Why are zoomies unhireable?

Why are zoomies unhireable?

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Low IQ

  2. 4 months ago

    I can't stop wanking my wiener, even at work fr no cap!!!!!!

    • 4 months ago

      I had a problem with capital one once, I forgot to cancel a card before the annual fee hit. I talked to them about canceling if they could refund the fee and they said they couldn't waive the fee and they canceled anyways. Basically I paid to renew a card and then canceled it a week later. Then the agent decided to open a new card for me and it would be a hard pull on my credit report. They wouldn't cancel that new card and said I had to have it. I talked to management about it and got the run around. I made a CFPB complaint and a week later I got a call from someone much higher up apologizing, they refunded the previous annual fee and did something to cancel that card and not have it count as a hard pull on my credit report. To make sure I got the annual fee back, they fed-ex overnighted a check to me. CFPB gets shit done.

    • 4 months ago

      not enough people are talking about the gen z porn addict problem

  3. 4 months ago

    >ah yes its covid 19's fault that non-whites are 2/3rds the population, wages don't even pay for a 1 bdrom apt, and the boomers keep asking when are you going to buy a home

    These people have been paying the same starting wage for 20 years and they wonder why people dont' give a frick

    • 4 months ago

      humans are suppose to be colored, pink skin is a symptom of npchood a matrix golem forced into the simulation to terraform kali yugas incarntion,like a women that tries to justfy her own pathology, perpetually pointing a finger in spite of her own parasitic existence.

      The pig cries as he suckles

      • 4 months ago

        they needed to puck that little girls unibrow

      • 4 months ago

        so true gays like to cope but meds were the heads of civilization. Nords lived in mud huts like Africans and Anglos lived in swamp water kek. Be sure to thank the meds for civilizing you else you would basically be the white version of Africans

        • 4 months ago
        • 4 months ago

          Coincidentally the snowiest northern places are where the Black person tier Whites live like sweden, Finland and russia. The biggest psyop polchuds pulled was making people think white Black folk don't exist

          • 4 months ago

            The Germanic and Gaulish tribes had metallic tools, they certainly didn't live in mud huts preferring timber for construction. They weren't as sophisticated as the Mediterranean regions but they didn't live like Africans.

          • 4 months ago

            Africa had some of the richest and most highly developed civilizations in the world at that time. Africa, Kush, Sudan. Half of the Roman Empire was in Africa. Stop coping, even Hitler wasn't as delusional as you are.

          • 4 months ago

            >Claim: Germanics used stone tools and lived in mud huts.
            >Fact: Germanics left behind metallic tools and framed structures.
            Seems to contradict the claim.

          • 4 months ago

            Ethiopians were living in pic related while Germ-anics where learning how to sell their wives to celts for a hunk of low grade tin and fashion it into a spear to kill Jörg in the next village over.

            Most embarrassing master race ever.

          • 4 months ago

            That was built in the 17th Century and the architect was Indian.
            But you're right to suggest Ethiopia was more advanced than Germanic in ancient times but you should really refer to the Kingdom of Aksum and the like.
            I remember reading in one of the platonic dialogues or maybe it was the Illiad that the Greeks thought very highly of them and saw their civilisation as the only one comparable to their own.
            But theres one common denominator in all of this - Trade. Trade facilitates economic growth and spread of new ideas, access to new resources that allow an advanced culture to flourish. Ethiopia controlled access to the Red Sea and became very wealthy as a result.
            All the advanced ancient societies developed around the silk road and Mediterranean trade networks without exception. So the people in Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, Mongolia, Sub saharan Africa etc where ever you want to name that wasnt part of the trade networks was less developed.
            So yeah white supremacists are a bunch of morons but the they exist as a reaction to demographic changes in white countries which in not ok, we should all have our own ethno states tbh because globohomosexual multiculturalism is gay and it destroys real cultural diversity.

          • 4 months ago

            >But you're right to suggest Ethiopia was more advanced than Germanic
            >I remember reading in one of the platonic dialogues or maybe it was the Illiad that the Greeks thought very highly of them and saw their civilisation as the only one comparable to their own.
            You think they were referring to modern Ethiopia? how do you know the people in modern Ethiopia are the same as ones from some general area thousands of years ago? Ethiopia was used as a catch-all term for African back then, it's not modern geographical Ethiopia.

          • 4 months ago

            you low IQ wignat modern day egyptians, Ethiopians and other groups are the closest genetically speaking to the ancient samples we have. There is direct genetic continuity. Same is true for greece and italy. There were no fricking germanics there stop we wuzzing like a brainlet

          • 4 months ago

            germnaics were literallty an extension of wild fauna, so removed from personhood that culture creation was a product of apprproaiation, asthey learned to mickik the living structures of civil societies they encutered, their is nothng germnaic about european culture, its all multi gerrational larping

          • 4 months ago

            >Claim: Germanics used stone tools and lived in mud huts.
            >Fact: Germanics left behind metallic tools and framed structures.
            Seems to contradict the claim.

          • 4 months ago

            sacked or looted
            carthage also used barbarian tribes as a proxy for destablizing rome
            germnaics are a groomed race, golems of larger ambitions, a race if slaves without proper heirtage , a disposable means to an end

          • 4 months ago

            Germs were always incredibly stubborn against Rome's intent on appropriating them into Mediterranean civilization. Germania was razed to the ground multiple times over millennia during the hight of the Empire, yet it wasn't until the 8th and 9th centuries where the Germanics were fully civilized during Charlemagne's time. They we're always a brutish and marshal people, they just happened to be far more intelligent at warfare unlike their bong cousins who were laughably unable to coordinate any meaningful resistance against a half assed attempt at colonizing Britain. The Boudicca rebellion really shows how low IQ the Britians were at fighting and how resourceful the Latin's were at defeating them.

          • 4 months ago

            This is probably why Germanic men are so attracted to chinks. They're both hardwired to imitate. Incels, Boomers, and pollards are honorary bugs.

          • 4 months ago

            sacked or looted
            carthage also used barbarian tribes as a proxy for destablizing rome
            germnaics are a groomed race, golems of larger ambitions, a race if slaves without proper heirtage , a disposable means to an end

            Coping brownoid subhuman detected. I know Chad put his BWC in all your gf's holes but you seething about it isn't going to change anything.

          • 4 months ago

            They're called "snow Black folk," friend.

        • 4 months ago

          We are thankful for roman inventions + admixture with nordic genes created the most advanced civilizations, since over 1500 years.
          Now how does that make a case for you poopjeets and Black folk though?

        • 4 months ago

          How many Mediterraneans have walked on the moon?

