. Having meaningless sex is extremely overrated. The hardest part is your hormones want you to spread your seed but resist and find the right girl, also you have to have multiple prospects unless you get lucky and the first one ends up being the one.

      This. Peaking early and having meaningless sex is Just spinning wheels. I wish I'd started my real life sooner. I also used to be sure I'd be dead by 25, I assume that guy has no father figure, but that's me projecting. Single mother households delayed real life by a decade for both myself and my best friend, though in different ways

  7. 2 months ago

    i will first get a total package of plastic surgeries and dental treatments
    then proceed with buying up all the undervalued real estates around my area

  8. 2 months ago

    idk man, i never imagined life past 25. im 23 now, the golden years are basically almost gone and im still too poor to buy gas and food

    • 2 months ago

      "Golden years end at 25" are you a troony or something?

      • 2 months ago

        >are you a troony or something?
        no, why? do trannies wall faster?

        • 2 months ago

          No but they pavement pretty rapidly.

    • 2 months ago

      >are you a troony or something?
      no, why? do trannies wall faster?

      "Golden years end at 25" are you a troony or something?

      >Golden years end at 25
      only for women

      • 2 months ago

        *white women

        Asian women look young even into their 40s.

      • 2 months ago

        yeah men have more time until like 35

    • 2 months ago

      my golden years literally didnt start until 25. 13-24 was absolute hell

      • 2 months ago

        What changed at 25?
        Give some hope to 25 yo doomer pls

        • 2 months ago


          I'm literally about to turn 23 and I've more life experience than 80% of the homosexuals on this board. I've loved multiple women, knuckled through highs and lows in my academic and professional career. I've been in multiple industries, served my country, etc, etc. Just about everything you can think of, I've probably had some contact with that world in some manner. I've had thriving interests, writing poetry, achieved sporting excellence through the gym, etc.

          I am unironically going to blow my brains out at 25 if I can't retire by then. I hate living this life. I hate trying anymore. I hate everything around me, and can barely tolerate people that I used to like. I just want a retirement stack so I can disappear and travel the world.

          • 2 months ago

            I enjoyed the threwd you made the other week.

          • 2 months ago

            >more life experienced than everyone on this board.
            Apparently you haven't experienced the ability to not be a whiney homosexual and just chill out.

    • 2 months ago

      Men blossom late. Just focus on yourself and don't fall for societal norms. Having meaningless sex is extremely overrated. The hardest part is your hormones want you to spread your seed but resist and find the right girl, also you have to have multiple prospects unless you get lucky and the first one ends up being the one.

    • 2 months ago

      25-40 is the best period of life for a man by far. 30-40 is the actual peak. At least that was true for me.

    • 2 months ago

      >im 23 now, the golden years are basically almost gone
      Whoever convinced people the early 20s are "peak" life was evil. Your life has barely begun.

    • 2 months ago

      I used to think that way too. You age slower than you think anon. I'm 46 and look and feel better than I did at 25.

    • 2 months ago

      I always have to remind myself that morons who think like this infest all aspects of the internet and arguing with people online is pointless

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah. Arguing on the internet is usually pointless unless you're just doing it for fun. You're probably not going to change minds on a massive scale. Anyone trying to influence things that way has armies of bots and paid shills. At best you'll convince the people reading the thread (and maybe the guy you're arguing with). But these are all people you don't know and will never meet.

        There's so much bullshit and stupid opinions that it seems like a waste of time getting angry about it. Have to accept most people are uninformed and have poor understanding of most topics. Even smart people generally have a few topics they know deeply while being dumbasses about most things.

        • 2 months ago

          Forgot image.

          • 2 months ago

            Frick I guess I'm the dumbass.

    • 2 months ago

      The tragedy of being a man is that 99.99% won’t have what they need to be successful at anything until they’re about 30 at the earliest. But 99.99% of that 99.99% will have either given up, gotten shafted by fate, or just done all the wrong things and thereby closing off the best possible futures by the time they reach that age.

