Why are Orthodox like this? To them, all other christians are either heretics or occultists.

Why are Orthodox like this?
To them, all other christians are either heretics or occultists. Protestants are often referred by them as "sectants" Russian for "cult members"

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  1. 3 months ago

    My Baptist brother is convinced the rest of the family is going to Hell because we're not Baptists (we were raised Protestants). Christians love to tell other Christians they'll burn forever unless they adhere to their exact interpretation of their faith because it's a power move and it feels good to exploit the death anxiety of others for your own purposes. Christians aren't actually all that altruistic when it comes to proselytizing when you've been raised with them and understand what's beneath that impulse.

    • 3 months ago

      Baptists are convinced there's been secret groups of Baptists since the time of the early church yet have zero proof lol.

      • 3 months ago

        I remember the "Path of Blood" chart that recalls literal dualistic gnostic heretics as "early baptists" kek

    • 3 months ago

      He is right about you

  2. 3 months ago

    the russian orthodox church are the last true christians on earth
    Everyone else will be cleansed in nuclear hellfire during the apocalypse

    • 3 months ago

      Sadly they aren’t the only ones. It’s just atm their brand of autism is very loud, mostly due to zoomers LARPing

      The Russia “Church” hasn’t existed since 1653.
      It’s just a puppet organisation of the state.

      • 3 months ago
        Anonymous Magnate

        >A husband ought not to see his wife nude
        What puritincel nonsense is this?

    • 3 months ago

      Baptists are convinced there's been secret groups of Baptists since the time of the early church yet have zero proof lol.

      Catholicism was never the true church and never had the truth, it was always full of paganism and lies since its inception in the 4th century, nor do its harlot daughters have the truth like the fake-orthodox church (both of which are full of idolatry), just look at the fruit of their followers, hate in their heart

      Based. Frick protestants.

      Based. Frick proties.

      and bearing false witness


      Oh, no, you misunderstand, it's precisely for that reason why Rod Dreher and other LARPy homosexuals like him roleplay as Orthodox: they want to be collaborators. They are signalling "I am a collaborator, give me stuff and I will help you betray those who I've tricked into thinking are my allies". This is why the devout Christgays are, without fail, ALWAYS the ones who sell out every ethnopolitical struggle every single time. In the West, today, you have people like Nick Fuentes and Rod Dreher doxxing people, in India the Christgays give money to Islamic militant groups, and every step of the way every Christian Church on the planet opposed Hitler and Mussolini and the moment they lost power every Christian Church was begging to take part in Denazification. It's a religion about sucking up to power, and it always will be. The entire reason why "The Church" as an institution exists is because Constantine needed a topdown enforcer of doctrine to enforce his economic reforms. Without state support this institution collapses. Rod Dreher and his ilk are making the entirely correct observation that Christianity, in the absence of state support, completely collapses overnight, and as such they're making the entirely correct observation that the way to do that is to sell out their own people to their oppressors.

      The Byzantines spent 1,150 years trying to beat the worship of Zeus and Poseidon out of the Greeks, and it took another empire conquering them to actually make that happen. Christianity completely and irreparably collapsed in less than a decade the moment it received anything less than complete and total government support at all levels of society. What does it tell you about someone who, upon knowing this, continues to profess these religions?

      >waah you didn't support my favorite socialist rulers waah
      Socialism is for whiney gays.

  3. 3 months ago

    Low IQ caused by generations of inbreeding and MENA admixture. There's a reason why the Pope excommunicated the eastern "church".

    • 3 months ago
      Helpless Investor

      You are stupid. Russians have the least MENA ancestry in all of Europe.

  4. 3 months ago

    are they wrong though?

  5. 3 months ago

    Orthodoxy isn't a real religion, it's a political or ethnic identity.bfir example Russian Orthodoxy has been a tool of the Russian state since Peter the Great. Orthodox priests were also collaborators with the Ottoman Turks after the fall of Constantinople and collaborators with the communist Bolsheviks. It's funny that people like Rod Dreher think the Orthodox Church will protect him when the Orthodox literally have the worst track record of almost any religion when it comes to protecting their flock.