      • 4 months ago

        I'm half med, half israelite, and I hate the zog nwo

      • 4 months ago

        Nice bait. You sound about as moronic as the Puritan Anglos that tried to claim Greek society as their own and slandered Italians as half Black on census paperwork. All Indo European societies have contributed something to the world. Frick that israeli better-than-you nonsense. No more brother wars.

        • 4 months ago

          Based frick these divide and conquer israelites. If you’re white, morally align with what pro whites want, and can trace your ancestors back to Europe it’s good enough for me. Frick going to war for israelites and frick their this white but this isn’t hook nosed israelitery.

      • 4 months ago

        Based and true. They'll scream and claim it's not true but their screaming only proves you correct.

        • 4 months ago

          Whose language are you speaking in?

      • 4 months ago

        All these people are ugly af

        • 4 months ago

          It's strange how Homer and Hesiod, the oldest written Greek sources, frequently describe the Gods and royalty as blue or grey-eyed, with golden or red hair. It seems more and more likely that the earliest Greeks were "White" in their appearance, and a "muttification" occurred later on. Even the Roman emperors are frequently described as having Whiter features than we'd associate with that region today.

      • 4 months ago

        Stick to stealing physical goods Tyrone. You gain nothing from stealing the history of others.

      • 4 months ago

        When were those murals painted? right after Persia invaded Greece ;)? you fricking Mexican Black person homosexual.

        A gorrila is more evolved than you. The camel spits in your face after you give it hay, just like all arabs/jews/muslims/cancer cells.

        Africans used to be pink, look at their palms and fingernails. Do gorrilas have white fingernails and palms? They do not.
        Africans once used to be white, but all the radiation from the sun turned them brown and black. Maybe indians might be originally brown because their palms are also brown.
        Oh but no Jesus was always a gypsy/indian. Jesus was never blonde with blue eyes, that's hilarious..
        And Africans were never egyptians, they were the egyptians' slaves for a very short period of time right before those disgusting arab ancestors took over Egypt.

      • 4 months ago

        Live in a country run by dark-skinned peoples then :^)

      • 4 months ago

        He says while posting thanks to technology invented by white people, probably while living in a country that was mostly built by white people, with food mass produced mostly by white people (which again was made possible by agricultural technology invented by white people), while not dying of serious infectious diseases thanks to vaccines and medicines invented by white people
        People of color had time where they ruled the entire world. When it was white people's turn, everything got better. Now that we're diversity quotaing ourselves in the foot, things are getting worse again

      • 4 months ago

        germnaics were literallty an extension of wild fauna, so removed from personhood that culture creation was a product of apprproaiation, asthey learned to mickik the living structures of civil societies they encutered, their is nothng germnaic about european culture, its all multi gerrational larping

        sacked or looted
        carthage also used barbarian tribes as a proxy for destablizing rome
        germnaics are a groomed race, golems of larger ambitions, a race if slaves without proper heirtage , a disposable means to an end

        you won't do shit

      • 4 months ago

        That pic has been deboonk'd so many times that the only explanation to post it is dishonesty.

      • 4 months ago

        These murials are from egypt

    • 4 months ago

      to be fair, they fricked those kids over

    • 4 months ago

      Checked. It's crazy how there are actually people that still think 60k a year is a lot of money. If you made that out of college in 2006 it was a lot of money, and it was way easier to get. All you needed was like an accounting degree from a good school. Now you're lucky if you get maybe 45k a year out of school.

      • 4 months ago

        60k is still great money if you have the slightest idea how to not spend like a homosexual, it's just not worth toiling in misery.

  4. 4 months ago

    >Why are zoomies unhireable?

    Raised on phones so their brains are fried. Wait until you see the first generation raised by AI and the Metaverse.

  5. 4 months ago

    too entitled, I guess.
    maybe they are unable to understand why out society does work the way it works knowing that technology could solve so many issues...
    or maybe they are too moronic. who knows.

  6. 4 months ago

    you have to make their job into a skinnerbox. they're indolent blobs who need to be told what to do so precisely that by the time you can get any sort of productivity out of them, you may as well automate whatever it is

    • 4 months ago

      So much this. I manage one of them in my warehouse and I can explicitly say move these items to here, showing them, and he'll get it halfway done because it "looks better" to him. Then he blames his immigrant parents for not setting him up for a chemical engineering degree.

  7. 4 months ago

    My perspective as a small business owner - they are really, really fricking annoying.

    I own a few breweries, nothing fancy or excessively strenuous also not life-or-death work. I understand that, and I treat my staff accordingly. I try to approve as many requests for time off and the like as possible.

    But holy frick these kids. To say they are not team players is like saying Somalia is mildly unsafe. All of my other employees seem to understand that some days require a little more work than usual and being an obstinate moron will make everyone's life harder.

    Zoomers do not. The only employees I have ever had b***h, moan and act like they were being victimized for being scheduled for one double a week. I know this isn't all zoomers, but of the employees who have acted like I was doing them a favor by hiring them, almost all were zoomers.

    If I can avoid them by hiring someone older, I almost always will.

    • 4 months ago

      I hate working with them. One we just hired has the worst attendence I have ever seen, calls out non-stop and takes extra long breaks everytime by using the bathroom everytime he does for 15 minutes. Also I havent seen one yet that can tell time by a non-digital clock.

      • 4 months ago

        The way Zoomers complain about Boomers and their trauma makes think that's their parental age group, although it's more likely Gen X. Why do these old fricks who pride themselves on their intelligence and da good ol' days not raise their fricking kids?

      • 4 months ago

        The attendance issue is incredibly bad. I thought it was just my restaurants but I guess not.

        • 4 months ago

          I can tell you as someone that called out a lot, it's burnout. I worked graveyard and would be unable to sleep for days, living off of energy drinks. I couldn't bare another 8 hour shift without reaching over the counter and strangling a shitty customer for minimum wage. I worked at a gas station where I've been held at gunpoint and scrubbed literal turds off of toilets while still expected to run the register at the same time. I had a homeless man shit in the middle of the store looking dead at me as well. At least one theft by a rotten minority a day. Homeless would spill soda on the floor, eat ketchup packets and jerk off in the corner. No one should spend the prime years of their life trudging through that. Frick oldgays for making society unbearable. Waging wasn't as bad when you all were younger. Your neighborhoods were white. You had teachers that did their job. Your parents actually gave a mild frick about you instead of letting the phone raise you. I wish Zoomzooms would just quit altogether. They may not work, but they're still in college. They need to quit that too. Gen alpha needs to follow. Close the borders. Make society crash to a halt.

          • 4 months ago

            This post reminds me that I lived my prime years 'quietly' because I didn't want to upset my boomer mom, who went on constant vacations. Asking for a little help would have gotten in the way of that, you know? Now boomers are like "yo why aren't you out living, when I was your age blah blah blah the neighbor helped their kid get a great job why don't you have a great job". Insane people, really useless and completely insane. Why does a fallow field never tilled not grow a bountiful crop? The world may never know.

