Why are zoomers so melodramatic over the internet?

>i watched a messed up cartoon when i was 9
Grow the frick up pussy.

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  1. 3 months ago

    is he wrong?

    • 3 months ago

      If you're not a gigantic pussy boy, yes.

      • 3 months ago

        Not everyone is dead inside, anon

        • 3 months ago

          Yet the pussy zoomers all complain about feeling that way so I guess I'm right.

        • 3 months ago

          It's not a matter of being dead inside, it's a matter of not being a gigantic fricking pussy

          • 3 months ago

            How did these ty

        • 3 months ago

          >zoomers will argue a worker safety device is bad

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, the goal of childhood is to prepare them for adulthood. All manner of things in the world should be shown to kids as soon as they are able to understand your explanation and trust in your judgement.
        Kids growth and maturity scales directly with how much they know about the world and how much responsibility they are given, but the capacity to develop fades to nearly nothing as they get older. That's why when you shield them until they are 18 you end up with permanent manchildren - a fate worse than death.

        Bro, the internet is about grooming children in 2024. It's not about freedom or responsibility, it's that their undeveloped brains are very vulnerable to grooming. That includes social media algorithms, "SFW" sexual content luring them to pornography, actual morons spewing bullshit authoritatively, etc.
        If you want to see how your approach works, look at tail-end zoomers and older Gen A kids. Addicted to porn since childhood, cannot sit quietly without a phone, ADHD/depression/etc, cannot maintain eye contact, acts out things from tiktok in real life.
        That's by design, their aim was to mindbreak the kid before he is even capable of reason. That way he cannot reason, at all, ever, and will always consoom and trust the Science.

        • 3 months ago

          You're arguing off of buzzwords you heard from other trad marble statue morons and soccer moms you follow on the internet.

          Shielding them forever does not work. It produces stunted morons. You know what you do? You don't give them a fricking ipad at 3 years old and leave them from there. I am a zoomer. When I was 3 or 4 I was taught how to use the internet by my mother and by my older brother. When I was 5-6ish I was monitored carefully and eventually I didn't need such close moderation anymore. I was given a laptip around 8-9. I ran into some gore and porn at those ages but you know what I did? I stayed away from gorey stuff because I didn't like it.

          You don't have a porn addiction. You're a fat loser with a shit lifestyle and you cant take any reaponsibility for your choices.

          • 3 months ago

            I'm a pre-9/11 zoomer
            The difference between the internet (You) and I grew up with and the internet gen a is growing up with is that the former wasn't the product of tens of billions of $$ worth of carefully crafted cutting-edge R&D israelite archon tech designed to hook you by the hypothalamus and keep you glued to the screen in order to pump the advertising-industrial complex churning at full RPM. If you seriously think OG runescape and idiots of garry's mod was comparable to UHD mobile phone roblox and literally infinite brainrot content served by israelitekok you're smoking frickin dog hair. Today's parents need to be 1000x more careful with the way they let their kids use the internet than ours did especially with state-sponsored mutilation propaganda running rampant

          • 3 months ago

            Additionally my evidence to support my claim is that mid-00's internet didn't have late boomers/early gen X'ers glued to a screen all day. Go to your local waffle house and check out how many paint-stained high vis-clad balding gray haired morons are just as deep into doomscrolling bullshit as their grandkids are. This shit today is completely different.

          • 3 months ago

            Helicopter parenting until age 25 or whatever extreme solution is not the answer either. I am a post-9/11 zoomer (not even by 2 weeks though)

            The best answer really is to encourage decentralization/going off the big tech grid for your kids.

          • 3 months ago

            So between the seething, your argument is "I did it and I turned out fine"? While comparing your limited unsupervised 00s internet use to zoomers having 24/7 unfettered access to infinitely more. Did you get mad because you realized you were moronic?

          • 3 months ago

            I am a zoomer, dipshit. How about being an actual parent from an early age instead of relying on nanny state to raise ur kids/ban the internet

          • 3 months ago

            you're a moron, is what you are. Double digit of your peers will end up some sort of troony or will run around in fetish gear lmao

            kids ought to be wiener blocked from the internet sans edutainment and similar content and you can sneed about it, dim bulb.

          • 3 months ago

            Their choice to destroy themselves, you bootlicking homosexual.

          • 3 months ago

            >bootlicking is when you resist society!

            it's literally not their choice, they're glorified property until 18.

          • 3 months ago

            My cloest peers are in their twenties.

            Have fun trying to control what a tween/teenager does on the internet when they inevitably get around everything you implement instead of telling them what to steer clear of and avoid. These groups existed 20-30 years ago.


            People survived. The ones most at risk are the little kids who arent even in school or are just starting it. My parents monitored me at that age as they should, and thats what they have to do today instead of handing them an ipad.

          • 2 months ago

            >when they inevitably get around everything you implement
            when hell ices over, you dramatic little homosexual. Your generation can't make out the pictorial instruction on the back of a cereal carton

          • 2 months ago

            They will throw you out of your wheelchair and record you screaming and pissing yourself.

        • 3 months ago

          >Bro, the internet is about grooming children in 2024.
          Shit, I seem to be missing out.

          • 3 months ago


            is he wrong?


        • 2 months ago

          brutality of reality anyone denying this is a copelarper

        • 2 months ago

          .....and the Science is simple, more media slaves more revenue for big tech and data brokers.

        • 2 months ago

          This. College + social media websites like Xwitter, and you'll see your child turn into some weird LGBT xe/xir calling everybody else a racist, ableist, transphobe, homophobe, fascist, nazi bigot. They won't know what any of those words mean either.

          • 2 months ago

            >you'll see your child turn into some weird LGBT xe/xir
            only if they're naturally subject to herd mentality, in which case it's over for them already.
            The modern world is going to cull follower-types.

          • 2 months ago

            I see them thrive though.

          • 2 months ago

            >only if they're naturally subject to herd mentality
            Most people are and you can't always undo the damage of the state.

          • 2 months ago

            You mean eradicate non-follower types, right? Only the elite has the right to lead. Disobedient cattle will be put down.

      • 2 months ago

        What if unlimited access to the internet is causing the pussy b***h attitude?
        When the internet is supplanting actual life expierience that makes you not a pussy, how on earth could more internet fix that?

        • 2 months ago

          Why do you have issues with this ... what was it again? "Pussy b***h attitude"? It works for me.

          • 2 months ago

            I would have to see what "works for me" entails.

          • 2 months ago

            Everyone on 4chins is mad but me.
            That's what "works for me" entails.

    • 3 months ago


      >i watched a messed up cartoon when i was 9
      Grow the frick up pussy.

      if you were born after 1990 then you have absolutely no fricking idea what an open internet actually means, what it was like, and you never will.

      • 3 months ago

        the problem of modern internet is that you can consomé endless amount of garbage and end up moronic not that you found awful stuff, which isn't such a shocker in any case

      • 3 months ago

        They think open internet=saying Black person in facebook.

        • 3 months ago

          I was born in 2001 and I seem to have avoided all of the supposed internet mental trauma

          • 3 months ago

            Only trauma you could have is visiting rotten.com.

          • 3 months ago

            remember crimnet from 2001, tho…

          • 3 months ago

            it's not guaranteed to happen obviously, as with everything

          • 3 months ago

            I looked at porn, saw weird fetishes and gore, and yet feel unaffected by it. Some of those things are unpleasant but not enough for me to experience significant trauma.

          • 2 months ago

            But did you prostitute yourself to men with your webcam or phone? no? Puzzling.

        • 3 months ago

          sadly the case.