    • 3 months ago

      >Orthodoxy isn't a real religion, it's a political or ethnic identity.
      Politics are inherently tied to religion. Separating the two basically makes the religion worthless and just superstition.

      • 3 months ago

        Religion is about the supernatural things like eucharist miracles, stigmata, Marian apparitions, exorcisms and saint miracles.

        • 3 months ago

          >Religion is about the supernatural things
          homie, did I not just say all it does is turn it into superstition?

          • 3 months ago

            You think about religion the way an atheist does.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh, no, you misunderstand, it's precisely for that reason why Rod Dreher and other LARPy homosexuals like him roleplay as Orthodox: they want to be collaborators. They are signalling "I am a collaborator, give me stuff and I will help you betray those who I've tricked into thinking are my allies". This is why the devout Christgays are, without fail, ALWAYS the ones who sell out every ethnopolitical struggle every single time. In the West, today, you have people like Nick Fuentes and Rod Dreher doxxing people, in India the Christgays give money to Islamic militant groups, and every step of the way every Christian Church on the planet opposed Hitler and Mussolini and the moment they lost power every Christian Church was begging to take part in Denazification. It's a religion about sucking up to power, and it always will be. The entire reason why "The Church" as an institution exists is because Constantine needed a topdown enforcer of doctrine to enforce his economic reforms. Without state support this institution collapses. Rod Dreher and his ilk are making the entirely correct observation that Christianity, in the absence of state support, completely collapses overnight, and as such they're making the entirely correct observation that the way to do that is to sell out their own people to their oppressors.

      The Byzantines spent 1,150 years trying to beat the worship of Zeus and Poseidon out of the Greeks, and it took another empire conquering them to actually make that happen. Christianity completely and irreparably collapsed in less than a decade the moment it received anything less than complete and total government support at all levels of society. What does it tell you about someone who, upon knowing this, continues to profess these religions?

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >every step of the way every Christian Church on the planet opposed Hitler and Mussolini
        > It's a religion about sucking up to power

        Marvelous logic.

      • 3 months ago

        >preach a message that's diametrically opposed to the state ideology
        >so much so that your religious group is the one group out of hundreds whose followers are subject to execution outright
        >dude, it's about sucking up to power

      • 3 months ago

        Very true, the mere origins of religions exist on mass population control.

      • 3 months ago

        proof greek paganism survived until the ottomans conquered byzantium?

      • 3 months ago

        >in India the Christgays give money to Islamic militant
        you let it slip, Ranjeet

      • 3 months ago

        the christgay butthurt replies are because he is correct btw

        • 3 months ago

          Hitler was a socialist loser who gave other world powers an excuse to rape Europe.

          • 3 months ago

            >Hitler was a socialist loser who gave other world powers an excuse to rape Europe.
            True, and Christians are socialist losers who have turned Europe into an immigration refugee interracial sex shithole.

          • 3 months ago

            Socialism is coveting and theft, forbidden in Christianity according to the Scriptures. Europe has been historically Catholic too, which is not Christianity according to the Scriptures either. And you're lying if you're implying that Europe was heavily Christian when any of what you're discussing started.

            He also started to see the difference in cognitive perceptions of humans (that ultimately originates from sub-speciation, and why that war was so "important", because it was getting close to cracking global codes, namely divides on species lines and the same ones that start world wars...)

            Founded Israel and forced a technological revolution for the world to catch up to, the space race, satellites and internet, let alone splitting the Atom.

            [Would you like to know more?]

            >he thinks the government/country in the middle east is Israel just because they took that for a name
            Them taking that name is basically violating the 3rd commandment of the biblical ten.

          • 3 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            >Them taking that name is basically violating the 3rd commandment of the biblical ten.
            No, because it is the female sid eof the bloodline, so it was always going to be that way.

            ...it was known before he acted, and he acted predictably, by design, as we all do to degree.