          • 4 months ago

            I was going to leave another comment until you pointed out the changes in human demographics, thanks for that.

        • 4 months ago

          Pretty easily solved by offering better wages or work place concessions.

          • 4 months ago

            Its not a matter of how much they make, they do it because their brains are mashed potatoes from having a screen surgically grafted to their hands for their entire lives. The attention span of a tiktok video is all they will ever have regardless of pay

          • 4 months ago

            Have you tried offering better wages or implementing feedback about the workplace?

          • 4 months ago

            define better wages without using the word livable

          • 4 months ago

            A wage greater than you can get working at a fastfood chain.

          • 4 months ago

            maybe dont work at a fastfood chain?

          • 4 months ago

            So there's your answer why people frick off. You pay shit.

          • 4 months ago

            yes, Im sure your attention span will magically fix itself once you reach a certain income. Good luck out there, and put your phone down

          • 4 months ago

            You completely ignored compromising by accepting workplace feedback.

          • 4 months ago

            He's telling you if you pay better then people who aren't brainfricked zoomer mulattoes will want to work for you and they will actually do the fricking job.

          • 4 months ago

            Literally just offer more money you cheap Black person. You get what you pay for. Smart and quality employees arent going to do something if its not worth their time.

          • 4 months ago

            You’re talking to a wall, my man. I can already tell you what they’re going to say.
            >Frick no! Anybody can do that job. I’m not paying them more!
            The wage gap between minimum wage and entry-level has SEVERELY narrowed. Minimum wage has been kept so low for so long. Traditionally anything slightly better, so long as it has health insurance, is considered the next step.The way cost of living has run away we’ve gone from a minimum wage worker no longer being able to afford an apartment to an entry level no longer being able to afford one. That’s how bad it is. And a lot of those entry-level jobs expect college degrees. This has essentially reduced minimum wage to slave labor, and entry-level at being not a livable wage. So you have this situation here now where buttholes are now justifying the slave wages with, “I’m not paying more than that! My wife is an office manager with a college degree and she only gets paid X!” What needed to happen was for minimum wage to get regular boosts and be paying today around $25 an hour (enough for a flee-trap apartment) while wifey-poo office manager’s salary would have risen accordingly to something around $50 an hour. But none of that happened. So only the lowest common denominator is going to work min wage. So you get all of these backwards arguments:
            >Anybody can work this job. They don’t deserve better pay.
            >I can’t get any good people! ZOOMERS SUCK!
            This obviously cannot continue. My best guess is when corporations just can’t keep workers and automation can’t fill the gap, all of these immigrants who don’t belong here will be allowed to work those jobs “because nobody wants them” (a lie) just exactly like they did with our agricultural industry. Which will place an even heavier squeeze on entry level competition and stagnate or even lower the wages. The way I see it we’re soon destined for crime like we’ve never seen followed by some kind of UBI.

          • 4 months ago

            >This obviously cannot continue. My best guess is when corporations just can’t keep workers and automation can’t fill the gap, all of these immigrants who don’t belong here will be allowed to work those jobs “because nobody wants them” (a lie) just exactly like they did with our agricultural industry. Which will place an even heavier squeeze on entry level competition and stagnate or even lower the wages. The way I see it we’re soon destined for crime like we’ve never seen followed by some kind of UBI.
            You forgot the effect of dumb shitskins on 'easy jobs anyone can do' like delivery guy. You get packages that have been jostled hard and fricked up, or the wrong package entirely. The quality of food you eat suffers until you can't justify 15 bucks for a burger and fries when the burger has some middle eastern woman's hair in it. Every recruiter is some dumb indian moron, every help service speaks english as a second language. Planes blow up in midair. It's just the norm for a 600 dollar computer to be total shit, but you know if you pay for the expensive one 2 or 3 times the price it will also be shit and it'll be a manufacturing failure so the warranty won't matter because they're not going to let a little thing like "the entire process was fricked" get in the way of profit. Eventually it ceases making sense to spend money at all, demand collapses because no one wants the worthless supply of garbage they serve up and the entire system grinds to a halt and collapses.

            But at least boomers got cheap socks at sears in the 1990s.

          • 4 months ago

            >But at least boomers got cheap socks at sears in the 1990s.
            Boomers are laughing, all they had to do was buy land near a city to become a millionaire.

          • 4 months ago

            Boomers are never happy in my experience. They can have millions and then look at their kids being fricked and say "oh no this sucks, I won't have grandkids" while continuing to not help their kids. Womp womp.

          • 4 months ago

            This. You should hear them all start fearfully poormouthing when their conversation becomes remotely somber. You’ll see this group of old ladies dripping in older israeliteelry with no concept of what it’s worth today, who own their homes (and highly likely one or two other homes they rent out), also highly likely an adult child is living with them and paying rent for their bedroom, they’re pulling a $2,500+ retirement check, free healthcare, free gym memberships and other senior discounts or freebies… all fearfully discussing with wide eyes how they’re not sure how long they’re going to be able to hold out in this economy. No real telling what they’ve socked away in their savings or what sort of treasure is in their safety deposit boxes.

            >don't hire the next generation
            >ugh none of these kids have any experience why should I hire them
            Nothing is going to improve until boomers die off en masse.

            Thing is, people would not hate them so much if it weren’t for their ignorant, out-of-touch arrogance and utter lack of empathy. They stare down their noses at young adults as though they’re moronic toddlers, and blame their financial strife on laziness, being bad with money, just mysteriously lacking in skills, or espousing poor work ethics. Boomers remember working part-time summer jobs as teens to be able to buy a decent car. They see no reason why “kids today” aren’t able to do the same thing. Ignorance, defensiveness, and arrogance. Yes, we get it- YOU WORKED HARD FOR WHAT YOU HAVE- WE GET IT! DUH! But we’re all working just as hard as you did. That part-time summer job you worked to buy a car as a teen today will earn a teen AT MOST $2,000 in an economy where a 20-year-old car sells for $3,000.

          • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            Washington State has been running an experiment on minimum wage for the past 7 years by being the only state to peg minimum wage increases to CPI (currently $16.24/hr as of Jan 2024)


            While this could eliminate the lagging and damaging effects of sporadic minimum wage increases if no other states follow suit this could also lead to a flight of manufacturing and other jobs that are not site specific that could have a very negative effect on the overall economy of the state.

          • 4 months ago

            And then when every state raises the minimum wage, the companies leave the country all-together.

