Why are old alchemy?

Why are old alchemy / occult books so damn expensive? The only way I've found any Rosicrucian or masonic books they are thousands of dollars

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    People think they contain knowledge that will make you all powerful and rich. So they sell it to rubes like you for lots of cash.

    • 10 months ago
      Strange Love
  2. 10 months ago

    People pay more for the meme. It's like when I go to a gas station and feel like getting a monster and all the zero ultra are gone but every other flavor of zero sugar ones is in stock, people only want the meme.

  3. 10 months ago

    just download e-book versions

    • 10 months ago

      That's lazy and buying new versions of old books makes the source material less accurate. It's nice to hold books too, ebooks are good though if you're reading pop literature like best sellers though. I do have some PDFs of schizo books though like Prometheus Rising and The Matrix Series, but I prefer having the physicals if i can find them.

      • 10 months ago

        then don't complain about the cost of physical copies
        i'd rather be "lazy" than get ripped off

      • 10 months ago

        >old books makes the source material less accurate
        Do you have any actual examples or is that just an assumption?

  4. 10 months ago

    It’s a niche market, so they’re less likely to stay in print.

  5. 10 months ago

    it’s mostly an affectation for affluent old women they have plenty of cash to burn

  6. 10 months ago

    A scam is a scam from start to finish. Start with the New Testament.

    • 10 months ago

      I was just discussing this with some friends, Christianity is strongly against magic. Does anyone know why or where to read about this?

      • 10 months ago

        Yes, see

        A scam is a scam from start to finish. Start with the New Testament.

      • 10 months ago

        That's covered in the early books of the Bible; practicing magic is considered to be evidence of consorting with demons.

  7. 10 months ago


    Neither is God.
    I hate his creation & wish I never existed.

    • 10 months ago

      God's not everyone's friend, nowhere does it say He is. See James 4:4 or Psalms 7:11.

      • 10 months ago

        Well, for some reason, God has hated me since birth. I would prefer I had never been created, but since that atrocity has already happened, I would prefer to be uncreated. But everyone I talk to says that's not an option; once created, I have to remain existing, but no one can explain why. Existence is a punishment.

        • 10 months ago

          >God has hated me since birth
          Maybe. "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee [...]" (Jeremiah 1:5a)

          A lot of people will pray to God for some miracle or something in their lives, then if God fulfills their prayer, they'd want God to piss off back out of their lives. God won't answer a vain prayer like that made by a sin-loving, God-hating man. But if you tell God you want nothing to do with him, he has no problems answering that prayer.

          Life is a blessing, not a curse. It's only a curse to you because it's appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment, and you're not right with God. The #1 cause of depression and suicidal thoughts is living life without God and without regard for God, but the secularists (especially pill pushing big pharma) will never admit that. You could know the joy of the Lord and life, but instead you choose misery and death. Feel better dude.

          • 10 months ago

            >instead you choose misery and death
            And how, exactly, did I make this choice when I was 3 years old? You act as if I had any say in the matter. Day 1 of kindergarten was the beginning of the end. It's very easy to dismiss me as an autistic nerd, and how therefore it's perfectly natural for everyone to treat me like complete shit and laugh at my pain, but this is MY shitty life; it's not some abstract concept. I don't deserve this shitty treatment, and apparently God is fine with this. So I came to the only logical conclusion I possibly could...I decided to hate God, hate my existence, and study every esoteric subject I could get my hands on to see if I can find a way to uncreate a spiritual being. I literally have nothing left to lose.

          • 10 months ago

            >I don't deserve this shitty treatment
            You don't even deserve to be alive right now and you don't even realize you being alive right now is solely by God's grace and mercy and love and longsuffering.

