Why do people keep saying Lua is faster than Rust

Lua is not faster than Rust, it is not. Notihng is faster or safer than Rust. Rust is very fast, very safe. I dont understand why people keep ignoring me by saying "your brown" like as if they have just proven something to me. I cannot understand why lua jobs actually earn more than rust does, this makes me very angry.

Rust is faster than C and C++, so why are all people saying Lua is better? Lua is slower than rust, I can promise you that, I know for sure. Rust is the fastest, and it does not matter how many times you people will call me brown for saying it

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  1. 1 month ago

    >Rust is faster than C and C++
    [citation needed]

    • 1 month ago

      It is because it is a more expressive language allowing for better compiler optimization.
      Other than that it makes it a lot less a pain to use all threads and concurrency which means for the same effort you are gonna have faster software.
      Also stuff like tail call optimization.

      • 1 month ago

        and that's why it's not the case in the real world, because just like in the real world, it's not actually more expressive than C++

      • 1 month ago

        tail call optimization is in both and C and C++ moron-kun
        and speaking of optimizations, your meme language has no small string optimization

        • 1 month ago

          Rust has no tail call optimisation, you must moron wrangle this language to make it optimise the code correctly.

      • 1 month ago

        >It is because it is a more expressive language allowing for better compiler optimization.
        But at the same time, it really encourages you to make copies of things rather than sharing them, especially in more complex code (such as turns up in real life), and copying slows you down.
        It probably is possible to make Rust code go very fast. It's just very difficult to reach the sorts of speeds seen in C. (It's easy to fall into the copy trap in C++; that language likes to hide what it is doing.)

  2. 1 month ago

    Literally no one says <interpreted language> is faster than <compiled language>

    • 1 month ago

      Except the people paying higher wages than Rust, yes sir they do. 76,000 average pay per year for Lua programming, vs 70,000 for rust? It should be 100,000 for rust, 0 for lua. 0 for C, 0 for C++. I cannot stand you bigots.

      People do not deserve the freedom to program if they cannot actually program the safety needed. Lua is for babies, c and c++ is for racist pedophiles who need to be corralled and forced to accept the true powerful rule of the rust programming language

      • 1 month ago

        xir make your chat bot looking good ASAP please that post havent hadnt anythingnt to suggest something against your'e post

      • 1 month ago

        >this makes me very angry.
        It's a fricking programming language dude, why are you taking it so personally? Just because you'll get paid more to code in Lua doesn't inherently make it a "better" language. It just means it's more popular and, as such, in higher demand.
        This is such a dumb thing to get worked up over. All compiled languages turn into machine code in the end, so it doesn't actually matter. Use the language you prefer.

        >c and c++ is for racist pedophiles
        Now that's just uncalled for, I'm not racist.

        • 1 month ago

          when they pay so much for Lua, it means they value it more. Sir yes sir it is quite exactly that, they are saying rust is worth less than LUA. Rust is a language that much be respected, because it is the fastest and it will win and beat all other languages. Every job will be rust soon, C++ and C are too hard for me to implement safety protocols, and I think if everyone just use Rust, it would allow for this problem to cease immediately. Do you understand now why Rust is the smart option? I think you should. If not then you are the shame of programmers and should quit immediately, poste haste.

          • 1 month ago

            >when they pay so much for Lua, it means they value it more. Sir yes sir it is quite exactly that, they are saying rust is worth less than LUA. Rust is a language that much be respected, because it is the fastest and it will win and beat all other languages. Every job will be rust soon, C++ and C are too hard for me to implement safety protocols, and I think if everyone just use Rust, it would allow for this problem to cease immediately. Do you understand now why Rust is the smart option? I think you should. If not then you are the shame of programmers and should quit immediately, poste haste.

      • 1 month ago

        Languages aren't fast, you moron. It's a combination of how well the code was written, the compiler, the CPU's branch prediction, and probably more. For instance, it's possible to write an algorithm in an interpreted language that's faster than a bad C algorithm. Python is slow because its interpreter is shit, not because its syntax and language facilities are inherently slow. In the meantime, go back to r*ddit, you commie jeet and write safe Java.

    • 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      In some cases, JIT can be faster than AOT because it can be optimized specifically for the machine it's running on.

  3. 1 month ago

    Hey kid, Lua is a scripting dynamic language intended to be embedded in existing applications, that's why companies are adopting it. Rust is for companies that want to rewrite parts of their low-level code to be safe and fast. Rust may ensure safety a lot more than C, but it's not faster. Take a breath, have a cup of tea, have a warm bath, have a nice Saturday night my man

    • 1 month ago

      AI generated

      • 1 month ago

        Nope, your post probably was though.you C++/Capitalist slime will face the facts soon enough

      • 1 month ago

        I'm trying this new thing where I engage in arguments in good faith like everyone should in a healthy board. We'll see how it goes

  4. 1 month ago

    This is a better shitpost than your usual material
    It's not great but I'm proud of you for your efforts at self improvement

    • 1 month ago

      this attack on Rust cannot go unopposed. We need to protect it, and now we have the $10 million from microsoft to do so. We are the language of choice, because rust is fast, rust is safe and everyone must not forget it.

      • 1 month ago


  5. 1 month ago

    Everyone should stop learning Lua immediately and just focus on Rust. That is how I feel about this. It is time to destroy the other languages. I would ban C and C++ if I could.

    • 1 month ago

      Thankfully you aren't a dictator, and I'm a better programmer than you, since I know how to program without memory safety.

      LLVM is trash and cannot be faster than itself.

      Rust's compiler is a modified version of LLVM, you fricking moron

  6. 1 month ago

    any LLVM targeted compiled languages can be faster than Rust (and probably are)

    • 1 month ago

      LLVM is trash and cannot be faster than itself.

  7. 1 month ago

    LuaJIT is black magic that utilizes Tachyons to send compilation information back in time

  8. 1 month ago

    Bot thread.

  9. 1 month ago

    >Nothing is faster than Rust
    Zig, C, C++, Assembly
    >Nothing is safer than Rust
    Go, Python, anything with garbage collector

  10. 1 month ago

    Are rust gays really thinking we would want to use fricking rust as a script language for developing games?

  11. 1 month ago

    you sound like you're trying to convince yourself of these falsehoods

  12. 1 month ago

    So what's the deal with Rust?
    I never heard of it until recently and keep hearing about it being "safer to use" than C and C++. Also that its apparently better than them because of that.

    • 1 month ago

      new programming language made with a focus on being memory safe (NOT "safe", but "memory-safe")
      nobody really cared about it until rust code was introduced into the linux kernel, which triggered a schizo war around the language. this is why you'll often see posts decrying rust for having a troony community even though nobody's forcing you to interact with them

      >Also that its apparently better than them because of that.
      that's use-case dependant, just like with every other language

      • 1 month ago

        >new programming language
        It's old as frick, I learned about it in 2015, when you were building it with makefiles and not whatever cargo is.

        • 1 month ago

          >it's been 14 years since rust became a thing
          gee anon, i was having a happier and younger-feeling day before you made me look this up

  13. 1 month ago

    The only good lua I've ever used was pico8 version. Otherwise it's too verbose.

    • 1 month ago

      Anon, Pico-8 Lua is literally vanilla Lua, what other Lua have you used?

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