          • 4 months ago

            Oh well, slave boy

          • 4 months ago

            I'm making leagues ahead of min wage. But go ahead. Try to explain to me why an 18 year old 20 years ago working min wage should have more purchasing power than an 18 year old today? If we are going to accept that a min wage gets to exist. And also run a fiat currency money system with the goal of inflation @ 2% year over year. Then why would the minimum wage not be pegged to it?

          • 4 months ago

            Good for Washington State. What needs to happen is an increase of federal minimum wage to keep their shitty companies from leaving.

            And then when every state raises the minimum wage, the companies leave the country all-together.

            And then our government tariffs the frick out of them. Which will give opportunities for new domestic companies to grow here. Let the behemoths rot. It’s time our country helped US.

          • 4 months ago

            >if i increase the price of everything and deny them to go somewhere else they will surely create wealth for me
            Or maybe they will just spit in your face and not do shit.

          • 4 months ago

            >The way I see it we’re soon destined for crime like we’ve never seen followed by some kind of UBI.
            This, this situation is going to reach the point where the young break and just start stealing looting from the old

        • 4 months ago

          I hate working with them. One we just hired has the worst attendence I have ever seen, calls out non-stop and takes extra long breaks everytime by using the bathroom everytime he does for 15 minutes. Also I havent seen one yet that can tell time by a non-digital clock.

          why do you Black folk think anyone wants to work hard for you or mrshekelberg
          are you dumb wageccks or sheklberg himself?

          pay more if you want someone to literally sit all his life in his job
          40k is not gonna cut it for me sitting there for 50h a week
          just hire jerome from somalia maybe he will

      • 4 months ago

        Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, thats why I shit on company time.

    • 4 months ago

      I am loathe to shit on younger people, because boomers shit on me relentlessly for many years, but there does seem to be something really off with a lot of Zoomer workers. They seem to be either super hard working or don’t seem to care at all. An office I do work for has a student worker who is basically there to check the mail, run paperwork to other parts of campus, and answer the door. That’s it. It’s a very low-demand job. But if you send that girl off to run a 20 minute errand she’s gone for over an hour. And if nobody is sending her off anywhere and she’s supposed to simply stay put to answer the door, she takes 15 minute bathroom breaks every hour or just walks outside with her phone to disappear for at least half an hour. And she always has food at the front desk she sits at. She is free to sit there and frick around on the computer if she wishes, just sit there and answer the door. How hard is that? Nope. Drives me crazy to see her just not caring at all. Anyway, there has been talk of replacing her but she’s a she and brown so they’re basically stuck with her for the entire semester.

      • 4 months ago

        >she’s a she and brown
        yep. like pottery

    • 4 months ago

      > I own a few breweries, nothing fancy
      > Goes on to complain about zoomers not working hard enough for minimum wage
      Awwww little boom booms is upset that zoomers don’t want to work hard for a wage that likely doesn’t even let them afford a studio apartment and a car from the 90s. You sound like an absolute cheapskate

      • 4 months ago

        Proving his point, poorgay.

        • 4 months ago

          Don’t project on to me homosexual. Keep slaving away for pennies wagie

          • 4 months ago

            What is there to project? You made it clear that a couple breweries is impressive to you. Proles are so tiresome.

      • 4 months ago

        You zooms are so fkn weak and moronic. The only gen to ever enter the workforce with the unrealistic expectation of thinking they should be able to afford a house just because they clock in for a few hours somewhere. Truthpill: nobody before you was able to afford housing on entry level wages either, we rented houses with 10 friends and slept on the fkn couch until we figured out how to make more money.

        • 4 months ago

          My family owned a house from being a bartender and warehouse worker.

          • 4 months ago

            You still can if you are smart and still in an area with affordable housing. You can still get a USDA rural development or FHA home loan with no down payment. Then you pay a mortgage instead of rent and put your money into actually acquiring an asset that will take care of you long term

          • 4 months ago

            No actually I think I will pay my 800 CAD a month rent and just invest my money in other assets.

    • 4 months ago

      I dont hire them for my main company a property development/investment firm so I created a cleaning business. As we have enough work that it would fund it on its own.
      I ended up folding it because it was taking way too much time to manage the zoomies. Theyd just not turn up, accept the job and then never talk again. Ive had multiple text me they are on the way to the property to clean and then not rock up only to get a text a week later asking for work.
      When I was 18 I turned up 15 mins early shoes polished and ready to work. It was just after the GFC though so you had to be spot o .

    • 4 months ago

      Awwww what? You have employees on payroll and they are refusing to work outside of their paid hours? Kick rocks. If it's 9-5 and I'm paid 9-5. I'm not giving my unpaid time to you, moron.

      • 4 months ago

        Nobody that stays late works unpaid, moron. Unhireable zoomer detected

        • 4 months ago

          I train AIs cs concepts and code to them for 45/hr USD WFH. Not an employee though, all contracting work. But it's nice to be able to do my job 24/7 whenever I want.

          And yes absolutely they'll try to get you to do that. I have been in that position before.

          • 4 months ago

            If you fricked up and need to fix it I could see them trying to have you do it for free. It’s still illegal though. A shitty employee still has to be paid and eventually will just be replaced

  8. 4 months ago

    they are the most redpilled but in a neutral/non-weaponized way, they straight up don't give a frick about anything because it's truly over for them no matter how much they try anyways

  9. 4 months ago

    A generation of kids that grew into a work force that was entirely digital so they have no soft skills in terms of how to work with a team properly. The most socially moronic generation to date.

  10. 4 months ago

    Sorry I don't get on my knees and suck boomer wiener for a shitty wage that can't afford me anything but long term debt 😀

    • 4 months ago

      Probably too fat to get on your knees and get up again without help.

  11. 4 months ago

    Man, times have changed. Age discrimination used to be treated VERY seriously, heavily favoring the boomers. I’m Gen X and when it was my turn to enter the job market boomers were retiring out of one system and then re-entering the job market full time in a different system so they could double dip on their retirement in the future. I had a very, VERY hard time securing anything above entry level. Almost every time a more senior position would open up and I had been putting in my good time as a good entry-level worker some boomer would come swanning in to apply for the job and throw their dick out on the coffee table with all of their “prior experience” (elsewhere) and get hired over me. When my generation would complain about this (because it WAS happening, a lot) “well how DARE you! That is age discrimination! Stop being ageist you spoiled brat! They put their time in long before you were even born so stop your complaining! You’ll have your turn…” I mean there used to be all kinds of sensitivity training including a LOT about the sins of discriminating against older workers. Now that I think about it they don’t talk about that shit anymore. It’s all about race and gender now.

