Which is superior?

Which is superior?

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Electrical (or the one you're most passionate about)

  3. 2 years ago

    electrical if you want to run something non-stop
    like most shit these days.

  4. 2 years ago

    Mechanical seems easier to break.

    • 2 years ago

      >what is planned obsolescence

  5. 2 years ago

    As an EE myself, I would say EE but that's biased opinion, however
    - I can work in pure electrical work (utilities, powerplant, etc.)
    + I can work in Telecommunications
    + I can work in electronics and fabs
    + I can work in automation like PLC/SCADA
    + I can work in Robotics/cobotics
    + I can work in embedded systems and well as system integrations
    + I can work in software developments
    + I can work in projects/leading it etc.
    + I can work in cybersec
    - I can work in factories
    Among other, ones with (+) fields I worked in before personally.

    • 2 years ago

      There are rare cases where an electronic appliance cannot afford you the quality of service that the mechanical equivalent does. For example, a straight razor allows a closer shave than an electric razor could.

      But in most cases, an electric applicance is easier to use, faster to use, and does more work than the mechanical equivalent. Calculators are an immediate example.

      Ultimately, the future of productivity rests upon electrical appliances, and there are only two drawbacks inherent to them versus mechanical appliances: the need for energy to power them, and by extension the possibility of inability to use them when energy is not available.

      And it is for that reason that we can never rid the world of mechanical equivalents of electronics, because in the event that the latter fails, we must have a reliable backup measure. For again, while they are more or less inherently less productive tools, they are a solution to problems that requires nothing other than the tool itself and its user. That is not true of electronics. We invite catastrophe instead of mere disaster in the event of widespread failure to launch if we don't keep and indeed continue to develop and extend mechanical appliances.

      It's regrettable that innovations in that sector have apparently slowed; that will likely haunt us in the future, considering allt hat could go wrong sooner than later.

      Thanks both. I'm starting my bachelor's this year and I have narrowed it down to ME or EE. Safe to say both of you recommend EE?

      • 2 years ago

        Well, like I said, I'm biased to say EE because I'm EE, although I still believe it will have better job market as I said, at the end of the day like what this anon said

        Electrical (or the one you're most passionate about)

        something you would be at least don't mind doing the rest of your life and that's why I like EE due to deverse fileds it has (HW/SW/integrations/etc.), not necessarily so passionate about (the whole passion thing is meme in my opinion), keep in mind EE isn't easy, math, a lot of math that you wish to see a single digit with all fourier transform and maxwell equations in the senior years, and we also used to program with assembly directly for PIC projects, but at least that was back in my day (2007ish) before ardunio and SBC became a thing so I recon it might be easier now.

      • 2 years ago

        Well, like I said, I'm biased to say EE because I'm EE, although I still believe it will have better job market as I said, at the end of the day like what this anon said [...] something you would be at least don't mind doing the rest of your life and that's why I like EE due to deverse fileds it has (HW/SW/integrations/etc.), not necessarily so passionate about (the whole passion thing is meme in my opinion), keep in mind EE isn't easy, math, a lot of math that you wish to see a single digit with all fourier transform and maxwell equations in the senior years, and we also used to program with assembly directly for PIC projects, but at least that was back in my day (2007ish) before ardunio and SBC became a thing so I recon it might be easier now.

        Also look for mechatronics if you didn't make your mind or a lot of math in EE scares you.

    • 2 years ago

      Also to add, I worked in solar systems/CSP projects if that your thing

    • 2 years ago

      dont forget the most based field: RF and Microwave

      • 2 years ago

        in other words, sausage fest party every day.

        • 2 years ago

          are you unironically saying you want to work with women?
          are you moronic or a virgin?

          • 2 years ago

            yeah it'd be nice to have some breasts around sometimes, and have people showered and smell nice and not look like cavemen lol

  6. 2 years ago

    There are rare cases where an electronic appliance cannot afford you the quality of service that the mechanical equivalent does. For example, a straight razor allows a closer shave than an electric razor could.

    But in most cases, an electric applicance is easier to use, faster to use, and does more work than the mechanical equivalent. Calculators are an immediate example.

    Ultimately, the future of productivity rests upon electrical appliances, and there are only two drawbacks inherent to them versus mechanical appliances: the need for energy to power them, and by extension the possibility of inability to use them when energy is not available.

    And it is for that reason that we can never rid the world of mechanical equivalents of electronics, because in the event that the latter fails, we must have a reliable backup measure. For again, while they are more or less inherently less productive tools, they are a solution to problems that requires nothing other than the tool itself and its user. That is not true of electronics. We invite catastrophe instead of mere disaster in the event of widespread failure to launch if we don't keep and indeed continue to develop and extend mechanical appliances.

    It's regrettable that innovations in that sector have apparently slowed; that will likely haunt us in the future, considering allt hat could go wrong sooner than later.

  7. 2 years ago

    Learn a lot of one and as much as you can of the other. You can tell when a device case was designed by a dedicated EE based on how floppy it is and how terrible it feels to use, and you can tell when a dedicated ME tried to design something electrical because it's either overbuilt or it flat out won't work.

  8. 2 years ago

    >waste of time that renders one unemployable
    >waste of time that renders one unemployable
    you decide

    • 2 years ago

      doctors are brainlets, medgay

  9. 2 years ago

    +endures an EMP in warzones
    +endures physical abuse
    -clunky, heavy, slow
    +If you need fast switching or blinkimg
    -low endurance due to planned obsolescense
    -crappy electrolytic capacitors

  10. 2 years ago

    t. Mechatronic Chad

  11. 2 years ago

    It’s easier for ME to move into some EE roles later on than vice versa. ME is much more broad to engineering, however, a lot of EE roles will be off the table for junior MEs.

    Whatever you enjoy more really.

    • 2 years ago

      I should mention that I am a ME too, working with EEs in safety critical systems. Quite a lot of overlap because MEs can pick up some electronic/software fundamentals pretty easily. I’d avoid most advice here unless someone is an ME/EE. Check reddit unironically.

  12. 2 years ago

    It depends want it to be EMP proof? Mechanical
    Want it to be fast? Electrical
    How far do you want to be able to drop it?
    Want it to be constantly maintained?
    What precision do you want?

    There are things which one excels the other

  13. 2 years ago

    I like washing machines. I think I shall choose ME!

  14. 2 years ago

    The superior one is the manager of these two tools. Sit on his ass and sips coffee from meeting to meeting and watch these wagegays do the dirty work...

    • 2 years ago


  15. 2 years ago

    i like mechanical.
    the last thing i want to do is troubleshoot my own shit after doing it at work all day.
    my MX5 doesn't even park the wipers if you turn the car off mid-wipe. old school

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