            You could get over it, forgive those who wronged you, and move on and make a change in your life; but you obviously enjoy this self-pity party too much. It gives you something to complain about and a reason to get attention. I don't care to deal with you anymore after this, you atheists/antitheists are all the same: when you're not being completely immoral and deranged, you're crying about your terminal victimhood mentality as if crying about being a victim makes you correct or right or morally superior. I'm just tired of the SJW/victimhood nonsense, maybe someone else can bother with your feigned offended-state, but I've had enough of your kind. You're not the wronged party here, God is the wronged party, you've wronged God, you've sinned against heaven, and you don't care because you have all your little excuses.

            You could repent and turn to God, but you don't want to, you enjoy your sins too much and you just want to keep making pathetic excuses that aren't worth even the time I've already given you. Maybe someone else can baby sit, I've had enough of it today.

          • 10 months ago

            Aw, what's wrong, can't handle the stone-cold truth? Typical spoiled-rotten arrogant ass. I can only hope your God pulls a Job on you and wipes that contented smirk off your face.
            >You don't even deserve to be alive right now
            Sounds great. But God forces me to continue existing.
            >You could get over it, forgive those who wronged you
            I can't literally forgive EVERYONE. And yes, I mean EVERYONE...the number of people I've encountered in my life that didn't just end up treating me like complete shit, I can count on one hand, and have fingers left over. I also can't forgive the God that caused this. I am surrounded on all sides by unrepentant, mocking evil, and the only logical conclusion is that God is either hideously incompetent, or he's the source of all this evil. Either way...FRICK HIM.
            I don't feel self-pity; I feel BURNING HATRED.
            If I was an atheist, then there'd be no problem; I could just kms. But thanks to my exploration of the religious field, I have personally encountered irrefutable evidence of past lives, which means i will live again after this lifetime. But I don't WANT to live after this lifetime. I'm SICK of living, and I want this shitty infinite nightmare to END.
            I'm not even vaguely left of center.
            This, and the rest of your bullshit, is just projection and jumping to conclusions. I believe that's a sin against your God known as "bearing false witness".

          • 10 months ago

            I’m not that anon and Idk anything about this esoteric stuff, but look into Buddhism

          • 10 months ago

            I have. It says I have to work my way out of this pit so I can become one with God again.
            I don't care to become one with God, or do all that work; I'd rather just cease existing.
            Buddhism implies heavily that existence is a punishment.

          • 10 months ago

            Well congrats buddy, you're stuck existing whether you like it or not. Even dying won't make that stop being true. Either make peace with it or live your life being bitter.

          • 10 months ago

            I've remembered enough of my past lives to know what my preferred cope is.
            I'm trying not to go back to that, but buttholes like you remind me why I went there.

          • 10 months ago

            >yeah bro I was totally a supervillain in my past life
            Sure thing, buddy. My dad works at Nintendo too.

          • 10 months ago

            Laugh all you want. it won't matter either way.

          • 10 months ago

            That's where you're wrong. It all matters as it's all part of the Absolute knowing itself.

          • 10 months ago

            Then the Absolute is a giant jerk that deserves to die.

          • 10 months ago

            Too bad it can't.

          • 10 months ago

            But perhaps it can be rendered unconscious.
            I've got nothing better to do for the rest of eternity than figure out how.
            Because living in this infinite nightmare is not an option.

            Being from the first world immediately invalidates your cries of unfair treatment.
            But please, go ahead and be the victim, I'm sure fricking not fitting in was hard for you and it would've been better never to be born, than to get told mean words by other kids.
            Black person do you know what hardship is or does not knowing it make you delude yourself into having experienced it?

            Such a tiny, one-life viewpoint. You're blind & you don't even know it.

          • 10 months ago

            What a grand and intoxicating innocence!