          My parents didn't control my internet or phone usage ever in my life, regularly gave me violent or inappropriate games and movies
          I turned out fine
          I'm 6"3', white, I date only Asians, I'm 34 but I chase teenage girls because I'm a pedophile, and i've only been in prison once


        • 3 months ago

          sadly the case.


          well, what does it mean then
          t.zoomer that goes zoom zoom

          • 3 months ago

            motherless and liveleak were fun examples

          • 2 months ago

            it means having a computer that wasn't 24/7 telemetry and when you downloaded an image on 14.4kb/s it was nearly in value (though obviously lessened) to a polaroid photo. you'd make your fricking geocities or homestead pokemon fan page and put in all the pokegod shit you heard on the schoolyard and throw midis all over the page and it MEANT something. no one was aspiring to be chief Black person in fortnite because maybe you played on a "cs_militia only" cs 1.2 server and everyone knew your reputation of moving the hostages into the bathroom to glitch the goldsrc door and no one was mic screeching about it you watched the chatlog and would hunt and peck your response

            the inconvenience was a great filter but I'm sure even people who feel as I do now felt about my use of the internet from 94 to 04

          • 2 months ago

            >the inconvenience was a great filter
            I'm convinced the eternal drive for convenience will be the downfall of humankind, not greed or other meme things. It simply ruins everything. The internet, especially post-iphone, is just an obvious example. And now with thirdies getting more and more access to the internet, it's like eternal summer version 5 or 6 or however many internet summer events have happened by now.

          • 2 months ago

            You misunderstand. The purpose is to find the next inconvenience and keep working towards a better future. Slavery was an inconvence and caused the downfall of rome.We built machines to replace slaves. We build upon the next things. We hate working and we build towards that where we fail in specific parts of humanity we find solutions that solve the problems. Its not about sticking to be some frickhead homosexual moron inwoods morons. Its about solving things forever. Eventually we will become ubermensch. What will this be? Who knows but to think just because we've solved slavery, hunger, death, or work that we've become weaker? moronic!

        • 3 months ago

          My pfp on there is of a darkie, so I'm still allowed to say it

      • 3 months ago

        The internet now is way more fricked up then it ever has been. Especially for children.

        • 3 months ago

          homie, you are moronic. People used to casually post cp on 4chinz. Not just pictures, but also links to entire databases with pics and vids.
          Oooh scary roblox texture says CP, I'm calling the heavies!

          • 3 months ago

            You could also get it off limewire and kazaa. But my parents never had to worry if a child predator was going target me while I was playing goldeneye. Try reading the article

          • 3 months ago

            No, I don't think I will.

          • 3 months ago

            >No, I don't think I will.
            >speaks in redditisms and memespeak
            >refuses to read evidence contradicting his argument
            fricking moron. stop engaging with me.

          • 3 months ago

            The internet now is way more fricked up then it ever has been. Especially for children.

            lol homosexual you don't think online games existed and people didn't talk over AIM. I swear its like zoomers just don't even THINK that anything came before them it is the strangest shit ever. Even when I was fricking 13 in 2000 I knew people were on the internet before then I actually looked into shit myself and didn't think literally everything I did was "new" or whatever the frick you are thinking.

            I was 12yrs old talking to girls on yahoo chat and I had a fat black women watch me jerk off on webcam randomly. I saw loads of 12+ selling even there own nudes to people for gift cards and random shit. I remember one website had profiles and shit before even myspace but they were far more lewd I cant even remember half the shit that was happening.

            is he wrong?


          • 3 months ago

            >lol homosexual you don't think online games existed and people didn't talk over AIM.
            Online predators certainly existed in the early days of the web. But the web wasn't fully saturated yet. Now every single kid has a phone or tablet with access to social media and online games, not to mention adult content - though that last one is starting to change with age verification.

          • 3 months ago

            >But the web wasn't fully saturated yet
            it was.
            > Now every single kid has a phone or tablet with access
            i agree with this sort of because most kids my age had a computer and unfettered access to AOL chatrooms yahoo chatrooms and so on. It was extremely common. The only thing that I think is different is now you have regular people say for instance some OF bot/women trying to get kids to view their content. You can see it all over twitter in unrelated circles. If someone wants to view 18+ content they will no matter how many hoops you put into place. Problem is frickheads FORCING it and not getting repercussions for it.

          • 3 months ago

            Umm... Are you ok there, buddy? It's ok, I will get you new pants. You just go back there and yourself properly.

          • 3 months ago

            what the frick is wrong with you zoomer c**ts? Do you genuinely all believe that everyone in the history of humanity is, or was, as socially moronic as you all are???
            >stop engaging with me
            God fricking strike me down

          • 3 months ago

            I cannot imagine a zoomer knowing wtf goldeneye is

          • 3 months ago

            i can; they’re terminally online and always looking to identify with shit that came well before their time because they are desperate for some sort of identity/attention/clout/acknowledgement.

            They have no morals. They have no principles. They are just programmable zombies subject to whatever advertising is shown to them. Why do you think we have so many remakes of all
            the good shit from our childhoods?? Why do you think they ALL fricking suck dick? Because the zoomers desperately *need* a culture to identify with that isn’t whatever ESG/governments tell
            them. Problem is, they’re all
            functionally fricking useless group thinkers that will not, and can not, act out their own free will. Kind of like how ChatGPT needs prompting to start anything, zoomers are the same. No original thought, original opinions. Just…a blank, dull consciousness devoid of the divine human spark of creativity. In fact, they’re worse than animals, because an animal can’t be convinced to cut its own dick off or kill itself.

          • 3 months ago

            >i can; they’re terminally online
            i've been terminally online since I was 10 and im 38. There is something that is strictly zoomer to what you are saying and I don't think it has much to do with the internet (maybe a little).

          • 3 months ago

            It’s a cultural problem. Unfortunately only the constituents of that culture can change it, or even hope to change it. But again, like this anon

            because now it’s literally illegal for them to bully/tease one another or get beat up at school for dribbling dumb shit. The zoomers are like the PERFECT conformists to ever come out of the modern-day soviet frankfurt education system

            said, they’re perfect little bolshevik conformists that would snitch on their neighbours if it meant getting an extra follower or two. They’re just not right in the head, man, and they’ve all got that brocolli-haircut perm shit going on. I’m 33, and i’ve been online most of my life, too, but these younger c**ts literally do not have any ability to think critically, about anything. Yet, they’ve all been given platforms to spout their inane moronic shit non-stop, kind of like the 24/7 news cycle but for complete windowlicking morons. Self-fulfilling prophecy, only the rest of us now have to fricking deal with it, too.

          • 2 months ago

            Maybe, just maybe, kids say dumb things? I know you are heavily lead poisoned and probably don't have good memory, but you were not immune to childhood stupidity either.

          • 2 months ago

            We were just early victims, anon. Teachers and peers in school identified us as dead-eyed, low attention span zombies who wanted nothing more than to get back to their computer and did nothing outside of it. It's just that now that's 95% of the kids instead of 5%.

          • 2 months ago

            if 95% of kids now are like i was when i was a kid, then we truly are fuxxored

          • 3 months ago

            >i can; they’re terminally online
            i've been terminally online since I was 10 and im 38. There is something that is strictly zoomer to what you are saying and I don't think it has much to do with the internet (maybe a little).

            I don't really think it's necessarily a zoomer thing. I think that perhaps more than anything the zoomers are the first generation to have the opportunity to go all-in on 'just before my time' culture. I grew up in the 90s and I thought stuff from right before my time was super cool, but I had limited ways of engaging with said stuff. Everything wasn't documented online, the only people hyping it up were older forum users who grew up with those things (and that's probably how I became interested) and I could only engage with such things in limited ways (e.g. there was no arcade anywhere near me, the only ways I could play older games were through ROMs on the internet, etc). Zoomers have everything at their fingertips, so they can (to some degree) actually check out the things we're hyping up.

          • 3 months ago

            the issue isn’t the fact they have access to it, it’s that they commandeer all the old shit, warp it, and mutate it until it becomes something it was never intended to be, bastardising the original meaning, all because they want the superficial “recognition” that comes from zoomers who don’t understand why the old stuff was cool in the first place. It’s low-key cultural marxism infinitely perpetuated & compounded by idiots. And why? FOMO.
            >bro i dont want to miss out!!!!!
            These kids are like israelites: they don’t create, only corrupt. Then oy vey when they’re ridiculed for it, like that regard zoomer who demanded c**ts stop engaging with him on a public forum. Zero accountability. Zero self-awareness.