    • 2 months ago

      >25 years old is the end of the golden years

      22 year old here, please shut the frick up. i get the sentiment, i've dealt with it too. i graduated in 2019, and i had to deal with the moronic idea that the best years of your life are in high school. it sounds cliche, but what helped me get out of that mindset was realizing that everyone goes at a different pace in life and your golden years are when you decide they are. unironically. not even memeing. you are the one in control of your life.

    • 2 months ago

      My 20s were shit. Wtf are you talking about stfu

    • 2 months ago

      if you're really desperate, zog desk job or zog postal clerk is pretty sweet

  9. 2 months ago

    Have kids with gf , do bjj like a job . Retire father. Important shit

  10. 2 months ago

    as little human interaction as possible

  11. 2 months ago

    Less (or no) work. That'll free me up to focus on stuff I enjoy doing like working out, traveling, learning languages, and exploring alternate routes of making money.
    I'm at $2 mil NW now and I'm strongly considering dropping down to part time at work by the beginning of 2025. If/when I reach $4 mil, I'll probably stop working completely.

  12. 2 months ago

    I’d buy a lot of collectibles, I’d frick a lot of hot women, and I’d only work on what I want.

  13. 2 months ago

    I'm afraid to make it, I'm already at low six figures in a third world country (enough money to live a comfy life until I die) yet there is nothing I really want. I'm a nEET since my twenties (currently being 37 yo.) never had a GF, and I don't find pleasure in literally anything (food, sex, drugs, gambling) I wouldn't know what to do if if enter 7 figures purgatory. I'd probably kill myself
    t. gay with dopamine receptors fried who already banged hundreds of prostitutes and travelled a lot

  14. 2 months ago

    Continue living in my parents basement. Neeting is a lifestyle and I wouldn’t give it up for anything. I light use my new found wealth to remodel it so it doesn’t feel so cold damp and decrepit though.

  15. 2 months ago

    A house in a rural European town that is dying because only old people are left there, with 20K to 30K covering COL.

  16. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      year round?
      thats tougher than it looks

      • 2 months ago

        What's tough about living in a cabin by a lake? You do realize a cabin can have electricity and indoor plumbing. This isn't the 1800s.

        Or do you live in a third world shithole and assume the rest of the world is like that. As a matter of fact, it isn't.

  17. 2 months ago

    not wageslaving.

  18. 2 months ago

    I know that photo is a joke but I'm only 1.5x from making it

    I'll find a nice hot untouched zoomette gf and my life will be complete

  19. 2 months ago

    I am stuck as a bookseller in Montreal.

    I just graduate from McGill a year ago, with a B.Sc. in physics and minor in mathematics (it was going to be a double major, but I exceeded my credit limit on the math side ... I have enough math credits to count as a second major, but the rules fricked me).

    I can code in python, R, C++, matlab, and mathematica in that order of competency.

    My specialization was computational astrophysics, with my thesis being written on neutron star modelling with NSCool.

    I speak English, French, and am learning Persian (Farsi) from a 60yo Iranian nuclear physicist, who is having me translate and co-author his memoirs of the revolution and fighting Iraqi soldiers. Learning Latin too, and classical Greek will be the final goal.

    I do not come from rich parents. My mom is unemployed and on disability from a car accident. My dad is drop out who ended up working warehouse jobs until his 50s. They were rather dysfunctional and divorced when I was a teenager, and made life difficult.

    My gf is a double major in sociology and French literature. She has wealthy parents. She was able to go immediately into grad school. I worry she will soon out-earn me, and thus out-grow me.

    But I cannot afford to go to grad school anymore, because the economy is so bad, that this "temporary working class job" is only enough to afford my rent, food, interest payments on my student loans - and then I'm back to 0$. I live paycheck to paycheck.

    When will I have time to save for grad school? Let alone save for anything?

    I am giving up hope slowly. I am not quitting on life, and I am not reducing my efforts to become successful, but I've given up all hope on the outcomes of my hard effort being anything good.

    My aforementioned resume:
    -physics degree from best uni in country
    -4 programming languages
    -reference letters

    ... has gotten me 600+ job rejections, 10 offers for an interview, 6 actual interviews, and 0 actual jobs.