          • 10 months ago

            >woe is me
            Okay I'll dumb shit down and try not to call you names too much.
            You're such a perpetual victim you managed to convince yourself you "remember" past lives and past victimhood.
            You ONLY get a one-life viewpoint, memories are of the body and you change it every iteration to learn to experience new things. You're just really, really fricking egoistic and are superimposing your current experience onto your eternity.
            I have no idea what your parents did to you, probably just weren't there, but whining about anything else only shows how unaware you really are of what really fricked you, hurt you and what you need to deal with.
            You are at your core, currently, certain that you're a literal fricking pussy and of course nobody likes that(unless you have a biological pussy to buy affection with). First you'll have to change that perception of yourself then you'll be able to stop interacting with others in such pathetic ways that they abandon you(discard you, outcast you, whatever).
            I probably just wasted a paragraph though, on somebody that will tell me their suffering was preordained because they're special, not weak.

          • 10 months ago

            Being from the first world immediately invalidates your cries of unfair treatment.
            But please, go ahead and be the victim, I'm sure fricking not fitting in was hard for you and it would've been better never to be born, than to get told mean words by other kids.
            Black person do you know what hardship is or does not knowing it make you delude yourself into having experienced it?

          • 10 months ago

            Dude, it's not his fault, the Absolute hauled him kicking and screaming from Unknowing into the world-historical and forced him to become a doomer at gunpoint.

          • 10 months ago

            >when I was 3
            How old are you now?

          • 10 months ago

            Faith is a beautiful thing and I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but I used to be very Christian and it made my depression worse.

            1. It meant having to cope with the idea that dead non-christians and unrepentant sinners I loved are probably burning in hell. Tough pill to swallow when the dead people in question are close friends and relatives.

            2. It meant coping with the idea that God could screw me over at any moment as a test like he did to Job. Biblically, God is shown to be as much of a threat to the earthly wellbeing of humans as demons.

            3. It meant coping with the idea that I could be left behind after the rapture and have to go through Abu Ghraib levels of trauma while on earth.

            4. It meant coping with the idea that I might burn in hell. Even as a zealot I couldn't convince myself my faith was pure enough for me to enter heaven. So I had frequent panic attacks about that.

            >instead you choose misery and death
            And how, exactly, did I make this choice when I was 3 years old? You act as if I had any say in the matter. Day 1 of kindergarten was the beginning of the end. It's very easy to dismiss me as an autistic nerd, and how therefore it's perfectly natural for everyone to treat me like complete shit and laugh at my pain, but this is MY shitty life; it's not some abstract concept. I don't deserve this shitty treatment, and apparently God is fine with this. So I came to the only logical conclusion I possibly could...I decided to hate God, hate my existence, and study every esoteric subject I could get my hands on to see if I can find a way to uncreate a spiritual being. I literally have nothing left to lose.

            After my zealot phase I took the path you are currently taking. Spoilers: witchcraft does literally nothing and focusing on hate will make your depression worse in the long term.

            If you want to make your life less hellish, you need to figure out what mental illnesses you have and how to deal with them. A trip to the psychiatrist would benefit you a lot more than occult books.

          • 10 months ago

            Those 4 counterpoints are why religious zealotry is bad, not why religion/Christianity is bad.
            At least that's how I see it as an orthodox Christian.
            We all head towards the same summit, but start at our personal points around the mountain. Why would any path be more or less valid than other?

          • 10 months ago

            Were you a Protestant by any chance?

          • 10 months ago

            Nondenominational but the culture of the church I attended was very prot, yes. I don't think being Catholic or anything else would have eased my fears though. I used to panic about the Catholic three days of darkness prophecy.

          • 10 months ago

            I disagree. I think the Catholic or Orthodox views on sin, hell, and suffering differ significantly from what is accepted in major Protestant sects, and that their standpoints may have benefited you. The black-and-white, fire-and-brimstone American Protestant worldview is as mentally and spiritually unhealthy as American consumer culture.
            I don't mean to try to proselyte but if nothing else consider having a conversation with your local Catholic or Orthodox priest and seeing what comes of it.

        • 10 months ago

          just have a nice day moron
          stupid teenage homosexual

  8. 10 months ago

    Most things you can find scanned these days. Inertia of keeping occult things occluded and all for fear of inquisitorial shenanigans.

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