What's the point of this when Bash scripts exist?

What's the point of this when Bash scripts exist?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    They are 2 completely different things.
    I can't believe you compare them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >set -xe
      they're now the same

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Declarative vs imperative

    • 4 weeks ago

      most makefiles in the wild end up degenerating into unreadable undebuggable imperative demonware

  3. 4 weeks ago

    to annoy you
    also post your makefiles, im bored.
    ill start:
    NAME := sdl-test
    CC := gcc
    DDIR := build/
    ODIR := obj/
    IDIR := inc/
    SDIR := src/
    SRCS := $(shell find $(SDIR) -name *.c | sed 's/^.///g')
    OBJS := $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SRCS*~~
    DEPS := $(shell find $(IDIR) -name *.h| sed 's/^.///g')
    VPATH := %.o obj

    FLAGS := -I $(IDIR) -O3

    %.o: %.c $(DEPS)
    @mkdir -p $(ODIR)$(dir $@)
    $(CC) -c -o $(ODIR)$@ $< $(FLAGS)

    all : clear_console _all

    _all : message_build $(OBJS)
    $(CC) -o $(NAME) $(addprefix $(ODIR), $(OBJS)) $(FLAGS)
    mkdir -p $(DDIR)
    mv $(NAME) $(DDIR)

    clean : clear_console _clean

    _clean :
    @echo ---clearing objects
    rm -f $(shell find $(ODIR) -name *.o)

    re : clear_console _clean _all

    message_build :
    @echo ---building

    clear_console: clear_destination

    @echo ---clearing destination
    rm -f $(DDIR)*

    init: clear_console
    @echo ---initializing
    mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIRS)

    make init creates the filesystem. make or make all just builds. re deletes objs and recompiles. make clean deletes objs. standard stuff.
    it recursively gets all the .c files in src/ and its child folders
    same with .h files. puts .o files in obj/ and the resulting binary in build/

    nobody should go through the pain of learning makefile, ever. its against nature.
    so feel free to roast, rate, copy and paste

    • 4 weeks ago

      btw, see the sed part?
      its to remove ./ at the beggining of each path because makefile, a program specialized in dealing with paths and files and such gets btfod by "./" in the relative path.
      not the relative path itself, mind you. just the fricking "./"
      makefile has 100% been written by a fricking autist

    • 4 weeks ago

      >not doing unity build

  4. 4 weeks ago

    file1: file2 file3
    touch file1

    if ! test -e file1 || test file2 -nt file1 || test file3 -nt file1; then
    touch file1

    • 4 weeks ago

      nta but you can do functions
      or you could write a build system with less autistic syntax and inbuilts in any other language

      • 4 weeks ago

        don't care and not interested in troony nonsense, find someone else

        • 4 weeks ago

          being a homosexual IS troony nonsense, frog

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >build systems are useless
    >uses bash, doesn't script with /bin/sh
    You just outed yourself as a techlet.

    • 4 weeks ago

      you sure?

  6. 4 weeks ago

    it's 2024 and Rake remains the undisputed GOAT of build systems
    The entire Ruby ecosystem is like the ruins of an advanced civilization that was driven to extinction by the Sea Peoples (Node.js)

    • 4 weeks ago

      what is "do |t|"?
      scratch that
      can you walk me through that code?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Firstly, it's all Ruby code - no half-baked DSL shat out by some sperg high on foot fungus
        `task` is a function that declares a target, which in this case is for compressing a collection of text files. FileList is a Ruby class and you can look up documentation for its `ext` method using the `rdoc` CLI tool. ext replaces the file extension of its receiver. So it's defining the dependencies of the compress target.

        `rule` is another function that defines how to derive .txt.gz files from .txt files. The stuff inside do ... end is a closure and t is the argument passed to the closure. It is an object with a bunch of methods, one of which is .source which returns the filename of the thing being operated upon. Basically, what that rule means is "whenever you have to convert a .txt file to a .txt.gz file, call this closure with the file as an argument".

        You can split a Rakefile into any number of other Ruby scripts and with very large projects you can debug the entire build process with a real honest-to-god debugger.

        • 4 weeks ago

          It would take me time to absorb the new symbols, but that sounds impressive

  7. 4 weeks ago

    bsd make is infinitely better

  8. 4 weeks ago

    If you aren't using NPM scripts to build all your code what are you doing? You can easily include any library with a simple 'npm install'. Wanna run a script? Easy! `npm run my-script`. A lot of time they even have little cute characters dancing in the command line to encourage your coding... Its 2024, write it in Javascript!

  9. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      >When I was invited for my first job interview in the IT, I’ve been asked such question
      Frick off, Gurvinder.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >what is the point of compiling new software when a shell script can do what you want
    moronic yet brilliant

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