    • 2 months ago

      you sound like a homosexual no wonder you cant get hired

      • 2 months ago

        >thinking I'd talk the same irl as I do on 4chong
        I'm not moronic.

        • 2 months ago

          obviously you are, bookseller
          if you want real advice consider this:
          your expectations in employment are most likely unreasonable and you should think much smaller
          >but i know all this shit!
          your work experience is dogshit. recruiters do not believe you.

          • 2 months ago

            I have set my expectations low. I no longer try for entry level research jobs.

            Heck, I can't even get an entry level IT job for local EMSB elementary schools.

            The economy is so shit that the only thing hiring is bottom of the barrel minimum wage jobs.

            I can't get my foot into the door of STEM jobs without a master's degree, and I can't get that master's degree without:
            1. more savings (which I won't get under current economic conditions)
            2. more loans (which I won't get under current economic conditions)

          • 2 months ago

            try for an assistant prof or maybe even math teacher
            unglamorous but its a start
            rooting for you, homosexual, unironically

          • 2 months ago

            ty, I will do my best to be the generative man I want to be

      • 2 months ago

        That's a plus in Canada

    • 2 months ago

      All these stats and zero mention of your social abilities, which matter just as much in the real world (You ignored this).

      >inb4 "b-b-but they shouldn't matter!"

      • 2 months ago

        >"You need to be socially suave for STEM jobs, chuddie"
        ... ok

        • 2 months ago

          There are thousands of versions of you out there who are also socially suave, and they are winning the hiring processes while you are being a weepy poetic gay on IQfy/biz/.

          • 2 months ago

            Fair enough, but it's not the main issue - I have friends and a gf. The main issue is: there is no more upward mobility through honest work. The lower rungs of the economic ladder have been sawed off.

          • 2 months ago

            Should have been born a Black person. If you were a Black person that could do those things you'd practically be a unicorn.

          • 2 months ago

            I'm Italian if that helps.

          • 2 months ago

            >I'm Italian if that helps.
            You mentioned you speak multiple languages. But not Italian.

          • 2 months ago

            I also mentioned my parents divorced when I was young, and that they were very dysfunctional people. I'm not exactly "attached" to my Italian identity.

            However, yes, I can understand enough Italian to small talk with my grandparents, and wish them merry Christmas.

            Quebec is a bilingual province, with most of its English people centered in Montreal. If you go to a business in Montreal, you are legally required to be served in your language of choice (English or French). Otherwise the business can get sued by the language police.

            If you go to a hospital, you have the legal right to request a doctor who speaks either English or French (depending on your comfort). Otherwise, they can get sued.

            If you go to university in Montreal, you have the right to submit your assignments in either English or French (even in a graduate maths program). If you are refused this, the prof can get in trouble. McGill needs TAs that are French fluent, for every course, for this reason.

            My girlfriend is also French Canadian.

            I therefore had a lot of incentive to learn English and French to college-level fluency.

            My Persian is conversational at best, but improving weekly.

            I understand some Italian and Portuguese, if spoken very slowly to me. But I cannot formulate a response.

          • 2 months ago

            It's a political situation I'm actually quite thankful for.

            French probably has the next biggest intellectual tradition after English (maybe followed by Germany and then Italy in fourth place).

            Half of modern mathematics has some French in its origin. The other half is israeli category theory.

            It has opened doors to mathematicians like Aleksandr Grothendieck, Benoit Mandelbrot, etc... who wrote in French.

            Also philosophers like La Rochefoucauld, Henri de Montherlant, etc...

            And art, and food (French probably has the highest culinary tradition on Earth).

            Only the older generations in Montreal still hold onto their anger over the language divide.

            None of the young people care. English and French co-mingle and mix together.

          • 2 months ago

            >The main issue is: there is no more upward mobility through honest work. The lower rungs of the economic ladder have been sawed off.

            "Making it" for me entails complete societal upheaval along with wholesale ~~*banker*~~ genocide. nothing else will suffice.

            then I can rebuild old electric trolleys with all my stolen israelite gold.

    • 2 months ago

      i would be your fren

      • 2 months ago

        ty habibi

    • 2 months ago

      Finance is where someone like you can make money.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't know any finance bros who would take me under their wing as their STEM autist quant-puppy-dog.

