Who was in the wrong here?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    >Who was in the wrong
    Making this thread

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      fippy bippy

  2. 3 months ago

    >If you distribute your application through github, upload a build.
    >If you use it as a code repository only you should provide builds in another place.

    call the guy in OP's pic a brainlet all you want, but this is the only correct way to handle it.
    No I am not going to download and install some compiler now.
    No I am not going to fight with your dependency errors.
    No I am not going to clone your full repo into one of my workspaces

    I'm gonna drop your application like a hot turd on a sweet summer morning and I will only use it if there is absolutely no alternative.
    I got other shit to do.

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm gonna drop your application
      feel free, not getting paid for it anyway

      • 3 months ago

        >I'm gonna drop your application
        Stay away from github and the alternatives.
        Do not touch open source code.
        You need to go back.

        Cool, one less normie tard to worry about.

        All seething nerds on the list for HRT 🙂

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm gonna drop your application
      Stay away from github and the alternatives.
      Do not touch open source code.
      You need to go back.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm certain they already know that more people would use their software if they made binaries
      And yet they still don't

    • 3 months ago

      Cool, one less normie tard to worry about.

    • 3 months ago

      i know this post is bait but since when is
      >I'm gonna drop your application
      supposed to be a threat?
      if you open source something it's mostly so other nerds can tinker with it, the joy of sharing intellectual knowledge
      but in a way yes, in the recent years there has been a flood of what i like to call clout chasing repos, with the main focus of the readme being CTAs to star the repo, featuring emojis, a snazzy logo, and a bullet point list of buzzword soup
      the lesson here probably being, whatever your hobby may be, keep the barriers to entry high because once the normies invade, it's going to turn to shit

    • 3 months ago

      Why are you even on IQfy if you are to stupid to install from source?

      • 3 months ago

        Why are you here if you cant tell the difference between too and to you moronic homosexual

      • 3 months ago

        it's about the effort required and time investment

        • 3 months ago

          >wah, i want other people to put in effort and invest time instead of me!!

        • 3 months ago

          >It's about the principle!!!!!!

    • 3 months ago

      >No I am not going to clone your full repo into one of my workspaces
      Whoa that was hard! Holy fricking shit I'm literally on my knees!

    • 3 months ago

      I don't know how to compile yet because I'm a moron but even I can see it as it is: a tool that one needs to learn how to use. If you need a specific application for what you're trying to do, it means you use the computer enough that you're going to need to know how to compile over and over again in the future. It would be NICE to have .exe available I guess, but github sucks for a variety of other reasons already, so just get to it and support github alternatives instead where you can.

    • 3 months ago

      catering to the lowest common denominator has been a disastrous strategy for computing and the greater world at large. you know why we've made barely any technological and societal advances in the past several decades? this is why. no mouthbreather left behind.
      they will scream and wail and gnash their teeth-- using words given to them by agitators trying to incite chaos to create opportunities for their own profit-- about how you are inequitable and unfair and inaccessible, but it's time to move past assuming the worst in your users and in others.
      ignore the people too stupid to use your software or service. ignore the people too stupid to talk to you. ignore the people too stupid to live in your life. ignore the people too stupid to do anything. just ignore them.
      if you do something they don't understand and they're mad about, and it actually works, you're doing something actually worth doing.

    • 3 months ago

      Dealing with python pip dependencies with Machine Learning applications is a living hell. I don't use it unless it comes with a .bat/.sh file that automatically installs everything for me and has a gradio based UI. Thank god someone is converting them to cpp like llamacpp

      I'm waiting for someone to do this with the new voicecraft voice cloning program that came out

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm gonna drop your application
      ok 🙂 not my problem! you're the one who needs my software. i clearly solved the problem myself
      >and I will only use it if there is absolutely no alternative.
      at which point you're just gonna have to put some effort in for once in your life and figure it out aren't ya? lmao

    • 3 months ago

      >call the guy in OP's pic a brainlet all you want, but this is the only correct way to handle it.
      >No I am not going to download and install some compiler now.
      who the frick cares?
      do you think everyone on github is some fricktard trying to build a brand or something?
      that's not fricking twitter, no body cares if you don't use the shit they upload
      >No I am not going to fight with your dependency errors.
      don't care
      >No I am not going to clone your full repo into one of my workspaces
      don't care
      >I'm gonna drop your application like a hot turd on a sweet summer morning and I will only use it if there is absolutely no alternative.
      cool, no body cares
      >I got other shit to do.
      do them, no body cares

      do you really think people give a frick about you and your time?

    • 3 months ago

      >all those nerd cred apologists in the answers

      never gonna write that killer app

    • 3 months ago

      I don't understand the nocoder mind set. You seriously think that not using the program I wrote for free is going to hurt me in any way shape or form? If you want to download the installer you'll have to pay $10 per license.

      • 3 months ago

        >pay me 10 bucks for this piece of software (one amongst many) that you couldn't even try out first
        >what do you mean, we shipped zero units?

        And this is why you people always need a suit in the back to crack the whip.

        • 3 months ago

          lol another fricking moron who thinks all software projects are businesses. they're not. you are not my customer, i don't care about you in the slightest.
          shipping zero units would be A-OK with me if it means i don't have to deal with your types.
          pay me if you want extra work done. otherwise, figure it out, idiot.

          • 3 months ago

            lol mega asshurt

          • 3 months ago

            i'm not the one begging for software to fix their problems 🙂 that's you. my problems are fixed. i fixed them. you can use my fix if you want, i shared what i did. that is, if you're able. but you're not. that's not my problem.

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't plan on selling this anyway, if you want an installer, pay for it.
          (not to mention many projects work like this already and do actually make money lmao, like aseprite)

        • 3 months ago

          >pay me [..] for this piece of software [...] that you couldn't even try out first
          >what do you mean, we shipped zero units?
          wow you're right
          looking back, it does seem that every proprietary software company in the world who hasn't offered demos or trials has indeed failed spectacularly. it seems there is indeed no market for software that people can't run for completely free.

        • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      I'd agree, but the program in question is literally just a python script.

    • 3 months ago

      sure here is your malware sir

      • 3 months ago

        huueh??? but wasn't xz utils open source?? OUPSIEEEEe

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Oh no, some random nobody on the internet will not use the application I provide for free...

    • 3 months ago

      good post.
      As a software developer, we make tools that others can use, and to make a good tool it needs to be:
      * Functional
      * Well Maintained
      * Optimized (not perfect)
      * Easy to use

      If you fail at any of these 4 points, it's not good software.

      • 3 months ago

        Basically; imagine buying a saw but instead you get blueprints and materials for the saw and need to manufacture it yourself.

        That's the equivalent end-user experience to not releasing a binary.

        • 3 months ago

          >hey guys, i know saws are expensive, so i figured out how to build my own out of common household components and i've been using it for a while, it's pretty nice now.
          >here's how to do it!
          >"U FRICKING SMELLY IDIOT why didn't u build it for me? ship a built one to me right now! for FREE!"

