Why do commies love the GDR? It was poorer than the west, killed its citizens trying to escape, etc

Why do commies love the GDR? It was poorer than the west, killed its citizens for trying to escape, and kept a lot of fascist aspects from the Nazis.

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  1. 3 years ago


  2. 3 years ago

    who lol

  3. 3 years ago

    >it was poorer than the West
    Even the West/CIA didn't agree with this statement.

    • 3 years ago

      I'm claiming shenanigans, because parity with west germany is simply ludicrous. Outperforming Italy, eh. Actually, isn't Italy a little high?

      • 3 years ago

        Italy was fine by the late 80s/90s, northern Italy was almost as rich as Germany

        • 3 years ago

          Preposterous. Italy is never fine. It is a swamp in which no sane man would venture.

          • 3 years ago

            Italy in 1991 had the worlds fourth largest economy after U.S, Japan and Germany.

    • 3 years ago

      >GDR outperforming western germany and almost all of western europe
      Very subtle tankie lmao

    • 3 years ago

      >Italy lower than the UK in the 1980s
      I'm calling bullshit on this whole map. This is exactly when Italy was still doing well and the Warsaw Pact's economic problems were starting to become a publicly acknowledged and debate topic within their countries

      • 3 years ago

        Hindsight bias, the post. In the 1980s Nobel Prize winning economists were still predicting the USSR's eclipse of the US economy in the 2000s.

        >GDR outperforming western germany and almost all of western europe
        Very subtle tankie lmao

        The CIA is the most powerful tankie org on earth. I hear in the depths of Langely they have a secret shrine to Stalin where all the glowies go to pray.

        I'm claiming shenanigans, because parity with west germany is simply ludicrous. Outperforming Italy, eh. Actually, isn't Italy a little high?

        >grug mad because preconceived notions of world challenged by fact... grrr...

        • 3 years ago

          Any moron can make a meme image and slap
          >source: le CIA xD
          on it. It seems very implausible and I'm not going to blindly believe some .jpg. I'm going to look it up though.

          • 3 years ago

            The GDP per capita of west Germany was almost twice that of the GDR according to (they even cite the CIA as well, go figure)

            >inb4 muh wikipedia
            Still more reliable than you meme pic

            >GNP: $174.7 billion, $10,400 per capita;
            growth rate 2.4% (1985)
            I love how people pretend to be ultra critical skeptics the moment that anything differs from their preconceived notions, hyper-analyzing every little bit as though they aren't scared 105IQ brainlets whose world is being shattered by one communist country having a strong economy.

          • 3 years ago

            The reason I'm sceptic is because I know people who have lived there and the economy was one of the reasons why the country collapsed. They also recieved financial aid from the west and there was a huge black market for all kinds of products. Add to that the whole turning-your-entire-country-into-a-giant-prison-to-keep-people-from-fleeing-thing and it's really hard to believe that they were doing BETTER than the west.

          • 3 years ago

            >people are susceptible to propaganda
            >sold their nation down the river for some Black music and fizzy corn juice
            I think the real tragedy of communism's fall is what it says about humanity as a whole. People were given peace, prosperity, stability, all the happy trad families they could want... and they still spit at it. They thought homelessness was propaganda to keep them afraid of capitalism, keeping them from their precious consumer goods which would make them *truly* happy. When you look at globohomosexual hell, remember, this is the future humanity expressly asked for.

            Why? Do you know what kind of hoops you had to jump through to buy a car or even fricking furniture in the Soviet Union? They were in constant deficit of consumer goods. The only thing they could manufacture well was tanks.

            Tanks are part of GDP. All kinds of stuff which is useless to the average person is part of the Western GDP too. It's a decent statistic, but not without flaws.

          • 3 years ago

            >It's a decent statistic, but not without flaws.
            It's absurd. Why not add all the bunkers that Albania built to the GNP and call them the Switzerland of the Balkans.

          • 3 years ago

            >People were given peace, prosperity, stability, all the happy trad families they could want...
            Yeah, as long as they said yes and amen to everything the party did and never asked any critical questions. And if it was all just propaganda, why did they have to build the wall? The people were leaving in droves before it was erected and never looked back. Maybe reality is propaganda as well?

          • 3 years ago

            Even if we take those numbers at face value, the GDR was still a tyrannical shithole that jailed and totured political dissidents, had to build walls and mine fields to keep their own people from leaving and collapsed after less than 5 decades. Not really a win for socialists, is it?

          • 3 years ago

            Great, now your criticizing it based on fact. This is a good start. Yes, I think that the efforts that communists had to go through to get people to accept their utopia is pretty damning. People don't want good things, and this is the world they asked for. I think the communists should have just let people leave, but let them know there's no hope of them ever coming back. It would be a great eugenic program in the end, the West could have all the scum of the earth and more resources could go towards making healthy, happy generations of model socialists instead of feeding ingrates.

