Where is a good place to keep your passwords safe? Is a password manager worth it?

Where is a good place to keep your passwords safe? Is a password manager worth it?

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    My password is graham's number.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I put everything in a text file on my desktop

    • 4 weeks ago

      same. its the easiest way


      Where is a good place to keep your passwords safe? Is a password manager worth it?

      make every password the same then add the frist three letters of the app or website to the end. youll never forget any passwords again.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    get them tattooed on your dick, a place no one will ever see

    • 4 weeks ago

      i prefer the foreskin of my dick

  4. 4 weeks ago

    I only use Yubikey, try other similar open sourced hardware FIDO2 keys

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Store them in your brain you stupid moron.

    >b-b-b-but I have 200 accounts to remember
    Stop being a consoomer that has to subscribe to everything and learn to use throwaway email addresses
    >b-b-b-but my passwords are too hard to remember

    • 4 weeks ago

      Unless you are a NEET with 3 accounts at best, you will forget it or get your identity stolen by pajeet credential stuffing.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Never happened.
        20 or so "difficult" alphanumeric passwords with symbols even.

        • 4 weeks ago

          We both know that is false.

          • 4 weeks ago

            If you can remember phone numbers you can remember an alphanumeric string.
            It's not that difficult or that much different.
            And if you can remember 1, you can remember 10.
            If you can remember 10, you create variations to assemble the other 10.
            Congratulations you now remember your 20 alphanumeric passwords by hard and don't need some fricking third party manager.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    I use KeePassXC after ages of using Veracrypt/FUSE and storing passwords in text files. Having not read the source and having minimal knowledge of KeePassXC I can't tell you if you should use it. I remember the old days where I would keep passwords plaintext on Windows lol

  7. 4 weeks ago


  8. 4 weeks ago

    I write them into a notebook.

  9. 4 weeks ago


  10. 4 weeks ago

    There is one built in your fricking browser. Every third-party pm is an obvious scam for normies.

    • 4 weeks ago

      if you're not using a password manager you're probably using bad passwords and not using a different password for every site. Using a password manager makes that effortless so yes you should use one.

      There's no way some shit tacked onto firefox is as secure as e.g. keepassxc, and also harder to back up

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Your brain is a good place

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I save them in Firefox.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    the only secure place is in your head
    stop writing your passwords down

    • 4 weeks ago

      but you can just eat the paper and they can install neurolink chip and extract the password from your brain.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Important stuff? Pen and paper. Random forum, website accounts? Pick any and use a pass generator, who cares if you get hacked, no one is going to care about you unless you are an actual contributor to their community.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    In the cloud (god)

  16. 4 weeks ago

    the original keepass (1) mogs the shit out of the xc loontroon troonyware

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's absolutely terrible on loonix.

  17. 4 weeks ago

    My passwords are a few words I can remember, followed by random numbers (and symbols) that are written down (on multiple sheets of paper in case I lose one). Obviously you need both word and number for the password. This way, if someone guesses one of the words, they still need a copy of the list. If they get the list, they still need the words. So a couple of entries in the list might look like this:

    ProtonMail: M_____764&£6!
    Tesco: H_____6&4£!48

    Only I know what the M and the H stand for.

    I have no idea how secure this is because I don't know shit about passwords, but it would keep them safe from a layman who found my password list or a single full password.

  18. 4 weeks ago

    self hosted vaultwarden

  19. 4 weeks ago

    I'm here to spit facts,
    About securing your digital acts,
    Keep your passwords tight, don't make 'em weak,
    Or else hackers'll come and creep,

    They'll phish, they'll smash, they'll crack the code,
    Steal your cash, leave you feeling odd,
    So listen up, pay attention, take heed,
    I'll teach you how to keep your secrets deed,

    Password security, it's essential,
    Don't let your digital life become infernal,
    Keep it strong, keep it long,
    With these rhymes, let your knowledge grow strong,

    Now, first things first, pick a complex phrase,
    A mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, something to raise the stakes,
    Make it long enough, at least sixteen characters,
    Let your creativity wander, no need for borrowed characters,

    Never repeat, never reuse,
    Keep each one distinct, renew,
    Change it regularly, every three months or so,
    Keep those cyber crooks on the go,

    But remember, even the strongest passwords can fall,
    That's where a password manager comes to call,
    It'll store them all, keep them safe and sound,
    Let technology help secure your ground,

    Password security, it's essential,
    Don't let your digital life become infernal,
    Keep it strong, keep it long,
    With these rhymes, let your knowledge grow strong,

    So now you know, just like I've told,
    Keep your passwords secure, don't let yourself be sold,
    Your digital life is valuable, it's not worth the toll,
    Of losing control, being hacked, and having your stories unfold.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Bitwarden with a physical security key

    • 4 weeks ago

      >physical security key
      2FA only prevents attacks on your account. Doesn't do shit if someone steals all the vaults from bitwarden one day and bruteforces your shit.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    Yo, I'm locked in my room, tryna log in but can't seem to make it through,
    Two-factor authentication got me stumped, man, ain't nothin' quittin' this,
    x equals three-y-plus-five, damn, what the hell's that?
    x equals three-y-plus-five, wait, x equals minus one, that's a problem, mathemagic, no cap,

    But hold up, let me check my email, password's wrong, shit!
    I know it was a strong one, but memory's blurry with the drugs,
    Let me reset it, but wait, verification code, what's that?
    I need my phone to get it, but I can't find it, I'm stuck at a dead end,

    Got these equations and login issues twisting my brain, like a pretzel in pain,
    Can't find no solution, feeling the strain,
    But I won't give up, keep scrappin', even on drugs,
    Gonna figure it out

    I'm diving deep into the math, but my mind's getting hazy,
    Substituting, isolating, but these numbers are crazy,
    The left side, positive vibes, but the right side's bringin' me down,
    Negative x, can't be, shit don't make sense, man, spin around,

    But wait, my phone's ringing, it's the verification code,
    I answer and enter it in, now I can log in, but,
    The equations still got me puzzled, man, they just won't budge,
    Ain't no way I can solve them, I'll just have to admit it, I've been drugged,

    Damn, I need a break, let me take a hit,
    Just one more line, then I'll get back to it,
    But wait, maybe I've been lookin' at this the wrong way,
    Let me put both equations on the same line, and see what I may,

    Alright, let me give it another shot,
    Substitute y with k, now I got two x's, wtf is this about?
    But wait, maybe I've been lookin' at the password issue all wrong,
    Perhaps, it's time for a password manager, to keep my digital crown,

    Man, I've been up all night, trying to log in, and solve these equations,
    But it seems impossible, man, the answers just elude me,
    So I'ma go get some sleep, and try again tomorrow,
    Maybe when I'm sober, I'll have a better shot...


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