        Trust me, if I did, I'd be interning for them ASAP.

        Private industry research is no less noble and interesting than university research jobs.

        Problem is (again): no one is hiring. The country's economy is mismanaged, and the open society of America / Canada has crumbled.

        • 2 months ago

          Change your mindset, everything you said paints you as a victim, you have to stop that. I know it’s easier said than done but “Nobody is hiring, the economy sucks, the country is fricked” is just holding you back even if there’s truth to it, you have more control over reality than you think, if you’ve decided everything is shit and hopeless then that’s what it will be for you. You sound like someone who hangs out in the tech worker general threads which are just an echo chamber for anons to complain about how everything is doomed. The ones having success and finding jobs are the ones who never let those thoughts enter their minds and who certainly aren’t hanging out online constantly whining. You also type like a character.ai bot so maybe you’re not even a real person.

          • 2 months ago

            >you have more control over your reality than you think
            Watch some Thinking Ape / Stardusk videos, realize you have zero control and could get ass cancer at any minute, and then return to us wiser.

          • 2 months ago

            No wonder you're unemployed, you're insufferable.

          • 2 months ago

            >Thinking Ape / Stardusk
            I stopped watching that homosexual years ago after I got tired of listening to him prattle on and on about how hopeless everything was. Either demonstrate your conviction by rolling over and dying or grit your teeth and keep fighting.

          • 2 months ago

            >dude, like... i have no autonomy over my life
            Then shut up and stop b***hing, lmao.

    • 2 months ago

      Bruh, just hit the box on the application that says "latino" instead of white. You'll be hired in no time.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm a physic major, cs minor grad from the prairies and I make $86k a year as a software person. I literally just got a new job after sending out 30 resumes. I worked my ass off on projects for 2 months before I started applying and that made things easier I think. Well, that and being at the same company for 3.5 years. Now I just hit 200k in savings. Booyah

    • 2 months ago

      >Boo hoo I can't into job

    • 2 months ago

      Wow should have gotten a trade. I went to highschool and made $170,000 leaf bucks in 2023. got a pension as well.

      • 2 months ago

        Presumably you're a welder for the pipelines?

        Is America as nice as they tell me it is? Should I abandon Canada for the USA?

        I will consider this. I've been studying Stochastics and Joseph Felsenstein's "Theoretical Evolutionary Genetics" textbook.

        >Is America as nice as they tell me it is?
        God, yes. You should be doing everything in your power to jump ship dawg. Canada is being murdered.

    • 2 months ago

      >My aforementioned resume:
      No one cares.
      >-physics degree from best uni in country
      Ticks exactly one box.
      >-4 programming languages
      And what have you accomplished with those?
      >-reference letters
      Not needed.
      >... has gotten me 600+ job rejections, 10 offers for an interview, 6 actual interviews, and 0 actual jobs.
      You flubbed 6 real interviews, so practice actually interviewing so you don't mess up the next one. However your real problem is that you're in Canada. You might as well try your luck in the EU if you can't get employed in the US.
      t. cucknadian who left for burgerland

      • 2 months ago

        Is America as nice as they tell me it is? Should I abandon Canada for the USA?

        talk to your computational biology nerds in mcgill
        if you can hack python and R, they'll love you. all their processing is done in those languages.
        the montreal computational biology scene is one of the biggest in the country
        you've probably heard it a lot by now, but relax a bit. or try to appear relaxed. everything moves at a snail's pace in this country.

        I will consider this. I've been studying Stochastics and Joseph Felsenstein's "Theoretical Evolutionary Genetics" textbook.

        • 2 months ago

          >Is America as nice as they tell me it is? Should I abandon Canada for the USA?
          Unequivocally yes for anything engineering or tech/software related. They pay peanuts in Canada and the country doesn't care to be competitive. The government even leans into the idea of being the "landing strip" for tech jeets and chinks to come to North America, only to gtfo of Canada when they realize how shit it is and they can get a US work visa. There's also the fact that the CAD will be utterly worthless much faster than the USD.