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            Lazy, arrogant, blind...
            >Whats this?
            Its "Go to class, flunky."

          • 3 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            >he thinks the government/country in the middle east is Israel just because they took that for a name
            I am well aware of "New Jerusalem", D.C., but that is too deep for you, because you assumed these things, and didnt know what I know.

            It used to be Rome (and Russia for a time, Constantinople, then Giza before that.

            A relay torch that isnt always "active amd valid" because a "king" has to meet certain criteria to be able to operate at that level.

          • 3 months ago
            Cult of Passion

            He also started to see the difference in cognitive perceptions of humans (that ultimately originates from sub-speciation, and why that war was so "important", because it was getting close to cracking global codes, namely divides on species lines and the same ones that start world wars...)

            Founded Israel and forced a technological revolution for the world to catch up to, the space race, satellites and internet, let alone splitting the Atom.

            [Would you like to know more?]

          • 3 months ago

            you're the kind of coward who begs and grovels in the face of bolshevism

  6. 3 months ago

    Have you actually dealt woth Evangelics before? Obnoxious as frick, the converts more so.

  7. 3 months ago

    >Russians do something moronic
    >wHy ArE oRtHoDoX LiKe tHaT?

    >Russians do something moronic
    >wHy ArE sLaVs LiKe tHaT?

    • 3 months ago

      Russians are the only relevant slavoids.
      Deal with it

      • 3 months ago

        No, the Poles and the Czechs.


        >Russians do something moronic
        >wHy ArE oRtHoDoX LiKe tHaT?

        >Russians do something moronic
        >wHy ArE sLaVs LiKe tHaT?

        All Orthodox moronic (give an example of at least one successful Orthodox nation), but the Russian Orthodox Church can hardly be considered Christian at all.

  8. 3 months ago

    >Protestants are often referred by them as "sectants" Russian for "cult members"
    Because evangelicals are weird af.

    Catholics and orientals are respectable, and you can get their rituals.
    Lutherans and anglicans are prots, but are high church, and pretty scholarly.

    Evangelicals however came out of America, are ignorant of history and historical theology, and are telling people that have been christian since forever, and bled trying to not get this religion extinguished by muslims and commies, "let me explain to you that christianity is a thing, like you are some african bushman. You are doing it all wrong, the real faith is this weird 21st century rock band worship".

    Also, lots of missionaries came after communism fell, and a lot of them were legit cultists.

    t. Romanian, thats also party of a canonical lay apostolate organization.
    We use the "sectanti" thing, too.

    • 3 months ago

      I remember some video of protestant woman shouting in English around Piața Unirii that Buddha is in hell like people know english or that we aren't christian when we have churches older than her denomination.
      Evanghelicals are also the ones with huge megachurches and billionaire pastors but they act so egotist and self-righteous when they don't know much about history.

    • 3 months ago

      >let me explain to you that christianity is a thing, like you are some african bushman. You are doing it all wrong, the real faith is this weird 21st century rock band worship
      So fricking true it hurts. I'm Brazilian and I really can't stand evangelical morons destroying our culture and politics for their ridiculous postmodern apocalyptic soul-sucking cult.

      What's worst is they can't be just subtle about their beliefs, they really want everyone inside their schizo cult, and nobody inside can live normally without involving the church in every single aspect of their miserable lives.
      They are basically the western Taliban.

    • 3 months ago

      Don't forget the whole shtick of
      >if you disagree it's because you don't read the Bible
      >if you read scripture you only read it in small portions a la the daily readings
      >if you disagree you are devoid of the Holy Spirit
      >argues with you about something settled in Christianity like muh vain repetition because they have 0 catechesis beyond who Pastor Bob tells them to hate
      >cites random mexican parishioners as a source on Catholicism but refuses to acknowledge the Catechism as a valid source

      And then you get poorly catechized Catholics losing all of these arguments anyways because they can't cut through the bluster.

      t. Catholic American

  9. 3 months ago

    are they not?

  10. 3 months ago

    >cultists accuse other cultists of being cultists

  11. 3 months ago

    Based. Frick protestants.