          • 3 months ago

            >heres how to do it
            thats a joke, few repos even have compilation instructions, and instead of writing those out it is it so hard to setup CI/CD once and forget about it?

          • 3 months ago

            the "here's how to do it" is the code, moron.
            a fourty-minute youtube tutorial on the operating principles of electrical powertools is what you're now demanding from the saw guy.
            no, frick you. if you're inclined to make your own saw to save some money like saw guy, he's not obligated to teach you basic assembly and electrical fundamentals on the way. if you don't know, don't do it.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm too busy with important meetings and making strategic business decisions to bother reading through your nerd shit
            make things acessible or gtfo nerd

          • 3 months ago

            >important meetings and making strategic business decisions
            of where? my own repository? you're the one having a tantrum at the entrance because you're not tall enough to enter.
            happy to accept another W on this

        • 2 months ago

          >Basically; imagine buying a saw but instead you get blueprints and materials for the saw and need to manufacture it yourself.
          So what you're saying is that no-one should offer software for free?

          • 2 months ago

            that's been what i'm hearing. if we aren't willing to offer binaries and complete 24/7 customer support phone lines, we should probably just not give them our software.
            i'm sure with all those hours browsing other people's github repos, they'll be able to figure out how to code their own solutions... lol.

        • 2 months ago

          Except you have a robot that'll make it for you and all you have to do is tell him to follow the blueprint. An actual equivalent would be like a whitepaper with pseudo code, you have the blueprint but you have to actually make the thing yourself.

      • 3 months ago

        Basically; imagine buying a saw but instead you get blueprints and materials for the saw and need to manufacture it yourself.

        That's the equivalent end-user experience to not releasing a binary.

        imagine making a homemade saw for personal use that you don't intend to sell and have someone yelling at you for not handing it over

        • 3 months ago

          If you are pushing your software to a public repository you are essentially handing it over, personally made or not. Even if you make the argument that it is for personal use, it is developer laziness to not produce a binary for something they are actively sharing.

          • 3 months ago

            i've already gone out of my way in the first place to let you use the thing i made that fixed my problem, in case you have the same problem.
            you're saying that by simply giving it to you for free, i didn't go far enough? fine, frick you, i'll take it back. i own it, not you. now you get nothing, even if you can figure out how to use it.
            this is evidently preferable to you?

          • 3 months ago

            Just quit whinning like a little b***h and provide a binary already you cuck

          • 3 months ago

            Only a cuck would bow down to literal morons that need an .exe instead of just compiling it themselves

          • 3 months ago

            no. and you literally can't make me. if you're crying about this, you're exactly the kind of lowest-common-denominator DEI-champion that needs to learn that the rest of the world's purpose is not to cater to your deficiencies. learn and adapt, or stay moronic. your choice.

          • 3 months ago

            >that needs to learn that the rest of the world's purpose is not to cater to your deficiencies
            Go to Somalia then.
            Civilized people live in a society, the definition of catering to each and every person.

          • 3 months ago

            no, but by providing that service, (something trivial to you but hard for others), you have further outreach. How are you even giving it to people if they can't use it? If your software is targeted towards developers, sure, they might know, but how is Joe Blow going to use the diceroll calculator you wrote?

            the "here's how to do it" is the code, moron.
            a fourty-minute youtube tutorial on the operating principles of electrical powertools is what you're now demanding from the saw guy.
            no, frick you. if you're inclined to make your own saw to save some money like saw guy, he's not obligated to teach you basic assembly and electrical fundamentals on the way. if you don't know, don't do it.

            I don't know if you remember when you were starting software, but the compiler and its workings were one of the last things I had learned. Its rough, you need to download tons of libraries to even get it working, even if it Works On Your Machine (TM), they might have other issues. and if it doesn't work, even if they do everything right, there might be some hidden dependency that you had that wasn't in the barebones instructions that some developer wrote.

            Just compile the damn build, if you're so great. People will be more likely to thank you for your software and hard efforts.

            (And really, it is not that hard comparatively to setup CI/CD to produce builds. You minimize the amount of work others have to do by the number of people that use your software.)

          • 3 months ago

            >further outreach
            don't care. don't like it, don't use it. i'm not a business. you are not my customer.
            >how is Joe Blow going to
            don't care. don't like it, don't use it. i'm not a business. you are not my customer.
            >People will be more likely to thank you
            there it is. the reason people like you assume anyone would bother to share software. you can't conceive of just putting something out because you literally only do it for social validation. you would only share your solution to a problem because you're hungry for (You)s? really?
            here's an idea for anyone else tooting this "CI/CD is so easy just do it, i demand it!!". if this bothers you so much, go to github and fork every piece of software you see that doesn't offer builds. set up the CI/CD pipelines, and offer releases. you should be able to automate the whole thing, right? since there's nothing to it, it shouldn't be an issue. you know how, you care enough about the (You)s to do it, please go feel free to collect the accolades on your forks, as long as you also deal with your own issue tracker as a result. seems fair to me.

          • 3 months ago

            nice strawmen, but isn't that the point of sharing in the first place, to show you care about others and are willing to give something up for them? Instead you are being an elitist prick and not finishing the work you started.
            Newsflash; No one RTFM anymore. Is it such an issue to you that people want shit to work the first time? Is it such an issue to you that you would waste a few orders of magnitude of other people's time, than about a minute of yours?

          • 3 months ago

            >isn't that the point of sharing in the first place, to show you care about others and are willing to give something up for them
            i'm willing to help others solve the same problem i had, with the tool i developed to do so.
            if you're not willing to learn how to pick it up and use it, i don't care, you ungrateful shit. i gave you what i made for free. your response is "it's not enough". i don't care that you feel that way. use what i already gave you for free, or pay me to care about you in particular, or frick off.
            >not finishing the work you started
            it works for me. my work is done. and i give you the tool i made if you want to do the same thing, too.
            what you're asking for is extra work, just for you, and you're claiming that i shouldn't have bothered to share it if i'm not willing to do that extra work. ok, maybe everyone who shares solutions online for free should keep that in mind for the future, to decide if they want to offer you anything at all.
            in the meanwhile, i don't care. i'm going to post my code to public repos, so other people with more than 2 brain cells can reuse it, and i'm going to ignore you.

          • 3 months ago

            Cool, and I am going to write code that actually matters.

          • 3 months ago

            lmao. go right ahead. did you think i would want to stop you? feel free to do all the extra work and jump through all the hoops you want to round all your corners and make everything safe to use and consume. i'm sure you'll get big and popular and earn many (You)votes and stars and all the women around you will moisten right up when they smell Github success walk into the room.
            hell, go ahead and find software without good builds and just fork it and make the builds to distribute. you can get all the accolades with none of the development work that way. after all, it's so easy to do that it can't even be considered real work, so hop to it.

          • 3 months ago

            What DevOps Engineer hurt you? I mean, I know they get laid the most but jeez my guy.

          • 3 months ago

            if you:
            - believe that all free software should come prebuilt
            - are complaining about there being no builds on free software
            - know enough to know how to build the software
            - are not doing the builds yourself on forks of projects that don't offer them to end-users
            then you're a hypocrite.
            nut up or shut up.

