Why did Spanish and Portuguese colonization take such a different path to English?

Why did Spanish and Portuguese colonization take such a different path to English?

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  1. 3 years ago

    non-whites mixing is pretty common so the spanish/portuguese method is understandable

    • 3 years ago

      Could this be because the reconquista just finished and this idea of pure blood wasnt as strong like in England (even though some claim racism began in Spain)

      • 3 years ago

        Race was less of a strong concept on the 1500’s and 1600’s. It didn’t become of prominent to the point of a one drop rule existing in the 1600’s. The Portuguese Empire I know was a bit less racist in the 1800’s than other European Empire’s because they knew they had some black and North African blood.

        • 3 years ago

          Even if Iberians had some NA, wouldnt they still see themselves as Iberian and preserve that even if they didnt see themselves as white in the sense we use today (this idea of white doesnt exist in Europe still while local nationalism does)

          I guess my question is, why didnt they care more for their own iberian specific blood?

          • 3 years ago

            They did care for it, the had a caste system in that put whites and European born whites on top. For the Spanish they conquered vast numbers of Indios and mixed with them as a means of assimilating them. Spain sent over it’s single lonely poor men to get a harem of Indo girls. They also allowed them to help push Catholicism on the Indians. The English on the other hand where dealing with very small native populations that were hunter gatherers and hard to assimilate. And again I think religiously they didn’t care to convert them. Puritans pilgrims believed in predetermination so those Indians were going to hell anyway. Virgin was more of a money making enterprise than a religious one, so Anglicans may have felt some duty to convert but less than Catholics and they mostly just wanted to make money in a mercenary fashion.

          • 3 years ago


          • 3 years ago

            Did Virginias settlers know they were settling a new country or were they under the impression they were there for a job? It would explain why they brought slaves if they didnt think theyd have to live by them

          • 3 years ago

            At first they thought they were looking for gold. Then they all started dying because no gold. John Smith became the totalitarian dictator and organized the colony into a food growing venture. Eventually they figured out they could make money by growing Tobacco. First the new elites brought in indentured servant whites but they were angsty and revolted a lot. So eventually they switched to “indentured servant” blacks, who they just never let free after a while.

          • 3 years ago

            when did it dawn on them they were gonna make the colonies there home? Before or after african slaves?

          • 3 years ago

            Probably once they realized they were not gonna find gold there and be rich in Europe. The slave thing is complicated because they were first using indentured servants and enslaving Christians was kind of a sin. So it took some time before they fully considered blacks slaves forever because of their race. Some blacks converted and got freedom early on.

            But the early English settlers took up shop on the coast to become the elite, and they tried to bring in new settler indentured servants for interior and slaves to be beneath them in the new hierarchy of virgina.

          • 3 years ago

            Imaging an unmixed Mexico right now


          • 3 years ago

            Unmixed Mexico would not be Mexico. Also, Juan Jose Padilla is very popular in Mexico and he seems to like it too.

          • 3 years ago

            Yeah cowboy culture and traditional spanish attire is popular in Mexico, although its better in Spain

          • 3 years ago

            I do like Spain. People are friendly, and the racism problem against Latin-Americans isn't really there anymore. It's very nice to visit the country that started it all. It's also evidence that white people can cook well. It's just anglos that suck.

          • 3 years ago

            My Latin American friend visited Spain and the airport security guard told him that European Spaniards are more evolved than him because he was Indio.

          • 3 years ago


          • 3 years ago

            actually laughed at this

          • 3 years ago

            >90 IQ taxi driver DESTROYS 120 IQ midwit with FACTS and LOGIC

          • 3 years ago

            That's extremely sad. Then again, your friend is traveling the world and that fricking guy was working as a security guard. Argentina is also top-tier, as well as Colombia (if a bit dangerous).

          • 3 years ago

            Ya I assume the security guard was a loser. My friend was also pretty gay, skinny brown kid that was always whining about shit. His Parents were illegal immigrants to America.

          • 3 years ago

            Kek. I can almost picture the face he made because I know someone just like that.

          • 3 years ago

            I might sound like a LULZ schizo for this, but I genuinely believe people that encounter racists deserve it and attract them in some karmic loa type of way. It has never been a problem for me

          • 3 years ago

            I suppose the racism is a product of colonialism, I was in New Zealand and with a local who figured out I was of Irish ancestry and told be he was of Scottish ancestry and the Scottish were racially superior to the Irish. So I think a similar sort of situation.

          • 3 years ago

            Racism is a product of experiencing shitskins
            Friendly reminder they’ve found the genes for high intelligence and blacks and browns don’t have them

          • 3 years ago

            That's such a weird thing to even bring up. Hope the guy takes his meds.

          • 3 years ago

            It was in the context of a conversation we were having, still he was a deeply racist guy. Not sure if he was serious or is was some kind of misguided joke. Kind of a schrodinger's douchebag situation.

          • 3 years ago

            Racism isn’t a problem shitskin

          • 3 years ago


          • 3 years ago


          • 3 years ago

            yikes anon

      • 3 years ago

        >Could this be because the reconquista just finished and this idea of pure blood wasnt as strong like in England (even though some claim racism began in Spain)
        The Reconquista created the concept of pure blood

  2. 3 years ago

    I suspect a difference in religion. The French were Catholic and also mixed with the Cree. Protestants feel much less duty to convert people than Catholics who need to convert the entire world. So Protestant could just kill all the natives and never convert. The Dutch did the same.

  3. 3 years ago

    want it because the people who started to colonize NA were actual families, but the ones who came to SA were just the soldiers who proceeded to create families with the natives?

    • 3 years ago

      Mexico, Quebec and Brazil crawled so the US could run

  4. 3 years ago

    Imagine being a Brazilian nationalist. By the way, USA invented the aircraft.

    • 3 years ago

      Brazil is one of the ugliest countries I've ever seen on google maps, literally looked war torn but worse because it had graffiti everywhere.
      I don't know how Germans stay there

  5. 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      imagine settling for some boring asian looking chick when you have this at home

      • 3 years ago

        >Imagine buying a shit Italian car like a Ferrari, when you can have this Ford Pinto
        Are you stupid?

    • 3 years ago

      pic unrel?

  6. 3 years ago

    The Catholic mandate for colonization rested on it being about converting pagans and integrating them into the Christian world and - more importantly - the Church was a separate institution from the state that was carrying out the colonization, so it could and would act against that state and the white colonists if doing so was in its interest, with the mandate being violated as a pretext.

    e.g. the Jesuits had no problem arming and training Guarani natives when Portuguese slavers started encroaching on their turf

    Catholic monarchs know that the Church doesn't care if there's a Spanish/Portuguese Catholic Empire or a bunch of independent Catholic states in its place (actually, the Church would prefer the latter, because big Catholic empires have a tendency to try and control the Church), and act accordingly by playing by the rules.

    • 3 years ago

      tl;dr: you can't frick with the natives too much because the Church will use that as an excuse to frick with you, so you just frick the natives.

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