        • 2 months ago

          >Is America as nice as they tell me it is?
          Not even close.
          >Should I abandon Canada for the USA?
          Absolutely, Canada is a fricking mess and it's getting worse fast.

      • 2 months ago

        At this point I'm just as mad at canucks flooding our country as mexicans. You shitheads ruined your country and now you're ruining ours. Go back LEAF

        • 2 months ago

          Get used to it, americuck. Nice digits btw.

    • 2 months ago

      talk to your computational biology nerds in mcgill
      if you can hack python and R, they'll love you. all their processing is done in those languages.
      the montreal computational biology scene is one of the biggest in the country
      you've probably heard it a lot by now, but relax a bit. or try to appear relaxed. everything moves at a snail's pace in this country.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm a physic major, cs minor grad from the prairies and I make $86k a year as a software person. I literally just got a new job after sending out 30 resumes. I worked my ass off on projects for 2 months before I started applying and that made things easier I think. Well, that and being at the same company for 3.5 years. Now I just hit 200k in savings. Booyah

      BTC DCAers are more intelligent (and moronic) than you Dunning-Kruger midwits and deserve to inherit the Earth.

    • 2 months ago

      I will buy an house in some village on the Alps with a small gym where teach grappling and MMA

      Anon you are already successful, believe in yourself don't let you down buy this sick world

    • 2 months ago

      I have some experience with hiring people for my company and let me tell you, your academic credentials don't really matter as much as you think they do. The thing we usually value the most is social aptitude and work experience, no one will really care about how many degrees you have and how many languages you speak if you lack either of the aforementioned.
      A lot of people lie on their resume and frankly no one has the time or energy to verify everything for a single candidate out of hundreds
      You need to be able to talk to people or else you'll get nowhere. I know you worked really hard to achieve those things, but ultimately what matters is how well you're able to communicate and influence people. I know it sounds a little demoralizing, considering all the hard work you put in, but unfortunately it's true.
      There are many people out there who have a fraction of the academic success you achieved earning a whole lot more than you do as a bookseller.
      The fact that you're still a book seller, not to be condescending, should tell you enough

      • 2 months ago

        >still a book seller
        It's been 1 year since I graduated ... I'm still in my mid-20s

        • 2 months ago

          You'll find something, you're still young

        • 2 months ago

          You're a kid you have lots of time.


          I'm literally about to turn 23 and I've more life experience than 80% of the homosexuals on this board. I've loved multiple women, knuckled through highs and lows in my academic and professional career. I've been in multiple industries, served my country, etc, etc. Just about everything you can think of, I've probably had some contact with that world in some manner. I've had thriving interests, writing poetry, achieved sporting excellence through the gym, etc.

          I am unironically going to blow my brains out at 25 if I can't retire by then. I hate living this life. I hate trying anymore. I hate everything around me, and can barely tolerate people that I used to like. I just want a retirement stack so I can disappear and travel the world.

          You need to toughen up buddy

          • 2 months ago

            You'll find something, you're still young

            If I don't have my grad and post-grad studies done by 30, and/or if I don't have a professional tech job by 30, I'm just gonna neck myself.

    • 2 months ago

      If I were you I would go to grad school. Not landing a job after one year is kind of dangerous. I would try to land something related to your interests ASAP and apply to grad school. My friend was a compsci bio major and went to UdeM for grad school and now works at Microsoft as an AI researcher. You sound smart so don't give up so easily and grind for something. Don't be afraid of taking on debt for grad school imo as long as it's not in something useless. Have a end goal job you work towards that the grad school will lead to. Else don't go.

      Also consider moving out of Montreal. Most of my friends moved to Toronto or NYC. Though Montreal has strong CS research. I'm a McGill grad and now based in NYC making solid money as a SWE. I hate it, but it's a good job. Good luck bro.

    • 2 months ago

      I can sniff the autism on you just from this post, I bet you REEK of autism in job interviews
      I know you. I worked with a kid who was clearly autistic but was talented in music production, art in general, writing, programming but he was so autistic he instantly became the laughing stock of the workplace

    • 2 months ago

      My friend, I received over 600 rejections before I finally broke into IT Networking. I have a PhD I. rejection. But once I was in, within 2 years I was in leadership and in the last 15 years I'm now an EVP.