          • 3 months ago

            I am:
            * stating that software should come with an easy means of access.
            * taking issue that developers hand off broken software that does not take end-user experience into account
            * understanding that even if I can build the software, others can't, and shouldn't be expected to compile it
            * on the projects I do maintain, provide my own releases and easy of use, including nightly builds.
            I'm doing my part. It's just not good stewardship to put something out there that's broken.

          • 3 months ago

            >easy means of access
            it's right there. i made it public.
            >broken software
            works great. just pick it up and use it.
            >other's can't
            then it's not for them
            >provide my own releases [...] including nightly builds
            good for you. you really want those github stars. you can do that work for all my projects too if you want, i'm not stopping you. that's why the license is permissive. i'm not going to, though.
            >good stewardship [...] broken
            i'm not a steward. i'm a programmer. it's not broken, you're just too dumb to know how to use it.

            >GitHub is a developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code.
            >GitHub is a stewardship platform that allows codejannies to store, build binaries for, manage their Discord communities, and cater to the lowest-common-denominator.

          • 3 months ago

            >The complete developer platform to build, scale, and deliver secure software.
            >deliver software
            get BTFO moron
            but keep using the first line of Wikipedia like it means anything

            L M A O

            literal 80IQ codemonkey ape

          • 3 months ago

            it's been delivered to you by my making it public. you can refuse delivery. it's a free country.
            >You call that easy?
            i call that easily accessible. you can access it. and it's easy because you didn't have to contact me to ask for the source code first. the rest isn't my problem.
            >so it's only for you?
            yes. that's what i've been saying. me and people like me.
            i made things public so that other people like me can do the same things i do without needing to do it themselves. not to market and advertise a new lifestyle software to gather github stars and catapult my twitch livecoding career or whatever the frick you people do.
            >you are responsible for the resources you use and abuse on that machine, and with it come responsibilities that can have real world consequences if you frick up.
            lmao, ok, you're pushing a little too hard on the bait.
            the moronic shit you do on your computer is nobody's responsibility but your own. i suppose it's mcdonald's fault you're 500 pounds? YOU are responsible for the software you blindly load into your machine, period, just like you're responsible for results of the five bigmacs you had today for lunch.
            if you are using software in a high-stakes life-or-death scenario, it is YOUR responsibility to ensure it is safe software on your machines, and nobody else's. NASA didn't fly to the moon on "npm install orbits.js", they had (and have) strict programming requirements that all their vendors (if any) must comply with: https://standards.nasa.gov/standard/nasa/nasa-std-871913

            i reject stewardship. if it somehow becomes mandatory, i stop releasing software. simple as. parasitic mouthbreathers like you can frick off. no warranty express or implied, homosexual.
            you literally can't make me do as you demand. seethe.
            also, see

            if you:
            - believe that all free software should come prebuilt
            - are complaining about there being no builds on free software
            - know enough to know how to build the software
            - are not doing the builds yourself on forks of projects that don't offer them to end-users
            then you're a hypocrite.
            nut up or shut up.

            and start making PRs and forks or move along, hypocrite.

          • 3 months ago

            >it's right there, I made it public
            ok, so let me just, ah, I need to compile it first, let me just try clang... oh wait, nope, seems to have microsoft dependencies, let me use microsoft's compiler... oh, no, there wasn't a dependency installed, let me just install that.... wait, it seems that the latest version is incompatible with this, let me just... oh, wait, I had to run it with this specific compiler flag...
            You call that easy?
            >broken software
            Works on My Machine (TM)
            >then its not for them
            so it's only for you?
            >good for you
            >i'm not a steward
            You are, you are tangibly flipping the bits on a machine owned by you or someone else, you are responsible for the resources you use and abuse on that machine, and with it come responsibilities that can have real world consequences if you frick up.
            See: Planes falling out of sky due to software, Boats running into bridges due to equipment malfunction
            Not all projects have such high stakes, but you are a steward, more or less.

          • 3 months ago

            >You are, you are tangibly flipping the bits on a machine owned by you or someone else, you are responsible for the resources you use and abuse on that machine, and with it come responsibilities that can have real world consequences if you frick up.
            >you are a steward, more or less.

          • 3 months ago

            If you write software that erases someone's data, and they can prove malicious intent or carelessness, it's you on the chopping block.

          • 3 months ago

            Okay. Cool. Have fun arguing in court because some randos software deleted the CP off your hard drive lol.

          • 3 months ago

            >and they can prove malicious intent
            load bearing words
            >or carelessness
            maybe if any kind of warranty for fitness was provided. but it's not. it's expressly withheld. lmao.
            i'd stick to the devops stuff, your legal chops aren't so hot

          • 2 months ago

            Ironically enough to this discussion. You could only really prove that intent if.... binaries were provided. Unless it was intentionally there to be used as a dependancy in other things. You compiling the code and it nuking your data would be all on you

          • 2 months ago

            >You are, you are tangibly flipping the bits on a machine owned by you or someone else, you are responsible for the resources you use and abuse on that machine, and with it come responsibilities that can have real world consequences if you frick up.
            Then you should pay me for all my hard work.

          • 2 months ago

            if plane companies are writing their software with random people's personal git projects as libraries then they're fricking moronic. You shouldn't be forced into indentured slavery because some multibillion dollar company decided they wanted to avoid paying a professional developer.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm eagerly awaiting your pull request or fork

            >easy means of access
            it's right there. i made it public.
            >broken software
            works great. just pick it up and use it.
            >other's can't
            then it's not for them
            >provide my own releases [...] including nightly builds
            good for you. you really want those github stars. you can do that work for all my projects too if you want, i'm not stopping you. that's why the license is permissive. i'm not going to, though.
            >good stewardship [...] broken
            i'm not a steward. i'm a programmer. it's not broken, you're just too dumb to know how to use it.

            >GitHub is a developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code.
            >GitHub is a stewardship platform that allows codejannies to store, build binaries for, manage their Discord communities, and cater to the lowest-common-denominator.


          • 2 months ago

            > are not doing the builds yourself on forks of projects that don't offer them to end-users
            nta but isn't this stepping on toes? or like breaking some kind of unwritten rule on git to come in from left field and just upload an exe in your own repo of someone else's code?

          • 2 months ago

            >nta but isn't this stepping on toes?
            Who cares

          • 2 months ago

            the license they licensed their project under dictates what your rights are and aren't. generating builds on a fork and releasing them is likely possible - but depending on the license terms, you might be required to name it something else (like MyProject builds are built under the name OurBinProj)
            the courteous thing to then do would be to cease doing it if the original project reaches out and asks you to do so. however, that's simply courtesy and (depending on the original project's license terms) not mandatory, so if your belief that users deserve prebuilt binaries of a project is strong enough, then you can (likely) choose to ignore it.