  12. 4 months ago

    i have a genZ in my time. it s so much fun. he will just log off when he want to do stuff. it s hilarious

  13. 4 months ago

    Zoomers grew up in a world where their parents were constantly staring at screens instead of at them. A world that turned everything they did into a photo-op or movie - they were inadvertently taught that if what they were doing didn't have an audience it wasn't worth doing. 2-3 years of their formative time was spent in a pandemic(real or fake the lasting impacts are fricked). They're constantly told the earth is about to kill everyone, AI is going to take all the jobs and have seen how companies didn't give a frick about their parents, underpaid everyone and now houses are as expensive as some lottery tickets. Think about it moron. Maybe companies need to adapt to this fricked up climate instead of putting it on their laborers. Shouldn't have started a business if you expected it to be easy homosexual. "Buckle up, pull yourself up by your bootstraps" should apply to the ones creating the jobs the rest of us are forced to do, not the other way around. If you're any good at math - anyone who goes to school for 2-4 years should be making at minimum 100k/year to start. Boomer brains are still trapped in the 70's when 1million dollars was frick you money. Adapt. Zoomers are alright by me. Keep giving the middle finger to these morons lads, you'll make life better for all of us. In fact, I had a couple zoomers come to my door the other day volunteering for the WWF(world wildlife fund). Brought a fricking tear to my eye. Couldn't donate because i'm fricking broke but...their priorities are elsewhere other than getting fricked in the ass by the man. They have my respect.

    • 4 months ago

      Lazy broke moron respects other lazy broke morons

    • 4 months ago

      If the government didn't make regulations that reduce competition, companies would be forced to offer good wages.

  14. 4 months ago

    Because they call in sick constantly or, if they actually come in to work, they spend most of their time either fricking around on their phones or telling you all about their long list of mental illnesses.

    • 4 months ago

      So much this. It’s like if they feel an emotion of any sort it’s other than happiness or superiority then they have mental illness. At the same time I do applaud then for their selfishness and no fricks given attitude. The world don’t owe them shit, but they don’t owe the world shit either. Take the good with the bad I guess.

      I will say the Zoomer are the smartest generation if only in static knowledge. All the younger kids I know are fricking weridly smart. The ones I know learn shit ultra fast and infer solutions faster than most adults I know. But socially they are cancer.

      • 4 months ago

        >It’s like if they feel an emotion of any sort it’s other than happiness or superiority then they have mental illness
        It's because they had narc Boomer/GenX parents who constantly modeled their superiority complex and talked down on "weaker" emotions, not letting their kids express themselves without dad saying the has to trudge 100 miles in a snowstorm to go to school + Being chronically online where their existence and everyone else is a curated brand/advertisement that has to be polished free of all negativity.

        • 4 months ago

          If you can't afford your 401k contributions, or want to prioritize other goals, what the market is or isn't doing has no bearing on that decision.

          Unless you're asking about banking cash to buy the dip in which case please share the make and model of your crystal ball.

          • 4 months ago

            No. If the stock market going up has driven your allocation to be too much towards stocks, then you can rebalance **within your 401k** towards bonds/stable value fund, or you could rebalance outside the 401k provided you do own some outside stocks. I don't see any reasoning by which you should reduce you contributions to get more cash outside the 401k merely because stocks are high, (unless maybe your 401k offers no creditable bond/stable value funds to rebalance into).

            >broke bot

  15. 4 months ago

    >illiterate after decades of policies deemphasizing phonics-based reading instruction
    >addicted to nicotine and vapes
    >"intuitive" smartphone interfaces mean they've never had to learn how email attachments or file systems work or how to touch type
    >social media eroding their attention spans and critical thinking
    >microplastics and seed oils disrupting normal adolescent brain development
    >exposure to internet pornography from a young age
    >Holocaust denialism
    >higher rates of colon cancer than their parents

    • 4 months ago

      This is the one thing zoomers get right tbh. Cope and seethe, midwit cuck.

  16. 4 months ago

    >ageism is okay when we do it to young people

  17. 4 months ago

    Both my parents were absent, I was raised by a single grandmother. I tried my fricking best to make it in this life. I worked at many shitty jobs just trying to make ends meet. Always the pay was low, always management tried to frick me over, always the pain in my body and the aching in my heart was too much. I felt almost no joy from paycheck day because 80% of it would disappear on survival. I could work two hundred years never skipping a day and still not be able to buy a house.

    • 4 months ago

      No. If the stock market going up has driven your allocation to be too much towards stocks, then you can rebalance **within your 401k** towards bonds/stable value fund, or you could rebalance outside the 401k provided you do own some outside stocks. I don't see any reasoning by which you should reduce you contributions to get more cash outside the 401k merely because stocks are high, (unless maybe your 401k offers no creditable bond/stable value funds to rebalance into).

    • 4 months ago

      Life can be tough OP but I wish you the best with finding your place within it.

    • 4 months ago

      This makes me feel bad. There are ways to work through that emotional scar tissue. mindfulness meditation is one.
      It isn't going to fix the economy, and times will still be shit, but it will lead to a happier life for you within the sphere you control - your own mind.

  18. 4 months ago

    Surely never ever hiring people is how you create a sustainable economy. Bridges maintain themselves, after all.

  19. 4 months ago

    They say the same about every generation
    t. Millennial

    • 4 months ago

      It's unironically different.
      >GI gen/Silent gen
      Ate so much shit from 1929 to 1955 that they were just happy to be alive and working.
      Were unironically born during the golden years and screamed because eventually you have to pay for your own things. Have never forgiven their parents or their kids for this 'slight'.
      >gen x
      Came of age right as the economy went through post-cold war contractions. Each time they got close to making it, got fricked by a recession.
      Did not remember the post-cold war contractions, came of age into a war that went on for 20 years. Ate shit forever, but a lot of them cope about things being okay if you just wageslave and eventually put a down payment on a house in the ghetto.
      Literally getting wienerblocked from even working unless they sucked the right dicks. A society wholly in the throes of "it's who you know not what you know" basically total pajeetization where no one does work and talented people go elsewhere. Collapse is accelerating as a result.

      • 4 months ago

        That’s pretty damned accurate. I like to use food as an analogy.
        >Silent Gen lived through the depression. A dinner table with stale bread and water. When the table became resplendent with food they ate until full,, then built chairs for their children to pull up and feast.
        >Boomer gen stayed at the table for second and third helpings while telling their children to go find their own chairs.
        >Gen X subsisted upon table scraps while boomers dragged chairs away from the table and invited hoards of strangers to join the dinner party.
        >Gen Y stood in line to the dining room, gazing in, only to have the door slammed in their face.
        >Gen Z doesn’t even know what that dining room looks like. They’ve outside rummaging through garbage cans.

  20. 4 months ago

    Soil is a great insulator, a mud hut sounds great.
    Something like a hobbit house inside a hill.

    Could build it anywhere too, just build the structure, then cover it in soil.
    Barely would need heating in winter, will stay cool in the summer, and since it's basically just soil from the outside, no need to get a permit or declare you have a house, so no taxes.