          • 3 months ago

            >Just…a blank, dull consciousness devoid of the divine human spark of creativity.
            Because they're surrounded by skinner boxes in every direction. Social media, phone games, streamers, they never have time to sit back and introspect.

          • 2 months ago

            i can; they’re terminally online and always looking to identify with shit that came well before their time because they are desperate for some sort of identity/attention/clout/acknowledgement.

            They have no morals. They have no principles. They are just programmable zombies subject to whatever advertising is shown to them. Why do you think we have so many remakes of all
            the good shit from our childhoods?? Why do you think they ALL fricking suck dick? Because the zoomers desperately *need* a culture to identify with that isn’t whatever ESG/governments tell
            them. Problem is, they’re all
            functionally fricking useless group thinkers that will not, and can not, act out their own free will. Kind of like how ChatGPT needs prompting to start anything, zoomers are the same. No original thought, original opinions. Just…a blank, dull consciousness devoid of the divine human spark of creativity. In fact, they’re worse than animals, because an animal can’t be convinced to cut its own dick off or kill itself.

            I don't really think it's necessarily a zoomer thing. I think that perhaps more than anything the zoomers are the first generation to have the opportunity to go all-in on 'just before my time' culture. I grew up in the 90s and I thought stuff from right before my time was super cool, but I had limited ways of engaging with said stuff. Everything wasn't documented online, the only people hyping it up were older forum users who grew up with those things (and that's probably how I became interested) and I could only engage with such things in limited ways (e.g. there was no arcade anywhere near me, the only ways I could play older games were through ROMs on the internet, etc). Zoomers have everything at their fingertips, so they can (to some degree) actually check out the things we're hyping up.

            the issue isn’t the fact they have access to it, it’s that they commandeer all the old shit, warp it, and mutate it until it becomes something it was never intended to be, bastardising the original meaning, all because they want the superficial “recognition” that comes from zoomers who don’t understand why the old stuff was cool in the first place. It’s low-key cultural marxism infinitely perpetuated & compounded by idiots. And why? FOMO.
            >bro i dont want to miss out!!!!!
            These kids are like israelites: they don’t create, only corrupt. Then oy vey when they’re ridiculed for it, like that regard zoomer who demanded c**ts stop engaging with him on a public forum. Zero accountability. Zero self-awareness.

            >i can; they’re terminally online
            i've been terminally online since I was 10 and im 38. There is something that is strictly zoomer to what you are saying and I don't think it has much to do with the internet (maybe a little).

            It’s a cultural problem. Unfortunately only the constituents of that culture can change it, or even hope to change it. But again, like this anon [...] said, they’re perfect little bolshevik conformists that would snitch on their neighbours if it meant getting an extra follower or two. They’re just not right in the head, man, and they’ve all got that brocolli-haircut perm shit going on. I’m 33, and i’ve been online most of my life, too, but these younger c**ts literally do not have any ability to think critically, about anything. Yet, they’ve all been given platforms to spout their inane moronic shit non-stop, kind of like the 24/7 news cycle but for complete windowlicking morons. Self-fulfilling prophecy, only the rest of us now have to fricking deal with it, too.

            Imagine going this long of a way to cope with getting old and having nothing to show for it.
            Your generation is not any better, no generation after the Industrial Revolution has been human at the core, it's all a skinner box and an insult to nature.
            But honestly, you are worse than a zoomer. You are a old, worthless, lead poisoned moron who desperately tries to claim any sense of superiority over a generation you fricked over. Zoomers have not yet done anything particularly horrid.
            >Why do you think we have so many remakes of all the good shit from our childhoods?? Why do you think they ALL fricking suck dick?
            Because your generation buys them, not zoomers
            >No original thought, original opinions. Just…a blank, dull consciousness devoid of the divine human spark of creativity. In fact, they’re worse than animals, because an animal can’t be convinced to cut its own dick off or kill itself.
            >They have no morals. They have no principles. They are just programmable zombies subject to whatever advertising is shown to them.
            The fricking irony of this coming from you "people", fricking kek. You act like you are any better in this regard. As if there is any semblance of true creativity in your generation either. Creativity died long before you were born.

          • 2 months ago

            this is such a massive zoomer cope its fricking hilarious. Its also hard to tell if this post was maybe baby boomer or zoomer. hard to tell.

            Additionally my evidence to support my claim is that mid-00's internet didn't have late boomers/early gen X'ers glued to a screen all day. Go to your local waffle house and check out how many paint-stained high vis-clad balding gray haired morons are just as deep into doomscrolling bullshit as their grandkids are. This shit today is completely different.

            Baby boomers having access have been the worst shit ever.

          • 2 months ago

            Imagine going this long of a way to cope with getting old and having nothing to show for it.
            Your generation is not any better, no generation after the Industrial Revolution has been human at the core, it's all a skinner box and an insult to nature.
            But honestly, you are worse than a zoomer. You are a old, worthless, lead poisoned moron who desperately tries to claim any sense of superiority over a generation you fricked over. Zoomers have not yet done anything particularly horrid.
            >Why do you think we have so many remakes of all the good shit from our childhoods?? Why do you think they ALL fricking suck dick?
            Because your generation buys them, not zoomers
            >No original thought, original opinions. Just…a blank, dull consciousness devoid of the divine human spark of creativity. In fact, they’re worse than animals, because an animal can’t be convinced to cut its own dick off or kill itself.
            >They have no morals. They have no principles. They are just programmable zombies subject to whatever advertising is shown to them.
            The fricking irony of this coming from you "people", fricking kek. You act like you are any better in this regard. As if there is any semblance of true creativity in your generation either. Creativity died long before you were born.

            >It's this generation's fault!
            >No, it's that generation's fault!
            How about we don't side with the people selling us out just because they're close to us in birth year, and admit that buttholes from every generation frick us over in a society that grants the most power to the worst people?

          • 2 months ago

            You sound like a racist.

          • 2 months ago

            frick you Black person/cracker/spic/chink (pick any that apply)

          • 2 months ago

            OK, racist.

          • 2 months ago

            sorry bud this is only a cope for baby boomers and zoomers who dont want to be included in how moronic they are. They don't want to prove themselves they just want uhhh not everyone bad! coping homosexual.

          • 2 months ago

            This is literally all of humanity since the advent of society you fricking moron. Zoomers aren't special for this and you're certainly not any different than what you've just described. Jesus christ

          • 2 months ago

            >In fact, they’re worse than animals, because an animal can’t be convinced to cut its own dick off or kill itself.
            The eunuchs cut their own dicks off because it was considered unfair for them to reproduce, since family titles were so important in Chinese politics. Being brainwashed into cutting your own dick off LOOOONNNGG predates zoomers. And who the hell is being "convinced" to kill themself? Usually it takes relentless bullying to convince someone to suicide, and again that long predates zoomers. You are fricking moronic Anon. And it's especially damning that you're about the 100th person I've seen parrot this exact same point.

          • 2 months ago

            >And who the hell is being "convinced" to kill themself?

          • 2 months ago

            >internet starts being an established phenomenon

          • 2 months ago

            did you write this post in a pdf and copy it over?

          • 2 months ago

            You are basically just describing young people in search of identity. This is the most normal thing in the world and it is telling that you don’t seem to know that.

          • 3 months ago

            It's way worse now because of Discord and Tiktok.

          • 3 months ago

            >People used to casually post cp on 4chinz.
            forget that, it used to be readily available on shady Russian sites from off topic Google searches.

            The internet is just the age old story of a ghetto being turned down and renovated into a sanitized commercial district.

          • 3 months ago

            Not only that, but it won't return until you hunt down and murder internet cops en mass. That's the price of freedom.

          • 2 months ago

            >used to
            this still happens, y'know?

          • 2 months ago

            No, it doesn't. Glowies sniffed out all cp posters. Good riddance too. I'm not talking about creepshots of kids on a beach. Hundreds of gigabytes of hardcore porn with kids.zipped without even a password posted around in random threads.