          • 3 months ago

            They do?
            I'm pretty sure the ranking of "gets laid the most" to "gets laid the least" at my workplace is
            sales >= executives >>>>>> software engineer >>> devops

          • 3 months ago

            sales and execs don't get laid much because they keep having to get on call and move around too much. Finding escorts (especially if in the US) is fricking awful and not worth it.

            Most of the fricking is done by employees. I'd say if its in the tech/software space, devops gets the most by far because most people like them (they fix everyone's stuff).

          • 3 months ago

            I was just ranking based on physical attractiveness (execs get a bonus for being richer / having more power) devops are all out of shape where I work

          • 3 months ago

            you can frick pornstars for a couple thousand dollars in the US

          • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            Speak for yourself, I read them, what are you illiterate?
            >by the way I am a parasite, and have no horse in this race. ie don't do foss stuff. I build it though 😉

          • 3 months ago

            >No one RTFM anymore
            their choice to remain ignorant is their own

          • 3 months ago

            what happens if you ignore the issue tracker
            t. never contributed to anything in github outside of work or school before

          • 3 months ago

            >what happens if you ignore the issue tracker
            nothing at all.
            i have paid attention to well-formulated issues and resolved them, in the past, because usually it's a flaw or a missing feature that would genuinely be helpful to me, too. if it's people begging for stuff and i don't like it, i ignore it. if it's people begging for stuff and i do like it, i'll put a "good first PR" tag on it.
            if a well-formulated PR comes in, in it goes. if a sloppy indian hacktoberfest PR comes in, i ignore it.

          • 3 months ago
            The Falcon

            >GitHub is a developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code.
            Person goes to a place where people store code, finds code, gets angry that there is code. Does he get upset when he goes to the supermarket and finds ingredients instead of fully cooked meals?

            >I do not want free ingredients and a recipe, for that is not enough
            >you must ALSO cook the meal for me, or else you are lazy
            Want them to chew for you as well? Who is the lazy one here?

      • 3 months ago

        in a professional context? absolutely. if someone is paying me to make software, it'll be functional, well maintained, optimized, and easy to use. that's the expectation: they don't know how or don't have the time to do it themselves, so i'll do it for them and make sure it's as easy for them as they need.
        but that's not what this is about.
        >As a software developer, we make tools that others can use
        as a programmer in my free time, i program things to solve my problems. if you have the same problems, you can use my program.
        i am not a business. you are not my customer.
        'good software' is not synonymous with 'good product'. if you or anyone else reading this disagrees: frick you, you MBA-skullfricked pieces of shit. go unscrew bolts from an airplane to save four cents per airframe.

      • 3 months ago

        in a professional context? absolutely. if someone is paying me to make software, it'll be functional, well maintained, optimized, and easy to use. that's the expectation: they don't know how or don't have the time to do it themselves, so i'll do it for them and make sure it's as easy for them as they need.
        but that's not what this is about.
        >As a software developer, we make tools that others can use
        as a programmer in my free time, i program things to solve my problems. if you have the same problems, you can use my program.
        i am not a business. you are not my customer.
        'good software' is not synonymous with 'good product'. if you or anyone else reading this disagrees: frick you, you MBA-skullfricked pieces of shit. go unscrew bolts from an airplane to save four cents per airframe.

        Slightly off topic, but the
        >well maintained
        part makes me sad. Before I learned programming I thought if I made some software it's there forever and I don't have to do anything, but now I realize you have to keep updating it to keep up with its dependencies getting updates, or new OS's getting released and updated, etc.
        It's like, building a house and having to constantly patch holes in the walls, reinforce the house against new species of termites and hurricanes. Maintaining is the worst fricking part of all this

        • 3 months ago

          off topic, but this is why I make $270k
          boohoo, maintaining is so hard and boring guys, continue not to learn how to do it

          • 3 months ago

            I mainly meant for personal projects. I have 2 on github that are straight up broken right now because I havent touched them in 5 years

    • 3 months ago

      I've been feeling that way for years. Funny it took a shitpost for the issue to be discussed.

    • 3 months ago

      >I'm gonna drop your application like a hot turd on a sweet summer morning and I will only use it if there is absolutely no alternative.
      working as intended then
      i don't want morons using my shit

    • 3 months ago


      It depends. If you have a target user audience, it makes sense to give them builds. If you don't and use the git forge to share the code, why should I care about your screeches? The code's literally written for free and given as is. I as a developer present it as I want, dear b8tgays, and that foss license attached to the repository is me already being too charitable to strangers.

    • 3 months ago



      Posting shit software on the internet with no intention of supporting it should be a crime. You're wasting other people's times and making some poor normie dependent on your garbage. Why the frick did you upload it if you don't want to actual users of your software? It's narcissism. You're an attention prostitute who doesn't care about the Free in FOSS but about the exhibitionism. It's masturbatory open source. You're a disgrace to our entire craft. You are a doctor who scoffs at your patient's faces and just throw some opioids over the table because you know they don't know better and that they depend on you. You're going to the deepest circle of hell burn for all eternity with other prideful scourge because you didn't build an actual website with end user documentation for your shitty sideproject and just gave everybody a github link because you want some moronic stars.

      • 3 months ago

        >Posting shit software on the internet with no intention of supporting it should be a crime. You're wasting other people's times and making some poor normie dependent on your garbage. Why the frick did you upload it if you don't want to actual users of your software? It's narcissism. You're an attention prostitute who doesn't care about the Free in FOSS but about the exhibitionism. It's masturbatory open source. You're a disgrace to our entire craft. You are a doctor who scoffs at your patient's faces and just throw some opioids over the table because you know they don't know better and that they depend on you. You're going to the deepest circle of hell burn for all eternity with other prideful scourge because you didn't build an actual website with end user documentation for your shitty sideproject and just gave everybody a github link because you want some moronic stars.
        you have now convinced me to want to contribute software without supporting it

    • 3 months ago

      Tough shit, I don't care

    • 3 months ago

      >what is docker

    • 3 months ago

      >users acting like Karen's thinking that they can argue with the manager over things provided by strangers for free on the Internet

      >pay me 10 bucks for this piece of software (one amongst many) that you couldn't even try out first
      >what do you mean, we shipped zero units?

      And this is why you people always need a suit in the back to crack the whip.

      You can try it out for free if you compile it from source.
      Aseprite runs under that business model and people seem to like the software.

      Yes let's just force the end user to get git, figure out how to clone a repo, get something like vscode, get a compiler, setup the extensions in vscode for the language, what's a language? Figure that out, find out what one the program uses, figure out how compiling works, do it wrong a dozen times, finally after hours they've done it
      >version outdated within like a month and they never use it again
      No one will ever use your software.

      You sound like one of those morons who defends door dash because using a microwave has too many steps.

      good post.
      As a software developer, we make tools that others can use, and to make a good tool it needs to be:
      * Functional
      * Well Maintained
      * Optimized (not perfect)
      * Easy to use

      If you fail at any of these 4 points, it's not good software.

      GitHub is not the place to exclusively release well optimized apps. You should strive for that but sometimes things don't work out or you simply don't care enough to dress up some useful python script for normalgays.
      People should stop being so entitled to everything and just learn to deal with problems rather than complaining about them.