    Just have a cuckshed on wheels outside if you have to receive visitors, since you'll officially be living on that plot of land.

    • 4 months ago

      if you built something like that without modern materials and techniques in most of the US or Britain you'd end up with lung cancer by 50 due to radon exposure. that is if you lived that long what with the risk of pneumonia from the mold from constant moisture in all your walls and floors and ceiling. I was just thinking about what it would take to make a hobbit house actually work the other day. using non-modern materials your only hope would be to basically dig out the house and tar every surface, so say on the floor you'd need to lay out a mat of tar to lay your foundation on as a moisture barrier, then you'd need to tar the outside of all the walls really good then tar the top of your roof before you put the soil back over top of it. you'd also need at least one clay pipe running vertical to the surface for air flow or you'd risk suffocation at worst and c02 brain fog at best.

  21. 4 months ago

    >they have no workplace skills, so we can't hire them!
    And how do you think they get fricking workplace skills without a job? This is the same bullshit they pulled on millennials like myself who were trying to enter the workforce in the times of the Great Recession. I didn't manage to get ahold of a full-time permanent position after graduating HS in 2008 until 20fricking15. Praise be to cryptocurrency because now I'm FI and don't have to deal with that level of entitled buttholery anymore.

  22. 4 months ago
  23. 4 months ago

    lazy as frick
    but they know racism when they see it!

  24. 4 months ago

    >now cucked out of better jobs because of my cohort, let alone nepo wienersucking for anything decent paying
    this shit is gay as frick; internet articles are increasingly antagonistic just to compete with other rags but normies take it as gospel
    can't wait for houses to go up more than my yearly salary again this year because the news keeps saying it's super affordable and low CoL and houses everywhere

  25. 4 months ago

    Boomers are spending their last years on Earth shoving zoomers out of the job market. If it wasn't for my grandparents, I would have wished for COVID to spread across the world the moment it started, plus be at least 2x more deadly.

  26. 4 months ago

    It wasn't covid it was mass immigration, intentional cultural destruction, people destroying their patrimony/inheritance so their kids get nothing, people becoming total degenerates and neglecting and abusing their children, and choosing it the whole time.
    There are no real communities, no cities, no towns where that anything really makes sense, it's all full of sub humans being allowed to destroy everything around them to demoralize people.
    Older generations chose that and maintained it, exposing their kids to whatever new product not thinking about long term health impacts. Poison food, poison water, giving young girls birth control, men ssirs/psych meds, early exposure to screens disrupting their sleep/brain development, let alone weird psyops at school and in the media.
    I'm on the edge of being a zoomer (27) now, I am putting the most minimal effort into work and not developing any relationships with anyone. Our currency inflates at such an extreme rate (10-20% for the past couple years) and no matter how good you work or how well liked you are you will only get a 2-5% annual raise, and if you try enough to get a promotion your salary bump will still probably be less then inflation. Even if you get money the quality of everything has gone down so far getting anything is a compromise so even something like getting a house is miserable because it will probably be built like shit or in a bad area or surrounded by indians.
    Being a good employee is for suckers, be good enough at what you do to glide through maybe learn something if it will be useful later, then leave after a couple years and find a new place. (and put all the excess into btc).

    Glad to see zoomers helping to annoy the shit out of these people, I guess they'll just try to get some more moronic indians to avoid taking responsibility for the mess they've made.

  27. 4 months ago

    really dumb and helpless.
    even sending an email is impossible them.

    also very weak willed and unmotivated.

  28. 4 months ago

    From my experience, most just don’t want to try and there’s no incentive to do so. They come in and do the bare minimum, and as much as boomer managers love to complain, deep down they are just grateful to have a warm body in a chair.
    Why are you shocked? Look at all the posts you see on this board about how everyone hates to work and can’t wait to escape the wage cage.

  29. 4 months ago

    zoomers are too tiktok brained for work

  30. 4 months ago

    Lying with statistics
    The survey question wasn't if you'd avoid hiring gen z, but if you'd avoid hiring gen z with preference for an older generation
    Read between the lines - 69% therefore saying they would not hire another generation over gen z.
    Then you look at their complaints
    >Asks for too much money (42%)
    Employer doesn't offer enough money
    >Acts entitled (41%)
    Standard complaint about the younger generation for millennia
    >Lacks communication skills (39%)
    >Aren’t prepared (36%)
    >Don’t ask questions (36%)
    >Don’t seem engaged/interested (33%)
    Not a generation specific complaint
    >Ghost (31%)
    Employers do this all the time
    >Have a bad resume (27%)
    Everyone's first resume is bad
    >Performs poorly (24%)
    Typical part of hiring
    >Lies (21%)
    Everyone lies

  31. 4 months ago

    Because Gen Z is the least white generation

  32. 4 months ago


    Didn't read

    • 4 months ago

      Ya reading a few sentences would be challenging for someone like you.

  33. 4 months ago

    Pure lazy c**ts, simple as.
    I appreciate the pay is shit, but so is mine as a millennial, but I do what I am paid for and not an inch more.
    Gen x and boomers do work after hours and shit.
    Zoomers want to be paid and do absolutely nothing what so ever.

    • 4 months ago

      The pay isn’t shit for zooms though. My kid is a parking lot attendant at a ski resort and makes $25 an hour. The same job payed $7 an hour 10 years ago. Everything starts at $20 an hour now. Entry level work is the only income bracket that has doubled in the last few years.

      • 4 months ago

        Does he and his coworkers demonstrate good work ethic?

        • 4 months ago

          He does, his coworkers do not. All he want to do is make money, so he takes as many hours as he can and thinks about how to double his wage in the next year. If anything, he overvalues his earning potential, but he’s quite driven to make it happen so it will probably work out

  34. 4 months ago

    I love our new zoomie colleagues, they're based. As soon as 4pm rolls around they're fricking GONE kek. Sometimes the boomers try delay them leaving at their finishing time but it's rare.

  35. 4 months ago

    I'm lucky that I'm a late zoomie. It is tough to get a job as a young guy nowadays -- even for me, with an MSc in CS, I could only get a job because my professor knew a guy who knew a guy.

    • 4 months ago

      I've met multiple people with eng and cs degrees saying it was near impossible and not worth it to find work in their field

  36. 4 months ago

    I have a couple of zoomer interns that work under me. They're not bad, just inexperienced. If anything they have no confidence in their work even when they do things the right way. I don't really understand the hate boomers and genX have for them.

  37. 4 months ago

    >don't hire the next generation
    >ugh none of these kids have any experience why should I hire them
    Nothing is going to improve until boomers die off en masse.