        • 3 months ago

          >No, I don't think I will.
          >speaks in redditisms and memespeak
          >refuses to read evidence contradicting his argument
          fricking moron. stop engaging with me.

          go outside

        • 2 months ago

          I had someone trying to groom me back when Sega Dreamcast first introduced me to online gaming, this shit is hardly new. Not to mention we're not even talking about the fricked up shit that happens IRL.

          • 2 months ago

            >Not to mention we're not even talking about the fricked up shit that happens IRL.
            Anon, you're not supposed to mention real-life happenings completely eclipse anything that happens online. Before you know it, people will demand the government to actually do anything about the problems rather than passing laws to control our access to information and freedom of communication while pretending to solve minor problems they draw all the attention to (diverting the attention away from actual problems).

        • 2 months ago

          >the internet.... is so f*cked up mayne
          oh no a club penguin shirt on roblox
          Shut your b***h ass up, melodramatic homosexualron. You have no clue what the internet was like prior to facebook and twitter because you're a b***h ass zoomer with elevated estrogen levels and a panic response to the most minor of tribulations.

          How do we determine if this is a real phenomenon or just the older generation "back in my day" banter? I do believe it's true, based on my observations, but I'm wondering if there's actual societal clues.

          It's just millenials and older zoomers copying what boomers did when the 60s and 70s ended, they grew old enough to get into power, and decided that sex, drugs, and rock and roll should be restricted from all future generations because only they are special enough to deserve nice things.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, the goal of childhood is to prepare them for adulthood. All manner of things in the world should be shown to kids as soon as they are able to understand your explanation and trust in your judgement.
      Kids growth and maturity scales directly with how much they know about the world and how much responsibility they are given, but the capacity to develop fades to nearly nothing as they get older. That's why when you shield them until they are 18 you end up with permanent manchildren - a fate worse than death.

      • 3 months ago

        This, although I think people can change and grow until they die, it just becomes increasingly painful, so unless circumstances really force them, they remain the same.

      • 2 months ago

        You are so close to getting it. Children play with toys and games instead of doing the real thing because the real thing is too dangerous or inconvinient. Like maybe instead of making them play Adopt Me Trading give em a real pet. Maybe instead of dolls let the girl help out with a younger relative. Maybe instead of a shooting game take them hunting. Maybe instead of minecraft let them help you build a shed in your backyard or some furniture. Kids love doing the real thing. They love feeling grown up. They love contributing and being seen as valuable.

        • 2 months ago

          (cont) In other words it's not about shielding them from the internet. It's about exposing them to the real world.

        • 2 months ago

          Who the frick has time for pets, hunting, or buildings sheds and furniture in 2024?

          (cont) In other words it's not about shielding them from the internet. It's about exposing them to the real world.

          >It's about exposing them to the real world.
          You know how mom and dad are working all day and come home too tired to do anything? That's what your future is going to be like too, but even worse. Are you excited yet?

    • 2 months ago

      I'd bored myself to tears if 10 PC games and my huge library of PS1 games were all I had.
      I'm not being sarcastic.

      • 2 months ago

        I'd beat the living tar out of you for being this spoiled.

        • 2 months ago

          Most PS1 games are shovelware.
          Warcraft 2 on PS1 gave me so many bad memory because the AI in BTDP expansion has much better APM than my shitty dualshock controller

          • 2 months ago

            You are shovelware.

          • 2 months ago

            This, a gentleman who knows what he's talking about.

    • 2 months ago

      >grow up with the internet
      >culture war begins
      >grifters spring up
      >suddenly you're aghast and hostile toward what you had previously had no issue with because an influencer told you it was bad and you're literal cattle who cannot think for yourself
      This is the case with every miserable subhuman out there crying about imaginary "degeneracy", "problematic" things, and generally pushing for censorship of things their own generation enjoyed in their younger years.

    • 2 months ago

      Well yeah, they'll be adults at some point. He won't be able to restrict their access then.

      • 2 months ago

        He won't, but the government will 🙂

    • 2 months ago


      >i watched a messed up cartoon when i was 9
      Grow the frick up pussy.

      millenials are fricked up due to Klasky Csupo

    • 2 months ago

      I unironically would've been way worse if I didn't have access to the internet at a young age.

  2. 3 months ago

    Teens are melodramatic in general. Why would they be any different in the interwebs?

    • 3 months ago

      The oldest zoomers are 27.

      • 3 months ago

        So you meant zoomers in the generational sense, carry on then.

        • 3 months ago

          There's another sense?

          • 3 months ago

            found the boomer

          • 3 months ago

            zillennials exist
            but just like boomer is a mindset, so is zoomer

          • 3 months ago

            Zoomer has been used as a catch all for younger people just like how Boomer is used as a catch-all for older people. Zoomers catch flak for skibidi toilet YouTube kids brainrot bullshit that's more on Gen Alpha and the 2010-2012 Zalpha crossovers as an example. The majority of Gen Z (1997-2010) ranges from late highschoolers to graduate degreed workforce vets who may have 5+ years of professional experience at this point.

          • 3 months ago

            We need an edit of this pic with millenials on the boomer side and zoomers on the millenial side.

          • 3 months ago

            xkcd always miss

          • 2 months ago

            Considering millennials got blamed for eating tide pods by boomers when it was zoomers I think it's fair.

          • 2 months ago

            millennials have been blame for literally EVERYTHING. The last time I saw millennials getting blamed was in 2020 and I'm pretty sure they still do it. Zoomers get mentioned a few times again zoomers trying to take everything. Everything is directed at you isnt it. fricking kys.

          • 2 months ago

            Zoomer starts at 95

            This is how I know you're born in 95

            You sad frick

          • 3 months ago

            It's a meme meant to fool you into arguing nonsense. Eventualy you realise generations are marketing terms and don't matter, hence the "state of mind" meme.

      • 3 months ago

        I'm 27

      • 2 months ago

        Bull fricking shit dude. No one agrees what age zoomers actually started. Some state as early as 95' to 97' up to 98'-05'

    • 3 months ago

      because now it’s literally illegal for them to bully/tease one another or get beat up at school for dribbling dumb shit. The zoomers are like the PERFECT conformists to ever come out of the modern-day soviet frankfurt education system

  3. 3 months ago

    What about Urbit? It is basically the 90s internet, but better lol

    • 3 months ago

      Buy an ad, Yarvin.

      • 2 months ago

        >Support the hecking 4chedditerino, fellow goy.
        You will never be a janny, you cuck.

    • 2 months ago

      kys moldgay

  4. 3 months ago

    the modern internet produces gooners, commies, nazis, and weebs

    • 3 months ago

      >the modern internet produces weeb gooners who are either nazis or commies

    • 2 months ago

      So, half of it is a good influence then?

  5. 3 months ago

    My parents didn't control my internet or phone usage ever in my life, regularly gave me violent or inappropriate games and movies
    I turned out fine
    I'm 6"3', white, I date only Asians, I'm 34 but I chase teenage girls because I'm a pedophile, and i've only been in prison once

    • 3 months ago

      You sound like a moron

    • 3 months ago

      >I turned out fine
      >I date only Asians
      Nice bait mate

  6. 3 months ago

    is this bait? Open internet mean 'p and gore beyond your imagination

    • 3 months ago

      Gore was super easy to get until recently
      Don't you remember LiveLeak?

      • 3 months ago

        yes, what do you think im referring to?
        scary cartoons should be the least of a parents worries

      • 3 months ago

        don't even get me started on all those tiktok gore accounts that cat blender video was many zoomers' first encounter with such things.

      • 2 months ago

        >he doesn't know about the gore/rekt PeerTube instances

      • 2 months ago

        >Gore was super easy to get until recently
        >implying it's still not easy to get
        >implying there aren't also daily rekt threads on IQfy
        theync dot com
        kaotic dot com
        livegore dot com
        documentingreality dot com
        goredb dot com
        Gore sites are a dime a dozen.

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah but they are as not as "popular"/easy access as they used to be.

          • 2 months ago

            Easy access? The frick are you talking about, Black person. You just open the link and watch people die.