    • 3 months ago

      >call the guy in OP's pic a brainlet all you want, but this is the only correct way to handle it.
      Okay, if that's how you feel, you're free to submit a pull request that automates the build and release.

    • 2 months ago

      Good, I don't WANT you using my stuff. We all should work harder to filter out people like you.

    • 2 months ago

      The guy in OPs pic complained about that for a software that is made for devs. You even have to launch it via command line with python. So he is complaining that python software made for devs hasn't been bundled to an .exe that is several hundred megabytes with all its dependencies.

    • 2 months ago

      >trying to use a version control system as a package manager then crying when it doesn't work

      D-do normies really do this? Kek, LMAO even.

      Anon, everyone are laughing at you! They think you're really STUPID.

    • 2 months ago

      Good. I don't want morons who'll clog up the issues tab with stupid shit. The worst mistake in computing was making things easier instead of educating people on how to use a computer

    • 2 months ago

      >and I will only use it if there is absolutely no alternative.
      So for all your epic tough talk, you're still going to use it?

      • 2 months ago

        He's not even going to bother to clone the repo so no. He set the bar too high to be able to clear it.

    • 2 months ago

      >all those easily assblasted redditors seething in your replies
      you love to see it kek

    • 2 months ago

      you need to go back to le reddit

  3. 3 months ago

    did he ever get his .exe?

  4. 3 months ago

    Whenever I first started learning about github and python I was very confused, I imagine like how a lot of others are when they first start. I don't blame him for being frustrated. He'll figure it out with time

  5. 3 months ago

    the stupid fricking smelly nerds ofc

  6. 3 months ago

    100% correct. Nerds are fricking morons.
    Steve Jobs made that clear years ago.

    • 3 months ago

      and yet you constantly beg and plead for us to let you use what we make. weird. we don't really think about you, you know. it's pretty cute you think you have some kind of leverage over us by threatening to "not use" what we make for ourselves and each other lmao

      • 3 months ago

        >and yet you constantly beg and plead for us to let you use what we make
        Wrong. I write my own shit.
        I just have enough business sense to know that software must he written for moronic npcs, because that's usually the more profitable approach.
        Also not a disgenic-looking motherfricker that was bullied back in school, so I have no need to compensate and be elitist about shit that don't matter, like you and your troony clique never fail to do.

        • 3 months ago

          >I write my own shit.
          good for you. you can write your own version of my software instead of running `make` i guess
          >business sense
          i'm still not a business, you fricking mouthbreather
          you still aren't my customer, thank god
          >omg ur ugly lmao trans ywnbaw lmao
          your incorrect opinions still mean nothing to me, and this is doing nothing to convince me to go out of my way to cater to your types more than i already have by releasing my software for anyone to use in the first place. maybe the opposite.

          • 3 months ago

            Nobody cares about your gay worthless software.
            You have a receding chin and will never have sex

          • 3 months ago

            it must be hard for lowest-common-denominator folks like you who are so accustomed to getting catered to. i know it must be tough when you encounter a person or situation that won't bend backwards to accommodate your deficiencies, but not everything is always about you bud. it's better you learn that here and now.
            thanks for taking the L

          • 3 months ago

            manchild seethe

          • 3 months ago

            seething brainlet begging and crying for gibs

          • 3 months ago

            You got btfo and lost the argument but that post is fricking gold kek

          • 2 months ago

            You're wrong.

  7. 3 months ago

    You will take whatever I decide to give you unless you pay me
    I will write documentation because it is good practice, I will make the process of getting started smooth because it's good practice
    Never doing tech support, issue tracker is sacred ground, builds depend on project and language. Best I will probably do for Python is a Docker image, which is already going above and beyond
    Emphasis on "pay me": honestly I'm surprised no one's charging Tommy Jr and his preschool friends fees for the right to bother maintainers with gibberish, 1+1=2 tier deployment problems, and unactionable bug reports. Seems like a really easy way for people who work on popular projects and don't have corp support or a Tidelift contract to turn up easy and fair profit.

  8. 3 months ago

    lmfao based. git trannies on suicide watch. make your repo private or provide the build. im not downloading all the libraries to compile your shit. a basic fricking courtesy

    • 3 months ago

      >im not downloading all the libraries to compile your shit.
      ok! you'd probably not be able to figure out how to run the thing anyway if you're too dumb to figure it ouut, and you'd fill up my issue tracker with stupid questions i have to clean out in my free time, so this is basically by-design.
      i'm not the one who needs my software - i clearly solved the problem myself. you're the one in need here. i don't see why you think you have any leverage over what i do.

  9. 3 months ago

    Reminder to my fellow programmers to not fall for this rhetoric
    These people are weaker than you and they have literally 0 leverage
    All they do is cry and write words to try to convince you to become mediocre like them

  10. 3 months ago

    Not having a releases page with builds is pretty moronic imo

    • 3 months ago

      why should i bother?
      if you can't figure out something so simple, you're not able to use it. i'd rather not have your dumb normie questions filling my issue trackers.

      • 3 months ago

        I can figure it out but not everyone has a device that can compile very quickly or even knows how to let alone use flags to make sure it works for their system.

        • 3 months ago

          then it's not for them.
          i cannot care less than i do, because i don't.
          if you need what i made, then figure it out. otherwise, you don't really need it.
          the only alternative is that i don't choose to share it in the first place and then you really have no options to solve your problem that i've already solved for myself. if you annoy me and folks like me enough, that's what you'll get instead of what you have.

          • 3 months ago

            You must be insufferable to work with on a development team

          • 3 months ago

            nah, not in the slightest. you're making the same mistake everyone seems to make: that my personal projects and solutions are the same as professional work. they're not. not even close. you know why i'm good to work with in a professional context? i'm getting compensated for my time, and i act accordingly. you know why i don't care at all about your problems using my free-time software? because you're not paying me.
            i release my software as a courtesy to others who have the same needs as me so they can save themselves the trouble of implementing their own solution. i benefit from others doing the same, i can pay it back. i don't release my software to be your personal software company.
            you're not entitled to my personal labor. frick you.

          • 3 months ago

            >not entitled to my personal labor
            >is fine making and publishing the software but not compiling
            You can just say you hate normies andnwant to gatekeep them. That would be 10x more based than whatever thought train you're coping with.

          • 3 months ago

            i don't give enough of a shit about normies to actively gatekeep them. i'm not going out of my way for them, is all - you types just take that as an active assault. you're so accustomed to being catered to as the lowest-common denominator, because big companies are using you as cattle to make money. you're so used to this, that when someone doesn't cater to you, you take it as an actual assault.
            no, idiot, i'm just not sharing my work for you. i'm sharing my work for other people who are like me. if you're not like me, it's not my problem.

          • 3 months ago

            It's so easy to compile though when you're a programmer. It's annoying for a non-computer person to be told "figure out how the hell compiling works and then download the potentially several things you need on your computer just to do it for this program and probably frick it up. Even Linux doesn't force you to compile from source for everything. You're such a moron it's insane.

