Where do you think hard drive technology will be in 10 years?

Where do you think hard drive technolo/g/y will be in 10 years?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    there will be a ban on selling drives over 4TB directly to consumers 'for their protection'

    • 4 weeks ago

      also there will be no easy way to connect drives into one big storage space in the future

      (to operate a single 16TB file you would need 16TB+ of drive space, this means you cant simply use 4TB drives as it is but you need to use RAID to create and array that is at least 16TB and create a 16TB partition
      for example 5x 4TB drives on RAID-5 becomes 16TB in total space

    • 4 weeks ago

      also there will be no easy way to connect drives into one big storage space in the future

      (to operate a single 16TB file you would need 16TB+ of drive space, this means you cant simply use 4TB drives as it is but you need to use RAID to create and array that is at least 16TB and create a 16TB partition
      for example 5x 4TB drives on RAID-5 becomes 16TB in total space

      In cloud servers only, you won't be allowed to store personal data.

      >build airgapped machine and buy spare parts
      >hoard dozens of 12tb+ HDDs
      simple as

      • 4 weeks ago

        Good luck if the government mandates that it is illegal to hoard hard drives.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Raiding homes for hard drives? I mean, they would love the idea as it would expand budgets and it's certainly safer than raiding homes for drugs as those people are often armed and have a lot of friends in prison they've been meaning to go visit.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >make a dugout in your local forest or a hideout in some abandoned warehouse
          >put the computer, HDDs, a bunch of car batteries and a small inverter there.
          >copy the data on other HDDs and burry them in other location in case the main one gets raided
          what now?

          • 4 weeks ago

            City demands to demolish said building to make room for whatever else they plan

        • 4 weeks ago

          Molon labe motherfricker

    • 4 weeks ago

      I can actually see this happening.
      But it will be for the environment and it will be for anything x86_64 as well

      • 4 weeks ago

        this stupid enough that I can also see this happening.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    in yo mum

  3. 4 weeks ago

    10 PB SSDs will be the standard

  4. 4 weeks ago

    we finna get 420 homiebytes for $69

  5. 4 weeks ago

    In my rig.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I will be fricking pissed if we're still doing this HDD/SSD back and forth in ten years. There desperately needs to be a storage hardware revolution. Archiving fricking EVERYTHING should not be an expensive task in the year of our Lord, Anno Domini 2024

    • 4 weeks ago

      >a storage hardware revolution
      We are going to die first

      Since the DVD days we had sperging about "2tb optical disc", "3tb on a grain of rice", "5tb in dna", and what has come out of it? Nothing. Zero. We had BD and now we're lucky we have the whole awesome total of 3 (THREE) layers that fricking BD (yes, there are 4 but it's considerable more expensive than 3).

      Heck, tape has been forever, FOREVER. Have we ever seen a consumer, or at least prosumer, tape drive? I haven't. A fricking tape drive cost a fortune unless you happen to find one in someone's backyard.

      Call yourself lucky that you have increasing hdd capacities. The storage world is done for.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >total of 3 (THREE) layers on that fricking BD

        And I forgot about the magical 3D laser etched crystal cube or something that would last 5000 years. I remember it was quite meme'd back then.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >total of 3 (THREE) layers on that fricking BD

        And I forgot about the magical 3D laser etched crystal cube or something that would last 5000 years. I remember it was quite meme'd back then.

        microsoft's project silica is actually being worked on right now, their oldest video update is from six months ago. the question is whether it'll move out of the corporate sector.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    In cloud servers only, you won't be allowed to store personal data.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    >Where do you think hard drive technolo/g/y will be in 10 years?
    More of the same with marginal improvements to continuously part peoples money from their bank accounts. The tech released in 10 years from now technically could have been released 20 years ago.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    pajeet israelite shingeling where microshit adds ads between each byte among its crash shit bytes

  10. 4 weeks ago

    Hopefully dead. HDDs are stupidly slow, huge and inefficient.

    • 4 weeks ago

      i got a motherboard that says "nvme m2 port shares bandiwtdh with sata ports 3/4"
      so my sata ports 3/4 aren not working. but now since i have 2 ssds (one nvme on sata m.2) and three hard drives all sata and actually all i can connect to my motherboard. sometimes my drives disappear. even in bios. even the nvme disappears sometimes. it's random every reboot. is it realted to power? are ALL my drives dying? is my mobo giving up?
      i dunno nuthin bout pc wattage or whatev. parents pay the bills im a neet

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'd guess you're probably just using more drives than your MB can handle.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Uber quantum AI computer to tell you the time.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >Where do you think hard drive technolo/g/y will be in 10 years?

    SATA will be dead
    PCI 7 will be around and there will be drives capable of processing 50 GB/s
    AAA games will be 500 GB / 1 TB in size.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Most of the research and development left for greener pastures. I picture it being pretty much the same shit only cheaper and lower quality. Between hoarders, poors, and surveillance systems there will be enough demand for hard drives that fit those use cases, but a lot of the specialty drives will start disappearing.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    SSDs arent getting any cheaper so HDDs arent going anywhere soon

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