      Just don't quit. It's that easy. If a path is closed, take a right turn and try another path. It's a numbers game. Be stubborn. Have the courage to make a fool of yourself in front of smarter people, that's how you learn. Focus on Christ. Have kids. Both gave me my fulfillment. Do not quit. I didn't feel successful until the very latter part of my career, it's exponential.

      I'm rooting for you, don't disappoint me homosexual.

  20. 2 months ago

    i'm probably just gonna die, been sick for a year and doctors say they can find shit yet my lymph nodes are swollen, they hurt, i feel weak and everything hurts...

    • 2 months ago

      being sick is the worst. please get better bro

    • 2 months ago

      Sorry to hear anon. Doctors are useless outside their training.
      Not to pile on with med advice, but have you tried spending a week with different diet methods. Cutting wheat is a good starting pint. Trying and seeing what happens can’t hurt and has done wonders for the waifu.

      Regardless, wishing the best.

    • 2 months ago

      Please cut out bad food additives and get some antioxidants bro. Pomegranate juice can even reverse cancer in large amounts. NAC is a hardcore antioxidant. Parasite cleanse/antiparasitics cure more than the medical establishment wants us to know. GL.

  21. 2 months ago

    12 kids. Making it only counts if you're in your youth and i'm too late.

  22. 2 months ago

    Sex Cult. Everything is going green. I just need the capital to buy a thousand acres in Montana so I can have my own town. Combining two of my harems businesses into an S Corp at the end of April but they barely breach 1M income. I need more lovers.

    • 2 months ago

      Hey, that was my idea butthole. Try washington or idaho homosexual

  23. 2 months ago

    Living in Japan with an constant supply of money coming in from ETH staking and doing whatever the frick I want.

    • 2 months ago

      Why japan?

      • 2 months ago

        because its better than my current shithole country

    • 2 months ago

      how will you live there?student visa?

  24. 2 months ago

    small single story house in coastal community, max 5 mins away from the beach so i can surf every day and be left the frick alone

  25. 2 months ago

    Linkies are still wondering

  26. 2 months ago

    Planning to kill myself. Specially after watching the iron claw. What is the easiest way out? I've heard the car thing is comfy, but I dont have a car

  27. 2 months ago

    I'll just buy a small apartment.

  28. 2 months ago

    continue NEETing with no money worries
    start on more financially prohibitive hobbies I always wanted to do
    explore easy business opportunities
    consoom with 5-10% of my wealth

  29. 2 months ago

    Having 6 children as a single father from a 9/10 eggs donor and surrogate motherhood.

  30. 2 months ago

    Practice and play guitar/music all day
    Attend music school
    Play concerts

    t. 280k crypto portfolio, I’m hoping to fricking god I make it this run. I can’t fricking wage any longer (28)

    • 2 months ago

      Sounds similar to my dream.
      I just want to play piano all day and also join the community orchestra.
      I'm almost 40 and only have $200k saved up.

  31. 2 months ago

    I can work and enjoy my job without caring much about my salary. I can have almost all of my paycheck as disposable income. I can travel regularly. I can take some risks and invest in stuff.

    Unless I get face meltingly rich I just want money to buy a house and avoid having an enormous mortgage. I otherwise love my career and don’t want to stop working.

  32. 2 months ago

    Moving away to the country side with my wife and daughter and starting a farm

  33. 2 months ago

    Doing what i do now but getting to spend an extra 6 hours a day at home. Frankly speaking though i enjoy my job and bullshitting with my union brothers at the port so even if i make it ill probably keep working but ill just use my seniority to take one of the safer less paid positions.

  34. 2 months ago

    Well ideally have enough money to enjoy hobbies while not having to worry. Not being a wage slave is key, so maybe a creative endeavor manages to go all the way. I don't need a mansion or anything crazy like that. Just wanna be comfy.