          • 3 months ago

            >It's annoying
            not. my. problem.
            i'm not going to do more work in my free time, for free, to solve more problems for people who i am already providing a solution for, except for the fact that they have to google "how to compile x".
            if you won't figure it out, you don't need my code. if you need my code, you'll figure it out.
            besides, if i offered an exe, then it would turn into "wtf u don't offer an installer??" then into "wtf u don't have an autoupdater????" then into "wow lmao u don't even have a support department, i need to know if this works on laptops but there's not even a phone number"
            none of these things are my problem, just like offering an exe to you is not my problem.
            i've built the solution to a problem. if you have that problem too, use it if you want, and if you can. if you either don't want or can't, not my problem.

          • 3 months ago

            How moronic are you that making a build is saving you that much time. Do you not know how to build anon?

          • 3 months ago

            it's simply not necessary. mine is already built and running. i constructed the thing, after all, to fix a problem i was having. that problem is now solved. if you have the same problem, you can solve it with my solution too. i've already gone out of my way to share my solution with others when i totally didn't need to. if you want more, do the more yourself, or pay me to do the more for you.

          • 3 months ago

            Yes let's just force the end user to get git, figure out how to clone a repo, get something like vscode, get a compiler, setup the extensions in vscode for the language, what's a language? Figure that out, find out what one the program uses, figure out how compiling works, do it wrong a dozen times, finally after hours they've done it
            >version outdated within like a month and they never use it again
            No one will ever use your software.

          • 3 months ago

            >Yes let's just force the end user to get git, figure out how to clone a repo, get something like vscode, get a compiler, setup the extensions in vscode for the language, what's a language? Figure that out, find out what one the program uses, figure out how compiling works, do it wrong a dozen times, finally after hours they've done it
            if these are your problems and you won't figure it out, then you don't need my software.
            >No one will ever use your software.
            i will, which is all i cared about when i made the thing. and other non-idiots will when they have the same problem, and it'll help them like it helps me. the rest, i don't care about.
            if you'd all prefer, i'll simply not share things in the future. when other people like me keep doing this, you'll have no choice but to either live with no solution to your problems, or figure it out yourself. i really doubt you can do that last one, since you can't even figure out how to type in 'make' and hit enter, or start it with 'python main.py' lol

          • 3 months ago

            I don't because I'm not using basedlangs like python, I'm building gcc and clang versions of my programs and benchmarking them against each other instead.

          • 3 months ago

            >Yes let's just force the end user to get git, figure out how to clone a repo, get something like vscode, get a compiler, setup the extensions in vscode for the language, what's a language? Figure that out, find out what one the program uses, figure out how compiling works, do it wrong a dozen times, finally after hours they've done it
            Sometimes it's wild to me that the average normie cant even use curl or developer tools, let alone git or vscode.

          • 2 months ago

            >it really surprises me that people who aren't developers don't know how to use developer tools!
            You're an idiot lol

          • 2 months ago

            I'm not a developer and I can use developer tools. Ever heard of RTFM?

          • 3 months ago

            I am not a programmer and I have figured out how to compile things. Because I wanted to or needed to for various reasons. I compile my own build of ffmpeg for work because I need things that aren't included in my Linux distro's repository. I recompiled the Linux kernel to enable sharing a wifi connection from a USB adapter to the ethernet port of my raspberry pi. You don't need to know how to program. You just need the slightest bit of a clue and access to Google. If you don't even understand what you are trying to do in the first place and can't even figure it out perhaps you are better suited to Windows GUI applications and should stop complaining.

          • 2 months ago

            >i have zero reading comprehension and in proud of it™

      • 3 months ago

        then it's not for them.
        i cannot care less than i do, because i don't.
        if you need what i made, then figure it out. otherwise, you don't really need it.
        the only alternative is that i don't choose to share it in the first place and then you really have no options to solve your problem that i've already solved for myself. if you annoy me and folks like me enough, that's what you'll get instead of what you have.

        nah, not in the slightest. you're making the same mistake everyone seems to make: that my personal projects and solutions are the same as professional work. they're not. not even close. you know why i'm good to work with in a professional context? i'm getting compensated for my time, and i act accordingly. you know why i don't care at all about your problems using my free-time software? because you're not paying me.
        i release my software as a courtesy to others who have the same needs as me so they can save themselves the trouble of implementing their own solution. i benefit from others doing the same, i can pay it back. i don't release my software to be your personal software company.
        you're not entitled to my personal labor. frick you.

        Based and true. But posers will seethe. This is literally how gatekeeping works. If you're filtered it's your problem. Based

        • 3 months ago

          >I release my code publicly and want people to use it
          >but I also want to gatekeep
          based as in moron.

          • 3 months ago

            >and want people to use it
            no. i ALLOW people to use it. big difference.
            if you have the same issue i did, and my solution fixes it, go right ahead and use it.
            i'm not marketing to you. i have no interest in advertising. i'm not a business. you're not my customer.
            your brain has been rotted into swiss cheese from massive corporations making everything toddler-safe so they can maximally exploit you and other idiots like you. i'm not interested in exploiting you, so i'm not interested in making every minor thing i do toddler-safe at personal expense. my not toddler-proofing my software isn't a me problem, it's a you problem for being trained to expect it from everyone in the first place.

          • 3 months ago

            your post isn't even worth breaking down, it is full of projection and outright self-deception. you are clearly too low-IQ to be worth engaging with.

  11. 3 months ago

    They hated him because he told the truth.

    • 3 months ago

      Why are you idolizing people with glaring mental health problems?

      • 3 months ago

        because he has them as well

  12. 3 months ago

    He's right you know. Put your project in a distro repository, not a fricking tar.gz file.

    >meson ninja cmake blah blah blah

  13. 3 months ago

    if a person throws a tantrum at wallmart demanding they brew him a cup of folgers, you'd assume that person is mentally ill

    • 2 months ago

      >He isn't mentally ill
      Mental moronation is a form of mental illness

  14. 3 months ago
  15. 3 months ago

    Frick you guys, I remember when github had download button, but if you clicked that it wouldn't actually download the script. Instead you had to click raw, then ctrl+s to save the script. Dumb ass stinky nerds why add a download button that won't actually download the script.

  16. 3 months ago

    >be hobby home baker
    >play with bread, have lots of fun
    >develop great bread recipe
    >share it online with other breadheads
    >they love it
    >then the normies come from a vox article
    >"OMG frick u stupid moron, it's not even gluten free"
    >"fricking develop a gluten free bread recipe now!!!"
    >"i have peanut allergies but you don't have a no peanuts option, you HAVE to have a no peanuts option legally, i'm calling my lawyer"
    >"if these fricking idiot free-recipe sharing bakers want MY business, they're going to have to make a chocolate version of the recipe and ship a baked version to me. no i'm not going to pay lol"
    >"yeah!!! let's boycott them!"