  38. 4 months ago

    do these hiring managers have even the faintest idea of how demography works, it mean it isnt rocket surgery here people age so if you want to have workers at all you will have to hire the next cohort of people and even train them up to have the skills you need
    or have we finally arrived at peak boomerism where they know they only are in the labor force for another 2-3 years and letting it all rot as they go
    still supremely moronic for who do they think will make shit so the boomer can actually live in his retirement

    any company with even the faintest hint of intelligence should be happy with any warm body with a 3 digit iq that shows up no matter how bad their socialization has been that can be fixed if they have a 3 digit iq

  39. 4 months ago

    also after seeing this entire thread what the frick happened here
    seems like some form of /misc/ spam bot broke down here lol, i mean no real anon here would be moronic enough to actually reply to the very transparant forum sliding being on full display here

    • 4 months ago

      Cope + seethe.

  40. 4 months ago

    Full video:


    >wanting to hire people with this attitude

    • 4 months ago

      100% in favor of the zoomer
      there is absolutely no reason to go outside the confines of his employment contract he knows he isnt getting paid shit for coming in early so why the frick should he

      the onus lies on the business owners/managers to recognize the times have shifted and they have to adapt or die
      the attitude of i was fricked in the ass when i was young now its my turn to frick young people over has got to stop or you will go bankrupt easy peasy

      • 4 months ago

        this is bullshit the minimum wage should be at least a living wage and these boomers need to wake up and give us a raise because we are the ones doing all the work and you know what these boomers had it good when they were our age they were able to afford homes and cars and take care of their families we should be able to do the same

      • 4 months ago

        this. I would always hate when my boomer Dad told me, "on time is late, 15 minutes early is on time, and 30 minutes early is early." If you want me to come in half an hour early then just tell me that's what you want for fricks sake. Don't give me lip for abiding by our settled contract after the fact.

  41. 4 months ago

    Low I.Q. because of phones

  42. 4 months ago

    Gen Z will be incapable of participating in society while Millennials and Gen Aplha chads thrive. Love to see it.

  43. 4 months ago

    i see pajeets are more active than usual, look at all these broken bucks itt

  44. 4 months ago

    >only 31% rejecting Genz

  45. 4 months ago

    They offer absolutely no value, only trouble.

  46. 4 months ago

    because they are brain dead homosexuals literally

  47. 4 months ago

    Zoom zoom here
    I cannot take jobs seriously because there is no correlation between hard work and pay. I've had jobs before where I've genuinely tried my best and I was walked all over by my boss and paid dog shit money. This is a fake economy, fake jobs, fake money. I'm not going to slave for the parasitic overclass and why should I work when onlyfans b***hes get millions a year?

    • 4 months ago

      it's sad how spoiled they are

      • 4 months ago

        >dude just another 8 hour shift and I'll be able to afford my new funko pops!!
        >dude if you come in early every day you'll get a 20 cent raise in 5 years!
        >we're like a family here we are your family
        >yeah we have benefits but you need to do x y and z to get them hehehe
        Imagine wanting to be a part of the cesspit that is modern wagecuckery

    • 4 months ago

      Keep switching jobs until you find a good one. I think that's the only way. Plenty of jobs with reasonable expectations and pay, but they fill up fast. Yeah it's shitty thats the way it is, but at least there is a path to win.

    • 4 months ago

      same and im a millenial
      job market sucks ass and they really make it shitty for white men

    • 4 months ago

      I hear you. I’m gen x and had the same problem, BUT at least with getting paid shit and treated like shit I could afford a crappy apartment, keep a shit car running, and catch a movie now and then. And I thought I had it bad back then. Lol. Lmao even. I had NO fricking idea where we were headed- straight fricking down. It just makes me sick. And there was nothing we could do when we were told “VOTE VOTE VOTE!” and constantly getting creamed by the massive boomer voting block. Assuming, of course, that voting still made a difference. It probably did not. I know that today voting doesn’t matter.

    • 4 months ago

      You're absolutely correct. In this economy the only way to make it is to go full mercenary mode and job hob every couple of years. Loyalty is for chumps and doing extra work leads to more work.

    • 4 months ago

      >I'm not going to slave for the parasitic overclass and why should I work when onlyfans b***hes get millions a year?

      So, how are you going to eat?

  48. 4 months ago

    >go to $1x/hr job that doesn't pay living wage, put attention and effort into fulfilling your duties and responsibilities, end the day with self esteem and a get a good nights rest. continue looking for new opportunities that may pay higher, get a great reference if needed or a guaranteed re-hire as a fallback if new ventures don't work out.
    >this enrages and confuses the "minimum wage minimum effort" zoomer coworkers who clock in and drag their feet, stew in miserable mental states all day and goes home to watch millionaire zoomer "content creators" late into the night

    • 4 months ago

      lol bro yeah right i can't believe this is what zoomers are about nowadays back in my day we took any job given to us and we just worked our asses off we put in the hours and the effort and we didn't complain and you know what that was enough back then it was enough to get by but that wasn't good enough for these lazy-ass zoomers

  49. 4 months ago

    >Why are zoomies unhireable?
    Normies are low IQ yet can still understand on a subconscious level that the so-called "social contract" no longer exists and they have no meaningful future as a generation in their own country.

    Plus most average Gen Z men know they won't be able to find a decent b***h and start a family because hypergamy has cucked them out of the game completely, so why bother? If they can survive at a basic subsistence level without extra work, then why work? You can lie to women and give them false hope, but young men understand statistics. They can see where this is trending. There is no answer that society has for this so all it does is mock these men into remaining quiet about it.

  50. 4 months ago

    based zoomers dabbing on boomers by refusing to participate in their fricked up systems

  51. 4 months ago

    >Why are zoomies unhireable?
    No incentives to work hard. Rather than offer incentives like a house and traditional family, they've opted to coerce people to work with threats of eviction, making mortgage repayments, alimony/child support etc. If you are going to own nothing anyways, it makes more sense to just use system exploits such as welfare like the Black folk do.

  52. 4 months ago

    They subcounsciously realized that it is almost impossible for them to get ahead in life in any reasonable timeframe. Putting in the hours and being a diligent worker gives you more hours and more work, not better salary. And even if thry did everything by the book, after all is said and done, how much could they save at the end of the month? $500? And that's if they love a semi-isolated lifestyle? Good luck buying a house with that

    • 4 months ago

      >They subcounsciously realized that it is almost impossible for them to get ahead in life in any reasonable timeframe.
      This. The game is up, and even the most normie of morons intuitively senses it. Boomers say younggays don't want to work, but there is nothing to work *toward* anymore. It is actually, unironically over. Best case scenario you're able to israelitemaxx enough cash to have a nice retirement for you and your family, but everything on the institutional level is fricking done for.