  35. 2 months ago

    Im American, my real life always is the best

    • 2 months ago

      Go Trump if you want it becomes better. MAGA is the only way

      • 2 months ago

        >brown people trying to give investment advice
        I know you’re just doing your job but your employer only hurts their own project by having cut-rate ESLs doing their shilling

  36. 2 months ago

    Reminder for this thread

    • 2 months ago

      I think about this scene a lot

      • 2 months ago

        Kaiji is the best IQfy anime

        And a video on what it means to make it, for those "10m isn't enough to retire" threads.


        • 2 months ago

          The 20 million yen in 1997 would be equivalent to about $300,000 now in USD.

        • 2 months ago

          I think about this scene a lot

          always rewatch this, reminder that i have to make it

    • 2 months ago

      So what, chase higher highs?

      • 2 months ago

        Start doing what you want, or working towards your goals, now. Don't wait until tomorrow. Your real life is not on hold, and won't wait. If there's a hobby you want to start, pick it up today. If you want to start getting fit or eating better, do it now. And so on.

        Take your time seriously and make the most of it, basically.

  37. 2 months ago

    Sears catalog home in a tree-lined neighborhood within 30 min or directly inside a major metro in the Midwest.

  38. 2 months ago

    Wake up and stick my face in a huge mountain of blow then go play a round of disc golf with my 18yo gf

  39. 2 months ago

    Buy a house in the austrian alps and enjoy life offgrid/nature.

    • 2 months ago

      >austrian alps and enjoy life offgrid/nature.
      Arent the alps pretty packed with people already? youd be better off in alaska.

      • 2 months ago

        maybe he doesnt want to live in complete isolation

  40. 2 months ago

    I have never had a paid day off.

  41. 2 months ago

    I already have fri-sat-sun off so the only change will be that the whole week will be the same as my weekend. 10-15 years to go...

  42. 2 months ago

    I'll be dead. Finally at rest.

  43. 2 months ago

    House paid off.
    Less worry over bills that aren't utility or kids (I like to know if I'm being too greedy with power and water).
    Simple vacation every year.
    No worries if I end up laid off, emergency fund will have me covered.

    That simple. All I need to consider I made it. I'll probably still work but just enough to keep me sociable, not deseperate to make more income or leave a good company.

  44. 2 months ago

    Lambo n' teen bawds.

  45. 2 months ago

    Sipping martinis and playing real roullete with my Dplay gains that have now been integrated in largest casino’s worldiwide whilst I empty my schlong in a different blonde every hour

  46. 2 months ago

    I will live only around whites.

  47. 2 months ago

    Unironically, buying a house in a place with a cool climate and buying the gaming and media setup. Take care of parents, travel the world and help spread Eastern Orthodoxy to the west. Give to charities and fund a food outreach program in my city.

  48. 2 months ago

    I'm already financially independent since about 2 years ago. I'm in the process of starting my side hustle. For me, making it is making my side hustle my main business. It's not so much about the money, it's about the process.

    • 2 months ago

      What's the hustle anon?

  49. 2 months ago

    I'm about to turn 20, no friends, khhv, dead end job, failing school, no fun or enjoyment in my life. Seriously considering offing myslef

  50. 2 months ago

    life is what happens while you play blocklords and think about make it, stop thinking about it and enjoy the simple fact of being alive.

  51. 2 months ago

    I had a revelation tonight that made me a little bit sad about my whole situation. Why would I want to make it? I realised that the only thing I want is to be isolated. If you have money, you can do whatevery you want without having to share a "space". I would live somewhere with tall and thick walls to not see or hear people. If I travelled, I would buy expensive seats to not be next to someone. I would take a cab everywhere to not use the public transport. I would get my groceries delivered.

    When and why did I become like this?

    • 2 months ago

      You're not alone homie its called internet induced autism and many people across the planet are being infected by it
      I suggest breaking out of this mindset because you will eventually become less isolated and when you want to expand your horizons you wont have the ability to because of years of isolation and aspergers

    • 2 months ago

      Look up schizoid personality disorder

  52. 2 months ago

    I will give it all to a charity since I'm not in crypto for money. I'm not a moonboy, but a warboy.

  53. 2 months ago

    I will invest my entire net worth into potent neurotoxins which I will dump into the water basins of Africa.

  54. 2 months ago

    I want a real life lake view house from skyrim. I also want to have a real khajiit wife.