    • 3 months ago

      >food analogy
      imagine looking at computers

  17. 3 months ago

    The first time I ever looked at GitHub I had no idea what it was and felt like this guy for about 3 seconds before I realized there were probably decent reasons it's designed the way it is and I should learn what those are before deciding how I felt about it as a platform.

    Turns out this kind of thinking is beneath many people who have rage-inducing circumstances in life, so they let their initial emotions dictate how they interact with the world.

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago


      yes. see:

      catering to the lowest common denominator has been a disastrous strategy for computing and the greater world at large. you know why we've made barely any technological and societal advances in the past several decades? this is why. no mouthbreather left behind.
      they will scream and wail and gnash their teeth-- using words given to them by agitators trying to incite chaos to create opportunities for their own profit-- about how you are inequitable and unfair and inaccessible, but it's time to move past assuming the worst in your users and in others.
      ignore the people too stupid to use your software or service. ignore the people too stupid to talk to you. ignore the people too stupid to live in your life. ignore the people too stupid to do anything. just ignore them.
      if you do something they don't understand and they're mad about, and it actually works, you're doing something actually worth doing.

    • 2 months ago

      >I realized there were probably decent reasons it's designed the way it is and I should learn what those are before deciding how I felt about it
      This is the basis of a conservative mindset. If more people would at least seek to understand why things are the way they are AND THEN proceeding to investigate positive change, the world would be a better place.

  18. 3 months ago

    Based moron.
    I hope he is given a spicied .EXE though

  19. 3 months ago

    OP is in the wrong, for posting reddit on IQfy.

  20. 3 months ago

    you made that post, ledditor homosexual

  21. 3 months ago

    Having a sense of entitlement is a hell of a drug. Whoever typed that tantrum should get capital punishment.

  22. 3 months ago

    >demanding a massive .exe because you can's run a 200 line Python script
    Cope + seethe + filtered + ngmi + you have to go back

  23. 3 months ago

    catering to users was a mistake
    these people can learn, but they've been taught that it's their "natural right" for software to be braindead accessible, so whenever anything shows up that isn't clicking a rounded-corner gui button, their first instinct is to rage, rather than read the manuals

  24. 3 months ago

    >IQfy equivalent: omg u didn't tell me the lift kit needed my own tools. fricking moron mechanics should include a full snap-on set with the lift kits they sell. and it should be for free
    >/k/ equivalent: glock is fricking moronic. they don't even include bullets with their guns. that's literally required to make them work. how am i supposed to know this? just put the bullets in the gun already
    >IQfy equivalent: it's not enough for you to share the woodworking plans for your workbench. why the frick didn't you build a screw and tool set i can just buy to build it? i don't own these stupid tools, that's the point of looking online for plans.
    >IQfy equivalent: fansubs fricking suck. they don't even have professional-level translation and localization done on them. i don't care that there's no other option available, i demand it be done better! for free! no wait, they should pay ME!

  25. 3 months ago

    >everyone missing the point this hard
    We all know that there's various intermediate levels of "just works" in between a binary and just some code that you have no idea what to do with.
    It's be pretty common (or pretty much guaranteed in some languages) that even if there are compilation/installation instructions they won't actually work even if you follow them to the letter, because it depends on some other bullshit in unspecified ways.
    So it's never just "follow the instructions", you always to basically treat the code as if it's broken and fix it so that it runs on your system.

  26. 3 months ago

    Spergtastic thread

  27. 3 months ago
  28. 3 months ago

    Someone really should write him a git to exe program and then put it on github and send him a link.

    • 3 months ago


      off topic, but this is why I make $270k
      boohoo, maintaining is so hard and boring guys, continue not to learn how to do it

      i know how to maintain projects just fine. you're confusing professional work with personal work again. you want professionalism? pay me like it's my profession.

      I am not a programmer and I have figured out how to compile things. Because I wanted to or needed to for various reasons. I compile my own build of ffmpeg for work because I need things that aren't included in my Linux distro's repository. I recompiled the Linux kernel to enable sharing a wifi connection from a USB adapter to the ethernet port of my raspberry pi. You don't need to know how to program. You just need the slightest bit of a clue and access to Google. If you don't even understand what you are trying to do in the first place and can't even figure it out perhaps you are better suited to Windows GUI applications and should stop complaining.


  29. 3 months ago

    The worst software i have ever tried to install and get working is digital Criminal's OF scraper.

    if you can't make software that is simple to download and install you should be hit by a car and ran over by a lawn mower.

    • 3 months ago

      >OF scraper
      lol, this tracks. it's always the epic wannabe hacker shit that normies glom onto. just like the original "just make an exe" guy was trying to run some python script that estalks people.
      if you can't figure how do the le epic haxoring yourself, go ahead and lie down in front of that car and lawnmower yourself.
      they gave you a perfectly functional way to pull photos of some OF bawd off the internet and you were too stupid to even turn it on

      • 3 months ago

        i got a different of scraper to work.
        python is a shit language that you can make programs on it that only work on one version of the language and then you have to keep switching the Path for the python version in your system to get it working.
        lol. lmao.

        if all you can make is a terminal program with no gui you will live in your mom's basement for the rest of your life.

        • 3 months ago

          inclined to agree about python being a piece of shit language, btw, but it's not like it's actually "hard to use" lol. skill issue.

          >if all you can make is a terminal program with no gui you will live in your mom's basement for the rest of your life.
          lmao gr8 b8. you have to figure out how to build GUI programs too moron. (or be handed it because you're too stupid, i guess)

        • 3 months ago

          All the shit I make only runs in the terminal and I've already made a living off of it. If anyone is likely to be living in a basement it's a coomer moron who pays for porn.

  30. 3 months ago

    Then either 1. pay me for the application. 2. contribute to making the application.

    Github is a code repository.

    • 3 months ago

      if these alleged-developer normie-white-knighters want to come in and claim that it should be mandatory to set up CI/CD pipelines for all free software, then they can be the change they want to see in the world and submit PRs or fork and maintain binaries ... and the associated support load that comes with it.

      if you open the door to this kind of leeching homosexualry, you end up getting shit like ffmpeg (pic) being used by multi-billion dollar corporation microsoft upset and demanding high priority fixes out of volunteers for peanuts lmao

      • 3 months ago

        where can I read more about this? i love setting microsoft get BTFO'D

        • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            Thanks. It's my dream to see Microsoft implode

  31. 3 months ago

    Somebody tell this guy that exe files come from C programs.

  32. 3 months ago

    I fully agree actually.

  33. 3 months ago

    Nocoders deserve less.

  34. 2 months ago

    Not everybody is a computer programmer, you know.

  35. 2 months ago

    Nerds and the israelites ofcourse

  36. 2 months ago

    He's not entirely wrong
    >hurrdurr install 10GB IDE, compiler, dependencies, hope nothing errors the ass out, and pray it can be executed eventually
    This is beyond moronic to ask from a user.

    • 2 months ago

      No-one is ASKING you to do anything. You're being provided with a resource, and you can either choose to take advantage of it or you can choose not to.

      • 2 months ago

        I choose to look for another application which achieves the same goal, of which there are many.