    • 3 months ago

      I'd rather have kids sending each other goatse than tiktok

  7. 3 months ago

    >blaming personal failure on external factors
    yep, that's a zoomer alright

  8. 3 months ago

    idk, but I'm a millenial and hate people that don't optimize their images and keep using shitty jpgs like it's 2001

    • 3 months ago

      >he saved 15KB
      why would you bother anon? what are you trying to achieve? do you know how many KB china and india produce? you're not even making a dent in world KB emissions.

      • 3 months ago

        I optimized all images on my PC and saved GB. as for the web, it's people like you that made it more bloated than it needs to be

        what tool did you use? oxipng? I used optipng -strip all -o7 -zm1-9

        • 3 months ago

          zopfli with --fast and -o 6 preset, but whatever IQfy did to the image had already shaved off a few bytes, it took like 30s either way to shave off 2 bytes on my PC, not worth it

    • 3 months ago
      • 3 months ago

        idk, but I'm a millenial and hate people that don't optimize their images and keep using shitty jpgs like it's 2001


        • 3 months ago

          nice loss of information

        • 3 months ago

          how? did you convert to lossy jpg and then to png again and optimize? that's cheating

          • 3 months ago

            He lowered the bit depth to 8 from 24; you can see how this changed the eye color because of the palette constraint, that's how you do lossy in png plus dithering magic and what not

          • 3 months ago

            yeah, that's cheating, because we were going for lossless

          • 3 months ago

            also doing that won't necessarily create a lower size png, it could well make it fair worse because of the added artifacts, clearer images tend to compress better

        • 3 months ago

          but what if you don't care about quality

        • 2 months ago

          but what if you don't care about quality

          morons. ~140bytes no compression

          Mar 5
          Rickshaw Revived, Nietzs...
          >My children will never have access to the open internet. They're not ending up like me.
          0, 0, 3, 32

          • 2 months ago

            You're missing the avatar though.

  9. 3 months ago

    the internet is a lot worse now than it was then

    • 3 months ago

      interesting how the uncensored internet of the 90s and 00s was less dangerous

      • 3 months ago

        there was way less people using and it wasn't as fast either

  10. 3 months ago

    Well obviously people will get much more stressed if they go outside and interact with people there

    If you give the kids free access to the internet well they'll always default to the least stressful pastime

  11. 3 months ago

    Internet in 2024 means huge platforms like TikTok/Youtube/Twitter/Instagram.

    This is not the 1990s or even 2000s internet anymore with small forums
    (I spent my time on wololo.net as a kid)

  12. 3 months ago

    I am having a son soon and do fear for him in the future. I'm thinking no screens until he is older is a good plan. I don't think there will be a soft introduction to porn like I had with Newgrounds dress up games.

    • 2 months ago

      No screens and only get food from the perimeter of the grocery store(produce,meats,diary) and avoid the center alies due to goyslop. Also use sunscreen even the thinnest layer stops your ski from drying out

  13. 3 months ago

    >got exposed to gore and other unmentionables on bearshare and limewire as a kid

    I was never the same again

  14. 3 months ago

    have a nice day freak

    • 3 months ago

      lmao everything is grooming though. Even those who are over 18 are grooming each other. We should all stop interacting with each other entirely.

      • 3 months ago

        I can't wait until "people" like you are sentenced to death

        • 3 months ago

          >I can't wait until "people" like you are sentenced to death

  15. 3 months ago

    I would never let my kids on the internet. Not with all the troony groomers. This shit wasn’t even a problem 7 years ago. They can keep it rollin rollin.

    • 2 months ago

      If I have kids I wouldn't want them on the internet at all until at least like age 14 or 16 but it seems impossible to avoid if they aren't home-schooled.
      My parents gave me video games when I was a child though and found my way into the degeneracy around middle school but the exposure is just so much worse now.
      Not living in 1st world major cities is probably the only way right now.

      • 2 months ago

        I always thought that but now I wonder if not exposing them to at least a little of whats out there might just make kids naive in the way midwestern white people are naive about Black folk. Probably more valid for sons than daughters tho

  16. 3 months ago


    >they simply have no idea at all.
    I don't really understand how they even get to that concept. Do zoomers really not look into anything at all? Also I've noticed that their are some millennials/genxers who act the same fricking way. Is this because they only started using the internet seriously in like 2010-2016ish?

    I can't wait until "people" like you are sentenced to death

    So you are admitting that you actually believe grooming can happen to anyone no matter their age and cognitive abilities?
    >like you are sentenced to death
    So moronic dumb Black folk like yourself can destroy everything even further.

    • 3 months ago

      >So you are admitting that you actually believe grooming can happen to anyone no matter their age and cognitive abilities
      To a degree sure, it's just shorthand for emotional manipulation for sexual purposes. That doesn't change the fact that the specific case of grooming children should get you (legally) shot.

      >I can't wait until "people" like you are sentenced to death

      You will never be a human being

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          >To a degree sure
          If you actually believe grooming can be connected to people over 18+ then anything you have to say about it is void.
          >emotional manipulation for sexual purposes
          every single animal on earth for reproduction purposes has groomed. You moronic little fricking dipshit homosexual!.
          >specific case of grooming children should get you (legally) shot.
          ok? this is a given. you fricking moron

          Seething pedotrannies

      • 3 months ago

        >To a degree sure
        If you actually believe grooming can be connected to people over 18+ then anything you have to say about it is void.
        >emotional manipulation for sexual purposes
        every single animal on earth for reproduction purposes has groomed. You moronic little fricking dipshit homosexual!.
        >specific case of grooming children should get you (legally) shot.
        ok? this is a given. you fricking moron

  17. 3 months ago

    >My children will never have access to the open internet
    He's right, but not in the way he thinks.

  18. 3 months ago


    >dial up bulletin boards were just as bad. it's amazing how zoomies and other monkeys think it's worse today. they simply have no idea at all.
    yeah, it was trivial for an unsupervised child to wind up joining weird DCC porn pic exchange channels on IRC, or whatever those 12/f/cali chatrooms on AIM were called, but then again, i think zoomers grew up with omegle.

  19. 3 months ago

    >the tweet's got a point

    so what's the problem here OP?

  20. 3 months ago

    The thing about the old internet is that our ottosans instructed us to not trust strangers on the internet meanwhile, nowadays kids are fomented to reveal everything online and trust anybody

  21. 3 months ago

    Keeping your kids off the Internet until they're older isn't really about keeping them away from messed up cartoons. It's about keeping them from turning into mindless zombies with no attention span and basically no morals. A lot of gen alpha kids are total morons that get raised on iPads and struggle with some of the most basic shit in school. They also engage in a lot of developmentally inappropriate behavior.

    Here's a reddit thread you might want to read that will be enlightening on the subject:

    • 3 months ago

      >what is parental control
      >what is not being a total and complete failure of an average millenial parent
      anon I wonder how we could've prevented that
      oh wait
      you reap what you sow lmao frfr

      • 3 months ago

        More like, the kids reap what the parents sowed.

        • 3 months ago

          I would be very glad if they sowed some house at affordable price and government mandated pussy instead.
          Besides it's only the sòylenials complaining about zoomers, not the other way around.

      • 3 months ago

        >what is parental control
        >what is not being a total and complete failure of an average millenial parent
        Something millennial parents are completely oblivious to.

        • 2 months ago

          lol zoomers are seriously moronic. As many have stated already if your kid wants to see it they will see it no matter what you do. I did this to my own parents. Great fricking "parenting" fricking dumb. You gonna lock your kid in a closet till they are 18?

