Who said Rust is easy? I'm gonna bash your skull open with a baseball hat. This shit is more complex than C++?

Who said Rust is easy? I'm gonna bash your skull open with a baseball hat. This shit is more complex than C++?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    >Who said Rust is easy?
    Indeed, who? Did you take a random imageboard comment as gospel?

    • 2 months ago

      I was told Rust is for bootcampers who are too stupid for C or someshit.

      • 2 months ago

        >Yes, I did take a random imageboard comment as gospel.
        Literally dumbass

      • 2 months ago

        Fricking moron

        c++ is more complex than rust. you just dont see it because you think that you know c++ just because your program compiles. in rust, any time your program does not compile, you are led to think that somehow rust must be more "complex" than c++. this is not the case. c++ is more complex than rust precisely because it does not have explicit lifetimes. c++ is more complex than rust precisely because it keeps silent about data races. c++ is more complex than rust precisely because it stays quiet about uninitialized data. c++ is more complex than rust because it implicitly clones heap allocated objects. c++ is more complex than rust because algebraic datatypes do not exist as first class entities. c++ is more complex than rust because pattern matching does not exist. c++ is more complex than rust because it has no first class slices.
        your c++ knowledge is less than 10%.
        your rust knowledge is less than 5%.

        theres literally nothing that i can think of thats more cringe than some genetic dead end outcasted loser trying to "learn how to code"
        coders just exist, and the things you consider "complex" are innate to them. no high schooler ever had to "learn how to code", he just existed and thought it would be cool to hack some shit and a programming language was attracted to him and they gravitated toward eachother. theres no thought out into any of this, these things just happen naturally. thats what happens when youre not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak. you dont ever find yourself one night alone in bed wondering why you havent ever declared an rvalue reference, or why youve never hacked a casino at 23 years old. you dont devise a plan to read a book about programming for 6 months just to call a function.

        Also a fricking moron + unemployed

  2. 2 months ago

    Is this the time where I say skill issue? Then someone could tell me about trannies and israelites taking over the world and another anon tells me about their embedded problem that was solved by using rust.

  3. 2 months ago

    c++ is more complex than rust. you just dont see it because you think that you know c++ just because your program compiles. in rust, any time your program does not compile, you are led to think that somehow rust must be more "complex" than c++. this is not the case. c++ is more complex than rust precisely because it does not have explicit lifetimes. c++ is more complex than rust precisely because it keeps silent about data races. c++ is more complex than rust precisely because it stays quiet about uninitialized data. c++ is more complex than rust because it implicitly clones heap allocated objects. c++ is more complex than rust because algebraic datatypes do not exist as first class entities. c++ is more complex than rust because pattern matching does not exist. c++ is more complex than rust because it has no first class slices.
    your c++ knowledge is less than 10%.
    your rust knowledge is less than 5%.

    theres literally nothing that i can think of thats more cringe than some genetic dead end outcasted loser trying to "learn how to code"
    coders just exist, and the things you consider "complex" are innate to them. no high schooler ever had to "learn how to code", he just existed and thought it would be cool to hack some shit and a programming language was attracted to him and they gravitated toward eachother. theres no thought out into any of this, these things just happen naturally. thats what happens when youre not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak. you dont ever find yourself one night alone in bed wondering why you havent ever declared an rvalue reference, or why youve never hacked a casino at 23 years old. you dont devise a plan to read a book about programming for 6 months just to call a function.

    • 2 months ago

      >theres literally nothing that i can think of thats more cringe than some genetic dead end outcasted loser trying to "learn how to code"
      This post is more cringe. Post a pic of your face so we can all see what an actual genetic dead end looks like

      • 2 months ago

        gay. you will never have a girlfriend like my girlfriend. she is a 9 / 10.

        Yeah ok nerd try writing a Graph in Rust and C++ and comeback with your shitpost.

        struct Node {
        neighbors: Vec<NonNull<Self>>

        youre welcome, loser

        Fricking moron
        Also a fricking moron + unemployed

        youll never make as much money as i already have at the age of 19.