  12. 3 months ago

    Top zozzle

  13. 3 months ago

    >all other christians are either heretics
    but they objectively are

  14. 3 months ago

    Based. Frick proties.

  15. 3 months ago

    Some Cletus Amerimutts imagine and think Russians are 140 IQ Gigachads that will save Western Civilization. But they are 95 IQ backwards people who refuse to change and reject practicality and efficiency and common sense. They will never be like Germans or Midwestern Americans tbh

    • 3 months ago

      >They will never be like Germans or Midwestern Americans tbh
      There are a variety of ways to interpret that. Both positive and negative. The more pressing question is: why would it matter if they are saved?

    • 3 months ago

      >They are 95 IQ backwards people who refuse to change and reject practicality and efficiency and common sense.
      But enough about Evangelicals.

    • 3 months ago

      midwestern americans are almost as dull and backwards as mexicans

      • 3 months ago

        Some Cletus Amerimutts imagine and think Russians are 140 IQ Gigachads that will save Western Civilization. But they are 95 IQ backwards people who refuse to change and reject practicality and efficiency and common sense. They will never be like Germans or Midwestern Americans tbh

        You are not as well learned about this world as you pretend. How boring.

  16. 3 months ago

    >Jesus your teachings are amazing, Its so nice to know if we believe in you we can live forever with you in Heaven
    >no you have to get my teachings exactly right, any wrong interpretations will result in hellfire
    >oh well luckily there will be four identical gospels of your teachings so we know the EXACT things you were trying to teach
    >lmao homie all 4 are gonna be different even when discussing the same shit, good luck!

    • 3 months ago

      there where many more gospels, the 4 in the Bible where chosen by a bunch of nerds centuries after Christ died.

      So either those nerds where right or it's hellfire for everyone except the 4 schizo's that follow the correct, apocryphal one.

      • 3 months ago

        even the people following those 4 argue over things that dont matter

  17. 3 months ago

    meds schizo

  18. 3 months ago

    Evengelicals are fricked, man.
    Easily the worst thing after judaism and islam.

  19. 3 months ago

    Are Jehova's witnesses the evangelicals in question? If so, they're banned in Russia and considered extremists

    • 3 months ago

      Tbh, evangelicals Mormons JWs are all the same in the eyes of Russians. To them they are all just American pseudo Christian cults

      • 3 months ago

        They were walking around knocking on everyone's door regularly for a good couple decades to the point of everyone hating them.
        Growing up as a kid, I didn't even realize they were Christians. They had a shady subsidiary in every city, sounded and acted like lunatics and, allegedly, stripped their followers of earthly possessions. In the end no one was against the ban and total expropriation of this sect that they are, on the opposite, people were happy that their endless complaints were heard.

  20. 3 months ago

    The russian orthodox church thinks it's a-okay for them to kill fellow orthodox christians, so naturally all christians are in danger from Russians

  21. 3 months ago

    Catholics crusaded against orthodox slavs and orthodox greeks very often

  22. 3 months ago

    That's awesome. Because he was Christian, they wanted to save him with an exorcism, and bring him up to the true faith in their hearts.

  23. 3 months ago

    Based, always treat your enemies like crazies, subhumans, or both.

  24. 3 months ago

    evangelicals worship american dollars.
    it's called the prosperity gospel

    the russians were right to do this

    • 3 months ago

      Meanwhile the patriarch of ROC gets a private jet and a yacht paid for by the government budget. For evangelicals, donating money so pastor can have private jet is completely voluntary

  25. 3 months ago
    Fledgling Investor

    Have you seen a Pentecostal speak in tongues? I'd try to exorcise them too

  26. 3 months ago
    Cult of Passion

    >"sectants" Russian for "cult members"
    >[posted without comment]

  27. 3 months ago

    Sell pictures of the pope on plates, worship to mary, have pictures of saints plastered all over the Vatican.

  28. 3 months ago

    to this whole thread:
    Jesus is watching and is very disappointed in your behavior.
    stop it.

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