      • 2 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >Here's a reddit thread you might want to read that will be enlightening on the subject
      Have you actually read the comments? Many are clearly identifying the problem as just shitty parenting. It's mainly learned helplessness because parents and other adults around them don't have the patience anymore to properly help them with things, so they just get whatever they want if they say they can't do something on their own.
      >I think #2 is intentional, because if they just play helpless they know adults will do everything before them. I’ve had students who actually could troubleshoot through a problem on their device, for example, when I talked them through (without leading, just narrating the process and asking what they’d do next) the troubleshooting process.
      >They won’t bother to try, instead just saying “it doesn’t work” because they know that adults will just give them a totally free pass. But I think if you push them, most could do things like this. It’s weaponized intentional incompetence, not outright lack of ability.
      >I think there's an element of anxiety as well. They don't believe they are capable because they have no experience overcoming obstacles.
      >But also, the ones who can't just have a conversation as they haven't been taught how to talk to a person as mom and dad probably put them in front of an iPad as they were too busy and they're too burned out after work to talk, so again, an iPad. On buses, they won't talk to or play with their kid, they'll give them an iPad. At restaurants if they go out as a family, they're again put on the iPad. I try and talk to my kids, it's like they're panicking at what to say, but they can probably communicate well enough in emails (without any email etiquette). Face to face conversations are so hard for them.
      Stay-at-home moms are sexism, everybody must work full-time. All energy must go to enriching the shareholders. If you've got time to raise your kids, you aren't working hard enough.

      • 3 months ago

        Cornball ass cartoon

      • 3 months ago

        you gotta grow up from these gay opinions specially from that webm. When you get older say over 25 you'll understand how fricking moronic you are specially when it comes to dealing with women and kids.

        • 3 months ago

          >say over 25
          Nothing happens at this age. Stop parroting reddit pseudoscience

          • 3 months ago

            has nothing to do with reddit. Its just around 25-33yrs old your opinion on all of this becomes clear. If not you are probably just extremely low IQ. A lot of what you think is the problem isn't actually the issue.

          • 3 months ago

            No no, it is a falsehood that redditors spout. There is no magical age that everything becomes clear. Either you're a moron or not, and the person who posted that corny webm is clearly a moron.

            The problem here is mostly shitty parenting (for the younger kids), and when it comes to older kids who seek it out, then a problem that comes from that is helicopter parenting and not preparing them for the outside world.

          • 3 months ago

            >no magical age
            Its about age after your 20s you become very aware of your age and how old you are getting it can happen earlier. What will happen is youll hold all these moronic ideas and follow them only to realize after 20-40 its all bullshit and means nothing came of it. You'll see.

          • 3 months ago

            I cannot relate because I never had a leftist/progressive phase. It's stupid to throw your old self and ideas out like its the baby and the bathwater. You are capable of change and growth your entire life and you likely either are a moron or you aren't. Holding onto some magical age range or number is stupid.

          • 3 months ago

            >it’s stupid to throw your old self out
            >proceeds to talk about how we’re all
            capable of change
            Are you even aware of your own contradictive stupidity?????

            >no magical age
            Its about age after your 20s you become very aware of your age and how old you are getting it can happen earlier. What will happen is youll hold all these moronic ideas and follow them only to realize after 20-40 its all bullshit and means nothing came of it. You'll see.

            is right; you’ll just have to wait & see, zoom zoom.

          • 3 months ago

            Those statements don't contradict eachother, you moronic millennial burnout. You can change some things about you while not completely disregarding who you were before a certain age, or the ideas you held. Its a foundation you can build upon. You wouldn't know anything about it, and you have nothing to teach anyone.

          • 3 months ago

            ohhhhh. You know how I know you’re a dumb c**t zoomer? Because you can only think in the extremes of black & white. If the nuance of a conversation, or implied meaning, isn’t spelled out directly for you, in plain obvious fricking sight, you miss the point entirely. And i’ve never seen a zoomer humble themselves to the point of admitting they’re wrong. It’s like you all have government-induced ADD/Autism.

          • 3 months ago

            Now type that without crying

          • 3 months ago

            lmao unreal, but i guess the fault is on me for trying to reason with autistic c**ts.
            I accept your concession and sincerely hope you get well soon.

          • 3 months ago

            Getting disillusioned about society isn't bound to ages, it's closer to social circumstances. You probably reached your 'magical age' somewhere in the past five years which have been a wake-up call to many people.

          • 3 months ago

            when you turn 25 a magical switch gets flipped in your head that SHOULD automatically make you less fricking moronic, and less overall useless. Zoomers are living proof that the switch doesn’t flip for everyone, and in some cases never will. Grim

          • 3 months ago

            There's a lot of shoot morons who actually believe this despite it not being based on anything.

          • 3 months ago

            >it’s not based on anything
            >except self- informed personal experience
            >beep-boop, i am a zoomer robot
            >how do i feel
            >how do i experience
            >will i dream of electric sheep when i sleep

          • 3 months ago

            >its true in my headcanon because it just is, okay?

          • 3 months ago

            i’m a tradie and all you rotten little c**ts under 25 ARE moronic. Everyone under 25 is. You don’t know fricking shit, about anything. At all. No one will ever take anything you say seriously until you’re at least 31. Again, because 20 somethings don’t fricking know anything. The problem compounds the closer you get to 20, funnily enough.

            Not only has social media and debasive entertainment rotted your mind, it’s robbed you of the ability to see the forest for the trees. But I have hope that one day maybe even you could become human, if you flick the switch, that is. Beep-boop

          • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            lmao unreal, but i guess the fault is on me for trying to reason with autistic c**ts.
            I accept your concession and sincerely hope you get well soon.

            this homie malding so hard that no one accepted his headcanon mao

          • 3 months ago

            >Don’t try to verify my bullshit bro just accept it at face value

            this homie malding so hard that no one accepted his headcanon mao

            Mao indeed

          • 3 months ago

            You sound very mad about not having a source.

          • 2 months ago

            thinking about life in terms of magical age cutoffs is a meme outside of physical aging
            it's about experiences not age. the fact that it took you until 25 to get your life together does not mean everyone else did.

            >No one will ever take anything you say seriously until you’re at least 31.
            it is normal in tech for entire teams to be under 30
            at my team we have a 31 year old junior dev who reports to someone much younger than them, nobody gives a frick about age

      • 3 months ago

        >Many are clearly identifying the problem as just shitty parenting
        so what? do you really think they will solve the problem just because they identified it?

        • 3 months ago

          No, but mistakenly identifying a symptom as the cause and taking action based on that would be a waste of time and effort at best, or counterproductive at worst.

      • 2 months ago

        >stock "phone bad" tripe
        not wrong, but very boring
        >fat white man with a confederate battle flag tank top harassing woman on the subway
        Now you're just fricking lying, animator.

    • 3 months ago

      >Zoomers refuse to do any effort whatsoever

  22. 3 months ago

    >Why are zoomers so melodramatic over the internet?
    Why boomers are so obsessed with zoomers being so melodramatic over the internet that (You) ruined?
    Grow the frick up pussy.

  23. 3 months ago

    Being a tough guy doesn't mean you don't give you kids better outcomes you moron.

    • 3 months ago

      Helicopter parenting is not a better outcome. That being said, I also dont give ipads to 2 year olds and say "here you go"

      • 3 months ago

        Who said anything about helicopter parenting? Blocking porn and videos of peoples heads exploding has nothing to do with what you're saying. Make a real argument and stop being emotional

  24. 3 months ago

    So what I'm getting from this thread is, we need to kill everyone under 25?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        In that case kill everyone under 30. Also
        sterilize people under 35 that don't already have kids just to be safe.

        • 3 months ago

          brain matures until death so kill everyone including yourself

          • 3 months ago
  25. 3 months ago

    Dont worry, your kids gonna witness gore and porn irl when World War 3 gonna reach your home.
    You need to pray every day so that the internet stay the worst thing that can happen to you or your kid, because literally any real world problem is much worse.

  26. 3 months ago
  27. 3 months ago

    >implying there's anything like "open internet" anymore

  28. 2 months ago

    They're young. People post cringeworthy shit on the internet when they're young.

  29. 2 months ago

    I’m a zoomer myself and I feel separated by the amount of mental moronation and dumb shit we get offended by

    I can’t call people a Black person as a joke

    • 2 months ago

      You're sitting in too many spaces that have old lead-poisoned fricks talking down to you. There are more racist and anti-semitic Zoomers than any other generation. Just because there are cherrypicked examples from the most popular spaces, regardless of generation, where people of get offended by the Black person word doesn't mean your entire generation is like this. If there's one thing I can agree with the lead-brains on, it's that you zoomers take too much from the internet seriously.