  53. 4 months ago


    >we wuz ancient ethiopians nigguh
    Go back to your trailer park moron

    • 4 months ago

      bruh i totally see what you mean you are spitting facts bro i am so sorry that you have to deal with all of these trailer trash idiots i feel your pain dawg bro you are right that trailer park life is terrible

  54. 4 months ago

    because their parents (gen x) were the biggest lawnmower parents ever to exist, pushing for all obstacles that people normally face to be removed from society

    just look at how public schools have changed in 20 years

    >behave how you want - no more suspensions
    >remove all competency tests for graduation
    >homework banned
    >take tests as many times as you want
    >if you fail it's the teacher's fault

    no shock that this is the dumbest generation ever to exist

    • 4 months ago

      I'm not Gen X, but the real problem is the Boomers. They're the first generation that didn't know how to be Elders - they're just old people. Every generation prior knew how to be Elders.

      This matters.

      • 4 months ago

        ask any teacher who has taught for 20+ years

        boomers were FAR better parents than gen x

        they actually disciplined their children

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, and 20 years ago those schools were packed with white kids who had dads. Now they’re overflowing with welfare kids with no dads and SHIT TONS of immigrant ESL kids.

      >behave how you want - we don’t want to get sued for racism
      >remove all competency tests for graduation - we don’t want to get sued for racism
      >homework banned - the minority kids won’t do it and we don’t want to get sued for racism
      >take tests as many times as you want - we don’t want to get sued for racism
      >if you fail it's the teacher's fault - because we don’t want to get sued for racism

      • 4 months ago

        it's a fricking joke

        • 4 months ago

          The Housing Bubble of 2008 really fricked over metro Detroit. Previously White owned homes turned into rentals with Blacks moving, with the White owners quickly having enough of that shit and sold to Blacks for a loss. This causes a spiral of home sales to more Blacks and so on.

          I've all my life in Warren MI and it used to be a great city but now, it's only getting worse.

  55. 4 months ago

    >69% of hiring managers say that israelites rape kids

  56. 4 months ago

    While I kind of agree with the sentiment that there is nothing to work towards, I find you can have a purpose still. Perhaps there might be a time where we can actually have a part in some revolution to work towards the good of mankind. However, a lot of the younger generation does not believe in working physically hard, they are physical b***hes. The life they want that they feel is to far out of reach is an ultimate zoomer cuckold fantasy.

    Just make do and work hard, if you die trying then at least you tried. You can't be so selfish to not consider anything but yourself

  57. 4 months ago

    maybe you're not old enough to remember but they basically said the same stuff about millennials back in the day.

  58. 4 months ago

    Zoomer here. Its because 90% of college is online and there's a multitude of ways to google/cheat your way out of almost everything. Every textbook I have is an ebook and homework is a simple copy and paste, and we get so many second chances on tests you have to be moronic to fail. Everyone who gets out of college gets all As and Bs but most dont remember a single thing they learned, and it becomes pretty clear when you start hiring especially in finance and STEM fields

  59. 4 months ago

    would you hire one?

  60. 4 months ago

    Gen Z is more diverse. Im sure the white kids arent bad. Although everything is too easy and accessible now so when they hit a road block where there is no solution they cant solve it. Up until they hit the workforce there was always a yt episode or forum that could answer their problem. But at work you often have to use your own brain to solve the issue. This is new for them. Theyll get there though. Just started at 24 rather than say 8. Far less need for creativity.

  61. 4 months ago

    They have self respect.

  62. 4 months ago

    Have you ever worked with a zoomer? My boss has hired 3 so far, and they can't actually work. They just chat all day long, walk around, make up excuses, and don't want to learn anything. I'm serious, they are not willing to learn the job, they just ask for tutorials again and again, and it's been months since they were hired.

  63. 4 months ago

    I don't think it's really that much about personality but they really lack basic skills that are now needed. There are people graduating from universities who have never used Word or don't know how to send an email.

    They lack the simplest skills that we assume everyone has and it's just easier to hire 35 year old boomers than spend two weeks teaching every new recruit how to use a fricking computer.

  64. 4 months ago

    >69% hire zoomers
    >somehow this is news
    Now ask how many hire gen X? I'm sure it's even lower.

  65. 4 months ago

    Lazy, short attention span, entitled
    Zoomies thought they'd emancipate from boomer management KEK

  66. 4 months ago

    In my opinion as a zoomie, there are two camps;
    1) WASP/Mormon/Select asian families which raise brainwashed super wagies
    2) Everyone else which are the pseudo-atheist consumer masses which are used to only putting out for the correct paycheck

    As per most things, there’s a sweet spot which is realizing there’s a purpose to working beyond just cash, and that work for works sake won’t save you

  67. 4 months ago

    I just turned 18 the other month, in January, so I'll throw in my two cents from the zoomer perspective.
    I think a lot of people lack purpose or direction. This was true in millennial circles as well, but the problem has worsened. Many people, I believe, subconsciously know the jobs they are going to college for are fake, useless in the grand scheme of things.
    Younger people today are completely demoralized, think they live in the matrix, are not on planet Earth. They have spent their entire childhoods being taught that nothing matters. This is derived from a combination of things:
    Black folk turning the public sphere into a circus. Nothing is serious with a hood Black horsing around. A school of white kids in an advanced program all work hard and diligently. If you start adding poor, fatherless black people to the mix, it quickly becomes ridiculous. Trying to get any work done close to the hoots and hollers of * literal * monkeys will demoralize you, no doubt about it.
    2. The jobs are fake, the economy is fake. Maybe 25% of people doing labour right now actually need to be doing labour. The labour that zoomers are doing are making sandwiches or coffees, typing numbers into a spreadsheet or responding to e-mails, or creating social media profiles to try and profit off some esoteric dropshipping scheme. It is impossible to even conceive of taking work like this seriously to a zoomer. You can make a million dollars, right now, if you just had 400,000 twitter followers and a Patreon. That's clown shit.
    These two things have led to the primal, subconscious thoughts of a zoomer being flooded with "nothing matters". Because they've been taught to think so since elementary school.
    It took me two years after dropping out of highschool to block out the mind-numbing, constant psyops that were forced on me. When you're this young, you're being propagandized by your teachers, your parents, and by millions of people on social media as well.
    The only good zoomers work in trades.

  68. 4 months ago

    Fake news.


  69. 4 months ago

    >Why are zoomies unhireable?

    56 year old here and IMO, they're all lazy pussies.

    I work in the warehouse for a food distribution/processing facility and the young people (and I'm talking up to 30 years old) constantly come in late, blow off work completely and do as little as they can possibly get away with.

    I'm glad I'll be dead when the zoomers take over, because this nation will go down the toilet and when the Chinese take over, they won't put up with that shit.

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