        • 2 months ago

          Ok, and?

    • 2 months ago

      Github is not for the users though. It's a global cookbook of recipies, not a fricking restaurant.

    • 2 months ago

      >build a tool for other developers and be expected to make it suitable for use by a zero-knowledge normies
      this is beyond moronic to ask from a developer
      if this is a requirement, you'll get no free software and you'll have to figure out a whole lot more on your own kek

      I choose to look for another application which achieves the same goal, of which there are many.

      ohh noooo
      have fun

      I used to agree with this sentiment. I still do, to some degree. I really hate it when a free open source solution would solve a specific problem I have, only to be locked behind some cryptic code and compiling instructions mumbo-jumbo, that I wouldn't want to waste my time on in order to fix a "simple" issue and get on with my day. But then the REALLY OBVIOUS FACT hit me: if I want to see the easy stuff I like to keep being made, I either need to participate in its creation or have to give an incentive strong enough, usually financial or popularity related, to those willing to put in the time and effort to create it for me if I don't have the resources, knowledge or time to do it myself.

      One thing I've come to understand as I grew older after seeing a lot of FOSS programs, game mods, websites and other community endeavors being discontinued, "selling out" or disappearing is this: naively hoping that autistic drive or passionate ideologies can forever maintain the tools I use daily is just selfish, entitled and moronic. Especially in our worsening economic landscape if you're not born wealthy AND live in a 1st world country. Corporations have the money, numbers, marketing influence and the law (DMCA, copyright) on their side. They can easily corrupt casual normalgays into thinking ignorance for the sake of convenience is easier and better. Then, that said convenience evolves into my personal data being sold to the highest bidder, consumer items I buy not really belonging to me; instead being sold to me and labeled as items instead of what they really are: temporary rent tools/services with obfuscated planned obsolenece end of life dates, that you of course cannot really refund when they pull the rug. Miracles like uBlock origin where dedicated hobbyists maintain filter lists for free are rare, and should in no way be the normal expectation moving forward.

      This is why I donate to websites and FOSS stuff. It's not being a cuck. It's just common sense.

      based as frick. directly supporting the things that float your boat is absolutely the way to go. people have become too accustomed to being profitable little datapoints so they can get their services for free, they have come to expect "good service" for no cost in all areas of their life. cannot imagine a more ideal victory for massive data-harvesting corporations hungry for control, and we live it. even free projects have been effectively undercut at a loss

  37. 2 months ago

    I used to agree with this sentiment. I still do, to some degree. I really hate it when a free open source solution would solve a specific problem I have, only to be locked behind some cryptic code and compiling instructions mumbo-jumbo, that I wouldn't want to waste my time on in order to fix a "simple" issue and get on with my day. But then the REALLY OBVIOUS FACT hit me: if I want to see the easy stuff I like to keep being made, I either need to participate in its creation or have to give an incentive strong enough, usually financial or popularity related, to those willing to put in the time and effort to create it for me if I don't have the resources, knowledge or time to do it myself.

    One thing I've come to understand as I grew older after seeing a lot of FOSS programs, game mods, websites and other community endeavors being discontinued, "selling out" or disappearing is this: naively hoping that autistic drive or passionate ideologies can forever maintain the tools I use daily is just selfish, entitled and moronic. Especially in our worsening economic landscape if you're not born wealthy AND live in a 1st world country. Corporations have the money, numbers, marketing influence and the law (DMCA, copyright) on their side. They can easily corrupt casual normalgays into thinking ignorance for the sake of convenience is easier and better. Then, that said convenience evolves into my personal data being sold to the highest bidder, consumer items I buy not really belonging to me; instead being sold to me and labeled as items instead of what they really are: temporary rent tools/services with obfuscated planned obsolenece end of life dates, that you of course cannot really refund when they pull the rug. Miracles like uBlock origin where dedicated hobbyists maintain filter lists for free are rare, and should in no way be the normal expectation moving forward.

    This is why I donate to websites and FOSS stuff. It's not being a cuck. It's just common sense.

  38. 2 months ago

    nerds were in the wrong, OP pic was right
    t. Jia Tan

  39. 2 months ago

    good software is meant to be accesible to everyone, if you can't do that then you have just failed miserably

    • 2 months ago

      Get gatekept brainlet

      • 2 months ago

        >good x is meant to be accesible to everyone
        That is the most braindead definition of good I've ever heard. Something is good if it fulfills it's function well. Doesn't matter if it does that to 1 person or to 100 million people.

        See, this is why your loonix trash has failed miserably and will keep doing so

        • 2 months ago

          I ran the program the homosexual in the screenshot in OP wanted to use on Windows with no issue. See

          I installed it just because I can. I'm not too moronic to follow simple instructions therefore I can use this software.

          I already had git and python installed. If you don't have them installed they are one google search away. Many tasks that you would do on Linux are just as easy to do on Windows. If they aren't you always have the WSL at your disposal. But surely you aren't afraid of typing in terminal commands, now are you moron?

          • 2 months ago

            I should also add if you're the least bit literate you would know git isn't an actual requirement either. Github lets you download the repo as a zip file instead of cloning it. Then you can unzip it and cd into where you unzipped it to. You just need python. This is such basic shit but there are brainlets on IQfy who wouldn't have a clue about it.

        • 2 months ago

          Canonical alone is a multi-billion dollar corporation, as was Red Hat before they were bought by IBM. You're definition of failure is even more moronic than your definition of good.

        • 2 months ago

          >t.got filtered
          linux comes with python installed by default, moron
          also, filtering morons like you is a GOOD thing. it's what allows smart people to work in peace and make shitloads of cash while dumbasses aren't allowed to enter the industry, simply because they aren't smart enough

        • 2 months ago

          >t. seething lowest-common-denominator DEI advocate
          your era is ending

    • 2 months ago

      >good x is meant to be accesible to everyone
      That is the most braindead definition of good I've ever heard. Something is good if it fulfills it's function well. Doesn't matter if it does that to 1 person or to 100 million people.

    • 2 months ago

      >meant to be accesible to everyone
      it's right there. i made it public.

  40. 2 months ago

    The instructions on the github page for the program that the gay in OP's screenshot wanted to run. Imagine getting filtered by this.

    • 2 months ago

      I installed it just because I can. I'm not too moronic to follow simple instructions therefore I can use this software.

  41. 2 months ago

    Normalgays will have to for a Chinese/Israeli fork and release.

    • 2 months ago


  42. 2 months ago

    >wants to use software to search for usernames accross social networks
    >unable to do minimal research and follow basic instructions
    why should the devs give a knife to this moronic monkey?

  43. 2 months ago

    The software is free, you get free service.
    Be even thankful there are still people maintaining it for fricking free.
    You're free to look somwhere else for a solution to your problem.

  44. 2 months ago

    In some cases devs make moronic decisions like they don't want people to use their program.

    • 2 months ago

      what did you expect from using troonyware?

  45. 2 months ago

    >being an entitled frick on goods that are provided to you for free
    If you want an exe pay me.

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