      • 2 months ago

        Yea I agree we are brainrot but we were raised off the web

        as a zoomer I’ve noticed that zoomers are used to the moronic shit
        Such as safe spaces online and bring about to drown out the bad people and don’t understand reality and how you can’t just block someone in real life for hurting your feelings in an argument

        I look at what you guys did back in 2006-2013 and how you trolled people online and wish I was there to be able to experience it things like rotten.com or liveleak were peak internet but I grew up in a generation surrounded by room temperature iq morons

  30. 2 months ago

    Because they are influenced by overly dramatic, fake-ass Youtube homosexuals and think that this is how normal person should behave.

  31. 2 months ago

    He's not wrong

  32. 2 months ago

    >why are zoomers [...] thread
    low effort thread

  33. 2 months ago

    He's being a homosexual but he's right that you should regulate your child's internet access.

  34. 2 months ago

    There are clearly a ton of people coping that the internet "ruined" them and is the only reason they're not in a relationship, not popular etc. When the truth is that they would have been a loser in all timelines and they're probably just deformed

    • 2 months ago

      Social media led to cancel culture and gave society things like Tindr. Most people on here would have been losers either way, but fewer and fewer people (especially men) are getting into relationships. You can also see this in other cultural phenomena, like the incel 'movement', simping for e-thots becoming common, etc.

    • 2 months ago

      Dating culture has absolutely changed as a result of the internet.

      • 2 months ago

        >chart doesn't even include covid
        its over

      • 2 months ago

        what do you think has happened in 2004 that slowed down online growth for a while?
        >inb4 chart is fake anyway
        yeah, but I am still curious what somebody was thinking

        • 2 months ago

          Probably saturation, until smartphones broadened the audience. Or maybe until Tinder popped up and made online dating not just for nerds. If you look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_online_dating_services, the only notable service between OkCupid (2004) and Tinder (2012) is Grindr, which doesn't affect matching of heterosexual couples.

      • 2 months ago

        might as well just kill myself

        • 2 months ago

          There is more to life than women.

  35. 2 months ago

    How do we determine if this is a real phenomenon or just the older generation "back in my day" banter? I do believe it's true, based on my observations, but I'm wondering if there's actual societal clues.

  36. 2 months ago

    I think that the internet as we know it today is on its way out.
    As more and more people around the globe get access to the internet things like scams and hacks will become more frequent and companies whose support systems are already crumbling due to corporate greed won't be able to keep up.
    Systems can only scale up so much and I think a lot of businesses are reaching the limit of how many customers they're able to feasibly support.

  37. 2 months ago

    my kids will get a computer with ubuntu and a few games on it, and no internet connection.

    • 2 months ago

      but why, anon? the internets was so hardcore back then. now it's just candyland and lollipops.

      • 2 months ago

        It's definitely become a candyland, but the candy is poisoned. I liked it better when you could obviously tell what you'd be getting.

  38. 2 months ago

    You sound like the type of cuck who would have a teenage daughter who fricked Black folk and solder herself on OnlyFans. Assuming you weren't a forever-virgin, that is.

    • 2 months ago

      how is this what your mind jumps to? Are you feeling okay?

  39. 2 months ago

    My kids will get a barely working shitbox laptop that will be too slow to load social media sites. They will learn how to make do with it like I did or they will go outside.

    • 2 months ago

      or just restrict internet time during their early years to just 30min a day?
      and with supervision so they don't go anywhere on the web freely, that comes when they are significantly older

      • 2 months ago

        I'm not gonna be a helicopter parent. The worst thing my parents did was shelter me, I'm not gonna do that to my kids. They'll learn independence, and to do that they have to be allowed to do potentially dangerous things.

  40. 2 months ago

    The perception of melodrama among younger generations on the internet can be attributed to several factors. The internet provides a platform for self-expression and sharing experiences, which can sometimes amplify emotional responses. Additionally, the developmental stage of adolescents and young adults often involves heightened sensitivity to social feedback and a search for identity, which can lead to more dramatic expressions online. It’s also important to consider the impact of the internet on mental health, as excessive use has been associated with various psychosocial issues1.

    Here are some key points regarding the behavior of younger generations on the internet:

    Developmental Sensitivity: Adolescents are particularly sensitive to social rewards and approval from peers, which can influence their online behavior2.

    Mental Health Impact: Excessive internet usage has been linked to challenges such as poor academic progress, avoidance of interpersonal relationships, and reduced sleep duration1.

    Social Media Influence: Social media platforms can affect self-view and interpersonal relationships through social comparison and negative interactions, including cyberbullying3.

    Understanding these factors can provide insight into the behaviors observed online and highlight the importance of promoting healthy internet usage habits.

    • 2 months ago

      Sounds GPT-generated.

  41. 2 months ago

    Thread for shills to advocate for more censorship. This era Is gay.

  42. 2 months ago

    Leave WiFi open with no password
    There you have open internet

  43. 2 months ago

    i plan on heavily restricting my kids' access to the open internet.

    free access has been almost a complete negative for me. social media exposes you to the best and worst of humanity. for some people this causes them depression as they feel like they're missing out (that's how i feel).

    i'm not letting my kids have a smartphone or browse the internet until they're 14 minimum. maybe 16. it's funny because growing up i desperately wanted a computer and internet and resented my parents for not letting me have them. their reasons weren't noble - they were just lazy and didn't want to figure out how shit worked. but it turned out to be a good thing for me.

    • 2 months ago

      Shield your children from everything. No harm should ever come to your darling. There is no reason for them to ever face any adversity or take any risks, because daddy is always there to protect you.

      And then she goes out into the world and, easily manipulated and curious about all that was hidden from her, she becomes a drug-addicted bawd, drops out and ruins her life. Good job.

      • 2 months ago

        they'll face plenty of harms in school and the outside world. no need for them to face internet harm. i don't actually believe that harm makes people stronger btw. that's just cope.

        • 2 months ago

          >i don't actually believe that harm makes people stronger btw. that's just cope.
          People learn from mistakes. There's definitely a balance to be struck here; the kid who gets into a major accident is crippled for life, but the kid who burns his fingers on the stove learns to be careful around heat sources. Facing such consequences may be painful, but never allowing a kid to frick up leaves them inexperienced and afraid of the consequences of fricking up.

      • 2 months ago

        >i don't actually believe that harm makes people stronger btw. that's just cope.
        People learn from mistakes. There's definitely a balance to be struck here; the kid who gets into a major accident is crippled for life, but the kid who burns his fingers on the stove learns to be careful around heat sources. Facing such consequences may be painful, but never allowing a kid to frick up leaves them inexperienced and afraid of the consequences of fricking up.

        >if you don't expose your kids to high speed hardcore internet pornography, they'll become DRUG ADDICTS!

        • 2 months ago

          What part of "there's definitely a balance to be struck here" do you not understand? It was in response to
          >i'm not letting my kids have a smartphone or browse the internet until they're 14 minimum. maybe 16.
          That's definitely far too restrictive. If they never get any freedom, they won't know how to deal with freedom when they do get it. Freedom comes with responsibility, and to handle the latter the former needs to be built up gradually.

  44. 2 months ago

    How would you even go about restricting internet access to your kids? Pretty much any website nowadays has garbage on it. Restricting access doesn't seem practical at all.

  45. 2 months ago

    Did you forget that you were like that too?

  46. 2 months ago

    I didn't have TV until 11 (2011) or internet until 13 (2013) and i still fell straight down to this shithole

  47. 2 months ago

    >i watched a cartoon when i was younger and ended up with depraved sexual interests
    Many such cases!

  48. 2 months ago

    They're just dumb. They're also constantly complaining about spending their childhood getting groomed on the internet which is really stupid because people used to know not to share information about yourself to strangers on the internet.

  49. 2 months ago

    I'm curious why anime avatars always have the stupidest usernames on the social media sphere.

