What's wrong with the Self Help books?

They've helped me train my life and psychology

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  1. 9 months ago

    they usually just repeat whats been said a thousand times already

    • 9 months ago

      they usually just repeat whats been said a thousand times already

      These kinds of books take true and real wisdoms and bury them with 90% fluff to fill out a book and charge dozens of dollars for it. There's nothing wrong with learning something new for the first time but the "helpful" information in these books has been printed a hundred times over and you could easily learn it without reading 250 pages of fake stories bringing the little lessons to life.
      It's also a bit of a joke because there are a hundred different variables that affect a person's life so presenting wisdom and telling a little anecdote about how a person's life changed because they knew the wisdom you're selling, implying their outcome was tied to that knowledge and the reader's life will be comparably changed if they knew the knowledge, it's a deliberate grift. Even if the wisdom is a hundred thousand years old and has been true for generations of people the world over, if you're using it to sell books so you don't have to flip burgers and generate real value in people's lives, you would be the definition of a shyster.

      These kinds of books take true and real wisdoms and bury them with 90% fluff to fill out a book

      Both of these complaints can be applied to a lot of IQfy's favorite philosophers.

  2. 9 months ago

    These kinds of books take true and real wisdoms and bury them with 90% fluff to fill out a book and charge dozens of dollars for it. There's nothing wrong with learning something new for the first time but the "helpful" information in these books has been printed a hundred times over and you could easily learn it without reading 250 pages of fake stories bringing the little lessons to life.
    It's also a bit of a joke because there are a hundred different variables that affect a person's life so presenting wisdom and telling a little anecdote about how a person's life changed because they knew the wisdom you're selling, implying their outcome was tied to that knowledge and the reader's life will be comparably changed if they knew the knowledge, it's a deliberate grift. Even if the wisdom is a hundred thousand years old and has been true for generations of people the world over, if you're using it to sell books so you don't have to flip burgers and generate real value in people's lives, you would be the definition of a shyster.

  3. 9 months ago

    If they actually helped, why would there be an industry that churned 20 new ones out every day?

  4. 9 months ago

    They never really tell you that much, if you want the real information you have to go to their $5000 seminar, where you find out the real information is in the $15,000 seminar

  5. 9 months ago

    I don't read fricking beta b***h books that don't have hardcore fricking swearing on the fricking cover
    Mark Manson is a badass, and censoring the title of "not give a frick" is actually a 4D chess move b***h

  6. 9 months ago

    watch and internalize, then discuss.

  7. 9 months ago

    A few can be useful, but reading these and nothing else is a bad idea. Obesity Code and JL Collins Pathway to Wealth changed my life, but mostly just because their educational rather than self help.

  8. 9 months ago

    all that can help you is your own mindset, self-help books are just cash grab from desperate midwits

  9. 9 months ago

    You can literally derive everything written in 90% of them if you just take a history of philosophy course.

  10. 9 months ago

    Recommend me one self-help book that's not pop/YA trash and actually helped you.

    • 9 months ago

      >Recommend me one self-help book
      This is probably the issue. No one book is going precipitate a 180. It requires dedicated study and introspection to identify and correct personal issues. These types of books can at least be a platform to generate threads on topics to investigate, but probably won't help someone who is inherently lazy or has given up.

    • 9 months ago

      The courage to be happy. If you dislike the way japanese people talk (like morons) don't read it.
      Also remember that the main point point is to do things that will improve your life. Do. Do. Do. For example it may be "painful" to apply for a job you feel it's beneath you or call a relative because you want to spare yourself of some ankward conversation but doing (do) these "little challenges" will improve your life in the long term. Self-instrospection without outward changes in action is just mental masturbation.

    • 9 months ago

      Confessions by Saint Augustine. Probably because there are a lot of overlaps between his life and career and my own.

      Also, this Thomas Merton anthology I got.

    • 9 months ago

      Manuel J Smith - If I say no I feel guilty .A book on assertiveness and boundaries.
      I found his other book Here be Dragons also insightful.It includes scripts to help you deal with different situations in your day to day life.

      Robert J Glover - No more Mr Nice Guy
      A book focused on male dating that exposes some fallacies and sub conscious behaviour that sabotages your own relationships and life.
      Tackles some stuff on approval seeking behaviour , avoiding conflict in relationships and dating ,sexual shame and trying to" buy " love (aka simping).