        • 2 months ago

          Enjoy your memory leak

          • 2 months ago

            lame bait

        • 2 months ago

          Ok subhuman zoomer.

          • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          dumb moron

          • 2 months ago

            dumb moron

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah ok nerd try writing a Graph in Rust and C++ and comeback with your shitpost.

      • 2 months ago

        choose whichever works best for you

  4. 2 months ago

    > filtered by C++
    > filtered by Rust
    JavaScript or sudoku are your only options

  5. 2 months ago

    Rust is not supposed to be easy. It's for experts who need something more powerful. Rust is like a stunt bike or race car.

  6. 2 months ago

    Rust is needlessly complex.
    C is a good abstraction.
    C++ is a good abstraction.
    Java is a good abstraction.
    Go is a good abstraction.
    Hell, even Python and JavaScript are good abstractions.
    Rust is mental masturbation with the borrow checker and some damn stupid concepts on memory safety that can be better solved with better tooling like linters, static code analyzers, fuzz testing, valgrind and so on.
    Good luck creating a doubly linked list in rust and enjoy the long compile times lol.
    Learn a real programming language.

    • 2 months ago

      >C is a good abstraction.
      >C++ is a good abstraction.
      >Java is a good abstraction.
      >Go is a good abstraction.
      >Hell, even Python and JavaScript are good abstractions.
      The only one of those that even has any kind of abstraction is Java.

    • 2 months ago

      >that can be better solved
      except none of that solves anything. They may catch 99.99% of memory unsafety bugs but they can't solve it - and by the time you linted, analysed, valgrinded, fuzzed and fixed the testing-reported bugs, you will have spent more time that writing it in Rust in the first place and STILL have unknown memory safety bugs

    • 2 months ago

      >static analysis can be better solved with static code analyzers
      Wow moron.

    • 2 months ago

      Nah C is useless and overrated garbage

      • 2 months ago

        >C is uselles
        the world literally runs on C

        • 2 months ago

          This is because of sunken cost fallacy. 1000 lines of Lisp = 10,000,000 lines of C so companies think the C code is more valuable because it cost more to write.

        • 2 months ago

          Nope, banks still run on COBOL. C only powers the things that came out after C, and now its on its way out.

          • 2 months ago

            >C only powers the things that came out after C, and now its on its way out.
            C only powers some of the things that came after C.

          • 2 months ago

            so what? all you're saying is that it wasn't an instant monoculture, and that's just obvious because nothing ever is like that

          • 2 months ago

            Because a lot of people who shill C act like everything was 100% C and C++ until Rust came along.

    • 2 months ago

      >can be better solved with better tooling like linters, static code analyzers, fuzz testing, valgrind and so on.

    • 2 months ago

      >linters, static code analyzers, fuzz testing, valgrind
      How man of those do you actually use when writing C? None?

  7. 2 months ago

    C++ is more complex its just that the Rust borrow checker calls you out when you are about to walk on a footgun while a C++ compiler assumes you are doing it intentionally.

  8. 2 months ago

    the only hard part of Rust is lifetimes.

    • 2 months ago

      No, the really hard part is how easy it is, making it more difficult for real programmers who know how to write real code.

  9. 2 months ago

    >theres literally nothing that i can think of thats more cringe than some genetic dead end outcasted loser trying to "learn how to code"
    >coders just exist, and the things you consider "complex" are innate to them. no high schooler ever had to "learn how to code", he just existed and thought it would be cool to hack some shit and a programming language was attracted to him and they gravitated toward eachother. theres no thought out into any of this, these things just happen naturally. thats what happens when youre not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak. you dont ever find yourself one night alone in bed wondering why you havent ever declared an rvalue reference, or why youve never hacked a casino at 23 years old. you dont devise a plan to read a book about programming for 6 months just to call a function.

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