    • 2 months ago

      Weebs with internet addictions usually have not-well thought out contrarian opinions they hold really close to them for no justified reason.

      just don't give internet access to kids. it's that easy.

      And have them get filtered by jobs when they're 20 when they need tech skills? Your child needs to learn how to the basics of operating a PC by 8 or 9 including simple internet literacy, at least if you want to give them a good chance in any technical field. Plus, plenty of studies have shown the massive positive impact of internet educational videos -- it's essentially a free stream of highly stimulating but positive influences.

      In my opinion it's not as simple as "no internet until you're 13". To give them the optimum chance to grow, you gotta monitor their internet habits until 13 or so and preferably not shame them when they're first starting to get horny and search up "big tiddies tiktok". When you establish that even thinking about sex is bad, you're setting them up for a whole host of repressive sexual issues.

      • 2 months ago

        >And have them get filtered by jobs when they're 20 when they need tech skills?
        I didn't have a computer until I was 18, I bought it myself. I used computes in my school and municipal library. and now I'm a pentester
        and you are a fricking moron if you think kids are learning how to use computers by browsing tiktok, instagram, youtube or by using whatever random app from the app store, moron

        • 2 months ago

          Yet you wouldn't find a dangling pointer if it slept with your neo-wife.

          • 2 months ago

            I also know a bunch of programming languages and can debug shit, homosexual
            I bet you got into this industry because you wanted to be a game dev or some shit lmao

          • 2 months ago

            >bunch of programming languages
            Sounds useless. C is all you need unless you just accept having terrible, terrible memory management.

          • 2 months ago

            Cniles are a great source of vulns for me to use lmao

          • 2 months ago

            lol C doesn't HAVE any memory management, and the number of mistakes people unintentionally make while writing C code has caused more CVEs than all other language vulns combined.
            not to shit on C because I still really like it and it pays my bills, but it's time for an improvement (not something completely different).

          • 2 months ago

            >lol C doesn't HAVE any memory management
            Yeah, it's great. No moronic bullshit that constantly gets in your way.
            >muh CVEs
            Literally a skill issue. Incompetent programmers deserve the death penalty.

          • 2 months ago

            nobody writes perfect code every time, especially you. but that doesn't mean we can afford to be ok with all the mistakes.

          • 2 months ago

            >nobody writes perfect code every time
            No, but it's possible to severely reduce the chance for frickups by forcing people to think about where the objects end up being stored. It also provides nice performance boosts due to unified lifetimes:

  50. 2 months ago

    just don't give internet access to kids. it's that easy.

    • 2 months ago

      But the internet needs access to kids to grow. You can't just deny the internet what it needs.

  51. 2 months ago

    Millennials are groomers, I saw MLP R34 as a child and was scarred for life

    • 2 months ago

      Serves you right.

    • 2 months ago

      Millenials inherited a totally free and open Internet and proceeded to shit up every space with porn and impose one of the most draconian censorship regimes in modern history.

      Frick them. I'm happy to see that they're horrified to see Zoomoids call their badass girl boss Harry Potter obsessions stupid and cancel them for political transgressions.

      • 2 months ago

        >zoomers having the power to cancel anyone
        For that they would have to come out of the closet. The actual closet in which they've been hiding from the rest of the world.

      • 2 months ago

        >Millenials inherited a totally free and open Internet and proceeded to shit up every space with porn and impose one of the most draconian censorship regimes in modern history.
        This. Boomers shat out millennials who turned out to be just as bad as them. The odd-numbered line of generations is cursed.

        • 2 months ago

          Millennials are groomers, I saw MLP R34 as a child and was scarred for life

          This is hilarious you know that while millennials have been growing up we've had to deal with baby boomers right? You know I was 12yrs old in 2000. Do you frickhead zoomers not understand TIME? Most millennials had no course of action against baby boomers and the vast majority still dont. Its almost over though.

      • 2 months ago

        >Millenials inherited a totally free and open Internet and proceeded to [...] impose one of the most draconian censorship regimes in modern history.
        What? The boomers are still in charge, they're the ones trying to censor shit. Yes, we posted porn everywhere. Guess where the frick you are.

      • 2 months ago

        Gen gen-x just nap through all this or do we just ignore any and all culpability they have?

        • 2 months ago

          I'm pretty sure that of the five people in Gen X two are already dead.

        • 2 months ago

          Gen X were the ones who participated and contributed to the free and open internet that millennials inherited and ran to the ground.
          By the time millennials were able to impose woke censorship on the internet, Gen X had already become parents and were too busy with real life to participate in culture war bullshit.

    • 2 months ago

      Why do zoomers look up and watch horror versions of kids characters on youtube 24/7? It's some weird shit that millennials didn't do as kids. I'd bet that's what's actually making them psychos as they grow up.

    • 2 months ago

      this is all spoken as if the same wasn't true for millenials
      the internet was full of porn in the '90s and '00s as well, you know, actually, it was even more full of porn than it is now, only in recent times has social media traffic out-done porn traffic

  52. 2 months ago

    anyone who talks like this won't have children anyways so what does it matter?

  53. 2 months ago

    I'm a zoomer and I'm pretty sure it wasn't the internet on its own. Rather that many parents don't seem to care how much time we spend there and never taught or prepared us for anything.
    So your underdeveloped brain with a horrible and I mean horrible public education has to navigate grromers from all corners, fringe political groups, self harm trans discords, anorexic group chats, forums about people fetishising their mental illness, lookism obsessives and so on. And that's just random people. Now mix that in with hyper propaganda (from multiple countries mind you), bots, aliens, demons and cia agents everywhere.
    You either end up as a total drone or a moronic teen reading Land, Spengler and Marx while bordering dangerously close to schizophrenia and not even knowing what a file explorer is.

  54. 2 months ago

    it's not the messed up cartoon, it's porn

    • 2 months ago
  55. 2 months ago

    >Why are zoomers so melodramatic over the internet?

    • 2 months ago

      This was originally a video, it makes more sense in that format.

    • 2 months ago

      all that "yooooo" made me think of this;

  56. 2 months ago

    did you older people "troll" by spamming zoosadist pics and videos such as brutal monkey torture vids and those two cat videos? i'm genuinely wondering because i've seen a lot of posts going on about "I WUZ SEEIN GORE N SHIET IN 2007". is it the same? has it gotten worse?

    • 2 months ago

      >HABEEB IT

    • 2 months ago

      Shock videos have been a thing for quite a while, yeah. I don't recall them in the 90s or early 2000s, but by the early 2010s they were popular enough.

      • 2 months ago

        lots of the "funny images" repost sites in google first results also had galleries with gore or weird porn around 2004, kind of liveleak+efukt vibe

        • 2 months ago

          also i remember some creepy brown or asian manlet running a professional cannibalism fetish porn site with theatrics of women being oiled up, cooked and impaled on steel poles, and those images were often mixed in between the "normal" porn seo spam in the first results and really bad cartoon porn. and sometimes along with under8ge looking slavic girls.

          also vaguely remember shit like "pain olympics" (allegedly fake) and some images of some guy removing his own dick and balls with a red string.

    • 2 months ago

      There was always at least one thread on /b/ with the most brutal pics man. I got used to it but some of them, especially the rotten womens faces are still burned into my frickin head. Every day was some new shit. It also had a significantly higher proportion of quality posts, interesting discussions, ironically.

  57. 2 months ago

    I'd try to be really careful because porn addiction is one of the worst things ever, as evidenced by this website and the pathetic moderation here that's at the very center of the problem.

  58. 2 months ago

    I can't bring myself to put blame onto zoomers and gen A considering all these tools could have been regulated on an individual level by better parenting. We failed an entire generation of humans and now we are witnessing the results of laziness. But blaming kids who don't know better is a cardinal sin, even if some luckily got out of the bucket. Survivorship bias is not a good enough argument to let kids be on their own. It's not too late to try and correct the course but boomers, millenials and gen x ers will need to take responsibility for it.

  59. 2 months ago

    I started coming here when I was 10... this site was an unimaginably different place back then, for better or worse. As a species, it will take a very long time for us to biologically adapt to the internet and smartphones.

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