          • 3 years ago

            >It's not my system that is wrong, it's those damn humans!

            And since when is an authoritarian hellhole a utopia? Don't socialists usually pretend they care about freedom and democracy?

          • 3 years ago

            Yeah, the average human is scum. Go talk to the average person and disagree if you want, but you'd just be bullying yourself at that point.
            >Don't socialists usually pretend they care about freedom and democracy?
            Isn't that the mistake that led to the fall of communism in Eastern Europe in the first place? They truly believed that the average person wasn't a shortsighted moron who could be bribed into submission with 99c sucrose water buckets. Ffs, Stalin was willing to hand over East Germany if they allowed the communists to compete in fair elections and ensure Germany's neutrality lmao. Fricking idealist lib.

            Learn from the past. China sure did.

          • 3 years ago

            Ah yes, the socialist finally reveals his authoritarian, elitist mindset. No surprises here. Thank god you morons don't hold any power here.

          • 3 years ago

            >meme buzzwords and protestant social teaching
            Is that all you losers ever have? It's no shock that your cultures lack any concept of shame.

        • 3 years ago

          The GDP per capita of west Germany was almost twice that of the GDR according to (they even cite the CIA as well, go figure)

          >inb4 muh wikipedia
          Still more reliable than you meme pic

    • 3 years ago

      >UK gdp per capita almost the same as the USSR

      no wonder glowBlack person intelligence is so bad

      • 3 years ago

        I'd believe it

        • 3 years ago

          Why? Do you know what kind of hoops you had to jump through to buy a car or even fricking furniture in the Soviet Union? They were in constant deficit of consumer goods. The only thing they could manufacture well was tanks.

      • 3 years ago

        Have you looked at what UK wages are like?

    • 3 years ago

      >it's real (aside from Portugal which was edited for memes)
      what the frick was the CIA smoking?

      • 3 years ago

        Generally, intelligence agencies try not to succumb to normie propaganda and biases, or they'd suck at their job. Underestimating (or overestimating) your enemy is a moronic mistake. The CIA has other such classics as the average Soviet eating a better diet than the average American, pretty funny tbh.

        • 3 years ago

          >average Soviet eating a better diet than the average American
          Wasn't that true if you consider sugar and junk food as negatives?

    • 3 years ago

      You know western academia and intelligence had the remarkable habit of taking the official eastern bloc numbers for real even though they were totally made up?:
      (summary of a longer report by a german professor of statistics on east german economic statistics)

    • 3 years ago

      The CIA is not to be trusted when providing statistics about the Eastern Bloc. They routinely over estimated capabilities to justify their own budget and general governmental corruption (eg the air force's budget)

    • 3 years ago

      >being relatively prosperous until adopting free market and then collapse and never recover.
      Pizza hut bros, I thought we had an objectively better system...
      >b-b-but they are over estimatin-
      I think righties seem to forget why they were called the second world.
      >my system is better even though it's built on 300 year old power structures,
      nice confirmation bias there free marketards.

  4. 3 years ago

    Reminder that East Germany was so shitty that...

    >There was a massive workers protest and uprising against their new soviet overlords which was brutally suppressed (typical communist hypocrisy)

    >by 1961 20/TWENTY percent had fled to the west

    >The Commies experienced such a drain that they had to build a fricking wall to keep their people

    >still people would rather brave that murder gauntlet than live in a communist shithole (most of these were working class btw. Nice utopia homosexuals)

    >for all the “USA CIA PUPPET!” Shit troonypol says, DDR has no sovereignty and were puppets of Moscow. Their leader even made out with Brezhnev like the good little cuck he is

    • 3 years ago

      >righties would risk dying to get some pizza hut because they believe in muh god moronation
      being rightwing is a mental illness

  5. 3 years ago

    The fall of the DDR in 1989 directly led to the development of modern, soulless, globohomosexual Germany. Better to be poor and keep your national identity rather than end up like "Strong United Germany" has in our timeline.

    • 3 years ago


      • 3 years ago

        It’s aight bro

  6. 3 years ago

    Leftists are completely moronic.

  7. 3 years ago

    It was a bastion of socialism and democracy in the heart of Europe. Where everyone had a job and a home and there was no war.
    Unlike West Germany, which is ruled by neonazis to this day, where prostitution, fascism, militarism, drug abuse, exploitation, racism, Zionism, colonial grip on Greece, pornography and bourgeois tyranny rule.

    • 3 years ago

      >Unlike West Germany, which is ruled by neonazis to this day

      That's a weird kind of Neo-Nazism they practice there

      • 3 years ago

        Gladio agents and slave labourers for German capitalists.

        • 3 years ago

          Its capitalistic as frick sure, but its not Nazi. West German culture is ethnically masochistic to an insane degree.

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