      Feeling Good - A practical book on depression and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.Found some exercises helpful for dealing with procrastination and some other life challenges.

  11. 9 months ago

    Nothing is "wrong" with self-help. like any other genre, its popularity is just a societal indicator. the question is, what does it indicate

  12. 9 months ago

    A man cannot help himself. What they mean is change and that a man can do, although this is a universal question (can a man really change?) and there is no definite anwser.
    For a man to change from is current self to a "better" self is a fairly simple process, but gruelling and very difficult.
    Everyone can have a vision of who they want to be. Some may even have a list or an outline on the specifics task that will "make them" who they want to be. Very few will actually have the grit to grind trough until they have reached their destination.
    These books cover the first two parts of the process. The third part, the actual thing that matters, can only be done by oneself. That's why these books don't matter.

    As the saying goes: You can ride a horse to a stream but you cannot force him to drink.

  13. 9 months ago

    IMO they tend to focus too much on "how do you get what you desire," as opposed to "what ought you to desire," and "how do you change your desires such that you do what you ought."

    For example, Pick Up Artist self help might help some guys have sex, but it won't deal with the issue of why they are hung up on validation from women. Now, for some guys dating advice is great, they don't have underlying issues. But for many of these guys it seems to become "I must frick every woman so that I can demonstrate my value." Getting what they desire isn't fixing their issue, and they are using people as tools and hurting them along the way.

    I read Manosphere blogs growing up quite a bit and these guys always sounded fairly unhappy. I think the problem was that they denigrated women such that they could never get the validation they craved from them, then chased sex thinking more would be different.

    Ancient and medieval selfhelp tends to actually be much deeper, although this is likely selection bias (who hand copies shit for 1,800 years, right?).

    I don't think anyone who undergoes the ascetic practices advised by the Desert Fathers, does the work of manual labor and meditation, forces themselves to do alms and show love, doesn't tend to come out a happier more centered person. And maybe this IS God at work, the individual can make that choice. Not that monks were immune to failures, but they also were seen as the go to for self development for millennia for a reason.

    Our society, so obsessed with status and consumption, no longer has contemplative heros. In Ancient Greece, Pythagoras was a hero on par with Heracles. What did he do? He acted justly, with wisdom, and put all his efforts into fathoming the nature of reality. He denied consumption, starving himself to death. It's an ideal we have sadly lost, probably because the wiseman was so tied to Christianity.

    • 9 months ago

      >Ancient and medieval selfhelp tends to actually be much deeper,

  14. 9 months ago

    They make common sense digestible for normies.

    >Save, invest money
    >Work for yourself
    >Learn to invest
    >Time management
    >Psychology 101 but nonfiction

    You could read a summary of the book but instead you read the book because you're a low impulse control who needs bedtime stories to motivate you to do anything.

    • 9 months ago

      >You could read a summary of the book
      Are you really it that big of a rush that you can't just read multiple books and decide which ones are any good? This is the IQfy board ffs.

      • 9 months ago

        Why would I dedicate a second of my time to read a book telling me to save money, invest money, and allocate more of my time to do more of those things? I already know how not to be poor without being a mindless hustlechud.

        I could use that time wisely, such reading Nietzsche or watching Hentai.

        • 9 months ago

          >Nietzsche of all things and pedo cartoons

      • 9 months ago

        You've only got a limited number of books to read in your life. Why would you waste them?

  15. 9 months ago

    They’re gay

  16. 9 months ago

    I see them as truly evil.

    These "authors" shit out these pathetic excuses for a book promising life changing outcomes.
    The industry preys on people at their lowest with a promise to become great just by reading.

    Every book is the same with the same regurgitated info. It's a despicable industry and money making scheme and the authors will surely burn for eternity when it's all said and done.

  17. 9 months ago

    What do we think of Tony Robbins?

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Why does he look so disappointed? It's like he's thinking, "You already read my first self help book you fricking loser. Why would you need to read another one?"

  18. 9 months ago

    they didnt work for me i needed philosophy. I guess its just the IQ difference of needing to be told what to do vs knowing what to do and needing a reason to do it.

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