  55. 2 months ago

    It'll never happen. I've fricked up too much of my life so far. At this point I'd be happy just not being s disappointment

  56. 2 months ago

    If I could somehow get a girl to fall in love with me, I'll start a family otherwise I'll frick off from society.

  57. 2 months ago

    Most of you will die from the vaccines and synthetic nano-parasites.

  58. 2 months ago

    It's not that complicated, anon

  59. 2 months ago

    I hope I don’t die in my practice life before my real life begins. That would be the worst….

  60. 2 months ago

    I am going to make art and as the tech gets better, train AIs so anons can have local waifus

  61. 2 months ago

    >Get me a house out of town.
    >Buy my first brand new fricking car.
    >Maybe a BMW, or one of the high-end Hennessey Ford Trucks or Shelby Trucks.
    >Start raising some cattle or some other heritage livestock.
    >Maybe raise Corn, or something else.
    >Do my hobbies.
    >Live the life I've wanted for years.
    >Potentially attract a girlfriend/wife.
    >I want a German gal, maybe Asian, but will settle for anyone who's in shape.
    >Whose healthy and not morbidly obese and won't give the kids health issues.
    >Make a frickload of kids.
    >Enjoy my family life, and honor my dad who raised me.
    >The screaming matches and little fights wouldn't have been worth it had he not helped me.

  62. 2 months ago

    I have made it.
    I just play vidya all day for 2 years now, have my own house, do some traveling etc.
    Then just tell everyone "investing is so hard, I stay up late to find new coins and research" but frick that.

  63. 2 months ago

    I sometimes blast music and dance all by myself.
    would be nice to have a gf to dance with.
    I'm aware that women have a giant stick up their asses so this isn't happening.

  64. 2 months ago


  65. 2 months ago

    > pay off parents house

    >leave usa

    >find wife aged 18-21

    >bust nuts inside her all i want
    Have as much children as I want

    >raise children

  66. 2 months ago

    Mostly same shit, you can't escape depression

  67. 2 months ago

    How do you know you’re ready for marriage as a man? 34 years old

  68. 2 months ago

    Hookers 3 or 4 times a week
    Traveling once per month
    Piano lessons

    Simpul as

  69. 2 months ago

    Once I hit about $2 million, I will no longer have a job.
    I will spend my days reading, playing video games, practicing piano, cooking, and hitting the gym.
    I will live the life that communists think they will get to live if they impose communism, except it won't catastrophically fall apart and result in starvation of tens of millions of people.

    • 2 months ago

      There will be no women involved whatsoever.
      They will only ruin it.

  70. 2 months ago

    my real life began after graduating highschool


  71. 2 months ago

    >What will your real life look like once you make it?
    Define "making it". Making it according to propaganda? You'll be the perfect finance bee. A vessel for money to flow. Until your death.

  72. 2 months ago

    >Once i make it my real life begins
    There's truth to this, but you have to be very clear and honest with yourself what "making it" means.
    Realistically, you'll never escape the wage cage because statsitically speaking most are born to serve or never get that small business off the ground, so with that being said making it for most is finding a job you don't hate which is a lot harder then it sounds.

    >What making it looks like
    I have a sweet low stress gov job, realistically I'm just a pathetic little wagie that'll never escape but I have low stress and can work on my hobbies or waste it all on booze, prostitutes and vidya.
    I used to have hard jobs and it's much easier tackling addiction then it is washing dishes or labor jobs. Easy living brings out the worst aspects of human nature and you have to tackle your inner demons head on or you'll fall into vice.

    Life gets better but ultimately it's boredom (fried dopamine receptors) will be your greatest never ending war you'll never overcome.

  73. 2 months ago

    i have a million in crypto, a house (with mortgage) and im no where near making it

    im hoping i can go to 8 figures maybe then i'll make it. im neck deep into stress/work with my job i cant enjoy anything maybe the occasional shitpost and pump on biz will give me a dopamine hit. This is probably the final form

    • 2 months ago

      pigs get slaughtered. That million is liquid assets and will all gone at some point. Withdraw it and keep it in a bank or you'll rope

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